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New holy looking for Action Bar adviceFollow

#1 Jun 02 2009 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
98 posts
Well, the title says it all really.

I've dual specced myself as Shadow/Holy, with the intent to make things easier on the healers in our Guild.

However our healers are all druids, so cannot give me any practical advice...I have set up my action bars the way that seemed sensible (to a priest that has NEVER attempted to heal) but they don't seem comfortable...

If anyone could show me the way that they have set theirs up, that would be great.

I've just realised how pathetic this sounds, so am going to hit myself in the eye with a fork, but any feedback would be great. :D

Thanks in advance!

#2 Jun 02 2009 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
I use bartender4 I really like the layout, and ominicc (shows cooldown timer on the button)
I also use Grid for healing (no clique yet but I am thinking about it)
1-greater heal
2-flash heal
3-blinding light
4-pray of healing
5-pray mending
6-circle of healing
8-devouring plague
9-shadow word:pain
- - holy fire
F5-macro innerfocus/divine hymn
F7- fear
F2- smite
D- dispel
T- desprate prayer
F- mass dispel

I might have forgotten something buts a lot of them :)

edit: Spelling **** ITT

Edited, Jun 3rd 2009 9:14am by Smoopie
#3 Jun 02 2009 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
329 posts

I do not think there is an ideal way to set up your buttons. It depends if you prefer buttons versus clicks and so forth. I would Smoopie's suggestion of Bartender 4. Great add on with lots of versatility to set up your screen so show it as you want it to be seen, while opening up a lot of on screen real estate at the same time.

With that being said, you will need to take a bit of time to configure it how you want it to look. I could get you a screen shot, but many would not like my set up, and truthfully I have a lot of keys bound to my mouse and the alt key. So you would not get the full effect. What you need to do is run some easier instances where you are 4 or 5 levels over the instance and have a group that wants to run and won't mind some basic mistakes as you tweak the system. Being that you are in a guild, see if you can help out some lower levels run through instances.

IMO, it is more about getting comfortable with all your abilities then with your layout. As you progress you will also see a need to potentially change how things are set up.

(Smoopie - Clique is great, but I only use it for dispelling diseases and magic effects as it lets me keep my buttons the way I want, and makes it manageable to dispell while healing. I am sure I will progress a bit more in my button selection for clique, but it is / where I started using it.)
#4 Jun 02 2009 at 1:06 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Set up your instant cast spells, i.e. Prayer of Mending, Renew, PW:S, dispels, Desperate Prayer!!... in easy to reach spots from your movement keys. You should be able to cast them while holding down the "w" button.
#5 Jun 02 2009 at 1:28 PM Rating: Excellent
679 posts
While I recommend bartender 4, I think the sticking point of this post is not the mod that you should use, but rather the bindings that you should use. While using a barmod cerainly makes setting up the bindings easier, the keys that you assign are critical to your response time.

Now, all of this is personal preference, but the way I have my keys set up is as follows. (This is for holy)

1 Guardian spirit
2 Flash Heal
3 Greater Heal (I keep it there even though I don't use it as a rule)
4 Circle of healing
5 Renew

Ctrl-1 PW:S
Ctrl-2 Prayer of healing
Ctrl-3 Fade
Ctrl-4 Prayer of mending

Ctrl-Q trinket1/Hymn
Ctrl-E trinket2/Human racial

Dispells are done with ctrl-click through clique

Being left-handed as I am, the ctrl key is ideally positioned for my thumb, righties would probably change that. The point however remains. The trick is to keep all of your most critical spells in quick reach, that is, in a small area on the keyboard. This means that in a pinch you're not searching your keyboard for the right button to save someone. Healing is all about reaction speed and identifying the most appropriate heal at any given time (especially when you're playing a priest with a huge range of spells to choose from).

As I said before, there is no right answer to this question it is all about learning your layout and picking what suits you.

Incidentally you don't want to know my shadow layout because it is totally ridiculous. However retraining my fingers would take longer than I care to imagine. That said, it does maintain a lot of the same shortcuts, things like fade and trinkets all share the keybindings with my holy spec. no need to learn 2 sets of keys for those!
#6 Jun 02 2009 at 1:57 PM Rating: Excellent
4,684 posts
I use bratender4 I really like the layout, and ominicc (shows cooldown timer on the button)

Bratender4 aye? Where'd you get that, I'd be able to impress my girl with it.

Either way, the best tip I can give the OP is to bind all your heals to places where they feel comfortable. I myself have for example one button I always bind a classes' "main attack" to (Smite, Heart Strike, Backstab). On my priest I bind a spell like Flash Heal to that, so everything feels naturally.
#7 Jun 03 2009 at 5:12 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I use Dominos for bars and love it.

To save real estate, most of my mouseover macros do double duty (such as Renew if the target is friendly or SW:P if they aren't). Everything's on the bars even though I don't click - it's kind of like a cheat sheet. :)

I've got a Wolf King key pad, so the actual bindings won't make sense to anyone else, but my overall philosophy goes: two most frequent spells on mouse wheel up and mouse wheel down (Renew/Flash Heal for Holy, PW:S/Penance for Disc); next tier of spells on the keys where my ring, middle, and index fingers rest (POM, Renew, PW:S, Flash Heal, Greater Heal, depending on spec); next tier one row below for easy reach (Guardian Spirit, Greater Heal, Binding Heal, Circle of Healing, Prayer of Healing, etc. depending on spec). Those tiers aren't about how useful or pretty or great I think a spell is, just what I'm hitting most often.

In general I want to be able to hit at least Renew, Flash Heal, Shield, and Penance if applicable, without having to move my fingers.

I use my thumb to move forward and hit panic buttons. I turn, strafe, and move backward with my mouse.
#8 Jun 03 2009 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
98 posts
Oooh! Thanks for all of your input folks, but now you have me worried about something new...

Have I got the right addon? You all seem to have a different sense of what works for you, which is cool - graaargh! Now I need to have a look at each of those, install them, muck about with them and then decide/delete.

Why can't this be like Bakelite plugs? Any colour so long as you like brown.

Thanks again folks,

#9 Jun 03 2009 at 5:54 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts

As for bars, whether you go with Dominos or Bartender4 really doesn't make much of a difference, I reckon. They both have pros and cons but are mostly the same, afaik. Frameswise Grid is an addon you'll really have to try out, but it literaly only takes one fight to figure out if you like it or not. If you don't like it, there's two ways you can go - either use Healbot (which is mostly simple to set up) or go with either X-Perl or Pitbull; both are *highly* configureable (you can change the size, length, width, location and information shown on literaly EVERY aspect of a unit frame), but therefore take a lot of time and effort to set up.

I don't have any knowledge about Clique, though.
#10 Jun 09 2009 at 12:48 AM Rating: Good
98 posts
Wow, thanks Mozared, great advice and input.

The plan was to start mucking about with these, but I (stupidly) decided to switch my net provider, with the result that the old one was cancelled but the new one not set up. Been over a week now, gone back with the original company (they phoned me and offered me a subscription for half the original price, same deals...)

So now, I can start experimenting again.

Thanks for all the input folks, for some reason the Priest forums here seem to be the most helpful of them all, I have a few alts and have checked out the other threads, with varying success.



#11 Jun 09 2009 at 5:07 AM Rating: Excellent
When you start playing with new action bar mods, check that things like vehicles work correctly. For instance, with Blizz action bars, when you mount a vehicle, you can utilize it's abilities by pressing your number keys. You want to have those abilities keybound.

I actually went back to a combination of Blizzard's action bars and Bindpad for keybinding, but I'll probably start playing with alternatives again, now that I've settled on my dual spec.

Any comments on keybinding with action bar mods would be appreciated. Do vehicles work right with your preferred mod? Do you use something other than the Blizzard interface for keybinding?

Of equal importance to action bars is your raid frames. If you give Grid a try, check the link in my sig.
#12 Jun 09 2009 at 5:59 AM Rating: Good
98 posts
Thanks for that too, will do - having problems with WoWMatrix though - has this site closed?

Anyways, will let you all know how things are going in the great experiment!


#13 Jun 09 2009 at 6:39 AM Rating: Excellent
drfolly wrote:
Thanks for that too, will do - having problems with WoWMatrix though - has this site closed?

Anyways, will let you all know how things are going in the great experiment!



I recommend using the new Curse client (free version) for installing and maintaining your addons. Curse and Wowinterface block wowmatrix where they can. When you first use the Curse client, check the third tab over for unrecognized addons and confirm those it gets right.
#14 Jun 09 2009 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
98 posts
Dadanox, what did I ever do without you?

Thanks for the info mate, I'll check that out too, after I get some work done.

Say, Dadanox, you fancy doing a routine Risk Assessment for my workplace, and I'll get on and try these interfaces out? Go on, it'll be fun!


Thanks again.
#15 Jun 09 2009 at 6:14 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
dadanox wrote:

Any comments on keybinding with action bar mods would be appreciated. Do vehicles work right with your preferred mod? Do you use something other than the Blizzard interface for keybinding?

No problems with any of this with Dominos. You just tell it which bar is the possession bar, and taking control of anything (like a vehicle) will change that bar automagically to display that thing's abilities; when you leave/lose control it'll change right back. Keybindings are hugely fast; you put it in binding mode, then just click the button you want to bind and press the key you want to bind it to. Takes 3 minutes to do them all. Character specific keybinding is just a checkbox. I haven't looked at the Blizzard keybind box in ages.

I was pretty impressed when I got dual spec, expecting it would ***** up my bars, but no problems at all.
#16 Jun 09 2009 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Same thing for Bartender4 here. You can choose which bar you want to use as your vehicle bar; it's usually easiest to just grab your 'main' bar so your vehicle abilites automatically get the bindings you use often.
#17 Jun 09 2009 at 6:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Nice,thanks. I guess I'll give them a try Smiley: nod

Got Bartender 4. It's great, and does everything I want.

Edited, Jun 10th 2009 6:25am by dadanox
#18 Jun 10 2009 at 3:19 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
dadanox wrote:

Got Bartender 4.

But... but... I'm so much cooler than Moz! Smiley: frown
#19 Jun 10 2009 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
teacake- who is definitely cooler than Moz wrote:
No problems with any of this with Dominos. You just tell it which bar is the possession bar, and taking control of anything (like a vehicle) will change that bar automagically to display that thing's abilities; when you leave/lose control it'll change right back.

Mozared- who is still pretty cool wrote:
Same thing for Bartender4 here. You can choose which bar you want to use as your vehicle bar; it's usually easiest to just grab your 'main' bar so your vehicle abilites automatically get the bindings you use often.

This reminded me of something that has bugged me. I changed back to the Blizzard frame for vehicle bars for FL. Originally, I could not get the gauges to show when using BT4. I did not know how much health and energy I had without the bar. I still have some issues after the fight occasionally (I sometimes need to /reloadui to get rid of the Blizzard vehicle bar). I'll have to play with it again if I remember, I always forget until I jump in the buggy, and then its too late!
#20 Jun 10 2009 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
But... but... I'm so much cooler than Moz! :(

Remember when you went paladin? KARMA! ;P

This reminded me of something that has bugged me. I changed back to the Blizzard frame for vehicle bars for FL. Originally, I could not get the gauges to show when using BT4. I did not know how much health and energy I had without the bar. I still have some issues after the fight occasionally (I sometimes need to /reloadui to get rid of the Blizzard vehicle bar). I'll have to play with it again if I remember, I always forget until I jump in the buggy, and then its too late!

This is really the only thing that annoyed me about replacing my frames; it's not that they bug, but I can't seem to find a way to show my vehicle's energy without it looking out of place. On the bright side, the fights you use vehicles in are usually easy enough to win without keeping track of energy.
#21 Jun 10 2009 at 5:05 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
But... but... I'm so much cooler than Moz! :(

Remember when you went paladin? KARMA! ;P

Awww, but she's so pretty.
#22 Jun 10 2009 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
teacake wrote:
Mozared wrote:
But... but... I'm so much cooler than Moz! :(

Remember when you went paladin? KARMA! ;P

Awww, but she's so pretty.

I remember waaaaaay back in the day, you played Druid. You were much cooler then.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#23 Jun 11 2009 at 4:31 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
I remember waaaaaay back in the day, you played Druid. You were much cooler then.

I know right? I probably never would've changed from druid either, except I switched to Horde and although I've tried several times, I can just never get into the cow. WTB Forsaken druid. Of course it would be contradictory to the nature of both, but imagine the rotting bear form. :)
#24 Jun 11 2009 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
You could always use Healbot for all your spells, to save your action bar space for your special combinations and focus macros. Bongos and Bartender sometimes cause UI errors after a patch, where Healbot seems to be compatible all the time.
If you are being assigned to just a tank and their group, then you could get away without something like Healbot, however that is pretty standard for most raid healers.
#25 Jun 21 2009 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
98 posts
Well, it's taken quite a while, and a lot of mucking around, but I am sticking with Dominos (thanks Teacake) which is by far the easiest to use (I don't mean the most customisable, just easiest...)

The only thing that upsets me a wee bit (unless I'm being thick and missing it!) is that I cannot place an action bar vertically, which is where I would normally put my Alchemy, Mounts, HS etc...just to keep them out of the way of the rest of my spells and so on.

Not a big deal to be honest.

Thanks for the hints 'n' tips guys 'n' gals!

#26 Jun 21 2009 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
drfolly wrote:
The only thing that upsets me a wee bit (unless I'm being thick and missing it!) is that I cannot place an action bar vertically

I am positive you missed it. Although I chose Bartender 4 this time, I have used Dominos in the the past. I'll bet if you check for something that says number of columns or rows, that you can make it go vertical.
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