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Heroic Paladin TankingFollow

#1 Jul 13 2009 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
35 posts
Hey fellow paladin tanks.

I've posted a few times recently about gearing up for heroics and am ready now, I believe.

Just for anyone who remembers my earlier posts, I am now at 26k HP unbuffed, and 536 Defense. I will be getting the Teldrassil Protector tomorrow, and am occasionally running HoL for the Seal of the Pantheon trinket when I feel like fighting futility....

Anyways, just looking for some rankings on Heroic difficulties, any notes on mobility of boss fights, and pulls would be appreciated. Obviously I know the HoL fights pretty well, but am looking for others without many ranged mobs, which I don't like at all.

Thanks guys, and take care.

P.S. Does anyone know what is up with the new emblem system? My understanding is that all Heroics and Naxx will drop Emblems of Conquest, and Ulduar, and the new Coliseum instances will drop Emblems of Triumph. Any clarity would be welcome.
#2 Jul 14 2009 at 9:12 AM Rating: Excellent
1,634 posts
The first few are the places I found easy - after that it's just my notes.

From a gear perspective - I think you want to look for the Red Sword from UP and the Shield from COS.

Here are my thoughts:

UK – The simplest and most easy. No pulls or Bosses are bad.

Nex – Next easiest. The Heroic-Mode-Only boss is a pain (Fear) but if you pull him way back it should be no problem. The rest of the place is pretty easy.

CoS – Tough on Regular – Easy on Heroic??? If you are NOT going for a timed run – this is a great starter heroic.

Drak – Not really hard. A few pulls are a pain (Fear) but you should have no serious issues. The dinosaur boss is hard.

Gundrak - There are a few bothersome PATs to worry about, but not a problem. Never tank with you back to the water – Knockback will put you in the water. The snake boss is very hard and you need to read up on this fight.

VH – Easy or hard – all depends on the luck of the bosses. Read and know the strategy. Water guy get’s the lightning effect. Etherial gets Kited. The “Void Walker” has adds – you kill them if you get the DeBuff. The Bird guy has Adds – you do not kill them – kill boss then adds. The Dog has fire, don’t stand in it…. I think that’s it. Etherial and Void are considered hard – the rest are easy. Final boss is easy.

UP – this is a PuG killer. The 3rd boss is very tough for people who are not coordinated.

AN and OK – I think both of the BUG instances are tough. There are some tough pulls and the bosses are hard. Read the boss fights and pull carefully.

HoL – This isn’t too hard until you reach the last boss. I have 2 manned this instance with a paly healer and paly tank. You should be OK to stand in the last boss’s AOE. Just depends on the healer. Learn the final boss’s mechanics well.

HoS – The “Rush” section of this – where the Dwarf is working on the computer is a massive pain – otherwise very very easy. Some tough pulls due to position and patrols, but you’ll just have to learn that stuff.

Occ – I have never completed this instance. I have completed Naxx 10, 25, all of the Trash Raids, and most of Ulduar 10, 25 – But I can’t bring myself to do this. It’s just too annoying.
#3 Jul 14 2009 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
713 posts
(apologies about boss names its late here)

Utgarde Keep: Pretty much the same as normal. Move Ingvar away from his decapitating flying axe when it spawns. Your melee dps will apprecitate it.

Nexus: Pull the horde commander back into the corner to avoid pulling extra adds when he fears. If you can throw Hand of Protection on your healer when he gets close with his whirlwind, super. On Keri use Hand of freedom and cleanse to break out of ice novas and Pop divine protection when she soft enrages(5%?). Jump dont strafe. Its annoying as a dpser.

Drak Keep: Pop frost resist aura on Novos to reduce his blizzard damage. Kite the last boss out of poison gas cloud whenever your not stunned.

Violet Hold:
Water Boss: Position yourself so that the knockback knocks you to a zapper lever each time (saves you having to worry about someone else doing it)
Ethereal Boss needs to be kited up the stairs where the bird boss comes from then along the upper ledge to avoid his orbs killing your party.
Lavanthor: should be faced away from party. Strafe a little each time he does his cone of fire so your not standing in more than one.
Face last boss sideways to party. Frost resist her blizzard and save divine protection like Keri in Nexus for the end of the fight if you can. Boot deathknights that pop AotD and wipe your party.

Apart from that try and get to the portal that spawns above the ethereal boss asap. The mobs split and run different ways. If your not going to make it wait at the stairs leading out of the instance with your party behind you.

Culling of Stratholme is fairly straightforward too. Just let the group know ahead your not going for a timed. If you by chance get there with a little time left kite him away from his portal for a little extra time.

Not sure on badges but I think anything that drops EoH or EoV will drop EoC after the patch. I think the heroic daily quest will award EoT too.

bah beaten by another poster

Edited, Jul 14th 2009 5:35pm by arthoriuss
#4 Jul 14 2009 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts

HoL – This isn’t too hard until you reach the last boss. I have 2 manned this instance with a paly healer and paly tank. You should be OK to stand in the last boss’s AOE. Just depends on the healer. Learn the final boss’s mechanics well.

Nothing TO learn, really. If everyone stands together at his feet, and the healer knows what he's doing, and is geared, it is a snap.

If not, if the healer can't handle the novas, then it is very simple. Pick a Point A and a Point B, usually the Throne and the end of the glass track. He does nova? EVERYONE runs down/up to the other point and waits for him to follow after his nova.

As far as HoL, please instruct everyone to RUN! when the elemental splits up into small spider web lightning bolts.
#5 Jul 15 2009 at 4:53 AM Rating: Default
1,609 posts
Zariamnk wrote:
If everyone stands together at his feet, and the healer knows what he's doing, and is geared, it is a snap.

Unless the healer is a paladin, in which case this is just an efficient way to wipe.
#6 Jul 15 2009 at 7:36 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
What Z is talking about works good, but it's for better geared groups. I'm guessing DavidKP is going to be running with 'near-level' people (meaning not Ulduar 25 Raid Healer).

AOE and HOT are the best ways for doing this - so Paly healers - even very well geared ones might have trouble. You combine that with some lower HP DPS (That might get 1 shot) and you could have a real problem.

All else being equal - we are not a perfect group and we are not a terrible group - People have right gear and a clue....

On the final boss of HoL - I ask the healer and dps to avoid the AOE Nova. Keeping the tank still keeps the boss still and thus makes it easier for the DPS and Healer to get back into position. Most tanks can eat the damage - most healers can repair the damage. The DPS take a hit from time to time, but this startegy generally works. If too many DPS get hit or spend too much time out of range (You are damaged by being too far away) then that stresses out the healer and leads to wipes.

#7 Jul 15 2009 at 1:18 PM Rating: Good
35 posts
Thanks for all the replies guys! Ive run UK twice, it was the daily the first time I did it, tried Occ because its been the daily past two days in a row and gave up when I accepted a rez and didnt have my drake essence anymore....

Just finished HoS which was pretty easy, short story...

I go in as DPS because i realized how much fun it is to just beat the snot out of something with a big mace, well things are going great until I realize our tank is running a little bit faster than me.

I check his talents, and sure enough he has points in PoJ, 2 in Imp. Judgement, and guess! You'll never guess.... Eye for an Eye! So I proceed to ask him why he doesn't follow a 969 rotation, he asks me what "that" is.

Now I understand some people like the flexibiliy of the Imp. Judgement at 2 points, for example if a judgement misses. But he had no clue.

We get to the last boss, and I start to really look at him, hes only got 20k HP, which the healer hid very well by keeping him up the whole run, and then we wipe on the boss. I politely suggest that I should tank considering Im at 28k HP with Kings on and well, I know how to at least talent spec a Prot Pally.

He then decides he wants to DPS in his fricken tanking gear, no 2-hander, nothing, just his sword and board. Hes totally convinced that he does more DPS in his tanking gear. I insisted we do a recount.

He comes up at around 650 DPS, and Im at the top over the DK, and the other Ret pally with 1250 DPS, and he says that the scanner must be wrong.

Now, now, now, to top it all off, we get the boss down and the epic mail leggings drop. And he Need rolls them! Im like WTF. I tried to explain the "hunter weapon!" joke to him and told him people are gonna start calling us Palatards if he keeps that crap up...

The End.
#8 Jul 15 2009 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
4,993 posts
DavidKP wrote:

I go in as DPS because i realized how much fun it is to just beat the snot out of something with a big mace, well things are going great until I realize our tank is running a little bit faster than me.

I check his talents, and sure enough he has points in PoJ, 2 in Imp. Judgement, and guess! You'll never guess.... Eye for an Eye!

Pursuit of Justice is a valid tank talent, moving faster can help you in some fights. It is the same reason why Tuskarr's Vitality (people take PoJ just so they can get full +Stam to boots instead of Tuskarr's Vitality) is considered a tank enchant. +Movement Speed can be a godsend in some fights, especially those where you are trying to kite a mob.

Eye for an Eye though, is worthless. Tanks who are geared properly should NEVER get a critical hit against them, making this talent useless, obviously.

Imp. Judgment 2/2, is OK. Only really need 1, but some people like to have 2, just in case. *shrugs*
#9 Jul 16 2009 at 5:45 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts

PoJ is a tanking talent for Palys because we have no intercept/charge type ability and for the purposes of kiting. (1st boss of Spider wing :)

EoE is not a tanking spec. Frankly it's not a DPS spec either. If I recall it does reflective damage for being hit with a crit - hopefully, if you are a DPS you aren't being hit at all. I believe this is largely a PVP tool.

The Imp. Judge is ok. There are more optimal things to do, but it's not like he choose a healing talent...

The other guy didn't know what he was doing, but that doesn't mean much or prove anything. I purposely spec'd for more DPS when I was at that phase because I solo'd a lot. Optimal tanking (Your reference to 969) isn't needed until later. You are by no means wrong for trying to do it right, but if some dude isn't pefect - it's unlikely you'll be punished with a wipe so long as the rest of the group and the healer know their jobs.

In the end - mark the guy, next time you get a /invite do a check on him. See if he's straightened himself out. When I started there was this ****** Warrior tank named Tankerz or something like that. He was terrible. Couldn't hold hate, insisted on less than optimal use of my mage's Sheep, and several other annoying factors. I grouped with the dude later - he was great. Got into a guild that straightened him out - he was great....
#10 Jul 20 2009 at 6:56 AM Rating: Excellent
208 posts
I just made 80 this weekend and I'm very near having my def at 535, but my HP is not near the OP's 26k. I think, once I put on some enchants I'm missing, I will be closer to 23k. I haven't done any instances above Gundark yet which I guess could account for some less stamina? 23k should be enough to start heroics right? I play with a great priest so that should help...
#11 Jul 20 2009 at 6:50 PM Rating: Good
PageCCCXI wrote:
I just made 80 this weekend and I'm very near having my def at 535, but my HP is not near the OP's 26k. I think, once I put on some enchants I'm missing, I will be closer to 23k. I haven't done any instances above Gundark yet which I guess could account for some less stamina? 23k should be enough to start heroics right? I play with a great priest so that should help...

Focus 100% on Defense chants first. Do not worry about Stam until you are Def capped. You want 540, not 535. Yes you can be crit immune to heroics, but I have been invited to raids IMMEDIATELY following a good Heroic run and if I was not 540, I'd have to decline. With 540 you can slither into OS or VoA or Naxx 10's because they are so easy that anything can tank them with def cap.

Once you have the 540, then focus on Stam.
#12 Jul 21 2009 at 7:00 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
What Sarion said is true.

535 will get you into heroics, but 540 is your ultimate goal. In my opinion - What Sarion said is 100% correct, but you are not likely to be invited and KEPT in a raid. If you walk in with 23k - Let's say after buffs you hit mid 25k - you are still low for a raid. It can be done, and by no means are you too low for heroics, but if you entered a raid - you'd likely catch a lot of crap.

Someone would start questioning you... The top DPS who was only there to help out will start to complain.... That sort of thing.

Tank goals
Stack DEF to Def cap (540)
Stack Stamina till 25-28k (Actual amount is debatable, but you want to be >30k buffed up
Stack for Block cap (102.4% avoidance)
Quit tanking and become a laggy healer or DPS who pulls agro.
#13 Jul 21 2009 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
35 posts
Hey there all, it seems like its been a week since I posted this, and came on to see it still near the top of the forum list.

I do understand that many of the WotLK fights are pretty mobile, but they are not anything that can't be done without speed increasing enchants and talents.

Also, before I get creamed by all the raiders out there, I havn't seen the spider wing fight or anything of the sort to know if we are fast enough without PoJ or Tuskarr's.

I did mark that player but decided to help him out a bit, the next time I saw him, he was defense capped at around 558 actually, in some pretty decent gear. But noticed his HP was still a little low (about 22k).

I took some time and sorted through his talent tress and realized he was missing alot in the +Stam % talents and got him on the right track. Hopefully this will make one more good tank in the world.
#14 Jul 21 2009 at 5:19 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
DavidKP wrote:
Also, before I get creamed by all the raiders out there, I havn't seen the spider wing fight or anything of the sort to know if we are fast enough without PoJ or Tuskarr's.

You're correct in saying that they are doable, in fact very doable, without a speed boost, but the point is that having a speed boost is better, not that it is mandatory.

As far as the arachnid quarter of Naxx, let me educate you a bit :)

Anub'Rekhan: If you're the boss tank there is an ability (Locust Swarm) he does that you will need to run away from, and it is much easier to get away from it in time with a speed boost. It stacks a DoT on you and silences you (stops all abilities, even auto-attack). Anub'Rekhan slows down himself, so it's quite possible to stay out of range of this ability with a boot 'chant or PoJ. 10 man you can stay in, but 25 man you'll want to move.

Grand Widow Faerlina: The only real movement to this fight for the tank is when she casts a Rain of Fire on you, you just move out of it. Speed increase doesn't matter here.

Maexxna: The tank doesn't need to move at all. If you're picking up adds though, they're pretty fast, and you very well may be running all over the place picking them up. She also webs people to the wall, so after you're "cut down" a speed increase will help in getting back to your position, but it's by no means mandatory.

A speed increase I don't think (point out if I am wrong here) is ever "mandatory" or I'm sure we'd probably have it baked into our normal movement speed. But when you can move out of "the fire" a little bit faster, you take less damage, save the healers mana. When you can get to the target a little bit faster, start your rotation sooner, build threat quicker, etc.. Would be interesting to know how many fights where a boss has died seconds before an enrage timer would have been wipes had the raid members (particularly melee) not had speed 'chants/talents :)
#15 Jul 23 2009 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
Maulgak wrote:

As far as the arachnid quarter of Naxx, let me educate you a bit :)

Hmm, I just did this last night (stupid Authentication issues preventing me from continuing the said run), so...

Anub'Rekhan: If you're the boss tank there is an ability (Locust Swarm) he does that you will need to run away from, and it is much easier to get away from it in time with a speed boost. It stacks a DoT on you and silences you (stops all abilities, even auto-attack). Anub'Rekhan slows down himself, so it's quite possible to stay out of range of this ability with a boot 'chant or PoJ. 10 man you can stay in, but 25 man you'll want to move.

PoJ is also nice as a Paladin OT, which I was. You can DPS Anub a bit and then when you see the Raid Warning that an add is coming, PoJ lets you go run over towards where the add comes from and get to it hopefully before it starts attacking healers and ranged DPS. That's quite a distance you'd have to run, and I was glad to have had PoJ.

Grand Widow Faerlina: The only real movement to this fight for the tank is when she casts a Rain of Fire on you, you just move out of it. Speed increase doesn't matter here.

Again, from the Paladin OT's perspective, it was nice getting to, and keeping up, with the MT as they moved her away from the fire, etc. Also, I was able to join in on the fight as soon as my adds were down. Its little things like this that add every second, and if you're running with a lower-geared raid, sometimes that 1% can matter.

Maexxna: The tank doesn't need to move at all. If you're picking up adds though, they're pretty fast, and you very well may be running all over the place picking them up. She also webs people to the wall, so after you're "cut down" a speed increase will help in getting back to your position, but it's by no means mandatory.

Again, as an OT, the adds.... omg. I hated that fight lol. I tried everything from dropping a Consecrate right near Maexxna, to running around throwing shields and hammers, I just couldn't keep those stupid spiders away from the casters. I ended up running several of em down. The lack of PoJ would have made it so that it would have taken me at least 5 seconds longer per add phase to get the adds. Considering she released like 4 sets of spiders, if I recall, that's 25 sec that I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off instead of adding some extra DPS on the boss. Like I said, in a lesser-geared raid, that extra little bit can count.

A speed increase I don't think (point out if I am wrong here) is ever "mandatory" or I'm sure we'd probably have it baked into our normal movement speed. But when you can move out of "the fire" a little bit faster, you take less damage, save the healers mana. When you can get to the target a little bit faster, start your rotation sooner, build threat quicker, etc.. Would be interesting to know how many fights where a boss has died seconds before an enrage timer would have been wipes had the raid members (particularly melee) not had speed 'chants/talents :)

One more thing I'll say here, if you're just starting Raids as a Paladin, you may get asked to OT more than MT. The whole spirit of OT, is to assist the MT in tanking duties. This means grabbing at least one, maybe two mobs off of the MT (ask them, even, how many or what they want you to help tank) in Trash pulls, and also, a big thing here, is if the MT goes down, your job is to immediately grab the boss. Be ready to assume the role of MT if the MT goes down for any reason. Don't ponder it, don't ask, just target the boss and use every threat ability in the book. That's your job; to keep stuff off the DPS and heals. In my first run of Naxx10 last night, the MT went down on Faerlina *and* Maexxna, and I wound up saving the raid by taking over as MT, throwing my threat abilities on those bosses. I wasn't geared quite as good as the MT, but it was enough to keep tanking the mob until the DPS could finish it off.

Just because you're an OT doesn't mean you can be lazy and just wade through the instance doing nothing but tanking 1-2 mobs and just DPSing boss fights.

PoJ helps an OT a lot, because the OTs are the ones running around picking up adds, running back and forth from DPSing the boss to grabbing adds, etc. Also, if the MT dies while you're running around doing your OT stuff, you need to get to the boss ASAP; that boss is currently picking off your raid members one-by-one and every millisecond counts.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 9:27pm by Zariamnk
#16 Jul 23 2009 at 6:09 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Maulgak wrote:
But when you can move out of "the fire" a little bit faster, you take less damage, save the healers mana. When you can get to the target a little bit faster, start your rotation sooner, build threat quicker, etc..

Most of what you said Zariamnk is pretty much what I said. Yeah, I left out a bit from an OT's perspective, and I agree (as noted in my quote) that a speed increase is nice, but again it's not mandatory.

I couldn't really tell if you were disagreeing with what I said or just adding to it, lol. So, sorry if I misunderstood some of your meaning :)
#17 Jul 23 2009 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
Maulgak wrote:
Maulgak wrote:
But when you can move out of "the fire" a little bit faster, you take less damage, save the healers mana. When you can get to the target a little bit faster, start your rotation sooner, build threat quicker, etc..

Most of what you said Zariamnk is pretty much what I said. Yeah, I left out a bit from an OT's perspective, and I agree (as noted in my quote) that a speed increase is nice, but again it's not mandatory.

I couldn't really tell if you were disagreeing with what I said or just adding to it, lol. So, sorry if I misunderstood some of your meaning :)

I was just adding to what you said, more from an OT's perspective, especially since most "Mid-Heroics" paladin tanks, when invited to raids, get asked to OT.

Paladins make great OTs; OTs are usually running down adds, grabbing add packs during boss fights, etc. We're great for that role. We've got a good bit of instant ranged "grab this now!" (even after losing Exorcism, we still have 3 such abilities) attacks that other tanks may not have.

PoJ is just another coin in the purse, as to why Paladins make great OTs, and why any given Prot Paladin is most likely going to asked to be one during their first few Naxx10/OS10 runs.
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