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Destro post 3.1.2Follow

#1 May 22 2009 at 2:48 AM Rating: Excellent
2,754 posts
well, I'm stuck at work, bored and with little to do, so gonna make a topic about the recent destruction changes and how destro rocks again for pve.

spec choice:
Spec.1 3/13/55 for if you're aiming for the 11% hit cap (10% for alliance with draenai aura). optimum glyphs are incinerate, conflagorate and lifetap

Spec.2 0/13/58 for if you're aiming for the 14% hit cap (13% for alliance with draenai aura). optimum glyphs are incinerate, conflagorate and immolate

Spells to be used for both specs for dps:
Curse of Doom (as long as boss has over 60seconds remaining alive.. a general presumption you can make is after 25%, don't renew CoD, use CoA instead for incase)
Chaos Bolt

Pet: Imp

ok... random little facts..
for Spec.1 due to the lack of improved soul-leach, the mana efficiency of the spec is greatly reduced and as such, you end up lifetapping alot more, hence why glyph of lifetap becomes more viable than glyph of immolate. something i'm currently still undecided upon is whether or not you should actively lifetap once every 20seconds to keep the buff up, or if you should still aim to 'run OOM' just as the boss dies.. which could mean lifetapping every 25-30seconds instead...

for both specs, the Firestone is the better choice. these 2 specs are the only specs in the game for us that benefit more from the Firestone than the Spellstone.

stat order:
Hit (up until cap) > spell power > haste > crit ~= spirit

umm.. can't think of anything else to add right now...umm... according to EJ, these specs are the top dps specs now for us, from my own experience they do feel a bit better than the old top spec 0/41/30... also this spec is the best scaling spec for us, i can't be ***** to find the thread on EJs, but for this spec each of the stats listed above provide a larger dps increase than they do for almost any other spec, so as you gain better and better gear the specs will pull ahead of the rest more and more

#2 May 22 2009 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
The latter spec is so enjoyable. I haven't had so much fun dps'ing in a looong time (kitty button mashing ftw?)
#3 May 22 2009 at 12:05 PM Rating: Excellent
115 posts
Sounds juicy, what's your recommended spell rotation? And no Corruption?

Chaos Bolt
Incinerate until Conflag/Chaos is off CD

Juggle the immolate/Conflag/Chaos/COD CD's after that, interspersing incinerate when others are on CD?

#4 May 22 2009 at 5:17 PM Rating: Excellent
2,754 posts
no corruption... if you're running around you could chuck it in then... but otherwise it's a waste (even with the T7 2set). as this spec the DPM and DPSC is simply to low to bother with in the general rotation

in terms of an actual rotation... keep everything up/off CD... but if there's ever 2 or more CDs/spells wearing off at the same time...

CoD > immolate (if it's worn off/just about to wear off) or Conflagorate(if immolate is still up) > chaosbolt > incinerate
#5 May 23 2009 at 7:29 PM Rating: Excellent
2,754 posts
done 25man emalon earlier, was a good raid setup, moonkin, Spriest and some other stuff that'd give me buffs (no elemental shaman sadly), i was pushing 5.6-5.8 dps with only raid buffs.. no consumables, never managed even close to that in a pug before.. lol, I quite impressed myself :)
#6 May 24 2009 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
660 posts
Jenovaomega wrote:

Spells to be used for both specs for dps:
Curse of Doom (as long as boss has over 60seconds remaining alive.. a general presumption you can make is after 25%, don't renew CoD, use CoA instead for incase)
Chaos Bolt

So, why CoD? How well does it scale with +SP and +Hit gear (I have never gone Destro and never really used CoD so i ask out of ignorance)? Would the damage caused by that be more than CoA or even the +13% given by CoE?
#7 May 24 2009 at 12:21 PM Rating: Excellent
2,754 posts
if you don't have a moonkin or unholy DK, then you will want to use CoE.

the reason for CoD over CoA is that once you take into account the addition 2-2.5 GCDs (so 3-4seconds) of cast time for your nuke spell, you end up doing more damage with CoD than you do CoA

in terms of scaling... CoD is one of the highiest scaling spells in the game. 200% +SP scaling (should be 400% but blizzard states that as being to 'OP'). +hit shouldn't be an issue 'cos in theory you should already be hit capped (if you're not you're doing something very very wrong)
#8 May 24 2009 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
660 posts
Jenovaomega wrote:
the reason for CoD over CoA is that once you take into account the addition 2-2.5 GCDs (so 3-4seconds) of cast time for your nuke spell, you end up doing more damage with CoD than you do CoA

Gotcha. Didn't think about saving on GCDs by not casting CoA. Thanks for the explination
#9REDACTED, Posted: May 26 2009 at 12:59 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hey Jenova,
#10 Jun 01 2009 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
660 posts

With the rotation you are showing here, is there any special gearing that would cause it to scale better?

I bought my second spec finally and decided to give your 3/13/55 spec a whirl along with your rotation and glyphs.

With my Imp out, Fel Armor, +46 SP food buff and firestone I was able to hit ~3.3k sustained on a Dummy.

This is about 300 DPS under my normal sustained Affliction DPS self buffed.

Does destro become more viable with a greater haste rating? Or More SP? Or maybe I am just doing something wrong (or need practice).

Here is my armory. I do have 2 items under 213 (bad luck on rolls). And I know I shouldn't be gemming for Haste but I ran out of gold (SP gems are 70g+ on my server).

Any suggestions (gear, spec, rotation, etc...)?

** I must not have logged out and back in after getting my other spec so it might only show my Affliction tree. But my other spec and glyphs are exactly what was posted for the 3/13/55.
#11 Jun 01 2009 at 1:11 PM Rating: Excellent
2,754 posts
it scales a tiny bit less than affliction with +SP (literally almost identically), but it scales better with crit and haste... so with raid buffs you gain like 13% crit from raid buffs and the 3% haste and increased spirit scaling... so yeah scaling ways when raid buffed/flasked etc.. the dps increase is massive. the destruction specs are the best scaling for warlocks for almost all stats.

here's a list of the scalings:

Warlock_T8_00_13_58 Sta=0.00 Int=0.56 Spi=0.75 SP=1.55 Hit=3.27 Crit=1.01 Haste=1.52
Warlock_T8_03_13_55 Sta=0.00 Int=0.30 Spi=0.94 SP=1.48 Hit=3.25 Crit=1.00 Haste=1.46
Warlock_T8_53_00_18 Sta=0.00 Int=0.32 Spi=0.73 SP=1.56 Hit=2.16 Crit=0.82 Haste=1.04
#12 Jun 01 2009 at 1:17 PM Rating: Excellent
2,754 posts
oh, in terms of testing on dummies... are you testing on the lvl.80 'boss' dummy or the other dummies? 'cos the boss dummy isn't a proper test between destruction and affliction... destruction gets no benefit when the target it below 35/25% health while affliction gains MASSIVE dps increases below both, also how accurately are you using the destruction spells? i presume you've played affliction enough to know when to use what spell and without having to think about it (you have some counter showing upcoming CDs and plan ahead accordingly).. with destruction you do the same but with different, unfamiliar, CDs, also due to everything being casted with little DOT damage, any delays in spell choice/situations where 2 spells come off CD at the same time and you use the wrong spell first will lead to an overall decrease in dps... in the end in theory vs a non 0.001% healthed target dummy destruction should come out highier than affliction by a LARGE degree (500+ dps)
#13 Jun 01 2009 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
660 posts
Ahh so the scaling of the raid buffs are what set Destro apart from Affliction. Self buff testing is pretty much irrelevant in this case.

Thanks for the explanation. I'll give it a whirl in Ulduar tonight.
#14 Jun 01 2009 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
660 posts
Jenovaomega wrote:
oh, in terms of testing on dummies... are you testing on the lvl.80 'boss' dummy or the other dummies? 'cos the boss dummy isn't a proper test between destruction and affliction... destruction gets no benefit when the target it below 35/25% health while affliction gains MASSIVE dps increases below both, also how accurately are you using the destruction spells? i presume you've played affliction enough to know when to use what spell and without having to think about it (you have some counter showing upcoming CDs and plan ahead accordingly).. with destruction you do the same but with different, unfamiliar, CDs, also due to everything being casted with little DOT damage, any delays in spell choice/situations where 2 spells come off CD at the same time and you use the wrong spell first will lead to an overall decrease in dps... in the end in theory vs a non 0.001% healthed target dummy destruction should come out highier than affliction by a LARGE degree (500+ dps)

I think me being unfamiliar with the Destro rotation did play a role in the lower DPS but I did manage to get it down after a bit. Though I am not able to do it yet without staring at the cooldowns. Unlike affliction where I just know when things are wearing off by how many SBs I have cast.

And yea I was on the 'Boss' dummy that was beaten to a pulp as always so the increased affliction damage was most likely caused by that. Didn't think about that.

My rotation was CoD, Imm, Conf, CB, Inc until conf/CB were off CD, refreshing Imm and CoD as soon as they dropped. If Conf and CB came off at the same time I hit Conf first.

Once question though. Is it more important to keep Immolate up if it wears when CB is off cooldown? Or should I be launching a CB then refreshing Imm?
#15 Jun 01 2009 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
i sharn't answer the question about CB, i'll just simply point you in the direction of the destruction tree talents and let you figure that one out for yourself, little hint you're looking at the bottom half :P

in terms of renewing/spell priorities of stuff...

CoD > Imm > Conflag > CB > inc


if conflagorate comes off CD JUST before immolate wears off, do a conflagorate before renewing immolate, there is nothing at all wrong with casting immolate with a backdraft proc contrary to popular belief.
#16 Jun 02 2009 at 4:50 AM Rating: Decent
Ever since I started playing WoW, I've been a demo lock. I just love having the fg run around with me and he helps me out a lot in solo play. Honestly, I've never tried any deep affliction or destro builds, but I'm about done with doing heroics and focusing more on raids now. Should I drop the fg builds and go with destro? I know I'd miss my axe wielding companion...

I of course would have a bit more of reading to do on the specs, but it seems destro would beat my current build, as far as dps.
#17 Jun 02 2009 at 5:41 AM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
looking at your hit and crit rating.. you should go for either of these specs:

53/0/18 with glyph of haunt, CoA and lifetap + using the succubus pet
3/13/55 with glyph of conflag, incinerate and lifetap + using the imp pet

also you need to change some of your enchants.. you chest enchant should be +8/10 stats and your leg enchant should be +50sp and 30spirit

you may enjoy your felguard spec... but simply put you don't have the hit rating to raid as any demo spec properly.
#18 Jun 02 2009 at 5:46 AM Rating: Decent
Thought I read that all lock specs needed around 400+ hit, so I've been focusing on that.

I was leaning towards that 3/13/55 build.
I know some of my enchants aren't ideal, but I've been saving the mats for those good enchants for when I get better gear.
#19 Jun 02 2009 at 6:21 AM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
none need 400+hit... they all need a total of 17% hit... now in a raid you get 3% hit from shadow priests or moonkins, meaning you need 14% hit from gear maximum... seeing as you've got a bit over 11% hit you should get the 3% hit talent and then you're hit capped
#20 Jun 02 2009 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
None? I could have sworn it was actually you who said something about 420 hit needed in another thread, in response to one of my posts. That's why I've been getting all the hit I could.

Once WoW is back up, I'll try out that 3/13/55 spec. So aside from a little more hit, what else should I aim for that's different than a demo lock?
#21 Jun 02 2009 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
I probably said that you need like 420-ish to reach the hit cap without any raid debuffs (spriest/moonkin) or talents (suppression) and then carried on to say the hit rating needed to get the lower hit caps... i'm just presuming you skim-read it and missed the later parts
#22 Jun 02 2009 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent
That's possible..

The reason I'm thinking of trying the spec is because I tried to do 25-man Vault last night, starting with Emalon. The group was good, until he was about half dead and it seemed the other DPS toons just stopped doing anything. My current build was doing around 3k+ DPS, if I remember correctly. I was around 7th top DPS, which I felt was pretty good for me, since most of my gear is rep items or from heroics. Others I inspected in the group had a bunch of Naxx gear.

So because that run ended up having a bunch of afkers, it seemed, I would like to do more DPS, to make up for them not helping.
#23 Jun 02 2009 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
well being hit capped would definitely help :)
#24 Jun 02 2009 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
So since I'd been misinformed of the hit cap being around 420, what is the real hit cap? I don't want to use hit gems/enchants, if I've gone over and spell power or something else would be more ideal.

Also, sort-of off topic: if I duel spec, I know I'd have a set of glyphs per spec. What about gear? Would I need to get all new gear if I dual spec? Been thinking and I think I'll do destro as my raid/heroic spec, with demo as my solo spec... of course that may change, depending on how I like the destro build vs multiple mobs in solo play.
#25 Jun 02 2009 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
well seeing as you're a horde warlock... the hitcap (presuming you always have a Spriest in the raid) is 14% from yourself... which is 368 hit rating... now presuming you have 3% talented hit as well, the hitcap now becomes 11%, so 289 hit rating.

in terms of the duel specs... you only need 1 gear set for PVE. the main purpose of duel speccing is to have 1 off spec for, usually, PvP... in which case you will want a seperate gear set.
#26 Jun 02 2009 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
I hate pvp, so I'd have 2 pve specs. One for raids and heroics and one for just dailies. Though I haven't tried the destro yet, so who knows, I may just stick with it for anything I do.

Since the maintenance is finally done, I'm gonna go get the dual spec now and try out destro.


Did 1 heroic UK run (daily).
I pulled agro a few times, due to not knowing the destro talents or having a rotation down. I felt I did fairly well. Nobody died. I did about 1.8k DPS, which is better than the ~1.5k DPS my demo spec does, normally.

I'm actually liking the destro spec more than I thought I would. Might stick with it.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2009 7:07pm by HandsOfDeath
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