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Playing a priest for the first time...Follow

#1 May 19 2009 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
536 posts
I started a priest recently so my guild would have another healer at their disposal eventually. I plan on playing shadow, but I'm going to practice healing as I go, so that by the time I hit Northrend, I have a pretty good grasp on things.

I've done a little reading, but I always like to hear exactly what some of the more experienced players of various classes have to say. Do any of you have advice for a brand new priest (Currently level 12?). Common screwups to try and avoid, something like that?

Thanks for reading!
#2 May 20 2009 at 2:31 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Spirit Tap. Get it.

I am leveling disc. Had ST until I could have 5/5 holy crit talent + 3/3 Mediation. I have no real mana issues.

I use a HF, SW:P, PW:S, Smite times x, wand, kill as my basic rotation. Going wand around 30% mob health.

Avoid puling too many mobs, it hurts. The fear + fade and run away helps then.

I am leveling disc mainly because I don't like the idea of Shadow. But realistically, I bet it would be faster. Plus I like the disc style. It gets better as I get more levels.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#3 May 20 2009 at 2:57 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
There's really not a lot of common *****-ups I can think of for the priest class. Wand, don't melee is the only thing that comes to mind right now.
#4 May 20 2009 at 4:12 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I've said it before and, because I'm getting old and tend to forget what I've already said, will say it again: leveling a priest shadow is some of the most fun you can have in WoW.

Spirit Tap first.

Always have a good wand.

It'll be boring for a while, as lower levels tend to be. Hang in there and after a while you'll be cackling madly and shouting taunts at mobs as if they were a.) real and b.) had ears. Or maybe that's just me.

As for practicing healing as you go, feel free to do this with your Shadow spec. You can heal 5-mans as Shadow for a whole lot of levels (or maybe forever, depending who you talk to). Once you're sure you're committed to the character, dual spec early might not be a bad investment just to get a feel for Holy or Disc play while still preserving your leveling spec. I did that with my pally so I'd at least know what the buttons were when I hit 80. (I still don't know what the buttons are. There are a lot of buttons.) If you intend to go dual spec eventually anyway, that can be a fun thing to do.

Also when you're healing regular 5-mans as you level, you can do that pretty easily without tampering with your UI, but you may want to anyway. That's a great time to check out some of the common healing mods (Grid, Healbot, a macro setup, etc.) and get a feel for how you'll want to play. You don't necessarily want the first time you're testing your Pitbull setup and your Mouseover macros to be in SSC. Not that I know this from experience. I'm just guessing.
#5 May 20 2009 at 5:58 AM Rating: Good
536 posts
I've been told by a few friends to go with Darkness first, and that's what I've done (only level 12 though, and respec is cheap), so I'm wondering about Spirit Tap...could someone go into detail why they choose that first rather than Darkness? I'd appreciate it!

Edit: Nevermind. I looked at it, talked to a friend, and he pointed out that Spirit Tap is probably best for leveling, Darkness is more PvP oriented.

Edited, May 20th 2009 10:08am by crazyrick
#6 May 20 2009 at 6:10 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Spirit Tap is really the bread and butter of priest leveling (assuming you're leveling mostly solo). Essentially what it does is ensure you'll never have to stop to drink. With Spirit Tap kicking in every time you kill something, by the time you get to the next mob, your mana is back to full. Bandage or heal yourself between fights and you have zero downtime at all. When leveling efficiency is key and having no downtime is your greatest boon.

<whole paragraph about a talent that no longer exists deleted>

Edited again because I totally answered your question as if you said Blackout instead of Darkness. I cannot accept changes to the tree! It must always look like it did before!

Edited, May 20th 2009 10:17am by teacake
#7 May 20 2009 at 10:03 AM Rating: Good
329 posts
Pending on who you are leveling with and how you are leveling, I may make an early suggestion. After you get Spirit Tap maxed out, you may want to put 2 points over in the holy tree so that you avoid losing casting time when casting holy spells for when you are learning how to heal. At level 40, you will / may want to respec to get shadowform or wait 2 lvls to get it pending on your playstyle, but I found having 70% chance to AVOID lost casting time when healing as a base shadow spec to be very helpful with new groups and players that may still be learning to play.

If you are on an older server and/or play with a core group, then do not waste the points unless you se the need for it. Also, one of your first glyphs to help you be more efficient in overall ability, I would recommend the Glyph of PW Shield. This gives you a heal everytime you do need to cast shield. This will help heal in instances, and when you are at 40 and in shadowform, it gives you a heal without kicking you out of shadowform.

One last comment on Shadow Priests... when you hit 60, you will have absolutely no downtime. While AOE grinding is not really there for you, you will be able to burn through mobs like nobody's business. Kill 5 - 8 mobs, pull, shadowfiend the next mob, get back 40 - 60% of your mana, kill 4 - 6 mobs, pop dispersion, and the process begins anew... with your healing from VE you will never need to worry... YOu will read all these posts about which class is the fastest to level, and I can honestly say tha SP's are near the top if played properly and pending play style.
#8 May 20 2009 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
240 posts
Curse addons - Priest Friend and Healbuttons!
#9 May 22 2009 at 10:44 PM Rating: Good
shadow is cool and all, destroying peoples heads with purply beams and low to no downtime once you start getting talents.

I started my priest as disc with only a few stints as shadow at 40, and after 70 just to get a feel for it once I dual spec. I would say that disc is just as powerful as a lvling spec and you get to enjoy the ability to heal every instance along the way.

Disc is fun. You barely run into a situation where you can die. If you pick up the all powerful spirit tap (which loses its panache in the 50-60s)you never run out of mana. Killing things is boring and the only change you get in a rotation (which should be left up to you while lvling) is penance which helps greatly. The way pw:shield skills up almost always means that you kill almost everything before your shield drops. When the s**t hits the fan you can just pi, nova spam up to 5-10 mobs to death which makes you feel like a god. A good wand helps but is almost never used once you hit outlands.

As long as you straight up stack intellect above all else you will enjoy disc endlessly while lvling. Obviously the higher you get the more general you should pick your white stats, but int rules all.

Stay away from the obvious pvp talents, picking what is clearly useful for lvling is essential.

I am currently 76 and have loved every moment of lvling disc. I went shadow for a second in the 40s and immediately switched back. I went holy at 68 to heal my way to 70ish in UK and Nexus just b/c its easier to heal those instances as a rising northrender being holy. Shadow again just to have some fun at 71.

For all intents and purposes, go disc, if you have any pipe dreams of healing later on, may it be holy or disc, disc will rock your socks

Edited, May 23rd 2009 2:45am by Slywether
#10 May 23 2009 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
536 posts
Sly, I would be willing to try disc, it seems like it'd be good for both soloing and instance healing. At level 22(ish), where would you suggest I throw talent points if I were to try it?

***I think I'm going to wait until 40 and throw down the gold for dual spec, but a few pointers still wouldn't hurt! ;)

Edited, May 23rd 2009 5:46pm by crazyrick
#11 May 24 2009 at 2:55 AM Rating: Excellent
crazyrick wrote:
At level 22(ish), where would you suggest I throw talent points if I were to try it?

If you choose to level as disc, at 22 I'd put 3 points in Spirit Tap, then spend my points getting down to Improved PW:Shield. Disc uses shields to mitigate damage. It's one of our main spells. At 22, you don't have many points available, but I would spend them on:

3 pts Spirit tap (for mana while leveling. Drop at 80)
5 pts Twin Disciplines (Increases damage and healing of instant spells)
3 pts Improved Inner Fire (Since it now increases spellpower)
2 pts Improved Power Word: Fortitude
Next 3 levels:
3 pts Improved Power Word: Shield

Fill out your disc tree to get Penance before spending points in holy. Penance will be your main, powerful, fast healing spell.

Check out to see the most popular cookie cutter builds. I still use renew a lot, so have varied my build a bit and have been very happy with it. You can check it by clicking the link in my signature.

Note that while leveling, it's ok to move points around a bit. Expect a complete respec at 80. For instance, keep Spirit Tap until 80, and Reflective Shield is fun for leveling.

If you get dual spec, I would try disc / shadow.

#12 May 24 2009 at 4:23 AM Rating: Good
536 posts
I'm 600 gold away from dual spec. I'm doing the tournament dailies on my DK (The others just bore me to death), and I'm auctioning stuff as I go, so I'm sure in 17 levels I'll have it. shadow/disc was the plan, as well! Thanks!
#13 May 27 2009 at 9:53 AM Rating: Excellent
2,069 posts
Instead of starting a new thread, i'm just going to jump in this one for my noob questions:

I'm starting up a priest for raiding...intent is to heal. I was wanting to dual-spec into discipline and holy. My questions are:

1. Approximately what level does Priest start to get fun (for leveling)?
2. Do you need two gear sets for dual speccing disc/holy?
3. Which spec is best for healing 5-mans?

Thank you,

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#14 May 27 2009 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
4,684 posts
1. Approximately what level does Priest start to get fun (for leveling)?

My guess would be 20, like pretty much every class.

2. Do you need two gear sets for dual speccing disc/holy?

Short answer: No. Long answer: It depends. With the latest changes holy and disc priests mostly gear the same, the difference being that disc priests focus on intellect a lot more than holy priests and that crit is a little less important; holy priests may wish to gather up some haste instead. Yes, you can heal as holy pretty well in disc gear (and probably vice versa, but I've only tried it this way), but it's not completely optimal. I'd say you'd be playing at about 80% of your potential when using a disc set as holy spec or vice versa.

3. Which spec is best for healing 5-mans?

I take it you mean this as in "disc or holy?". The answer in that case is really neither. Disc will be easier in mana-intensive fights (Like Skadi or Anub'Arak) and runs with a badly geared tank, while holy will be more effective in AOE heavier fights (like King Ymiron). I'm tempted to say disc is a little bit better overall, but I'm sure Teacake would state the opposite; so take your pick really. If you're dual-specced, inspect your tank before picking your spec for the run.
#15 May 27 2009 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
606 posts
I'm starting up a priest for raiding...intent is to heal. I was wanting to dual-spec into discipline and holy. My questions are:

don't be afraid to come to the dark side and dabble in Shadow, it's great fun and still a wanted DPS (we may not top the DPS charts, but we're rarely in need of healing and casters like us for refreshment). I stared my priest with the intent to have high level healer, but liked DPS'ing as it better (my other main was a rogue)

And Personally, until you start needing more specialized gear (i.e. raiding or harder heroics), I personally think Shadow/Disc have more crossover than disc/Holy. (Shadow priests need very little hit until they hit raids)

Shadow is great fun and while you won't top DPS charts compared to other equally geared DPS, You'll still be wanted in raids.
#16 May 27 2009 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
536 posts
My priest is 33 now, and I plan on dual speccing at 40, disc/shadow. Everyone talks about how Shadow is fun, and while I don't doubt that, I'm having so much fun leveling as Discipline! I do want to try shadow, though. Discipline does seem to work well healing the lower level instances.
#17 May 27 2009 at 2:57 PM Rating: Excellent
3. Which spec is best for healing 5-mans?

I'd say disc, but also, it depends. If you are struggling for gear and just getting into the swing of things, Pennance is your best friend. If you have a decent amount of gear (pre-Nax still, but decent for heroics), holy starts becoming a little easier.

I base this mainly from the perspective of dealing with "oh s#!t" moments, which your early heroic career will be full of. Initially, when mana is still a concern even on short fights, Pennance is an excellent tool. All the shields that disc provides give you a break as well, and the mana regen is godly.

However, with holy and decent gear, you can pop a CoH, which will generally proc an instant flash heal. I pretty much get them every time (it's alarming when I don't), and rely on this tactic for almost instantly healing spike damage. If timed right, holy has a lot more instant heals than disc, and I tend to prefer it.

Try them both though, they are really quite different, and you will probably prefer one over the other.
#18 May 28 2009 at 12:25 PM Rating: Excellent
129 posts
I've said this before....but the question is the same.

I'd level shadow all the way up through the first few gear intensive quests in Outland.

Then spec holy or disc announce that you are willing to heal instances. You will get lots of takers from other toons that don't need cloth. After a few runs you will be nicely geared. Go back to shadow until 70ish, respect do a Nexus a few times, maybe Utgarde, some Outland instances if you want a variety of practice, then back to shadow until 80 where you can become the healer your guild is looking for.
#19 May 28 2009 at 1:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Switching back and forth from a damage spec (shadow) to a healing spec is great. I would put dual spec high on my list at 40, assuming I had the cash.
#20 May 28 2009 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
151 posts
I <3 Disc

+3 spirit tap
+51 Disc
+whatever's left to Holy
= Win for leveling

Healglabb 74 Disc Healing machine
#21 May 28 2009 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
536 posts
Lots of excellent advice in this thread, thanks to everyone who has posted! I'm still new at the whole priest game, and I know others are too, so if you think of anything else, please post it! I think this will be the first character I actually use in end-game scenarios, and I'm really excited about it.
#22 May 28 2009 at 4:01 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Foxximo wrote:
I <3 Disc

+3 spirit tap
+51 Disc
+whatever's left to Holy
= Win for leveling

I dropped Spirit Tap after I started fleshing out Rapture .

I want Rapture to have my babies.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#23 May 28 2009 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
You talkin' bout Rapture or RAPTURE? How YOU doin'? Shouldn't be much longer 'till I get my hands on that baby.
#24 May 29 2009 at 9:16 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Mozared wrote:
You talkin' bout Rapture or RAPTURE? How YOU doin'? Shouldn't be much longer 'till I get my hands on that baby.

That. staff. gives. me. chills.
#25 May 29 2009 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
Mozared wrote:
There's really not a lot of common *****-ups I can think of for the priest class. Wand, don't melee is the only thing that comes to mind right now.

Yeah, levels 1-4 were brutal...good thing they only lasted about an hour.

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#26 May 29 2009 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I leveled my melee for a bit in Tanaris on Dunemaul Ogres.

Step 1: Shield self and mana burn the caster ones before melee.
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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