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Guide to Heroic-izing Your Ret Pally Follow

#1 Jul 23 2009 at 12:00 AM Rating: Good
Ret Gear Building Guide (as of 07/23/09)

This is a simple guide to outline the primary focuses of what to do when you ding 80 as Ret! I read the one currently listed as well as looked at other sites but found them very lacking in updated gear. Plus some of them prioritize the wrong stats and I wanted to go based on personal experience(and some I wish I had seen!) to make this as complete as possible.

I avoided Quests due to two variables. 1: People who hate questing and swore it off once they hit 80. 2: People who already did the quests that may have been involved and chose a different item.

I avoided Emblems in most cases due to not only it requiring many many Heroic runs for gear, but also because Ret is not everyone's primary spec. This guide tries to offer aid to -any- Ret be it main spec, off spec, or an alt. Emblems are too versatile to focus gear on them.

I broke this down into separate sections

*Ding! I'm 80 and I want to run!
*I'm doing Heroics, where do I go?!
*I'm rich. What's in this for me?
*Reputation Grind Complete
*Enchantments to Live By
*What should my Talents look like?
*What Glyphs do I use?

1: Ding! I'm 80 and I want to run!

Your first step is to run to the auction house. I'm hoping you have some decent gold(and are hopefully a Miner with plenty of ore). Here you will find "acceptable" Heroic gear. You will often hear "You can't be under geared for Heroics" and they will be wrong. Nothing is worse than a DPS barely pulling 1k DPS or even less.


Honed Cobalt Cleaver
This is made from 12 Cobalt Bars, 4 Saronite Bars, and 2 Crystallized Fire. Would take less than 1 hour of mining for all of this easily. Or just buy one, likely very cheap.

Claymore of the Prophet
This is bought via 25 Champion's Seals. This is 5 days of doing the Crusader Dailies(about 20min a day, and you'll make ~52g just from them, more if you add in Valiant quests)


Helm of Command
A great, cheap helm. 14 Saronite Bars, 1 Eternal Fire.

If unable to obtain for some reason;

Savage Saronite Skullshield
Similar cost of 14 Saronite Bars, 1 Eternal Shadow. Not as good but a decent item to use.


Savage Saronite Pauldrons
Enjoy them. This is it until Tier. 12 Saronite Bars, 1 Eternal Water


Cloak of Bloodied Waters
Zone drop in Gundrak. Buyable for a decent price, not the most expensive but a great cloak. Don't let it being Rare fool you. This is among the best DPS back pieces due to the high STR and decent crit.

Ice Striker's Cloak
Arguably better than Bloodied due to the high haste and nearly equal Attack Power boost. Made by a Leatherworker for 2 Arctic Fur, 6 Eternal Fire, 4 Eternal Shadow, and 1 Frozen Orb.


Chestplate of Conquest
The best of the items available by profession. This costs a paltry 14 Saronite Bars, 2 Crystallized Earth. This requires you not only to be a Blacksmith, but an Armorsmith as well.(Thanks ChildeRoland)

If you did not spec that way,

Savage Saronite Hauberk
This is a good choice as it has high Str, Stam, and Crit. Oddly it is more expensive than the Conquest, 14 Saronite Bars 1 Eternal Earth.


Vengeance Bindings
Best option buyable with Hit AND Crit, plus great Str. 12 Saronite Bars, 1 Eternal Fire.

as always;

Savage Saronite Bracers
Cheap and easy. 12 Saronite Bars, 1 Eternal Air.


Guess what? More Saronite.

Savage Saronite Gauntlets
These are 12 Saronite Bars 1 Eternal Fire. Easily affordable.


Savage Saronite Waistguard
Your best bet. This is just slightly worse than the Heroic equivalent but is easily obtainable. 12 Saronite Bars, 1 Eternal Water


Legplates of Conquest
Another Armorsmith item but so so so worth it. Get it if you can, the only thing better than the stats are the incredible price of only 3 Saronite Bars, 2 Crystallized Earth!

Again if you lack the specialty/profession,

Savage Saronite Legplates
Yes, another Savage Saronite. If you have been stuck with too many of these at least you get the 75 stam! 14 Saronite Bars and an Eternal Air.


Only one choice here.

Savage Saronite Walkers
12 Saronite Bars, 1 Eternal Shadow gets you the top BoE boots that are easily affordable.


Jade Dagger Pendant
A cheap incredibly good item. Has a Yellow socket, Crit, and Attack Power. Takes 1 Eternal Earth, 2 Huge Citrine 2 Dark Jade.


Ring of Scarlet Shadows
A relatively cheap ring with no raw stats but great overall. Hit rating, Crit, and Attack Power are all decently high. Take 2 Titanium Bars, 3 Eternal Shadow, 1 Scarlet Ruby.

More PvP based but still decent

Savage Titanium Ring
Stam is the only base stat but decent Crit and Attack Power, plus a Red Socket make it a decent second ring. Takes 4 Titanium bars, 4 Eternal Fire.

Scarlet Signet
Higher stam and incredibly high Str on this but no socket make it about on par with Titanium. Only takes 2 Titanium Bars, 1 Scarlet Ruby.


Free trinkets!

Crusader's Locket
Obtained through a quest in Icecrown;
[A/H] Defending The Vanguard
Good Attack Power and an Expertise proc make it a valuable item even though it is green.

Not many people DON'T do Wintergrasp and this is free so:

Titan-forged Rune of Determination
It costs 25 Wintergrasp Marks of Honor, but gives you a whopping 190 Attack Power. Plus, if you are not a Human, you gain a free anti-snare/etc button.


I avoided adding quests but obviously this is not something that drops in a heroic.

Libram of Furious Blows
One of the two acceptable greens. This is obtained through a quest in Borean Tundra through:
[A] Get Me Outa Here!

[H] Return My Remains

The Crit from it is not negligible and it's every Judgment(every 8 seconds).

Another option:

Venture Co. Libram of Retribution
This is obtained through doing the PvP dailies in Grizzly Hills and obtaining 30 Venture Coins. Annoying and 81dmg on Divine Storm may not be much but at least it's not green?


With the baseline gear above, the materials required are 54 Saronite Bars, 2 Eternal Air, 1 Eternal Earth, and 1 Eternal Shadow.

For the best available you'd need 12 Cobalt Bars, 47 Saronite Bars, 2 Eternal Fire, 4 Crystallized Earth and 2 Crystallized Fire.

Shared between them 48 Saronite Bars, 1 Eternal Shadow, 1 Eternal Fire, and 2 Eternal Water.

Jewelry is based on desire and affordability. Overall you will need between 95 and 102 Saronite Bars and the extraneous Eternals and Crystallized. Not the easiest to spring out of nowhere but if you chose Mining the mats should be easily available! If not, they aren't too expensive on most servers.


Any advice will be taken of course. Just thought I'd toss out what I could. Added some more links. Will put Zam links in later today when I wake up.


Realized Armorsmith = BoP. Sad D: Thanks ChildeRoland!


Zam'd it up with links, added some further notes to gear.


Somehow forgot cloaks! Added them.


Removed unnecessary links.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 4:14am by SarionBelmont

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 3:03pm by SarionBelmont

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 3:30pm by SarionBelmont

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 3:47pm by SarionBelmont

Edited, Aug 4th 2009 6:04pm by SarionBelmont

Edited, Aug 4th 2009 6:39pm by SarionBelmont

Edited, Sep 15th 2009 12:52pm by SarionBelmont
#2 Jul 23 2009 at 12:01 AM Rating: Good
2: I'm doing Heroics, where do I go?!


Colossal Skull-Clad Cleaver
This is a semi-rare drop from a harder Heroic, Halls of Lightning, from the final boss Loken.
It is more of a Warrior or maybe even DK weapon but it beats greens.

Honestly you should be using whatever professions you have and any luck on Frozen Orbs on the Auction House towards buying your Titansteel Destroyer.


Brann's Lost Mining Helmet
This is dropped from Krystallus in Halls of Stone, a very difficult instance for many groups. It is a decent helm.

A better alternative is

Chitin Shell Greathelm
An outstanding helm from the final boss of Azjol-Nerub, Anub'arak. Tough instance as a fresh runner but doable. Great stats and your first Meta socket AND Yellow socket!

Body Armor:
Bonegrinder Breastplate
This is a decent drop rate item from Prince Taldaram in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom. It is a great upgrade from the BoEs in that it has a rounded Str and Crit(primary stats) and two sockets(one being Red!)


Golden Limb Bands
Dropped by Krik'thir the Gatewatcher in Azjol-Nerub.A slight step up from Savage Saronite, but a side-step from Vengeance Bindings. The boost to Stam is nice but not needed and the Crit is great but the loss of Hit is no fun.


Fists of Loken
Okay drop rate from Loken in Halls of Lightning. Nice because you can get these AND the Axe in one kill! Plus this has a Yellow socket.


Strategist's Belt
Only Haste on this but a Red socket and decent stats make it a good choice. Terribly low drop rate from Prince Keleseth in Utgarde Keep, a place to aim for the leggings below too.

Girdle of the Mystical Prison
This is BoE so good luck, the rate is terrible but it drops in Violet Hold, the most commonly run Heroic due to it being right in Dalaran.

Flame-Bathed Steel Girdle
A decently low drop rate, but also in The Nexus from the final boss, Keristrasza, giving you a shot at this item AND the Rift Striders from earlier. Not to mention it is among the easiest of Heroics.


Ancient Royal Legguards
Incredible leggings from Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle's final boss King Ymiron. It's a tough instance so expect it to take a while. These have outstanding stats AND a yellow socket!

An Epic, also an upgrade from an easier instance:

Staggering Legplates
High hit rating is very nice, and the two sockets are incredible. Not only do you get more strength and another socket but the socket is Red! Comes from Ingvar the Plunderer in Utgarde Keep as a very low drop rate. However Utgarde Keep is doable in all quest items, easily with the gear listed in the previous section. Get them and use them until Tier.


Rift Striders
Decent drop rate on these from Anomalus in The Nexus. These are a great upgrade from the BoE Blue and they have not only a socket, but a RED socket!!


Necklace of Arcane Spheres
An arguable upgrade from Jade Dagger Pendant. A large gain of Attack Power and Agility at the cost of raw Crit and a socket. Drops from Xevozz in The Violet Hold fairly often.

Amulet of the Stampede
Drops often from Gal'darah in Gundrak. No raw stats but gives Haste, Expertise, and Attack Power. Pretty nice.

Necklace of the Chrono-Lord
Drops in The Culling of Stratholme from Chrono-Lord Epioch somewhat rarely. Great piece with huge Attack Power, decent Haste and Agility.


Bjarngrim Family Signet
Somewhat low drop from General Bjarngrim in Halls of Lightning, a zone you should be very well familiar with by now. This offers Agility, Haste, and high Attack Power.

Mobius Band
Another drop from Chrono-Lord Epoch in Culling of Stratholme. Not a high rate but good Agility, Hit Rating and Attack Power make it a very useful ring.

Hemorrhaging Circle
Top Attack Power ring, drops from Gal'darah, who also drops your Amulet of the Stampede in Gundrak. Very low rate but the 100 Attack Power is pretty hard to deny, the Expertise and high Agility just add to it.


Libram of Discord
Available for 19 Emblems of Conquest. This means you'll need about 5 Heroics(less depending on how many 5 boss Heroics you run) this is very nice. More Divine Storm damage never hurt anyone and it's easily available.

Libram of Valiance
Your first Triumph purchase should be this. 25 Emblems of Triumph(2 every day from H Daily = 13 days) and this is the best Libram and is absolutely ridiculous. It is like having Berserking up almost all the time without the armor penalty(meh) or the terrible price tag.


Incisor Fragment
Drops off of King Dred in Drak'Tharon Keep. Huge Attack Power boost and an ArPen use, while not great is fun since it's free.

For all other gear I avoided Rep and Emblem Vendors(aside Librams of course) but there is just no better option.

Mirror of Truth
Costs you 40 Emblems of Heroism(around 10 or so

Heroics) but is the single best Trinket you can equip until Ulduar. HUGE Crit and crazy 1000 Attack Power proc which occurs just about every 45seconds.


Giving this it's own section as to not ***** up the way it looked before.

This dungeon has many upgrades, though I will advise that this patch is OBSESSED with Armor Pen which is pretty worthless to us as our attacks are counted as magical. However some will have basic stats that STILL beat other heroics.


Drape of the Undefeated
The best cape available for us in dungeons. Beats out most until either Naxx25 or Ulduar. Huge Str, crit, and haste. The perfect back piece!

Uruka's Band of Zeal
Nice ring. No Strength which is a bummer but a nice Crit, Expertise, and Attack Power nonetheless.

Helm of the Violent Fray
Crit and sockets. Not a bad helm, not much better, if at all, over Titansteel though.

Breastplate of the Imperial Joust
Great piece. Two sockets and hit rating. Useless ArPenn and no AP or Crit but not a bad piece over Savage Saronite if you're still in it.

Gauntlets of the Stouthearted Crusader
Crit, Haste, and a socket. Very solid piece with good Str to boot.

Girdle of Arrogant Downfall
Haste and a red socket. Great belt.

Now to finish the armor set and toss in a weapon:

Edge of Ruin
Absolutely fantastic weapon. If you are hit capped, it beats out TSD. If not, well, get hit capped. Until then TSD rocks fine.

Majestic Silversmith Shoulderplates
Best available aside T7.5(due to set bonus). Crit, Haste, and a Red socket. Total win.

Vambraces of Unholy Command
Best bracers until Ulduar25. Great stats.

Legplates of Relentless Onslaught
Crit, haste, VERY high Str and a Yellow socket. This is only trumped by T7.5(due to set bonus) and late Uld10 or Uld25 gear.

Plated Greaves of Providence
Great boots but not worth trading in your Ebon Hold rep ones if you have them.


Removed Libram of Reciprication.(Thanks BastokFL)


Zam'd it up with links. Added a few extra comments.


Added Staggering Legplates and Strategist's Belt.(Thanks Zariamnk)


Added Trial of the Champion drops for Reg and Heroic.


Removed some links, added two Librams.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 3:20pm by SarionBelmont

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 3:43pm by SarionBelmont

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 10:23pm by SarionBelmont

Edited, Aug 18th 2009 5:55pm by SarionBelmont

Edited, Sep 15th 2009 12:54pm by SarionBelmont
#3 Jul 23 2009 at 12:02 AM Rating: Good
3: I'm rich. What's in this for me?


Titansteel Destroyer
This is the basic weapon you should start with. It is not expensive at all to obtain if you have it made. 8 Saronite Bars, 8 Titansteel Bars, 2 Frozen Orbs.
This is why ALL Paladins should have Mining in their professions while leveling! If you did, you will have PLENTY of Saronite, some Titanium, PLENTY of Eternal/Crystallized Fire/Earth/Shadow, and gold will be no problem.


Spiked Titansteel Helm
Pretty penny, but worth it. 4 Saronite Bars, 4 Titansteel Bars, 1 Frozen Orb.
This helm is only worth buying if you have trouble with a good chest item. Emblems of Conquest can buy T8.5 body and helm now. The cost is 58(about 15 heroics) each but they are so incredible it is obviously worth it. Now you can use the Titansteel Helm to buy the T8.5 body first and not be in too big of a rush for helm, but if you will be running hardcore Heroics, just forego the Titansteel Helm and get the Emblems for T8.5 pieces.


Belt of the Titans
Best of the best buyable items for the waist. Incredible stats, two sockets, and just plain awesome. Pattern is rare(high tip cost) and mats are pricey. 10 Titansteel Bar, 8 Eternal Shadow, 25 Saronite Bar, 6 Runed Orb.


Spiked Titansteel Treads
Costs a decent amount using 4 Saronite Bars, 3 Titansteel Bars and a Frozen Orb.

Battlelord's Plate Boots
The absolute best buyable footwear. Incredible stats and two sockets. Only problem is the pattern is rare(high tip cost) and the mats are pricey. 10 Titansteel Bar, 8 Eternal Shadow, 25 Saronite Bar, 6 Runed Orb.


Titanium Impact Choker
Major pain to build but the best you will find until raiding hands down. HUGE Attack Power and our loving Red socket. Very pricey costing 2 Titanium Bars, 4 Dragon's Eye, 6 Eternal Air, 6 Eternal Fire, 1 Frozen Orb.


Titanium Impact Band
Hands down best ring you can afford without killing yourself. 2 Titanium Bars, 4 Dragon's Eye, 4 Eternal Fire, 4 Eternal Shadow, 1 Frozen Orb.

Surge Needle Ring
A very, very overpriced ring but a solid DPS ring. More attuned to Rogue/Hunter/Enh Shaman but definitely viable to Pally if you are willing to foot the insane cost.


Darkmoon Card: Death
Striaght up 85 Crit is undeniably beautiful for Ret. With how hard it is to get good trinkets early on, this is a wonderful buy. Not too pricey if you buy when Faire is NOT in effect and will last you a while. The free 2k(that can crit) every 45 sec doesn't hurt either.

Darkmoon Card: Greatness
The best of the best right here. 90 Str with a proc giving 300 Str(highest stat, which will be Str) approximately 1/3rd of the time. The cost is incredibly high though, so it should be the LAST upgrade you get.

For all craftables(NOT INCLUDING ULDUAR) you are looking at 16 Saronite Bars, 4 Titanium Bars, 15 Titansteel Bars, 8 Dragon's Eye, 10 Eternal Fire, 4 Eternal Shadow, 6 Eternal Air, and 6 Frozen Orbs.

4: Reputation Grind Complete:


Death-Inured Sabatons
Obtained by achieving Exalted with The Knights of Ebon Blade, these boots are superior to the Spiked Titansteel Treads in having two sockets and nearly double the crit. Load up the sockets with Strength and you're set.

Head Arcanum:

Arcanum of Torment
Obtained by achieving Revered with The Knights of Ebon Blade. Easily obtainable and a requirement to be a good DPS.

Shoulder Inscription:

Lesser Inscription of the Axe
Obtained by achieving Honored with The Sons of Hodir. Takes a short while of questing to gain access to the quests, but easily obtainable with two days of grinding.

Greater Inscription of the Axe
Obtained by achieving Exalted with The Sons of Hodir. Takes a short while of questing to gain access to the quest line, but obtainable through dailies after a few weeks. Impatient players can simply buy Relic of Ulduar and turn them in(10 = 250 rep) and do it in one day if desired.

5: Enchantments to Live By:

Enchantments are heavily debatable based on current gear and stats. Some may need hit more than AP or STR. Due to this, all will be listed.

Weapon Enchants:

Enchant 2H Weapon: Greater Savagery
The cheapest enchant you should go with. No real excuse to go with anything less. This gives you a solid 85 Attack Power. Materials are: 6 Infinite Dust and 2 Greater Cosmic Essence. Very cheap.

Enchant 2H Weapon: Massacre
Now a substantial price jump but well worth it once you obtain a weapon you intend to hold onto. A solid 110 Attack Power gain with a decent price to it. Materials: 40 Infinite Dust, 6 Greater Cosmic Essence, and 6 Abyss Crystal. Easily looking at ~1k gold here but very nice enchant.

Enchant Weapon: Berserking
400 Attack Power proc that occurs very frequently. This is arguably the best enchant in the game for melee DPS and has the highest cost. Materials: 12 Infinite Dust, 4 Greater Cosmic Essence, 4 Dream Shard, and 10 Abyss Crystals. Not cheap, but once you land your Titansteel Destroyer it feels very good to make it perfect.


None available without Reputation.


Master's Inscription of the Axe
Obtained at 400 Inscription this gives a nice 120 Attack Power and 15 Crit. Requires 1 Snowfall Ink.


Swordgaurd Embroidery
Obtained through being a Tailor of 400 skill. This gives an incredible boost of 400 Attack Power on a proc that is up approximately 25% of the time. Nearly a Berserking but on your Cloak. The problem? Being a Tailor as a Ret Paladin is a bit odd. If you have a Holy spec it may fit more but still not our best profession. Only costs 1 Spellweave and 1 Eternium Thread.

Enchant Cloak - Greater Agility
Only adding this to be more complete and some people have different preferences. Not a great choice but it does offer 22 Agility. Costs 8 Infinite Dust, 2 Greater Cosmic Essence, and 2 Dream Shard.

Enchant Cloak - Greater Speed
A nice boost of 23 Haste. The only real option here for anyone not a Tailor. Costs 16 Infinite Dust and 4 Greater Cosmic Essence.


Enchant Chest: Super Stats
Not a lot of options for body so this is a good piece for any gear you intend to have for more than a day. +8 to all base stats isn't bad. Requires 4 Infinite Dust and 2 Lesser Cosmic Essence.

Enchant Chest: Powerful Stats
+10 to all base stats is the best it gets currently. Good upgrade over prior and a must for any semi-permanant chest piece. Requires 4 Dream Shard and 4 Abyss Crystal.


Socket Bracer
Obtained through being a Blacksmith of 400 skill. This allows you to add a socket to your bracers and put any gem you want in it(aside Meta). Very cool and only costs 4 Saronite Bar, 1 Eternal Earth.

Fur Lining - Attack Power
Obtained through being a Leatherworker of 400 skill. Gives you a hefty 130 Attack Power. Cost is only 1 Arctic Fur.

Enchant Bracer: Expertise
Gives a bonus of 15 Expertise Rating, making the enemy less likely to dodge/parry/block. Very nice if below soft cap. Requires 14 Infinite Dust and 3 Greater Cosmic Essence.

Enchant Bracer: Greater Assault
Boost of 50 Attack Power is incredibly useful. Pricey at 24 Infinite Dust and 6 Greater Cosmic Essence.


Socket Gloves
Obtained through being a Blacksmith of 400 skill. This allows you to add a socket to your gloves and put any gem you want in it(aside Meta). Very cool and only costs 4 Saronite Bar, 1 Eternal Shadow.

Enchant Gloves - Expertise
Gives 15 Expertise Rating, useful to prevent dodge/parry/blocks. Not the best enchant but a definite option. Costs 12 Infinite Dust.

Enchant Gloves - Precision
A judgment call chant here. This enchant gives 20 Hit Rating, which is the best possible boost if shy of the hit cap. Costs 4 Greater Cosmic Essence.

Enchant Gloves - Crusher
If hit capped, the best chant left. 44 Attack Power boost is very useful. Requires 20 Infinite Dust, 4 Greater Cosmic Essence, and 1 Dream Shard.


Eternal Belt Buckle
Obtained by a Blacksmith making it but is not Soulbound and is able to be traded and sold on the Auction House. This gives you a socket in your belt which allows you to put any gem aside Meta in it. If you will be using the belt more than one instance, get it. Costs 4 Saronite Bar, 1 Eternal Earth, 1 Eternal Water, and 1 Eternal Shadow.(Usable on belts with sockets already too, but cannot be used to add more than one via more buckles)


Nerubian Leg Reinforcements
Obtained through being a Leatherworker of 400 skill. Gives you a hefty 75 Attack Power and 22 Critical Rating. Requires only 2 Nerubian Chitin.

Icescale Leg Armor
Obtained by a Leatherworker making it but is not Soulbound and is able to be traded and sold on the Auction House. This is the same as the Nerubian Leg Reinforcements just not Soulbound and far more pricey to make. Requires 2 Arctic Fur, 2 Icy Dragonscale, and 1 Frozen Orb.


Enchant Boots - Greater Assault
A nice boost of 32 Attack Power. Not the best enchant but not a terrible one. Costs 4 Greater Cosmic Essence and 4 Dream Shard.

Enchant Boots - Icewalker
Considered the best and easily the most popular foot enchant out there. Gives 12 Hit Rating and 12 Crit. Low cost of only 8 Infinite Dust and 1 Crystallized Water.


Enchant Ring - Assault
Obtained through being an Enchanter of 400 skill. This enchant gives a massive 40 Attack Power boost PER RING. Very nice if you're working Enchanting. Costs 8 Infinite Dust, 1 Greater Cosmic Essence.


Added Darkmoon Card: Greatness. Thanks BastokFL!


Zam'd it up with links. Added Surge Needle Ring.


Massive update! Added Ulduar pattern items. Added faction items. Added enchants(including Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, and Tailoring specific).


Added note on Spiked Titansteel Helm regarding Emblem of Conquest change. Removed some links.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 4:12am by SarionBelmont

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 3:06pm by SarionBelmont

Edited, Aug 4th 2009 5:54pm by SarionBelmont

Edited, Aug 4th 2009 6:36pm by SarionBelmont

Edited, Sep 15th 2009 12:58pm by SarionBelmont
#4 Jul 23 2009 at 12:05 AM Rating: Good
4: What should my talents look like?

Honestly talents are very much up to you so I will give you the ones you CANNOT do without and give personal advice on the optional.

In the Ret Tree:

5/5 Benediction: 10% Cheaper Instant(the only kind we use) is real nice on our already tiny mana pool.

2/2 Improved Judgements: 2 Seconds less on CD is a 20% increase in speed on your most important spell. Get.

3/3 Heart of the Crusader: Gives your Judgements a debuff that causes 3% higher crit rate with anything on the target.

2/2 Improved Blessing of Might: 25% Boost to Attack Power from Might, your primary Blessing.

2/2 Vindication: Chance to lower Attack Power of target. First thought is: Lame. Second is: 46 fully talented!? Well the tooltip is wrong, it is 574 AP. This is a HUGE boost to survivability for your tanks and you will be loved. GET.

5/5 Conviction: 5% crit on everything.

3/3 Sanctity of Battle: 3% crit on everything, 15% more damage from Exorcism and Crusader Strike.

3/3 Crusade: 3% damage to Humanoid, Demon, Undead, and Elementals.

3/3 Two-Handed Weapon Specialization: 6% damage boost to your weapon. Nice.

1/1 Sanctified Retribution: 50% more damage back on your aura, but also gives everyone in aura 3% damage boost.

3/3 Vengeance: 3% boost to Phys and Holy damage for 30sec after a crit, stacks 3 times. With how often we crit, you basically have a constant 9% damage boost.

2/2 The Art of War: 10% Damage boost to Judgement, Crusader Strike, and Divine Storm. Activated only by white strikes(Crusader Strike, Divine Storm, and melee hits) will make Flash of Light and Exorcism become instant cast.

1/1 Repentance: Stuns a Demon, Dragonkin, Giant, Humanoid, or Undead for a full minute or until damaged. Solo love and requirement for Fanaticism.

3/3 Judgements of the Wise: Damaging Judgements give 1% MP over 5 seconds, as well as 25% of your base mana.

2/2 Sanctified Wrath: 50% Crit boost to Hammer of Wrath, lowers cooldown of Avenging Wrath by 60sec and while under Avenging Wrath 50% of all damage bypasses damage reduction.

3/3 Fanatacism: 18% Crit boost to Judgements and reduces all threat by 30% unless under Righteous Fury.

3/3 Swift Retribution: Aura gives 3% speed increase to casting and attacks.

1/1 Crusader Strike: 75% weapon damage instant strike on 4 second cooldown.

3/3 Sheath of Light: Spell Power increased by 30% of attack power and critical heals give a heal over time of 60% for 12 seconds.

3/3 Righteous Vengeance: When Judgement, Crusader Strike, or Divine Storm(your primary attacks) critical strike, target takes an additional 30% over 8 seconds.

1/1 Divine Storm: 110% weapon damage instant strike that hits 4 targets and heals 3 party or raid members totalling 25% of damage caused.

After this you will have 17 spare points and a few options.

For general mobility

2/2 Pursuit of Justice: Reduces duration of Disarm effects by 50% and increases movement and mounted speed by 15%(doesnt stack with anything else). Very nice for PvP, Kiting, or just running in an instance or cave.

Due to 3.2 changes, there is only one proper way to go now with a few points for debate 5/10/56. If you choose not to get Pursuit of Justice, those two points can go anywhere as they don't really matter.


5/5 Divine Strength: 15% STR boost. Not going to beat it.

5/5 Divinity: 5% boost to your healing and healing done to you. Good for AoE damage taken getting rehealed.


5/5 Seals of the Pure: Gives a 15% damage boost to Seal of Righteousness/Vengeance/Corruption.


5: What Glyphs do I use?

Major Glyphs

Glyph of Judgement: 10% damage boost to Judgements. The best Glyph available because Judgements are a huge part of our DPS.

Glyph of Exorcism: 20% damage boost to Exorcism.

Glyph of Consecration: Increases duration and cool down of Consecration. This is a huge mana saver. Most people will use this over Seal of Blood. I added Seal of Blood because I am personally trying it out to see how the mana gained is in comparison.

Glyph of Seal of Vengeance: Gives you a solid 10 Expertise(not rating, the full levels of it) when using Seal of Vengeance/Corruption. This is incredible for avoiding parry/dodge/block. If you are lacking Expertise (you need 26) get it.

Minor Glyphs:

Glyph of Lay on Hands: Reduces cooldown by 5min.

Glyph of Sense Undead: When using Sense Undead you gain 1% more damage to them.

Glyph of [insert Blessing]: Pick one, it lowers the cost or increases regular duration. Really doesn't matter which you pick.


Added Glyph of Consecration.(thank you Maulgak) Removed Spiritual Focus and Seal of Command. Replaced with Judgements of the Pure and a second point in optional skills. Removed Glyph of Seal of Command.(thank you BastokFL!)

Added notes about Exorcism and Art of War proc.


Zam'd it up with links to Glyphs.


Added Glyoh of SoV with explanation.(Thanks Maulgak and ArtemisEnteri!)


Updated to 3.2. Removed talents/glyphs. Changed tooltips. Redirected talent choices to more beneficial choices.


Added Vindication talent as a must have, reworded some text, removed optional routes(as there are none now), added more info on Glyph of Seal of Vengeance.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 3:18pm by SarionBelmont

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 3:52pm by SarionBelmont

Edited, Jul 24th 2009 2:19pm by SarionBelmont

Edited, Aug 4th 2009 4:09pm by SarionBelmont

Edited, Sep 15th 2009 1:14pm by SarionBelmont
#5 Jul 23 2009 at 12:47 AM Rating: Excellent
2,183 posts
It looks like (from all that I've seen) that SoV is going to be the DPS Seal now, as well as being the tanking Seal, so I'm thinking that the Glyph of Seal of Vengeance is going to be a very useful Ret Glyph. Also, I believe Glyph of Consecration is an acceptable Ret Glyph, yes? So my thinking is Ret will go to Glyphs of Judgement, Seal of Vengeance, and Consecration. At least, that's what I'm planning on for the moment :)

Looks pretty good so far, this is all I had to add, at least for now :)

EDIT: I like your sig. It made me chuckle.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 1:48am by Maulgak
#6 Jul 23 2009 at 4:34 AM Rating: Good
SarionBelmont wrote:
For 3.2 update, I'd recommend

1/1 Seal of Command: Gives a high powered Holy damage strike occasionally, and the Seal always crits on stunned mobs.

Seal of Command is still garbage in 3.2, see below. Furthermore, many instance and raid bosses are immune to stuns, and in 3.2, judging SoC no longer automatically crits stunned targets.

5/5 Spiritual Focus: Reduces pushback on Flash of Light and Holy Light by 70%. Not really that good but Seals of the Pure is worthless.

As of 3.2, Spritual Focus no, Seals of the Pure yes. The main DPS seal will be Seal of Vengeance/Corruption, which makes SotP very useful. As an extra bonus, 5/5 SotP makes Seal of Righteousness to outperform Seal of Command for those situations, like trash pulls, where you don't have time for Vengeance to build to 5 stacks.

Because of this Glyph of Seal of Blood will likely be replaced with Glyph of Seal of Command(20% more procs) as I am sure it will receive a boost given that it will be 100% proc.

In 3.2, the SoC glyph restores 8% of your base mana when you judge SoC. SoC is still garbage.

Similarly, Libram of Reciprocation is useless, because even in 3.2 we should never be using SoC in PVE.

Also, there are some items you missed. Like Darkmoon Card: Greatness. And items like Death-Inured Sabatons that are bought from faction quartermasters.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 5:40am by BastokFL
#7 Jul 23 2009 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
Wow so SoC is gonna be worthless, too bad.
As for Glyph of Conc I completely forgot. I've been aiming to replace one of my Glyphs for a while but I kept forgetting and that is the one I wanted.

As for the Holy Talents, that DEFINITELY makes Seals of the Pure a major talent for 3.2, thanks and I will update that.

I will add Darkmoon Card: Greatness. No idea how I missed that one either.

As for the boots, I know. I purposefully ignored all rep items. No one is going to have Exalted Ebon Blade the day they begin heroics. Hell I've been doing heroics for a while now and I just got it a few days ago. Too many people find rep unappealing so I avoided it along with quests and Emblem items. Maybe I'll add another section for rep items though because there are a lot of nice ones.

Would either of you have any advice on Libram aside the Emblem of Valor ones?
#8 Jul 23 2009 at 10:52 AM Rating: Excellent
36 posts
I am pretty sure the items from armorsmithing are BoP and would not be obtainable to non-blacksmiths. Other than that it looks like a nice starter guide.
#9 Jul 23 2009 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
SarionBelmont wrote:
Would either of you have any advice on Libram aside the Emblem of Valor ones?

The only thing I can think of that might be an option for gearing up for heroics are the arena librams, Deadly Gladiator's and Furious Gladiator's Libram of Fortitude; though since the Furious Gladiator's requires a 1950 rating, it may be out of reach for players entering the heroics stage of their careers. Other than those, you've got librams pretty much covered.
#10 Jul 23 2009 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
Huge thanks you guys. Your advice is much appreciated. I will add a Rep Gear section under the "I'm rich" section since there is plenty of room and I have to admit, some people will grind out the rep through quests/dailies. Plus some beat out Heroic items.
#11 Jul 23 2009 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
EDIT: because I need to read more thoroughly before posting >.>

And you didn't add Glyph of SoV :( I will take a trip to QQ corner ... jk ;)

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 5:07pm by Maulgak
#12 Jul 23 2009 at 5:10 PM Rating: Good
4,993 posts
You missed the Purple Leggings from Heroic Utgarde Keep.;source=live

Lots of hit rating to help you get your hit rating cap, and 2 sockets, which is a big plus too. That, and H-UK is one of the first Heroics you'll be doing, easy easy instance.

It also drops an OK belt:;source=live

From Keleseth.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 9:11pm by Zariamnk
#13 Jul 23 2009 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
Much thanks Zariamnk! I did miss the pants. I did a focused search on Strength, Attack Power, and Crit so I missed any without any Crit or Attack Power. Those are very nice and I will add them. Nothing sucks more than having amazing power but whiffing. Plus 2 sockets is incredible.

As for the belt I am still unsure the value Rets place on Haste now. A while ago, Haste was trash but now I see 2nd highest DPS is white damage so it may be up there. I'll add it though. Much thanks!

And to Maulg :P It's nifty in that 10 Expertise for SoV in 3.2 will stop some dodge but I'd not give up any other Glyph for it.
#14 Jul 23 2009 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
4,993 posts
SarionBelmont wrote:
Much thanks Zariamnk! I did miss the pants. I did a focused search on Strength, Attack Power, and Crit so I missed any without any Crit or Attack Power. Those are very nice and I will add them. Nothing sucks more than having amazing power but whiffing. Plus 2 sockets is incredible.

As for the belt I am still unsure the value Rets place on Haste now. A while ago, Haste was trash but now I see 2nd highest DPS is white damage so it may be up there. I'll add it though. Much thanks!

And to Maulg :P It's nifty in that 10 Expertise for SoV in 3.2 will stop some dodge but I'd not give up any other Glyph for it.

The belt has Haste, true, but I love the socket.

Gives you lots of options, having 2 sockets (you can STILL add a Blacksmith socket onto this belt!) on the belt can help you make up for lost +Crit from switching out the Saronite belt, or adding +Hit to re-gain your Hit cap if you lost it in another upgrade, or, if you're Hit is capped and your Crit is good, you can drop a Strength gem or two in it instead!

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 10:50pm by Zariamnk
#15 Jul 23 2009 at 11:36 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Well, I was half joking ;) But all joking aside, my thinking was because this is a "gearing up for Heroics guide". With the SoV Glyph that's 10 less expertise that a Ret would need to gear for, and at this level of gearing, expertise is hard to come by. On the other hand, Exorcism will only really be used in conjunction with an Art of War proc which will be totally based on melee crits. Again, at this gear level a Ret's crit will undoubtedly be lower than a raiding Ret's crit meaning (presumably) fewer Art of War procs.

Now, I don't have any math on what the difference would be. Maybe someone on the PTR could give some input here :) But, that might be worth investigating whether (again, at the targeted gear level) 10 expertise provides more/less/same benefit as a boost in Exorcism damage. Though I would agree at higher gear levels where expertise is much more available and crit is much higher it seems the Exorcism Glyph would provide a superior boost.

Edited, Jul 24th 2009 12:37am by Maulgak
#16 Jul 24 2009 at 5:38 AM Rating: Good
Maulgak wrote:
Well, I was half joking ;) But all joking aside, my thinking was because this is a "gearing up for Heroics guide". With the SoV Glyph that's 10 less expertise that a Ret would need to gear for, and at this level of gearing, expertise is hard to come by. On the other hand, Exorcism will only really be used in conjunction with an Art of War proc which will be totally based on melee crits. Again, at this gear level a Ret's crit will undoubtedly be lower than a raiding Ret's crit meaning (presumably) fewer Art of War procs.

Now, I don't have any math on what the difference would be. Maybe someone on the PTR could give some input here :) But, that might be worth investigating whether (again, at the targeted gear level) 10 expertise provides more/less/same benefit as a boost in Exorcism damage. Though I would agree at higher gear levels where expertise is much more available and crit is much higher it seems the Exorcism Glyph would provide a superior boost.

Edited, Jul 24th 2009 12:37am by Maulgak

Very true. We need some hardcore math nerds up in here! I used to love theory crafting in old games but WoW has so much more to it!
#17 Jul 24 2009 at 7:15 AM Rating: Excellent
46 posts
Keep in mind that exorcism can only be cast once every 15 seconds. With a 3.3 weapon speed and a crit rate of 20%, you should almost be able to get AoW to proc from the white crits alone. Add the judgment, crusader strike, and divine storm crits, which should be occurring about as frequently, we should not only be able to use exo once every 15 seconds but also have more than a few FoL's for ourselves.
#18 Jul 24 2009 at 7:46 AM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
The Seal of Vengeance glyph will replace the Exorcism glyph for any serious min-maxing ret pallies. The problem with exorcism isn't the cast time (since raid buffed, Art of War will proccing nearly constantly). We're going to be so GCD locked from a 4 second crusader strike, there wont be much chance to actually use exorcism.

10 expertise is equivilent to about 80 strength, if you were gemming for it.
#19 Jul 24 2009 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
713 posts
Nice trinket off Keri in h Nexus too. Passive hit rating with an attack power increase on demand is quite a good combo.
#20 Jul 24 2009 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
46 posts
I just have to say, this thread is awesome- consolidates and does a lot of the work I resigned myself to doing this weekend, as although I am only 68 on my Alliance pally, I was 47 last weekend.

Thanks for the guide, Sarion.
#21 Jul 24 2009 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
The Seal of Vengeance glyph will replace the Exorcism glyph for any serious min-maxing ret pallies. The problem with exorcism isn't the cast time (since raid buffed, Art of War will proccing nearly constantly). We're going to be so GCD locked from a 4 second crusader strike, there wont be much chance to actually use exorcism.

10 expertise is equivilent to about 80 strength, if you were gemming for it.

O.O 4second Crusader Stike? This I missed... I will add Glyph of SoV!
#22 Jul 24 2009 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
ArchVangarde wrote:
Add the judgment, crusader strike, and divine storm crits, which should be occurring about as frequently, we should not only be able to use exo once every 15 seconds but also have more than a few FoL's for ourselves.

Art of War has been changed to only proc from melee crits.

PTR Patch Notes wrote:
Art of War: Now only applies to melee critical hits, but will make your next Flash of Light or Exorcism instant. In addition, this talent now provides notification in the floating combat text when it activates.

It may very well still be up every CD, I don't know, but it will be more difficult at lower crit levels.

Also as Artemis said Crusader Strike will be a 4 sec CD so the opportunity to use these procs will be more difficult than it currently is.
#23 Jul 24 2009 at 8:19 PM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
I re-checked the elitistjerks PTR thread, Art of War is still proccing from Divine Storm and so on. Even judgements. They all seem to count as melee hits for the purposes of that talent.

Something else too, rets are going to be lagging behind until seal of vengeance/corruption is actually stacked on the target. Misses and dodges could hurt a lot, maybe the expertise cap will be a little more important come the patch.

Apparently the new judgement of corruption is hitting like a truck too, harder than the old-style Judgement of Blood. Really looking foward to some of these changes.

Edited, Jul 25th 2009 12:21am by ArtemisEnteri
#24 Jul 24 2009 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
Crusader Strike and Divine Storm are weapon hits and so crits will always factor from them. They are changing Judgements, as mentioned, to be Physical damage so will also still aid in it I believe.

As for SoV/SoCor that sucks, it was nice being able to burst out DPS instantly. Ah well, this will make boss fights exciting.
#25 Jul 24 2009 at 10:46 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Blizzard has stated a number of times though that they wanted to make Ret less bursty, and yeah it sucks, but that has been the design goal for a little while now. One comment from the Q&A said they were removing Ret's ability to burst people to death, then giving Rets more abilities where they are currently lacking. So, this is just another step in that direction.

As for Crusader Strike/Divine Storm: I did not know they counted as "melee" for such purposes. Another one of those things that Blizzard has really not done a good job in clarifying ... Kinda like "i before e, except after c - and words like neighbor and weigh" ... Saying melee should mean that, melee, or they should put in, "melee, CS, DS crits". imo, would be a lot less confusing.
#26 Aug 04 2009 at 2:38 PM Rating: Good
Massive update for 3.2 Patch.

Added Cloaks to Section 1.

Added Ulduar pattern items, faction items, enchants(including Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, and Tailoring specific) to Section 3.

Created new Section 4 and 5.

Rewrote talents and glyphs to match 3.2 information, changed options of how to spec.

So far so good in 3.2. Any information on how new Glyphs are working (such as Glyph of Righteousness actually being worth something?) would be greatly valued!
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