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What alts have ya'll other Druids enjoyed?Follow

#1 Jul 16 2009 at 2:34 AM Rating: Decent
I'm trying to branch out a little and experiment with the other classes since Druid is, more or less, the only class I've ever played extensively since launch. I think what I like most about Druid is both the variability of the class and how extremely mobile it is. Between travel form, the ability to snare/root, and the ability to break from roots/snares, I feel completely unburdened in terms of movement.

Right now I'm working on a Hunter alongside my Druid, which is similar in the sense that the class is extremely movement oriented but I'm wondering if there's any other classes like that to try out. From my brief stint with Rogue, I know it's a fairly fast paced movement heavy class, but it kind of feels too much like Cat Form to be as fun as I'd like it to be. And Warrior seems to be very movement oriented too, but again, bear form. Am I just outta luck after playing Druid? All the straight up casters have been too slow and routine for me – I've leveled every class to around 25 at this point and Mage was the only one that maybe would have fit the bill, but there's a huge lack of variation (or so I felt) in the gameplay of the class – and Paladin and Shaman are both very plodding in terms of movement.

Should I just give Rogue and Warrior another shot? Try and push through with Mage till later in the game?
#2 Jul 16 2009 at 3:46 AM Rating: Good
208 posts
– and Paladin and Shaman are both very plodding in terms of movement.

Paladins with some Ret talents (I think its 12 pts?) get +15 movement speed by hoof or heel. They also get Freedom of Movement and Bubble to help remain mobile. Of course, nothing close to what druids have, but I thought it worth mentioning. I also found my frost mage also felt very mobile. Maybe just because you make everyone else so slow.
#3 Jul 16 2009 at 4:01 AM Rating: Good
I'm of the opinion that most classes 'click' in the 20-30 range, so if you're not enjoying it by 30 it's probably unwise to continue. Right now I have Rogue, Warrior, and DK alts all with some playtime on them, and I enjoy them all (and was convinced of the 'fun' aspect of each class by the time I was 22~25, with DK having equivalent playtime even if higher level). I have a Hunter but haven't really given it enough love to get a good feel for it. I like the proof of concept for most all the classes though so I may not be a good testimony, heh.

As you play the game more you start to find that most classes of a particular archetype have a similar feel, so don't be too surprised by that.
#4 Jul 16 2009 at 5:05 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Well I have an 80 dk, 70 rogue and a 36 hunter I actually play actively.

I love playing them all, its a different change for each class. Yes rogue might seem like cat but I still love it.
#5 Jul 16 2009 at 6:33 AM Rating: Good
Technically my druid was my alt but now that she is better geared then my hunter she is my main Smiley: lol.
#6 Jul 16 2009 at 7:04 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
80 Death Knight
75 Paladin
72 Warlock
70 Hunter
65 Priest
61 Rogue
55 Shaman
51 Warrior
36 Mage

...and my Druid is 74.

I wish I could clone myself.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#7 Jul 16 2009 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Druid is my main.

I also have a DK I barely use, mainly to farm herb.

A disc priest I greatly enjoy.

A rogue I never use.

My latest toon is an arms warrior. Arms is a blast. I like it a lot.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#8 Jul 16 2009 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
460 posts
80 Druid (Balance)
80 DK (Dual spec'd)
73 Pally (Ret)
72 Priest (unspec'd, not used properly since 3.1)
71 Warlock (unspec'd, not used properly since 3.1)
70 Warlock (unspec'd, not used properly since 3.1)
48 Warrior (Arms)
39 Rogue (Sub)
38 Hunter (BM)
35 Shaman (Elemental)
And various others 20 or lower.

My Ret Pally is my leveling alt at the moment, used to be prot in TBC and will probably dual spec Ret/Prot when I get her to 80.
#9 Jul 16 2009 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
80 druid
80 hunter
80 mage
80 deathknight
80 priest
78 shaman
70 paladin
68 warlock
66 rogue
62 warrior

Smiley: grin

The shammy and the warrior I think were the more difficult to level. If I pulled an extra mob on my shammy sub-40, it basically meant death. After 40, it got much easier with stormstrike and windfury in the mix. The warrior after level 40 was punishing. It wasn't until I went to the AH and replaced all my mail gear with cheap plate greens that it got easier.

Of all the others, the warlock has been easiest. With lifetap and drain life you have no downtime at all. Oh, and deathknight was a joke to level - very OP.

Overall, i'm very impressed with the way Blizzard has made every class play and feel quite different. The mage and Spriest are a good example. As frost I used the slowing effect and Frost nova to kill the mob without it touching me. The priest just stands there and tanks the mob - most of the time I didn't bother shielding myslef because the mana cost was high and the VE heals kept me up anyway.

Whichever you choose, i'm sure you'll enjoy it, but druid still feels like home when you go back to it.

#10 Jul 16 2009 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
1,764 posts
Warlock about to ding 80, a ret pally that's 68. Arms warrior that's in the 50s. Enhance shaman that's 42. Nothing is gonna have the mobility of a druid, being highly mobile is our niche. Or one of them, anyway.
#11 Jul 16 2009 at 5:20 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
80 dk, 80 warrior.

going from the single most mobile class and self-reliant class (druid) to one of the least mobile and the least self-reliant class (warrior) is an interesting extreme to experience.
#12 Jul 17 2009 at 2:23 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Friar RareBeast wrote:
Whichever you choose, i'm sure you'll enjoy it, but druid still feels like home when you go back to it.

After Wrath hit the shelves, I leveled up a Death Knight, Paladin and Warlock. I hadn't played my Druid for eight months when I decided to give it a spin. On my Death Knight and Paladin, I'm used to just charging into battle with my axe swinging in the air, beating crap while mashing buttons like a freak. Going to the Druid is quite a difference since your ability to do well in PvP, as Feral at least, depends on how much you utilize the mobility of the class. Charging into battle in Bear form isn't always a good idea and you lack the *POW* of other classes.

Still, ten minutes after logging onto my Druid, I was rocking the socks off same level Horde players. Shifting in and out, utilizing the class' mobility, applying bleed DoTs with Cat, shifting over to Bear to soak damage and stun, back to Cat for stealth, etc.

Apparently I'm a million times better at my class than anyone I fought against (including another Druid in full S2, I'm in S1/S2), or they're craptastic. I fought another Druid, as mentioned in the bracket, and I beat the everliving crap out of him, despite him being better geared. He even got the jump on me.

And I'm currently spec'd for leveling/tanking while he was spec'd for PvP/DPS.

Druid, I've found out, is home sweet home.

Edited, Jul 17th 2009 12:50pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#13 Jul 17 2009 at 6:58 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
80 Druid-Galenmoon (feral is home but I have a resto offset. He was my 3rd toon, but is by far my main)

80 Shammy-Gavinitis (Elemental leveled from 1-80, though I played with enhance at 70. Have a resto offset. 3rd in line as favorite)

80 DK-Alessan (Played him to 80 right after x-pac, he's seen less than a day's playing time since I ran about a dozen heroics on him. Meh)

72 Mage-Weelilboom (Leveling now, he was 34 when I got my 3rd 80. Decided I wanted one so here he comes. leveled to 65 as frost, then switched to arcane. Having a blast with him. Probably 2nd favorite right now)

70 Hunter-Morladan (First toon to 68, sat there while I leveled my shammy, then my druid to 70 back in TBC. He didn't hit 70 till both those toons were in full Kara/ZA gear and even then he barely even saw Kara. Still sitting in borean dry humping his pet)

I have a bunch of toons in the 2-35 range (Priest, Warrior, Pally, Warlock, Rogue), but I haven't felt like leveling any of them yet.

(btw, Mazra, we were wondering if you'd come back to us :P)
#14 Jul 21 2009 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts
I have such a bad case of altitis no amount of cream application will cure it :S

My main server has the full 10 characters on it. I have a couple of mid 60 alliance toons on other servers, but I prefer horde by far so they rarely get looked at anymore. I used to play here at work during lunch on some ally toons with a workmate, but he is a filthy little gnome node ninja, so I stick to my horde guys now.

Currently I have one 80, a warrior, and really enjoy it. Getting more confident with tanking and being able to keep it together. The warrior is actually my main and my druid is my alt, but I am keen to get the druid to 80 to have an alternative at that level. Druid is currently 72. Balance ftw! Plus the guild the warrior is in is riding the SS Failboat. We are lucky to get 10 on to do Naxx, so we PUG and then we wipe so much we should have sore cracks. I am not claiming to be great at all, I have lots to learn, but for now it'll be heroics only.

I also have a 70 lock and 60 priest. Haven't played either for months. Lock was main during TBC, but cbf'd with it now. Priest was part of RaF that got my druid, and warrior with grant a level, to 60.

Anyone else feel 70-75 is crazy slow compared to 75-80? Maybe it's just the fact you get excited to be closer to 80 that it feels to go quicker.

#15 Jul 22 2009 at 3:14 AM Rating: Good
194 posts
I'm of the opinion that most classes 'click' in the 20-30 range, so if you're not enjoying it by 30 it's probably unwise to continue.

I'd have to agree with this. Maybe even level 40. Most classes don't get their "really cool" abilities until around 30-40, which is when they really start to come into their own. Of course after playing a druid for so long, it's easy to see why anything else would pale in comparison. TBH, I HATED my druid when I first started her. Mostly because I'm an idiot and after playing mage for so long, the concept of shapeshifting baffled me. I was so used to playing caster that I was determined to take things on in caster form. This didn't work well at level 20.

Anyway, I think all of the classes have something to offer, but it all depends on how you like to play. Me, I'm a healer by nature. My druid is all resto, I have a holy priest, a shadow priest, warlock, mage, DK, & hunter. My hunter is probably my least favorite at the moment as she just seems a little boring compared to all the others. Send pet, fire. Rinse and repeat.
All of the others have their own little abilities that make them enjoyable to play. You just have to find the one that works with your play style.
#16 Jul 22 2009 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
Having rolled other druid on other servers occaisionally, I find druid very painful to level until you get cat form. Wrath spam then bear form with very few attacks drives me nuts. It gets a lot better with cat and just gets better and better after that - we all know the joy of mangle.

For my shammy, it wasn't till 40. Hunter is great as soon as you get your pet. Voidwalker turns locks into leveling machines. Frost mages are pretty easy right from the start, but getting icelance for shatter combos is amazing. Rogues are a bit of a pain until you get distract. Dunno about now, but when my pally was leveling, I went prot at 40 and it was amazing - hoping runners would go pull another group to save you haveing to move is nice.

Each class has a different point where it clicks from my experience, but they all are interesting and all play quite differently. I enjoy them all now that they are all at least 62 and it is fun working out how to beat that elite for a quest using all that classes abilities to the max.

#17 Jul 22 2009 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Surprisingly, I like my DK. It's a fair change of pace from being a moonkin. Lots of buttons to press, lots of CDs to be aware of, pretty fun if you ask me. I tried a hunter, got to 50 and kinda let it there. Got tired of it.
Tried a shammy, got it to 30ish and got bored.
Tried a pally, didnt passed from 20.
Tried a orc warrior and got till level 10 and deleted.
#18 Jul 23 2009 at 1:24 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
Other than my druid I have:

80 Pally - was my main but now I only use him when I want to farm herbs, do dailies (not often) or if the guild need a healer for our 25 man runs
80 Hunter - has only just got there on Sunday and I am geared for most/all of naxx 10 with minimal (work all day and raid most nights) effort which seems different to BC and gearing for Kara but maybe it just felt that way :)
72 Mage - I will be levelling to 80 next (that is the plan but I usually go off on a tangent), my only problem is that I love frost and it just isn't viable for raiding
65 DK - like the playstyle and the damage that you can put out, can see why people like them
65 Lock - Demo because I love the felguard but only really used nowadays as my inscriptor making darkmoon cards
64 Rogue - Mut is so much fun as the combo point frenzy made me lol the first 100 kills or so because I was used to combat and the not so fast generation of combo points
41 Warrior - only really used to have fun with friends that are at similar levels because he is prot and I can't tank with him to save my life or theirs :)
33 Shammy - started with a friend and too scared to level this char without her as I got my mage to 70 in BC when she went off on holiday and the verbal abuse I got wasn't nice ;) I'm a wimp I know!
27 Priest - levelling as shadow which is fun, will go back to him one I said I go off on a tangent and end up levelling a random char :)

Edit: Forgot to answer this "What alts have ya'll other Druids enjoyed?".....I enjoy all of my alts. It may not sound like I do from some of my comments above but I do like that there is some diversity in the game play of all the classes even if it is very minor. Problem is that I love the play style of kitty too much that if I am asked to raid I will always want to use my kitty :)

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 5:33am by KevMc
#19 Jul 23 2009 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
861 posts
In order of fondness:

80 feral, natch
80 Ally warrior who is orphaned because I play Horde. Someone above said that it was eye-opening to go from most self-reliant class to least. Damn right. Love the warrior because everything is tougher.
80 Mage who is orphaned because people always want my druid tank or healer below. Mage is also opposite of feral, and more fun than the other ranged class I've tried, hunter.
80 Resto Shaman who is probably most played because every raid needs a healer. Chain spam gets dull though.
59 Ally Hunter whom I got tired of. Pet + autoattack = meh.
56 Retadin whom I figure is safe to level now that they're nerfing rets and it will require more than Judgement/divine storm spam to kill something.
28 Ally priest whom I'll switch to Horde after patch so I can have a disc healer, which seems more entertaining than shammy. Hell to lvl, though, even as shadow.
#20 Jul 24 2009 at 3:43 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
Someone above said that it was eye-opening to go from most self-reliant class to least. Damn right. Love the warrior because everything is tougher.

had an arena the other night, ended up me on my war vs a frost mage. easy fight for a druid; the mage loses, end of story. quite the opposite as a warrior.

long story short, i spell reflected a shatter combo (frostbolt + ice lance) and finished him BY THROWING MY SWORD AT HIS FACE.

was awesome.
#21 Jul 25 2009 at 4:59 AM Rating: Default
80 Ret/Prot Paladin
80 Shadow/Disc Priest
80 Cat/Bear Druid
72 Combat Rogue
54/32 Hunter
40 Enhance Shaman (Soon to be 80 :D)

Had to abandon my druid near the end of BC for my pally as alot of our guild tanks went inactive, very fun class, spend 98% of my time tanking, which is what i prefer, and ret is a nice change when you want to have a little fun, keep in mind ret requires no all...still my most active character atm other than my shammy due to guild purposes

Leveling as shadow was hella fun, but it doesnt get there till between level 20-30, before that its a little boring, but like i said, very fun after that point while solo'ing, dont like raiding too much, but then again boomkin was the only caster class i actually enjoyed playing

Got time to level my druid in the last couple months, spent about a year away from him then jumped into researching all the changes and idk if i can put how in love i am with feral again into words :D

Leveling a rogue has got to be one of the most boring things ive ever endured, possibly because my druid was my first toon and i was so used to kitty, havent played him much since WotLK, in BC 90% of Khadgar Horde rogues in pve were morons and just mashed buttons, it was pretty enjoyable beeing top rogue in dps wearing Karazhan gear compared to people in Hyjal gear, idk if i can gather up the willpower to level him to 80 though :(

Mind numbingly boring to level

Having about as much fun on my shaman as i do on my priest and druid, enhance is very fun to level with

All my evaluations are based on PvE so if your looking to PvP disreguard everything i just, i got my fill of pvp as a resto/balance/feral druid in bc, dominating BG's with all 3 specs got boring after 20,000 HK's :(
#23 Jul 29 2009 at 2:43 AM Rating: Good
678 posts
OP, my main is a paladin, but since I do have a lvl 80 druid alt too I guess I can answer from my experience.

Shammy alt. I leveled him, played him for 2 weeks, and basically he's just picking dust these days. Leveling him was ok, but not the most fun experience either.

Paladin. Boy, my favourite class. I leveled prot from 35+ and it's a lot of fun waiting for MORE mobs to come beat themselves to death. End game tanking on a paladin is a lot of fun too. Ret dps is not that great. Healing can be a lot of fun if you put time into it and dig-in to find better things to do than just spam HL.

Hunter. So easy to level it gets boring to do just that. I deleted my 1st toon, TBC 70 hunter, when I rerolled on a different server. So, naturally, I started leveling another hunter on new server. Can't get to leveling her any further from 60 onwards as I simply dread the 70-80 gring with the class. Totally different style of play from what I've grown to like.

Mage, still in his teens on my 3rd try to level a mage. Liking it more this time round, so might have potential for me after all.

Priest, made him my bank alt at level 19. Not too exciting til then.

My druid was a lot of fun to level as feral and I'm enjoying him as Balance/Tank (tank is my "secret" specc, don't want to tank on him much). Soooo, to sum it up.

Most fun


Least fun.
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