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Vindication nerf.Follow

#1 Jun 09 2009 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
I just saw on the main page where vindication would no longer reduce strength and int. What the heck is the problem? That's the point of the talent, to reduce attributes by 10%/20%. I don't roll Ret at all, so I don't know how important it is to "yall" (not lawl).

What is the logic behind this? Are Ret paladins that OP in PvP now that Blizzard actually sat around and brainstormed (like, 2 seconds, on a good day, if the wind is right) to cut a couple pretty important stats out of it? I mean, if it was something like spirit, who would really care that much

(As I am typing this I am sure someone will come in here and be like, "Oh yure sooo newb! XXXX uses spirt sooo mcuh! roflcopter, leet, epeen!")

Personally, I am prot, and have seen several builds that use Vindication as a form of damage reduction. 20% less strength is translating into less AP, correct? Anyways, I do imagince most bosses would be quite immune to this effect, so it is probably mostly for trash.

I would love to hear any PvP'ers take on this, as I assume it is way more important to them than a PvE'er.

I wonder if they will increase the effect to 20%/40% to compensate? Or make it reduce players interest rate on all savings/bonds by 10%/20%, now THAT would be OP.

#2 Jun 09 2009 at 9:38 AM Rating: Excellent
3,761 posts
Stam and int, it will still reduce agi/strength/spirit

The reason being, it was flat out ridiculous to touch someone once and lower their health and mana back 20%
#3 Jun 09 2009 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
I don't think it was very big on PVE (Never seen a paly drop a raid boss for 20% stamina/HP) but I think it was intended to fix PVP.

As a Prot/Ret - I don't really mind this.

Edited, Jun 9th 2009 3:42pm by Borsuk
#4 Jun 09 2009 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
It was pretty big in PVP, you jump on a target with 20,000hp and the debuff takes them to 16k before you even do any damage. A little bit of luck you could blow through 16k in a hammer of justice
#5 Jun 09 2009 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Thank you mike for the correction on it being stam/int instead of strength/int.

Isn't that kinda the point of a Ret Paladin though, to blow through HP quickly?

That's the whole mantra of a DPS class, do more damage to them than they do to you.

Is Ret Paladin the most powerful DPS class in the game right now? Prolly not. Each one of us could name at least 3 face rolling DKs who would top an average Ret DPS'er. I understand that probably most of the people who take time to come to the boards and learn and work on their builds and tweak their rotations can probably make a Ret Pally very competitive with the other classes.

Oh wait, wait, wait. I just remembered something not too long ago about Blizzard wanting to either lower burst damage/ lengthen PvP matches. I guess that would tone down a Ret Pally, without really nerfing a vital DPS tool.

Thanks fellas.
#6 Jun 09 2009 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
IIRC, the first iteration of Vindication was 3/3 pts, lowered Str and Agi by 15%. crap!

most recently it was 2/2 pts, lowered all stats by 20%. way OP!

now it is 2/2 pts, lowers Str, Agi, Spi by 20%. whoopy do.

the one major flaw with the Vindication proc is this: it lowers the dmg output of the target being attacked. this doesn't make sense for either the pally or the target. if i'm in attack mode, i don't need to limit the target's dmg...he's not doing the hitting! likewise, the target is getting pwned and he loses some ability to fend off the palliy's attacks.

i would rather see Vindication as a more defensive talent. someone is raping procs on the ememy and now the rape is more gentle.

this talent is similar to Art of War. when i am crit-owning the target, does it make sense that i should be entitled to a free heal? how bout giving me the heal when i am locked down and dying instead.

welcome to Blizzard2009.
#7 Jun 09 2009 at 1:38 PM Rating: Excellent
3,761 posts
Yeah I think now vindication has become optional in the PVP ret spec, so feel free to spend the 2 points elsewhere. It can help, lowering the targets damage, but I don't think it's mandatory anymore. Where to put the points now? Kind of depends on your current spec, hehe.

Slightly off topic, but I'd like to see some class wide shield block type ability on a cooldown, sort of a bonus for the "skilled" rets who realize they're being bursted hard and pop sword + board. We have no defensive stance, but maybe some class wide cooldown should be added that reduces damage or melee damage taken when you have a shield equipped.

I know theres glyph of salv which I use in both my specs (ret + holy), maybe that's enough, maybe it's not. I still rarely see rets pop sword + board like warriors though. It's alot of setup to go full defensive as well, like you'd want to pull up seal of light for a little, get a good fast 1h swapped in with a shield, probably put up devo armor, that would lower melee damage taken by around 13-14% in my gear, in addition to numerous self heals from SoL. But so many globals just to setup. If you popped glyph of salv here, thats a 4th global.

I just saw yet another nerf, and I can't help but feel they are just gutting the spec and not going to add anything new to sort of raise the skill cap or make it viable at high ratings. I kind of ranted in another thread about how easy ret is, but that's only against your average BG bads. Arena is a different story, ret is kind of a joke against healers, now they nerfed vindication into near uselessness, and the most recent nerf is removing the interupt portion of HoJ.

Edited, Jun 9th 2009 5:39pm by mikelolol
#8 Jun 09 2009 at 4:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,503 posts
i have a strong feeling they are nitpicking the talent tree to get ready for a mini-overhaul. i would say another 3 months before the PTR sees a new playstyle model. my guess is that it will be burst-on-demand based on CS.

you don't nerf a year old talent "just because".
#9 Jun 10 2009 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
tommyguns wrote:
i would rather see Vindication as a more defensive talent. someone is raping procs on the ememy and now the rape is more gentle.

It'll reduce the target's strength and agility by 20%. That's pretty defensive, no?


tommyguns wrote:
you don't nerf a year old talent "just because".

O hai thar mr. Seal of Command. Damage reduced to 70% weapon damage just because? Kk, thx.

Edited, Jun 10th 2009 9:16pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#10 Jun 10 2009 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
tommyguns wrote:
i would rather see Vindication as a more defensive talent. someone is raping procs on the ememy and now the rape is more gentle.

It'll reduce the target's strength and agility by 20%. That's pretty defensive, no?

the debuff IS defensive. the proc is NOT. Vindication only procs through offensive means. if designed more like a mage's Frost Armor or druid's Nature's would penalize a melee attacker. as it is now, it penalizes the one being attacked.

tommyguns wrote:
you don't nerf a year old talent "just because".

O hai thar mr. Seal of Command. Damage reduced to 70% weapon damage just because? Kk, thx.

Vindication received 2 buffs since its inception. it lived in its current state for more than a year(incl PTR). then it was hotnerfed without warning. Seal of Command has been jerked around since as long as i can remember.

#11 Jun 10 2009 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
How about this:

tommyguns wrote:
the one major flaw with the Vindication proc is this: it lowers the dmg output of the target being attacked. this doesn't make sense for either the pally or the target. if i'm in attack mode, i don't need to limit the target's dmg...he's not doing the hitting!

Cause there's no way the target you are attacking is able to fight back, amirite? I think a talent that allows you to lower a target's damage makes perfect sense.

And you mentioned making it more like Frost Armor or Nature's Grasp: no. Too much class homogenization already. Let some differences stay different.

Vindicate according to has the following as one possible definition:

5. To exact revenge for; avenge.

Implies action, not reaction, so again this talent does indeed make sense.
#12 Jun 10 2009 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
Vindication nerf, too bad but it's only really a half-nerf, it doesn't change the way I play and I'm not going to cry about it.

HoJ no longer interrupting is a bigger hurt IMO. And I honestly can't understand why they would do that.

Also, someone pls remind blizz that we need Exorcism friggen fixed already. Seriously, just rollback to the old version of Exorcism and find different means to put paladin DPS up to par with other classes. Like buffing seal damage or something.
#13 Jun 11 2009 at 12:56 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Part of the problem of people's perception of the "hammer of justice wtf-dead kill" came from Vindication. As soon as the ret touches you, -20% hp. As soon as you are below 20% hp, instant crit hammer of wrath. Having a 40% hp disadvantage against a ret was rather huge, i had been discussing vindication a lot before this change.

What i would like to see next is some balancing of the inherent health advantage of certain classes in pvp; namely warriors and death knights naturally having 28k or so health in pvp gear.
#14 Jun 11 2009 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
Part of the problem of people's perception of the "hammer of justice wtf-dead kill" came from Vindication. As soon as the ret touches you, -20% hp. As soon as you are below 20% hp, instant crit hammer of wrath. Having a 40% hp disadvantage against a ret was rather huge, i had been discussing vindication a lot before this change.

What i would like to see next is some balancing of the inherent health advantage of certain classes in pvp; namely warriors and death knights naturally having 28k or so health in pvp gear.

There is no 40% HP advantage. 20% stamina is like 10% hp.

And self-buffs don't count as advantage because every class has a self buff that is equally good. If their self buff gives attack power it just means they get less sta from the buff and more from the enchants/sockets.

The one part you're right on is "the problem is people's perception".

Edited, Jun 11th 2009 11:29pm by xorq
#15 Jun 12 2009 at 12:42 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Stamina accounts for 15k of my 21k hp. 35% hp advantage then, it's not very different. And i'm not talking about self-buffs, i mean classes with +%stam talents that give them a lot more hp in pvp gear.
#16 Jun 12 2009 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,225 posts
Maulgak wrote:

Vindicate according to has the following as one possible definition:

5. To exact revenge for; avenge.

Implies action, not reaction, so again this talent does indeed make sense.

I think you're either using the wrong definition or you've got that the wrong way round. If you're exacting revenge, it's for something that's happened so it is indeed reactive.

However, vindication is merely a justification for doing something, so I think Blizzard has used the wrong name for the talent. "Victimisation" might have been better.
#17 Jun 12 2009 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
tommyguns wrote:
tommyguns wrote:
i would rather see Vindication as a more defensive talent. someone is raping procs on the ememy and now the rape is more gentle.

It'll reduce the target's strength and agility by 20%. That's pretty defensive, no?

the debuff IS defensive. the proc is NOT. Vindication only procs through offensive means. if designed more like a mage's Frost Armor or druid's Nature's would penalize a melee attacker. as it is now, it penalizes the one being attacked.

Ah, my bad for failing at reading comprehension then. And I agree with you, for the record.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#18 Jun 12 2009 at 10:22 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Leodis wrote:
If you're exacting revenge, it's for something that's happened so it is indeed reactive.

I don't think my last post clearly stated my meaning. I was only meaning to say that, while it is indeed a reaction to something done, it is not a consequence of that action, but a response to that action. That's why it makes sense to be something that happens on the caster's actions, not the opponent's actions.
#19 Jun 13 2009 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Maulgak wrote:
Leodis wrote:
If you're exacting revenge, it's for something that's happened so it is indeed reactive.

I don't think my last post clearly stated my meaning. I was only meaning to say that, while it is indeed a reaction to something done, it is not a consequence of that action, but a response to that action. That's why it makes sense to be something that happens on the caster's actions, not the opponent's actions.

Blizzard isn't really that pedantic. I mean...Retribution Aura?
#20 Jun 13 2009 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
Stamina accounts for 15k of my 21k hp. 35% hp advantage then, it's not very different. And i'm not talking about self-buffs, i mean classes with +%stam talents that give them a lot more hp in pvp gear.

Your char is a lvl 80 pally so it gets at least 7K from non-stamina. (There's for example +health enchants and +HP talents that also increase the HP from non-stamina).

And if it has 21K hp that's 14K from stamina. Vindication would reduce 2.8K HP. Which is a grand total of 13% of your HP.

Now, lets assume for a moment that you had 50K points of stamina (by cheating). For a grand total of 57K HP. Vindication debuff would reduce your HP by 10K, which is 17.5% of your HP.

There is no such thing as 40% hp advantage, or 35%, or 20%, not even 17%. It's in the 13% - 14% range.

So really, the effect was not that big, and the nerf is also not that big. Vindication is still a pretty decent PvP talent without that.

------------------ EDIT:

Actually, I did notice one thing that will be affected by this nerf, with the stamina part.

Paladins don't get any anti-healer effect. So the 13% HP reduction keeps your targets from being healed all the way to their real full HP, instead they get healed up to the 87% of their real HP.

The change will make it even harder to kill healers. But that may not be that much of a difference because it's already near-impossible at the moment.

Edited, Jun 17th 2009 9:31pm by xorq
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