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Instances . . .Follow

#1 Jun 16 2009 at 7:34 AM Rating: Excellent
436 posts
. . . I'm horrible at them.

My affliction 'lock just hit 76 the other night. I've leveled almost entirely solo. The only instances I've ever done were either a) being run through by an 80 or two so that I just had to keep up with looting and not die or b) running lowbies through stuff like WC, RFC. I did manage to solo Sunken Temple when I was in the 60's somewhere because there was a 'lock quest on my log driving me nuts.

But a regular, 5-people-at-level instance run . . . horrible.

I keep recount going for my own info and usually just solo-questing around I've been hovering right around 600-615 dps.

I got whispered the other night by a guildy wanting to know if I could dps Gundurak. Had no idea what or where that was. He said he'd summon and that he just ran it and it'd be pretty quick. I said sure, why not.

I felt like I was scrambling to keep up the entire time. Had no idea what was going on. There were just so many bodies in there between the 5 players and all the mobs. I had no idea how to target anything.

click - oh that's a player
click - no that's a pet
click - Aha! a mob
cast haunt 3 . .2 . .oh it's dead
click - mob
cast haunt 3. .2. .1 woohoo! it hit! Coa, Corruption, UA 3. .2. . .oh it's dead
and now that pack is cleared
looting . . .whoa, they have another pack!?

So yeah. Is there some sort of an instancing for dummies article around somewhere?

The thing I find, especially with my affliction 'lock, is that it does really decent damage but it takes time to set up and most of the damage is done in the latter part of the rotation after I have 4 DoTs on and the mob is low on life. A regular 74 mob with ~9000 hp will take 7-8 secs ((while I apply DoTs) to get down to 4000 but then those 4000 will tick off in about 2 secs. Questing around solo this works just fine because mobs are spread enough that I petattack one, apply DoTs, select another mob, petattck > apply DoTs, just rinse and repeat until I have 4-5 corpes to loot.

But in the instance, I can't even seem to locate a mob to start targeting. Or by the time I do it's either half-dead and gone before I get all my DoTs applied, the same mob I already managed to get DoTs on, a player, a pet, etc. There are just so many bodies, everything moves so fast, and everything is clustered together so tightly.

At theend, recount showed the 2 DKs at aorund 1000-1100 dps, warrior (guildy) at 800-something, me at 660, and the shaman at like 4 who was obviously healing/buffing.

I had some 5-6 buffs on me in addition tome regular food/armor/stone buffs and barely did more than my usual questing damage. And I really didn't feel like I was doing much or contributing a whole lot. We did clear through it fine. The warrior and I did die once when we both somehow pulled aggro but that was the only hiccup.

So what am I doing wrong? And how can I do better in these situations?
#2 Jun 16 2009 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
329 posts
First note: my lock is only in the mid 30's as I just rerolled a lock for the heck of it.

Overall, playing as dps (have 80 priest, rogue, dk) you need to remember that in most instance runs nowadays it is about AOE damage and that is what is going to be your biggest amount of dps. So, you are used to solo play, and thus you are great at solo killing or single target dps. This will work for you against the boss mobs where your normal rotations should be good.

For multiple mob pulls where you are especially pulling 3 or more mobs. AOE damage spells like Rain of Fire are key to your dps... think of it this way based on your low dps already. Generically speaking, if your Rain of Fire hits the 3 mobs for 700 each every 2 seconds over the 8 second you have a total damage of 8400 or 1050 dps for one spell casting with no other casts against the 3 mobs. So simply put, in group dynamics, AoE spell casting is key to your overall dps in instance runs.

(I realize I have over simplified this, but based on you more or less soloing your way to 76 I thought it would be easier to understand the basic dynamic.)
#3 Jun 16 2009 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
1,235 posts
Since you mention Haunt and UA, I assume you're Affliction? Affliction rocks on boss fights, the longer the better, but trash just doesn't last long enough to let us shine.

Overall, playing as dps (have 80 priest, rogue, dk) you need to remember that in most instance runs nowadays it is about AOE damage and that is what is going to be your biggest amount of dps.

QFT. For trash, just spam Shadowbolt and Seed of Corruption/Rain of Fire (your choice; for Aff, SoC's generally better). What I do sometimes is tab-target one, cast Corruption, tab to next & Corruption, tab to next... you get the picture. Allows lots of chances for Nightfall procs and gives you incoming health via Siphon Life to let you Life Tap whenever you feel like it.

Don't worry about your DPS on trash, just as long as they're being cleared in a reasonable time period. On boss fights, open with Shadowbolt and Haunt to put Shadow Embrace at max, cast your DoTs, then cast Shadowbolt between refreshing DoTs (with the exception of Corruption, which should be refreshed via Haunt, thanks to Everlasting Affliction). Life Tap to keep mana up, of course. When the boss gets low enough, don't forget that Drain Soul does x4 damage to victims below 25% health.
#4 Jun 16 2009 at 7:03 PM Rating: Excellent
1,912 posts
1. If you press V you see enemy nameplates. Don't attack the ones at full HP. (shift V you see friend nameplates which I use for healing).

2. If you don't understand how to control your aggro ask people for tips about it.

3. I disagree with the standard shadowbolt-haunt-dot-dot-dot opener.

I prefer the dot-dot-dot-haunt-sb opener or the haunt-dot-dot-dot-sb opener.

dot-dot-dot = Corr - CoA - UA in that order.

Either way the important part is to keep reapplying all your debuffs as they expire with the exception of haunt which you cast on every c/d.

4. You don't get 4 dots, only 3: Corr, CoA, UA.

5. Pet on passive. Pet on follow. And pet does not jump, if you have to jump put it on STAY and after you jumped you summon again or summon-dismiss an eye of killrog.
#5 Jun 16 2009 at 9:28 PM Rating: Excellent
436 posts
Thanks for the feedback.

It looks like I've got a lot to learn. Or re-learn rather.

@WhiskeyDuck: I don't think I've used Rain of Fire since . . .I got it? I know I tried it a few times but it seemed massively mana-intensive and there seems to be no way to stop it once it's started so it seemed a lot of wasted pew-pew after all the mobs were dead. Plus, being affliction, nothing I have specced, talented, or glyphed does anything to help it. But I'll find it and give it a shot and see what happens I guess. If AoE is what's needed though I don't see as I have much other choice.

@Rykhorne: I never really use shadowbolt either unless nightfall procs so this will be new too. It always seems to take so long to cast that by the time I *could* cast it my mob is dead. So that is generally the last thing I think of when I need damage done.

I'm not sure what Shadow embrace is (I'll look it up) but I don't think I have it/do it/use it.

I've played around with SoC a bit questing and it seemed . . .subpar to other options. I don't know how to find out exactly how much damage certain things do but it didn't seem to do a whole lot for the casting time + lack of having Corruption up. But again, this is something that I will definitely try out my next run.

By halfway through the run I had gotten the idea that I wasn't doing so well and resorted to Drain Souling whatever I could get my hands on that looked heavily damaged. It seemed to work ok I guess. But the shards! Oh my gods the shards! This is why I very rarely use it in solo play. My bags filled within about 3 packs of mobs of drainsouling. But if it's really that effective, I can get into the habit of clearing my bags after every pull or something.

1. I'll try the V thing and see what that does.

2. I only pulled aggro the once and the warrior did too either right before or right after me - I think the tank just completely lost aggro there for a few secs for whatever reason. But I will ask around and see what I can learn about keeping it down. One of the problems I'm having is that I seem to be about the only 'lock in the guild. Except one incomprehensibly drunk guy who insists his imp can tank (and I think recently /gquit for the 3rd time this month) and a newer guy who keeps asking *me* questions.

3.Again, don't use shadowbolt so wouldn't see this as standard. Apparently it is.

My usual rotation is Haunt, CoA, Corr, UA. I can swap the CoA & Corr if it matters though.

4. I was counting Haunt as a DoT although I suppose technically it's more of a DoT Buff than an actual DoT. Delayed burst I guess would be more accurate.

5. Pet on Passive? Really? What's the point of having it out then?
#6 Jun 17 2009 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
423 posts
Other posters already gave good advices.

In this AoE instances fest there is almost no point in using dots unless it's a boss fight.You either use SoC or RoF.
On boss fights classic way is shadowbolt -> haunt to get 2x Shadow Embrace (+ % dot damage,2 stacks,haunt and sb trigger it) then dots.And you should always have 2 stacks of SE.Below 25% (of boss hp) refresh dots and Drain Soul in between.

If your group is not having problems and just pulling and aoe mobs you can have pet on defensive but in all other situations it's on passive.
Because it will die far too many times during fights where you need to use follow/stay to keep it out of splash damage,fire,etc..

#7 Jun 17 2009 at 2:55 AM Rating: Good
357 posts
Affliction spec has almost always sucked on trash. Your playing a spec were all your powerful spells take time to do the damage. While this is good for bosses and such, trash has always been more of a burst damage type affair. For the most part, if a mob is going to die before the dot can run it's course then you don't put the dot up(for dungeons, not solo play). There are exceptions, corruption can be used for the instant shadowbolt for example, but the general rule is if the trash is going to die in 10 seconds there is no point putting up a 24 second CoA as it will only tick a few times.

This becomes hard for affliction as there really isn't any burst damage there, you have haunt and shadow-bolt, compared to destruction where you can burst the living crap out of something real quick. Once you get over the dis-oriented affect of being around so many mobs and learn what needs to die first and how long the trash stays alive with your purticular group you go from there. Sometimes you'll be in a low dps group where UA can be thrown on trash with full affect, sometimes you'll be in a group where by the time your done casting UA the mob will be close to dead. You kinda gotta follow your gut.

Of course many groups aoe trash down (not a big fan, I loved the pulls in shadow labs and shattered halls, crowd control ftw). If your group is like that the only way to stay competitive is to aoe them as well. As affliction spec your seed of corruption is buffed and should be enough to keep up with others, baring gear differences, but it can be slow, meaning by the time you cast it, it travels to the target and pops most of the mobs are close to dead so you only get 1 seed to full effect. If that's the case switch to rain of fire to get a steady stream of damage. Once again, it figuring out your group and what spell would be best for the situation, it won't always be one or the other.

On most bosses though affliction should shine and this is the dps your should be looking at anyway. People can get big numbers on aoe trash from hitting whirlwind, volley, or rain of fire, it's not that hard nor is most trash. The challenging part is the bosses. Learning and perfecting your rotation for long fights and fighting for top damage on them with-out ripping aggro or standing in fire, that's the goal.
#8 Jun 17 2009 at 6:21 AM Rating: Good
1,228 posts
While leveling and dungeon grinding, your ability to kill trash quickly and efficiently is just as important as your ability to kill bosses. It all speeds things along.

Your main problem is just inexperience. Your own conclusions about the ineffectiveness of some of your spells were correct and I think you will figure out a solution to your problem of low damage from the info provided already. I would not suggest rain of fire spam as your main source of damage though. That's boring and lame, although worth trying to see how it affects your dps and threat levels. You could also try a different talent tree and see how that suits you =)

When it comes to improving your performance in instances you just need more practice. Targeting is a big problem. You can bind the "assist" function to any key you want, then just click on your tank's icon in the party, press your assist button, and you will automatically target whatever he is fighting. That isn't the best way to apply dots to a huge group of targets but it is very important to know how to do and at least lets you know which mob you can build the most threat on the fastest. You can switch targets with the tab key from there.

You'll catch up to the tempo of your average pick up group pretty quickly if you practice a bit. After that the tendency is to push faster and faster through dungeons and raids as you gain more experience.
#9 Jun 17 2009 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
Pantherfern wrote:

1. I'll try the V thing and see what that does.

2. I only pulled aggro the once and the warrior did too either right before or right after me - I think the tank just completely lost aggro there for a few secs for whatever reason. But I will ask around and see what I can learn about keeping it down. One of the problems I'm having is that I seem to be about the only 'lock in the guild. Except one incomprehensibly drunk guy who insists his imp can tank (and I think recently /gquit for the 3rd time this month) and a newer guy who keeps asking *me* questions.

3.Again, don't use shadowbolt so wouldn't see this as standard. Apparently it is.

My usual rotation is Haunt, CoA, Corr, UA. I can swap the CoA & Corr if it matters though.

4. I was counting Haunt as a DoT although I suppose technically it's more of a DoT Buff than an actual DoT. Delayed burst I guess would be more accurate.

5. Pet on Passive? Really? What's the point of having it out then?

Threat: It's not about keeping it down, it's about doing as much as you can do with the threat buffer that the tank gives you.

The rotations I mentioned are the boss opener rotations. At bosses you don't rest, you use every bit of casting time for something, when all your dots are up and haunt is on cooldown you cast sb. For trash mobs you're going to be doing:

1. AoE fest. Easy. Spread seeds, chain RoF, or both.
2. dot spreading. Not usual. Just V and DoT all the nameplates that are at like 90% hp.
3. focus fire. short duration focus fire is not easy for affliction.

I still can't really figure short duration focus fire rots. Wild guess is to start with Corr-Haunt and then push with either SB or life drain while manually commanding your succ/imp to attack.

Pet on passive. Every lock has his own style. My way:

Void: Void sac and taunting stuff off of the healer. Void sac absorbs hellfire damage.
Felhunter: Dispel, Counterspel, on ocassions I make it offtank a caster. If there's no casters I might still use it for the buff.
Imp: For added DPS where I prefer fireballs over whip. Or for the stamina buff.
Succ: For added DPS where I prefer whip over fireballs.

Edited, Jun 17th 2009 4:35pm by xorq
#10 Jun 17 2009 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
1,235 posts
I don't think I've used Rain of Fire since . . .I got it? I know I tried it a few times but it seemed massively mana-intensive and there seems to be no way to stop it once it's started so it seemed a lot of wasted pew-pew after all the mobs were dead.

For any channeled spell (which RoF is), if you move you cancel the spell.

@Rykhorne: I never really use shadowbolt either unless nightfall procs so this will be new too. It always seems to take so long to cast that by the time I *could* cast it my mob is dead. So that is generally the last thing I think of when I need damage done.

I definitely understand. SB is your only worthwhile direct damage spell if you're not deep Destro. As ccbutch said, trash pulls are all about AoE and burst. SB is the Affliction warlock's only burst option, so you use it.

I'm not sure what Shadow embrace is (I'll look it up) but I don't think I have it/do it/use it.

5th tier talent, right next to Siphon Life.

I've played around with SoC a bit questing and it seemed . . .subpar to other options. I don't know how to find out exactly how much damage certain things do but it didn't seem to do a whole lot for the casting time + lack of having Corruption up. But again, this is something that I will definitely try out my next run.

You have to remember that SoC doesn't need to run its full DoT duration to explode. If the target has enough damage done to them by any source, the Seed blows. I'm no expert on SoC's use, but I usually cast Seeds on multiple targets so that several of them blow at once, or at least in quick succession.

By halfway through the run I had gotten the idea that I wasn't doing so well and resorted to Drain Souling whatever I could get my hands on that looked heavily damaged. It seemed to work ok I guess. But the shards! Oh my gods the shards! This is why I very rarely use it in solo play. My bags filled within about 3 packs of mobs of drainsouling. But if it's really that effective, I can get into the habit of clearing my bags after every pull or something.

The Necrosis addon has an option to automatically destroy shards beyond a certain number.

Pet on Passive? Really? What's the point of having it out then?

shoarmakip wrote:
If your group is not having problems and just pulling and aoe mobs you can have pet on defensive but in all other situations it's on passive.
Because it will die far too many times during fights where you need to use follow/stay to keep it out of splash damage,fire,etc..

This. It's also about keeping it from running wild and accidentally aggroing the wrong thing(s). It's standard practice for warlocks and hunters.

xorq wrote:
I disagree with the standard shadowbolt-haunt-dot-dot-dot opener.

I prefer the dot-dot-dot-haunt-sb opener or the haunt-dot-dot-dot-sb opener.

dot-dot-dot = Corr - CoA - UA in that order.

If you open with SB-Haunt, you get the boost of SE and Haunt, on all subsequent DoT ticks. Opening with SB-Haunt is more about optimizing your DoTs; if you're not a bleeding-edge raider, the extra 5% isn't that big a deal. You should still at least open with Haunt on bosses, though...
#11 Jun 17 2009 at 6:58 PM Rating: Excellent
436 posts
Ok, thanks again everybody. I really appreciate all the advice.

"V" didn't seem to do anything after several attempts with differnt mobs. "shift+V" did bring up what I assume you're referring to over my pet. I'll check again later and see if the hotkey got changed somehow or something.

I think I had Shadow Embrace at one point a lot of levels ago but since I wasn't using shadowbolt and didn't have haunt yet I specced out of it for something. Probably ought to go relook at my talents I suppose, eh?

And, let's see, what else? Looks like I'll be trying to make friends with SoC & shadowbolt.

Moving cancels channeled spells . . ./facepalm. I really should have figured that one out.

Pets on passive - had never even considered this but will do. I think I remember where it is =p

Oh, and I'll check out Necrosis. The shard thing drives me nuts really. I'd use Drain Soul all the time but I hate clearing out my bags. I looked before at curse but all the addons that handled this seemed to either have a lot of complaints about them or have 5000 other things attached to them that I didn't really feel like messing with.
#12 Jun 18 2009 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
For the "pets on passive" thing, I found it a pain to send my pet in to attack each mob individually, so what I did is make a simple macro:


and then I keybound the macro to the squiggle button beside the 1 key. That way whenever I switched targets, all I had to do was push the "pet attack" button. Now my pet is always on passive.

Also, Necrosis is a great all in one addon for warlocks. It may seem pretty big, but it handles pretty much everything that a warlock needs, including all your stones (HS, FS, SS), as well as grouping up similar spells together and providing warnings for things like Nightfall and Backlash.
#13 Jun 18 2009 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
If you open with SB-Haunt, you get the boost of SE and Haunt, on all subsequent DoT ticks. Opening with SB-Haunt is more about optimizing your DoTs; if you're not a bleeding-edge raider, the extra 5% isn't that big a deal. You should still at least open with Haunt on bosses, though...

Precisely for optimization reasons it is. SB is the lowest DPCT an affliction warlock has. The 5% DoT damage is equal to zero when your DoTs are not there yet, and it's less DPCT than any of your DoTs even if all DoTs are up.

So I put dot-dot-dot first and then add the 5%. Additional bonus is that you may get a Nightfall proc and add SE on instant cast.

And the reason for starting with Haunt instead of dot-dot-dot isn't the 25% dot damage (also gives less DPCT than any of your dots), it's because if I start with haunt I make more use of the haunt c/d and later in the rot cast 1 more haunt and 1 less shadowbolt.

And in encounters with effects like immunities and effects that remove debuffs every second of delay in the application of DoTs is a loss of DPCT.

For the "pets on passive" thing, I found it a pain to send my pet in to attack each mob individually, so what I did is make a simple macro:


Edited, Jun 18th 2009 2:08pm by xorq
#14 Jun 18 2009 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
1,235 posts
Thanks for clearing up your view on that, Xorq. I never do any real number crunching, especially things like comparing cast times to DoT ticks like that. Does the DPCT stay true even with Bane?
#15 Jun 18 2009 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
One thing I find helps is to make a simple macro with the tanks name in it:

/assist tanksname

Put this on your Actionbar, or keybind it. A quick click will have you targeting the same mob your tank is targeting. No fumbling to mouse over the mob.

I edit the tank's name in the macro when I run an instance with a different tank.

If you want, you could even do

/assist tanksname
/castsequence reset=/target Spell1, Spell2, Spell3

Just be aware that a spell with a long cooldown will have to become ready again for a castsequence to use it. A castsequence will stop at any spell on cooldown. It will continue when the spell becomes ready, or a castsequence reset causes a different spell that is ready to be used.

If you want to experiment with castsequence, try it while questing by removing the assist command.

Edited, Jun 18th 2009 5:59pm by dadanox
#16 Jun 18 2009 at 8:58 PM Rating: Excellent
436 posts
To keep things going here . . .

"V" did nothing still after more attempts; opened up the hotkey listing from the options menu; saw that "V" was indeed enemy nameplates; hit V again; it worked. Go figure.

I put 1 point in Shadow Embrace . I d/l'd ShardMax to control shard count. Questing around I tried LifeTap >SB > Haunt > Corr > CoA > UA > DrainSoul and my DPS went up to about 700. Though with the 71-72 mobs I was fighting the drain soul seemed unnecessary as they were one tick from death by the time it got going. Skipping SB and using the drain a couple ticks at the end seemed to yield about the same results dps-wise. I would imagine against higher level foes the full rotation would be good though.

I have petattack bound to "T"

I'm confused though - if it's on passive, it can't attack, right? So why have it on passive with an attack hotkey? Maybe it's me; when mine's on passive it doesn't seem to do anything but sit there even if I try to make it attack. I'm probably just doinitrong amirite?

Xorq . . .completely lost me on that last one. What is DPCT? I mean, I think I get what you're saying about breaking everything down on a second-by-second basis as far as having Corruption ticking one more time being more valuable than having everything boosted by 5%. Which is why I was getting CoA out as soon as reasonable because it's damage seems exponentional so getting it out sooner would yield bigger hits later rather than the mob dying before its big hits got there.

On the /assisttank thing . . .um, how do I know who the tank is? Say, in the example from my OP, there were 2 DK's and a warrior all standing on top of each other beating everything down. Who's the tank? Just ask I guess?

And would that macro work without the castsequence part? I don't really want my spells all set in order where I *have* to cycle through all of them to get to one. What if I just wanted to cast the 3rd one? I'd have to cast the first two to get to it?

Some great ideas here though.

#17 Jun 19 2009 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
423 posts
DPCT-Damage Per Cast Time ,dots and curses have this higher then cast time damage spells,less time to cast compared to damage they do.

/assist tank name ,so if you're grouping and your tank name is George,you edit your macro and put /assist George and when you press it it will target your tanks target,saves time.

Edited, Jun 19th 2009 5:41am by shoarmakip
#18 Jun 19 2009 at 5:46 AM Rating: Good
1,235 posts
I have petattack bound to "T"

I'm confused though - if it's on passive, it can't attack, right? So why have it on passive with an attack hotkey? Maybe it's me; when mine's on passive it doesn't seem to do anything but sit there even if I try to make it attack. I'm probably just doinitrong amirite?


Seriously, I have no idea why your pet won't attack. A pet on passive simply won't do anything unless you tell it to, as opposed to defensive where it'll attack when you do or when you're attacked, or aggressive, where it attacks everything. A passive pet will keep attacking its target until you tell it to stop or it dies (either the pet or the target ^_^). Try using the default keybinding (CTRl+1), or manually clicking the attack button.

On the /assisttank thing . . .um, how do I know who the tank is? Say, in the example from my OP, there were 2 DK's and a warrior all standing on top of each other beating everything down. Who's the tank? Just ask I guess?

Always ask who's the tank. ALWAYS. If you pull aggro from the tank, you die; you pull aggro from another DPS, the tank (hopefully) will still keep that mob's attention.

And would that macro work without the castsequence part? I don't really want my spells all set in order where I *have* to cycle through all of them to get to one. What if I just wanted to cast the 3rd one? I'd have to cast the first two to get to it?

Yes, it'd work without the "castsequence." "/assist [tank's name]" (w/o the brackets or quote marks, of course). And you're right about not using /castsequence macros in groups. It works fine for soloing, as you only need one cycle of DoTs for a typical mob, but for the longer boss fights, you'll have DoTs ending at all different times, so a castsequence will either clip DoTs that haven't run out yet, or leave gaps where a DoT isn't ticking away. For me, it's better practice to not use castsequence even while solo, as it got me in the bad habit of not thinking about what spells I was casting.

I put 1 point in Shadow Embrace .

You really should get all 5 ranks. I don't know what the cookie-cutter Affliction builds are, but given your level, here's my suggestion. If you get heavy into doing instances, Death's Embrace (9th tier, next to Unstable Affliction) is probably a good idea, as it increases your damage on low-HP bosses. If you have high enough hit, take the points from Suppression and put 'em into Improved CoA.

Xorq . . .completely lost me on that last one. What is DPCT? I mean, I think I get what you're saying about breaking everything down on a second-by-second basis as far as having Corruption ticking one more time being more valuable than having everything boosted by 5%.

You have it pretty much right. There's two basic ways to compare spells: Damage per Cast Time, and Damage per Mana. Mana costs aren't a big concern for warlocks, so you usually need to look at cast times.

The damage for Shadow Bolt's the same no matter when you cast it, so we have to look at whether the 5% SE buff would make a serious difference on the one or two DoT ticks that would occur if you cast SB at the start as opposed to the end. Casting all your DoTs before SB allows them to tick while your casting SB, while going with SB first means 2.5-3 seconds (depending on talents) without anything ticking.
#19 Jun 19 2009 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
For petattack, you can also make a macro "/petattack" and bind it to any key.
#20 Jun 19 2009 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
For pet attack you can bind it from the Key binding interface, loot at where ctrl+1 is and bind whatever you want to it.

For tank assist, I don't like crowding my UI with macros and mods, so I just know which is the tank and then target the tank with the F2 F3 F4 F5 keys (whichever it is for the tank) and press F.

For example if you select the tank with F3 I do F3-F to select the tank's target.

As for the DPCT of shadowbolt with or without bane I'm not sure. I just browsed EJ one day looking for a DPCT hierarchy and found it's this:

1. Haunt
2. Corruption
3. Curse of Agony
4. Unstable Affliction
5. Drain Soul @ <25% HP
6. Shadow Bolt

I think they put haunt first because they are counting in the damamge produced by the 20% debuff when your 3 dots are up. Being EJ I would guess they by default consider the build to include bane.

Some may "report" having higher dps when opening with sb but that's if you get to start casting before being in combat. Which you probably shouldn't do on bosses anyway because if for some reason the tank's threat gets delayed by half a second you ***** up.

Also, if you're doing CoE instead of CoA that lowers the value of your haunt and shadow embrace a bit too.

As for why the EJ standard opener rot is sb-haunt-dot-dot-dot I don't know. If you want to do whatever EJ says go ahead and use that. I don't.
#21 Jun 19 2009 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
The damage for Shadow Bolt's the same no matter when you cast it, so we have to look at whether the 5% SE buff would make a serious difference on the one or two DoT ticks that would occur if you cast SB at the start as opposed to the end. Casting all your DoTs before SB allows them to tick while your casting SB, while going with SB first means 2.5-3 seconds (depending on talents) without anything ticking.

Just a note, and I am not sure for Warlock's, but in the case of a Shadow Priest, the bonus from shadow weaving only effects spells when they are cast. So, if I have a 4% increase to damage from 4 casts from SW'ing, then when I cast my dot it only obtains a 4% damage increase. To receive the 5% damage increase at a max stack, the dot has to be re-cast or reapplied.

I mention this because if it is the same, then in theory, based on speed of the kill, it is probably not worth casting on trash mobs at all. Secondly, for bosses, it would be a huge dps loss if that is the case.

So, if the class mechanics are different, then I just wasted your time, and I apologize. I am more curious for my own sake as I decided a bit ago to reroll a Warlock after being bored playing a healer or melee dps. (So, that means I cannot test this myself on my level 36 Destro lock...)
#22 Jun 19 2009 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
1,235 posts
Just a note, and I am not sure for Warlock's, but in the case of a Shadow Priest, the bonus from shadow weaving only effects spells when they are cast. So, if I have a 4% increase to damage from 4 casts from SW'ing, then when I cast my dot it only obtains a 4% damage increase. To receive the 5% damage increase at a max stack, the dot has to be re-cast or reapplied.

I mention this because if it is the same, then in theory, based on speed of the kill, it is probably not worth casting on trash mobs at all. Secondly, for bosses, it would be a huge dps loss if that is the case.

So, if the class mechanics are different, then I just wasted your time, and I apologize. I am more curious for my own sake as I decided a bit ago to reroll a Warlock after being bored playing a healer or melee dps. (So, that means I cannot test this myself on my level 36 Destro lock...)

Hmm... hadn't thought about that. The mechanics are pretty similar, if I'm not mistaken (Shadow Weaving causes your damage spells to apply a debuff boosting subsequent damage, right?). Does anyone know if this is the case? It might explain why EJ promotes the Haunt-SB opener...

SB is still worth casting on trash, as it's Affliction's only worthwhile direct damage spell (Haunt isn't too bad, but it's got an 8-second cooldown, and Incinerate isn't as good without Immolate on the target). Trash dies before our DoTs run much more than half duration (assuming a decent group, of course; mileage may vary).
#23 Jun 19 2009 at 4:17 PM Rating: Good
1,912 posts
WhiskeyDuck wrote:
The damage for Shadow Bolt's the same no matter when you cast it, so we have to look at whether the 5% SE buff would make a serious difference on the one or two DoT ticks that would occur if you cast SB at the start as opposed to the end. Casting all your DoTs before SB allows them to tick while your casting SB, while going with SB first means 2.5-3 seconds (depending on talents) without anything ticking.

Just a note, and I am not sure for Warlock's, but in the case of a Shadow Priest, the bonus from shadow weaving only effects spells when they are cast. So, if I have a 4% increase to damage from 4 casts from SW'ing, then when I cast my dot it only obtains a 4% damage increase. To receive the 5% damage increase at a max stack, the dot has to be re-cast or reapplied.

I mention this because if it is the same, then in theory, based on speed of the kill, it is probably not worth casting on trash mobs at all. Secondly, for bosses, it would be a huge dps loss if that is the case.

So, if the class mechanics are different, then I just wasted your time, and I apologize. I am more curious for my own sake as I decided a bit ago to reroll a Warlock after being bored playing a healer or melee dps. (So, that means I cannot test this myself on my level 36 Destro lock...)

BUFFS that increase damage will only increase the damage of the spells casted while you have the buffs up. This is the case for example with the lifetap glyph and the trinkets.

Haunt and Shadow Embrace are debuffs. You can put all your dots and then put up the debuffs that boost your dots and it will work.

Drain Soul 4x when the target is at 25% is a conditional. If you start doing it at 26% and keep channeling for 15 sec it will not do 4x damage but normal damage. And for it to do proper damage you need to have all your debuffs up so you have to interrupt it to put up your debuffs when they expire.

Edited, Jun 19th 2009 8:19pm by xorq
#24 Jun 20 2009 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
1,235 posts
BUFFS that increase damage will only increase the damage of the spells casted while you have the buffs up. This is the case for example with the lifetap glyph and the trinkets.

Haunt and Shadow Embrace are debuffs. You can put all your dots and then put up the debuffs that boost your dots and it will work.

That answers that question. Thanks!
#25 Jun 20 2009 at 8:10 PM Rating: Default
Grow somw gonads.ace the mob, Tab, dot dot.....unless your crowd control, thats your game.
#26 Jun 23 2009 at 1:29 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The two Death Knights were at around 1000 DPS in Gundrak? Would like to know their levels, because I did 1200 DPS in Nexus at level 71. Smiley: um

And I'm having issues with my Warlock as well. I think I'll switch to Destruction when I have the gold. Affliction is awesome for questing, but I'd rather just sit and drink once in a while than fail so utterly in instances. I've tried the Seed spamming, but I always end up pulling aggro from that one mob the tank doesn't have under control. It's amazing how fast you get used to Shadowfury.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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