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3 Tree Paladin Changes for 3.2Follow

#52 Jun 21 2009 at 1:52 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
xorq wrote:
So far so good it seems SoC is 36% weapon dmg. SoV is a 5-stacking DoT + 33% weapon damage.

This makes SoV obviously superior. It also makes SoC a sub-par seal for all purposes.

36% weapon damage seems horrible for PvP. And I have to waste a talent point on it instead of it being a core spell like Seal of Blood/Martyr? Meh.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#53 Jun 21 2009 at 3:59 AM Rating: Good
170 posts
I'll apologise for my RAAAA like outburst on page 1 - I had a couple of 'those days' at work and logged on to see the 'Ret is getting a raping in 3.2 patch' and it was a bit much. I really like my Pally and have spent a lot of time on him (as have others) and the changes did not go down well. I, like many others, like the way it is at the moment and would prefer that they tweak rather than steamroll.

So I will be a bit more objective.

We are losing SOM/B which is actually 48% of weapon damage per swing. The new Soc is 36% weapon damage so that is a fairly significant nerf.

In addition the SOV change, although it will maybe match SOM/B with all 5 stacks and the 33% weapon damage but I actually think it will be less than SOM/B, BUT they have said that they will buff Veng significantly, my guess it will have to be pretty significant to be good.

The CS change as some of the napkin math has shown, should be ok in the long term on the basis that you have to mash it like a ****, one miss and it will become sub par though.

The plans indicate that they want to ruin Ret's burst, and the planned changes will certainly do that but I cant help feeling that they are picking on Ret - especially when considering that Mages, Locks, Shaman regularly hit me for 8-10k bursts.

Also many comment on the 'lack of rotation/skell' of a Ret pally but comparing Ret with a 'Defined Rotation' class doesnt really make sense, priority based would seem to have a greater need for planning/reactions/thought than a fixed set of buttons to mash.


Btw this is made up for simplicity.

Ret: 2, 4, 3, 4, 2, 5, 2, 1, 2, 1, 5, 3, 2, 4, 5, 1, 2, 5, 3, 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 2, 1

Other: 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4(Ooh special move), 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3

So whats the best move for dealing damage out of the ones coming up.


Do this move, this, move, this move and that move over and over again, if this other one turns up mash that as well but keep doing this list of moves in a cycle.

Any clarification avasilable?

Cheers all
#54 Jun 21 2009 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
another rewrite for Ret...who woulda thunk it.

be careful about judging the buffs/nerfs prematurely. with every iteration of "The New Ret" a slightly different playstyle is required(which bugs the **** outa me). likewise, with each retooling a new sorta exploit/workaround is found.

treading through the crap i have seen many sample builds and many sample rotations. the naysayers suggest that Ret has been shredded to unplayable. however, those that look deeper will see some room for alternate playstyles.

here's a few thoughts:
-is SoC off the hidden CD? if so, then party on. if not, fail.
-seal twisting for burst. stacking SoV with 1H for the dot, switch to 2H and SoC for a large hit(single and aoe).
-we can't drop kill a healer anymore. we have to have know CDs, know position, know surroundings, and set up kill shots.
-we weren't given any extra utility or CC to offset our lowered burst. we have only one chance to set up for a kill shot, if the enemy makes an escape(of which are plentiful) we are essentially dead in the water due to long CDs.
-i believe CS on shorter CD will result in MORE usable burst. on a 4s CD it will be used in more burst situations. previously, you would get in 1 CS before the enemy would slip away. now you can potentially get 2-3 CS attacks in the 8-10s you are in range of an enemy. 4s CS means always an attack available, where previously the enemy had about 2 full seconds while the pally was essentially on CD.

i used to set up my burst attacks. i used to open with some quick attacks and get full Vengeance buff. then i would combine HoJ for my big hits with Repentance to refresh my CDs for the next barrage. with the new patch i see a more "attack-mashing" playstyle with no need to plan CDs. Ret will always have an attack ready, which will keep the enemy on the defensive. we may not be able to kill a healer like we used to, but now we can keep them out of play with unrelenting attacks.

#55 Jun 21 2009 at 8:47 PM Rating: Default
1,912 posts
Hey Tomm, hi again.

Here's for your thoughts... First


-is SoC off the hidden CD? if so, then party on. if not, fail.
-seal twisting for burst. stacking SoV with 1H for the dot, switch to 2H and SoC for a large hit(single and aoe).

You got SoR, right? That's what "SoC" is turning into. Of course it will not have a C/D because it's not a proc, it's just SoR.

I have a SoC spec and I actually DO use SoC and with these changes I would remove SoC from my spec because SoV will give more DPS. Also because you already get SoR, what's the point of SoC? A different icon?

-we can't drop kill a healer anymore. we have to have know CDs, know position, know surroundings, and set up kill shots.
-we weren't given any extra utility or CC to offset our lowered burst. we have only one chance to set up for a kill shot, if the enemy makes an escape(of which are plentiful) we are essentially dead in the water due to long CDs.

"We weren't given" is actually quite an omission. In recent patches:
- Hand of freedom duration reduced from 10 seconds to 6.
- Stun cooldown increased from 30 seconds to 40.
- Warriors get a new ability to remove the bubble.

The fact that they did it very quickly and without PTR testing and waiting for 3.2 doesn't make this not be part of the changes.

-i believe CS on shorter CD will result in MORE usable burst. on a 4s CD it will be used in more burst situations. previously, you would get in 1 CS before the enemy would slip away. now you can potentially get 2-3 CS attacks in the 8-10s you are in range of an enemy. 4s CS means always an attack available, where previously the enemy had about 2 full seconds while the pally was essentially on CD.

Wrong in this one. Burst comes from larger damage on longer cooldowns and not the opposite.

The constant kiting of PvP favors abilities with longer cooldowns and more damage per hit than short cooldowns with less damage each. (We prefer slow weapons for PvP remember?)

The other downside is that it's going to cause a lot of GCD usage which will obstacle your ability to use cleanse and fol. Or have your DPS be much more heavily impacted by kiting and use of defensive gcds.

CS was "an ability" not so much for it's DPS but for it's "one big swing". The 3.2 verion is "an extra attack that is weaker than an autoattack swing". It has no effect other than the damage it does so making it weaker than an autoattack swing is something that would be inferior to just adding the same DPS by means of a weapon haste effect. And IMO, if I could chose between that version of CS or adding the same DPS by means of a haste effect I'd pick the haste effect any day.

But since you're feeling optimistic, while you were wrong with SoC and CS there are buffs.

The new version of SoV isn't that bad. It will completely interfere with Repentance so having to use this seal is a huge nerf to Repentance. However, it will DoT and against melee that doesn't heal you might be able to mess them up by doing a DoT-kite keeping the 5-stack refreshed. This will totally mess up DK, Rogue and Warrior. I know DKs heal a lot but much of it is with Death Strike, if you kite-cleanse properly they will just tick to their death.

The stack also happens to be a dispelable magic debuff affected by stoicism. Maybe none of you remember the mess it was to heal when rogue's antiheal poison was a 5-stacking poison and they also used another stacking poison in the other weapon. A 5-stacking magic debuff affected by stoicism is huge dispel feeder. If you add vindication, judgement, HotC and r vengeance this makes it complicated to dispell any other magic effect that you or your teammates add to the target (takes longer to dispel it all than to let it expire). A warlock could put all DoTs and they will almost always tick to the end.

And finally the SS-FoL change also means that your FoL will heal and HoT you adding up to 200% of FoL's heal, in addition to Sheath if it crits.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2009 12:48am by xorq
#56 Jun 22 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Xorq wrote:
You got SoR, right? That's what "SoC" is turning into. Of course it will not have a C/D because it's not a proc, it's just SoR.

I keep seeing this sentiment, but in that case what was "Seal of Blood" except SoR with a gimmicky recoil damage? SoR doesn't scale with weapon damage, just with AP/SP. I didn't see, but is SoC going to be able to crit (assuming it still can, but unsure)? If so, just that probably pushes it above SoR.
Xorq wrote:
I have a SoC spec and I actually DO use SoC and with these changes I would remove SoC from my spec because SoV will give more DPS. Also because you already get SoR, what's the point of SoC? A different icon?

Will SoV actually give more DPS in a PVP environment where it's going to be difficult to stack to 5 against an opponent? While they're dropping down burst in 3.2, the name of the game is still going to be to try to get someone down and not allow the healer to heal through it. The first 3 or so GCDs with SoV, you're missing a lot of SoC damage (5 SoC hits, assuming they don't cleanse the stack of SoV at all).

What about during leveling when you're looking to kill each mob in a few hits? Again, what is the 'point' of SoB currently, since it's so close to SoV?
#57 Jun 22 2009 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
tabstopper wrote:

Will SoV actually give more DPS in a PVP environment where it's going to be difficult to stack to 5 against an opponent? While they're dropping down burst in 3.2, the name of the game is still going to be to try to get someone down and not allow the healer to heal through it. The first 3 or so GCDs with SoV, you're missing a lot of SoC damage (5 SoC hits, assuming they don't cleanse the stack of SoV at all).

Current version:
Vindication forces people's HP to be maxed at 87% of their full HP, from there you have to burst down to reach to 17% of their HP and HoW. So in average you have to burst about 16-18K and then HoW before the healer can heal them.

Pretty much you have to try over and over until one of your tries gets enough consecutive crits to reach that point. Even if everything crits at the same time if the healer just knows you are landing hits on the target (he'd have to be retarded not to know it!) and just casts any kind of heal while you're attacking he can extremely easily deny you the kill.

And to tell the truth I've had plenty of occurrences where I DO get it done and the target survives HoW and gets healed to full very quickly.

3.2 version:
From 100% HP to 20% is an 80% gap instead of a 70% gap. So you need to burst trough 18-20K on average and then HoW at a point where the likelihood of surviving HoW is greater. So you'll have a larger HP gap to burst trough and do it with less burst.

Simply put, your burst already doesn't burst enough until you get several cummulative crits, at 3.2 it will no longer burst, so you'll just have to DPS until the healer runs out of mana.

And with the current version, killing a healer or someone that recieves heals already takes long enough to have up a 5-stack of SoV.

The only exception is if you are doing focus fire with another class (for example a hunter), that's the only case where your "burst" may work but if you're doing focus fire the difference will be little imo.

Now, if you were killing someone that isn't getting heals (like 1v1 on warriors or something like that) then DoT + defensive maneuvering will work perfectly. That one even works with the current version of SoV so with the next version it will be even easier.

What about during leveling when you're looking to kill each mob in a few hits? Again, what is the 'point' of SoB currently, since it's so close to SoV?

CS-Judge-DS-CS and move on to the next mob while your current target ticks away.

Also, SoR and the advertised 3.2 version of SoC seem to have a very small difference. Might as well go with SoR and pick imp SoR/SoV.

Might also want to look up WHY they said SoR will be the tanking seal. Do you know why? Not me, but PvP, leveling and solo all have a partial tanking element on them so if SoR gets turned into something that somehow buffs your tankability or survivability it could easily be the seal of choice for leveling and solo and there's even a chance it might beat the 3.2 version of SoC at PvP.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2009 7:33pm by xorq
#58 Jun 23 2009 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
713 posts

With every swing of the nerf stick my Pally seems to become more and more a tank and less of a dpser. I'm not sure what some of you other Rets are finding are your biggest hitting spells at the moment but for me Exorcism (glyphed) was by far my biggest critting spell, reminiscent of SotM judgements before they were nerfed.

I think my duel spec might end up being two tanking specs and my rogue will become my dps/pvp toon.
#59 Jun 24 2009 at 2:20 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
arthoriuss wrote:
I think my duel spec might end up being two tanking specs and my rogue will become my dps/pvp toon.

That was my plan, but I've recently discovered that I'm horrible at rogue raid DPS. I was mediocre with sporadic moments of awesome as ShS in BC, but with Wrath PvP playing a rogue is basically a game of dodging giant cannonballs in Wintergrasp and Strand, while avoiding all ret paladins and death knights. My only advantage versus those plate classes is my stealth, and with all the AOE that gets thrown around in the average Wintergrasp, it's impossible to stay in stealth.

So, I suck at raiding (compared to my pally) and I suck at PvP (compared to my pally). The only reason I still even play my rogue is because I want to get him his chopper.
#60 Jun 24 2009 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
170 posts
Done a bit of napkin math and:

CS is a 'buff'(rofl) as it would do 102% of the current CS damage in the same time (60 seconds) provided you hit it every cooldown, if you don't then you will lose 7% damage per CD 'miss' where you do not use the ability.

Effectively CS is a 32% nerf.

The comparison of the current SOB/M and the New SoC is wrong - SOB currently does 48% weapon damage per swing, the new SoC - 36% (25% nerf).

Can't really do and comparison to the SoV change as there is no info provided on what they will do with it but it would need to be a bit special to counter the 32% and 25% nerfs (average 28.5% nerf).

Something that would definitely affect the pvpers among us is the change to resilience which will lower all damage - the resilience change plus the nerfs so far are likely to make it improbable (never impossible :), they could be AFK) that we will ever be able to kill a healer or someone who receives a heal. Also it will prove more difficult to kill anyone else as burst is all ret had and these changes mean that ret is unlikely to be able to burst a balloon without help.

#61 Jun 24 2009 at 1:39 PM Rating: Default
The argument of "we can't kill a healer" is much weaker considering 2s is being turned into the practice bracket. With more focus on 3s and 5s there will be more teammates/CC to assist.

I'm not saying it doesn't suck, I'm just shifting focus.
#62 Jun 24 2009 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
Loki wrote:
The argument of "we can't kill a healer" is much weaker considering 2s is being turned into the practice bracket. With more focus on 3s and 5s there will be more teammates/CC to assist.

I'm not saying it doesn't suck, I'm just shifting focus.

Because the only PvP we ever do is 3v3 and 5v5? I wouldn't even bother with arena if it wasn't a source of gear.

But ye, I know, blizz is focused on only 3v3 and 5v5 and ***** the rest. I'm "considering" other games, I'm not saying I'm going to "quit wow because I don't like the patch", but I might just switch to another game temporarily and enjoy a different style until I decided that the part of wow I enjoy works in a way I can enjoy.

Edited, Jun 24th 2009 6:47pm by xorq
#63 Jun 24 2009 at 4:49 PM Rating: Default

Because the only PvP we ever do is 3v3 and 5v5? I wouldn't even bother with arena if it wasn't a source of gear.

Well, in BGs there are plenty of other things to do than just picking the hardest target to kill and feebly attempting anyway. The "we can't kill a healer" argument ONLY applies to arena. In world PvP, if you can't kill it, run away or call for back up. In BGs, if you can't kill it you have those options OR the option of killing something else. Arena is the only death match scenario where killing the healer is important. And the healer is only a major obstacle in 2s.
#64 Jun 24 2009 at 5:25 PM Rating: Good
1,912 posts
Loki wrote:

Because the only PvP we ever do is 3v3 and 5v5? I wouldn't even bother with arena if it wasn't a source of gear.

Well, in BGs there are plenty of other things to do than just picking the hardest target to kill and feebly attempting anyway. The "we can't kill a healer" argument ONLY applies to arena. In world PvP, if you can't kill it, run away or call for back up. In BGs, if you can't kill it you have those options OR the option of killing something else. Arena is the only death match scenario where killing the healer is important. And the healer is only a major obstacle in 2s.

I've seen healers become nightmare mode in BGs.
#65 Jun 25 2009 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent

I've seen healers become nightmare mode in BGs.

That wasn't my point. My point was that in a BG rarely will you be facing a healer solo, with no help for either of you and no choice but to stand and fight. The game is not supposed to be balanced around 1v1 and 2v2 encounters. If you can't kill a healer 1v1, too damn bad. Some specs and classes fair better against others. You can QQ all you like about it, but what is your solution? Just make some OTHER class the one that can't kill healers? Or return healers to the Vanilla/Early BC status of being entirely unable to take care of themselves?
#66 Jun 25 2009 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
1,912 posts
Loki wrote:

I've seen healers become nightmare mode in BGs.

That wasn't my point. My point was that in a BG rarely will you be facing a healer solo, with no help for either of you and no choice but to stand and fight. The game is not supposed to be balanced around 1v1 and 2v2 encounters. If you can't kill a healer 1v1, too damn bad. Some specs and classes fair better against others. You can QQ all you like about it, but what is your solution? Just make some OTHER class the one that can't kill healers? Or return healers to the Vanilla/Early BC status of being entirely unable to take care of themselves?

No, you said, that if you can't kill a healer you should look for other stuff to kill. I see healers in BGs that make the "other targets" unkillable and I see it a lot. So no, heals are not an "arena only" thing.

And you missed the point I was trying to make. The point that I was trying to make was about the use of 3.2 SoC against 3.2 SoV.

You said something implying that you'd use SoC when you need more burst. When do you need more burst? When there's heals. When there's heals the burst of SoC is going to be a burst that doesn't burst. So the better choice even there will be SoV because it will do more DPS, and because regardless of what you use the target will last enough for the 5-stack to be up. And also because the 5-stack will create a huge dispel buffer that the healer will not be able to get trough.

Edited, Jun 26th 2009 1:30am by xorq
#67 Jun 26 2009 at 12:14 AM Rating: Good
387 posts

When do you need more burst? When there's heals.

Effectively, you need burst in general to become _unpredictable_ in the damage you deal. It is not only heals, but also abilities like Last stand and others, that become harder to use at the right time if you are more unpredictable. So burst is more than just overcoming heals.

And on this:


No, you said, that if you can't kill a healer you should look for other stuff to kill. I see healers in BGs that make the "other targets" unkillable and I see it a lot.

If you put it this way, you must also take into account that you yourself have a partner/ BG mate (be it a healer or dps or whatever). Teamwork should then be able to drop the healer (or their teamwork drops yours). You can not expect to encounter a healer and "another" and be able to burst the healer solo.
#68 Jun 26 2009 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
Effectively, you need burst in general to become _unpredictable_ in the damage you deal. It is not only heals, but also abilities like Last stand and others, that become harder to use at the right time if you are more unpredictable. So burst is more than just overcoming heals

this kind of burst was a mixed bag. it meant you needed to get the drop on someone and hope you could kill them in one rotation. if you didn't get the kill shot, this would let them set up while your rotation was on CD. as a Ret pally i was seeing resilience become more of a factor in this kind of play.

the new set up allows for unrelenting smaller attacks that can get stronger as the fight goes on. sure, the burst becomes more predictable but it allows the pally to get the kill-shot off more reliably. i can't count how many times that last HoW just didn't do the job and i'd have to wait for something else to come off CD. the 3.2 playstyle, will at least keep the pressure on if the enemy is not killed.

i foresee at least one other new ability being added in the near future. could be an interrupt, could be a finisher, could be an on-the-fly buff. it will probably be something to reward a proper opener and a proper setup...something less RNG for once.
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