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When did the class "click" for you?Follow

#1 Jun 05 2009 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Shamefully stolen from the Mage boards (and I'm not even shadow >=D), but nevertheless an interesting quesiton. At what point did the priest class "click" for you? When did you do that awesome thing or obtained that ability that made you go "Hell yeah, I love the priest!"?

For me, it was a long time back. I decided to play a priest before the beta was even out, and at that point basically every spell I learned about the class interested me, be it Lesser Heal or Renew. I had another small 'click' several years later; I had a little paladin healing experience by then and was healing an instance on my druid when I noticed the lack of direct heals. It was then that I decided to go back to playing a priest because healing-wise, they have it all. Not solely HOTs like the druid and not solely direct heals like the Paladin, but a steady ********
#2 Jun 05 2009 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I decided I wanted a priest when they released the new Disc tree last year.

At the time I had delusions of it being able to DPS/heal in a hybrid role. lulz at me

Still like the tree and having a blast leveling. Healing through Outland has been fun so far. I need more people to roll DKs so I have more people to heal. ;)

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#3 Jun 06 2009 at 3:51 AM Rating: Good
I think things finally clicked when I was healing in Razorfen Downs at about 40. I got some healing tips from a pug member on his alt. He had a higher level priest and helped me to use fade at the appropriate time, as well as some other tips. It was the beginnings of me learning to control my aggro (an endeavor which culminated when I first entered kara).
#4 Jun 06 2009 at 4:11 AM Rating: Good
536 posts
I think it 'clicked' for me the first time I healed an instance. I'd never healed before, and I had a blast. That one short run through Stormwind Stockades had me talking like I'd played a priest for years. Even now, my wife tells me 'You're getting cocky about healing, shut up."
#5 Jun 06 2009 at 4:59 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I'd say from level 1, honestly. I'm probably romanticizing it in retrospect, but I really do remember leveling my priest as being incredibly smooth, intuitive, and fun. It was the first Horde character I'd leveled so everything was new and interesting, which also helped. I do remember though as soon as I got Vampiric Embrace being like, Really? It's this indestructible? Why don't more people know about this?

And even though my priest is retired, I still miss certain things about her. WTB HoT for paladins please.
#6 Jun 06 2009 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
When I first got the game, I was playing a Human Holy Priest Pre-BC. Wow, was I a noob.

But still, I think it really clicked for me when I realized how fun healing was. One of my best memories is my first trip into SM Library, and the rush I felt when I was healing everyone back up after soaking an Arcane Explosion. Those life-or-death situations where you pull through are always fun.

The class also clicked a second time when I finally listened to my friend and went shadow. Oh God, so much fun! I've never looked back.
#7 Jun 06 2009 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
536 posts
IDrownFish wrote:
One of my best memories is my first trip into SM Library, and the rush I felt when I was healing everyone back up after soaking an Arcane Explosion. Those life-or-death situations where you pull through are always fun.

The class also clicked a second time when I finally listened to my friend and went shadow. Oh God, so much fun! I've never looked back.

I know exactly what you mean. I love running with sub-par groups (at least right now), because of the thrill of seeing people go from practically dead, to glowing they've been healed so well!
#8 Jun 07 2009 at 6:28 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
When I first started to heal groups in Outland, I was overwhelmed. It felt like work and my confidence took a huge hit. I found this forum and read the tips from other priests. After basically revamping my entire ui and keybinds, I tried again in Northrend just after WotLK came out. Now the instances were new to everyone and I wasn't the only one learning. This time, I was so successful that I knew that I had found a niche. The whole group dynamic thing really started to come together.

It was quite satisfying when coming off an encounter where everyone thought we were going to wipe, but somehow survived because the healer stayed in the game.
#9 Jun 07 2009 at 6:36 AM Rating: Excellent
135 posts
I remember hating my priest all through Loch Modan, the Wetlands etc and actually gave up playing it until the only high level healer in our guild left. Then I forced myself to level it for the guilds benefit. At some point in Desolace I began to realise that even though I wasn't killing things quickly (holy spec) I very rarely died. Then I got a group for Maraudon. Never looked back. Changed to Disc and things got even better.
#10 Jun 07 2009 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
I remember prebc and could never find a healer so i rolled a priest. I always hated lvling and healing priests lvl slower then most but it clicked for me when i started running all the SM's exept gy no one runs that anyway. Then i stopped playing him aftr bc came out and went back to my lock, i lvled him to 70 and never really touched him till wotlk and here again i find no healers/tanks anywhere so i rolled a pally and got my priest to 80 i love tanking cause u can control the fight but since most guilds have set tanks it was easy to find a real good guild for my priest and now as holy im tearing up the healing meters and am always inv to where ever we go.
#11 Jun 08 2009 at 7:12 AM Rating: Good
503 posts
When a level 12 paladin in BE starter area asked me why I didn't have a wand. I was standing there casting smite for about 10 seconds due to all the mobs beating on me. Then I started to read alot of forums, figured how to spec, cast sequences as shadow, how to heal a warrior tanking with a twohander.
#12 Jun 08 2009 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
121 posts
My other half told me to try priest in the first place, he thought healing would appeal to me and turns out he was right. So a priest was my first character and I've tried others since, but never got on so well with anything else. Never enjoyed solo play on the priest, but in groups I'm only happy when healing on my priest. I'd say the first instance is where it clicked, the tank said 'nice healing' at the end - when I look back I can't have been very good at all, but luckily the tank knew what they were doing! I first visited these forums with a bunch of naive priestly questions on how to heal after that, perhaps the kind and useful responses from the priest community here helped too.
#13 Jun 09 2009 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
I actually played my baby Priest last night for the first time in at least 6 months and found the survivability of it remarkable compared to my other lowbie alts. As a lvl 12 I was taking down lvl 16 Hunter mobs with pets in Barrens, sometimes 2-3 lvl 14-15 mobs at once and still wasn't dying. I thought it was awesome because I got so used to corpse runs on some of my other classes at that level that I would never take on anything higher than my own level. I did find that I ran low on mana a lot, but with Spirit Tap kicking in I regenerated quickly. My click moment was discovering Power Word Shield :P I might start leveling my Priest a bit now.
#14 Jun 09 2009 at 11:00 PM Rating: Good
98 posts
Well, for me it kinda came in cycles...

I loved playing her up until about level 12, then hated Westfall. This lasted up until about level 25, I found those just a total grind.

Hitting 40 and gaining my Shadowform was awesome, never really looked back after that. (I love the way that my mount assumes the same colours as me too...)

What I have found though is that with a Priest, unlike some of the other classes, you kind of hit a wall and it takes a while to get through get there eventually, but never really found that with my Rogue and Warrior. (Stranglethorn Vale stands out in my head as one long...shudder...)

Due to RL commitments, I couldn't attend any guild planned events until Caverns of Time, the rest of the guild could not believe how impressive my DPS was, and loved the mana kickback. In just a couple of runs, we had gelled together as a group, and if need be, I could switch from Shadow DPS to healer support if our druid became indisposed or OOM.

In short, it's been a bit of a rollercoaster, still not managed to get her to 80, concentrating on my Rogue at the moment, but I think a Priest is a great first class to play, very easy to pick up, and has a pretty decent survivability rate.

Just my 2 pennies worth!

#15 Jun 12 2009 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
I'd say from level 1, honestly. I'm probably romanticizing it in retrospect, but I really do remember leveling my priest as being incredibly smooth, intuitive, and fun. It was the first Horde character I'd leveled so everything was new and interesting, which also helped.

Same as teacake XD I was a noob NE warrior till lvl 50 when I decided to roll horde, I wanted to ditch melee and try healing (and BE are way hotter)... :) The priest seemed easy to learn while lvling. The spells were easy and fun to learn while lvling, it was a smooth progression. Soon I felt like I could do anything!
I changed my spec pretty often, I loved holy but thought shadowform was sexy >:) Though I never spent much time as a mysterious purple shadow :( seemed I had to heal every instance up until 70ish.

I still get the giggles when I run my mount off a cliff to levitate down to safety... Or when I MC an ally off the Lumbermill. But I think what I love the most now is that after a couple years of playing the class it is still exciting and interesting. :) There is still lots for me to learn, next stop disc XD
#16 Jun 16 2009 at 6:59 AM Rating: Good
191 posts
Priest really clicked for me when I got dual spec. I liked soloing as shadow spec, and I liked healing as holy (now I prefer to heal as disc, though) but I for the life of me could not stand the slog of trying to solo as holy (disc was a little better)
or attempting to heal anything over level 60 as shadow. Now with dual spec I happily blow up mobs and get stuff done, while being able to actually go on an instance run when I feel like it without constant respecs. I had always enjoyed the class, but that was the first time it really felt like my class.

Edited, Jun 16th 2009 10:03am by SteveTheEaterofCakes
#17 Jun 18 2009 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
it clicked for me when I stopped trying to kill mobs with DOT's as Disc and just Blow them the hell up with BOOM power while safe in my bubble :)

that and the heals are sweeeeettt!
#18 Jun 19 2009 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
513 posts
Level 40 when I got my shadow form.

Then when dual specs came out and I went shadow/ disc...

She is my main and I love her.
#19 Jul 02 2009 at 11:07 AM Rating: Default
Hmm let me remember back that far. My first was a warrior and my biggest issue was getting garbage healers. When you level, you have to deal with DPS spec'd healers like feral druids and shadow priests. Their heals suck and they run out of mana too quickly. So when I hit 60 (pre-BC) I decided to make a healer. And i decided to do it right. I started a priest and leveled holy. I healed every instance I could as many times as possible. And I made it look easy. Of course I got very little gratitude. I've probably run thousands of instances and raids, all pugs, and I think I've gotten a handful of compliments. But hey, priestin' ain't easy.

And lol to the poster who commented on more DK's giving us more to do. Thats totally true.
#20 Jul 02 2009 at 2:30 PM Rating: Excellent
I have a little priest and so far I am having a lot of fun with her but I am not sure it has "clicked" yet for me. Although I am thinking once I get past that lvl 30 milestone it will, just feels like she is incomplete so far.
#21 Jul 06 2009 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
Dual Spec change my hate towards to my priest to absolute love.
Changing back and forth from Holy to Shadow is priceless.
#22 Jul 13 2009 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
Over the past couple of weeks I think 4 or 5 of my guildies have started a priest and are having a blast with them. :) I'm really the only consistent priest in our guild so I keep checking in with them to see how they are liking it and if they need any help. The reaction I got when I sent their lvl 10s wands and some oils was *priceless*. My note said "tip: Never lvl a priest without a wand" their replies made me sound like a goddess for the advice XD
I've been running through sfk alot with them :) I miss that place!
One other piece of advice I gave them... Once they get levitate, get the glyph/feathers, head to the top of thunderbluff, take a running leap off it while mounted, and quickly hit levitate :)
#23 Jul 31 2009 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Like others have said, I think it clicked for me the first time I healed an instance after 40. I think it may have been ZF, and I remember this great rush of adrenaline when the group was almost dead, but I saved them from a wipe. I say after 40 because if I remember correctly, that's when the priests really get some power behind their healing and start to get a little more mana efficient, but I could be off.... It's been a while
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