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Specific Leveling QuestionFollow

#1 Aug 03 2009 at 7:35 PM Rating: Sub-Default
First a little lot backstory...

Don't read if your going to bleed all over the thread about how I'm not wanted here ;_;

Well I am a WoW veteran. I never put effort COULD put effort into alt in my life. The highest I've gotten a second character is 10 I think, though that number seems a tad to high.

I played a warrior 1-77 with around... /played 100+ days I kid you not. You'll notice I said 1-77 not 1-80. At the near end of TBC (The dawn of WoTLK) I grew tired of tanking and wanted to DPS. So I traded my character for an 70 rogue which I instantly fell in love with. (This was about a month before the release of WoTLK) Months later I would sell the rogue and wish to come back to my Warrior.

Through a very ironic set of events I recovered my warrior by accident (Sent in photo ID and sh*t to prove it was me to get my security question and what not) but forgive me I digress. I get my warrior back and I install the xpack and start leveling. I'm destroying everything PvE-wise and... mostly PvP-wise. It was around then I find out how OP DKs are and complaining lead me to a second trade. At 77 I traded my warrior for a decked out 80 rogue, a decked out (for its level) 70 warlock and a decked out (for its level) 70 mage.

Once again I had the joy of a rogue and it was great. I quickly got full PvP and what not but like before I grew tired of the rogue and lustfully desired my warrior back. I contacted the guy with my account (We spoke on vent sometimes) and thinking I was gonna steal my warrior back he took his account back but never gave me back mine. He had made it with a account so I couldn't get it back by normal means.

After some typing I got the account locked (By accident) since he didn't have my name on the account. I was asked ONCE AGAIN to send in photo ID among other things to prove I was the owner but I felt it was a waste and shrugged it off. Glad he wouldn't be able to use it at the very least.

Months pass and the alure of WoW shines my way again with news of a new expansion. I have long since lost the email on how to get my account back and I'm now worried about other sh*t not gonna say for the sake of time. So I call a friend who I know plays WoW and asks if he could level me an account up (I can't stand leveling. I did it once on my warrior could never stand doing it again) and lucky for me hes quiting WoW and hell hes giving me his account.

He came into WoW on a rogue but couldn't stand the game and quit at 61. Now I'm going to give it a shot and see if I can't stand leveling the rogue and make it my own. I never NEVER leveled as a rogue. Both times I traded for a rogue they were max level.

Currently I am away from my own computer and shall not be playing WoW for a week so in that time I thought hell I might as well look for some leveling guide for rogues so I can be better prepared. My search came up empty. Sure their are leveling guides but I can't find a decent one for me.

So I ask you, rogues or Allakhazam (@#%^ sound like an RPer their but I ain't changin it) whats a good way to level from 61-80. I know all the skills but have no idea the specs or gear I should pick up (From quests)

So throw me a bone please :D

Edited, Aug 4th 2009 1:15am by Harmonian
#2 Aug 03 2009 at 8:16 PM Rating: Excellent
5,159 posts
A good way:

Go buy WoW. Make a new account. Do some ******* work, you lazy ***, and level your own character. And quit selling/trading accounts. Also, read the rules of a forum before you post on it, and realize that Allakhazam is strictly opposed to the selling and trading of accounts, whether for in-game or real life currency.
#3 Aug 03 2009 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
All you need to know is that you need to spec for Mutilate. Trust me, you will have fun 3-shotting everything that crosses your path.
#4REDACTED, Posted: Aug 03 2009 at 9:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I suppose I was wrong in saying I know all the skills xD I have not once for the life of me gone mutilate spec. I hate daggers. I'm a sword man all the way. I have been one-shotted by other rogues in mut. spec but never have I actually specced for it or played as it.
#5 Aug 04 2009 at 3:48 AM Rating: Decent
It doesn't change the fact that you "should get off your lazy *** and level your own character." Perhaps if you leveled your 'rogue' yourself, you'd have a better understanding on what gear you should be looking for and what specs are the best out there at this time.

I can definitely say that I know all of the skills as well for a lock... it's called reading the tooltips of each spell. That doesn't mean I know anything about it.

And to be nice, level in Hellfire and Zangarmarsh until you get to 68, and then go to Northrend and choose which starter zone you'd like to level in. There really isn't a guide specific for rogues. I'd recommend Howling Fjord though as the quests you get for UK would be better than Nexus (minus a few that will give you decent gear), but at least in UK, you can get other stuff that aren't quest related.

Edited, Aug 4th 2009 10:10am by xNocturnalSunx
#6 Aug 04 2009 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
811 posts
You can mail me $40 for the new mouse I need after breaking mine clicking the downrate button so hard.

Seriously though: Asking what spec is best, and receiving the info (spec mutilate) and replying that you know all the talents and that you are 'a sword man all the way' is just nubby. You've answered your own don't like daggers, so I suggest you level combat swords and continue failing.

Don't ask for advice if you aren't willing to try something else.
#7 Aug 04 2009 at 2:39 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm...? After reading that mut. spec is best for leveling I've decided I'm going to go mut. spec... Where did I say

Thanks for the suggestion but no.

I was mearly telling him that I had never tried mut. spec before because I'm a swords man. Swords may not be the best for leveling so I wouldn't want to use them. At max level I need no advice from anyone but for leveling I haven't the foggiest the ideal spec.

I don't quite understand how me saying I'm a swords man makes me 'nuby'. I was being friendly and saying more than just "Thanks for the tip." It seems friendliness ain't a big part o' Allakhazam but it doesn't really matter. After being treated so aggressively I doubt I'll come back to the forums once I start playing again (Not that anyone gives a **** xD)

Also Thomas I'm going to repeat myself a little when I say this but unlike you I don't ask for advice and then just disregard it. For you to even assume I'd do something so childish leads me to believe your a twelve-year-old (Forive me if I'm wrong I'm sure your just another twenty-oner. Thats the age kiddies seem to pick these days)

Well I doubt I'll come back to the forums after this post since I've learned enough. I know the leveling spots seeing as how I did it with my warrior just didn't know the specs.

You can flame me all you want to for this post but don't think "you won" because I don't reply... I'm not coming back to the forums most likely xD
#8 Aug 04 2009 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
Harmonian wrote:
I traded my account to someone because I got bored with my warrior and then screwed them by contacting Blizzard and getting it back because I got bored with their rogue. Then I traded my warrior again because I got bored with it and then I was about to ***** the guy because I got bored with his rogue and wanted my warrior back but the bastage screwed me first. I did manage to ***** him back though, by getting the account locked.

Now my friend (until I ***** him too) is giving me his account so I can level his rogue but I'm too damn lazy to figure out how to do it on my own and want someone to level it for me. i haz all teh skilz but im 2 l33t 2 do it misLf.

I'll give you one thing. You've got two brass balls the size of beach balls and a third stainless steel in between. What else could explain you actually calling TM a 12 year-old after you posted this tripe?

Harmonian wrote:
You can flame me all you want to for this post but don't think "you won" because I don't reply... I'm not coming back to the forums most likely xD

Oh Noes!!1!11!1!ONE!11 Please come back!

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#9 Aug 04 2009 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
Hey kid, let's be friends.


Here's me being the spelling police. English Mother@#%^er.... Do you speak it?

I don't quite understand how me saying I'm a swords man makes me 'nuby

He said nubby, not nuby.

Saying that you are a 'swords man' is nubby because swords are generally regarded as sh*t for levelling compared to mutilate. Combat swords used to be the standard, but it is no longer.

At max level I need no advice from anyone but for leveling I haven't the foggiest the ideal spec.

Usually, people figure out, from their levelling specs, how they want to play at 80. Or, they just read something like... i don't know, the most popular specs for pvp and/or pve specced rogues and go from there.

After being treated so aggressively I doubt I'll come back to the forums once I start playing again (Not that anyone gives a sh*t xD)

Oh my god, you broke the terms of service of the game this board is based on, and people don't like you? I haven't the foggiest why.

So I ask you, rogues or Allakhazam (@#%^ sound like an RPer their but I ain't changin it)

Why? (I think you meant rogues OF Allakhazam.)

Also Thomas I'm going to repeat myself a little when I say this but unlike you I don't ask for advice and then just disregard it

Wait what? When did Thomas ask for advice and then disregard it?


Well I doubt I'll come back to the forums after this post since I've learned enough. I know the leveling spots seeing as how I did it with my warrior just didn't know the specs.

You asked for a 'levelling guide for rogues' which sounds like a guide specifically tailored to the rogue's class, with examples like 'Hey, you can abuse Shadowstep (which you shouldn't have as levelling spec) to teleport to things you would normally have to waste time running up to stairs to get to, so you should always grind (which you should never do as a rogue, questing/instances are always faster) in places where you can save time by using shadowstep!'. Really what you wanted though was a spec for levelling, as you already know how to level with your warrior.

Seriously, what kind of dolt needs any of the information in a 'rogue levelling guide'? Spend 40 seconds using the search tool on Alla, EJ, or any other WoW site of your choice until you see someone who looks mildly intelligent say 'You should spec THIS for levelling WotLK!'

I'm kind of skipping around your last post here, but when I see such juicy pieces of horrific stupidity, I can't help myself.

For you to even assume I'd do something so childish leads me to believe your a twelve-year-old (Forive me if I'm wrong I'm sure your just another twenty-oner. Thats the age kiddies seem to pick these days)

Well, you kinda disregarded the advice that people gave that you should get your own goddamn account because you're cheating and risking getting yourself banned. Again you meander into stupid topics (in this case the age of Thomas, who you can't seem to attack simply because you likely have no response to other people's sound (which entails valid) logic) because your brain can't decide whether you should go do something else or try to attack a longtime member of the Allakhazam community.

Again I will restate that you broke WoW's rules and asked stupid questions, which, if you have ever been on Alla rogue forums before, you would know is a great way to get yourself flamed.

You should be glad that Theo didn't smell this thread or you'd be getting a much worse beating than this.

You can flame me all you want to for this post but don't think "you won" because I don't reply... I'm not coming back to the forums most likely xD


Edited, Aug 4th 2009 9:34pm by morgorg
#10 Aug 04 2009 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
811 posts
Sigh. I had a long point by point rebuttal to this, and my computer crashed. The following is a poorly written effort at my original masterpiece.

1. Garbage in, garbage out. Your OP was a wall of text, 99.97% of which was meaningless drivel. We don't care that you traded and sold accounts. You could have condensed it down to 'I've never leveled a rogue from 61-80, any thoughts to point me in the right direction?' and had several simple responses. Instead, you yammered on for an eternium (get my pun?), forcing me to stab myself a little to prevent the onset of a coma.

2. We don't care if you leave. Have fun with the geniuses over at thottbot. But you won't get valid, easy to use information for the casual player (read = very little theorycrafting) coming from people who understand the more intricate mathematical workings of the rogue (read = not me).

3. You asked for some advice. Here is mine. Follow what Noc said about questing in HF and Zangarmarsh. Once you hit 68, head to one of the two starting areas in Northrend. The quests there are designed to gear you up. I posted in another recent thread (surprisingly, about daggers), as did other regulars here, about where you can find quest daggers at lvl 70 in Northrend. Your rotation should be similar to this - Cheapshot > Mutilate > Kidney Shot > Mutilate x2 > Eviscerate. The mob should be dead and you should have taken minimal damage. Use wound poison on both daggers for quests. Once you start progressing into instances, you'll be using Deadly/Instant, and replacing Evis with Envenom. If you are looking for spec ideas, peruse these forums, as I am positive every answer you could have is either in the rogue compendium (stickied for a reason) or on the first 2 pages.

Edited, Aug 4th 2009 8:21pm by ThomasMagnum
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