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Spirit on plate healing gear? - Blue PostFollow

#1 May 22 2009 at 6:21 AM Rating: Default
32 posts
Below is a quote from a blue post discussing the MP5 itemization on plate healing gear.

Yes, that is exactly what I said. You are saying you’ll just use the shaman gear. Why? Because you don’t care about the mana regen. Why? Because your mana regen is so good based on things like Illumination that mana regen stats are not attractive. That doesn’t mean we stop putting regen stats on plate. That means we nerf Illumination. An even better solution would be to get rid of MP5 and make Illumination return mana based on your spirit. Now not only do you want a regen stat, but you want the same stat that other healers want.

What really troubles me is the possibility of illumination getting a nerf, and using spirit as a true "regen" stat for healadins. If they are to do that, would that mean they would change all of the current gear to include spirit? Really I don't see a reason to change this. Discuss.

Also, on our Ulduar10 last night we downed XT and Hodir hard mode. Pretty easy fights now. Had 3 healers on XT, holy pally (me), a disc priest and a resto shammy. Only had myself and the disc priest on Hodir. I will say the hard modes are very exciting and they bring a fun challenge to the table.
#2 May 22 2009 at 6:41 AM Rating: Decent
Well seeing as they just nerfed spirit, this would really bother me. My friend just dinged level 80 maybe a month ago on his paladin and dual specced holy, which he made his main spec since he enjoys healing so much, as I do. His first question to me was what stats do I want? I told him Int, SP, and Crit and to stay away from mp5/spirit. I told him to get to 2k sp and then just stack int and crit after that. He has now passed me in gear and is into Ulduar. He is at 1990 sp and has 25k mana with kings. With Divine Illumination (his crit chance is insane) he almost never goes oom. So idk maybe a nerf is due. Just some thoughts.
#3 May 22 2009 at 7:05 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Because your mana regen is so good based on things like Illumination that mana regen stats are not attractive.

"We itemized your gear wrong, but instead of itemizing it right, we're going to nerf some other stuff so you'll have to want the crap stats we shouldn't have put on your gear in the first place."

They did design Illumination on purpose, right? It didn't just, like, get delivered by the Talent Stork and there's nothing they can do about it? Because if so, they've already very consciously and deliberately given us a regen stat. It's called crit. Something that's also become a huge regen stat for holy priests, again via talents they made up their very own selves, and filling a void they created, also presumably on purpose, with nerfs to spirit and regen overall.

And now we're in for another complete 180 on how they feel about spirit and spirit-based regen? Enough already with the spirit fickleness.

As it is right now I don't see any need for a change. My mana is not unlimited. I need to play wisely and itemize correctly. Isn't that the goal?
#4 May 22 2009 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
Waiting to see my Mail gear become useless and my plate items lose all their crit and half their Int to be replaced by Spirit.
#5 May 22 2009 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
I would never play my paladin as Holy again. I'd probably just vendor all my gear if they changed it to spirit.

Horrible idea, and whatever blue that was should be slapped.

Pallies HAVE regen stats, and we TRY to use them. They're called Crit and Intellect! Now stop putting garbage on our gear instead!
#6 May 22 2009 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
spliffua wrote:
Below is a quote from a blue post discussing the MP5 itemization on plate healing gear.

Source please?

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#7 May 22 2009 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts

I think that everyone is missing out on identifying GC sarcasm here.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#8 May 22 2009 at 3:00 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Horsemouth wrote:

I think that everyone is missing out on identifying GC sarcasm here.

I agree that it looks different in context (which I was too lazy to look at before). But you know that with all the messing around they've done with spirit, it didn't seem like suddenly making it a pally-must-have was implausible. :)
#9 May 22 2009 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
It's the kind of change they may want to do so that "healer ring/neck/etc" is just as good for any healer class.
#10 May 23 2009 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
If they make spirit a viable stat for holy paladins and nerf illumination I'm dropping healing for good. It was the whole crit/intellect aspect of the healadin that drew me to it. That's why I picked it. That's why I've played it. I like the mechanic. Its unique. I don't see paladins whining about not having enough gear to roll on. Sure its annoying when a spirit piece drops. Oh well. But when a plate piece drops with spell power there is NO competition. So how can I complain?

This has got to be a cruel, cruel joke.

Link for reference please. Or I'm going to take this as a prank.

Edited, May 23rd 2009 4:36pm by ekaterinodar

I should read more posts more often.

Yes he's being mildly sarcastic. The important post to read is... his reply further down.

Long-term we could totally see merging MP5 and Spirit into one stat (with all of the class changes that would entail) but we're not ready to pull the trigger on anything like that yet.

This would probably be a change in a future expansion. And would be similar to the combining of Bonus Damage and Bonus Healing.

Edited, May 23rd 2009 4:48pm by ekaterinodar
#11 May 24 2009 at 6:35 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
My issue is this, easy mode Ulduar Heroic I am over geared just stepping in with Naxx gear. So I had no mana issues and the rest of the guild from tanks to dps were just as overgeared using the last tier of gear so we steamrolled Yogg-sarron. Now we are working on hard modes and even T8.5 and various other upgrades I am screaming for mana.

I did Thorim (25 man) Hardmode on Thursday. You do nonstop holy light casts on your tank or he dies, I mana pot, get riptide, loh mana back, and go balls out just to keep my tank alive and by the end its just pushing it to another level. Even upgrading to BIS Ulduar its not going to be that much of a change he is always going to hit like a mack truck on the tanks. So comes back to balancing for two different tiers of players.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#12 May 26 2009 at 10:37 AM Rating: Default
129 posts
Another post from GC.
GC, I'm sorry but you're severly misinformed

Oh, come on. All of these "If you'd just play my class, you'd understand" comments are a bit silly. We designed your class. We know how it works.

The issue that started all this was paladins saying "We don't want MP5 on our gear." The designers designed you assuming you'd have MP5 on your gear -- I know; I was there. If you are effective without having MP5 then it probably means you are going to be too powerful at some point because you are able to replace a less-powerful stat with a more powerful one without missing the loss of the less-powerful one.

Imagine you could prune every less-useful stat off your gear. Imagine you could trade in armor, Stamina and everything else for just spell power and crit. Do you think you'd blow away the other healers? I do. That's more extreme than giving up MP5 for more crit, but carries similar risks from a game-balance perspective.

Healers should care about Spirit (druids and priests) and MP5 (paladins and shamans). It's fine to care about Int and crit too, but if you're ignoring Spirit and MP5 and aren't missing them, then something isn't working right.

Edited, May 26th 2009 2:38pm by Amallthia
#13 May 26 2009 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
Amallthia wrote:

ok, this really is aimed at the whole thread, not just Amallthia, so please don't take this personally. this comment here is very typical of the attitude i've seen here and on the official forums. you hit the nail on the head here with your statement of ultimate arrogance... 'you the DESIGNER are MISINFORMED about us the CREATED.' are you serious?

i'm curious if some of you stop to think about what GC is saying, or if you just see 'you should want MP5' and start QQ'ing and saying the designer doesn't know the class. don't get me wrong, I love that I can stack int/crit/haste and ignore MP5. its fun. its effective. its one less useless stat to stack letting me stack other more useful stats. but if GC says the developers intended MP5 to be relevant to pallys, and that if it isn't then something isn't working as intended, how the heck can you say they are wrong about the intent of the class.

for those who haven't been keeping up on what GC has been posting, his main point is that other healing classes need spirit or MP5. if holy pallys don't and can instead stack crit for similar effect, then the same stat budgets will make a holy pally far more effective than others. that may be tons of fun for pally healers atm, but down the road may mean pallys dominanate healing so much blizzard needs to nerf other aspects of our healing to bring us back in line. when we crit twice as much as other healers because we stack crit instead of mp5 I could see SP coefficients or base healing amounts of our heals nerfed.

I hope there is a better way to balance us. I like stacking int and crit for mana regen. but if the designers say we should like MP5, don't tell them they don't know paladins. tell them mp5 is no fun. that's fine. but if the made a stat too good for us, it doesn't mean they don't know the class they designed, it may just mean there's a lot of things to balance, and int/crit fot out of balance for us...

so, for now stack int/crit/haste and ignore mp5. I will be. but when they change some abilities to make us like mp5 don't complain. adapt and overcome. life is full of changes. if you don't like mp5 roll a priest and stack spirit... there's a fun stat too...

#14 May 26 2009 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Amallthia wrote:
Another post from GC.
GC, I'm sorry but you're severly misinformed

Oh, come on. All of these "If you'd just play my class, you'd understand" comments are a bit silly. We designed your class. We know how it works.

The issue that started all this was paladins saying "We don't want MP5 on our gear." The designers designed you assuming you'd have MP5 on your gear -- I know; I was there. If you are effective without having MP5 then it probably means you are going to be too powerful at some point because you are able to replace a less-powerful stat with a more powerful one without missing the loss of the less-powerful one.

Imagine you could prune every less-useful stat off your gear. Imagine you could trade in armor, Stamina and everything else for just spell power and crit. Do you think you'd blow away the other healers? I do. That's more extreme than giving up MP5 for more crit, but carries similar risks from a game-balance perspective.

Healers should care about Spirit (druids and priests) and MP5 (paladins and shamans). It's fine to care about Int and crit too, but if you're ignoring Spirit and MP5 and aren't missing them, then something isn't working right.

Edited, May 26th 2009 2:38pm by Amallthia

Except with new talents, new encounters, and a entire change in design philosophy how you play a paladin in Wotlk isn't even the same as it was in TBC. Lets not even go into Vanilla wow itemization, lewl.

TBC you wanted a mix of MP5 and Crit cause Mp5 leaned heavily in favour of mana regen when it came to FoL and Crit when it comes to HL. This is back before haste was even an issue, it didn't even creep up until SWP which only the top 5% saw anyways. WoTLk we have Divine plea and gear that now has to itemize between haste/crit and Mp5.

Appeals to authority and other fallacious arguements they make aside the real problem is that they have gear designed for hardmodes being used on easy mode content. Of course when you have easy mode content that for all intents and purposes barely uses a fraction of the itemization to steamroll. So you have new abilities, new stats, new spell rotations etc and then the disparity between easy mode and hard mode. Once again we are in a situation where blizzard doesn't have a clue what they are doing despite claims to the contrary. Much like TBC was 18 months of them trying to figure out ret pallies (cause it was hard to see they were threat capped), but hey they know what they are doing and the game is working as intended.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#15REDACTED, Posted: May 27 2009 at 1:40 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I can see the part where the class design should have certain stat values and certain for itemization and for balancing purposes. In the end as I said to a friend who was picking which class for healing, it doesn't really matter which class heals more and which class heals less, just which one does it in a way you like more because if one heals more than the others they're going to patch and put them all in the same level anyway.
#16 May 28 2009 at 6:46 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
toolofjesus wrote:
i'm curious if some of you stop to think about what GC is saying, or if you just see 'you should want MP5' and start QQ'ing and saying the designer doesn't know the class. don't get me wrong, I love that I can stack int/crit/haste and ignore MP5. its fun. its effective. its one less useless stat to stack letting me stack other more useful stats. but if GC says the developers intended MP5 to be relevant to pallys, and that if it isn't then something isn't working as intended, how the heck can you say they are wrong about the intent of the class.

....but if the made a stat too good for us, it doesn't mean they don't know the class they designed, it may just mean there's a lot of things to balance, and int/crit fot out of balance for us...

you seem to have misunderstood what I said. you argue that i'm wrong because blizz has screwed up before. where in my post did I say they didn't? I linked these because I even specifically said in my post that blizz made a mistake here. blizz themselves don't say they don't mess up. GC says its not as intended, which is pretty much the same as 'we screwed up'. I played Ret in BC so I know what that was like. in retrospect though, it seems Ret was as intended for a long time. they didn't intend us to compete with the top dps initially. they change their intent sometimes (ret is now competitive dps). sometimes they don't correctly design to reflect their intent (i.e. DK's weren't supposed to be super OP, but they were when WotLK released). but in the end, they own the game and they have been much better lately at balancing the game to match their intent.

in a game with the depth and complexity of WoW they will make mistakes. in BC holy pallys liked MP5. apparently they are still supposed to. my point is that if we don't like it, it mean balance is off, not that they are clueless. they have a clue, have acknowledged that they are looking into it and likely will correct their mistake sooner than we would like.

I for one, wish people would have let this slide through the cracks and not bring it to the dev's attention. I would rather they had no clue about this... now, thanks to the whiners, blizz will balance us to what they think we should be and I will need to get some more MP5 gear again. thankyou so very much.
#17 May 28 2009 at 9:47 AM Rating: Default
1,912 posts
Yah, that part I agreed.

I also said that no matter what they will keep it balanced one way or another, if number crunches say that the ability to stack or forego one stat or another is so good that it makes one healer class able to simplex and make the other healers obsolete then it's getting balanced so that it heals for the same amount no matter what. Seriously, even if they put strength and agility on the healer gear they're going to balance and redesign until you heal the same as other classes with same tier gear.

The part I didn't agree is in that we don't know better or that we can't tell what they do wrong or that they did wrong and so on and so on.
#18 May 28 2009 at 10:57 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
What this means is that class design is "tuned" for PvP balance, then they create PvE content and "tune" the class for that PvE content,

PvP was added as an after thought to the game. Arena only came with BC. They can't tune for PvP first then PvE as the core of the game is PvE. The whole PvP vs PvE has been an issue since they started seriously incorporating it into the game. Many things that could have an easy fix for PvE imbalance would bork PvP and the other way around as well. The simple solution of having things work a bit differently, while it would be a simply answer is not desired as Blizz thinks the player base is too stupid to cope with that complexity.

Next tangent.

Who else thinks this discussion about int dwarfing Mp5 is going to end up coming back to the loot table consolidation and the red headed step child that is healing plate?

I mean in theory if they make SP, int, crit, and haste mail that is sexy for healing pallies and caster shammies they can drop SP plate. They could add a talent in deep holy to add armor to gear so that no really armor is lost in the transition if that was an issue for PvP. This would of course be a long term solution.

I doubt they will have pallies using spirit as the desired system is 2 healers based on Spirit and 2 based on Mp5. I could also see them just shifting shammies to be more desiring of Int for regen as well. Possibly by tweaking them and giving them the ability to wear plate as a deep resto talent, again consolidating gear and keeping the system as 2 Spirit and 2 Int based healer regen styles, with Disc liking a blend of the two as it currently is now.

Blizz did ***** up the Mp5 vs Int for mana regen. They have a fantastic ability to have selective hearing while in beta or to miss out on nascent trends that snow ball into a new play style or methodology.

My 2¢

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#19 May 31 2009 at 8:50 PM Rating: Default
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
[quote]What this means is that class design is "tuned" for PvP balance, then they create PvE content and "tune" the class for that PvE content,

PvP was added as an after thought to the game./quote]

PvP was an integral factor of WoW on release, even if BG's weren't released until later and Arena didn't come around until TBC. The game was designed with PvP in mind, it wasn't a decision after the fact. Anyone that beta tested or played at release know this, blizzard has stated this, and its pretty much common knowledge.

Moving on...

The problem is that despite claims of being the people who designed the game and claiming to have an all knowing and infallible understanding of the classes because of that fact its pretty clear that they don't have a good understanding at all. Look at itemization in Vanilla wow, if you played in TBC look at the year long arguments on the O-boards about Ret paladins being trash in raid due to being threat capped due to lack of threat reduction talents that all dps classes get (blizzard finally figured that one out thank god). It took almost three years for the homogenization of classes, stats etc to start so they could start working on an even playing board.

Then it comes back to disparity in skill. Hard mode 25 man content in Ulduar is hard, like makes 3 drakes look like the joke fight that it is. Iron Council easy mode I never go below 90% mana and it is a joke with the gear, on hard mode I am almost OOM the entire fight, popping mana pots, LoH for mana, hell I even get a melee swing or two in for a chance at 8% mana.

How do you fix itemization when its designed to be used in hard modes that make 3 drakes look like Gothik, but given to you in easy modes that only require a fraction of the itemization? Of course most healers aren't having mana issues when they are using gear designed for bosses that hit for 50-60% more with splash damage almost quadruple what you see in an avg fight.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#20 Jun 04 2009 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
3,896 posts
So it seems Blizzard's plans for holy paladin are a healer that is only good on single targets and has to struggle to keep mana up.

Oooh that sounds really fun.

I don't think.

If they mess with holy palas too much I'll just switch my main to be my shaman healer instead. Hopefully by the time they mess that up they might have made some mistake that accidentally makes holy paladins fun to play again.

Horsemouth wrote:
[quote] I could also see them just shifting shammies to be more desiring of Int for regen as well.

They already are very desiring of int. Loads of shammy guides tell you to stack int out the wazoo the same way the paladin guides do. Mana tide totem for a start works on int, and the replenishment you get from other people.

Edited, Jun 5th 2009 3:43am by graspee
#21 Jun 05 2009 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
graspee wrote:
So it seems Blizzard's plans for holy paladin are a healer that is only good on single targets and has to struggle to keep mana up.

In T7 single targets healers aren't needed, though we do alright on gimmick fights. Patchwerk, Raz, Beacon tank + raid heal on Saph.

T8 easy mode has been nerfed so that there is nothing challenging to single target heal, so you can do whatever and mana is not an issue.

T8 Hardmodes are going to push you to the limit because almost everyone will see tanks taking massive spike damage scaling up to and past 30k, with 40k spikes (think regular hits like fusion punch on IC 25 man, and fusion punchs hitting for twice that).
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#22 Jun 05 2009 at 10:47 PM Rating: Excellent
3,896 posts
bodhisattva wrote:

In T7 single targets healers aren't needed, though we do alright on gimmick fights. Patchwerk, Raz, Beacon tank + raid heal on Saph.

So you're saying in T7 single target healers aren't needed ... except when they are? You're just going to call any fight that needs single target healing a "gimmick fight"?

I read your posts all the time and seriously, I'm not getting at you here, though usually I am so please be serious and answer nicely just this one time...

The thing is you're always saying that ulduar easy mode is totally easy, mana is not a problem, blah blah this, blah blah that.

My guild finds ulduar easy mode very challenging. We have almost everything we need from naxx 25, our members are not total idiots, they're all enchanted and gemmed properly and paying attention and using flasks.

I know your usual response would just be "your guild sucks then" but I really don't know if it does. Are you exaggerating the easiness of ulduar "easy" mode to make yourself or your guild look better or pro? Or is there something my guild is missing? I really want to know the secret.

And as for not having mana problems, is this with or without e.g. paladin meleeing bosses where it's safe to do so for mana back from seal?

If you feel you will lose face by replying in this thread please reply by PM. I really want to know.

#23 Jun 07 2009 at 9:25 AM Rating: Excellent
648 posts
graspee wrote:
bodhisattva wrote:

In T7 single targets healers aren't needed, though we do alright on gimmick fights. Patchwerk, Raz, Beacon tank + raid heal on Saph.

So you're saying in T7 single target healers aren't needed ... except when they are? You're just going to call any fight that needs single target healing a "gimmick fight"?

no, he's saying that naxx is easy. there are no fights in there where you require a tank specialized healer (pally or disc priest) to be on the tank. those 'gimmick' fights just show off a pallys particular skills, but hardly need a pally. i've run both 10 and 25 naxx w/o a pally or disc priest healer and not even noticed a difference.

graspee wrote:
I read your posts all the time and seriously, I'm not getting at you here, though usually I am so please be serious and answer nicely just this one time...

lol, good luck. that's like picking up a porcupine and asking it not to stab you.... ;)

graspee wrote:
The thing is you're always saying that ulduar easy mode is totally easy, mana is not a problem, blah blah this, blah blah that.

My guild finds ulduar easy mode very challenging. We have almost everything we need from naxx 25, our members are not total idiots, they're all enchanted and gemmed properly and paying attention and using flasks.

I know your usual response would just be "your guild sucks then" but I really don't know if it does. Are you exaggerating the easiness of ulduar "easy" mode to make yourself or your guild look better or pro? Or is there something my guild is missing? I really want to know the secret.

And as for not having mana problems, is this with or without e.g. paladin meleeing bosses where it's safe to do so for mana back from seal?

If you feel you will lose face by replying in this thread please reply by PM. I really want to know.

Bode is one of the best pally healers and has been in top rated guilds as long as i've known him. because of this he has a large, abnoxious, but deserved ego. he's not a friendly person, but he does try to help in his own offensive way if that makes sense to you. its best not to let his ego or his offensive manners bother you and either ignore him or take what he says to learn from and not the way he says it.

as far as ulduar and mana, there are very few fights on normal mode that are a mana challenge for a pally. my guilds lack of clearing it has more to do with learning the fights and people getting out of things that hurt. our pallys end most fights with a good amount of mana left wether we're successful or a wipe. if you're finding that ulduar is a challenge for your guild, that's normal. if you're finding that managing mana as a pally is hard for you, you might need to reevaluate your gear or playstyle.

last note, Bode went from a top 300 guild (or something like that) to a top 100 guild recently. both of those i'm sure have the gear and skill to make normal mode fights in ulduar seem easy. there's a reason those guilds are tp rated and theres a reason they accepted him there. take his comments about ulduar with a gran of salt. many fights there are easy on normal mode (first 2 quarters are all pretty simple imo). these fights have unfortunately been nerfed to not be a tripping block for most guilds. getting into the watchers and i'm sure the last 2 bosses you have to start thinking a little more and not just muscleing your way through. ulduar is harder than naxx, but not incredibly so. i'm sure your guild will be clearing it soon too.

oh, if you want to know what makes mana management easy for a pally I recommend reading Bode's little guide here. its a great guide that will make mana easy for you. a note on that... the name of the guide is one more example of Bode's manner... its not tips for holy pallys or anything like that, but he'll tell you how you should play your toon.... it is really good advice though and I recommend reading it.
#24 Jun 07 2009 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Hai Graspee,

In TBC there were numerous bosses that called for dedicated healers who would focus a single target who was taking massive damage and keep him alive. T4, T5, T6 and even SWP there are multiple examples in each tier. Even with BiS gear there were fights (Brutallus anyone?) where a tank could get creamed so you needed focus healers who could anticipate spike damage and keep a tank alive through some pretty brutal damage. Wasn't all that great for topping healing meters but keeping tanks alive was your job and it wasn't easy, so end of the day it was win.

T7 there is one fight like this, and it isn't even that bad. Sartharion 3drakes. For the entirety of Naxxramas with the possible exception of Patchwerk when your tanks are semi undergeared there isn't a fight like that. Even on Malygos P1 you can raid heal and focus a tank and not have any real issues with getting caught with your pants down. Raid heal a bit, top the tank off when he takes a 7k hit and try not to fall asleep on Gothik. T7 was the most uninteresting healing in 2 years of wow, perhaps more. Gear to content balance didn't really challenge and the fights themselves were wet noodles.

Ulduar first week felt like it would be a challenge on mana, and to be fair when we got to Mirmiron our 2nd night in Ulduar I dipped to 10% at end of P2 but was 80% by end of P3. Completely in Naxx gear (with even 1 10 man piece on) None of the fights really were a crunch on mana except Vezax which is a conservation fight. With the weekly nerfs, and padding my toon with Ulduar gear I can pretty much goto town on easy mode fights and not have a mana issue at all. Especially nerfed Mirmiron this week.

With current itemization in T8 healing a tank who is taking 10-14k white damage with 20-25k damage spikes isn't all that hard when you are in gear that is designed for hardmodes where the tank will be seeing 25k white swings with spikes up to 40-42k. I go in on IC, watch fusion punch cd and cast appropriately and I am bored, never go below 90% and hate the fight. I go into hardmode and I am healing a tank taking triple to quadruple the damage and I am reminded of single target healing back when there was actual damage on the tank, like Brutallus, Kaelthas P4, etc.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#25 Jun 07 2009 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Also I am not about to call anyone bad but lets get back to why they designed easy mode content.

It is there so anyone who wants to can go see the bosses and experience it, it is designed on the assumption that you are undergeared and don't have a lot of raid experience or are possibly a pug and is scaled to that level of play. There is nothing to really stone wall you in terms of progression, in terms of gear checks, etc like with Gruul, Vashj, Muru.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#26 Jun 08 2009 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
1,912 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Also I am not about to call anyone bad but lets get back to why they designed easy mode content.

It is there so anyone who wants to can go see the bosses and experience it, it is designed on the assumption that you are undergeared and don't have a lot of raid experience or are possibly a pug and is scaled to that level of play. There is nothing to really stone wall you in terms of progression, in terms of gear checks, etc like with Gruul, Vashj, Muru.

Well if you look at it, when you're talking about the first tier of level 80 raiding you honestly shouldn't expect it to be hard. It's the new entry level of raiding, the fights shouldn't be that much harder than what Molten Core was or what Kharazan was. If anything Molten Core was a bit problematic because people had to "get started" into raiding in groups of 40 and with extremely bad pre-raid itemization. So I think that aspect of the level 80 first tier of raiding is actually pretty good in design.

When you hit Ulduar that's second tier. And first tier has been pretty good, pretty varied, pretty large and also extremely generous in terms of gear. You should expect more challenge. I almost completely skipped TBC raiding but I remember at BWL it took guilds like 1-2 months to get Vael down for the first time.

I don't see why the hardmodes can't take 1-2 months to master. And if they were properly designed they would be designed to be hard in full Tier 2 gear because, otherwise, once you get your Tier 2 gear they will stop being hardmodes, they'll just be othermodes.

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