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Tanking question - problem with magesFollow

#1 May 21 2009 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
513 posts
I'm a fairly new to tanking and I was asked to tank H UK last night. My DK is 550 defense and has some ok tanking gear. I asked that dps give me a couple secs to grab aggro. I start off with DnD, diseases up, then pestillence. (in frost presence)

Problem number one, dps only waits till i hit first mob with icy touch, then they open up. Mage pulls aggro right off the bat, I watch mobs run by me for him, then dead mage. I seemed to spend most of my time trying to get mobs to hit me. Used taunt to get them, hit them, death grip them...gah...i wanted to scream.

This went on for the entire run. We wiped on trash constantly, boss fights were fine. This isn't the first time I've had mages pull mobs off me.

My question to you is: as DK tanks, what do you do to get the initial aggro before the mage does? ie how do I get 3-5 mobs to hate me instead of the mage. Especially if the dps doesn't wait at all.

If any of you play mages, what do you suggest?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: my toon is MKNZY on Aegwynn. I think i'm logged out in my tanking gear.

Edited, May 21st 2009 1:27pm by Xenexia

Edited, May 21st 2009 1:31pm by Xenexia
#2 May 21 2009 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
I'm having the exact same problem with AoE casters, that's what the Blood Vs. Frost tanking thread is about.
#3 May 21 2009 at 12:04 PM Rating: Default
1,228 posts
Your gear is the biggest reason they're pulling hate when they're not used to. You're wearing 3 greens and a bunch of sub-level 80 quest rewards or crafted blues. You need to do some regular level 80 dungeons and pick up some level 80 blues or epics or just buy better gear off the AH. Your gear really isn't ready for heroics yet in that even though you may be able to survive the fights, other people are going to outgear you, making your job of tanking all the harder and their job of killing more boring since they have to tone it down so much.

But having said that your group needs to work as a team. If your a fresh level 80 or just new to tanking you should let them know. Lots of people are used to breezing through heroics with fully purpled out tanks. If you've communicated to the group where your at with your gear and people are still dying it's probably because the mages are inexperienced. They can ***** all they want about dying but there's no reason for a caster dps to die while the tank is alive. Use a threat meter.
#4 May 21 2009 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
513 posts
Working on the gear issue. Getting groups is a pain right now, but shopping the AH is doable. And yes, I tell ppl I'm new at this so they know right off the bat. I have been trying to run stuff as dps, but we have a shortage of tanks, so I don't get to pick up gear while learning the fights...It's like being thrown in the pool and not knowing how to swim.

Thanks for the feedback. will do some shopping this weekend.
#5 May 21 2009 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
Despite your gear not being superb, I'd say it was ok for entry level heroics, such as UK.

If you ask the DPS to give you a couple seconds for aggro and they fail to do so, the problem lies with them, not you. They may well have been better geared than you, or used to going with better geared tanks, but that's no excuse. A tank sets the pace for the whole group, anyone who doesnt fall in line with it is in the wrong.

Personally, I'd have let the mage die, warned the group that if they pull a mob off me, I'll assume it's because they want to tank it. You tried asking them nicely, which is the way to do it, but some people won't listen to instructions until it starts to affect their repair costs, it's a learning experience.

That being said, you said it was trash specifically, which makes me think that maybe it's AoE threat you're having issues with. Use Blood Boil in place of BS on multi-target pulls and make sure you try and keep UB up. If you're still having problems, don't forget you don't have to focus on the main DPS target all the time, rotate and spread the aggro.
#6 May 21 2009 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
You're going to think I'm crazy by saying this, and warn people ahead of time... but my advice is to let them die. Yes. Let... them... die.

If a dps seriously starts opening up before you really touch the mob, they DESERVE to die. That said, I personally start off with DnD, blood boil (without diseases up), then use my last 2 runes to put diseases on the mob. Once runes come back up, I spread them to the other mobs and go crazy with blood boil.

DPS has two jobs, kill things and don't pull aggro. Just last week in Ulduar we pulled a pat and a DK started beating on a mob before I had really touched it. Once he pulled aggro I completely stopped attacking. Once he died, the mob came back to me and I resumed building threat. If a dps is that intent on tanking that he wants to pull off me, who am I to argue? I let him tank it.
#7 May 21 2009 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
513 posts
I don't think you're crazy, as a raid healer I don't heal stupid dps who pull off the tank constantly. I also play multiple dps toons and I've never died to pulling aggro, unless the tank is already dead.

Note: I have blood boil macro'd into pestillence so when that goes off BB goes next. The main target I hit stays with me, it was the other mobs who I didn't really get a change to touch who killed the mage. DnD is nice but mages just seem to put out stupidly insane damage. I also tab target through stuff, a holdover from bear tanking back in TBC days.
#8 May 21 2009 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
What I do to pull is cast D&D right off the bat, deathgrip the skull, diseases, pestilence, howling blast/blood boil spam (or obliterate single target). Then I use IBF or any other necessary CD's and after that dump all my RP into Frost Strikes while making sure I have the runes available for D&D every time it is up. Using this rotation, well more like button mashing sequence, I usually have no trouble with threat. Good players should know to let the tank get aggro and then stay a good 25% threat under the tank at least using either Omen or the threat meter that Blizzard supplies. If this continues to happen, just let the mage die and then pick up aggro as you usually would to teach him a lesson.
#9 May 21 2009 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
A. Let the Mage die--just be sure your threat is second. They need to learn how to delay their start to adjust to the tank.

B. Your gear is fine. You could use some AP, and to lose some Defense for Strength (will lower your Dodge, but increase your AP and Parry).

C. Your talent spec could use some work. 5 points into Bladed Armor would net you 500 AP, which you need right now. Black Ice is, also, a huge boost for Unholy. You should really try to take at least one of these. 2-handed weapon Spec. Wouldn't hurt if you can grab it either. You could lose the point in Virulence--it isn't worth it, imo.

D. As for building snap aggro-- As Unholy, you will want to get your diseases around ASAP and have UB up. Rotate SSs. Hopefully, one target you hit will have his diseases refreshed and you can pest off of him, saving the PS>IT cycle in favor of another SS. If you are having issues, there is DnD.

But, nothing will help you out against a DpS that goes all out. Just let them die, and learn. It sounds bad, but it is as much for their benefit as yours. If they don't figure out to wait for the DpS, they won't be progressing much further--or it'll be harder for them to learn later.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#10 May 21 2009 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
From the Blood vs. Frost tanking thread:
Therion wrote:
DPS needs to wait. Period.

If they're too busy licking windows to realize that they're aggro-pulling mobs out of the DnD then there's no helping 'em. Sadly, these types are legion in PUGs.

I tell them 2 globals or death. Then leave it up to them.

As DPS your job is to do as much damage as threat allows. They need to L2omen and wait a couple of seconds before unloading.

If I were to tank as Unholy, this would be my start point.

Gear looks Ok to start heroics unless your healer is seriously undergeared. There are some obvious updates needed, but nothing too crazy. I'd grab the JC tank ring next then move to the trinkets. Hope you like spiders =)

Good luck!
#11 May 21 2009 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Question Therion:

Why are you taking Garg, but not EP? Although, the rest seems fine to me. I'd lose Garg and 2 points in BA for EP.

Also, on top of the JC ring comment, the JC neck (similar name) is really great too. Both can run you a pretty penny, though, if you don't have mining to get TS Bars on your own. I bought both for about 1.5K G two days ago. I got tired of waiting for my JC to get up there. XD
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#12 May 21 2009 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
It was a toss up between Garg and another point for Dirge. Plaguebringer isn't a tanking option in my opinion. Unless you have no Boomkins or locks and a caster heavy raid. For 5-toons it's just not that much of a bonus. So, why not grab a toy?
#13 May 22 2009 at 12:29 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
its not you, its mostly mages. my personal experience has mages being one of the worst, if not *the* worst, class to pug with. worse than rogues and hunters by a large margin; at least the stupid rogues and hunters have a few escape abilities they can use to save their lives. most mages i meet are too slow to use ice block right and too stupid to know that invis drops aggro.

my opinion of mages has been especially low as of late.
#14 May 22 2009 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
513 posts

I'd grab the JC tank ring next then move to the trinkets. Hope you like spiders =)

Ok, I'll redo the spec and look into spiders. I should be able to get a ring this weekend as I have mining on two toons.

Thanks for the continuing advice. I used to love pugs, but as a tank, I find I am really starting to hate it.
#15 May 22 2009 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
Xenexia wrote:
Ok, I'll redo the spec and look into spiders.

Hadronox does NOT like dropping the trinket, trust me, I still haven't seen it after 20+ runs. Expect to spend some time there.

#16 May 26 2009 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
IF casters are starting out with AOE before you have a chance to do anything its not your fault IMO. I have had this problem with warlocks and mages. Most of the time they will admit they got trigger happy and started the AE's too early, others of course just blame the tank and/or healer and disband.

If its a group of baddies I usually start out with ice and wait for them to get close to me then drop my DND. I don't know how many times I have watched DK's drop DND then take 5 seconds to get the enemies onto it. IF you ice, dnd then you can spread the diseases and then blood boil. That usually gets stuffs attention.
#17 May 26 2009 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
606 posts
I think all this comes down to is this:

Can't fix stupid.
#18 May 26 2009 at 3:44 PM Rating: Default
just do death and decay. usually works
#19 May 29 2009 at 2:19 AM Rating: Decent
I have to say that some mages do seem to have threat generation issues. We have a mage in our guild who has specced an unbelieveable amount of spell power onto his gear. He is awesom in the amount of dps he can do. But because of the amount of spell power he has two problems. 1) he out aggroes me on long fights and will eventually pull the boss who will kill him in one shot. 2) he has no survivability so he dies to aoe really fast. I as the tank really worried about how often he died when I MT'd. But now I've come to realise he likes dying. He must do he doesn't change his setup despite the advise of others in the guild. The problem is because he doesn't listen to the tank or the rest of the guild he's turned himself from an exceptionally powerful mage into an mediocre mage because he's always dead.

My point is that if the mage is dealing more threat than you consistently then it's their fault, he's the type that thinks his job is to deal as much damage as possible before he dies. I'm not saying you can't do things differently though.

With my spec I find it's always better to pull mobs through a death and decay. Using Death Grip to yank the first mob to me where I can start building my diseases. By the time the rest of a group of mobs gets to me I'm spreading pestilence which pulls any mobs that took a liking to the squishies instead of me. Then just to make sure, I slam out a blood boil. At this point I've built up enough runic power to bring out the Unholy Blight. If there are any mobs at this stage that aren't focused 100% on me then time to use Death Grip again. So far this routine has never failed for me, and apart from that one mage I never get out aggroed.

Of course I am an unholy tank, and AOE is my bread an butter. And as with all tanks it always pays for the DPS to let us get a couple of spells out first... well it makes things easier for the tanks at least.
#20 Jun 01 2009 at 1:42 PM Rating: Excellent
513 posts
Update: changed my spec, got the tanking necklace and two pieces of Naxx 10 gear, Yea for guilds who give you tanking gear while you dps...woot.

I think what I need most now is confidence in my ability to tank, so I'm going to just keep practicing and since practice makes perfect I should get there soon. My guild is going to let me start OT in Naxx 10 to learn those fights as well, since we basically just farm it for gear for alts.

I did VH this weekend and it was fun watching the locks felguard try to tank some mobs. I didn't even worry about it so much, when the felguard died the mob came back to me. That kiting boss is a ****** though; FG intercept stunned him, and he wouldn't kite with me,(is he immune to death grip?) then the teleport and AOE damaged killed us all.
#21 Jun 02 2009 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
yeah that boss can be a pain if people arent with the program. Im not sure if hes immune to the taunting effect of death grip, but he (like most bosses) is immune to the pull effect. And you will still get an immune message.

I cant decide if he or the void boss is harder though.
#22 Jun 02 2009 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Protipâ„¢ : When grouping turn off your pet's taunt and stun abilities.

Just tell the locks and hunters in your group next time. Most just kinda forget to turn them off.
#23 Jun 03 2009 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
513 posts
^ what?!?!?! and take the chance of losing out on the laughs???? Yea I have both a hunter and lock. I must confess, I always forget to turn off intercept on my FG. Pet always has growl off though.
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