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No achievement, you can't heal.Follow

#1 May 20 2009 at 6:45 AM Rating: Good
80 posts
First of all, this is mostly a rant, of one of the most idiotic pugs I ever been part of.

One day, I wanted to start to pvp and so I went outside org. I dueled quite some peeps there, and got smashed. Having zero resilience and being in pve gear (naxx10, heroic) I didn't stand much of a chance. So I asked the guild, how should I start collecting pvp gear, and they directed me to wintergrasp and VoA.

I went to the next wintergrasp battle, and we won fairly quick. While trying to get into a group, I read up to the tactics of the bosses, as it was my first time ever there. Quickly got an invite, but when I said I didnt have the achievement yet, they kicked me. I think to myself, those guys were just asses.

A priest from my guild also happened to be there, so we decided to start or own group. About 10 mins later we got a group together and I told that I didnt have the achi yet. No-one said anything 'bout it. We went inside, with 2 healers, 2 tanks, rest dps, as usual (I think). We wipe at the first pull, due to an overpull of the pat. When we're back in, the mage starts yelling "HEALER DOESNT HAVE THE ACHIEVEMENT, KICK HIM, HE CAN'T HEAL", and everyone starts complaining and blaming me for the wipe. Me and my guildmate, being the leader of the group, and the only healers ignored them and we went on to Emalon. I read up on my tacts but yet I was nervous as it was my first time. I get to heal the Mt on emalon and the whole raid, while he heals the OT. (which at the time, sounded like a really hard job)

We pull and all goes fine. According to wowhead this was a DPS test, but due to us having 6 dps instead of 5 (only had 2 healers) I thought that we could make it easily. So I start doing the best healing I can, as I wanted to prove myself. But suddenly, BOOM, everyone is dead. One of the adds exploded (Overcharged ability, they should be dead by then) instantly killing everyone. At that moment, me and my guildie start checking dps. No-one touched 1900... The mage blaming me not having the achievement had 1400 dps. and he DIDN'T HAVE THE ACHIEVEMENT HIMSELF.

Now, I know pugs can be bad, but this kind of idiots (not everyone, some were friendly to me afterall, even telling me my healing was good even without having the achi) just annoy me like hell. From now on I'm going to get my pvp set grinding stonekeepers shards, exchanging them for honor, and then buying gladiator. Hell, I'm only doing VoA with guys from my guild from now on.
#2 May 20 2009 at 7:17 AM Rating: Default
I agree with you on people requiring Achieve being asses. It's a pathetically easy raid to learn. Succeeding, is different, but learning it takes literally 10 seconds of talking.
It's almost like the people who scream and spam vent over and over.
Vent for VoA? Really?

Person1: "Nova!"
Person2 "Uh yeah, DMB said that already."
Person1: "Oh..."
Person1: "Overcharge!!"
Person3: "Um yeah, it flashed on the screen and I already marked it."
Person1: "Oh.."

Yeah so useful.

But honestly, as for the mage I don't even know how you do 1300DPS. I could do that casting only Ice Lance(a 400dmg spell). That is why I don't care if anyone has achieve, I do demand 2.5k DPS or higher only though.(anything higher is being a completely elitist prick. 2.5k is FAR more than enough)

I hope you find a nonretarded group soon. :)
#3 May 20 2009 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
God, I remember when 1000 dps was king...

Anywho, don't worry about some scrub mage telling you whats up. Keep healing and learn the fights it's a game not the end of the world.
#4 May 20 2009 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
i have a very low opinion of mages in general. theres some truth in the old Oboards wisdom that mages cry more than any other class. my personal experience has most mages being the ones least likely to stick it out to learn a new encounter, most likely to complain when things dont go perfectly, and most likely to pull aggro and wonder why they didnt get healed (its cause theyre *******

my sworn duty as a druid is to teabag them in bear form as they lie there dead.
#5 May 20 2009 at 12:12 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
I have noticed that as well Quor.

Must be something about the class that just calls to such social miscreants.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#6 May 20 2009 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
988 posts
Whoever started this "achievement required" stuff should be hung, drawn, and quartered. What does it show other than having been carried through the content in the worst case?

I've seen so many people with damn achievements now that had absolutely no clue about the fight or how to do their job, resulting in low dps, not enough and wrong healing, bad tanking, and wipes in general.

Even more so, simply just asking a HEALER for a VoA achievement shows that whoever wants to see it has to be a complete ****** who doesn't understand healing and/or the encounters. Especially on Emalon, the healers have nothing more to do than watching health bars according to their assignments. Big freaking deal.

Not surprising that this achievement crap has been spread like that. It really seems that people who otherwise have no idea about the game found a way to look "pro".

We'll see where this goes. There was a similar trend towards the end of TBC, when people expected warriors to be Protection and priests to be Holy for places like freaking Hellfire Ramparts on NORMAL mode.

So I guess soon enough you'll have to present your achievement if you want to do a heroic 5-man... Really just waiting for that.
#7 May 20 2009 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
3,272 posts
Lol, the golden age of circle jerk priests...

I can't tell you how much I hated my other healer in 10 mans in BC. She had to circle jerk, I had to /faceroll lifebloom. She always outhealed me. I didn't really hate her, she was actually perrrtty sessy.

Days of ease I tell ya! Days of ease...
#8 May 20 2009 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
my sworn duty as a druid is to teabag them in bear form as they lie there dead

ahahahaha. that made my day. I have a good mage story. We were running reg DTK. The mage was the leader. We were clearing the trash before King Dred. This fool runs into the raptor pen and aggros Dred and then starting saying "Quick, hit him! hit him!".........wiperoo. /leave party. I agree mages are "special" I should made him pay my repair bill.
#9 May 21 2009 at 6:52 AM Rating: Decent
Heh I do tend to notice that the mage in our guild is always the first to die in the dance. He gets hit by a lot of firewalls too. Quor I love the tbagging thing I do it when people die too lol, but personally I prefer to do it in cat or travel form.
#10 May 23 2009 at 1:41 AM Rating: Decent
Hey now, not all mages are douches. :-p I may not be perfect, but I don't do stupid **** like pull a boss. That's the tank's job. =x And when I start up a group I always give the tank leader so that they can mark the kill order.
#11 May 24 2009 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
188 posts
Hey now, not all mages are douches

I apologize for the generalization. I personally like grouping with mages. I was still butthurt about that idiot.
#12 May 24 2009 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
I apologize for the generalization. I personally like grouping with mages.

Well, I do too actually, with most of them. I like to have em stand next to me, so they can freeze adds that werent picked up by the tank yet. Or even AoE packs of small trash close to me. I feel safer with a mage by my side. It's just that they can be pricks at sudden times.
#13 May 24 2009 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
i have old prejudices against mages, rogues, and hunters, from back in the day when those three classes comprised much more than the 33% of the population than they should have (they were really closer to 50% or so, with the other 6 classes making up the other 50%).

as such, my tendency is to be....shall we say....rather severe in my judgements of mages, hunters, and rogues. guilty until proven innocent if you will.

however, i will say, if you do find a good rogue, mage, or hunter, hold them close and dont let them go, because those players are the ones that redeem the rep for their entire class. but i still teabag those guys when they die (i teabag everyone really).
#14 May 26 2009 at 9:02 PM Rating: Good
If anyone gives you a hard time about not having the achievement, just tell them this is an alt. :)

#15 Jun 05 2009 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
428 posts
Dang it, my first main was a mage, but I can't help but agree with you guys. Hate to generalize, but I've run across quite a few mouthy mages. Funny that the two leading mages on this forum are some of the more level-headed posters. Anyhow, let's put our prejudices to the side for now.

Re: Emalon. It's only a dps race in the sense that the dps need to race their asses away from Em's nova and race their asses to the enraged add. dps greedy to get their dmg done to Emalon rather than proactively managing enraged adds and dodging novas are what wipe that raid. That and OT not picking up new adds. Honestly though as a Druid healer I find it more Nourish intensive than 10man Patchwerk.

All in all a cool fight to have added to an otherwise snoozer of a raid.
#16 Jun 07 2009 at 2:34 PM Rating: Default
The idiot mage thing is easy to explain - mage is probably one of the easiest classes to get some mad dps/crit with zero playing talent - all you have to do is grab a burst damage build, blow all your CDs and trinkets and spam a key or two (before the REAL mages get upset, I know that's not how you play - I'm talking magetards here).

As such, its a class that'll attract the same types of speds that are attracted to hunter/DK - nice damage on paper and lots of 'oh sh*t' buttons to get you out of trouble when you don't kill a mob before it reaches melee range.

Sucks that the idiots have upgraded from gear tests to achievement tests though - haven't had to deal with it yet, but I'll definitely be telling those morons off when they try it on an alt and I refer them to my main (who's probably got twice the achievements in raid/instances/heroics) as any of those speds.
#17 Jun 15 2009 at 3:45 AM Rating: Good
143 posts
No you tell them you are capable of healing and to suck it if they don't like it. I saw some *** clown looking for 25 maly wanting the achievement and stats, I sent him my stats but not the achievement and told him I knew the fight, he said no and I said good luck and saw him in dal 20-30 min later asked him how it went and he said fail. I replied good thing you got achievements ehh? :)

As for mages I always start my pulls with a regrowth on the tank as they pull and one on the Mage if there is one. Not sure why but most mages I see want to cast their big hit right at the begining before a tank can grab much aggro. Sometimes I let them die and then mention perhaps they should start small until the tank can get threat up.

I agree with the OP, it often seems there is a lot of hipocrasy in this game. It was nice when there weren't so many elitists in northrend, but now - justified or not - they are surfacing. :(
#18 Jun 15 2009 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
80 posts
I've got alot of new raid achievements lately, heh. My stats have reached great numbers (enough for me) and I clear alot of content with my guild now. If I do have to pug, well, want to pug, I say I don't have the achievements, link my stats and say I know the strategy. If I get an invite, I will be really friendly to the raid and help everyone out. If I don't get one, tough luck for them, our server is in a lack of healers, find another, I'm glad I'm not with them. Also, I'm trying to start a new trend.
LFG naxx, /w stats, will ask random boss strats to see if you're capable.
The people joining maybe a bit lower-geared, but overall are more friendly, and willing to give their best shot. I suggest you guys try it out too.

Edited, Jun 15th 2009 12:06pm by Thorpedro
#19 Jun 15 2009 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
Yeah seems like getting the Achievements is going the same as it was going for getting into Kara. It used to be, "Hay, he's not Kara geared, kick him". Never could figure out how to get Kara gear without being able to even go in there, lol.

Most pugs wouldn't even think of taking anyone unless you already had all the possible gear you could need from Kara. Always figured if I didn't need anything out of the place why would I be trying to get into a Pug in the first place.

Heck had one Kara Pug tell me they wouldnt take me because I wasn't ZulG Geared!
#20 Jun 15 2009 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
7,732 posts
Blumight wrote:
Yeah seems like getting the Achievements is going the same as it was going for getting into Kara. It used to be, "Hay, he's not Kara geared, kick him". Never could figure out how to get Kara gear without being able to even go in there, lol.

Most pugs wouldn't even think of taking anyone unless you already had all the possible gear you could need from Kara. Always figured if I didn't need anything out of the place why would I be trying to get into a Pug in the first place.

Heck had one Kara Pug tell me they wouldnt take me because I wasn't ZulG Geared!

That was Kara though. Kara around the end of tBC was a badge farming zone. I started playing when it was getting to that point and it was definitely that way when I hit 70.

Naxx is rapidly becoming that way as well. I mean honestly I wouldn't want to run Naxx10 unless it was for achievements at this point. Naxx25 I only have 2 pieces I want from there still but will do it if guildies need help. Not Naxx10 as Naxx25 is easier. Heck I haven't run OS in weeks.

Ulduar will get there eventually as well. Well at least the first half of the instance I would imagine.

When a server gets far enough along to make a whole tier of raiding a farm zone being in the appropriate guild becomes more important than ever. I never had one in tBC and it sucked. I missed out on a lot of content because of it.

I understand the concept of the no achievement no invite. I am guilty of putting groups together and wanting people who only need 1-2 pieces from the content they are doing. It happens. It isn't pretty but it is a fact of WoW. People want fast smooth runs and people being mostly geared from the content they are doing helps that happen. I have/will let one or two barely geared people in sometimes it is fine but sometimes it isn't. If I have everyone be barely geared that is just about guaranteeing a fail run. With PuG people I can't tell them to respec and change how they are playing like a malfunctioning guildie. Makes a difference.

/ramble off

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#21 Jun 16 2009 at 4:48 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
People want fast smooth runs and people being mostly geared from the content they are doing helps that happen. I have/will let one or two barely geared people in sometimes it is fine but sometimes it isn't. If I have everyone be barely geared that is just about guaranteeing a fail run.

Well that's true mostly, gear always plays a part. Inviting 1-2 non achievement-guys to fill up is a great idea, and those guys will probably be grateful if you do. I'm gonna stop being so anti-achi now, it doesnt work anyway. I have mine, I have my raids. The others will have to do thesame, I guess. People will figure out themselves what to do.
#22 Jun 16 2009 at 9:14 AM Rating: Excellent
Wintergrasp and VoA are a great way to get some good PvP gear and should definitely be taken advantage of but not used as the prime way to obtain PvP gear. Do Wintergrasp and VoA when they are available but do make use of battleground and arena. Though I'm sure you understand your class, PvP is a whole different monster than PvE. Battlegrounds and arena will allow you to progress in the direction of good gear AND build your skill. A player in full Furious gear make look intimidating, but without skill he's a scrub. Think about tennis, just because you have a $900 racket.. does that make you a wicked tennis player? If it does, let me know and I'll buy it from you.
#23 Jun 16 2009 at 10:20 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Think about tennis, just because you have a $900 racket.. does that make you a wicked tennis player? If it does, let me know and I'll buy it from you.


Awesome. You win the morning.

Plus you said wicked, sweet.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#24 Jun 16 2009 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
I had fun with this issue yesterday. I had already cleared 10 & 25 Ulduar on my druid this week, so I thought i'd gear up my hunter a bit. He has cleared Naxx 10 before and is mostly epic geared. I replied on my main to a LFG post saying I had an alt who was half Naxx geared and linked my Ulduar achievements as I figure that showed more that I was a decent player than a Naxx achievement which almost everyone has anyway. He still wanted the Naxx achievement linked.....

I got the invite and then waited around for 45 minutes while they continued to try and fill the raid, then got kicked because my gear wasn't good enough......while they still only had 18 people in the raid! It really is getting a bit silly that you have to basically outgear an instance to get an invite. Looks like i'll just have to rotate my alts through guild alt Uld-10 runs and give up on PuGs.

ps...I did eventually get a Naxx 10 run and got 2 melee weapons, a cloak, boots & the T7 chest, so it wasn't a bad day.

#25 Jun 21 2009 at 9:08 PM Rating: Default
1,912 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:
Whoever started this "achievement required" stuff should be hung, drawn, and quartered. What does it show other than having been carried through the content in the worst case?

I've seen so many people with damn achievements now that had absolutely no clue about the fight or how to do their job, resulting in low dps, not enough and wrong healing, bad tanking, and wipes in general.

Even more so, simply just asking a HEALER for a VoA achievement shows that whoever wants to see it has to be a complete ****** who doesn't understand healing and/or the encounters. Especially on Emalon, the healers have nothing more to do than watching health bars according to their assignments. Big freaking deal.

Not surprising that this achievement crap has been spread like that. It really seems that people who otherwise have no idea about the game found a way to look "pro".

We'll see where this goes. There was a similar trend towards the end of TBC, when people expected warriors to be Protection and priests to be Holy for places like freaking Hellfire Ramparts on NORMAL mode.

So I guess soon enough you'll have to present your achievement if you want to do a heroic 5-man... Really just waiting for that.

While people can be carried, if you know the fight and are able to do Emalon then you will be able to get the achievement. It's simply a quick way to filter those who are unable to do the fight.

You are however more than welcome to try and make a pug consisting solely of people that don't have the achievement. Please come back and report your success ratio if you do.
#26 Jun 22 2009 at 3:22 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
The achievement thing for 5 mans will be coming you can hear the rumble in the distance as the badge change patch comes in.

Soon it will be LF Healer VH Heroic must have Achievement and +2.2K spellpower, probably posted by a DK tank in blues.
Its going to be the island all over again but this time with the zing of achievement, glad im in a good guild.

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