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Seals and JudgementsFollow

#1 Jul 27 2009 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
am i wrong in suggesting the seal and judgement system is dead? i'm not talking about the dmg and effects resulting from it, but rather the whole concept. where once it was as unique as combo pts and the runic system, it has been thrown to the backseat as nothing more than gimmicky side effects.

seals. nothing more than a pre-fight weapon enchant/buff. not much of a selection to make, nothing dynamic about it. in 3.2 this will be even more obvious as they are tailoring each seal for 1 specific task.

judgements. where once this was our pride and joy is now an afterthought. healers hardly use it. tanks use it sparingly. dps uses it as mana regen. its pvp is a glorified hamstring.

here's an update on the lameness of the upcoming SoV:
Seal of Vengeance and Seal of Corruption: These seals have been redesigned to deal substantially more damage. Now, once a paladin has 5 copies of the debuff from these seals on his or her target, on each swing the paladin will deal 33% weapon damage as Holy, with critical strikes dealing double damage. In addition, the damage-over-time effect is now considered a melee attack instead of a spell attack and the effects from these seals can only be triggered by auto-attacks and Hammer of the Righteous.

as Ret, i get to use my auto-attack to stack my auto-seal.

my time is up in September, just when the patch turns Ret into Arms, minus the burst. /cheers
#2 Jul 27 2009 at 7:28 PM Rating: Good
I'm afraid I don't really see much of the change you're speaking of. So rather than stacking SoV via DStorm and Crusader Strike as Ret it will be white hits, which is the #2 spot in overall DPS in single target fights(#1 currently Seal of Martyr/Blood).

As for "sparingly" using Judgements as Protadin I disagree. I drop it every cooldown. The damage is mediocre but it is a vital part of Prot and Ret.
#3 Jul 27 2009 at 8:08 PM Rating: Excellent
808 posts
Healers "hardly use" judgements? You're as bad as every dual-spec fail healer I've ever run with. They just refuse to judge, ever.

Judgement has little to do with damage and everything to do with a 15% haste boost.
#4 Jul 27 2009 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
sorry i wasn't clear. i'm not talking the change from 3.1->3.2 i'm talkin the slow progression from vanilla to today. instead of making the judgement system increasingly more active and dynamic, they moved it to meh.

if they were to add the Judgement of Just debuff to another ability, would you really care about judging as a tank? i use consecration more in my rotation since it does more tps.
#5 Jul 27 2009 at 8:31 PM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
what they should have done is probably increase the base benefit of ALL judgements to include some of the talented aspects.

imagine base JoL also having the haste effect. or JoJ also having the attack speed debuff. or base JoW with Replenishment. etc etc. then judgements might have more meaning to the class rather than a talented side-effect.

right now, i see myself sometimes judging justice on a boss, but not because i think he's gonna run away from me.

edit: btw, a 10s CD spell used only once a minute, if used at all...i would call that hardly used.

Edited, Jul 28th 2009 12:38am by tommyguns
#6 Jul 27 2009 at 9:31 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
tommyguns wrote:
if they were to add the Judgement of Just debuff to another ability, would you really care about judging as a tank? i use consecration more in my rotation since it does more tps.

Some people still don't even take that talent, so short answer is: yes, duh.

I do somewhat like your thoughts though on giving the baseline Judgement spells more instead of throwing them into talents. I've also been in a situation where I'm Judgeing Justice because other Paladins have Light/Wisdom, but there's nothing that this Judgement provides for me that other Judgements do not. Still, regardless of the JotJ talent I'd still use Judgement in this situation because it is more damage/threat leading to a shorter fight and more room for error.

Edited, Jul 27th 2009 10:39pm by Maulgak
#7 Jul 28 2009 at 5:12 AM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
One thing they have done to a lot of classes in Wotlk is make them deeper than 1 button dps, which is effectively what TBC dpsing was about for a lot of classes (Most notably warlocks and hunters). Ret pally dps rotations in wotlk were still pretty lewl. The changes are gonna mix it up a bit.

The change to duration of seals back in tbc was great. The change to the judgements even better. Where before up time on judgments meant nothing for a raid, now you want light and wisdom up 90% since the passive healing and mana regen really effects the raid. While it still boils down to pressing a button every x amount of seconds to keep a buff/debuff on a boss, it is still a much more solid and mandatory than it was in TBC for raiding.

I honestly don't know what you expect. Ret pally dps rotation is becoming a little more interesting, they are losing burst at the expense of sustained pve dps. Prot pallies are getting buffed to hell. If you are Ret or Prot this patch is good for you (Unless you were ret and counted on massive burst to win arenas), the only ones that should be crying are holy paladins (who will actually have to keep judgements up more now, thank you very much)
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#8 Jul 28 2009 at 7:59 AM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
Tommy, what's the source for your description of SoV ("the effects from these seals can only be triggered by auto-attacks and Hammer of the Righteous.")? I don't see anything about it only stacking with auto-attack in the WoW PTR Notes 7-28-09

Test Realm Patch Notes wrote:
Seal of Vengeance and Seal of Corruption: These seals have been redesigned to deal substantially more damage. Now, once a paladin has 5 copies of the debuff from these seals on his or her target, on each swing the paladin will deal 33% weapon damage as Holy, with critical strikes dealing double damage. In addition, the damage-over-time effect is now considered a melee attack instead of a spell attack.

Regarding the rest of your post:

tommyguns wrote:
seals. nothing more than a pre-fight weapon enchant/buff. not much of a selection to make, nothing dynamic about it. in 3.2 this will be even more obvious as they are tailoring each seal for 1 specific task.

In TBC, I spent a lot of time Sealing and Judging. Which was fine, because Ret had very few buttons to push relatively speaking. Yeah, there were some fun tricks you could pull like seal twisting, but really people didn't use the different seals all that much.

If you were Prot, you had SoR or SoV up depending on the fight (SoW if you were OOM). If you were Ret (Alliance), you had Seal of the Lottery up. If you were Holy, you didn't run a seal or judge normally (outside of soloing). Seal of Justice had some situational use for PVP. But for the most part it was just a "OK, judged now it's time to reseal" - waste of GCDs. How is it dynamic for me to keep re-sealing the same thing over and over?

tommyguns wrote:
judgements. where once this was our pride and joy is now an afterthought. healers hardly use it. tanks use it sparingly. dps uses it as mana regen. its pvp is a glorified hamstring.
  • DPS - damage, group buff, mana regen, and Replenishment. In TBC they used it for ... damage only.
  • Tanking - damage/threat, and either mana or health regen. Any tank worth his salt will be casting one fairly often.
  • Healing - now has a reason to cast a judgment, unlike in TBC.
Overall, I'd say they've improved the system of seals and judgments significantly from TBC. And I'm excited that they're making Ret think (at least a little bit) about what seals to use in 3.2 and getting away from the gimmicky backlash damage of SoB. There's probably some tuning to be done on SoC vs. SoR vs. SoV, but it's still on the PTR. But there's a serious chance if they tune SoV correctly that Ret could see their PVE standings improve significantly. Good luck, and I hope something rekindles your spark for WoW.
#9 Jul 28 2009 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
There is a blue post on it and something at MMO championabout it. It actually brought the dps down a bit from where it was in 3.2 before, so we will have to wait and see what blizz ends upd eciding
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#10 Jul 28 2009 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
let me pose it like this:

seals and judgements were/are the defining aspect of pallies. similar to combo pts for rogue, similar to runes for DK. rogues cannot function w/o utilizing combo pts, DKs cannot function w/o using runes.

can pallies, reguardless of spec, function without judgements? i would say a big fat YES.

ps. the mana return from Judgements of the Wise is the worst design thus far. 1%->30% in a single strike(a miss = fail)...why even have a mana bar at this point?
#11 Jul 30 2009 at 10:56 PM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
zeidrich and Redcape over at elitistjerks have done new tests every time the ptr build has been updated. The current one is marked as retail, here's how ret works:

The Seal of Vengeance/Corruption dots, Blood Corruption and whatever the alliance dot is called are only applied from white melee hits, nothing else. Not crusader strike, or divine storm. This would be terrible for ret dps on its own, because any kind of target swapping (80% of bosses in ulduar) would destroy our dps what with a ~15 second ramp up time to get the full stack rolling. However:

When it's stacked to 5, white hits, yellow hits, even judgements proc a kind of seperate SoV hit which is 33% (38 with seals of the pure) of weapon damage as holy, which crits double like a melee hit. This is additional, distinct damage to the dot and the attack that procced it. Furthermore, all attacks made while Blood Corruption is *partially stacked* will result in a partial seal proc. 6.66% weapon damage as additional holy at 1 stack, 13.5% at 2 stacks and so on. The judgement at 5 stacks is reported to be absolutely ungodly, almost like old-style judgement of blood.

This basically means that seal of vengeance is inferior than seal of righteousness (not command, more on that in a moment) before roughly 12 seconds and greater at all points after that, assuming a single target. Seal of vengeance as mentioned before will not proc from divine storm however, so where does that leave our AoE? Well, nerfed basically. Not hugely, because you may have noticed that consecration was the workhorse ability there anyway. Rets will however be forced to swap seals accordingly during and between fights.

Seal of righteousness vs command:

It's pretty simple. Command has been nerfed extremely heavily, the judgement is both much weaker and no longer crits stunned targets automatically. Unlike righteousness, the seal itself can crit and scales better with weapon damage and raid buffs however. Because Seals of the Pure is an important dps talent now, Seal of Righteousness will outdo command on short duration trash, especially if you are expertise capped from gear and can take glyph of seal of righteousness over the 10 expertise vengeance glyph.

Edit: If you can think of a situation where you're dpsing 4 targets for a signifigant amount of time, the fact Command seals can crit will probably pull it ahead slightly. There are no fights like that though. On kologarn you'll still want seal of vengeance for the massive single target burst it can push out at 5 stacks.

We're pretty boned on emalon. Target switching every 30 seconds is fine, if you're applying corruption to each target. The supercharged add wont live long enough to stack it, but might live just long enough to let emalons dot fall off.

Edited, Jul 31st 2009 3:02am by ArtemisEnteri
#12 Jul 31 2009 at 12:55 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
tommyguns wrote:
let me pose it like this:

seals and judgements were/are the defining aspect of pallies. similar to combo pts for rogue, similar to runes for DK. rogues cannot function w/o utilizing combo pts, DKs cannot function w/o using runes.

can pallies, reguardless of spec, function without judgements? i would say a big fat YES.

Let me answer this with a question: why are you comparing a spell to a class' resource mechanic and another class' gimmick? Apples and oranges. More accurate comparisons would be mana <-> runes/combo points or Judgements <-> Plague/Sinister Strike.

I agree that Seals and Judgements are a defining aspect of Paladins, but they are not the only one. Lay on Hands? Divine Shield? Those are pretty unique to this class too. For Death Knights, diseases anyone? For Rogues, Stealth is a pretty defining aspect of the class. All those things the class can function without as you suggest, just not as well as with: Judgements included.

Mana, Runes, and to a lesser extent combo points, not so much.

EDIT: for tabstopper, here's what the PTR patch notes currently say regarding SoV:

Seal of Vengeance and Seal of Corruption: These seals have been redesigned to deal substantially more damage. Now, once a paladin has 5 copies of the debuff from these seals on his or her target, on each swing the paladin will deal 33% weapon damage as Holy, with critical strikes dealing double damage. In addition, the damage-over-time effect is now considered a melee attack instead of a spell attack and the effects from these seals can only be triggered by auto-attacks and Hammer of the Righteous.

The bold was added not too long ago. PTR patch notes page.

Edited, Jul 31st 2009 2:07am by Maulgak
#13 Jul 31 2009 at 12:56 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
I'm concerned about the loss of Martyr, but as with all these things I think we need to wait and see. I don't have a character on the PTR to make any outlandish statements that DPS is going to be nerfed, but I am concerned.
#14 Jul 31 2009 at 1:37 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Single target dps is MASSIVELY buffed, possibly over a 1k dps increase in BiS gear.
#15 Jul 31 2009 at 3:17 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
Using what seal?
#16 Jul 31 2009 at 3:50 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Vengeance/Corruption. It's really really powerful, i don't think i'm going to miss blood all that much.
#17 Jul 31 2009 at 4:38 AM Rating: Default
1,503 posts
Let me answer this with a question: why are you comparing a spell to a class' resource mechanic and another class' gimmick? Apples and oranges. More accurate comparisons would be mana <-> runes/combo points or Judgements <-> Plague/Sinister Strike.

mana is the resource of power, like energy, rage, and runic power.

back in the day, when you started a pally, you would ask: "ok, what do i need to know?" the reply would always be: "you need to learn how to use seals and judgements"

a rogue, learn combos. a warlock, learn curses and curse rotation. a DK, learn runes. a hunter, learn your pets. a sham, learn totems.

i remember back in MC on Rags fights, the raid leader would request i switch to JoW halfway through the fight so range could mana up. now, who gives a ****. the whole system is now an afterthought...just another attack.
#18 Jul 31 2009 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
Vengeance/Corruption. It's really really powerful, i don't think i'm going to miss blood all that much.

I'm going to bash holes out of the dummy tonight with each...
#19 Jul 31 2009 at 3:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
tommyguns wrote:
Let me answer this with a question: why are you comparing a spell to a class' resource mechanic and another class' gimmick? Apples and oranges. More accurate comparisons would be mana <-> runes/combo points or Judgements <-> Plague/Sinister Strike.

mana is the resource of power, like energy, rage, and runic power.

back in the day, when you started a pally, you would ask: "ok, what do i need to know?" the reply would always be: "you need to learn how to use seals and judgements"

a rogue, learn combos. a warlock, learn curses and curse rotation. a DK, learn runes. a hunter, learn your pets. a sham, learn totems.

i remember back in MC on Rags fights, the raid leader would request i switch to JoW halfway through the fight so range could mana up. now, who gives a ****. the whole system is now an afterthought...just another attack.

Ummmmmm..... revisionist history is revisionist and simplified to the point that it is hard to give it an honest response but I will try.

While seals and judgments are obviously a class defining characteristic since no other class has it, it has also been extremely basic, straightforward, elementary and more importantly tedious part of being a paladin, in the past. In fact it is safe to say that in Vanilla wow and TBC for the most part that judgments played next to no role in raiding. That was partly due to a couple factors, Ret paladins didn't raid, Prot paladins were only needed for a few fights, and Holy Paladins could ignore seals/judgments all together.

If anything the argument could be made that WotLK has been extremely favourable not only to paladins but to one of our basic, least complicated tools. Increasing Seal time to 30min was a boon for Prot and Ret paladins since having to reapply a buff every 30 seconds cut into dps/threat rotation and was just tedious. With the introduction of JotPure and glyphs holy paladins now need to factor seals/glyphs into how they play. Also with 3.2 that takes on a bigger role now that there will be a change of Ret applying JoW and Holy hopefully doing JoL. JoL and JoW are mandatory for raids now, this wasn't the case in TBC or Vanilla WoW, at all.

The depth of a paladin has never been, and should never be seals and judgements. Spec specific spells, Hand of type spells, cleanse all while doing what you are supposed to be doing without and fumbling for buttons is more of what being a paladin is about. That and bubble hearth. You are getting worked up over something that never was, about things that haven't yet happened, and making really out there leaps of logic, in other words you are being Tommyguns. Don't panic, enjoy the game.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#20 Jul 31 2009 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
While seals and judgments are obviously a class defining characteristic since no other class has it, it has also been extremely basic, straightforward, elementary and more importantly tedious part of being a paladin, in the past. In fact it is safe to say that in Vanilla wow and TBC for the most part that judgments played next to no role in raiding. That was partly due to a couple factors, Ret paladins didn't raid, Prot paladins were only needed for a few fights, and Holy Paladins could ignore seals/judgments all together.

If anything the argument could be made that WotLK has been extremely favourable not only to paladins but to one of our basic, least complicated tools.


The depth of a paladin has never been, and should never be seals and judgements.

Quoting for emphasis, because bod always puts things more eloquently than I can >.>
#21 Aug 02 2009 at 1:51 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Ah, the good old days where you would cast a seal and auto-attack for its duration.

I agree that Judgements of the Wise (15% mana return on judgement) is fail, but I don't see how they could change it without seriously gimping Retribution Paladins. As a Retardin, you go through your mana pool very fast since you judge and heal so much and have less base mana regen to back it up.

An alternative would be to remove the mana cost on everything except heals, but somehow, I don't think so.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#22 Aug 02 2009 at 6:59 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
If you had serious mana issues you would point at warriors rage bars and feral/rogue energy bars and cry. It is the same reason they gave Divine Plea glyph to Prot pallies.

Mazra also made a good point, back in the day there were a lot of bad ret pallies and all you had to do was auto attack, judge and wait like a small child for a jack in the box pop up of a SoComm proc. The class played the same at 60 for the most part as it did at 20. Even 3.1 rotations were pretty simplistic compared to most dps classes, and from what I have heard it is becoming a little more interesting in 3.2.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#23 Aug 02 2009 at 5:19 PM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
I'm someone who despite playing one, tends to hate most ret paladins i meet. The crying in trade and on various forums is sweet indeed. It took me a little while to figure out exactly how everything works next patch, everyone else on my server is still at the "but how do i click on seal of blood?" stage.
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