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I CanceledFollow

#1 May 26 2009 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
after over 4 yrs, i canceled my WoW account tonight. for me, the game has lost its dynamic and appeal. i have been part of my guild for about 2 yrs and it was pretty fun. however, ive noticed fewer and fewer people loggin in. also, solo gaming is kinda bland. pvp has gotten weird or broken. i dont like the constant game changes and rewrites. i was impressed by the WotLK storyline and am sorry i will not get to see it to the end. however, i will still play out my remaining time.

i respect and enjoyed all the members of this board(even Bodhi :D) and i hope you all continue to enjoy the game. thanks again and good luck!

#2 May 26 2009 at 7:02 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
its sad to see you going. you'll definitely be missed here. good luck out there in the real world, or wherever your extra time will take you.
#3 May 26 2009 at 7:43 PM Rating: Default
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
It is scary how terrible Wotlk has been so far.

The PvE raiding is complete trash. The introduction of easy mode raiding has pretty much ruined raiding, allowing them to justify content for SWP folks such as myself who are the top 4% of raiders while scaling down easy mode to full on ****** easy through repeated and serious nerfs to almost every boss in the instance so far as well as every single trash pull. For people who aren't terrible but aren't top end it leaves a fairly large gap leaving them with content they will beat in 1-2 months with hard modes they can't do. With the avgg 6-7 month development cycle between tiers that is a pretty big level of boredom.

PvP in Wotlk is a joke.

The leveling, zone design etc was pretty nice though. Argent Crusade Tourney was a big improvement over Hodir dailies. Other than that its been one small let down after another, kind of sad to see that WoW has passed its prime.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#4 May 26 2009 at 8:57 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
PvP in Wotlk is a joke.

This is sad but true. Battlegrounds went from being a semi-controlled chaos to just a pathetic worthless mess. I'm sure you were more aimed at arenas. But as a long time BG enthusiast I can't bring myself to play more than a game or two every few weeks. My guildies and I use to play nightly solo and together. Now nobody can stand it. You have a few good builds running around not just superior or significantly better, but out and out DOMINATING anything that stands in its way.

I've been seriously contemplating WAR. I'm starting to run out of things I want to do in WoW.
#5 May 26 2009 at 9:53 PM Rating: Good
713 posts

It will be sad to see you go mate but I understand why. I took a break about 3 months ago then came back to find four WoW friends had walked away after having been there since the start. I stopped playing before Ulduar came out because I ran out of PvE content, something that had never happened to me before with raiding in WoW.

Between the broken BGs, easy mode PvE content, the constant downtime and bugs the old school player population is slowly walking away from WoW.

PS. Good luck on your future unWoW related endeavours!
#6 May 27 2009 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
Best of luck Tommy.
#7 May 27 2009 at 5:51 AM Rating: Good
73 posts
First of all, I want to wish you good luck Tommy.

You're fondness of Retribution and effort to help people around the boards have always been very helpful.

As on the subject of WoW becoming more and more easy: It's sad but true.
My guild is just one boss away from clearing the current content and the only thing which keeps me going at the moment is the guild itself with all it's members.

#8 May 27 2009 at 8:03 AM Rating: Default
1,912 posts
ekaterinodar wrote:
bodhisattva wrote:
PvP in Wotlk is a joke.

This is sad but true. Battlegrounds went from being a semi-controlled chaos to just a pathetic worthless mess. I'm sure you were more aimed at arenas. But as a long time BG enthusiast I can't bring myself to play more than a game or two every few weeks. My guildies and I use to play nightly solo and together. Now nobody can stand it. You have a few good builds running around not just superior or significantly better, but out and out DOMINATING anything that stands in its way.

I've been seriously contemplating WAR. I'm starting to run out of things I want to do in WoW.

Well I don't want to be as pesimist as you but I am too getting annoyed at the constant changing of game rules. Mostly at the changes to PvP for PvE reasons. I am of the opinion that they should design all chars based on PvP and then design PvE adapted to the class design that came up, instead of adapting class design to PvE.

I've read many good things about WAR, as a BGer I was mostly appealed by the fact that they balance them by bolstering people in the low end of the bracket instead of unbalancing them by increasing lowbies chance to miss like wow does (as if the stats and gear alone weren't enough unbalance). But last I checked the game seemed kind of incomplete (there was some classes missing back then), and recently I went to their site for the 10-day trial and it required 6gb of download so I didn't do it.

So it's a very mixed feel right now, because while WoW is riddled with annoyances it's still a fun game to play and WAR is honestly very attractive but there's a bit of inertia in everything. :P
#9 May 27 2009 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
#10 May 27 2009 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
xorq wrote:
Mostly at the changes to PvP for PvE reasons. I am of the opinion that they should design all chars based on PvP and then design PvE adapted to the class design that came up, instead of adapting class design to PvE.

This is why design is so complicated, because for all the people that think like you do, there's those on the opposite side like me who feel that the need for PvP balance ruins the PvE game. I'm predominately a raider and have many times felt a change for PvP purposes has led to the detriment of the PvE game. I'm not saying you're thinking is wrong, just that it's not the only consideration to make.

I do know where you're coming from tommy, and I gotta say that it's admirable to make a choice like this. When a game either takes over from the important things, or in your case turns away from what made it fun for you, you gotta let it go. I know numerous people have become unhappy with the direction WoW has gone. I still enjoy it and plan on seeing it through to the end of this expansion at least, but that's me. What I find fun and enjoyable are different from what anyone else would find fun and enjoyable.

So anyway, enjoy your time away from this game, and best wishes for your endeavors in life :)
#11 May 28 2009 at 6:11 AM Rating: Good
808 posts
Bye Tommyguns, you'll be missed round these parts. I plan to enjoy the game as long as I can, but as noted above, you're not alone in thinking that WoW's steadily losing appeal. For the past three weeks the first thing I've done upon logging in is look at the guild log to see the latest to leave. It's like turning to the obituaries first in the newspaper; it just doesn't feel right.

Good luck to you in RL and/or whatever captures your fancy next.
#12 May 28 2009 at 9:27 AM Rating: Default
1,912 posts
Maulgak wrote:
xorq wrote:
Mostly at the changes to PvP for PvE reasons. I am of the opinion that they should design all chars based on PvP and then design PvE adapted to the class design that came up, instead of adapting class design to PvE.

This is why design is so complicated, because for all the people that think like you do, there's those on the opposite side like me who feel that the need for PvP balance ruins the PvE game. I'm predominately a raider and have many times felt a change for PvP purposes has led to the detriment of the PvE game. I'm not saying you're thinking is wrong, just that it's not the only consideration to make.

I don't see how PvP balance ruins the PvE game.

I can see that there's been class design features that had to be balanced because they were OP in PvP and they were nerfed, however those nerfs mean nothing to PvE because Blizz balances the nerf of those features with other changes so that all classes atm have a similar DPS/HPS/TPS/Mitigation/etc (depending on their role).

And I also don't see how it would hurt PvE if they had a solid balanced class design and changed the PvE environment to adapt it to the class design instead of the other way around. If they have a solid class design that they are not changing to adapt it to new levels of PvE it just means they tone the encounters to function properly with class design as is. And that they don't break old encounters with changes in class mechanics when they add new encounters.

And also PvP should be prioritized for class design because PvE is easily more limited. PvE is not going to be affected by how much and how often a class can break fear, stuns, snares, stealth, or what the range of the spells is etc. In fact, they could make the game more fun by making PvE that functions more like PvP, like aggro that works with more unstability so that you have to snare/stun/knockback/cc mobs to protect healers instead of just doing DnD spam so that everything stays inside a little circle where AoE is spammed.

Edited, May 28th 2009 1:33pm by xorq
#13 May 28 2009 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
PvP wasn't just tacked on, for a game where it was tacked on look at FFXI.

It isn't even about balance on the class level though, its just that certain comps in certain brackets will always pull ahead. Blizzard copped out and stated that 2v2 is like duels, pvp will never be balanced around it. So Horrible DK/Pally teams steamrolled S5, like Warrior/Druid did S3. Its not just balance at this point its the fact that BG's are not competitive at all but rather a means for undergeared toons to gear up. Arena is suffering being changed every couple months for points, etc. World PvP meets the Argent Crusade immunity instead of Sunwell Isle warfare. I play with about 5-6 Gladiators (multiple seasons) and a myriad of duelists and they have videos detailing the bad that is going on right now, keyboard turning DK's in S5 steamrolling etc.

Then there is PvE, its bad enough that a lot of top end guilds are seeing heavy erosion on core raiding. Strong raiders leaving, new raiders who are used to trash Naxx which requires zero skill coming in causing problems with progression makes the erosion worse etc.

Basically Blizzard had a good concept, listen to the players do what was fun. Now they tell the players what is fun and its not.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#14 May 29 2009 at 1:23 PM Rating: Good
I want to quit
I'll be playing until at lead CoD 6 comes out. WoW is an Epic time killer, but some days you just sit back and say "Why the hell am I doing this" and get the itch to quit, but then something grabs your attention and you're back to playing.
For me it's a terrible feeling to have invested so much time and money and not gaining anything. I don't play with real life friends and no one I know has any experience with WoW except my wife, whose experience is yelling at me to get off the computer and I explain to her why I can't hit pause because I'm raiding and in mid-fight. I've logged a lot of hours and it's kinda depressing to think that the if I quit, the only things that I gained would have been video game experience and some friends along the way. Looking from the outside, to think of all the things I could have accomplished with the time I spent gaming instead of doing something outside a virtual world, it's depressing as well....
But it sure is a fun way to spend your time if you've got it. Hell, if I didn't play WoW it would be wasted on some other game more than likely. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time off and we'll see you with the next content patch or expansion! =)

#15 May 30 2009 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
I've been thinking about it myself. Haven't really played the past 2 weeks, I got back into COD4 (balanced PVP :P). Tired of raiding, have enough gold to last for months if I ever came back, no real reason to login right now. Maybe another day soon, I doubt I'll quit for good. But sometimes we need a break.
#16 May 30 2009 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
mikelolol wrote:
But sometimes we need a break.


As for me I am playing Left 4 Dead!
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#17 May 31 2009 at 3:09 AM Rating: Good
Gratz! You've defeated the Blizzard Uberboss: Addiction.

Post your vid and loots kthnx.

Its sad but if I don't play WoW I end up spending a LOT more money. And I still have nothing to show for it.
#18 May 31 2009 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I don't think the problem is Blizzard, to be honest.

The problem, in my opinion, is us. We demand more and more from the game and at the same time we do more and more to make the game trivial. We invent addons to trivialize things like threat and damage dealing. We do hardcore math to optimize our performances. We join test servers with entire guilds to practice on upcoming instances. No wonder they become trivial within weeks of patch release.

There are a lot of things we, as players, could do to make this game less trivial. For starters, we could delete our Interface folder and remove our ElitistJerks and WoWwiki bookmarks.

Meh. Sorry to see you go, Tommy, but maybe it's nothing a couple of weeks won't cure. People have a tendency to get drawn back into the game.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 May 31 2009 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Mazra wrote:
I don't think the problem is Blizzard, to be honest.

The problem, in my opinion, is us. We demand more and more from the game and at the same time we do more and more to make the game trivial. We invent addons to trivialize things like threat and damage dealing. We do hardcore math to optimize our performances. We join test servers with entire guilds to practice on upcoming instances. No wonder they become trivial within weeks of patch release.

There are a lot of things we, as players, could do to make this game less trivial. For starters, we could delete our Interface folder and remove our ElitistJerks and WoWwiki bookmarks.

Meh. Sorry to see you go, Tommy, but maybe it's nothing a couple of weeks won't cure. People have a tendency to get drawn back into the game.


There are players with all these crutches who still can't beat easy mode content, which is easy as all sin. There are players in top 100 guilds who don't have DBM or threatmeters installed at all, they don't need them. Hell, when I got that first 3 drake kill 10/25 man on server there weren't even guides written on the internet yet. It is nice to make an appeal with an emotional and faux sentimental argument that we trivialize content with our actions but that is not the case. Add ons, database sites, min/maxing are older than World of Warcraft. They existed in Molten Core, Blacktemple etc. Hell they existed in 2001. So why didn't we have this problem in AQ, or while working on Vashj or Kael'thas?

I am afraid the game would still be less than what it was a year ago even if we did go all Luddite and erased our UI and stopped reading up on bosses. And this is mainly because of a major change in development philosphy that blizz took back before Oct 2008.

Edited, Jun 1st 2009 12:33am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#20 Jun 01 2009 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Well, either get better and go hard mode, or realize that you're just too good for the current content.

I don't mind them nerfing easy mode for the casuals, but if the gap to hard mode is that much of an issue, perhaps adding an inbetween mode would be the solution? Somewhere you can go to get the gear needed for hard mode. Would that solve anything?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#21 Jun 01 2009 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Mazra wrote:
Well, either get better and go hard mode, or realize that you're just too good for the current content.

I don't mind them nerfing easy mode for the casuals, but if the gap to hard mode is that much of an issue, perhaps adding an inbetween mode would be the solution? Somewhere you can go to get the gear needed for hard mode. Would that solve anything?

This ^

Is what I have been yammering about on the main forum at Allas since a week after Ulduar's release.

Easy mode has been scaling towards the bottom end of thecurve of raiders, hardmode has been scaled for the top end. Not only does this cause issues with itemization for easy mode content that provides gear designed for what is for all intents and purposes another tier in difficulty but it leaves people who aren't terrible, but who aren't top end raiders with a kind of ghostland where the easy mode is too easy and leaves them bored by the time the next level of content comes out 6 months later, or hardmodes they can't possibly do.

Blizzard needs medium modes, at least more than Yogg, Freya, Council and FL.

T7 was just poorly itemized and scaled, what we are seeing in Ulduar is a new problem with somewhat similar symptoms. Which is causing people to think it is the same problem as before.

Edited, Jun 1st 2009 8:52am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#22 Jun 03 2009 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default
1,882 posts
Blizzard's skin has become a bit too thick. They make off the wall comments and opinions of how they want their game. Completely ignorant to the loud demands and complaints of their customers. Its like they don't even play the game anymore. They run tests. They run scenarios. They make fixes. That **** off millions of players. I understand there are generally three crowds.

Crowd 1 - 14 year old whiners who hate Blizzard because they can no longer face roll (Noobs)

Crowd 2 - Dedicated and faithful players who want a fun challenging game (Casuals)

Crowd 3 - Dedicated and faithful players who have made WoW almost a career who want you to nearly bleed it so difficult (your hardcore end game raider/arena player).

Crowd 1 tends to be the most obnoxious and loudests. But in trying it ignore Crowd 1 it seems Blizzard has thrown Crowd 2 and 3 into the same pot as Crowd 1. Now as much as I tend to debate Crowd 3. In the end most of the ideas presented by Crowd 2 and 3 are both viable. And if implemented with either 2 or 3 in mind neither will be too upset.

but instead of listening, blizzard has distanced itself from its core customer base so much that it simply does what it thinks because its "their game". Not caring that people are indeed leaving. Because honestly there are enough Noobs and Newbs filing in that it doesn't matter. They still get their precious monies.
#23 Jun 03 2009 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
713 posts
Mazra wrote:
if the gap to hard mode is that much of an issue, perhaps adding an inbetween mode would be the solution? Somewhere you can go to get the gear needed for hard mode.

This is possible for guilds that focus on 10man content. Take mine for example. A serious/casual progression 10man guild. For us at least if we want to try those hard mode achievements we can always take some time on the weekend to individually pug into 25man raids and pick up gear that will help us tackle some of the harder achievements or hard modes in Ulduar, whether that be pugging Naxx25 or Ulduar25. I know this can't be done if your in a 25man guild but for 10man guilds its always an option.

Maybe its time to bring back some epic 40man raids with ultra-mega-super epic loot to help tackle the 25man hardmodes!
#24 Jun 04 2009 at 9:38 AM Rating: Good
1,912 posts
arthoriuss wrote:
Mazra wrote:
if the gap to hard mode is that much of an issue, perhaps adding an inbetween mode would be the solution? Somewhere you can go to get the gear needed for hard mode.

This is possible for guilds that focus on 10man content. Take mine for example. A serious/casual progression 10man guild. For us at least if we want to try those hard mode achievements we can always take some time on the weekend to individually pug into 25man raids and pick up gear that will help us tackle some of the harder achievements or hard modes in Ulduar, whether that be pugging Naxx25 or Ulduar25. I know this can't be done if your in a 25man guild but for 10man guilds its always an option.

Maybe its time to bring back some epic 40man raids with ultra-mega-super epic loot to help tackle the 25man hardmodes!

So you're suggesting that the means to overcome the challenges should be to outgear them?

That would kind of suck. Well gear-based progression already sux in the sense that if you go and do things right you fail because the way to beat the encounters is to outgear them, and once you outgear them you can do a lot of things wrong and still win because it's no challenge, but you still have to repeat them until you're tired of them because you need to complete the gear to outgear future encounters.

Well I'm not so affected because I don't pay much attention to raids, I'm having fun without playing raids. Personally I think 10 and 25 should have the same gear even and gear shouldn't keep growing so much that it becomes the decisive factor of beating encounters. It's crappy. If they really want their raids to be lineaaaaaar it would have been better if they just make raid 1 "attune you" for raid 2, instead of continuing to overbloat stats with each tier of content.

The way it is, they're making gear such an important part of the game that next thing we know it's barbie mode. "Beat the challenges by dressing your char with bigger epix to beat the encounters and dress it more!!". Come on!

Edited, Jun 4th 2009 1:41pm by xorq
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