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Little Raiding TricksFollow

#1 Jul 12 2009 at 3:38 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Everyone has them, some are obvious some are not.

1.In my opinion the biggest one is KNOW WHAT YOU CAN CLOAK.

-XT bombs(on easy mode at least, I havn't done hard)
-Ignis Flame Jets
-Mimiron Shock Blast(I didn't even think of using Cloak on this until a few days ago, we've been killing him for weeks)
-Emalon Lightning Nova
-Auriaya's Fear
-Sarth Fire Walls(you get punted but take no damage)
-Freya's Acron Bombs
-Iron Council Overload, maybe Lightning Tendrils too.
-General's Life Leech

I'm sure there are tons more but none come to mind at the moment.

2.Know what you can kick!
-Yogg-Saron Phase 1 adds, you can and should, kick Dark Volley.
-General's Flame AoE
-KT's Frostbolts

3.Know what you can Feint.
-XT's Temper Tantrum
-Emalon's Lightning Nova
-Kologarn's Arm Sweeps
-Freya Exploding Adds
-Ignis Flame Jets
-Iron Council Death Rune
-Iron Council Overload

4.Sprint is one of the best abilities we have. We get that much more DPS when we have to move.
-Emalon adds, sprint to them and you can get an extra second or two of DPS on the boss
-Malygos bubbles(P2)
-Sarth Fire Walls
-Killing Iceblocks on Hodir
-Running to Gifts of Eonar on Freya
-Mimiron's Shock Blast
-Razorscale, moving from the adds to the boss
-Thaddius jump

5. Combat Spec Tips
-Killing Spree during Malygos' Whirlwind will cause you to jump out of it
-Improved FoK spec is great for fights like Thorim and Razorscale where there are caster adds
-Be careful of where you killing spree, I have pulled a boss by accident by doing it.

6. Mutilate
-Use Overkill offensivly, if a boss has a phase change that will make you stop attacking, restealth/vanish so you have Mutilate for extra burst at the beginning of the next phase

-Anesthetic Poison on Gluth
-Anesthetic Poison on OS adds
-Wound Poison on General

And a ton more I can be bothered to think about right now.

Those are some big general ones, but there are also plenty of specific ones.

-Kologarn's hitbox. If you stand dead center of him you can hit every part of him without moving.
-Killing Spree on Malygos whirlwind
-Anesthetic Poison on Sarth adds
-Imp FoK spec to interupt on Thorim, can also work for Vezax
-The Mimiron train turns around, if you think you're going to fall off wait for it to turn instead of trying to jump midturn
-Mutilate spec on Yogg-Saron if you can especially if you're going in the portals. The extra burst really helps.

Those are all that come to mind at the moment. But please! Post your own little tips and tricks as well!

EDIT1: Added Yogg-Saron tips.
EDIT2:Added to Feint and Cloak sections.
EDIT3: Added to Feint section, made Combat and Mutilate Sections.
EDIT4:Added some things from recent posts.

Edited, Jul 21st 2009 11:21am by GodOfMoo

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 10:23pm by GodOfMoo

Edited, Jul 25th 2009 1:45pm by GodOfMoo
#2 Jul 12 2009 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
920 posts
Great write up Moo.

Just remember that Cloak of Shadows only has a 90% chance of resisting spells. So, it isn't a guarantee for things like Emalon's explosion.

Also, I was combat back before 3.1 came out, and you could Killing Spree out of Malygos' hurricane thing.
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. -Albert Einstein

Feyras, ****** Superhero wrote:
I think I'm going to sig myself, just to be different.

PSN tag: DavidChrist. If you add me, send me a message telling me who you are, please.
#3 Jul 12 2009 at 5:38 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Yea, its only 90% but in my experience it works often enough to risk it.
#4 Jul 13 2009 at 1:38 AM Rating: Good
Quick note on CoS DO NOT use this on XT hardmode. When you have a light/gravity bomb and it is removed the light bomb lets off a spark add, which does considerable damage if not off tanked. For the gravity bombs if you CoS them they leave behind a large void zone, and so must be removed away from the raid. I made the mistake of using CoS when I got a gavity bomb and put a massive void underneath XT wiping the whole of melee, was bad times :(

As you mentioned feint, it works on a whole host of other AoE abilties, I even use it in PVP to reduce bladestorm damage by 50%.

Another tip is using vanish offensively, most people see vanish as an 'oh ****' button. I tend to use just before we pop heroism or go into a burn phase. Vanish>ambush>mutilate>envenom for some quick burst and you also gain overkill. Referring back to XT hardmode me and the other rogue vanish and tricks each other before the heart phase for some considerable burst.

Also vanish can be used to break roots/snares, which can sometimes be useful on Hodir, however I never tend to use it with dispells going off etc.

I also tend to be using distract a lot more, bosses with patrols eg. Auriaya/Freya to buy additional time before the pull.

Edited, Jul 13th 2009 5:50am by Jepetto
#5 Jul 13 2009 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
6,129 posts
I don't even clos anymore on Emalon.

A feint will only make the nova do about 8k and if your healers aren't retarded you should be good.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#6 Jul 13 2009 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
924 posts
Nice teddy. You can also cloak the Flame Wall on sarth, it still punts you around but you don't take damage.
#7 Jul 14 2009 at 3:16 PM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
1. Don't die.
2. Don't stand in fire*.
3. Don't suck.

*Except on Hodir, of course.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#8 Jul 15 2009 at 6:55 AM Rating: Good
82 posts
Just gonna reiterate that Feint is great for a bunch of fights that you can just reduce the amount of healing taken required.

I'm not 100% sure but it seemed to work on Iron Councils death rune and the overload(as protection in case Cloak fails). You can use it on Kolo sweeps, during the small treant phase on Freya if your raid heals are lacking, Xt like others have said, Ignis flame jets if Cloak is on CD same. And last week I was using it with Frozen blows on Hodir, although I couldnt tell if it made a difference or not.

I'm sure there are other places it can be used too and the energy loss is moot because of time off boss when running from certain AoE's.

Edit: Mutilate Rogues... VANISH. Mimiron at the end of each phase or at least at the end of phase one and 3 you should vanish to gain Overkill. Same can be said for any time away from the boss that the stop in auto swing and 2 GCD's wont affect DPS.

Edited, Jul 15th 2009 8:58am by Contalyst
#9 Jul 17 2009 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
185 posts
- Don't forget you can not only kick Stormcaller on Iron Council, but you can also stun him to make life that much easier on the tank's healer (also good if you accidentally hit your kick button while on whirl duty). Some trash mobs have wicked abilities...kick/stun ftw.

- Most raiders probably already know this, but Trick your tank at the start (or on AOE pulls like Razorscale) to plant aggro, then trade tricks with another rogue afterwards. I like to /focus my tricks partner and use a focus macro. A must for XT heart, but good practice in general. You can also do this on new Emalon spawns if your OT is really bad and adds run amok (but be careful that he isn't out of range or you get fact, if you have to do this, your hunters fail and you need to find another group).

#showtooltip Tricks of the Trade
/cast [target=focus] Tricks of the Trade

- When a tank goes down, I'm often at the top of the threat list. Pop evasion and tank long enough for a druid to Brez the tank - situational and fairly rare (hopefully), but it can save a wipe. Don't forget CloS and Feint as mitigation tools while "tanking". If you think you're going down, vanish and let the next rogue on the hate list pick it up. Your mileage may vary depending on your dps (in my guild, combat rogues are generally top dps and subsequently, near the top of the threat meters...not so much muti rogues since they use vanish offensively).

- Want to stroke your epeen? AR(+BF)+FoK on large trash pulls! Just be sure to trick on your tank or be ready to hit evasion/vanish.

- Assassination. Trick on fellow raider standing a bit too close to large trash pack. Toss dagger at mob. /laugh and vanish. Not recommended if your RL is **** or your raid has been failing, but good for kicks. My rogue partner and I do this all the time on each other to keep life interesting.

- Vanish chicken. Similar concept. Opposing rogues aggro mobs. Last one to vanish w/o dying wins. Works even better if you trick the other rogue first and they don't realize it.
#10 Jul 18 2009 at 10:22 AM Rating: Default
6,129 posts
- Assassination. Trick on fellow raider standing a bit too close to large trash pack. Toss dagger at mob. /laugh and vanish. Not recommended if your RL is **** or your raid has been failing, but good for kicks. My rogue partner and I do this all the time on each other to keep life interesting.

In Pug's me and my friend would find a Rogue to pick on... then we would both tricks him and go balls to the wall on dps on bosses. Other Rogue would die within 3 secodns every attempt.

Then we would make fun of them in raid for 1. not knowing what was going on and 2. for dying within 3 seconds.

Even had one guy not even open on attempt 4 or 5, and he stays in stealth. We tricks him, boss aggro's and he flips because he cannot understand how he is aggro'ing hahaha.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#11 Jul 18 2009 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
924 posts
Teddy, we did that to our raid leader/guild leader (a priest) through all of naxx/sarth/maly/ulduar. It took him five months to figure out why he was dying xD
#12 Jul 19 2009 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
You mentioned Imp Throwing spec/Fok for one fight, it's pretty much a must have for 25man freya+3. Good for 1light and 0light 25yogg as well.

If you're doing Vezax hard mode, make sure General is /focus at the start of the fight. You'll want this kick macro:

/cast [target=focus,exists] [] Kick

This kicks your focus, and if you have no focus, it kicks your target. Mortalstrike/wound poison is huge on this fight as well.

Edited, Jul 19th 2009 1:53pm by PhaseSix
#13 Jul 21 2009 at 1:39 AM Rating: Good
802 posts
kick the frost bolts on KT naxx 10, 25. Helps out healing by a lot.
The lessrabi achievement, his transformation needs to be kicked :)

I usually use sprint for the jump from the electricity dudes to thaddius. For some reason people (including me) keep falling off.
Up till now i never used feint but use sprint to get out of emalon's lightning nova at the last possible time and use sprint to get back into the fight.

Anyone know if a combination of feint/CoS would help against toilet guy? The guy with the green stuff coming from the floor? I always forget his name.

I found out the malygos killing spree trick myself, its great :D

Anesthetic poison on gluth for his enrage phase. Don't know if it works on Grand Widow Faerlina, maybe someone can verify :)
#14 Jul 23 2009 at 6:23 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts

Blow CDs every time they are up or sync them with Heroism?
#15 Jul 23 2009 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
920 posts
I normally blow mine ASAP. You never know when you're going to get bloodlust, so it makes more sense to me to do it as soon as you get your rotation going.
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. -Albert Einstein

Feyras, ****** Superhero wrote:
I think I'm going to sig myself, just to be different.

PSN tag: DavidChrist. If you add me, send me a message telling me who you are, please.
#16 Jul 23 2009 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
CD's should be used with hero if it doesnt limit the amount you can use in a fight. ie making you only use BF 3 times in a 8.5 min fight rather then 4... Also you should get a feel for the fight as to when the raid blows hero on that fight.

On big trick I also forgot was Cloak Life Leech on general asap. A pretty big one.

Also if on kick rotations, pool to 60 before finishers if you are next in the rotation.
#17 Jul 24 2009 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
On big trick I also forgot was Cloak Life Leech on general asap. A pretty big one.

If melee are getting Life Leech I think everything will have gone to hell as is. Unless you do something radically different than my guild does.
#18 Jul 24 2009 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
82 posts
We kite him thru the Surge of Darkness. the odd time a melee is 15 yds away as he just motors in the kite phase at times. I'm not a bad player at all, and I've had it on me once.

We do this just so we dont have to blow thru CD's to keep tank alive during that phase.
#19 Jul 25 2009 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Ah, we keep him in place. Ever since we started doing that we've been killing him instead of wiping. It helps we have an absurd Druid tank for it.

But yea, in that case it does make sense.
#20 Aug 08 2009 at 4:51 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Disarming the first boss of the Northrend Beasts Encounter.
#21 Aug 08 2009 at 5:41 AM Rating: Decent
811 posts
You can also cloak the poison in phase 2.
#22 Aug 15 2009 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
If you time Killing Spree right you can ignore fears. I KSed Auriaya as she was casting and the fear didn't effect me. Not sure on other bosses though.
#23 Sep 02 2009 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Feint works on everything on Koralon. Use it often to help your healers out (pugs).
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
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