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Bear epeen: next target?Follow

#1 Jun 06 2009 at 8:11 PM Rating: Good
A few weeks ago I soloed Thrym (the big giant in Zul'Drak) and I'm trying to decide what the next step up is. I don't think I could manage Doomwalker, but haven't tried.

Any suggestions?
#2 Jun 06 2009 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Regular HoL.

I was able to solo some of the pulls awhile ago, you might be able to do the whole thing.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#3 Jun 07 2009 at 5:51 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Have you soloed every Outland heroic? Only ones I'm missing are Shadow Labs (Murmur will suck), Heroic MGT (need to figure out a way to survive a Pyroblast), and Black Morass (just been too lazy to do it).

Solo Heroic MGT and I'll be quite impressed. Share strats, if you could!
#4 Jun 07 2009 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
I doubt you can solo Doomwalker. He hits about about 7k on an armour capped tank, and when he drops below 20% he hits for 14 k on an armour capped tank. Add periodic stuns and random 2k CLs and he should outdps your healing. I know he's been soloed by a couple of DKs, but that was back when the class was ridiculous.

Worth a try, though.
#5 Jun 08 2009 at 4:42 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
need to figure out a way to survive a Pyroblast

Theory if you're a Night Elf. Call a combat-pet (lots available from trinkets) and shadowmeld to drop aggro. That should make him drop target and stop casting. Normally he'd also reset since you're alone, but possibly that the presence of a pet will prevent that. Resume combat before the pet dies. Win!

I'd try it myself but I'm afraid I wouldn't even make it TO the last boss. I can solo regular, but heroic is a bit beyond my gear level I'm afraid.

Nuit Midril - White Mage/Scholar on Ultros
Nuit the Insane! - Retired Druid on Sentinels.
Ombre - Retired Dragoon/bard on Phoenix.
#6 Jun 08 2009 at 5:31 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
PhoenixOmbre wrote:
need to figure out a way to survive a Pyroblast

Theory if you're a Night Elf. Call a combat-pet (lots available from trinkets) and shadowmeld to drop aggro. That should make him drop target and stop casting. Normally he'd also reset since you're alone, but possibly that the presence of a pet will prevent that. Resume combat before the pet dies. Win!

I'd try it myself but I'm afraid I wouldn't even make it TO the last boss. I can solo regular, but heroic is a bit beyond my gear level I'm afraid.

Interesting idea! It might just work!

Unfortunately, I think I threw out all of my Netherwing trinkets >_< I'll have to find another; made tougher by not being a JC :-P Still, great thinking!

For Murmur I'm not sure if anything would work... that thing has over half a million hp, and its attacks aren't mitigated by armor. Since elemental resistance changed and you are unlikely to ever resist more than 50% elemental damage, I think I might be buggered there :-P

Edit: Looks like the Barov Peasant Collar might be the way to go. I can also hope to DPS him to 50% within a minute, but that seems a little optimistic.

Second edit: Also, popping offensive cooldowns and downing his shock barrier to bash in time COULD work, but I'm wary about having 4 seconds to do all that. I guess I'll try each of these ideas tonight.

Also, I completed Heroic: Black Morass two nights ago. Was simple.

Edited, Jun 8th 2009 12:24pm by LockeColeMA
#7 Jun 09 2009 at 4:18 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
PhoenixOmbre wrote:
need to figure out a way to survive a Pyroblast

Theory if you're a Night Elf. Call a combat-pet (lots available from trinkets) and shadowmeld to drop aggro. That should make him drop target and stop casting. Normally he'd also reset since you're alone, but possibly that the presence of a pet will prevent that. Resume combat before the pet dies. Win!

I'd try it myself but I'm afraid I wouldn't even make it TO the last boss. I can solo regular, but heroic is a bit beyond my gear level I'm afraid.

Interesting idea! It might just work!

Unfortunately, I think I threw out all of my Netherwing trinkets >_< I'll have to find another; made tougher by not being a JC :-P Still, great thinking!

For Murmur I'm not sure if anything would work... that thing has over half a million hp, and its attacks aren't mitigated by armor. Since elemental resistance changed and you are unlikely to ever resist more than 50% elemental damage, I think I might be buggered there :-P

Edit: Looks like the Barov Peasant Collar might be the way to go. I can also hope to DPS him to 50% within a minute, but that seems a little optimistic.

Second edit: Also, popping offensive cooldowns and downing his shock barrier to bash in time COULD work, but I'm wary about having 4 seconds to do all that. I guess I'll try each of these ideas tonight.

Also, I completed Heroic: Black Morass two nights ago. Was simple.

Edited, Jun 8th 2009 12:24pm by LockeColeMA

Died four times in Heroic: MGT and called it a night :-P Died the first time on the Voidwalker-esque boss. Second time was on the Priestess's group; I managed to kill all but two of them before snuffing it. Finally made it to Kael. First time I started in cat but took WAY too much damage and had to immediately switch to bear. Was killed by a buggy flamestrike (I moved out of it but I still got the dot). Second attempt was the best. I got him down to Pyroblast phase with about 60% hp left, but hit Shadowmeld before my Peasant collar. Oops. Reset the encounter, but ran in too quickly before my cooldowns were up. Not that it mattered much; I took a ton of damage from his fireballs anyway and died shortly after the first phoenix spawn (~30 seconds).

Main problem I see with my Peasant collar is that the guys summoned will be really week, and a second phoenix spawns at the Pyroblast phase and does an AoE. I think it might kill them before Pyroblast finishes casting. I suppose we'll see! I should try again; it was rather fun, and I still need that achievement :-P

Also, I noticed that I did not partially resist any of Kael'thas's fireballs. Seemed odd. Also it stinks getting hit for 5k damage every few seconds :-P
#8 Jun 09 2009 at 4:28 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Some time ago I set out to do every Outlands Heroic on my Druid. Managed to do everything but Heroic MgT.

Shadow Labs is really easier than it seems and I think I had a harder time on Grandmaster Vorpil than Murmur reason being that going at him in bear form wouldn't let me kill him fast enough so I just burned him down in kitty but ended with 10-15% health left. Murmur is really straightforward, as long as you remember you still have to run out of the big AoE shock.


Heroic MgT, I just couldn't interrupt the Pyroblasts reliably enough. The first fight is cake. Second is tricky (just don't kill him too fast, take the time to kill the small charges). Third fight can be hard and you might have to die a few times, depends on the group you're facing. And Kael is just really really hard, especially with all the fire damage going around. Maybe a set of Fire Resist gear would help, but then again it'd gimp your DPS. I ended up doing it with a Resto Druid, really easy.
#9 Jun 09 2009 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
You cannot interupt the pyroblast, its not supposed to be interuptable, you're supposed to dps him down faster so pyro doesnt happen. You can interupt the fireballs easily enough however.
#10 Jun 09 2009 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
The pyroblast can and must be interrupted.

The thing is Kael gains a shield before casting Pyro and I think you need to burn down the shield before being able to interrupt Pyro (as in, cannot interrupt through the shield). Even though my DPS is much higher than it was at 70, it might not compensate for 3-4 people DPSing, so it's pretty hard to break shield then build up a few points to use Maim.
#11 Jun 09 2009 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Selverein wrote:
The pyroblast can and must be interrupted.

The thing is Kael gains a shield before casting Pyro and I think you need to burn down the shield before being able to interrupt Pyro (as in, cannot interrupt through the shield). Even though my DPS is much higher than it was at 70, it might not compensate for 3-4 people DPSing, so it's pretty hard to break shield then build up a few points to use Maim.

Well, to be fair the "accepted" feral way to solo this involves getting Kael to 50% health within a minute so he goes to phase 2 instead of Pyro-ing you. I found it too tough; I got him to 60% before he first pyro'ed... but I was doing it as bear. Which I seemed to need, in order to survive. Bah, who knows...
#12 Jun 10 2009 at 4:25 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Well, my previous post was mostly to say that Pyro really is interruptible. If it is possible to burn him down within 1 minute and it makes soloing feasible, awesome. Though, much like you say, I've had little success staying in Cat form. To be honest I wasn't playing much at this point in the expansion so I just quickly checked some strats on Wowhead to have an idea of how the fight goes.

Even though his Fireballs are not mitigated by armor, Bear form still works better to survive the fight from my experience. Being able to use SI + FR helps a lot and a good use of Barkskin will also help I guess. But it might gimp DPS too much to bring him down in a minute. ~115k health still takes a while to take down and you can't Shred which is a noticeable change in damage output.

Edited, Jun 10th 2009 7:26am by Selverein
#13 Jun 12 2009 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
164 posts
Soloing older content is one of my favorite pastimes on my feral. I have managed to finish HMgt a few times, the trick is to just dps Kael down fast enough as others have mentioned. I found what works for me is to open in kitty, get a few quick bleeds (ravage, then rip) and switch to bear. (Saving the mangle for bear.) Since he phyiscally hits like a girl, wear a few of your dps pieces instead of your tank gear. You can easily push him to phase 2 this way before the pyroblast. If you take a few big hits pop your frenzied regen and SI here. Then "swim" to the door, casting a suite of HoTs on yourself. With the changes to innervate, once you're done healing, you're full mana again by the time you're dodging the balls back to him. Once there kitty him silly. The dps output in cat makes outweighs the survivablity of bear form at this point. Usually I have to re-dodge the balls back to the door, to pull them away for some more time to dps him down, but eventually the bleeds get him.

Bear in mind, that your dps output is easily 4-5 times what it was at 70. IIRC the shield he put up to interrupt the pyroblast took 10k to bring down, and was the challenge for the tank and 3 dps back in the day. That's a crit or two regular hits for a geared 80.
So far, no mount yet. (Although I did get the pet on my first attempt.) I hope it takes less than the 57 runs of Sethik it took me to get the raven mount to drop!

#14 Jun 14 2009 at 5:24 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Slight update: Murmur is a pansy and was one of the easiest heroic bosses I have yet faced solo. Still trying to work up the will to try MGT again. I also need the time, as it takes a while to run back if you die :-P
#15 Jun 15 2009 at 4:45 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Skirnir wrote:
Soloing older content is one of my favorite pastimes on my feral. I have managed to finish HMgt a few times, the trick is to just dps Kael down fast enough as others have mentioned. I found what works for me is to open in kitty, get a few quick bleeds (ravage, then rip) and switch to bear. (Saving the mangle for bear.) Since he phyiscally hits like a girl, wear a few of your dps pieces instead of your tank gear. You can easily push him to phase 2 this way before the pyroblast.

Thank you for this advice; I don't know if this was what did it, but I managed to splatter Kael'Thas on heroic using this technique. I would open with a bleed (not ravage), hit SR, wait to 5 CP, rip, and then go to bear. Worked wonderfully... and the fight is a joke when you hit phase 2. No mount, but now I know I can do it.

Priestess Delrissa is probably the toughest fight when you get Apoko in the party. Two healers, ugh. I just have to outlast them until they both go OOM, then kill everyone.
#16 Jun 20 2009 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
I finally got around to doing heroic Terrace. Priestess took three tries because I had both healers and both stunners, and a warlock dotting me up. I had to food and flask in full bear gear to live through their mana bars. Kael went down easily with the "rip, then bearform" strategy, though ignoring the pheonix got me down to 3K hp before I hit panic buttons and killed the egg.
#17 Jun 20 2009 at 8:01 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
selebrin wrote:
I finally got around to doing heroic Terrace. Priestess took three tries because I had both healers and both stunners, and a warlock dotting me up. I had to food and flask in full bear gear to live through their mana bars. Kael went down easily with the "rip, then bearform" strategy, though ignoring the pheonix got me down to 3K hp before I hit panic buttons and killed the egg.

Fun fact: when you first enter the heroic instance you can use catform to track humanoids and see what group comp the Priestess has. If you see Apoko, leave the instance, switch to Normal, then switch back to heroic; as long as you have killed no bosses yet, it resets the instance. Just keep doing it until you have no more Apoko!

I find the Priestess fight tougher than the Kael fight now, honestly. You just need to make sure your cooldowns are up for both. Using Berserk on the Priestess fight is awesome if you time it right (when you have three of them around half health should be perfect; two will die while the Priestess self-heals. KILL THE NAGA FIRST!!!)
#18 Jun 20 2009 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
Yeah, that occurred to me after I downed the first boss. The main issue with both healers up was the "monk" and rogue chain-stunning me so I couldn't get Savage Defense up or ILotP heals.
#19 Jun 25 2009 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Well, managed to solo half of Molten Core. Lucifron, Magmadar, Garr (SO EASY), and Shazzrah. I died on Gehennas after downing his two adds; I might need shadow protection for that. Same with Baron Geddon; even with 275 FR I was torn a new one. Sulfuron Harbinger also handed me my own behind; got him to about half health, but all of his adds still had 2/3 mana left... yeah... might need shadow resistance for that as well, maybe?
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