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Did Ret get nerfed?Follow

#1 Aug 04 2009 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
612 posts
I was reading over the patch notes and I just wanted to get a plain answer if you guys think Ret Pallies got nerfed. Typically I'd pop Seal of Command, Hammer of Justice, use judgement of light, Exorcism, rinse and repeat to mob is dead.
I read the patch notes and it sounds kinda nerfed now.
#2 Aug 04 2009 at 5:53 PM Rating: Good
in PvE, Exorcism is more conditional now, but Seal of Vengeance has been buffed a bunch. They're aiming to make paladins have more ramp up to full DPS potential (and more RNG oriented I guess), but people have so far been reporting lower DPS. We'll probably have to wait until people have had a chance to feel out the changes and what now works better and what doesn't to be sure though.
#3 Aug 04 2009 at 8:05 PM Rating: Default
612 posts
Yeah my Seal of Command judgements were popping 900+ damage crits, (I'm currently lvl 48) now they crit for only 350ish.

I feel insignificant now T_T
#4 Aug 05 2009 at 6:38 AM Rating: Default
No more Seal of Blood :( Uh ya, big time nerf.
#5 Aug 05 2009 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
come back and ask this question again when you get your 4 sec Crusader Strike.
#6 Aug 05 2009 at 9:10 AM Rating: Excellent
1,030 posts
SoComm was supposed to be getting tailored to be the PvP seal of choice. Instead, it got borked up, majorly. Decent enough seal damage (SotM/SoB w/o recoil, basically), but the judgement got nuked, hard.

Seal of Vengeance, once it gets moving (aka, you actually start getting stacks up on the target) does some pretty impressive damage. It just takes a little while to ramp up.

If I were leveling as Ret again (before I got Crusader Strike), I'd be tempted to drop 5 pts into Seals of the Pure and just stick with SoR, for the duration.

The general consensus over at EJ as of Friday was that it's about a 10% boost (some were talking ~600 DPS boost in Naxx25/Ulduar10 gear) over 3.1.3 live damage. I'll see what kind of boost it was in heroics this evening, now that I've got my combat log/recount problems ironed out from last night.
#7 Aug 05 2009 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
970 posts
The 10% boost number from EJ seems reasonable. On dailies, without respeccing (hell, I didn't even have SoV on my actionbar at first), I was maybe 10% below 3.1 killing speed. After respec, on a target that takes some killing and isn't just bursted down before SoV can get into full swing, 3.2 damage will have to be at least somewhat ahead of 3.1.

I'll need to configure Power Auras to remind me only to fit in Exorcism if there's an Art of War proc. Admittedly, that's 90+ percent of the time, but it feels funny (and is probably counterproductive) to reach for instant-cast Exorcism and have it not be there.
#8 Aug 06 2009 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
You were using SoC for PvE before the patch?

Maybe you should read up about ret a bit more.
#9 Aug 06 2009 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
124 posts
You were using SoC for PvE before the patch?

Maybe you should read up about ret a bit more.

Ya... or he used Martyr...

But, how would I know, I'm playing Horde. ;)

And to the topics question, no.
As it feels right now, it's on the same level as before the patch. At least for me.
#10 Aug 06 2009 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
My ret pally was ~2k (ish) DPS pre-patch. All pre-Naxx gear, i.e. 200 ilvl blues and rep/badge purples. Could get up to 2.8k dps on 25 raids, nothing special.

First H VH run after the patch was 1450dps. Did a quick EJ check, tweaked my talents to 5-11-55 (no I don't remember why I hadn't done that before) and just did another H VH run and was at 1600dps. Went thru and read the 3.2 Ret Pally EJ thread, tweaked my glyphs, and now realize that some of the cooldown times on things (CS especially) have changed, and hope that I'll be back up to 1800+ after another H run.

Basically, I had done no reading up on the pally changes and got caught unawares. So initially I think it's a dps drop, but over time, perhaps, it may even out. The cast time on Exorcism (sans Art of War) is still throwing off my rotation... I really need to get used to that!
#11 Aug 07 2009 at 3:15 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
The cast time on Exorcism (sans Art of War) is still throwing off my rotation... I really need to get used to that!

You shouldn't be "casting" exorcism, there's a good loss of dps time each time you cast right there as your comment states, (sans Art of War) makes it insta-cast and it is almost always up in my experience so far.

Additionally, particularly in heroics, and I tried this for the first time today which has been suggested, to use seal of righteousness for trash and vengeance for bosses. Trash dies too quickly to gain the full benefit of the vengeance stacks. I tried both through three straight heroic farms and my dps was definitely better with SoR on trash and SoV for bosses. You'll gain dps in trash with divine storm and consecrate as per the usual anyway.

Ironically, two bosses in H-UP that disengage for a time while you fight adds lost the vengeance stack, but I continued with vengeance on them anyway. Overall my dps in heroics had been around 2.8k or more prior to 3.2, and today overall it hovered around 2.7k - not too bad I guess. Should improve on longer raid bosses. Also I had no buffs other than my own and the other dps GAINED buffs from me.

I believe I tried SoComm for a minute but got scurred and went back to SoR. Will still have to continue testing. Just remember to swap seals on bosses, I forgot a couple times mid boss lol.

IN a way, the changes "feel" a little more like we have to pay attention and I can see more of a divide from retlol's and good ret players even though its still basically a fcfs facerollish if you will.

EDIT - Just a side note -

on trash tab target is your friend, and when I see my current target getting close to the hammer of wrath mark, I start spamming it to ensure it gets off and quickly tab target to do the same on other trash. MAkes a difference, reaction time.

Sacred shield and flash HOT is a nice little bonus too.

Only time will tell on raids, since I havent gotten in since the changes, but I am holding my breath, as I can ramp up my damage on dummies, its great with SoV, but then again I can just do it for ten minutes, most stuff dies too quickly. We shall see.

Edited, Aug 7th 2009 7:17pm by spicyoctopusroll
#12 Aug 07 2009 at 6:19 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Righteousness is double-proccing off judgements; use it before you lose it.
#13 Aug 07 2009 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
Goggy wrote:
You were using SoC for PvE before the patch?

Maybe you should read up about ret a bit more.

Sub-standard healers in Dungeons?

Oh f---ing YES, I used SoComm.

There were Heroics I did, where the Healer was _barely_ capable of keeping the Tank alive (and the tank was barely geared for the dungeon too).

Not only was I pulling too much threat with Martyr, but I was also hurting myself HP-wise, and the healer wasn't able to heal me. And Art of War wasn't giving me enough HP back through FoL (not to mention I was near running out of mana on many fights).

I switched to SoComm, yes, my DPS dropped a little, but at least I wasn't dying in Trash Pulls because the Healer/Tank couldn't handle it all.

In Solo PvE, Martyr was a mana-sink. I had to keep stopping to heal myself after battles, or blow FoLs during battles (extra keys to hit) when SoComm killed non-elites just as quickly, with no healing required at all!

So yes, I used SoComm in PvE.

Now, if we had a GOOD healer and a GOOD tank, then I used Martyr of course. But I wasn't gonna rack up repair bills just to wave my epeen recount scores. It just isn't worth it. And for that matter, a couple of the dungeons, I topped the chart, except for a Naxx-25 geared hunter, while using SoComm, at 2200 DPS with no Naxx gear at all.

Edited, Aug 7th 2009 11:15pm by Zariamnk
#14 Aug 08 2009 at 4:37 AM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
So yes, I used SoComm in PvE.  
Now, if we had a GOOD healer and a GOOD tank, then I used Martyr of course. But I wasn't gonna rack up repair bills just to wave my epeen recount scores. It just isn't worth it. And for that matter, a couple of the dungeons, I topped the chart, except for a Naxx-25 geared hunter, while using SoComm, at 2200 DPS with no Naxx gear at all. 

uh oh, inc flames.

i currently use a weird-mostly-pvp build. i have 0/3 pts in Fanaticism. i topped Naxx10(full run, tanked some of it) last week with 3500dps avg using SoM. i had NO threat or survival issues ever.

you might be on a server with 90% bad tanks and healers...very unlucky for you.
#15 Aug 08 2009 at 5:27 AM Rating: Good
170 posts
In theory, ret seems to have been nerfed by c30% on first glance (see many other threads why c30%)but I personally don't 'feel' that is has been nerfed quite as dramatically as it appears at first glance. Ret now has practically zero burst but SoV can be quite devastating when ramped up - I slaughtered Chillmaw(tm) much easier than before using it for instance.

SoC is a bit lackluster, its 36% of WD is how SoB used to be when it was Horde only and its judgement damage is now.....unimpressive, SoR's damage per hit is smaller but its judgement damage is better than SoC, by a little.

Mobs still die alarmingly quickly when soloing
#16 Aug 08 2009 at 8:06 AM Rating: Excellent
648 posts
SamwiseTheBrave wrote:
In theory, ret seems to have been nerfed by c30% on first glance (see many other threads why c30%)but I personally don't 'feel' that is has been nerfed quite as dramatically as it appears at first glance.

to be honest, I don't even see how its could possibly be seen as anywhere near a 30% nerf even just on first glance. I would like to know where those threads are so I can never ever have to go read that kind of trash.

either way it was definitely not a PVE nerf, but not a straight buff... its just a change. our dps will be slightly lower on short fights, fights where we change targets regularly or move away from the boss, and aoe fights. it will be slightly (but noticeably) higher on longer single target constant fights. for the most part I consider it a buff. I couldn't care less if I top the meters on the trash that doesn't give up pretty epics. noone brings a dps cause they make trash easier anyway. I don't care how it affects my heroic 5 man dps. if 3.5k dps on a heroic boss rather than 4.5k makes that much of a difference, I wouldn't want to be there anyway. on the fights that matter I see it a just changing which fights i'll top the meters on. different classes have always performed better or worse based on fight mechanics. patchwerk type fights we'll do more dps. ignis, second part of razorscale, auriaya, vezax and maybe some future fights I see us doing better at. IC, mimiron, beasts of northrend and maybe a few others I think we'll be about the same as before. enough switching targets to keep us from really shining, but long enough on each target to catch up to the old SoB/tM. some fights like Hodir, Thorim, Freya, Kologarn, things will be dying too fast or we'll be losing our stacks (flash freeze, etc) enough we will likely be slightly behind. does this worry me? not really. even the fights we will possibly not perform as well on as before, we'll still do ok (thankyou 4 sec CS lol) and I think the increase on some fights will be greater than what we might lose on others. overall, we've likely gained a little bit more raid boss dps on average. i'm not a huge fan of the ramp-up time, but it is what it is and I am a fan of the dps I can do when I can get it stacked up properly.
#17 Aug 08 2009 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent

After two more days of playing I've gotten over most of my initial mistakes/timing issues/etc. The one thing that does still bug me every now and then is when I still do get the "casting" time for Exorcism (i.e. I've blown Art of War, and don't realize it in my sequence). At least now I'm aware of it and can react accordingly.

After grabbing the ilvl 226 ret libram, and 3x Naxx10 upgrades, I'm now at a constant 2450-2500 in heroics.

BTW - thanks for the idea on SoR. I'll have to give that a go later!

#18 Aug 08 2009 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Quick question, I did a bunch of 2v2 games since the patch at 2200 rating, ran into alot of ret paladins using seal of righteousness. How come? Figured it would be command or corruption. From a healing standpoint, didn't really notice a net change in their burst, it felt as strong as ever.
#19 Aug 08 2009 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
mikelolol wrote:
Quick question, I did a bunch of 2v2 games since the patch at 2200 rating, ran into alot of ret paladins using seal of righteousness. How come? Figured it would be command or corruption. From a healing standpoint, didn't really notice a net change in their burst, it felt as strong as ever.

Someone already answered that:

Righteousness is double-proccing off judgements; use it before you lose it.
#20 Aug 08 2009 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Woops, missed that. Ty.
#21 Aug 09 2009 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Frankly, even if it wasn't bugged you would still use Righteousness for pvp. An extra seal proc (which can't crit) every 8 seconds isn't godly, it's only 600-800 extra damage. Seals of the Pure turned righteousness into a decently powerful seal. You've probably notived the judgement is really powerful, usually over 5k. Doesn't seem much compared to 10k conflgrates flying about, but ours hits at the same time as a melee swing and two seals. I'm having a lot of fun in pvp atm.

I've tried command, the seal proc is nice but the judgement is godawful. Corruption is fine if you are chasing around a healer trying to chop them down, it builds up to a ton of damage. With stoicism (and the fact a priest has to *spend global CDs to remove a single stack of the DoT*) it's godly against healers. But for general smashing, righteousness is great.
#22 Aug 09 2009 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
Goggy wrote:
You were using SoC for PvE before the patch?

Maybe you should read up about ret a bit more.

Rockmonix wrote:
Yeah my Seal of Command judgements were popping 900+ damage crits, (I'm currently lvl 48) now they crit for only 350ish.

I feel insignificant now T_T

Emphasis mine.
#23 Aug 09 2009 at 10:14 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts

After two more days of playing I've gotten over most of my initial mistakes/timing issues/etc. The one thing that does still bug me every now and then is when I still do get the "casting" time for Exorcism (i.e. I've blown Art of War, and don't realize it in my sequence). At least now I'm aware of it and can react accordingly.

After grabbing the ilvl 226 ret libram, and 3x Naxx10 upgrades, I'm now at a constant 2450-2500 in heroics.

BTW - thanks for the idea on SoR. I'll have to give that a go later!


Very nice! Gratz on the deeps and the sexy libram. Sounds like you are about where you should be heroic dps current gear wise. A tip on exorcism, if you hit it and it starts to cast, cancel-cast (basically just move your toon a smidge forward or back or side to side to stop casting if that makes sense, cant recall but I think jumping works too) it and quickly hit the next thing that is up, if its aoe trash - DS, crusader strike or judge (hammer of wrath if target is about to die). Every little bit helps :D

EDIT - I also try to make sure wings are up every time I can have them up even on trash. Then again in my old age I have tended to forget from time to time in heroics :(

You probably are aware of all of this, but you never know.

Edited, Aug 10th 2009 2:22am by spicyoctopusroll
#24 Aug 10 2009 at 12:48 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
spicyoctopusroll wrote:
cant recall but I think jumping works too

Yes it cancels casting as well.

spicyoctopusroll wrote:
EDIT - I also try to make sure wings are up every time I can have them up even on trash. Then again in my old age I have tended to forget from time to time in heroics :(

You probably are aware of all of this, but you never know.

Would just add that if you know a Heroism is coming up or something, don't just hit AW, but wait till the "opportune moment" ;) Use it often yes, but still use it smartly.
#25 Aug 10 2009 at 9:41 AM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
Yes it cancels casting as well.

Thanks I couldn't remember.

Would just add that if you know a Heroism is coming up or something, don't just hit AW, but wait till the "opportune moment" ;) Use it often yes, but still use it smartly.

Excellent point. Thank you for adding that. I find that that some, unfortunately, do not realize or think of things like this.
#26 Aug 18 2009 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
410 posts
I'm still 500-600 dps lower than I was before the patch. I've updated my spec, glyphs, and read what was appropriate. Its getting frustrating.
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