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What you should be doing with your Holy PaladinFollow

#1 May 10 2009 at 8:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I get PM's every now and then asking me question about the class and I tend to answer them but I just wanted to make a forum post. It's pretty simple


Do: Stack Intellect, Crit and Haste

Don't itemize Mp5, in fact at 80 do everything in your power to avoid Mp5 gear. In Wotlk Mp5 is universally acknowledged as an extremely poor choice of itemization for Paladins. Also don't stack Spellpower past 2100, it's an extremely bad idea.

Gems: Insightful Earthsiege Diamond, is really the only choice. Ember Skyflare Diamond is actually trash. Even with Ulduar gear the 2% int won't beat insightful by enough to negate the mana restore effect. Deal with it. Other than that, you gem exclusively for Intellect, with one red equivalent and one blue equivalent to make the Meta work. Why Intellect, because stacking SP is bad, crit isn't as beneficial as Intellect and you should get enough from gear and talents, and haste is no bueno. Intellect gives you mana, spellpower and crit also the more you get from divine plea.

Glyphs: Seal of Wisdom, never Seal of Light. This comes down to a fundamental basic of Paladin healing in Wotlk, once you have 2k healing you are good. Stacking healing benefits by gemming SP, trinketing for it is not a good plan. You can argue this but once again, elitist jerks or go look at any holy paladin in any top 100 guild, or just watch your overhealing.

The next two are contentious, FoL vs Holy Light, personally I rather take 5% guaranteed crit over 8yard heal that is very situational. Though HL glyph does react with Beacon so if you hit a Melee with an 18k heal, heal the melee around him for 1.8k each, and had beacon on tank, then the tank gets 18k + 1.8k x 5 or whatever, buts thats just overhealing though it won't overheal. So once again 5% crit for mana.

Divinity vs Beacon. For the avg raider I would say hands down divinity, if you are doing hard modes get beacon.

Spec 51/2/18 this is the spec you should be unless a guild leader forces you to be 51/20/0, which I don't like at all but there are a few fights where it is nice to have the survivability. The loss of 8% crit in the 51/20 spec is a pretty hefty kick in the cajones.

The most overlooked enchant in the for Holy Paladins!!!!:: Tuskarrs Vitality. Basically any fight where you move more than 10 seconds out of every minute this enchant starts to scale onto a level equivalent of a major amount of haste, more importantly 8% run speed will help avoid aoe. When compared to the other options Vitality giving Mp5 which is poor itemization or a very negligible amount of crit from Icewalker, this not so obvious choice is actually quite obvious. Some pallies will take 2 points out of Prot and put it into PoJ (Pursuit of Justice) however if a enchant can do the job and free 2 talent points up for 2% healing then the choice is obvious.

Professions Jewelcrafting. Hands down the best, while others are strong they don't even stand a chance against how OP JC is for Min/Maxing a Paladin. Blacksmithing synergizes with JC extremely well with extra gem slots and easily beats out Inscriptionist. However you only want to min/max that bad its assuming you already have another lvl 80 alt with an epic mount that will be farming for you.

Anyways, other than that once you get to Ulduar keep you eye out for Elemental Shaman pieces, they are more often than not best in slot for you. Hope this helps all the new pallies.

Edited, May 11th 2009 12:16am by bodhisattva

Edited, May 11th 2009 12:16am by bodhisattva

Edited, May 11th 2009 12:23am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#2 May 10 2009 at 8:33 PM Rating: Good
398 posts
Thanks; this and the Holy Paladin FAQ helped me a bunch and pretty much answered all of the questions in the PM I sent you :P.
#3 May 10 2009 at 9:02 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
The guide is superbly done, however I think even mentioning the Ember meta is a bad move, because even at release of wotlk the math was overwhelmingly in favour of the Insightful.

My Paladin is sitting at about 1025 intellect unbuffed, (I am fairly geared and have been full clearing Heroic Ulduar easy mode for a couple weeks now) so I have a my T8.5 and I am using a greatness trinket which gives 90 int as well. 2% of 1025 is 20.5 intellect gained. Lets say I have 1200 mana with BoK, GoW, Arcane Brilliance etc, still only getting 24 int. So on a reasonably geared Ulduar toon its giving 24 int + 25 SP which is a poor choice of itemization.

Insightful gives 21 int, and a 5% chance to proc. I will steal a bit from a poster on Wowhead named Xiphias, direct link

If you disregard the tooltip for the effect (2% and 300 mana) and click through to the actual data (5% and 600 mana) this gem is really great. If you assume 30 spells cast per minute (one every 2 seconds) which is quite low for some classes, this meta turns out to be 75 mp5.

(30 spells/minute * 5% proc chance * 600 mana per proc) / 12 5-second slices per minute = 75 mp5
(30 * 0.05 * 600) / 12 = 75

As you can see, if you cast more spells the value of the gem gets higher.

Of course this is limited by the internal cooldown, but I have been unable to find any data supporting a value for this cooldown, and I am unable to manually test it atm.

In my Naxx/Ulduar gear my FoL is down to 1.11 seconds in a 10 man with JotPure up and 572 haste. 25 man it is less. Which I don't mention to fluff myself over but to just give you an idea of haste will affect it. Course you need to remember the internal cd.

Edited, May 11th 2009 7:56am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#4 May 11 2009 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Personally I just spec 51/0/20 instead of the 2 in divinity, I put them in divine purpose for 15% run speed instead of the 8% from a boot enchant. In my eyes divinity is like gemming for spellpower.
#5 May 11 2009 at 3:56 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Two options really.

0.26% crit from Icewalker with, 2 points into PoJ.

2% increased healing to you and by you, with Tuskarrs giving you save speed and 12 stamina.

Neither is large enough to have a distinct advantage, so as long as you have run speed and are doing one or the other you should be fine.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#6 May 11 2009 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
Thanks Bode, I have been looking for guidance since entering Ulduar. I am going to remove my +spellpower gems and add in more Intellect. I have been feeling my mana pool fairly low recently since swapping out my JC trinket, now you tell me it is okay to lose some spellpower to get more Int.

And just a point on the Meta Gems. The Ember Skyflare adds 25 spellpower and 2% Mana. That is 400 Mana if you have 20000. The Insightful Earthseige consistently returns 600 every 45 seconds for me. In a long boss fight that can be worth an extra 3k mana just from the proc, and the intellect on the gem adds 7 spellpower itself so isnt even miles behind the Skyflare.

I like your Boot Enchant advice, I have been running with Icewalker, but really... how much difference does 12 crit make?

Out of curiosity, I have been searching through the Ulduar loot list and I cant see anything to replace my Turning Tide, nothing seems to be well itemised. The swords all have hit rating and the maces all have mp5. Is there a better option?

Thanks for the help, now to go and get stabbed by the shamans in my Guild by telling them I want their loot, but it does rock, I got a 10Man mail helm that completely blows my Naxx helm out of the water.
Now to go replace some gems, wish I could link my armory for advice, but Dual Spec makes it much more difficult.

#7 May 11 2009 at 7:58 AM Rating: Good
502 posts
Thanks Bode, your always a HUGE help, I see I have some work to do, finally got in a decent Naxx 25 run yesterday got a few upgrades but no t7.5 yet, lost on a roll for Turning Tide to a lock(argh) but I will look at getting a new boot enchant and replacing some more sp gems as my guild is now attempting Ulduar reg mode. I've already gotten a few upgrade from there also, but looking to get My Val set.

What do you guys thin on enchants, go for the best or wait for the best in slot gear to put the best enchants on? Ie; 23 sp on regular epic bracers vs 30? max haste on a naxx cloak, etc?

Again, Thanks for the help Bode!
#8 May 11 2009 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
The most overlooked enchant in the for Holy Paladins!!!!:: Tuskarrs Vitality

As an engineer, I get to use PoJ and the best holy pally boot enchant, Nitro Boosts. :D

But anyway, I'm so stuck as a holy paladin that I have two PvE healing specs. The 51/0/20 thing everyone knows, but also a 44/27/0 thing I made up. With the 4 minute Divine Shield CD, I can use Divine Guardian and Hand of Sacrifice on every single cooldown while completely immune to the returned damage.

There's been a good number of Ulduar bosses that this works on. XT-002 especially. Even if he was nerfed to the point that Tantrum is a non-issue.
#9 May 11 2009 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Two options really.

0.26% crit from Icewalker with, 2 points into PoJ.

2% increased healing to you and by you, with Tuskarrs giving you save speed and 12 stamina.

Neither is large enough to have a distinct advantage, so as long as you have run speed and are doing one or the other you should be fine.

Now that I think about it, divinity does seem better. My spec isn't that optimal, it was a bit of a hybrid PVP spec from back when I was dual speced holy/ret. Now I have holy/holy, I might as well tighten up my raid spec.

Seperate question for everyone though. I just rolled engineering, mainly for PVP. So I have JC/engi right now. But I was thinking about switching my glove/cloak enchants to the engineering versions.

Gloves - 28 spellpower vs. a 340 haste cooldown. Lasts 10 seconds, doesnt activate GCD, 60 second cooldown.
Cloak - 23 haste vs. 18 spellpower and slowfall
Boots - icewalker vs. tuskarrs vs. nitro boosts

I think the haste to gloves is nice, an extra cooldown to pop when healing gets intense. Popped every 60 seconds its 56.7 haste rating. Cloak, they're probably so close it doesn't matter, but I might go with the spellpower enchant just for the slowfall effect. Nitro boosts vs. passive run speed. The boost only lasts 2 seconds and the cooldown is long. But possibly useful to avoid AOE or something.
#10 May 11 2009 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
mikelolol wrote:
Gloves - 28 spellpower vs. a 340 haste cooldown. Lasts 10 seconds, doesnt activate GCD, 60 second cooldown.
Cloak - 23 haste vs. 18 spellpower and slowfall
Boots - icewalker vs. tuskarrs vs. nitro boosts

I currently use all three engineering enchants. For gloves, it averages to 56.6 haste if you use it every time, far better than 28 spell power. It just happens to line up perfectly with the Beacon CD, so I also use it as my notice to recast Beacon when I'm in that spec.

For the cloak, I think the 23 haste is better, but I keep the parachute just for fun. There are a few fights I can use it to prevent fall damage.

12 hit/crit, vs 15 stam 8% speed, vs 16 crit + GTFO of the fire speed. As far as throughput goes, Nitro Boosts is the BiS Holy Pally boot enchant. The argument that's left is on the talent points. 2/5 Divinity vs +7% normal speed and a mini-sprint.

I have my off-spec with 5/5 divinity and 3/3 Imp Devo aura. I still don't really notice the extra healing power. I just get some massive numbers with AW up. 33k holy lights on a GS'd tank, that give off 8k Glyph of Holy Light heals. :D Not exactly useful.
#11 May 11 2009 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Ah totally forgot they added 16 crit to the nitro boosts ^^
#12 May 11 2009 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
One question Bod - why the two points in improved judgements instead of heart of the crusader?

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#13 May 11 2009 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
EbanySalamonderiel wrote:
And just a point on the Meta Gems. The Ember Skyflare adds 25 spellpower and 2% Mana.

No it doesn't, it adds 2% intellect. I am gemmed for int, greatness trinket and replacing Naxx BiS with Ulduar 25 man gear, currently have 1025 intellect, unbuffed. 2% of 1025 is 20.5 intellect gained. Raid buffed you are going to see it jump to about 24 intellect gained or in other terms 360 mana. Insightful comes with 21 intellect base + 600 mana with a 45s internal.

Out of curiosity, I have been searching through the Ulduar loot list and I cant see anything to replace my Turning Tide, nothing seems to be well itemised. The swords all have hit rating and the maces all have mp5. Is there a better option?

Ulduar loot is pretty terrible for Paladins, especially Plate healing gear. For the most part you will be looking to poach Elemental Shaman gear sincce it has the Int/Crit/Haste, where Paladin plate will break it up to either Crit/Mp5 or Haste/Mp5 never Crit/Haste, and Mp5 is just so bad for paladins right now. The weapon, well I guess you can wait for the Legendary, or T9 till then you better like your sword.

I am going to remove my +spellpower gems and add in more Intellect.

You should only have 1 red gem, and it shouldnt even be red it should be orange. +sp/intellect

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#14 May 11 2009 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
/me looks sheepishly at his two +32 spellpower prismatic gems...

About the ember skyflare, I guess I was being overly generous to it and insightful still came out better.

Just one thing I noticed in what you said, you use a Darkmooncard: Greatness. I need that explained to me. Sure the 90 Intellect is fantastic, but I cant see the proc being very useful unless you are timing it with Divine Pleas for maximum mana return. Although as I am typing this I am realising it works out as +100 spellpower and about 3% crit.
Are my (very rough and based on nothing but guesses) calculations right? Should I invest in one or hold out for the Pandora's Plea to go with my Forethought Talisman.
#15 May 11 2009 at 5:22 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
If you are a holy paladin and app for a really really top end guild a lot won't even look at your application if you don't have the greatness trinket. It is that good. 25 man raid buffed Divine Plea with the trinket procced is about 1700 mana per tick.

I have been feeling my mana pool fairly low recently since swapping out my JC trinket

Swap it back in and gem it intellect, unless you have soul of the dead and even then I would lean towards JC trinket. All the +healing trinkets are bleh, though if you have to have one the badge one ain't bad with haste proc.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#16 May 11 2009 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
Ill try and earn enough money for next time Darkmoon Faire rolls around again. Thanks.
#17 May 12 2009 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
Does the Skyflare work off buffed intellect or unbuffed intellect, i would imagine the former but with blizzard you can never be too sure.

For example - If i have 1500int + 150 from kings + 60 from mage + 51 from droods ... is skyflare working off of 1761int or the original 1500.

I only ask because i remember reading that when you approach 2k intellect the skyflare actually starts to become on par if not better than the insightful, and since im approaching that breakpoint im debating switching them out, but obviously i wont do that unless i have the evidence to prove that its better.
#18 May 12 2009 at 5:12 AM Rating: Good
808 posts
cynyck wrote:
One question Bod - why the two points in improved judgements instead of heart of the crusader?

The holy paladin doesn't need 3/3 in HotC if there's a ret or prot in the raid who can be trusted to keep it up at all times. If the other specs are present, they're going to overwrite your crit bonus anyway, so going 3/3 is just wasting two talent points.

Thank you bodh for the excellent write-up. These are questions I've been answering for my guildies for the past couple weeks and I'm glad to see I've been intuiting the answers halfway decently.
#19 May 12 2009 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
You know what? No one seems to bring it up. How good or bad is the ?

2% mana would give me.. 550 mana, compared to the roughly 400 from the Insightful. And yes, I did subtract that mana before I did the +2%.

Would the crit be worth as much as the chance for 500 mana?

But then I have to remember Int gives crit and SP, pure mana doesn't. I wish I was better with math.

Edit: Wrong link.

Edited, May 12th 2009 6:25pm by Ehcks
#20 May 12 2009 at 2:51 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
crazeecracker wrote:
I only ask because i remember reading that when you approach 2k intellect the skyflare actually starts to become on par if not better than the insightful,

2k intellect is double what I have with 4 piece T8, greatness etc. Lets be generous and state that you are 1100 Intellect, which might be high even with full Ulduar 25 man gear +144 intellect (AB + GoW + Fel Intellect), puts you at 1368.4 with BoK. There are elixirs you could stack and a couple other things you could do (+int trinket in Ulduar, switch to JC for gemming etc) but you are still going to be 500-400 intellect shy of 2k even min/maxing. So even in BiS Ulduar its unattainable, hell even in T9, unless itemization goes up at an expansion level of increase, still unattainable.

You know what? No one seems to bring it up. How good or bad is the ?

2% mana would give me.. 550 mana, compared to the roughly 400 from the Insightful. And yes, I did subtract that mana before I did the +2%.

Would the crit be worth as much as the chance for 500 mana?

You kind of answered your own question in the tiny text I omitted.

Just trust me on this one though, or if you don't trust me trust the kids at Elitist Jerks or any other number of sites that have crunched the numbers to the point that its really not even a discussion point anymore, Insightful IS the best Meta there is for a Holy Paladin right now.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#21 May 12 2009 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Just trust me on this one though, or if you don't trust me trust the kids at Elitist Jerks or any other number of sites that have crunched the numbers to the point that its really not even a discussion point anymore, Insightful IS the best Meta there is for a Holy Paladin right now.

Well, hey. I trust that it's the best, I just like wondering about alternatives. Maybe someday either the 2% int or 2% mana will come out better. Maybe on the Vezax fight the mana regen proc is useless and the others come out slightly ahead. I don't know. I've only gotten to him once, for a couple hours of attempts before the trash came back.

But hey, you're not *always* right.

2k intellect is double what I have with 4 piece T8, greatness etc. Lets be generous and state that you are 1100 Intellect, which might be high even with full Ulduar 25 man gear +144 intellect (AB + GoW + Fel Intellect), puts you at 1368.4 with BoK.

At this moment, I have 1344 Int with just Kings. With MotW, AB, and the Int elixir combo, I get 1585. If I went BS/JC I could get to 1677. If I had the Greatness card, 1790, and 2169 when it procced. Oh how I wish I had the gold to do that. But I also have a blue ring, no Int trinkets, and a shield that's only from normal Naxx.

Oh, and I forgot to add in Mixology. It wouldn't matter if I went JC/BS anyway, but I get more than 1585 right now.
#22 May 12 2009 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I need to clean up some statements, first raid buffed I hit 1608 Intellect in 25 man Ulduar.

Insightful has a 45 second internal which is reasonable, and as known gives 600 mana per proc. lets say for example of simple math we get 1 proc per minute. So 600 mana per minute. To get equivalent bonus from 2% int or mana either one would have to give 2400 mana.

Math Alert! (Someone double check it, cause I am tired as all hell and inbetween raid bosses so I am just doing it in my head)




Divine Plea gives 25% of mana back per minute so 600 is 25% of 2400 mana. 2400 mana would have to be the mana given by 2% in order to be on terms with Insightful. So for 2% Intellect to work you would have to get 160 intellect from it (2400/15=160, remember 1 point intellect = 15 mana). So your total intellect in order to get 160 intellect from 2% will have to be 8000 intellect to be equivalent (actually less than Insightful since its 45 seconds not 1 min).

Edited, May 13th 2009 12:36am by bodhisattva

Edited, May 13th 2009 12:40am by bodhisattva

Edited, May 13th 2009 7:33am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#23 May 13 2009 at 5:30 AM Rating: Decent
I actually have 1600int completely unbuffed. Feel free to armory me. Granted its still a slight ways away from 2k. But i am curious on the math behind it.

I hesitate to post this, since it makes me look retarded, but i actually did the first 7 bosses of 25uld last night with my ret libram on :(. Still didnt have any mana issues, so if the returns from the inisghtful arent required, then wouldnt the obvious choice be to switch to the Skyflare?
#24 May 13 2009 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
hi all just a quick question. I'm new to the forums but def not new to pally healing. but why do you all prefer so much crit and haste over mp5?

right now I'm sitting at 306 mp5 while casting. I have 38% crit unbuffed and reach 48% raid buffed. I have just under 2k sp with 260 some haste. IMO mp5 is a pretty good stat. ok yeah pallys get mAna back after a crit but I feel I'm pretty set on crit.

also as far a mana I'm normally pretty set on it and rarely go OOM. I know we have divine plea, which I normally pop with avenging wrath to keep my heals up. but during the fight I'm normally main heals and can't afford to lose that much sp that plea takes away.

now I don't stack mp5 or anything but I def like it as a stat which atleast the T8 legs provide.
#25 May 13 2009 at 11:04 AM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
Exoidus wrote:
hi all just a quick question. I'm new to the forums but def not new to pally healing. but why do you all prefer so much crit and haste over mp5?

It's not that mp5 is necessarily bad. It's a question of item budgets. For a given amount of mp5, an equivalent (or equally valuable) amount of Int or crit "costs" less for Blizzard to put on an item (this includes gems). So if they put crit on instead of mp5, "spending" the same amount of item budget, the crit is more valuable than the mp5 would have been.

And this is true for every regen and throughput stat - as paladin healing goes right now, we get more value from any of them than we do if they were switched out for an equal item budget of mp5.

Mp5 still works like it did before LK, and it's still quite valuable in and of itself (unlike, say, haste or ArP for Ret). Especially with fights getting longer and stretching us more than in Naxx. We just don't want to see it on gear, because every time we do it's a lost opportunity to get a different stat that would be more valuable.

Note that some recent comments suggest that Blizzard realizes this and are planning at least a minor revamp of how passive mana regen (i.e. mp5) works. I wouldn't be surprised to see a "rebalancing" in the 3.2-3.3 timeframe with a slightly reworked mp5 rolled out along with a (big) nerf to Replenishment.
#26 May 13 2009 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
hi all just a quick question. I'm new to the forums but def not new to pally healing. but why do you all prefer so much crit and haste over mp5?

MP5 is a pretty weak stat right now. It's far over-budgeted for its effect. The Sky Sapphire cut for pure mp5 is worth 7 mp5. The same-level gem for Int is 16. Considering only Replenishment, which is considered a mandatory buff, that Int gem provides more mana regen than the mp5.

A 16 int gem with Divine Intellect and Kings gives 303 mana. The .5% mana from replenishment is 1.515 mana per second, or 7.575 mp5.
It also gets that 303 max mana, 4 spell power, and .12% crit.

With my insane Int stacking, I get 705 MP5 from replenishment, 588 MP5 from Divine Plea, 1130 mana per Seal of Wisdom proc (which I think is 282 MP5? 15 procs per minute?) and 71 MP5 from arcane torrent. 1646 MP5 from abilities, while only 77 from gear. I'd try to calculate Illumination, but I think I'm typing too much nonsense anyway..

I need to stop reading this thread. I am NOT leveling JC/BS on a second character.

Can someone help with the SoW math? I think I got that completely wrong. Trying it again, I get: 15 PPM is .25PPS, and so 1.25 procs per 5 seconds.. 1400 MP5?!

Edited, May 13th 2009 5:45pm by Ehcks
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