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Disc problems in UlduarFollow

#1 Aug 01 2009 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
ive been Disc since i hit 80 and have enjoyed it for the most part, but now that ive spent time away from it on other toons, i come back, and maybe its just me not remembering that this is the way its always been, but im playing catch up with the other healers on keeping people alive

my armory

i did fine healing tank on xt, when we got to kologarn, after arm sweeps id have one of the other healers helping me get the tank back to full health while im spamming penance, flash heal and bubble trying to get him up, Auriaya just seemed like i wasnt needed (probly wasnt), trying thorim they wanted me healing in the colliseum area instead of the tunnel, needless to say i struggled there as well, keeping bubbles on people as much as possible but didnt seem much like i was making a difference, though that might have been the dps's fault since all 3 of them were pulling threat off tank left and right and me and the shammy healer struggled to keep them alive untill he went oom and i was stuck attempting to heal 5 people taking big damage, on ignis again seemed like i wasnt doing my part, extremely low healing (probably 1/3 of the other healers if not lower, saved the whipe several times from other healers slacking off though), and i know we arent LULZ BIG NUMBERS healers but the whole night just seemed like i was struggling to do my part, razorscale was ok, but again didnt seem like i was doing my part

i try to keep renew up when mana permits it, try to keep PoM up when im not spamming heals, penance when needed, flash heal for everything else, i have no lag, and im a great healer in heroics, able to heal friends that are no where near def cap through heroics with ease

now like i said, maybe its just because ive spent over 2 months away from my priest. but this kind of made me not want to do ulduar ever again on

any feedback would be appreciated, were they just putting me in a bad position on some bosses? am i expecting too much out of my healer? i was talking to someone in group that has a priest healer that suggested replacing my SP gems with INT but that was because he wanted me spamming group heals in the colliseum /facepalm
#2 Aug 02 2009 at 12:58 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
Ok, first things first. You're making the classic mistake of judging a disc priest by its effective healing. The situations you've described fit pretty much perfectly into how I would expect a discipline priest to be healing in each of those situations. You didn't specify if you did iron council or not, but when you do you'll find that a disc priest is pretty much the best possible choice for healing steelbreaker, likewise on mimiron it is a very powerful spec. The fact is that through shielding people you are actually taking a huge load off your other healers.

On the other hand, discipline is (in my opinion) a lot more gear sensitive than holy. Your spec looks just fine, but I did notice on your armory that your haste figure is quite low, and your crit a little lower than ideal also. Part of this is just a gearing up thing, but the haste is a big throughput stat for discipline thats for sure.

Btw, fix your shoulder and boot enchant! The enchant **** is in the house!
#3 Aug 02 2009 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
ty for your answer :)

and i wasnt assuming i wasnt doing good because of my healing, it just felt like i was struggling to keep the tank up

ill get my boots enchanted and maybe do the hodir dailies /facepalm

any input on wether it would be a good idea to regem int instead of spellpower?
#4 Aug 02 2009 at 8:47 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
thegreatmothra wrote:
On the other hand, discipline is (in my opinion) a lot more gear sensitive than holy. Your spec looks just fine, but I did notice on your armory that your haste figure is quite low, and your crit a little lower than ideal also. Part of this is just a gearing up thing, but the haste is a big throughput stat for discipline thats for sure.

Btw, fix your shoulder and boot enchant! The enchant **** is in the house!

I would agree with mothra on the gear dependency part of discipline. Although Spellpower is king, the other stats play a major role in being able to perform comfortably instead of always playing catch-up.

I am guessing that you leveled this toon up after Ulduar opened and got the best available crafted/heroic gear before taking a couple spins through Naxx to fill out the purples. While the gear is adequate, it is like wearing a jacket in a blizzard- sure it will keep the snow off you, but if you want to stay warm, you have to keep moving.

The BOA trinket for example. It gives you an ok return due to the SP, but the other effect is wasted. I would rather use a blue trinket that added crit, haste or mp5 than use that. You would lose SP, but the tradeoff is bumping up your complementary stats and allows you some room to make gear choices.

Mothra suggests haste for throughput, I am a proponent of crit. Depending on your style and goals, either can work. The lack of both will inevitably leave you in the position you are in, just a bit undergeared.
#5 Aug 02 2009 at 8:54 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
OMGEverythingIsTaken wrote:
ty for your answer :)

and i wasnt assuming i wasnt doing good because of my healing, it just felt like i was struggling to keep the tank up

ill get my boots enchanted and maybe do the hodir dailies /facepalm

any input on wether it would be a good idea to regem int instead of spellpower?

Int is generally considered an efficiency stat. It does contribute to crit, but its general purpose is to increase your mana pool so Rapture and Replenishment type effects return more mana.
If you are having no trouble with mana, I would suggest focusing on SP, haste and crit for throughput.
#6 Aug 02 2009 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Don't blame yourself for the mistakes of others. If we're talking non-hardmodes, unless the boss in question is Vezax or Mimiron phase 1, if spamming Shield, Penance and Flash Heal does not keep the tank up the problem probably lies with him, not you.

i did fine healing tank on xt,

Quite understandable, XT is a perfect fight to tank heal as disc in a 10-man. Damage is pretty reliable, not too bursty and relatively easy to outheal.

when we got to kologarn, after arm sweeps id have one of the other healers helping me get the tank back to full health while im spamming penance, flash heal and bubble trying to get him up

Like I just said, this is probably the tanks problem. If you were truly using every global cooldown on either a bubble, penance or flash heal and the tank still died, one of you is undergeared. In this case, it's probably the tank, because you have to sit at 1300 spellpower to be undergeared enough not to keep the tank up on Kolo 10-man.

Auriaya just seemed like i wasnt needed (probly wasnt)

Yes you were. Like Mothra pointed out, you're taking a huge load of the back of other healers by shielding targets (and giving them a -3% damage taken buff along with it), and especially on Auriaya where insane amounts of initial burst damage are in play... shield rocks.

trying thorim they wanted me healing in the colliseum area instead of the tunnel, needless to say i struggled there as well, keeping bubbles on people as much as possible but didnt seem much like i was making a difference, though that might have been the dps's fault since all 3 of them were pulling threat off tank left and right and me and the shammy healer struggled to keep them alive untill he went oom and i was stuck attempting to heal 5 people taking big damage

I've done Thorim often enough to know what a ****** fight that is. Don't blame yourself for this; a disc priest should be able to heal the coliseum, but the aggro on mobs is often extremely random and specifically when 3 of the DPS are taking aggro of the tank people are going to get 3-shot. You can't outheal that. It's simply a case of having the DPS wait a lot longer before shooting their AOE around.

on ignis again seemed like i wasnt doing my part, extremely low healing (probably 1/3 of the other healers if not lower, saved the whipe several times from other healers slacking off though)

Ignis on 10-man as disc = all you need is shield. After each AOE, shield *everyone*. Be sure the melee are in group 1 and the ranged in group 2 so your party heal has maximum effect. Having a disc priest in this fight makes it easy, even if you 2-man heal it.

As for the last bit, yes, replace your spellpower gems with int. Int is the way to go for disc priests because we get so much out of it.
#7 Aug 03 2009 at 6:59 AM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
I notice that you haven’t mentioned Prayer of Healing or Divine Hymn. Casting Shield (for Borrowed Time) then PoH on a party with four or more damaged members yields amazing healing. During one run I had the RL set up a group consisting of three hunters, one felguard lock and an unholy DK, and told the other healers that I’d handle AOE and splash damage on them and their pets. Glyphed PoH hitting as many as ten targets is just broken. (The developers apparently agree, they’re nerfing the spell.)

Divine Hymn’s cooldown limits it severely, but as an “oh crud!” button, it can’t be beat. I remember times on Thorim when I hit that button at the same time that a druid hit was startling how quickly the raid’s health bars shot from slivers to safety. Not only is it a powerful and smart multitarget heal, the way it boosts all healing effects on its targets gives it incredible synergy with other healers’ efforts. You should be using this spell on every boss.
#8 Aug 03 2009 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
As an additional tip on Divine Hymn, use it with Inner Focus for even more awesomeness.
#9 Aug 03 2009 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
329 posts
One other note that has been posted on these boards before as well...

Especially if running in PuGs or what have you, too many groups / raid leaders look to the meters to determine effectiveness. If you are not hitting 2500 for Naxx 25 than you are not good enough.

My only statement, is that too many out there do not understand the greatness of Disc to learn what it really means to a raid. I finally dumped my shadow off spec and went to Disc / Holy as my specs after a solid Naxx run that netted me a ton of caster gear with lots of Spirit. To put it in perspective, our toons are not too far off if gear with mine being slightly better. (example is 2023 SP in Disc / 2130 SP in Holy) So to test through multiple runs and switching back and forth I noticed 2 main differences, Holy was averaging about 2600 HPS versus only about 1900 HPS based on normal meters (using recount here.) Secondly, I average about 15% more overhealing as Holy versus Disc.

However, as I was not on primary tank healing of the 3 raids that I have run over the past couple of weeks since making the change, I have found that those that have run with me want me in Disc for almost all encounters. We take a huge burden off of all the healers with our ability to Shield and burst heal. However, every PuG group was all about the big numbers and the big heals. So if you run in a constant group, you will be fine once you begin to get back in sync with Disc Healing... if you run lots of PuG's, then Holy may be better.

Last note - for 5 mans, I still go back to Disc, as it is just so much easier to heal with Penance as you are normally only majorly concerned with the MT in a 5 man.
#10 Aug 03 2009 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
679 posts
Holy was averaging about 2600 HPS versus only about 1900 HPS based on normal meters (using recount here.)

This may be true, but using naxx as the comparison really doesn't give holy credit. I've been as high as 6000hps in ulduar as holy (averaging maybe 4000), not something a discipline priest can do effectively. Once you get to the content where the damage really starts spiking you really have to specialise for the sort of healing you are aiming to do, disc for tank healing, holy for raid healing.

I know there's a lot to be said for shielding the raid, but in actuality there are few fights where the damage consistently hits a number of predictable targets, and most good tank healing disc priests can spare a few global cooldowns to shield people who get hit by targeted raid damage (like napalm on mimiron and frost tombs on kel thuzzad). Overall pugs having disc priests set to heal raid in places like naxx is fine, but when you do anything more serious than that you really need to get the proper healer for the right job.
#11 Aug 03 2009 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Overall pugs having disc priests set to heal raid in places like naxx is fine, but when you do anything more serious than that you really need to get the proper healer for the right job.

I know there's a lot to be said for shielding the raid, but in actuality there are few fights where the damage consistently hits a number of predictable targets

Aye, there's only Ignis, XT-002, Auriaya, Hodir, Thorim, Freya, Mimiron, Vezax, Yogg-saron and possibly Iron Council in Ulduar, right?

You're underestimating disc 'raid healing' - disc is worse at tank healing than you think; we don't have the raw HPS numbers holy pala's have and a fight light Vezax 25 would be impossible to tank-heal with two disc priests. I'd focus on tanks over the raid as a disc healer, but depending on your other healers and the group set up, it's better to have a disc priest focusing on shielding the raid. On 10-man hardmodes, for instance, we usually stick a paladin to the tank because I will eventually get problems with it thanks to penances' cooldown. More specifically, on XT-002's hardmode I prefer being disc over holy as raid 'healer' due to the fact that the tantrum is fairly predictable and party heal does the job in 10-mans.
#12 Aug 03 2009 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
This may be true, but using naxx as the comparison really doesn't give holy credit. I've been as high as 6000hps in ulduar as holy (averaging maybe 4000), not something a discipline priest can do effectively. Once you get to the content where the damage really starts spiking you really have to specialise for the sort of healing you are aiming to do, disc for tank healing, holy for raid healing.

GreatMothra - Totally agree, and I was not overly clear in my post as I tend to be a bit more generic in my posts. Thank you for your post, and what I was trying to point out is that even in Nax there is already a huge difference in HpS with a minimal change to SP between Holy and Disc, and when you hit Ulduar, the gap becomes gigantic, but I sucked in being clear. (Secondly, I have only run Ulduar all of 3 times so far, and all as Holy, so I stuck with what I know...)

Regardless, thank you for clarifying so we do not lead EverythingIsTaken astray...

Also, I have a new goal... to hit 6k HPS for any fight... not close to it yet, unless I purposefully shoot for a ton of overhealing, and even then, still not close most likely. ;)
#13 Aug 03 2009 at 11:56 PM Rating: Good
679 posts
Aye, there's only Ignis, XT-002, Auriaya, Hodir, Thorim, Freya, Mimiron, Vezax, Yogg-saron and possibly Iron Council in Ulduar, right?

Yes, you can do it on ignis, hodir, xt, and mimiron p2/4 and be quite useful. But I defy you to make a decent case for the rest (especially vezax). Maybe hard mode Freya, but the others don't have the predictable damage to make a dedicated disc shielder worthwhile, sure it can help, but that doesn't mean you'd be helping out your raid more than a holy priest in those situations.


Also, I have a new goal... to hit 6k HPS for any fight... not close to it yet

Ignis is the answer
#14 Aug 04 2009 at 2:02 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
On the subject of shield spams, does anyone know if Rapture is still "broken" for multiple returns on simultaneous shield breaks?

I haven't checked a log in a couple months, was just wondering if it had been fixed yet... or might be fixed in the upcoming patch.
#15 Aug 04 2009 at 2:13 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
Nah, it does trigger correctly at the moment.
#16 Aug 05 2009 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
But I defy you to make a decent case for the rest (especially vezax).

Auriaya - Shield the whole raid pre-AOE and the chances of somebody dying are a lot lower than when you'd CoH/PoH everyone up after it.
Thorim - Shield in the arena in between spawns for 0 aggro and a lower chance of people being 1-shot.
Vezax - Rapture works on this fight; shield the MT whenever the debuff isn't up. If you do the fight as holy you're going to run OOM or let the tank die.
Yogg-Saron - Brain team.
Iron Council - Most obvious situation is if you do it with Molgeim last and you shield whoever the adds are going for.

The reason that in situations where disc = holy, disc will always > holy because it's preventive healing rather than reactive. As it is now, disc really is more of a "one-of-a-kind niche spec that replaces the role of a 'raid healer' but functions better when a proper raid healer is present" than a "tank healer". If you want a proper tank healer you'll always want a paladin (though that might've changed today/yesterday, depending on where you live).
#17 Aug 05 2009 at 3:08 PM Rating: Good
679 posts
Yeah I take your point about auriaya, and thorim maybe (that said having people that get oneshot by those adds is a liability in itself and I don't put up with them on our runs).
As for vezax, thats not really raid shielding, thats just something that any disc priest would be doing on that fight (also, you can do this fight as holy without going oom quite easily, probably not hardmode though, disc is amazing for that).
Iron council, again, not really raid healing, besides, you should be mass aoeing the adds before they leave the spawn site. If one of them reaches someone they're targeting then damage on that one person won't be your biggest concern, rather the 15 other people that just got battered.
As for yogg, we prefer a resto druid most of the time but we have done it with a disc priest, anything can do that one really.

But yeah, the preventative healing aspect is what makes the disc priest so valuable. Thats why our main tank healing team is almost always a disc priest and a holy paladin. Between them they have the big hitting heals and the shield mitigation to keep up anything basically. Using two holy paladins is fine too, but the damage gets noticably spikier on the tank due to the longer cast time (and sometimes unlucky heal synching) of holy light.
#18 Aug 08 2009 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Fair enough, I can live with that; the reason I hooked onto your statements earlier anyway was because you seemed to be saying that disc raid healing sucks, which is something I thought myself before too long until I got fully into Ulduar and realized disc healing really is a one of a kind thing.

On the Thorim point though; how often have you done this fight? I'm not talking about stupid DPS who don't understand what 'wait for aggro' means, I'm talking about people who are just standing around and get 1-shot for no reason. It's happened to me as well; not two weeks ago I got 1-shot 2 seconds after new adds had spawned while I didn't have any spell going that could give me aggro.
#19 Aug 08 2009 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
679 posts

On the Thorim point though; how often have you done this fight? I'm not talking about stupid DPS who don't understand what 'wait for aggro' means, I'm talking about people who are just standing around and get 1-shot for no reason. It's happened to me as well; not two weeks ago I got 1-shot 2 seconds after new adds had spawned while I didn't have any spell going that could give me aggro.

Yeah, the thorim adds are tricky at times like that, they appear to have either a proximity aggro, or a healing aggro table that builds up before they jump into the arena. Kind of odd. Basically, the way we get around it is having good aoe tanks in the arena, druids are great for a bit of quick aoe threat. In combination, get a raidframe that shows up aggro on players. As a general rule of thumb if I see that I have aggro when adds are spawning I run through the center circle to the opposite side of the tanks (usually mobs that are aggrod on you spawn from the edge you are nearest to). This short run ususally gives the tanks enough time to get the mobs back (even dk or pala ground aoe will do it). If it still looks like you're about to get clattered then fade wins the day, and its the reason why we put most of our priests in the arena. Shamans are also a good choice and well played druids don't seem to have much of an issue either.
#20 Aug 09 2009 at 7:43 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
thegreatmothra wrote:
Yeah, the thorim adds are tricky at times like that, they appear to have either a proximity aggro, or a healing aggro table that builds up before they jump into the arena. Kind of odd. Basically, the way we get around it is having good aoe tanks in the arena, druids are great for a bit of quick aoe threat. In combination, get a raidframe that shows up aggro on players. As a general rule of thumb if I see that I have aggro when adds are spawning I run through the center circle to the opposite side of the tanks (usually mobs that are aggrod on you spawn from the edge you are nearest to). This short run ususally gives the tanks enough time to get the mobs back (even dk or pala ground aoe will do it). If it still looks like you're about to get clattered then fade wins the day, and its the reason why we put most of our priests in the arena. Shamans are also a good choice and well played druids don't seem to have much of an issue either.

I learned the hard way about the sensitive nature of the healing aggro in this fight. When tasked with healing the gauntlet, we found some of the arena adds would follow us into the tunnel. It dawned on me that I tossed a Shield/Renew on the arena tank as I entered the tunnel. I thought I was doing them a favor, turns out that a tick from Renew would be enough to send a mob after me in the tunnel before anyone could establish threat on it.
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