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The lowdown on Power Word: ShieldFollow

#1 May 19 2009 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
So I just left a group where I was told not to shield the war tank (I'm disc). I was told that it lowers war threat generation. From what I have read, this is not the case. Rage generation is not affected by shields in this patch, and while PW:S does generate threat for me, I'm fine if I tag the tank before the pull. PW:S has excellent synergy with renewed hope and grace, and should be up whenever possible for the tank. Pallies are excluded, because they need to be healed to generate mana. Also, reflective shields only works for shields I cast on my self(?).

Now, that is my understanding of mechanics and tactics so far. If I'm wrong, please clue me in on what the truth is about PW:S.

Edited, May 20th 2009 12:38am by Karpman
#2 May 19 2009 at 10:52 PM Rating: Excellent
736 posts
Yes, sadly, Reflective Shield is just for you.
Damn pity, if you ask me.

RE: PW:S Threat mechanics

It's not too much threat, in the grand scheme of things. Basically take how much damage PW:S can absorb and chop it in half, pretend your healing someone for that amount, and that's how much threat it generates. Why this can be a monkey wrench is because PW:S is a preventative measure, meaning the threat is being generated before the damage is delt. A heal is a reactive measure, meaning the threat is being generated after the damage is delt (and your tank has had some time to establish threat). So you don't have to worry too much about making sure the tank has it before the pull, just avoid throwing it on during that precarious 3 second window when a freshly pulled pack of mobs is crawling across the room towards your tank.

RE: PW:S Rage Mechanics

You are correct. In patch 3.1 they changed Rage so that it's generated through PW:S. If tanks are cringing it's largely the result of either misinformation or pure oldschool reflex. If anything, throwing PW:S on them gives them more rage through Rapture.

RE: PW:S Paladin Mana Regen Mechanics

Paladins have more mana regen tricks than Spiritual Attunement.
For example Blessings of Sanctuary gives them back 2% of their mana pool everytime they block, parry, or dodge. Or Divine Plea, which gives back 25% of their mana pool. Paladins don't mind being bubbled, because it doesn't present enough of a mana loss through Spiritual Attunement to justify keeping you from casting it and taking advantage of your own mana regen through Rapture. Especially since Rapture grants them mana.

Edited, May 20th 2009 3:20am by Zemzelette
#3 May 20 2009 at 2:25 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Karpman wrote:
So I just left a group where I was told not to shield the war tank (I'm disc). I was told that it lowers war threat generation. From what I have read, this is not the case. Rage generation is not affected by shields in this patch, and while PW:S does generate threat for me, I'm fine if I tag the tank before the pull. PW:S has excellent synergy with renewed hope and grace, and should be up whenever possible for the tank. Pallies are excluded, because they need to be healed to generate mana. Also, reflective shields only works for shields I cast on my self(?).

Now, that is my understanding of mechanics and tactics so far. If I'm wrong, please clue me in on what the truth is about PW:S.

Edited, May 20th 2009 12:38am by Karpman

I would let you heal me any time. I love disc healers.

You have glyphed PW:S?

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#4 May 20 2009 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Zemzelette said it all.
Paladins don't mind being bubbled, because it doesn't present enough of a mana loss through Spiritual Attunement to justify keeping you from casting it and taking advantage of your own mana regen through Rapture.

That's a bit of an understatement. The thing is that even if your tank wóuld mind being bubbled, the benefits to the whole group by you using bubble simply vastly outweigh any negative impact the bubble has. If you're disc specced, you're going to use it, and tanks have to live with that. It seems like you met one of the old-school not up-to-date tanks who has yet to realize that disc is now a viable healing spec.

Also - have any of you actually tried the threat mechanics out? I tested it about a month ago and back then I remember pretty clearly that neither Power Word: Shield nor Prayer of Mending gave ANY threat at all. I might be mistaken of course, but I'm fairly sure about this.

Edited, May 20th 2009 12:51pm by Mozared
#5 May 20 2009 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
329 posts
Mozared - I am showing threat with my Shield, but as of pre 3.1.2 I was still not seeing threat for PoM. I made to runs last night but did not even think to check to see if PoM was adding threat, and I did not see any notes in the dl either. So hopefully they have not snuck threat back into the mix, not that I am ever overly worried about threat with good tanks around me, of course those pesky adds can be troublesome at times.
#6 May 20 2009 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
Also - have any of you actually tried the threat mechanics out? I tested it about a month ago and back then I remember pretty clearly that neither Power Word: Shield nor Prayer of Mending gave ANY threat at all. I might be mistaken of course, but I'm fairly sure about this.

I saw about 100 threat generated, when I watched for it Omen. It's not significant, whatever it may be for anyone else.
#7 May 20 2009 at 11:20 AM Rating: Excellent
389 posts
As a paladin tank, let me chime in on the shielding part - it's really not a problem at all.

As for Prayer of Mending, I was under the impression that when it heals and jumps, the threat from said heal is generated by the person being healed, not the priest (similarly to a shaman's Earth Shield). It's been a while since I checked up on that though, so I could be wrong.

*Edit I see I was mistaken about the threat thing, my bad :/

Edited, May 21st 2009 7:51pm by MetalM
#8 May 20 2009 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
The threat generated by ProM was changed to be given to the casting priest with patch 3.0.2. This was a side effect of changing the way ProM healing was registered so that it counted as the casting priest's healing.(Source )

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#9 May 20 2009 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
You don't have to put it on at the start of the fight, but in reality it doesn't matter.

I'm pretty lazy and watch tv when I heal so I just bubble, semi zombie mode till penance

Anyway I ran into a warrior like this the other day, he even said "Shield me one more time and I’ll kick you from the group" So of course I instantly shielded him and left the group on my own =)

Maybe as more priest's show up disc we can spread the word that things have in fact chaged since TBC
#10 May 20 2009 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
Smoopie - I love when people act like this... I had the same thing combined with I should only ever use Flash Heal as Greater heal is a waste. The tank told me to stop casting Greater Heal, so I did... I also stopped casting flash heal on him or any other heals... keeping the off tank up and dps up. He died twice, flamed me some more, so prior to the next boss pull I whispered everyone but him that I am bailing from the group. I gave everyone fair notice, and it was nice to see the tank pull, and then watch as people began to hearth out of the instance. I waited until he was 1/3rd dead and then hearthed myself. 5 minutes of being whispered by him and what an a$$ I was... I finally had to ignore to complete a new run with the other 3 people.

Nothing ruins good gaming then someone who feels they know more, but cannot prove that they know more.
#11 May 20 2009 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
I like to say I'm bubble spec. On some heroic bosses, I've kept shields up on the entire party. I always keep a shield up on myself when in combat, unless I am waiting for weakened soul to wear off. Grid and Power Auras keep me informed of everyone's shield and weakened soul status.

Edited, May 20th 2009 11:10pm by dadanox
#12 May 20 2009 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the info folks. Yes Horsemouth, I do have PW:S glyphed :). A few more Qs...

Do chars still block, dodge, and parry normally, even when shielded? Zemzelette's post idicates that, but I just want to make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN about these mechanics. I hope to use this thread as a retort for future arguments. If this is so, then I would feel much more relaxed about shielding my pallies.

Is the heal effect from the PW:S glyph affected by grace and/or other healing buffs?

Is the renewed hope damage reduction factored before damage is applied to the shield? Are other buffs like it (I think druid bears have something similar) factored as well? Does the armor of the shielded target matter in shields absorption?

Does anyone have some rough idea of the mana efficiency for PW:S vs true healing spells? At high levels and good gear the amount of damage absorbed/healed per mana must be outstanding.

#13 May 20 2009 at 10:42 PM Rating: Excellent
736 posts
Frankly, I think a clean smack upside the head is all the convincing you should be burdened to try ;p


Do chars still block, dodge, and parry normally, even when shielded?

Yes. The PW:S is calculated after Armor and Dodge/Parry/Block. This also includes things that reduce your damage intake by a percent, such as Renewed Hope and Pain Suppression.

Is the heal effect from the PW:S glyph affected by grace and/or other healing buffs?

It can critical. It will not proc Divine Aegis. It is not affected by Grace.
It scales with spellpower (insomuch that PW:S scales and the glyph does a percent) so any buff that would increase spellpower would increase the PW:S glyph heal as well.


Does anyone have some rough idea of the mana efficiency for PW:S vs true healing spells?

Mozared's handy dandy healing guide touches on that subject :3

#14 Jun 01 2009 at 5:26 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
RE: PW:S Paladin Mana Regen Mechanics

Paladins have more mana regen tricks than Spiritual Attunement.
For example Blessings of Sanctuary gives them back 2% of their mana pool everytime they block, parry, or dodge. Or Divine Plea, which gives back 25% of their mana pool. Paladins don't mind being bubbled, because it doesn't present enough of a mana loss through Spiritual Attunement to justify keeping you from casting it and taking advantage of your own mana regen through Rapture. Especially since Rapture grants them mana.

I'm a paly tank and will somewhat agree with this, but my advice is to ASK us first.

First - B.Sanc gives 3% if I'm remembering right
Second - B.Sanc = Better Mana regen on large packs (Cause we are dodging/blocking more) 1 mob = Bad Regen generally.
Third - D.Plea is good, but not able to really keep us going. Incoming heals = most mana
Finally - My advice is to ask your tank. If a paly is running low on mana - they can not get agro. This will be a huge problem. Wait till the tank has engaged a few mobs - then toss on the shield... If you choose to shield - watch the TANK'S mana bar - as well as your own. It's all about efficiency - if the tank is OOM you must slow down - we are a team - the goal is quick safe kills....

*Shield is a very helpful thing in raids. Sometimes it's just too much in 5mans. So - it is situational...
#15 Jun 01 2009 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
First - B.Sanc gives 3% if I'm remembering right
Second - B.Sanc = Better Mana regen on large packs (Cause we are dodging/blocking more) 1 mob = Bad Regen generally.
Third - D.Plea is good, but not able to really keep us going. Incoming heals = most mana
Finally - My advice is to ask your tank. If a paly is running low on mana - they can not get agro. This will be a huge problem. Wait till the tank has engaged a few mobs - then toss on the shield... If you choose to shield - watch the TANK'S mana bar - as well as your own. It's all about efficiency - if the tank is OOM you must slow down - we are a team - the goal is quick safe kills....

Lets do the maths.

Me having about 2000 spellpower in the average heroic, my shield currently absorbs 5000 damage and grants the target 2% of his mana pool due to Rapture. Spiritual Attunement gives 12% mana of the amount healed when glyphed.

This means not shielding and using a 5K heal gives you 5000 X 0,12 = 600 mana.
Most prot pallies I've seen have about 6K mana (usually between 6 and 8K), meaning 6000 X 0,02 = 120 mana returned.

Which means healing is going to give the paladin about 480 mana more than shielding him, assuming he's glyphed for Spiritual Attunement. The cheapest threat-based spell a paladin has is either Hammer of the Righteous or Shield of the Righteous, both costing 6% base mana (=264 mana at level 80). Which means that at level 80, in average gear, the difference between a shield and a heal is a little more than one single cast of a protadin's cheapest threat spell. While it is impossible for a protadin to make his mana pool large enough for Rapture to be better than a glyphed Spiritual Attunement (600 X 50 means a protadin would need 30K mana for that), you still have to keep in mind that Rapture scales with the protadins gear while Spiritual Attunement does not.

Seeing as Power Word: Shield on one target has a minimum cooldown of 12 seconds (this will more realistically be 15 as most priests don't PvE in PvP gear), it is generally always worthwhile to shield a paladin unless he's completely out of mana; at that point a 5K heal will grant him enough mana to regain some aggro while a shield wouldn't. So yes, it's situational indeed, but I really wouldn't fret about keeping PW:S up whenever possible on a Paladin.
#16 Jun 01 2009 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
If you choose to shield - watch the TANK'S mana bar - as well as your own.

My advice is to ask your tank.

Look if we're in Ulduar and your shield doesn't mean a damn thing - Spam it. That shield's gonna get 1-shot and you'll be healing like normal - it's just a buffer... That's probably to be expected in places like that and a sign of a good healer.

However - I've also walked into H.UK wearing a mixed bag of Naxx10/25/Ulduar10/25 gear and had the healer open up with a shield. Like literally there's still a mage table floating there, the Warlock's Stone summon - and I'm charging up the the steps into a massive "2-Pull" with a shield on... That's unnecessary is a sign that my healer either doesn't understand the mechanics or he might just be lazy.

Paly tanks aren't going OOM on Boss fights in Ulduar. They are going /oom as the OT, they are going /oom when running instances with 29k base HP and block capped.... I love Disc Priests - Until I'm doing a timed run for a guildie in CoS....

I'll put it this way:

If the job can be done with minimal risk through normal healing (Big, Small, HoT, AoE) do that.

If the job requires you to shield me (Jacka$$ DPS needs your attention, Lag, Tough boss mechanic) then throw the shield on.

If you read the posts by Bohdi about Mana and how we have infinite mana as healers - the current problem isn't a healer going /oom. However - My tank does go /oom and rather quickly. (Got Glyph) Thus when it comes to the party's survival Paly tank Mana > Important than Healer Mana. (Again - this is because it is generally accepted that healers are not going /oom at all...)

Also - This should be taken with a grain of salt. H.UK has a hard hitting boss at the end. Shields are fine there. Toss it on. All I'm saying is to watch it. If I'm getting beat up - put one on. If I'm fine - leave it be....

#17 Jun 01 2009 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
536 posts
Granted, I'm nowhere near raiding level. My priest is only 41. But in healing Scarlet Monestary (I love that place, run it whenever I can), the only time I shield is when:

1) As stated above, DPS is ******** up and needs my attention.

2) The tank is suddenly very low on health. I'll throw a shield on, then heal.

3) I'm low on mana, the fight is nearly over, and the tank just needs that little buffer zone to finish the mobs off.

Of course, if I'm duo'ing with a friend, I'll shield them while they do all the work, and sit back and take all the credit.
#18 Jun 01 2009 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
If you read the posts by Bohdi about Mana and how we have infinite mana as healers - the current problem isn't a healer going /oom. However - My tank does go /oom and rather quickly. (Got Glyph) Thus when it comes to the party's survival Paly tank Mana > Important than Healer Mana. (Again - this is because it is generally accepted that healers are not going /oom at all...)

The thing is, I'm not just using PW:S because it's mana conservative for me. It procs Borrowed Time and Renewed Hope as well. Like you're saying, if it's obviously not needed you might as well not use it - then again, if a shield is obviously not needed then heals are probably not really needed either. If you want to do the job properly as a disc priest, you will be shielding a lot.

Granted, I'm nowhere near raiding level. My priest is only 41. But in healing Scarlet Monestary (I love that place, run it whenever I can), the only time I shield is when:

1) As stated above, DPS is ******** up and needs my attention.

2) The tank is suddenly very low on health. I'll throw a shield on, then heal.

3) I'm low on mana, the fight is nearly over, and the tank just needs that little buffer zone to finish the mobs off.

Of course, if I'm duo'ing with a friend, I'll shield them while they do all the work, and sit back and take all the credit.

That's normal. The reason for this is that shield doesn't become an effective spell until you put in all the disc talent points.
#19 Jun 01 2009 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
536 posts
Mozared wrote:

Granted, I'm nowhere near raiding level. My priest is only 41. But in healing Scarlet Monestary (I love that place, run it whenever I can), the only time I shield is when:

1) As stated above, DPS is ******** up and needs my attention.

2) The tank is suddenly very low on health. I'll throw a shield on, then heal.

3) I'm low on mana, the fight is nearly over, and the tank just needs that little buffer zone to finish the mobs off.

Of course, if I'm duo'ing with a friend, I'll shield them while they do all the work, and sit back and take all the credit.

That's normal. The reason for this is that shield doesn't become an effective spell until you put in all the disc talent points.

I'm dual-specced Shadow right now, and I tried it out, leveling that is, as Shadow spec. I honestly enjoy Discipline better (and right now, for some reason, I seem to do higher dps as Discipline), but I figure DS was worth it, as I might need to spec Shadow for something in the future.
#20 Jun 02 2009 at 6:39 AM Rating: Good
129 posts
What is your spell rotation?

I'd rather level as Disc so I am ready if I get an instance invite, but Shadow is so much more efficient.

As Disc I use HF, penance, SW: P then wand until penance is back (maybe).

PW: S as necessary.
#21 Jun 02 2009 at 7:03 AM Rating: Good
536 posts
I don't have penance yet, but I pull with MB, then SW:P, Devouring Plague, then wand, but if its still at or above 50% health, I hit holy fire (I think that's the spell), and its usually at 15-20% by then so I can finish with my wand. I can usually kill six to ten mobs before having to stop for mana.

Its fun popping my shield and running through a few dozen aggro mobs, shadowmelding, grabbing an item/herb I need, popping my shield again, running back out, and hitting psychic scream at the end. Its made STV a lot more fun than usual!
#22 Jun 02 2009 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
329 posts
I would definitely take into account what Borsuk stated... sometimes you do not need PW:S. I decided to go Disc after reading Mozared's post after being Shadow forever, and now I am Dual Specced that way. (Shameless plug for Mozared... read his post... it is awesome and makes me enjoy playing so much more.)

When I first started Heroics, I was dropping sheilds on everyone, but that is because I was not paying attention to inspect gear or even easier... asking the tank if they are defense capped. This makes such a huge difference in the way you play. If the tank is not capped, then shielding is worthwhile as a safety buffer for those huge hits. Your shield plus a tanks mitigation should avoid instant death on a crushing blow, thus allowing you the recovery time to use a larger heal to bring them back up while potentially waiting for Penance to cycle.

I have found now that I am in all Epics and that most of the time I am running with like others, shield is wasted unless it is on boss fights with lots of AOE and the dps is getting hit. It is my "oh crap" button more than anything else.

#23 Jun 02 2009 at 11:32 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Borsuk wrote:
However - I've also walked into H.UK wearing a mixed bag of Naxx10/25/Ulduar10/25 gear and had the healer open up with a shield. Like literally there's still a mage table floating there, the Warlock's Stone summon - and I'm charging up the the steps into a massive "2-Pull" with a shield on... That's unnecessary is a sign that my healer either doesn't understand the mechanics or he might just be lazy.

That could have been me. =) I do use shield to be lazy sometimes during those "massive 2-pulls".

Usually I will shield a caster after he takes damage, but it can be used pre-emptively to keep them off pushback. Shield them or yourself for the BT/RH instead. I have only had a few tanks give me grief about pre-shielding them. I simply stop doing it and toss a Renew on during the pull. If I grab aggro from an untapped mob, then I know the tank needs a little schooling. Otherwise, I defer to the tanks choice of strategy. I have more options than merely shielding the tank, and you can really learn more about a tank's gear and skill by watching his health bar. I can shield the other members so my time is not pulled unnecessarily from the tank.

I had a conversation with my healing counterpart (he's a tree) a while back. We were discussing shielding a tank, or more importantly, why not to shield a tank. This was just after the mechanics were changed that allow rage generation through a shield. While he thought that I refrained from early shields to prevent energy generation, I told him that I like to keep my eye on how much damage an unfamiliar tank is taking and a shield prevents me from gauging this. Strange thing is, after I get to know a tank (and he gets to know me), I almost always prep them with a shield/PoM before a pull.
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