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Thinking of trying DiscFollow

#1 Jul 16 2009 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I am dual spec Holy/Shadow at this time and am thinking of trying Disc/Shadow.

Ghostlands is the server I am on, Char name is Zanick.

I believe that I am better geared for Disc, yet have no problems in my current gear healing up to 25 man Naxx as Holy. Due to work schedule Ulduar is not in the current picture.

From what I have read Disc is a better MT healer. Yet I am always asked to MT heal as Holy. Would I see a big difference healing MT as disc?

I raid heal with ease as well, and from what I have read Disc is better now at raid healing than it use to be, Though I know that Holy is much better at it.

First off I have around 2600+ SP buffed in 25 mans, with Disc I would have a lot less. Would the drop in SP hurt me healing as Disc?

I would gain Int and Haste from talents in Disc, as well as have more crit.

I also have access to getting a Greatness (INT) trinket if needed.

Am I geared good enough to try Disc?

The reason that I stay /Shadow is that at times the raids I am in need more DPS or someone to MC targets and I use shadow for this.

I just do not want to burden a raid if I am not geared good enough at this time to try the switch.

Thank you for any advice you have in advance.

#2 Jul 17 2009 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
Link to armory would be nice :)

I played holy in TBC and found it quite fun, but when I hit 80 I wanted to try something new, and as you I read that disc is a good MT healer.
The heals u throw wont be as big as holy (G heal) but with the toys u have in disc they dont need to be as big.
I ussualy throw shield on tank and a renew, flash to keep them up and penance if they take some big hits.
When I run with guild I'm MT healer, but sometimes when I pug they want me to go on raid. Raid healing isn't to hard for a disc, but make sure they know you're worth more as MT or OT healer.
#3 Jul 17 2009 at 1:27 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
You have the gear for disc, that won't be a problem. Its a really good tank healing spec at the moment so yeah I recommend you try it out. I'm kind of confused why your guild would have a holy priest healing tanks though, very odd.
#4 Jul 17 2009 at 2:07 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I have no idea why they have me MT heal either, but the last 3 guilds I have been in have had me MT heal.

I did a 25 man Naxx pug the other day and was assigned to MT heal with a Druid?

I know that in some raids I have been asked to MT heal even when a Paladin (Holy Spec)was the other healer. We were about even geared and I stated that I was a better raid healer, but the RL still had me MT heal.

This is one of the reasons I was thinking of trying Disc. If people are going to have me MT heal, than why not try it in a spec that is better at doing it.
#5 Jul 17 2009 at 5:00 AM Rating: Good
Give Disc a try. I find it's a very fun and capable spec.

Personally, I prefer having holy as my second spec, rather than shadow. It's too useful on a fight like Loatheb (PoH, CoH) for me to pass up. Since I was dropping shadow, I leveled an alt to 80 for dps.
#6 Jul 17 2009 at 6:56 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
From what I have read Disc is a better MT healer. Yet I am always asked to MT heal as Holy. Would I see a big difference healing MT as disc?

Yes, definitely. Holy tank healing isn't even considered 'viable' anymore by the geeks at ElitistJerks. My sticky's actually a little bit outdated on this subject; technically, disc is a complete niche spec. What disc does best is actually fairly unknown, we tend to drift around in raids performing unspoken tasks that help the raid as a whole in some obscure way, but we are effective at our job nevertheless. Disc's rough single-target HPS throughput numbers don't even come near those of a paladin, and as of such a disc priest will not be solo MT-healing Ulduar hardmode encounters. That said, disc *does* do a far better job at tank healing than holy and you should be able to MT-heal every non-hardmode encounter up to Yogg-saron with it (even though some fights like Vezax may be painstakingly hard, especially so with a [slightly] undergeared tank).

I raid heal with ease as well, and from what I have read Disc is better now at raid healing than it use to be, Though I know that Holy is much better at it.

It depends. Even being disc/holy dual specced I often have a tough time choosing what spec to go for what boss, and the only reason I go disc 90% of the time is because I'm geared more for disc than for holy. Holy is better in raid-healing throughput (healing everybody in the raid up really quick) while disc is better at preventing damage by basically shielding the entire raid, and throwing a Penance where needed. Like I mentioned earlier, disc priest perform a fairly unknown niche role that no other class or spec can perform and which hasn't ever been seen in WoW before WOTLK.

First off I have around 2600+ SP buffed in 25 mans, with Disc I would have a lot less. Would the drop in SP hurt me healing as Disc?

Not really. I notice the difference in spellpower on my stats tab when I switch between the two specs, but I never really notice it when doing actual healing. I just take higher amounts of spellpower as one of the 'mostly invisible perks' that come with being holy. Both disc and holy have such perks.

Am I geared good enough to try Disc?

Oh, yes. Disc isn't a spec that requires awesome gearing to work. On the other hand, your mana, intellect and spirit do seem kind of low to me; you certainly wouldn't be able to handle content as disc you cannot handle as holy in the first place.

The reason that I stay /Shadow is that at times the raids I am in need more DPS or someone to MC targets and I use shadow for this.

DPS is a valid reason, though you do not need to be shadow spec to do the MC'ing on Razuvious, really. It just helps because there's less chance you'll fail, but you can easily do it as any spec, or even specless. In the worst case you get a lot of misses and 3 or 4 people die.

Thank you for any advice you have in advance.

And you're welcome =)
#7 Jul 17 2009 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Thanks for all the good advice. I can change gear and gems to adjust my stats.

You said my Spirit is low? I thought Disc preferred a lot more Int?

With more Int I would gain more from replenishment, + 15% more Int from disc spec.

Int will also give me more Crits, and as Holy I rarely go OOM and they say Disc maintains a lot more mana than Holy ever could.

What would be a good Int to Spirit ratio as Disc?

Once again Thx for all the advice.
#8 Jul 18 2009 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Yes, disc does prefer intellect over spirit. My message was more of a general call stating all your stats seem kind of low. I can't really get my head around it; your gear is very decent (plenty of Ulduar 10 and even Ulduar 25 stuff in there), but you've got the stats I had when I finished heroics on my priest. I'm currently in full T8+Ulduar 10 gear with a couple of Ulduar 25 items and I sit around 1200 intellect and 1000 spirit unbuffed.

As for a ratio, I'd say you want 70-80% of your int as spirit. If you got 900 int, you'll want 750ish spirit (heroic/naxx gear). With 1200 int you'd want 1000ish spirit (Ulduar gear). With 1400 int you'd want 1100ish spirit (Ulduar 25-man buffed). As holy, you have about 10-20% less intellect but you have 100% of your int as spirit. Which means you'll be on 800 int/spirit(heroic/naxx gear), 1000 int/spirit (Ulduar gear) or 1200 int/spirit (Ulduar 25-man buffed).
#9 Jul 19 2009 at 1:44 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
While spirit is nice, and by no means can you be without it, most disc priests prefer to really stack the int over the spirit. I'll give you an example.
This is the armory profile of our lead disc priest. He basically never goes oom because of the fact that he has over 30k mana when buffed. As you can see he's getting on towards having double int vs spirit now.

The reason that this works is a combination of the returns from replenishment, and the %age mana restore from power word shield.

Edited, Jul 19th 2009 9:44am by thegreatmothra
#10 Jul 19 2009 at 1:57 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Thank you all for the good info.

I feel that having alch/herbs profs is hurting me and think I will go Tail/jc to help with stats.

I also feel that I am gemmed/geared to much towards spell power which hurts my other stats.

I am also going to go Holy/Disc, have an 80 hunter to dps, as well as lvl a DK.

Remember that I run Naxx 10 and 25 still and would like to know how much spell power as Holy/Disc I should have.

Most times with other healers we are over healing each other, and as holy doing Naxx I sit at over 2200 sp unbuffed now. I hit over 2600 buffed, is this to much for naxx lvl raiding?

Would it be better to swap some spell power for other stats instead?

#11 Jul 19 2009 at 3:46 AM Rating: Good
Solohunter wrote:
I hit over 2600 buffed, is this to much for naxx lvl raiding?

Everybody likes spellpower, but you have room to lose a couple hundred to enhance other stats. Balance is a good thing.
#12 Jul 19 2009 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Thank you for all your help:)

I have researched some things and will be changing profs to bs/jc.

I will also be getting a greatness(Spirit) trinket.(have a Noble's deck already)

I will also change a couple of jems for better stats.

These changes will give me: 950+ Spirit(+ 300 proc off greatness)
900+ Int
2050+ Spell Power

This will be my Holy Gains.

I will also be gearing up my Disc with better Int gear as you have suggested.

Once again thanks for all your help, I think I will be a better balance Priest now :)
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