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Death Knight PvP (Mostly specs talk)Follow

#27 Jul 05 2009 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good
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yeah, it basically means 15% move speed bonus in every presence.

as for cinderglacier, your mileage may vary, but i cant stand fallen crusader. im thinking more arena-centric when i say that however, as in BGs i can agree that the extra bit of healing from crusader makes a big difference.
#28 Jul 06 2009 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
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Mozared wrote:
Color me clueless, but what does Unholy Presence have to do with Rage of Rivendare?

Quor picked up improved unholy aura in his build which makes sure you get the 15% movement speed bonus regardless of the aura you're in. Seeing as 1 sec faster on the runes isn't as brilliant that talent basically means you can play in frost or blood presence over unholy without losing any good bonusses.

But.. what does it have to do with Rage of Rivendare? Rage of Rivendare causes you to do 10% more damage to targets with Blood Plague (your Blood Plague, to be precise). I don't see how.. ohh, you mean the 10% from Rage of Rivendare is balanced out by the 15% from Blood Presence?

Well, I always PvP in Blood Presence, unless I'm taking major heat. 15% damage is just too good to pass, even if you get to move faster. With Chains of Ice, Death Grip and Goul Stun, I rarely find myself in a situation where I need a 15% speed bonus to keep up with my opponent. Hunters just do their backflip thing (Disengage was changed?) and snare me from 36 yards away. Rogues and Druids just Sprint away, not to mention most Druids move a lot faster than normal in Cat form (not to mention Travel Form). Shaman can snare and move fast in Ghost Wolf form. Mages Blink away.

Warriors, Priests and Warlocks are the only ones I would be able to catch, but rarely they're running away from me. And even if they are, it means they're not attacking me and since I need to catch them, I'm not within melee range either, so Blood Presence is useless. Go go Unholy Presence or, you know, Death Grip.

Again, this is from a BG perspective.
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#29 Jul 06 2009 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
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That's true aye; for as far as I've noticed, in BG's your presence matters very little and the difference between the three is negligable. I mostly change it depending on whether I'm defending/attacking in WSG or going for a specific node in AB.
#30 Jul 06 2009 at 3:08 PM Rating: Good
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yeah, i take a more arena-centric focus since im always BGing with friends. my main goal is to pull melee off of my priest and warlock friends and, barring that, apply pressure to healers. i focus mostly on keeping rogues, wars, rets and DKs off of them first, since those are the ones that are most likely to disrupt things and my warlock friends can usually handle ranged pretty easily.

once the ranged issue is dealt with, even if temporarily, i swap to healers and do what i can to keep them busy while my friends finish off the melee. so im generally more focused on disruption than straight damage (the damage comes from the demo/destro dual lock combo we usually bg with).
#31 Jul 09 2009 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
So sorta on the subject. Trying to do some research for Frost 2's Arena. Running with a prot specced holy geared paladin for healing. Should I be using Frost presence instead of anything else? I have found that even popping Cd's and what not I am still taking a lot of dmg and it just seems that having frost presence would help out a lot. I have over 500 resil, nearly 600. not sure if that is the problem.

This is me. I use Unholy spec for my 2's team sometimes and I use my frost spec for my 3's team all the time. Lately I have been wanting to use my frost build for my 2's team and just wondered mainly about frost presence and weather to use it or not.

#32 Jul 09 2009 at 2:53 AM Rating: Good
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its great vs melee and it helps a bit vs casters. the real benefit comes from the armor and the extra health, but 5% less damage (especially with IBF and blade barrier up) can make a big difference too.

i typically start arena in frost presence, then once battle is engaged i see how the flow is and swap to blood accordingly. some teams ill never leave frost (RMP, due to their ability to swap targets so effectively every bit of mitigation helps) while others i swap to blood as soon as i see them (cleave teams, since im 100% certain theyre going to be on my priest or destro lock).

everything else i pretty much see how the battle starts to progress and change presence as necessary.
#33 Jul 09 2009 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Running with a modified Unholy/Frost build, I'm finding my survivability in Frost Presence ridiculously high. For some reason, people don't seem to gang up on me like when I was Frost spec'd.

I'm glad I changed my mind about Wandering Plague. Nothing like hitting someone with Blood Plague and Frost Frever, then using Pestilence to spread it to 10 people and watch Wandering Plague wreak havoc. Add Unholy Blight and a Death & Decay and you've got some pretty decent AOE damage that'll make healers nervous. Once their focus is on healing everyone else, a spell lock by Ghoul stun > Mind Freeze or Strangulate is enough to make them focus on themselves instead of their team mates, meaning my buddies can smash them up good.

Was top damage, top honorable kills (disease spreading, yay!) and top honor is several SotA and EotS.

Forgot to link my build.

Thanks to Morbidity and Dark Death, my Death Coils crit for upwards of 4,000 damage on plagued targets with low resilience. As a runic power dump, I find that very nice since my Scourge Strikes crit for around 7,000 damage on same targets.

Edited, Jul 9th 2009 6:06pm by Mazra
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#34 Jul 09 2009 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
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good to hear maz.

have you thought about dropping 2 points in unholy to pick up 2/2 endless winter? youd have to lose out (most likely) on 4% damage from RoR, but being able to apply FF with chains of ice (in short, removing the need to use IT) is pretty damn nice id think.
#35 Jul 23 2009 at 4:19 AM Rating: Decent
So since posting here I've been running my 2's and been using Forst Presence which is working great. We are making good progress and I don't die so damn fast now. I now have a different question though. Which rune in your guy's thoughts is best for Arenas. Remember I run 2v2 with a healing prot/healing geared pally. So I am doing all the dmg and killing our targets. I have been usuing rune of the fallen crusader, but someone suggested I should use cinderglacier. What are your thoughts on using that rune instead? I didn't think it would be very useful or that it would proc enough to use. Thanks in advance!
#36 Jul 24 2009 at 3:46 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
i probably suggested cinderglacier. an extra 20% (added multiplicatively to all your other +dmg% stuff) helps a LOT. of course, this is only for frost or unholy. cinderglacier is pretty useless as blood (fallen crusader is win as blood tho).

but yeah, id give cinderglacier a try. it takes some doing, but if you can wait on a proc before controlling and bursting someone down, it helps immensely. CG also procs fairly regularly; ive never gone more than 20 or 30s between seeing procs, and its usually a case of it being procced whenever i seem to need it.
#37 Aug 08 2009 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
In the light of 3.2 I feel it might be an idea to give this thread a little bump.

Points of thought/my questions to you:
-Have you stopped using frost presence in PvP?
-If so, are you considering blood presence or is it all unholy?
-What about your gear? With the resilience change, is it still worth going in with low resilience and some PvE gear?
-And last but not least, what about your spec? How badly was frost hit? Are you perhaps considering blood again thanks to the resilience buff? Is unholy still king? And do you pick up desolation in your PvP spec?

Don't be shy, I want some more opinions. DK's are too deep water for me currently and I need some more opinions from anyone who'se willing to give them. (no, not you Mentalfrog).
#38 Aug 09 2009 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Well, I found that my old Unholy build with Rune Tap became much less effective. 2-3k Scourge Strikes instead of 5-6k. At one point I felt like a completely free kill (despite some 600 resilience) and decided to give Frost a go. I don't have any awesome one-handers, so I went with a two-handed build and it actually went well. Frost Strike is certainly Gimp Strike now, but on low resilience non-tank targets, I'm feeling a bit of the old love.

Except when Warlocks heal through my damage with Drain Life alone. Then I'm not feeling any other love than what can be obtained with large rods and rear ends of humans.

Can't really tell if resilience has been buffed or not. Sometimes I'll run across players where my Obliterate and Frost Strikes hit for 1-2k on crits, which gives me an idea that those players have resilience everywhere on them. However, I'd like to think that 600 resilience is a good starter amount, yet, I'm constantly being wtfowned by players seemingly geared in same honor gear as me.

I should be getting a 6% damage reduction, but it doesn't feel like it.

Also, Frost Presence is now crap. Only thing marginally useful is the 5% damage reduction, which is nice, but not worth the loss of 15% damage, in my opinion. Really can't afford to lose much damage now that my Frost Strike constantly gets dodged, parried and blocked. Really, I've given up on fighting tanks, which makes Warsong Gulch not so fun.

By the way, does the mitigation from resilience increase exponentially at some point? So far it seems that 100 resilience ~ 1% damage reduction, but when I'm seeing 20-40% damage reduction on my Frost Strike on certain players (Frost Strike bypasses armor rating, hence why I use it as an example), are those players geared in 2-4,000 resilience? Is that even possible?

Edited, Aug 12th 2009 9:07pm by Mazra
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#39 Aug 14 2009 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Hi. Ive been reading this thread and have found a lot of nice insight. I, however, still feel the need to post my own spec for critique. Please don't pull any punches, but as always, be nice about telling me where I went wrong, I'm

This will be primarily for 5s arena, but also for BGs in my spare time. My other spec will be a deep blood spec with some unholy thrown in, but this is my "test" spec im trying out, and hoping to surprise some people with a non-cookie cutter go at it.

Wowhead Talent Build Link

Please offer any insight you may have about anything i may have over looked, or over valued.

Thanks in advance.


Edited, Aug 15th 2009 3:02am by voydangel
#40 Aug 15 2009 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
While I'm not really into 5s, I'm really not sure about that spec. Don't get me wrong, but if you ask me it sucks ******** - I like the idea of going about it in a non-cookie cutter way, but you've pretty much skipped every single PvP talent you can get in all 3 trees, you use obliterate as main attack which means Death Rune Mastery is kind of pointless (as blood you use it to get death runes for HS, but as any other spec it doesn't really matter if you have 1 frost and 1 unholy rune or 2 death runes) and you've got no Anti-Magic zone.

Don't get me wrong, maybe I'm too noobish at 5s to understand it all, but the spec just seems really pointless to me. Why put that many points in Unholy and put some random points in blood to get a useless talent over Gargoyle? Why Unholy Blight but no Morbidity? Why no Unholy Command? Why no Desecration? Why no On A Pale Horse? Are you perhaps solemly relying on your partners to lock the enemies down/slow them/be focussed while you AOE DPS like mad? Even if so, you'd want Ebon Plaguebringer, and you are going to be 3-shot the second you are focused because you seriously lack control and survivability talents. The only thing I can see the reasoning about is going out of your way to grab Wandering Plague, which should rock in 5s.

What I'd do in your case is either go full Blood (because HS should seriously rock in 5s) or go for unholy but do something like this if I desperatly wanted to keep Obliterate as a main attack, but preferably something like this. Two things I'm fairly sure about, and that's that Desecration and Anti-Magic zone are simply too good AOE talents to not grab when doing 5s. At the very least you'll want to change that.
#41 Aug 15 2009 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Well, thanks for that. I didn't realize a few things apparently until reading your points. and to that effect I have a few questions / request for explanation.

• Is gargoyle any good? All i ever hear is how people don't like how limited it is. or how they cant 'keep it up'. Was there a recent change to it?

• I agree with the Morbidity, I wasnt sure if the 15% to death coil was better than 3/3 outbreak or not.

• Unholy command? really 2 talent points for only 10 secs off a 35 sec timer sounds like paying $500 for a half-Igallon of milk. Is it really worth it?

• It was my understanding that desecration wasn't worth while because of its stationary nature, especially since, yes, I had planned on focusing on a pestilence/Obliterate priority.

• On a pale horse i thought was trash, only effects mounted speed. Although yes, 20% off stuns/fears isn't bad, I guess I just don't see its full usefulness =P

• Finally...why would death rune mastery be a waste? With both it and reaping, I would, after a rune CD or 3, effectively have only Death Runes, thereby eliminating the need to have to wait for any rune CDs at all unless by some chance all 6 runes are on simultaneous CD, which does happen sometimes, but rarely. You really think that effectively having 6 death runes is useless?

Thanks for the input, I do appreciate it, and i will be revising the build. but hopefully you can provide me with a touch more insight when you answer these q's. =)
#42 Aug 15 2009 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Gargoyle used to consume runic power and had a duration of up to one minute, if I remember correctly. How long you could keep it up depended on your ability to generate and hold runic power. Now it's just another cooldown you pop for additional DPS.

10s off a 35s cooldown is a 28% reduction, isn't it? Using your $500 gallon of milk example, it would be like spending two talent points to save $140 on that gallon of milk. Pretty sweet discount, no?

Edited, Aug 15th 2009 10:57pm by Mazra
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#43 Aug 15 2009 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Is gargoyle any good? All i ever hear is how people don't like how limited it is. or how they cant 'keep it up'. Was there a recent change to it?

Yes, it's good, yes it's been recently change, yes, you're a pretty horrible player if you couldn't 'keep it up'. It used to last longer the more runic power you had, so 'keeping it up' was a question of keeping your runic power high. It's been changed to have a fixed duration and is even better now; pop it when your trinkets are up and you have a pretty steady amount of pressure on a target.

I agree with the Morbidity, I wasnt sure if the 15% to death coil was better than 3/3 outbreak or not.

No it's not, at least, not if you've got Scourge Strike. If you don't, it's debatable. I should correct myself here; you don't always need Morbidity if you get UB - UB alone is good enough to annoy rogues with 'n for keeping healers from drinking around a pillar, it's just that if you grab UB you might want to consider buffing your Death Coil altogether. It's up to you to consider.

Unholy command? really 2 talent points for only 10 secs off a 35 sec timer sounds like paying $500 for a half-Igallon of milk. Is it really worth it?

Hell yes. Consider these three things:
-A rogues' Shadowstep is on a 30 second cooldown
-A warlocks' Teleport is on a 30 second cooldown
-Death Knights are one of the easiest kited classes in the game

It was my understanding that desecration wasn't worth while because of its stationary nature, especially since, yes, I had planned on focusing on a pestilence/Obliterate priority.

I'm not sure who told you the first bit, but why in godsname wouldn't you want an AOE slow when you're facing a group of 5 enemies? As for the latter bit, that depends. I'm not sure how much Desecration is worth if you just have it on Plague Strike (I'm just finding that out right now), but the nature of 5s lead me to think that it's nearly a must-have.

On a pale horse i thought was trash, only effects mounted speed. Although yes, 20% off stuns/fears isn't bad, I guess I just don't see its full usefulness =P

It's a bit of survivability when you get focused, and if you're not blood, you're gonna need all the survivability you can get.

Finally...why would death rune mastery be a waste? With both it and reaping, I would, after a rune CD or 3, effectively have only Death Runes, thereby eliminating the need to have to wait for any rune CDs at all unless by some chance all 6 runes are on simultaneous CD, which does happen sometimes, but rarely. You really think that effectively having 6 death runes is useless?

Mostly, yup. The thing is that your main attack (OB or SS) used a frost and an unholy rune, and so do your disease appliers (PS+IT). This means that what your spec primarily requires is frost and unholy runes. That's why you got Reaping; a Pestilence and Blood Strike gives you 2 runes that can then be used for PS, IT and OB/SS. You do not need your frost and unholy runes to be death runes because none of the spells you actually want to use need blood runes. What Death Rune Mastery effectively gives you is more blood runes, and you only use those for pestilence. Your spec makes it easier for you to get pestilences off, and that is really kind of a pointless addition as you don't ever need to get more pestilences off.

The only little benefit having both those talents would give you is that should one of your diseases get dispelled but the other isn't, you can reapply just the disease that gets dispelled and have a slightly easier time getting your next Obliterate off because of one blood rune then being a death rune. But yeah, that's not worth more than 1 talent point.

And no worries, I've been aching for some more views on PvP anyway - it's just that the boards seem really quiet on DK PvP.
#44 Aug 15 2009 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
no problem, glad to be of service.. Unfortuneately, my main focus since I started playing has ben non-DK PvE, so unfortueately, I'm more of a punching bag in this thread more than a help, but Im glad I could get the ball rolling as it were.

Those explanations from both of you do make a lot of sense and I have revised my build significantly, actually, pretty much looking at your build that you suggested with only 1 or 2 minor tweaks to fit my playstyle and group makeup.

I do really appreciate the input, and i'll keep you abreast of any further dumb ideas i have .. lol =)
#45 Aug 19 2009 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Just throwing this question/request out here, but does anyone have any good pre-heroic DPS builds? Since I don't have armor penetration stacked, Blood is probably not an option. I do like the nature of Frost, even though they nerfed Frost Strike, but is Unholy still the way to go DPS wise?

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#46 Aug 19 2009 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
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I'd say blood doesn't do a bad job even without armor pen, Maz. I got about 2K damage in my blood tanking spec; with a 50/0/21 spec you should be able to get 2500ish. That said, the cookie cutter unholy might work fine as well.
#47 Aug 22 2009 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Care to post the 50/0/21 spec? I'm not so far into the DPS loop that I know all the specs by heart. Smiley: smile

Edit: I'm assuming you're going for Unholy Blight in the Unholy tree, sacrificing Dancing Rune Weapon in the process. I take it you get more from Unholy Blight due to Sudden Doom and power dumps adding to the ticks. As such, I'm guessing Dark Death and Unholy Blight are favored Major Glyphs along with Death Strike, naturally. My bet would be a build like this?

Edited, Aug 23rd 2009 12:43am by Mazra
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#48 Aug 22 2009 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
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You answered your own question in the edit =)

I don't actually know them all by heart either, but as you've just found out it's pretty easy to (re)build a DPS spec if you know the numbers involved; just avoid talents that probably wouldn't work for pure DPS. That said, if you really want to cut it close you'll want to drop the point in Mark of Blood for Bloodworms, but aye, that's probably not worth it. Last I checked EJ there was still a bit of debate between 51/0/20 and 50/0/21, but as a general build the one with UB seems better to me since it's more movement-friendly. And I'm glad to say that in this instance, I can fully agree with EJ (something I've been doing less and less lately).

Oh, you might want the Pestilence glyph instead of the Rune Tap one, but that's more a question of how you roll, I guess.
#49 Aug 23 2009 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Went with the build in my previous post, but changed the Blood Tap glyph to Pestilence (50g, ouch). Dark Death glyph prices are nuts at the moment, probably because people are rolling with Unholy Blight now.

Anyway, I haven't had the chance to test out instances yet, but PvP is confirmed lolcrap. At 600 resilience and 21k health, I die faster than my level 78 Resto Druid. My Death Strikes seem to crit for around 4k on mail and my Death Coil for around 3k as well.
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#50 Aug 23 2009 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
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As for PvP, that's obvious - blood in it's original form doesn't work there. I'm currently playing around with it, having to balance hit, armor pen and resilience in decent amounts to make it work. I'm confident you can get quite far as a Blood DK in PvP, but you need very specific gear and an even more specific spec.
#51 Nov 19 2009 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Necro for relevance.

With the new patches and stuff, what's the PvP build people are running with these days? I heard Scourge Strike got nerfed pretty bad and we all know Frost Strike is gimped. Do people actually go Blood for PvP now or do they stick to the old Unholy/Blood mix?
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