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*New, Updated Shaman Guide!* Patch 3.2Follow

#1 Jul 17 2009 at 2:10 AM Rating: Excellent
1,094 posts
Hello all, your neighborhood friendly Cestin here!

With oodles of free time on my hands and nothing else to much do, I noticed that Paracleets' guide (Though very well written and thought out!) is way overdue for an overhaul. Seeing as he has mentioned he no longer wishes to keep up with the Shaman community, I figured I would take a shot at it.

Or, rather just remake it. I've copy/pasted his format, and filled in the correct information. I will come back and edit this sticky to keep it up-to-date.

1. What is a Shaman?
2. But what is a Shaman, really?
3. What is our role in groups?
4. What is the best race to choose?

* Tauren
* Troll
* Orc
* Draenei

5. What are the talent trees?

* Elemental
* Enhancement
* Restoration

6. What stats should I look for?
7. What weapons should I use?
8. What is a good spec?
9. Are Shaman good at PvP?
10. What totems do I give my party?
11. What spec should I level with?
12. Anything else I should know?
13. What do I need to carry with me?


1. What is a Shaman?

Blizzards definition: Shaman are the spiritual leaders of their tribes and clans. They are masters of the elements, using spells and totems that heal or enhance their allies in battle while unleashing the fury of the elements upon their foes. Shamans can wear medium armor, and even wield massive two-handed weapons in combat. They are a versatile class that can wade into battle, restoring their allies while hurling elemental bolts of lightning at their enemies.

2. But what is a Shaman, really?

The Shaman class is arguably one of, if not the most complex and challenging class in the game. With a wide-array of healing, support and damage spells and abilities they can bring a lot of help to a party or raid. They are rare however, and only occupy about 6%-7% of the active playerbase. Unfortunately, as of the TBC expansion pack, Shaman is no longer what many of us consider a combat hybrid and is more or less forced to spec into a specific play-type, rather than be an asset on all fronts. Nowadays in WotLK any spec is fine as long as you're competent at it. We may not be an asset on all fronts, either melee or spell caster, but Wrath has given Shamans more freedom.

3. What is our role in groups?

Quite possibly our best and worst class trait is the same thing, our totems. Totems provide passive yet powerful and often unique buffs and support to us and our party for a somewhat limited amount of time, and have a short but effective range. No matter what our spec, make sure to lay your totems for the group benefit, either to buff the melee or give spellcasters some extra oomph, we are there to assist where we can. Arguably due to some recent changes in the mana-shield talent and mana-spring totem, we regain mana far faster than other classes and have some of the best mana efficiency for raids in the game. Our primary purpose is to support our party no matter what our spec.

4. What is the best race to choose?

The one you would rather look at for all those levels.. But lets take a look at each of the different racial strengths as they pertain to the Shaman class;

Taurens - +5% HP, War Stomp - One of what most believe to be the better choices, mostly due to this race compensating for a large weakness in the pvp aspect of the class with an AoE stun move in Warstomp. Allowing for a quick escape or a much needed breather to cast a heal, etc, and you can't go wrong with 5% extra HP.

Trolls - Berserking, HP Regeneration, Beast Slaying - While Beast-slaying really only applies to PvP vs pets or druids at max level, it can be an effective talent while leveling and should not be quickly overlooked. The HP regen while effective, is mostly minimal but grows over time. Berserking is an interesting talent, that provides a good haste bonus depending on your HP level and is great for helping with Burst potential, both healing and DPS.

Orcs - Blood Fury, Hardiness, Axe Specialization - One of the better of the 4 available races in PvP due to the Hardiness Trait, a passive 15% stun duration reduction. Very invaluable against any class that stuns often. Blood Fury also acts much like a Spell Power bonus trinket. Axe specialization can also be useful for the melee Shamans, both leveling and endgame, offering bonus Expertise.

Draenei - Gift of the Naaru, Inspiring Presence - The only Shaman with an available Heal over Time spell as a racial talent that does scale with your +healing or your Attack Power, whichever is higher. Also boosts you & your entire parties spell hit% by +1. And is currently the only race available to Alliance Shaman.

5. What are the talent trees?

Shamans have 3 talent trees, Elemental (Ranged, magic DPS), Enhancement (Combat, Melee DPS), and Restoration (Healing and support).

-Elemental offers an array of damage producing and enhancing abilities as well as several buffs to your most important damage spells. Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Lava Burst. This tree is effective at pumping out max amounts of burst damage and handles it's mana pool well. A solid PvE and PvP tree for ranged dps.

-Enhancement is a Melee oriented tree that focuses primarily on close combat and enhancing totems and group buffs. A solid addition to any raid melee dps group, Enhancement Shamans can be very very effective and efficient damage dealers. Shamanistic Rage (the 41 pt talent) helps to keep any raiding Enhancement Shaman full on mana for long grueling fights and helps reduce incoming damage in PvP.

For people interested in reading more about Enhancement, the math behind the numbers, the mechanics and the other stuff, go ahead and check out the Elitist Jerks website. Contains everything you'd ever want to know including the Windfury cooldown and tips & tricks to max out your DPS.

-Restoration, or the healing tree is often looked at as the raiding tree, and gives incredible buffs to mana longevity and support throughput. Almost every single talent in the tree is helpful or useful in some way either PvE or PvP. Resto Shamans also get several buffs to the best AoE heal in the game, Chain Heal. It only hits 3 targets (4 with a glyph) but the amount of healing is very mana-efficient. A very good healing class with great mana efficiency.

6. What stats should I look for?

Given your spec you should look for the stats that most benefit that playstyle. Elemental Shamans should focus on primarily Hit rating, Spell damage & Spell crit then Intellect and MP/5. Restoration Shamans should focus on +Healing, MP/5 and Intellect, but keep a good mix of all 3. Enhancement Shamans should focus on Attack Power/Agility, Critical strike rating and Hit rating to max their effectiveness. Along with Hit rating, Expertise is similarly useful and necessary to good DPS. Do not confuse rating with the actual Expertise number. You need 26 Expertise to eliminate enemy dodges/parries, but for each point of Expertise you need 8.1975 Expertise rating. Each one Expertise point is 0.25% subtracted of the 6.50% chance of enemy dodges/parries.

7. What weapons should I use?

Its generally recommended to use a 2H weapon while leveling up your Shaman. Especially with the early addition of the Windfury weapon buff at 30. All Shaman now have the ability to wield 2H weapons no matter what spec they choose. After enhancement Shamans reach 40, they have the opportunity through talents to learn to dual-wield 1H weapons, which is also a powerful option. Restoration and Elemental Shamans should use a 1H+Shield in most situations.

8. What is a good spec?

A good spec for you to be, out of the three? Any, do what you like. (Between DPS and healing anyway, Shaman tanking is shaky and odd, generally requiring the Shaman to have a tailored group who is willing to put up with it.) Or if you mean where to specifically put points, they will be along soon look in the sticky. Otherwise, go check out and possibly look on the forums there, or swim through Elitist Jerks.

9. Are Shaman good at PvP?

Short answer - Yes.

Long answer - Each player is ultimately responsible for how 'good' his or her class will be in a PvP environment. As most Shaman realize, we have some rather obvious deficits in a PvP aspect in respect to other classes, however it is not uncommon for many Shaman to succeed nonetheless. Remember that we are a group oriented class and will almost always do better in a group PvP setting rather than one on one encounters.

10. What totems do I give my party?

It depends on the makeup, and the tank. Realize that buffing your own DPS may not be the best benefit for the group and compensate for it. If you have a five man group, I tend to add up the numbers of what there are. I'm the healer, 3 melee DPS and the tank? Windfury for sure. I usually judge it from the DPS, since I put good faith in tanks and healers to not need the melee haste or the spell haste. 2 melee DPS? Windfury. 2 caster DPS? Wrath of Air. That's for the Air slot, but you get the picture. Whatever benefits the group the most. In raids there may be more than one Shaman, so sometimes just coordinating which you'll lay (so no overlaps, therefor wasted totems) can be the best. Keep in mind not all totems are raid wide. Healing Stream is group only. Be careful with your Fire totems, they can sometimes target CC'd enemies and cause them to break early.

3.2 introduced to us this shiny new totem bar. This allows us to place 4 totems at once, but at the cost of each, just added up. (So you're not saving mana, just 4 at once.) This change has bene mostly frowned upon by the PvP community, as PvP requires speed to adapt to each new situation. 4 totems in a predetermined set is not flexible, even if you have 4 sets. A good old totem addon is still recommended for PvP.

PvE though, depending on your group comp and who else is giving what, this can work very well. The entire run just tweak a set for the right buffs.

Quoting myself:
CestinShaman wrote:
Raid - Stoneskin, SoE, Frost Resist, Flametongue, ToW, Mana Spring, Fire Resist, Windfury, Nature Resist, Wrath of Air.

Party - Tremor, Healing Stream, Cleansing, Mana Tide, Grounding.

Taken from

11. What spec should I level with?

It's generally agreed that it's easiest to level as Enhancement spec, but if a different playstyle suits you, no one is going to stop you from speccing that way. Reason being is that Enhancement offers a virtually mana-free combat spec, using your mana mostly for heals or shocks, saving you lots of downtime while leveling. It's also easier to obtain melee oriented gear at lower levels. Once you get to Outland though (58+) Elemental gear becomes more common, and you can level as Ele up to 80 without a problem.

12. Anything else I should know?

Each of your totems uses a spot in your bags, make sure you always have 4 slots to keep them in and do not throw them away or destroy them. Also be aware that you can only have one totem of each type - Air, Earth, Water, Fire - down at a time up to four total. Most totems are on a 5 minute timer and are immobile. Most totems have only 5 HP, making them easy targets. (In a future patch, totem HP may be 10% of the Shaman's HP) And as with any class keep up on your gear and enchantments and make sure to repair when necessary.

13. What do I need to carry with me?

Ankhs. You need these to be able to self resurrect after you die and are a great help to all Shamans. They stack in 10s, recommend that you always carry some in your bags. Also be aware that Water Walking and Water breathing also cost reagents to cast, so carry Fish Oil and Shiny Fish scales to be able to cast those buffs as well.


This is a current work in progress, and is made as an addition to the current FAQs and Guides that are currently available. All changes will be read, noted and reviewed for accuracy to promote the best option available.

Be sure to check the ZAM Wiki guide on Shamans as well, it has links to proper level 80 specs and holds other nice information!

Thanks for being part of the Shaman community!

Edited, Jul 18th 2009 11:15pm by Wordaen

Edited, Jul 22nd 2009 1:31am by CestinShaman Expertise.

Edited, Jul 27th 2009 9:27pm by CestinShaman

Edited, Aug 12th 2009 2:55pm by CestinShaman

Edited, Aug 12th 2009 2:55pm by CestinShaman

Edited, Oct 10th 2009 8:58pm by CestinShaman

Edited, Oct 27th 2009 11:49pm by CestinShaman

Edited, Oct 27th 2009 11:56pm by CestinShaman
#2 Jul 17 2009 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,094 posts

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Oh noes. D:

Totems are any Shamans best friend and worst enemy. A class defining trait, they bring very unique and powerful support abilities to every Shaman's ******** however immobility and low hp are their downfall. Totems are limited to a 20 yard range initially, which can be increased via talents or specific gear pieces. A Shaman can lay 4 total totems at a time, one of each nature type: Water, Air, Earth and Fire.

During the early stages of the game, each young Shaman is sent on a series of quests to get the different totem types. You are given a totem that will be placed in your bagspace, and will have to stay in your bags from then on. At the level provided, the quests to retrieve your totems can be quite difficult, I'll provide links to the totem quests available to young Shamans.

Here is the WoWwiki link to the Shaman Quests both Horde and Alliance side. They don't go into incredible detail about every little aspect of each quest, if that's what you're looking for you can search for the quest name here on Allakhazam for a better understanding.

Just so that you can understand the strengths and limitations of the totems you'll now possess, lets go over them together.

*Air Totems*

Wrath of Air - Gives a 5% spell haste benefit to members within range. As you could have guessed, use this totem in caster heavy parties, or parties where a Windfury totem wouldn't be prefered.

Windfury - Raises melee and ranged haste by 16% (20 if talented) to all members within range. Great for all melee groups and hunters. Used to be an on hit/extra hit aggro generating and DPS machine that was changed in WOTLK. But it's still a great help for tanking classes aggro generation.

Grounding - Redirects the next harmful spell cast at the Shaman or his party members within range of the totem, to the totem, absorbing the spell. While this totem used to be much more effective against casters in general, it is still effective at catching cc effects or harmful spells. A well timed grounding totem can turn the tide of battle too. In its current state, if a harmful spell is en route to the totem, such as a fireball, and an instant cast spell is cast at the Shaman or his party that gets redirected, both spells will be absorbed by the totem.

Nature Resistance
- Put you at a moderate level of Nature Resistance, does not always stack with other Nature resistance buffs. Sparingly useful, use it to increase your parties Nature resistance.

Sentry - Puts down a sentry totem at your location with 100 health that allows you to see from the totems point of view. Also shows you when it gets destroyed. You can right-click the buff to switch views between your character and the totem. Has very very limited use.

*Earth Totems*

Tremor - Every 3 seconds this totem pulses the ground, removing any fear, charm or sleep effect to party members within the totems 30 yard range, including Seduction and Mind Control. Due to the nature of fear, and the range of the totem, often times you will run out of range of the totem while feared and the effect will not be removed. Still a useful totem to put down in fights regardless.

Strength of Earth - Adds a moderate amount of Strength and Agility to members within range. Very useful for all melee classes and ranged classes that benefit from Strength and Agility.

Stoneclaw - "Taunts" the area directly surrounding the totem in an attempt to get enemies to attack it, rather than the caster. The totem has a moderate amount of HP and can generally* tank a like-level mob for a few seconds. Great for when you get passing aggro or multiple mobs on a pull while soloing. Each hit against the totem has a 50% chance to stun the attacker. Can also be a great way to juke other players in a pvp environment, can sometimes work to stun the other unsuspecting player who may be following you destroying your totems. It also shields your other totems for a small amount, designed to 'protect' the others in PvP. Isn't very strong though. *Not a recommended CC for any instance.

Stoneskin - Adds a set amount of armor to members within range of the totem. Useful if you need that extra amount of armor for tough mobs or hard pulls.

Earthbind - Applies a snare effect debuff to enemies in range of the totem (10 yards) that reduces their run speed by 50%. No longer breaks stealthed enemies out of stealth. Has a 15 second cooldown. Very effective snaring totem if not killed instantly. Useful for kiting similar to a Hunter's Frost trap, only it's destroyable.

*Water Totems*

Healing Stream - Returns a small amount of HP every 2 seconds to each group member within range. Can be improved via Restoration talents to become much more effective. It sounds insignificant, but it scales with your +healing, 6% of it each tick actually. With a lot of +healing this totem can really become a huge benefit, and often tick every 2 seconds for a small but decent amount of HP, making it an very effective and cost efficient heal over time spell.

** I have actually healed an entire instance using nothing but Earth Shield and this totem. True story.

Mana Spring - Returns a moderate amount of mana every 2 seconds to party members within range. Can be improved via Restoration talents to be more effective. This was recently changed to restore a larger amount of mana than it previously did. Great for use in almost any situation. More often than not, this will be your preferred water totem to use in groups. Does not stack with the Paladin buff Wisdom.

Cleansing - Attempts to remove one poison effect and one disease effect from party members within range every 2 seconds. Selectively useful, a powerful totem in the right situation. Especially useful in fights such as Quagmirran (last boss Slave Pens). Also good for use in PvP against rogues and hunters to prevent negative poison effects on your party. No longer works against Blind.

Fire Resistance - Puts you at a moderate level of Fire Resistance, does not always stack with other Fire resistance buffs. Sparingly useful, use it to increase your parties Fire resistance. Usually not recommended for use as other water based totems can often be more beneficial in weathering the incoming Fire damage.

Mana Tide - Gained via Restoration talents. Restores 6% of total mana to each group member within range every 3 seconds for 12 seconds on a 5 minute cooldown. Extremely useful and powerful in all aspects of play. A large downfall is its very obvious graphic display making it extremely susceptible to early termination in pvp.

*Fire Totems*

Flametongue - Gives your party a decent Spell Power buff. A definite in almost any group, seeing as there is no Fire totem that benefits melee DPS.

Fire Nova - Plants a totem at the caster's feet, if not destroyed within 4 seconds (2 with talents) the totem will explode, dealing a large amount of fire damage to all enemies within 10 yards range. Great for AoE damage or PvP situations for extra burst. Not recommended for soloing as mobs tend to destroy the totem before it detonates. Also benefits from the Call of Flame talent.

Magma - Plants a totem at the caster's feet that pulses every 2 seconds hitting surrounding enemies for a small amount of fire damage. Slightly affected by +spell power. Great for groups of mobs, not for single pulls. Be wary of using in groups as the pulse can sometimes break a CC'd target if it gets close enough to the totem. Also benefits from the Call of Flame talent.

Searing - Randomly selects an enemy within 20 yards and continuously attacks that target until it is killed or the target leaves the range of the totem, at which time it randomly selects a different target. Very useful in PvP for extra consistant damage that some players will just ignore rather than destroying. Be wary as the totems nature can often break CC in groups. Each attack gains 8% of your +spell damage. Also benefits from Call of Flame talent.

Frost Resistance - Puts you at a moderate level of Frost Resistance, does not always stack with other Frost resistance buffs. Sparingly useful, use it to increase your parties Frost resistance. Very useful in PvP against Frost Mages or other instance encounters involving Frost damage.

Totem of Wrath - Adds spell power and spell crit to group and raid members in range of the totem. Often debated as a bad 41 point Elemental talent, this is a very useful totem in caster raid groups, albeit easily destroyed and less than stellar for PvP. Was buffed after complaints of being too underpowered in raid settings pre WOTLK. Now offers a great Spell Power buff, along with 3% crit on mobs within range.

Elemental Pet Totems

Earth Elemental - Summons an Earth elemental for 2 minutes that taunts and attacks all enemies in range. A very powerful AoE taunt is cast every few seconds and the elemental is immune to any Nature damage. A useful emergency totem, can save the group from wiping both in instances or in the outside world. 20 minute cooldown. Has a fair amount of health.

Fire Elemental - Summons a Fire elemental for 2 minutes that attacks all enemies in range. Has a low amount of mana and regens it very slowly. Casts an AoE Fire Nova ability as well as pulses fire damage to any enemies nearby. All attacks are fire based, and the elemental is immune to fire damage. Deals a lot of damage quickly but is pretty fragile also. Useful for group farming or in emergency situations.

Totem Relics

A Totem is also the Shaman-specific relic for your armor slot. Acts similarly to a trinket in that it usually provides a passive benefit to the Shaman or one of their abilities. A list of Totems can be found here.

Edited, Jul 17th 2009 3:01pm by CestinShaman
#3 Jul 17 2009 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,094 posts
Third spot reserved.

3.3.3 Patch notes, relevant to Shaman
Classes: General

* Several raid buffs have had their ranges increased to 100 yards, up from 45 yards, to prevent select buffs from repeatedly getting applied and removed during highly mobile encounters. Some buffs, such as paladin auras, totems, shouts and Blood Pact are intentionally meant to have shorter ranges and remain unchanged.


* Flame Shock: The damage-over-time component of this ability can now produce critical strikes and is affected by spell haste.

* Talents
o Elemental Combat
- Elemental Oath: This ability is now always on as a passive aura.
o Enhancement
- Unleashed Rage: This ability is now always on as a passive aura.

Edited, Oct 13th 2009 7:52pm by CestinShaman

Edited, Jun 27th 2010 4:26am by CestinShaman

Edited, Jun 27th 2010 4:26am by CestinShaman
#4 Jul 18 2009 at 10:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Looks good. It is now stickied.
#5 Jul 24 2009 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
91 posts
Awesome initiative btw cestin :)

I'm not sure if it's the idea to post in here as well, but I would like to add that expertise (till capped) is a very important stat for enhancement shammies as well.
#6 Aug 16 2009 at 5:54 PM Rating: Excellent
1,233 posts
You killed the totem!

It was in preformatted text to make it fixed width [ pre ] tags, but still took a good 10 minutes and it never looked that good. Smiley: grin

Good job though, glad someone took up the mantle.

GL to future Shamans.
#7 Oct 05 2009 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
1,450 posts
In the initial list you have #8 detailing specs, but you skip over it straight to PVP.
#8 Dec 01 2009 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
1,233 posts
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It's our Ghost Wolf form howling at the moon, only 1/3 as cool as the 3 wolves t-shirt.

Yeah I'm bored today, /wave

Edit: Wolf Pic not mine, I just found it.

Edited, Dec 1st 2009 9:01am by Paracleets
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