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Hunter Buff today(if you have envoy) and more to come!Follow

#1 May 19 2009 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
184 posts
Blizzard knows we are low in Uldaur. Looks like a buff incoming later for all hunters. Buff today is only for those with 226 ranged weapons and higher.

About time.

The developers believe hunter dps is too low, so today we are implementing a change to ranged weapon damage to improve dps across the board.

Bows, crossbows and guns of item level 226 or higher (which means weapons from Kel'Thuzad, Ulduar and the Furious Gladiator pieces) will do around 30 more dps. This should translate to a hunter damage increase of a few percent.

We don't think this will be quite sufficient in boosting hunter dps to where we think it needs to be and we have another buff that we plan to get in sometime over the next couple of weeks. We'll announce that change when it gets closer. (We have some plans for other classes as well, but we ask that you please keep this thread on the topic of hunters and the ranged weapon changes.)

As hunters may recall, we had an ambitious plan to change the way ammo worked for 3.1 that ended up being overly ambitious, causing us to scale back. However as part of that change, we stopped itemizing bullets and arrows. Since hunters could not upgrade from the ammo available at the launch of Lich King, their damage had started and would continue to fall behind as other classes upgraded their gear. This change basically incorporates the ammo damage into the weapons -- as you get better ranged weapons, it's as if you got better ammo to go along with them. This is likely to be a design we continue for the next few tiers of content until we have the opportunity to overhaul ammo completely.

Lead Systems Designer

Edited, May 19th 2009 3:02pm by Sweathog
#2 May 19 2009 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Anyone else feel like they're riding on a freakin' yo-yo sometimes? Nerf!! Whoops, overnerfed, time to buff. Yipes! Too buffed, new nerf!

(edit: yes, I know this is a buff, I'm anticipating what will inevitably follow...)

Edited, May 19th 2009 11:26am by Ambrya
#3 May 19 2009 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Crossposting from general 3.1.2 thread:

"we had an ambitious plan to change the way ammo worked for 3.1"
"This is likely to be a design we continue for the next few tiers of content until we have the opportunity to overhaul ammo completely."
They couldn't finish ammo changes so they're delaying it.... a few TIERS OF RAIDING?! that's the next @#%^ing expansion.
#4 May 19 2009 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
They couldn't finish ammo changes so they're delaying it.... a few TIERS OF RAIDING?! that's the next @#%^ing expansion.

QFT, Blizz is doing a terrible job at balancing in WotLK.
#5 May 19 2009 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
for some reason blizzard decided they wanted to be seen as more proactive so they change everything all the time without giving things time to stabilize and players time to figure out changes.
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#6 May 20 2009 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
So if I read it correctly basically this Buff is useless to anyone who is entering Ulduar with any other ranged weapon other than Envoy of Mortality and Ulduar ranged weapons.

So for those of us in Naxx 25 gear and some Naxx 10 gear we will still do slack DPS when we first enter Ulduar unless we slap KT about in Heroic mode until we are all running around totting Envoy of Mortality.

(I am right in thinking that Nerubian Conqueror is still a 213 weapon am I? at work so cant link the armoury to check).

I think they could have included 213 level ranged weapons. Lets face it, Naxx is easy anyway so this buff wont really affect it to be honest and the harder Raider wont be doing Naxx unless its a farm run to gear up guildies.

MEH is my thought on this, it wont be long before something gets a Nerf anyway, its a hunters life for sure.
#7 May 20 2009 at 9:29 AM Rating: Good
830 posts
It appears to me that, on the surface, the logic appears direct but it's actually counter-intuitive when considering standard game design.

If I'm interpreting things folks are saying correctly; take what the logic is at face value:

If you enter instance X with weapon at level Y (most level Y weapons are only available in instance X, by the way), you get a buff.

I hope that's correct...

So, this says that you already have to be successful at defeating bosses in "instance X" to get weapons from "instance X". The one weapon not in "instance X" that you CAN get the buff with, takes a bunch of potentially mind numbing work to get.

Actual game design logic would look at WHY the hunters aren't doing so well in "instance X" and using the NORMAL MECHANICS fix it. It seems to me that a slap patch dps fix doesn't really help most hunters be able to be successful in that instance, you need to help them BEFORE they get to it...

If you look back at BC, Kara set you up gearwise for the next instance, and that set you up for the next. Sounds to me like Naxx isn't properly setting folks up for the following raids. I would think this would mean you'd fix Naxx and then see what happens. I could be totally off base there though.
#8 May 20 2009 at 11:16 AM Rating: Excellent
255 posts
Hrm.. maybe instead of buffing the weapons (which does make some sense but not in the mechanics of the game up until now, TBH I think if this is the course they should buff all Naxx 25 weapons) they should introduce some NEW AMMO!?! I'm not an engineer and it's sad that the best ammo I can buy is from BC (taking into account that I'm not going to spend crazy money on crafted). New ammo for level 80 doesn't seem like it would be outbalanced....
#9 May 20 2009 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
513 posts
I too would like to see some better ammo choices. Right now I use the saronite arrows for both my hunters, as the stuff you buy from the vendors is crap. Thank god I have a miner for the mats and a engineer friend to make it for me.
#10REDACTED, Posted: May 21 2009 at 8:56 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The only reason I came to the hunter forums to read up on this was because there was no post on the general page about the hunter buff.
#11 May 21 2009 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
2,580 posts
First off there is no facerolling a hunter anymore. Shot macros are dead.

Second for a hunter in greens to out dps any other class in epics one or more of the following conditions must be met.

The epic charater has to have a horribly ****** spec.
The epic charater has to be funtionally retarded.
An over exaggeration of a hunter's dps ability needs to be posted on an internet forum.
#12 May 21 2009 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
Facerolling is pretty dead for most classes. I mean you wouldn't think a 213 geared Warlock could hit sub 1500 on overall meters in CoS unless they spent most of their time dead or afk, but I saw it with my own eyes just yesterday.

Edited, May 21st 2009 1:34pm by Norellicus
#13 May 21 2009 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
MrsGemini, Mercenary Major wrote:
I have never seen a hunter do "slack DPS" as was mentioned by a previous poster. A hunter in greens could outDPS quite a few classes in epics just by /facerolling.

You're an idiot who has clearly never actually played with a hunter.

Hunters took it in the shorts in a big way when BM got nerfed. So much so that Blizz is now backpedaling and has admitted that they over-nerfed (I almost typed "over-nuked, which would have been more appropriate, frankly) us. This very MINOR buff is merely one in a series of fixes to try to correct that problem.

#14REDACTED, Posted: May 21 2009 at 10:34 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You can sub-default me all you want but the fact still remains that hunters, despite the nerf to BM, still outperform all other DPS classes except in some situations a rogue.
#15 May 21 2009 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
If any of you guys are talking about PvP, you should be shot. Hunters STILL faceroll everything in any of the 213234 cheap comps, and will probably do so for a while.


I'm not agreeing with the person above me AT ALL.

Edited, May 21st 2009 5:35pm by Yuppley
#16 May 21 2009 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Occam's Razor: The simplest explanation is most likely the correct one.

Which is more feasible, that Blizz is giving more love to an already overpowered class, or that you're just a bad player?

Hunters out-DPSing you doesn't mean they are over-powered. It just means you suck.

Edited, May 21st 2009 1:06pm by Ambrya
#17 May 21 2009 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
197 posts
Sub-Default Posting 101:

There are three sure fire to get your post sub-defaulted:
1) Spam gold-selling or power leveling services.
2) Go into class specific forums and tell them that they are OP facerollers.
3) Suggesting that there is a better PvP pet than Æthien.

Really, he's got the stamina of a bear, reflexes of a cat and he's the only ferocity pet that gets Bad Attitude. Just...why would you?
#18 May 21 2009 at 1:22 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
MrsGemini, Mercenary Major wrote:
You can sub-default me all you want but the fact still remains that hunters, despite the nerf to BM, still outperform all other DPS classes except in some situations a rogue.

I have played a hunter, not to 80, but to 55 which of course means i dont anything about end-game hunter DPS. I never claimed I knew everything about hunters and have only spoken of what I have seen and heard from guildies and friends. I might not be knowlegeable on hunter game mechanics but I do know what I see during my raid nights 5 days a week. Even the top Survival hunters in my guild say that they are over-powered and one of them watches tv while raiding and still pulls in almost 5.5K in DPS in Ulduar.

All I am saying is that this buff is completely unsubstantiated in my opinion. Last time I checked you are still allowed to have one of those on a forum.

I bet if this was brough to the general forum there would be quite a few posters who agreed with me.

Facerolling aside, even though I was being sarcastic, hunter DPS still remains ridiculous.
false. But thanks for playing.
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#19 May 21 2009 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
830 posts
Actually, I can understand the illusion that would create MrsGemini's post, incorrect as it is.

First part of the illusion is the assumption that all players are equal. They are not.
Second part of the illusion is that Blizz actually balances the classes to provide, at a perfectly played level, a balance between classes & specs of classes.
Third part of the illusion is by assuming the second part is true, all classes and specs of classes DESERVE to be equal.
The last part of the illusion is that you must see and accept the first 3 parts as totally true. Failing to believe any one of them breaks the illusion.

I have suffered from parts of the illusion at many different times and in many different ways. Once I got past all of them, I realized how wrong I was. So I can empathize with MrsGemini but it doesn't change the fact it's all an illusion.

Hunters CAN do good damage when well played and they should since they are a pure dps class. Blizz cannot figure out where to BALANCE the game at: for the average player or the exceptional ones. If you balance at average, then the exceptional ones totally own the game. If you balance at exceptional, the game becomes too difficult to play for the average player. In vascillating between these two balance points, Blizz creates a ton of problems for themselves.

Personally, I think they should balance the game at average and let the exceptional player stand out so the average folks can avoid them or better yet: hit them up for advice to try and become exceptional themselves! (or at least as good as they can be.) I would not worry about the 1 out of 100 players that can take down a Boss almost all by themselves by doing fancy tricks, using every tool in the book, and having the reflexes of an over-caffinated Capuchin Monkey. These players SHOULD be allowed to be exceptional and congratulated for it, thoughts of "We're not worthy" praise come to mind.

Next, it might be okay to rotate classes and specs of classes to the forefront. One patch Rogues own the next, the next patch it's the Druids turn, etc. Having said that, Blizz should publish that ahead of time and LET people know about the class buff up. This might entice people to work a toon of that class up, prior to its ascendance, and experience the class at its pinnacle. Make it a monthly rotation and a separate set of buffs: "This month, the month of the Priest God "Healamus-Hammerus", all Priests get a bonus 10% to their base healing and damage!", everyone worships the Priest for a month and all enjoy the buff's effects. Lesser played classes might find themselves invited to Raids, BG's and instances during their month.

Next, consistency among the pure types would be good. If you are a pure dps class, you should be within 5-10% (average player) dps amount of all the other pure dps classes. Healing classes the same. Hybrid classes and specs are tough and will be difficult to balance by nature.

Of course, this is all a bit of an over simplification, but it might make the game more interesting and remove some of the effects of falling for "The Illusion".
#20 May 21 2009 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
2,590 posts
HunterJones wrote:
Sub-Default Posting 101:

There are three sure fire to get your post sub-defaulted:
1) Spam gold-selling or power leveling services.
2) Go into class specific forums and tell them that they are OP facerollers.
3) Suggesting that there is a better PvP pet than Æthien.

Really, he's got the stamina of a bear, reflexes of a cat and he's the only ferocity pet that gets Bad Attitude. Just...why would you?

Smiley: lol
#21 May 22 2009 at 1:43 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Smiley: lolSmiley: laughSmiley: lol
#22 May 22 2009 at 5:08 AM Rating: Good
MrsGemini, Mercenary Major wrote:
You can sub-default me all you want but the fact still remains that hunters, despite the nerf to BM, still outperform all other DPS classes except in some situations a rogue.

I have played a hunter, not to 80, but to 55 which of course means i dont anything about end-game hunter DPS. I never claimed I knew everything about hunters and have only spoken of what I have seen and heard from guildies and friends. I might not be knowlegeable on hunter game mechanics but I do know what I see during my raid nights 5 days a week. Even the top Survival hunters in my guild say that they are over-powered and one of them watches tv while raiding and still pulls in almost 5.5K in DPS in Ulduar.

All I am saying is that this buff is completely unsubstantiated in my opinion. Last time I checked you are still allowed to have one of those on a forum.

I bet if this was brough to the general forum there would be quite a few posters who agreed with me.

Facerolling aside, even though I was being sarcastic, hunter DPS still remains ridiculous.

I dont get why you have a probelm with Hunters being, in YOUR opinion Overpowered? Sure I could get that if your a PVP player and in which case learn to beat a Hunter using what you have or write to Blizz and ask for Parity.

If however you bashing on us for being OP in PvE then you lost me. I mean why bash the DPS class in your guild who is going to help you down that difficult Boss? Is it a Glory thing? Does your epeen somehow suffer when your not top of the charts? Do you feel inadequate standing next to a Hunter? I just dont get it? You appear to be hating fellow players and even worst your fellow guild members who play the class, how jolly nice of you, perhaps we can all beat your class down instead and tell you to learn to play and get your DPS up, perhaps it is actually you that fail and all other classes as your DPS is lower than us Hunters? (You see what I did there? I made a generalisation and it was insulting and devoid of thought and logic, sound familiar?)

You should troll through Hunter forums and see some of the sh*t we have had to put up with in terms of Blizz swinging the Nerf Bat at us. Sure we have had Buffs, but nothing compared to the Nerfs we have received. You may also find that you see more and more Hunters performing at the top level as we have had to put up with the Huntard tag for so long that invaribly we were going to get better, learn from the best and start ramming the word Huntard back down the throats of the Asshats labelling us with it.

As for Hunters in your guild claiming that they are overpowered I think they are just trying to make you feel better when you whine about it. Or just trying to draw attention to the large epeens they carry. As for the Hunter who can watch TV whilst pulling of 5.5K during Ulduar Raid. Hmmmm dont believe all you hear. He may have the TV on, but any Hunter claiming that is either the real Hunter God or pulling your chain. If any asshat I rolled with was watching TV and caused a wipe and then tried to defend themselves by saying at least they do 5.5k I would be making them pay the repair bill for being complacent.

Instead of hating our DPS why dont you learn to love it, and to take advantage of it in Raids and use us to kill the aforementioned harder Boss. It seems us Hunters will never win. We are either Huntards who need to learn to play, Overpowered or not doing good enough for you. Meh I say to you.

M - E - H.

Edited, May 22nd 2009 1:10pm by Morganne

Edited, May 22nd 2009 1:14pm by Morganne
#23 May 22 2009 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
I know I'm going to get a rate down for talking about karma, but someone had a hissy fit and rated down pretty much everyone in here.

Edited, May 22nd 2009 2:31pm by Yuppley
#24 May 22 2009 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
276 posts
Meh, this was a good discussion I don't see what the problem is. +1 for everyone.
#25 May 26 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
"Who is topping DPS"


Such are labels of the game. I am a personal believer in the driver of the toon determines his output, nothing else. I have a few people in guild who are EXCELLENT at ANY class they play, meaning that it is not the class but the person understanding the mechanics of the class and paying attention to what they need to do to accurately play that class. I also do not understand the "BUFF" to only a certain weapon. Why even post that? We had DPS increases when we received new weapons in a new instances. What is this latest buff?!? Only certain weapons from new instances.. kinda sounds the same as the old system but they effed up the new weapon stats and re-worked them. I think the argument about ammo is also correct also. Why haven't we received a new ammo other than crafted? I do not believe that skills should be the end-all of a class' DPS. It is sad that the best vendor ammo is from BC.
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