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Hunter's pvp future *WITH PATCH NOTES*Follow

#1 Jun 16 2009 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
He also says there's not enough class representation in Arenas, with Warlock, Hunter and Shaman classes "too low."

representation in Arenas,_________________Hunter____________"too low."

Combine that with the incoming unknown BM buff, and we're once again "great" in arenas! This seems like a great thing to me. I guess the new patch(es) will bring some happiness in our lives in arenas.
To me, all changes to hunters look like nice buffs in the next patch. What do you guys think about the state of hunter pvp now, and withing a few patches?
I'm curious and very happy, for those who didn't notice that already!


You guys were right, these nerfs do suck, pretty bad. We're surely dead now.

* Aspect of the Cheetah: Can now be learned at level 16.
* Deterrence now has a new visual spell effect.
* The time that traps will exist in the world after being put down has been reduced to 30 seconds, down from 1 minute.
* Traps now have separate 30 second cooldown categories: Fire (Immolation Trap, Explosive Trap and Black Arrow), Frost (Freezing Trap, Frost Trap) and Nature (Snake Trap). A hunter can have one trap of each category placed at one time.
* Talents
o Beast Mastery
+ Catlike Reflexes now also reduces the cooldown of your Kill Command ability by 10/20/30 seconds.
o Survival
+ Entrapment: This talent no longer works with Immolation Trap or Explosive Trap.
+ Lock and Load: Now has a 22 second cooldown. The Lock and Load effect cannot be obtained on targets immune to snare effects when Frost Trap is used.
o Pets
+ Roar of Sacrifice: Redesigned. This ability can now be used on any friendly target to make that target immune to critical strikes, but the Hunter pet takes 20% of all damage taken by that friendly target. Cooldown increased to 2 minutes.

Edited, Jun 18th 2009 3:18pm by Thorpedro
#2 Jun 16 2009 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Next major patch is end of summer.

That's months away.

And nothing has been said beyond that a: pets probably need to scale with more stats, b: hunter cc is probably too weak and c: ammo cost is too high.
Two of those have probably in them, and no actual changes have been named yet.
So for all we know right now, nothing significant is changing.
#3 Jun 16 2009 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
146 posts
When GC speaks in the abstract, bet your bank he has absolutely nothing planned at that point yet.

When he speaks in definitive terms (like, say, the ammo change promised months ago), bet your house, pension, first born and left arm you will NEVER see said change. At best, you'll see a watered down, barely usable, almost pointless replacement.

IOWs, never hold your breath with this one.
#4 Jun 16 2009 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Not enough class representation in Arenas, with Hunter and Shaman classes "too low."

What exactly is GC smoking?
#5 Jun 16 2009 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
I think he stopped smoking weird stuff as some of the things he's saying now make sense.
#6 Jun 16 2009 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Wtf double post!

Edited, Jun 16th 2009 8:26pm by Yuppley
#7 Jun 16 2009 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
I think he stopped smoking weird stuff as some of the things he's saying now make sense.

I agree a bit, but I still wish that Blizz had someone who was actually smart deal with us.
#8 Jun 16 2009 at 11:27 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
GC is smart, without a doubt.
He just tends to get in over his head and seems to have missed a lot of the research the community has done on hunters.

I won't believe for a second that he's not actually intelligent, as you don't get up that high when you're not smart.
#9 Jun 17 2009 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Well, GC can't keep up with all the classes at once, can he? I think he just hast to listen now and then to suggestions people have on their class forums, some pretty nice thoughts are there. He's a smart guy, no doubt, but he imo he should listen abit more to the people.
And tbh I think you guys are just a bunch of pessimists, everyone has had their good days and their bad ones. Some a little more, some a little less. We'll have our top ratings back one day.
#10 Jun 18 2009 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Posted the patch notes on hunter @ post 1.
#11 Jun 18 2009 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
You missed the most important part!

* All pets now receive 40% of their master's resilience and 100% of their master's spell penetration. In addition, if a player is at their appropriate spell hit chance or hit chance maximum, their pet will be at the maximum for spell hit chance, hit chance, and expertise. If they are below the maximum, their pet will be proportionately below those maximums.

Smiley: yippee
#12 Jun 18 2009 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
276 posts
For some reason I think this is a big deal:

* Traps now have separate 30 second cooldown categories: Fire (Immolation Trap, Explosive Trap and Black Arrow), Frost (Freezing Trap, Frost Trap) and Nature (Snake Trap). A hunter can have one trap of each category placed at one time.

black arrow + it
#13 Jun 18 2009 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Meh, I still think the 22sec cooldown on lock and load is gonna hurt abit. But ofc there are some positive things like the scaling pets and the traps. Now, it's frost trap, immo trap, disengage, black arrow, and watch the target die to dots.
I am a failhead at predicting things, so I guess I'll have to see how everything works out. Gonna keep an eye on your comments though.
(Btw, didn't lock and load had an internal cd before too?)

edit; apparently, black arrow is a fire spell *sigh*, well, w/e

Edited, Jun 18th 2009 3:45pm by Thorpedro
#14 Jun 18 2009 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
276 posts
Think about it, freezing trap and then snake trap on top of each other... (insert sinister laughter here).
#15 Jun 18 2009 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
freezing trap and then snake trap on top of each other

Actually using snake trap again makes me happy again. It has nice uses, now we can slow, slow even more, slow their casting time, slow them by entrapment, slow some more, use chimera/corehound breath for slow, and if someone feels like it, do a wingclip for even more slowing!

Yes, when looking at the notes with a second thought they seem alot better than the first time.

(It may even make mm way better, because dispell will be doing them snake poisons first, giving time for some nice chimera crits in my new t8 badge of heroic instances gear (for those who don't know yet, check full patchnotes))

(and how the heck do you spell "chimera"?)
#16 Jun 18 2009 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
+ Roar of Sacrifice: Redesigned. This ability can now be used on any friendly target to make that target immune to critical strikes, but the Hunter pet takes 20% of all damage taken by that friendly target. Cooldown increased to 2 minutes.

Sooo.. no crits, reduced to 20% damage and 4x the cooldown?
What the ****? major nerf.

The trap change is neat, but it doesn't do much for PvP, snakes will still be killed in seconds and the Black Arrow DoT isn't that awesome.
It's more keybinds for very little gain.

The pet change is great, but nowhere near sufficient to help us in PvP.

Basically, we got nerfed and not buffed.
#17 Jun 19 2009 at 6:48 AM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
Idea for making pet more effective in PvP... give (pet)Taunt a 25% chance to stun/daze target for X amount of seconds, like 3 or so. Will make players chasing the master a little more cautious of ignoring the pet when that pet can slow them down. Hate to bring up WoW's arch enemy, FFXI, but anyone familiar with that game will know that Provoke had a function in PvP other than just CC in PvE.

Pets aren't gimped to PvP when it comes to dealing damage, or even taking much damage. It is the fact they can be ignored. But I guess players would whine about the DK and Warlock pets and them now being underpowered.

Maybe add a new talent deep in the BM build. Something that is like 20 points in, 2 tiers so not to have to invest to many points in it.

Ability Name:
Improved Taunt(I suck at making up names)
2 point talent
Tier One: 25% chance on Taunt to stun/daze target for 1 seconds
Tier Two: 25% chance on Taunt to stun/daze target for 3 seconds

Again, just an idea and probably not a good one.
#18 Jun 19 2009 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
Stucco wrote:
Idea for making pet more effective in PvP... give (pet)Taunt a 25% chance to stun/daze target for X amount of seconds, like 3 or so.

Pet taunt could FORCE it to switch targets onto the pet. Maybe have them forced for a few seconds or just switched. *shrug* Make pet taunt worth something in PvP.

In another game, if a taunt hits you, you can only target the taunter for 6 seconds. Have pet taunts work like that here but for a shorter duration.

In a different game, taunt reduces damage done to all targets by 20% except the taunter in pvp. All damage done to the taunter by the taunted is increased by 20%. Effect lasts for 3 attacks.
#19 Jun 19 2009 at 11:12 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
That would be rather pointless, in arena people will be targetting your pet anyway.
Even with ~250-300 res it's not some powerhouse and it still dies easily.

That said, the new RoS appears to be a nice RMP counter move which might just make hunter/Rdruid/other healer viable in S7.
#20 Jun 20 2009 at 4:56 AM Rating: Default
146 posts
GC strikes again.

Throw us a few scraps (resilience to pets and the trap classifications... that SHOULD have been there all along), and then sneak by us a LnL nerf and a trap life nerf.


A drunken monkey could do a better job than this. Seriously? This is it? THIS is what's going to fix our severe lack of scaling dps wise and horrible arena representation.

No. Really?!?!
#21 Jun 20 2009 at 2:22 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Stucco wrote:
Pets aren't gimped to PvP when it comes to dealing damage, or even taking much damage. It is the fact they can be ignored. But I guess players would whine about the DK and Warlock pets and them now being underpowered.

First of all, Hunter pets aren't ignored because they can be. It's because they have to be. If you stop pounding on the Hunter and try to kill his pet first, you're about as smart as [insert instance boss] who tries to kill the tank while the healers get to stay alive.

You ignore the pet because if you don't, you're dead before you even have a chance.

Stucco wrote:
Maybe add a new talent deep in the BM build. Something that is like 20 points in, 2 tiers so not to have to invest to many points in it.

Ability Name:
Improved Taunt(I suck at making up names)
2 point talent
Tier One: 25% chance on Taunt to stun/daze target for 1 seconds
Tier Two: 25% chance on Taunt to stun/daze target for 3 seconds

Again, just an idea and probably not a good one.

You're kidding, right?

Deep BM talent that gives a 25% chance on Growl to snare or stun the target? What, Wing Clip, Concussive Shot, Frost Trap, Freezing Trap and Intimidation isn't enough? Not to mention The Beast Within which makes you unstoppable as well?

I'm all for balancing out the classes, but I have yet to meet a Hunter that didn't stand at least a chance. I have no idea how they're faring in Arenas, but frankly I couldn't care less. Arenas are toned down Battlegrounds and in my opinion they've already ruined too much of the game in an attempt to balance out this mini-game within the game.

This isn't Gladiator. It's Warcraft. 'War' being the keyword here.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#22 Jun 20 2009 at 5:21 PM Rating: Default
902 posts
That said, the new RoS appears to be a nice RMP counter move which might just make hunter/Rdruid/other healer viable in S7.

Aethien, I'm beginning to wonder about you and arena...

I played on EU servers and stuff wasn't that different...
#23 Jun 21 2009 at 3:08 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Steelray wrote:
GC strikes again.

Throw us a few scraps (resilience to pets and the trap classifications... that SHOULD have been there all along), and then sneak by us a LnL nerf and a trap life nerf.


A drunken monkey could do a better job than this. Seriously? This is it? THIS is what's going to fix our severe lack of scaling dps wise and horrible arena representation.

No. Really?!?!

I think this kind of talk is funny. When the representation of a certain class drops, people scream bloody murder and demand buffs.

Remember when people played their class because they enjoyed it and not because it had a higher chance of success in the Arena? Those were the days. Going deep Restoration as a Druid just so you could keep yourself alive while stabbing things with your main hand dagger? Yeah, sweet.

They need to deliver less and hope that the demand quiets down, otherwise this circle of class balance hell will never end.

Edited, Jun 21st 2009 1:09pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#24 Jun 21 2009 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
When the representation of a certain class drops, people scream bloody murder and demand buffs.

Yes, that's humanity. But hunters were already quite low to begin with, and GC said it himself. And this patch isn't really helping us out. So nerfing them more isn't going to solve it.
#25 Jun 21 2009 at 8:29 AM Rating: Default
902 posts
Remember when people played their class because they enjoyed it and not because it had a higher chance of success in the Arena? Those were the days. Going deep Restoration as a Druid just so you could keep yourself alive while stabbing things with your main hand dagger? Yeah, sweet.


I don't even think he specc'd all the way into Moonkin, but that comp was amazing.

Same as late S3/S4 when I got SS Lock/BM Hunter to 2150 to prove that double DPS as hunters could work. I mean, it wasn't that effective vs any rogue comps, but it worked pretty damn well.
#26 Jun 21 2009 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Mazra wrote:
First of all, Hunter pets aren't ignored because they can be. It's because they have to be. If you stop pounding on the Hunter and try to kill his pet first, you're about as smart as [insert instance boss] who tries to kill the tank while the healers get to stay alive.
Have you played arena, like... at all?
You always kill the pet first with any petclass because it is quick and takes away survivability and utility.
In PvP, the hunter is the tank while the pet is the dps/cc/whatever and not the other way around.

That goes mostly for warlocks (who lose CC and 20% damage reduction when their pet dies) and hunters (who lose CC, CC breaker and survivability) and a little less for unholy DK's (who lose their stun).

What, Wing Clip, Concussive Shot, Frost Trap, Freezing Trap and Intimidation isn't enough?

It's both too much and not enough.
Too many abilities with too little effect on their own, not as much in this case but in general for hunters in PvP.
We're juggling double or more of the cooldowns and abilities that other classes have.

Our other issue is that we're only viable in very specific comps, which makes it hard to get a decent team set up.
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