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3 Tree Paladin Changes for 3.2Follow

#27 Jun 18 2009 at 7:05 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
xorq wrote:
This is why you can't have a main, you need many level 80's so that you can switch each time your main gets broken. Well, for some classes this is easier. Warriors just respec to arms when they nerfed TG, but Paladins just have 1 spec.

Yeah too bad my feral druid is getting nerfed :(
#28 Jun 18 2009 at 7:09 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
mikelolol wrote:
2v2 is going to be dead anyways, since your rating won't give you access to gear.

Not the best gear, but you can still get the second tier down. So 2's will become less competitive and scrubs like me will actually have better access to gear than we did before. The weapon thing remains a serious issue though. With each passing season that they refuse to make lower tier PVP weapons available, those who don't raid are going to get farther and father behind in the arms race until it's impossible to compete with those who're higher up. Teddy says not though, so probably I'm just QQing cause I like to blame my fail on Blizz.

I agree this is going to make prot healers too good not to nerf. A cheat death every 2 minutes that I don't even have to push? I'm already silly hard to kill when I'm specced into prot, and it's not false modesty when I say, I'm not that good. There's just a crapton of margin for error in that spec. You can get like 3 more spoonfuls of ice cream before you even have to respond to an attack.
#29 Jun 18 2009 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
My question that I post in every "omg prot healz so good/op" thread is, if the spec is so good why is it almost non-existant in competitive arena? I just checked the top 100, it comes out to something like 44% ret in 2v2, 38% holy and 10% prot with the rest hybrid builds (ret holy, like 5-6%). In 3v3 there isn't a single prot healer.

Everyone says they're hard to kill (the paladins I talk to, who spec it). As holy I honestly think I'm much harder to kill. I just don't die. I do BGs and do 1,000,000+ healing without dying constantly. Of course I'm a huge target when I start healing like that, at outnumbered nodes with beacon on myself keeping 4 people alive against 7-8 melee DPS until my teammates eventually kill them all. I just don't buy the hype that prot is any good. Double melee jump you and it's all over, you can't cast a spell on yourself without aura mastery. When thats on cooldown, what next?

I'm not amazing either, this is just normal holy paladin healing I'm doing, I stand and tank a bunch of damage at any flag and just mash heals on anyone in range with beacon on myself. No skill involved really but I'm practically unkillable. What I lose in argent defender or 10% stam or whatever I make up for by being able to survive 10-20-30 minutes with a melee DPS beating on me, with sacred shield, holy shock and instant flash of lights alone.

That's why I don't buy the "prot is so good" argument because it falls apart when a melee jumps on you. Wow 10k flash of lights, too bad the first one will get kicked/counterspelled and your partner will die in the CS lockout. Holy still grabs the first 19-20 points in prot that toughen up your armor, bring bops to 2 minutes give 5% healing done/taken as well as divine sacrifice. But holy shock is infinity better then goign the rest of the way down prot, the ratings prove it.

Now I havent looked much at the new prot talents except for the reworking of the so called "shield wall" and that will be a problem for PVP balance in 2s (the dead bracket that they're giving up on balancing). Leaving it alone and not giving out current ratings for current gear past the 1400s essentially means they never want to hear the words "2v2 balance" again, they just don't care. I doubt prot is going to keep people out of the 1400s to get their furious shoulders in 2v2 next season so I really don't see that as being a big deal. In 3v3 it still has the same problem, no instant heals. You're tough, great, you're never a focus target in the first place though. You're like a prot warrior, set you on focus, CS the first FoL you cast without aura mastery up and gib your partner behind a pillar. You'll always be the last one alive but eventually your teammates will get sick of you letting them die all the time (not you in particular =)...the spec is what I mean of course).
#30 Jun 18 2009 at 7:52 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
If seals of the pure is left alone, the ret changes are a decently large pve increase. Christ alone knows how we're supposed to kill a healer with seal of command and a gimped little judgement though. The resilience changes also spring to mind.

Good luck staying on a healer long enough to stack corruption. If it isn't just summarily dispelled.
#31 Jun 18 2009 at 9:14 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
mikelolol wrote:
My question that I post in every "omg prot healz so good/op" thread is, if the spec is so good why is it almost non-existant in competitive arena? I just checked the top 100, it comes out to something like 44% ret in 2v2, 38% holy and 10% prot with the rest hybrid builds (ret holy, like 5-6%). In 3v3 there isn't a single prot healer.

3v3 is usually a grudge match of who can outlast.

3v3 there is just more burst and Holy Paladins are ridiculously easy to lock up, A druid can have full stacks of hots on his teammates when he walks out the door and can survivem a priest can pain supression, bubble and run fear etc, shamangs can kite and CC a little as well as spell interrupt.

You can CS, fear kite, kick, pummel etc the pally and put him into a situation where he will need to use trinket, then be forced to bubble pretty easily or lose a team member (CC the pally). If the pally blows his bubble he is dead, if he doesn't you can lock him long enough to burn his teammate unless they go full defensive and get lucky. Even if you miss it you force cool downs and just wait for yours to pop up and set it back up again.

Paladins are terrible for the larger brackets where the burst and cc options are on a another level.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#32 Jun 18 2009 at 9:36 PM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
Mazra wrote:
What's Seal of Vengeance used for then?

The impression I got is that SoV will be the new PvE DPS seal, since it gains a massive damage boost when it's stacked to 5 (33% of weapon damage on every hit, as well as the DoT and the Judgment.) SoComm will be the PvP seal, with overall less damage than SoB. To be honest, SoB's PvP damage was quite ridiculous.

I'll still be using SoV for tanking. In fact, the change to SoV is a massive threat buff.

Crusader Strike gets a cooldown and damage reduction, meaning we get less burst and thus fail miserably at pretty much any healing class in the game currently. Discipline Priests and Restoration Druids are freakin' tough to take out if you can't spell lock them for the entire fight. They get off one heal and it's back to base one.

It's a damage reduction, yes, but it's on a four second cooldown. We will be hitting that **** all the time.

Exorcism gains PvP use, but at the cost of insta-heals.

I don't like it either. Not only does it decrease in availability as your opponent's gear increases in quality, it's also unreliable. In terms of PvE, we can't rely on it being up any more.

All of this and they still can't figure out how to balance our mana regen? Three Mana Burns and I'm out. No mana, no sugar, baby. Having more buttons to push means diddly-squat if our mana pool is zero. I guess I should stack intellect?

Running with glyphed SoB recently has meant that I haven't run out of mana in PvP for a long time. Since they're altering the SoComm glyph to be similar (8% mana return on judgment) I don't think we'll have mana issues. Especially not with Divine Plea.

Unless you let a priest mana burn you for like, thirty seconds, in which case you probably shouldn't be doing Arena.
#33 Jun 19 2009 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
zepoodle wrote:
Mazra wrote:
What's Seal of Vengeance used for then?

The impression I got is that SoV will be the new PvE DPS seal, since it gains a massive damage boost when it's stacked to 5 (33% of weapon damage on every hit, as well as the DoT and the Judgment.) SoComm will be the PvP seal, with overall less damage than SoB. To be honest, SoB's PvP damage was quite ridiculous.

It was? Ridiculous even? You mean, like Overpower and Explosive Shot? That ridiculous? Because, you know, I don't recall seeing a nerf for those two abilities in the patch. I went to the Oboards and Hunters are /clapping their tiny hands because Blizzard missed an obvious nerf to Explosive Shot. Two Hunters even went on to say how OP the shot is.

But let's buff Hunters, sure.

zepoodle wrote:
Crusader Strike gets a cooldown and damage reduction, meaning we get less burst and thus fail miserably at pretty much any healing class in the game currently. Discipline Priests and Restoration Druids are freakin' tough to take out if you can't spell lock them for the entire fight. They get off one heal and it's back to base one.

It's a damage reduction, yes, but it's on a four second cooldown. We will be hitting that sh*t all the time.

What does it matter if we're hitting it every four seconds? The damage was nerfed to balance it out, meaning we have to press more buttons to do the same amount of damage. We have a higher risk of getting blocked, or dodged, or whatever, because we need to attack more times to deal the same amount of damage. It also means that our damage is less bursty, which, as you might now, sucks in PvP where healers, as I mentioned, can heal themselves from 10% to 100% health in one or two heals. With only two interrupts, on pretty hefty cooldowns, we're basically @#%^ed.

zepoodle wrote:
Exorcism gains PvP use, but at the cost of insta-heals.

I don't like it either. Not only does it decrease in availability as your opponent's gear increases in quality, it's also unreliable. In terms of PvE, we can't rely on it being up any more.

Also, Art of War only procs on melee crits now. No more Judgement crit to get an instant heal.

zepoodle wrote:
All of this and they still can't figure out how to balance our mana regen? Three Mana Burns and I'm out. No mana, no sugar, baby. Having more buttons to push means diddly-squat if our mana pool is zero. I guess I should stack intellect?

Running with glyphed SoB recently has meant that I haven't run out of mana in PvP for a long time. Since they're altering the SoComm glyph to be similar (8% mana return on judgment) I don't think we'll have mana issues. Especially not with Divine Plea.

Unless you let a priest mana burn you for like, thirty seconds, in which case you probably shouldn't be doing Arena.

I'm not doing Arena. Battlegrounds, baby.

I chose to glyph for Divine Storm instead of Seal of Blood. And it returns 11% of the damage done by the seal as mana, right? My seal damages me for an average 50 on each hit, 100 on each crit. So that's 5 and 10 mana returned per hit? 33 mana on Judgement and 66 mana on Judgement crit.


Edited, Jun 19th 2009 11:45am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#34 Jun 19 2009 at 1:56 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Mazra wrote:
What does it matter if we're hitting it every four seconds? The damage was nerfed to balance it out, meaning we have to press more buttons to do the same amount of damage. We have a higher risk of getting blocked, or dodged, or whatever, because we need to attack more times to deal the same amount of damage. It also means that our damage is less bursty, which, as you might now, sucks in PvP where healers, as I mentioned, can heal themselves from 10% to 100% health in one or two heals. With only two interrupts, on pretty hefty cooldowns, we're basically @#%^ed.

The situation is nowhere near as bad as you're making it out to be.

I'm not doing Arena. Battlegrounds, baby.

Well...don't worry?

Seriously. PvP hasn't been balanced around battlegrounds for a loooong time. And paladins do better in battlegrounds. Less coherency on the other side, and more bad players with bad gear.
#35 Jun 19 2009 at 4:07 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Mazra wrote:
zepoodle wrote:
Mazra wrote:
What's Seal of Vengeance used for then?

The impression I got is that SoV will be the new PvE DPS seal, since it gains a massive damage boost when it's stacked to 5 (33% of weapon damage on every hit, as well as the DoT and the Judgment.) SoComm will be the PvP seal, with overall less damage than SoB. To be honest, SoB's PvP damage was quite ridiculous.

It was? Ridiculous even? You mean, like Overpower and Explosive Shot? That ridiculous? Because, you know, I don't recall seeing a nerf for those two abilities in the patch. I went to the Oboards and Hunters are /clapping their tiny hands because Blizzard missed an obvious nerf to Explosive Shot. Two Hunters even went on to say how OP the shot is.

But let's buff Hunters, sure.

Blizzard has stated that they are happy with Survival Deeps, and are looking to buff MM and BM.

Exactly how is Survival or particularly Explosive shot OP? Their DPS is in line with other top dps (a good mage, lock or rogue should be able to beat them or be very competitive depending on the nature of the encounter). While the cast rotation on a survival hunter is still not rocket science the class is much deeper than BM in T6 which was a one button raiding experience that made a warlock casting shadowbolt seem deep.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#36 Jun 19 2009 at 4:35 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
mikelolol wrote:
My question that I post in every "omg prot healz so good/op" thread is, if the spec is so good why is it almost non-existant in competitive arena?

My honest opinion? It's a scrub spec. And I say that with all love for it. There's no question Holy is more versatile. Having to stand still to cast is never good, and even worse at higher levels of play where people know how to keep you interrupted all the time. But Holy is harder to play. The Prot spec is a matter of, literally, standing there and casting heals on yourself and others until all the opponents are dead. It's like running Underbog. Okay, occasionally there's a little ouch you need to move out of, but really you can get by with much less situational awareness, and without managing your mana at all. But that's in battlegrounds, world PVP, and lower level arena, where not everyone is well geared (I can easily live through all the kidney shots a crappily geared rogue wants to throw at me, but a good one can still beat me no problem) or skilled at interrupts. I don't think it's as viable when you're a really good person playing other really good people.

mikelolol wrote:
You'll always be the last one alive but eventually your teammates will get sick of you letting them die all the time (not you in particular =)...the spec is what I mean of course).

Honestly one of the reasons I've come to like the spec is because arena is my least favorite form of PVP, and the survivability elsewhere, where you do get focused more, is more of a benefit. But I generally do better keeping people alive as Prot than I did with the 32/39 hybrid. Yes, holy shock is nice, but 10k flash of lights crits are even better. The hybrid build lacks the big heals you need if someone's health starts getting away from you. I was still gemming for resil the last time I used that spec though, so if I focused more on spellpower I could probably do better.

I agree that deep Holy is probably the best build for those who can play it well. But for me, it's very hard to manage mana with that spec in arena, particularly when it's a mana race against, say, a tree, and it's only about to get harder.

Edit: I also meant to respond to this:
mikelolol wrote:
Double melee jump you and it's all over, you can't cast a spell on yourself without aura mastery. When thats on cooldown, what next?

I can do okay against two. I can't kill them, but between the aforementioned aura mastery, stuns, shield, etc., I can almost always live long enough for someone else to come along and get at least one of them off me, even if I can't get a lot of flashes off. Sometimes it's a good thing; it keeps them distracted (getting more and more pissed I won't die) while someone else can claim a node, run away with a flag, grab a vehicle, whatever. But again, that is not against people with Furious weapons. Three can kill me pretty much every time, unless I get help right away. One is funny though; it doesn't matter much what I do as long as I survive long enough to laugh while they kill themselves on my ret aura.

Edited, Jun 19th 2009 8:44am by teacake
#37 Jun 19 2009 at 6:15 AM Rating: Decent

But yeah, how many tanks do you know with 38k hp who aren't druids? =/

Um... I've got 34k, completely unbuffed. If you think Kings and Fort don't push that over 40k, you're greatly mistaken. With a lower item level you see lower stam, but the fact remains it is not at all impossible to have a Pally/Priest +1 team pushing 35+k HP. Especially if that 3rd spot is filled with something like a warrior or druid.

As far as it being "ZOMGBESTEVAR", it isn't the ultimate setup, by any means, but it serves it's function and yes, you have to kill it last. While RMP/High CC sets in any bracket are going to present the challenge of "How do I cast while CC'd", they alleviate the problem of "damn, I got burst down. WTF?"

It probably won't take you to #1, but it will definitely get you off the bottom of the barrel. Arena balancing is almost always centered around mid-range players, and in the mid-range I've heard nothing but success from the users and horror stories from people running up against it.
#38 Jun 19 2009 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
angryempath wrote:
But yeah, how many tanks do you know with 38k hp who aren't druids? =/

Yea, I have to agree that this is a pretty uneducated statement. I have a DK who offspec's tank and tends to kite Zombie Chow during Gluth when he's along for Naxx. He pushes near 38k health, and that's not even geared through 10-man Ulduar. 38k health is not a lot of health in this day and age for most tanks. By the time you're outgearing 10-man Naxx, you should be in the mid-30k range buffed with little effort.
#39 Jun 19 2009 at 8:47 AM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
I just had to get my big prot PVP rant off my chest lol. I've been reading too many o-board healing forums and people are on the bandwagon screaming for nerfs (pre-3.2 nerfs) and I'm just scratching my head, like, look at holy? It's way better. The one thing I agree with Teacake, is managing mana, that's the main way I lose matches is long snoozefest 20 minute games against resto druids or mana burners.
#40 Jun 19 2009 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
39 posts
I am very upset about the changes to Holy. Looking at them, I can't really figure out exactly what they were trying to accomplish. Are we raid healers? MT healers? Or a jack of all trades master of none type? I can't make a final judgement until I play with the changes, but they don't look fun or exciting.

The Beacon of light change is amazing, but looks OP. I like it, but it makes any careful consideration of overhealing on someone not beaconed to be a non-issue. We can just randomly cast any big heal, knowing that it will transfer to the Beacon. Kind of mindless, and seems contrary to what blizzard has stated they want to do as far as making pally healing more interesting.

The Flash of Light HoT seems almost useless in my opinion. Only working on the SS target makes it kind of useless for raid healing, and the actual amount healed will be much less than a single HL, so I can't see a FL,HL,HL,HL... then refresh FL rotation being viable. I'll have to see it in action to really get the feel of it.

Illumination nerf. OMG. This changes everthing about how we gear and prioritze stats, as well as our ability to hand out big heals for long periods of time. Mp5 serves one purpose-mana regen. It brings nothing else to the table. Crit gives the benefit of mana regen as well as bigger healing. I always felt good about stacking lots of crit because it Brought so much. Mp5-bleh. Less crit means less healing. I never really cared about the overhealing aspect of the big heals. So what if we overheal? There were many times that nice HL crit really came in handy. I like the relationship that crit and mana regen have. It felt like a nice balance and a good synergy. Mp5 on the other hand, relates to nothing. It's feels like an after-thought. It doesn't relate to any talents at all. It's just there, all on it's own, quietly working on it's one assigned task, while the rest of the team works together.

Reducing Divine Intellect combined with the Illumination nerf is just a kick in the head. One or the other I can live with. But Both? 5% less intellect means less mana, crit, and spellpower. It also affects Holy Guidance, reducing our spellpower even further. Not sure how much, exactly, since I'm bad with math, but the reduction is there.

Of course, these are just proposed changes, and may not survive beyond the PTR in their current form. If they do, they might not be too bad. It's hard to tell without actually testing it firsthand. I don't mind changes. Some deviation from the standard playstyle can be good and refreshing. I just hope this doesn't break things. If it does, blizzard won't leave us alone, I'm sure, and will try to fix things down the road, but it might be tough for a while.

I've never played another healing class, so I can't really comment on how they deal with healing. Maybe they are more exciting. Maybe we have it easy in comparison. I really like paladin healing. Healing itself is extremely fun and challenging, and after spending a lot of time as a pure DPS class, I find it much more dynamic and rewarding.

#41 Jun 19 2009 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
I was thinking, with holy changes theres almost no reason to have the tank targetted at all. Lets say the tank takes a 23k hit and the rogue takes a 3k hit. Theres no reason not to heal the rogue with a holy light here, the full overheal portion will transfer as well, plus you get the glyph splash healing in melee range.

They had to give us some ridiculous buff though, becaues Illumination and Replenishment have been on GC's chopping block for months now. He just hates healers having mana. So he knew he had to do a massive buff somewhere, because like it or not these huge nerfs were coming and he needed something to butter us up.
#42 Jun 19 2009 at 12:35 PM Rating: Default
1,912 posts
The FoL-SS buff is just a Ret buff for Art of War heals.

The impression I got is that SoV will be the new PvE DPS seal, since it gains a massive damage boost when it's stacked to 5 (33% of weapon damage on every hit, as well as the DoT and the Judgment.) SoComm will be the PvP seal, with overall less damage than SoB. To be honest, SoB's PvP damage was quite ridiculous.

It's more of a fix. For a DoT that had to stack to 5 the DoT part is still equvalent to SoB with only autoattack. As soon as you add extra swings (be it crusader strike or any form of haste effect) you get more damage from SoB, and SoB is not DoT and doesn't need to build up a stack. This change corrects that so that SoV doesn't lag behind the other seals when you add instant attacks and additional swings into the formula.

Which pretty much also means that at the moment said "huge threat boost" can be obrained by using SoB instead of SoV.

It's a damage reduction, yes, but it's on a four second cooldown. We will be hitting that sh*t all the time.

You didn't seem to read it correctly.

Third, we are lowering the cooldown and damage of Crusader Strike to four seconds from six seconds. This accomplishes a few things. It lowers burst, it gives the paladins more buttons to push since they aren’t always waiting on cooldowns, it requires a little more skill since the player will have to choose between Crusader Strike and other attacks more often (such as the new Exorcism procs), and it gives Retribution a chance to get more damage out of their Seals (providing a sustained DPS boost for PvE).

To do the same dps (from CS) as before you have to use it every 4 seconds now. That's a nerf and a big one.

Notice what he said it accomplishes? GCD collisions between CS and other abilities. When CS is up you will have to wait longer because you're waiting for the GCD, and/or using CS so often will delay your other abilities because of the amount of GCD you're causing from it.

Btw, it doesn't make you push more buttons, it just makes you push one button more times, to do the same thing.

+ Crusader Strike: Damage reduced to 75% weapon damage to match the new 4 second cooldown.

So what does CS really do now? Well, if you are a machinelike robot with zero lag and zero reaction time delay, carefully exactly spending every CS gcd every 4 sec does:

If you have a 3.5 speed weapon... 66% weapon haste would completely replace the effect. For a 3.7 speed weapon it's 70% haste.

Weapon haste is immune to reaction time, lag, and GCD consumption so weapon haste would actually be far superior. IRL lag and reaction time as well as other effects would probably make it be in practice more of an equivalent to have 30% to 50% weapon haste varying on who you fight against.
#43 Jun 19 2009 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Blizzard has stated that they are happy with Survival Deeps, and are looking to buff MM and BM.

Exactly how is Survival or particularly Explosive shot OP? Their DPS is in line with other top dps (a good mage, lock or rogue should be able to beat them or be very competitive depending on the nature of the encounter). While the cast rotation on a survival hunter is still not rocket science the class is much deeper than BM in T6 which was a one button raiding experience that made a warlock casting shadowbolt seem deep.

For Battleground PvP it makes them unbelievably overpowered. Basically they're Warriors with a 36-yard swing range. I was riding away from a Hunter on my epic mount and he still got off an Explosive Shot and Aimed Shot before I was out of range. Took me to half health.

Maybe I've just run into the high-end raiding/Arena Hunters in my last 20 or so Battlegrounds, but Survival Hunters seem to dominate everything there.

Makes me want to focus on my own again.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#44 Jun 19 2009 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Mazra wrote:
bodhisattva wrote:
Blizzard has stated that they are happy with Survival Deeps, and are looking to buff MM and BM.

Exactly how is Survival or particularly Explosive shot OP? Their DPS is in line with other top dps (a good mage, lock or rogue should be able to beat them or be very competitive depending on the nature of the encounter). While the cast rotation on a survival hunter is still not rocket science the class is much deeper than BM in T6 which was a one button raiding experience that made a warlock casting shadowbolt seem deep.

For Battleground PvP it makes them unbelievably overpowered.

It is BG, I think Blizzard stopped even considering BG when it came to balance about 26 months ago.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#45 Jun 19 2009 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
Seal of Righteousness...a tanking seal? What? Are you on crack?! I don't know ANY paladin who has even half an idea of what they are doing use righteousness. Even back in BC. Do these people actually play their game? What kind of comment is that?

Shhhhhh. dont let them know that we dont use sor and that we use sov i mean they caint buffing sor but they are buffing sov sounds like a good thing to me. let them not know what we use to tank i say. as long as they buff the stuff we do not knowing it. : )

over all i like the tanking buffs.even the "ret sov" buff.hehe.
#46 Jun 20 2009 at 6:01 AM Rating: Default
1,912 posts
SoR was actually used for tanking often back in BC, that was when SoV was "chance on hit".

And did you read the change to SoC? That's basically turning SoC into SoR.

#47 Jun 20 2009 at 8:47 AM Rating: Excellent
389 posts
xorq wrote:
SoR was actually used for tanking often back in BC, that was when SoV was "chance on hit".

Lol, I remember that. I also remember seem to remember twisting SoV and SoR on bosses, although I can't really remember why...also, SoR is still better threat than SoW or SoL until you actually get SoV.

All things considered, I like it better the way it is now.
#48 Jun 20 2009 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
Seal of Vengeance and Seal of Corruption: These seals have been redesigned to deal substantially more damage. Now, once a paladin has 5 copies of the debuff from these seals on his or her target, on each swing the paladin will deal 33% weapon damage as Holy, with critical strikes dealing double damage.

Would this make it better than Seal of Command

33% weapon damage vs 36% but you get the DOT from Seal of Vengeance and Seal of Corruption....??
#49 Jun 20 2009 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
A part of me hates that they're trying to remove RNG from the game.

I used to love the big Seal of Command crits. Getting them was game-altering. You were pumping out adrenaline in the hopes of getting a proc. Now you're just checking Recount to see if your incoming damage is greater than your outgoing.

The days where you'd team up with a Shaman for Windfury Totem (pre-nerf) for some mega-fun. Oh, sweet memories.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#50 Jun 20 2009 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Mazra wrote:
The days where you'd team up with a Shaman for Windfury Totem (pre-nerf) for some mega-fun.

This was some of the most fun i've ever had in pvp. Teaming up with a resto shaman and a MS warrior. Getting onto a healer and watching them simply disappear.
#51 Jun 20 2009 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
1,912 posts
neomaz wrote:
Seal of Vengeance and Seal of Corruption: These seals have been redesigned to deal substantially more damage. Now, once a paladin has 5 copies of the debuff from these seals on his or her target, on each swing the paladin will deal 33% weapon damage as Holy, with critical strikes dealing double damage.

Would this make it better than Seal of Command

33% weapon damage vs 36% but you get the DOT from Seal of Vengeance and Seal of Corruption....??

So far so good it seems SoC is 36% weapon dmg. SoV is a 5-stacking DoT + 33% weapon damage.

This makes SoV obviously superior. It also makes SoC a sub-par seal for all purposes.
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