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Fix my spec - again!Follow

#1 Jun 02 2009 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
23 posts
I'm sorry I guess I just don't get it. I've tried several specs, stuff people have posted as the great leveling spec this that or whatever, but it never seems to work out for me. Now this spec has the ghoul and healing that I want and if feels like it's working really well for me, but I understand it has a lot of room for improvement. I use the ghoul for all kind of stuff, pulling sometimes, killing lowbie mobs that like to attack while I'm farming, chasing down runners sometimes... Lazy use I suppose but I guess I play lazy. I work at my job and play at WoW, lol... So here's the build I'm running with now. Feels powerful to me but I'll quickly admit that I don't know much about the mechanics behind all the skills and what modifiers do yadda yadda...
If you can tell me what changes would make this more solid I'm all ears. If you can explain why X is better than Y for what I want to do, so much the better. I appreciate it.

Also here's (I hope) a link my character on WoW armory.
If you care to take a look and make really general suggestions like "try to concentrate on attack power and not no much on crit" or whatever might apply that would be cool too. I buy a bit of gear in the AH but mostly I just pick it up from whatever quest rewards or random drops fall in my lap. Like I said, lazy!


#2 Jun 02 2009 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
67 posts
For talents, pull most of the points out of Unholy; the perma-ghoul is not a good trade-off for the stuff you're missing in Blood; and with all the self-healing you should be able soloing or DPSing instances to keep your hp high enough for Blood Gorged; you can safely pull all the points out of Unholy and stack 'em into Blood, Dancing Rune Weapon's a nice one since Blood for the most part has an abundance of Runic Power.

Honestly, you're spreading yourself too thin; you'll completely gimp yourself on so many aspects if you split up your talent points like that, and the DK bottom-run talents (Blood Gorged or Rivendare's Might) are well worth going to the bottom of the talent trees.

If you're still unsure whether Blood or Unholy's for you, no problem, test out one or the other; but testing out both like it seems you're doing will only result in frustration and ineffectivity.
#3 Jun 02 2009 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Plus, you can never get DRs with that build, so you are always locked into the PS>IT>DS>BS>BS>UB cycle. And your RP dumps will be kinda pitiful.

Aww gee, forgot to mention I don't understand this at all. What's an RP dump? I get IT, I use that right after I pull em in with the purple grabber spell. After IT, I usually hit em with the yellow/green button, then the red button, LOL! Then I'll get em with the bloody axe button to heal myself a bit and fire a green skull at em if they run away. How's that? Ooh, and if I get a couple mobs at once, I'll use DnD, the swarm and blood boil. The one I NEVER use is that damned blue sword button. Takes about a month to actually strike when I use that one.
So I guess I'm doomed unless I study up enough to at least know the language, but seriously I don't understand most of the two letter shorthand so if you can toss a couple more letters in there I'd be really grateful.
#4 Jun 02 2009 at 1:00 PM Rating: Excellent
67 posts
Dhavin wrote:
Plus, you can never get DRs with that build, so you are always locked into the PS>IT>DS>BS>BS>UB cycle. And your RP dumps will be kinda pitiful.

Aww gee, forgot to mention I don't understand this at all. What's an RP dump? I get IT, I use that right after I pull em in with the purple grabber spell. After IT, I usually hit em with the yellow/green button, then the red button, LOL! Then I'll get em with the bloody axe button to heal myself a bit and fire a green skull at em if they run away. How's that? Ooh, and if I get a couple mobs at once, I'll use DnD, the swarm and blood boil. The one I NEVER use is that damned blue sword button. Takes about a month to actually strike when I use that one.
So I guess I'm doomed unless I study up enough to at least know the language, but seriously I don't understand most of the two letter shorthand so if you can toss a couple more letters in there I'd be really grateful.

Here's a helpful link that might answer some of your questions on the terminology, if you're too lazy to do research yourself or to read the "tooltips" at least we'll get a few good laughs at your expense.
#5 Jun 02 2009 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Aww gee, forgot to mention I don't understand this at all. What's an RP dump? I get IT, I use that right after I pull em in with the purple grabber spell. After IT, I usually hit em with the yellow/green button, then the red button, LOL! Then I'll get em with the bloody axe button to heal myself a bit and fire a green skull at em if they run away. How's that? Ooh, and if I get a couple mobs at once, I'll use DnD, the swarm and blood boil. The one I NEVER use is that damned blue sword button. Takes about a month to actually strike when I use that one.
So I guess I'm doomed unless I study up enough to at least know the language, but seriously I don't understand most of the two letter shorthand so if you can toss a couple more letters in there I'd be really grateful.

Okay, we'll start from the beginning.

You know that you have 4 different FU (requires a Frost and Unholy rune) abilities you can use (one requires talents). These are Death Strike, Howling Blast Obliterate and Scourge Strike. Both Oblit and SS will gain a damage boost from the number of diseases you have on a target. Death Strike gains more healing from diseases. Howling Blast doesn't have any direct disease modifier, but most builds will boost its damage with Frost Fever-related talents.

Then you have Blood Runes, which are GENERALLY spent on either Blood Strike or Blood Boil. Both of these have disease modifiers. BS does more with every disease, and Blood Boil does more with a disease, but additional diseases don't boost it further.

Because of that, you want to (generally) use these abilities after diseases. Your diseases are placed by Plague Strike and Icy Touch.

So, while the exact order may change, most builds use their abilities in an order like this:

Diseases > Frost/Unholy abilities > Blood Abilities

Now, all of these 3-5 abilities will generate Runic Power. An RP-Dump is one that uses this instead of Runes. These are: Death Coil, Unholy Blight, Dancing Rune Weapon and Summon Gargoyle.

So, until you get good at weaving in your dumps (you can see how this is done in a few threads where Therion posts his rotation), you'll often see them used at the end of the cycle. So, it'll become:


Now, as Blood, you'll get Heart Strike, which is a more powerful BS that hits two targets. The aim of this rotation is to use HS as much as possible, by using Death Strike to turn FU runes into D runes (which can be used as anything).

So, using this spec (I'll just recommend it for leveling), your rotation will be:

Icy Touch > Plague Strike > Death Strike > Heart Strike x2 > Death Coil (as many as you can) > Death Strike > Heart Strike x 4 > Death Coil, then start again from the start.

Use Rune Tap as much as needed (considering you will get 4% of damage as heals, Blood Worms and 15% of health for each DS, this shouldn't be that much on non-elites).

Progress towards this spec.

Now, that "Blue sword" ability is, I presume, Rune Strike. This acts differently than all your other abilities in that it isn't an instant attack. When you hit the button, you will "mark" your next auto-attack, making it a Rune Strike that hits for 50% more damage (and a lot of threat, which doesn't matter while leveling). It won't consume the RP until it swings.

You don't need to use it. You may if you want, but it is really a PvP and Tanking tool.


I actually recommend NOT using Rune Strike, because 1 Death Coil should be more damage than an additional auto-attack (RS is a 50% bonus to an auto-attack, so two of them is like an additional hit).

Edited, Jun 2nd 2009 5:07pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#6 Jun 02 2009 at 1:25 PM Rating: Good
23 posts
at least we'll get a few good laughs at your expense

It's all in good fun! Thanks much for all the info guys, I'll read up and try to get a handle on the terminology as well as the mechanics. Yes, I'll admit to being lazy but the shove in the right direction is a great help and I appreciate it. You guys have convinced me to say goodbye to my buddy Ratcruncher and work on some more solid tactics.
#7 Jun 02 2009 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
idiggory wrote:
and Blood Boil does more with a disease, but additional diseases don't boost it further.

You sure about this? If so, I am going to have to change my frost tanking rotation a bit.

To the OP, how would you like to play? If you like the pet and lots of AE damage, pick Unholy. If you like big hits and self healing, go Blood. Not sure of Frost DPSs play style since I haven't tried it but some people swear by it. Decide how you want to play and then pick a build, rotations are easy enough to figure out. Once you have decided we can go from there.

Whether WoW is just for fun or not, if you're looking to optimize you need to learn your abilities strengths, weaknesses and general uses.
#8 Jun 02 2009 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
23 posts
Here's a helpful link that might answer some of your questions on the terminology

I could have sworn that I looked at that before and understood nothing there. Obviously the FAQ is going to help a ton.
Got some reading to do tonight =P
#9 Jun 02 2009 at 2:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
shutframe wrote:
Here's a helpful link that might answer some of your questions on the terminology, if you're too lazy to do research yourself or to read the "tooltips" at least we'll get a few good laughs at your expense.

To be fair, having to read a DPS FAQ to learn the abbreviations isn't exactly the most obvious thing out there. And I find it a bit ironic that you complain about the OP being lazy when abbreviations are the hellspawn of laziness.

Yes, writing Plague Strike > Icy Touch > Death Strike > Blood Strike > Blood Strike > Unholy Blight takes a bit longer than PS>IT>DS>BS>BS>UB, but this being a forum and not MSN Messenger, I think it's time well spent.

Just saying. As a guy with four years and 23k posts here, I had a hell of a time trying to learn all the abbreviations used for the Death Knight. It seems that there are way more abbreviations that only consist of two or three letters here than on any other class forum. IT, UB, PS, DS, BB, BS, RT, DRW, IBF, ERW, etc.

I see why some people find themselves lost in translation.

Edited, Jun 3rd 2009 12:52am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#10 Jun 02 2009 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
You sure about this? If so, I am going to have to change my frost tanking rotation a bit.

Yes. With the exception of talents. All the disease does, from my understanding, is boost the AP coefficient. It goes up to like 9% with one disease, but not any further. I believe it is normally 5-6%.

That is why the Glyph of HB is so awesome for Frost AoE tanking. You just HB>BBx2 and you have an easy 5-6K aggro on every mob.

But, remember, some talents boost ALL DAMAGE with a certain disease up. So, as an Unholy DK, BB will do more with BP up than with FF. But, it will do the same damage if both are up. (Reverse for Frost, doesn't apply for Blood).

Oh, and Unholy's EP will boost it (it IS Shadow damage), but ONLY if the debuff hasn't been placed by another player, because it isn'ta direct boost.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#11 Jun 02 2009 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
I'm sorry I guess I just don't get it. I've tried several specs, stuff people have posted as the great leveling spec this that or whatever, but it never seems to work out for me... but I guess I play lazy.


Anyway, to clarify:

So, while the exact order may change, most builds use their abilities in an order like this:

Diseases > Frost/Unholy abilities > Blood Abilities

Not entirely accurate. I would put it this way: Get diseases up, generate Death Runes, use the Big Gun, dump RP.

Each spec will have different abilities for each step but the basic process is standard across the basic builds. The Big Gun depend on the build. Blood gets Heart Strike, Frost gets Obliterate, Unholy gets Scourge Strike. But in the end, it's leveling. You could probably just randomly hit buttons and proceed just fine. Read the tool tips of each ability to learn where to use (or not use) them is that process and you'll be on your way to basic understanding of Death Knight mechanics.

Happy hunting.

EDIT: BB now only gets a damage bonus on targets affected by one of your diseases, no additional bonus for multiple.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2009 4:42pm by TherionSaysWhat
#12 Jun 02 2009 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
One glyph that I highly recommend when you decide to put some more money into your DK is the Glyph of Disease - one Blood rune and your diseases will never fade is well worth it, whether Blood, Unholy or Frost.
#13 Jun 03 2009 at 5:46 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
One glyph that I highly recommend when you decide to put some more money into your DK is the Glyph of Disease - one Blood rune and your diseases will never fade is well worth it, whether Blood, Unholy or Frost.

Last I heard it was heavily bugged. You'll get various error messages and it won't fire.

Also, it is only good for Blood. Unholy can use Glyph of SS to refresh their diseases. It doesn't happen all the time, but they don't have to sacrifice damage to do it. Plus, their PSs do more anyway.

And, with Frost, you get, basically, the same number of Oblits. Really, you just change PS+IT to Pest+BS. And the damage on the former is higher, so this glyph could lower your DpS if you lose it.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#14 Jun 03 2009 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
Therionsayswhat wrote:
I would put it this way: Get diseases up, generate Death Runes, use the Big Gun, dump RP.

Most accurate DK statement ever. This is not only relevant to this discussion, but every single rotation post for DKs ever. This should be put in all DK101 FAQs and the immediate answer post to rotation questions. That is how you play DK.
#15 Jun 03 2009 at 6:43 AM Rating: Good
23 posts

Well the respec only cost 15 gold so I couldn't have tried out too many specs. I must have been thinking of other old characters or something.

Thanks again for all the pointers and insight, hopefully I'll have my mining skill up to 350 so I can get back to some XP mobs this weekend. I'll look into changing out my glyphs before heading back to Northrend too. I haven't jacked with that stuff in a long time.
#16 Jun 03 2009 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Most accurate DK statement ever. This is not only relevant to this discussion, but every single rotation post for DKs ever.

What about diseaseless blood? ; )
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#17 Jun 03 2009 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
What about diseaseless blood? ; )

I have not tried disealess since 3.1, but from what I read on EJ and listening to guild mates, diseaseless isn't tops anymore. On EJ, a few people have tried, and usually the powers that be dismiss the info. I may of missed something though.
#18 Jun 03 2009 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I have not tried disealess since 3.1, but from what I read on EJ and listening to guild mates, diseaseless isn't tops anymore. On EJ, a few people have tried, and usually the powers that be dismiss the info. I may of missed something though.

This is true, but your comment said "ever." I was just pointing out that it wasn't entirely correct (mostly just for lulz), because DB hadn't followed that design.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#19 Jun 03 2009 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
TherionSaysWhat, Assassin Reject wrote:
I would put it this way: Get diseases up, generate Death Runes, use the Big Gun, dump RP.

What if your Death Rune generator is your Big Gunâ„¢? With 130 Runic Power and Glyph of Death Strike, Death Strike hits for more than Heart Strike. Although, this might be due to me being level 78 and thus not having the final ranks of the two strikes.

I usually open up with Icy Touch, Plague Strike and then a Death Strike to get two Death Runes. I then use my two Blood Runes to get in two Heart Strikes. By then, the Frost and Unholy Runes I used for Icy Touch and Plague Strike should be ready to be spent on another Death Strike, unless diseases need to be refreshed.

About diseases, I really wish they'd up the duration on them. 15 seconds means I have to refresh them instead of using a Death Strike every other rotation. I wish they'd make them last 24 seconds, or even several minutes, with the damage reduced, of course.

To make sure people don't run around with a gazillion diseases on them in PvP, make them not stack, but make Death Knight strikes work off of other Death Knight diseases as well. I never did see the point in having strikes that do more damage on diseased targets when only your own diseases count. That would be like a Mage's Shatter talent not working on targets frozen by other Mages. Or Hunters not being able to get Steady Shot bonus damage on targets that have been dazed by other players.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#20 Jun 03 2009 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
What if your Death Rune generator is your Big Gunâ„¢? With 130 Runic Power and Glyph of Death Strike, Death Strike hits for more than Heart Strike.

But does it hit for more than TWO Heart Strikes? I doubt it. DS may be a single higher hit, but two HSs should be more.

And, luckily, DS generates two DRs.


To make sure people don't run around with a gazillion diseases on them in PvP, make them not stack, but make Death Knight strikes work off of other Death Knight diseases as well. I never did see the point in having strikes that do more damage on diseased targets when only your own diseases count.

It may not have a "point" in any sense more than that it is a desired mechanic. It is like saying that Rage or Energy or RP or Mana doesn't have a point. It is just how the class functions.

I'd say the more accurate comparison would be to Rogues.

It is like how finishers take combo points. They'll do more with more points. The combo abilities cause damage (some of them do more than the finishers, especially before 5 points). Another Rogue's CP doesn't help you, only your own.

We get combo points that do damage, but have to balance it with the fact that our diseases can be dispelled and have a time limit.

To make sure people don't run around with a gazillion diseases on them in PvP, make them not stack, but make Death Knight strikes work off of other Death Knight diseases as well.

Horrible argument. The diseases are MEANT to be part of our damage. It is like making Affliction DoTs for Warlocks not stack, but making their Shadow Bolt gain a damage boost from other's DoTs.

For me, diseases are about 200-300 damage per tick without considering indirect boosts like Black Ice, EP or CF. That is a good 150-200 DpS that I lose because they don't stack, which is ESPECIALLY hard-hitting in raids, where diseases do a LOT more (speaking about DpS who can have double my AP).

Plus, letting DKs use other's diseases would make them way better in PvP. If one DK would spread diseases, all the rest could get much higher burst damage through Blood Boil without having to place the disease. And their first HB would hit for higher. And all their other strikes.

Bad plan.

Edited, Jun 3rd 2009 10:14pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#21 Jun 08 2009 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
23 posts
I'm a believer! Just went to Sholazar Basin looking for my first aid manual and got the drop on undead kill #1, lol.

While making my way to the undeads, I got jumped by a level 77 sapphire hive wasp(five levels above me). Kept resisting my diseases but I still managed to kill it no sweat, then killed the three level 77 drones that swarmed me immediately after. Not that that's so amazing or anything, but that would have been a hopeless fight without the knowledge you folks shared right here.

These are gold:
So, while the exact order may change, most builds use their abilities in an order like this:

Diseases > Frost/Unholy abilities > Blood Abilities

Now, all of these 3-5 abilities will generate Runic Power. An RP-Dump is one that uses this instead of Runes. These are: Death Coil, Unholy Blight, Dancing Rune Weapon and Summon Gargoyle.
I would put it this way: Get diseases up, generate Death Runes, use the Big Gun, dump RP.
Your basic stat priorities until hit/exp capped (263/26 respectively) are:
Hit > Expertise > Strength > Crit > ArPen > else

Thanks again.
#22 Jun 11 2009 at 11:51 AM Rating: Default
About diseases, I really wish they'd up the duration on them. 15 seconds means I have to refresh them instead of using a Death Strike every other rotation. I wish they'd make them last 24 seconds, or even several minutes, with the damage reduced, of course.

Here's a little trick I found: glyph or disease 'your pestilence now also refreshes the duration of all diseases' (or something like that).

What i do is do my normal rotation with diseases (im frost) but the 2nd wave of my rotation doesnt include diseases anymore thanks to that glyph. The 2nd rotation would be something like: Pest (to refresh diseases), Blood strike, Obliriate, Obliriate, Frost strike, frost strike, and then repeat. those last 4 skills are pretty heavy on damage and it works for me, specially on a long boss fight.

Im not sure how you guys do it if your unholy or blood but the glyph still helps a bit if your having trouble keeping diseases up i think.

Sorry this is all off topic but i just wanted to share that.
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