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DW Tank buildFollow

#1 May 10 2009 at 7:36 AM Rating: Default
Just got the 1h sword from up as i wanted and i also got the 1h from 4hsmHC.

I wounder if anyone have tried or know for sure a good build. Im trying to make one where u got high avoidance and little damage but still good aggro.

Im trying to specc around frost/blood So u get Veteran of the third war 3/3 So u get more strengh for + parry and + stamina wich is good. Also trying to specc to Improved frost precence and the ovious tanking things. But I dont know what spells that works with dw and where i shold pick my points for the most effective tank. Guild tanking Pve raids.

This is a thaught but Im not sure at all about spells etc.. Basiccly i want high avoidance and still have good aggro, Make a build and come with tips.

What feels most natural is that you have aoe spells like howling blast etc for better agro. But honestly dont know.

Abonations might and ravenous dead increase Total strengh aswell but since u dont have strengh it might not be worth the points? (for more parry)

#2 May 10 2009 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Just got the 1h sword from up as i wanted and i also got the 1h from 4hsmHC.

I wounder if anyone have tried or know for sure a good build. Im trying to make one where u got high avoidance and little damage but still good aggro.

If you want to find DW builds, check out It has some theory crafting builds. I will tell you though, there is almost no dimension that DW beats out 2-hand tanking. It has SLIGHTLY less avoidance. But it sacrifices a LOT of threat, and will cause about 1% more damage from bosses from what I have heard. Potentially more, potentially less. If you aren't getting quite a bit more mitigation than that, you are just being a big drain on your party.

Im trying to specc around frost/blood So u get Veteran of the third war 3/3 So u get more strengh for + parry and + stamina wich is good. Also trying to specc to Improved frost precence and the ovious tanking things. But I dont know what spells that works with dw and where i shold pick my points for the most effective tank. Guild tanking Pve raids.

As a DW DK, your focus is on three things for threat. The "spell" abilities, proc abilities and +white damage talents. However, most DK proc abilities are PPM and don't benefit DW any more than 2-Hnd. Actually, PPM is better for 2-hnd for some. Your aim is for very high AP.

Unfortunately. These builds SUCK. You want Necrosis. You want Bladed Armor. You want Howling Blast. It would be great to get +crit and BCB. UB would be good. Guess what? That's impossible. You will likely need HB as a DW. That means your white damage won't be impressive enough to give you a threat boost. And, because your abilities will have to focus on AP over a weapon modifier. You'll want to take Bladed Armor to have a threat boost from them.

This is a thaught but Im not sure at all about spells etc.. Basiccly i want high avoidance and still have good aggro, Make a build and come with tips.

I must say, your usage of the word "please" is ASTOUNDING. It isn't like you are treating us as servants AT ALL. There

What feels most natural is that you have aoe spells like howling blast etc for better agro. But honestly dont know.

Abonations might and ravenous dead increase Total strengh aswell but since u dont have strengh it might not be worth the points? (for more parry)

Honestly. Unless you have the best-in-slot gear. Don't go DW. It is a HUGE threat decrease for a mediocre boost to mitigation. Before HB was moved, it could have been somewhat viable. Now, it just doesn't come close to 2-hand. Your AP abilities will only be slightly higher than a 2-hander. DW isn't all that far ahead of 2-hnd for white aggro. And 2-handers will get more benefit from many of the procs, and will get higher aggro from their weapon-modified attacks.

Plus, as DW, you'll need more +hit, which makes gearing for AP even harder.


I just tried to make you a DW build, but everything I come up with sucks compared to a 2-hand build.

For one, in the first tier of the trees, there are 18 points required. 5 in each avoidance talent and 3 in Imp. Icy Touch.

Second tier needs 8 points, for Black Ice and Cold Steel.

The next tier, you'll take Icy Talons if you don't have a Shaman. Other than that, there isn't much good. Might as well take Annihilation for a mediocre boost to threat from PS, Oblit and BS.

Next tier, you take 5/5 KM. This is not negotiable.

Frigid Dreadplate and Glacier Rot are not optional.

This next tier sucks. You'll take Imp IT if you don't have a Shaman. Then, you can take Merciless Combat, but it isn't that good. HB is once every 10 seconds. You really just take it to boost IT. Rime is unfortunate. You'll need to take it to boost IT, but you won't often get free HBs unless you sacrifice an IT for one. And your Oblit WILL do less than IT if you are properly geared.

Here you can take Imp Frost Presence for mitigation. You can take HC (which isn't that good). The loss of threat from RP is ROUGH for DW--you can use that for FS or DC (the latter will likely be superior to FS until you have the best weapons from my mental math).

Might as well take UA. No reason not to. The loss of an IT is hard on DW though. BotN is useful once your FSs do more (or it may push them far enough to make them do it). Your BSs will be pretty mediocre. But, you are only using them to get DRs anyway for an HB or an IT.

GotG is necessary for the HB and IT boost. Don't bother taking FS until you will actually be using it. Acclimation is okay on magical mobs, but useless on others.

Tundra Stalker is necessary. No debates.

HB is necessary.

If you actually only get 51 points in Frost, that will leave you with 10 more. You have a few choices.

You can boost your AP with Bladed Armor. After that you can boost your Crit.

You can extend your diseases (Probably pointless, since your main abilities aren't boosted by BP and HB will cause FF with the glyph). It is better to increase your Str and the DC damage (before you start using FS). You'll want Virulence to land your ITs (DW lowers accuracy).

After that you can take Necrosis, and BCB.

But, guess what? Just about all of those talents are an equal boost (or better) with 2-handers. And the mitigation addition with DW is mediocre at best.

Seriously, don't bother.

Edited, May 10th 2009 1:57pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#3 May 10 2009 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
For a TL:DR reply (there's nothing I can say that Idiggory hasn't, I can just say it faster) You can work your *** off gearing up and balancing stats and the best you can hope for is to be about as good as a half-assed 2-hander wielding tank.

DW tanking is possible, but it's a lot of effort and you'll never be as good as you could be with a 2-hander.
#4 May 10 2009 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
For a TL:DR reply (there's nothing I can say that Idiggory hasn't, I can just say it faster) You can work your *** off gearing up and balancing stats and the best you can hope for is to be about as good as a half-assed 2-hander wielding tank.

DW tanking is possible, but it's a lot of effort and you'll never be as good as you could be with a 2-hander.

I really just suggest waiting. I'm sure Blizz will do something in the future with it (and when DW DpS becomes viable again, assuming it isn't too gear dependent, it may be), you'll be able to do it all you want.

It is just important to understand that the bonus to mitigation is canceled out by parry gibbing. The only bonus is that you can get more offensive gems. But 32 AP in three or four gems isn't really enough to make up the difference.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#5 May 10 2009 at 4:23 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Posts like the OP just feel like another lazy DK looking to others to do their work for them. Everything you ask about has been covered, ad nauseaum, and if you can't be bothered to do a damn google search (which I just did and saw every website referenced that you would need to read) then why should we be bothered in coming up with a build and tips for you?

I understand that this forum is here to help. But threads like this one have been beaten into the ground and it took me literally 2 seconds to type "wow dk dual wield tanking" into google which came up with threads on the o-boards, tank-spot, EJ, etc, etc.

Meh... teach a man to fish....

edit: And for the record the biggest issue with DW tanking isn't parry haste, it's the lost itemization that you need to invest in hit rating and not in avoidance/mitigation/stam.

Edited, May 10th 2009 5:24pm by TherionSaysWhat
#6 May 10 2009 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts

edit: And for the record the biggest issue with DW tanking isn't parry haste, it's the lost itemization that you need to invest in hit rating and not in avoidance/mitigation/stam.

I know. That is why I mentioned that the increased damage is only about 1%. Many people seem to think that using 2 tanking 1-handers will give superior mitigation, when it is actually only about .7-1% more and, like you said, comes at the cost of other stats for lower threat.

It is good when all you consider is that, but the grand scheme places it way below 2-hand tanking.

And, you are right. The OP doesn't even deserve our help. He actually ORDERS us to make him a build.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#7 May 10 2009 at 7:56 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Make a build and come with tips.

Make me a PIE!!!!

With whipped cream!!!!!
#8 May 10 2009 at 7:57 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I like cars.^^
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#9 May 11 2009 at 2:25 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts

I know they say you can't please everyone, but I sure had fun trying. Smiley: grin

#10 May 11 2009 at 4:14 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Does anyone know why we have a DW talent in the first place?

I mean, most classes capable of dual-wielding have some sort of talent or skill that benefits from it. Shaman do more consistent damage with a dual-wield build than with a two-hander, thanks to their main attack being a flat "attack with both weapons" ability rather than "based on weapon damage" which clearly favors big weapons over smaller ones.

Maybe if our attacks applied to off-hand as well... but they don't, do they?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#11 May 11 2009 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
The spec wasn't that far behind before they nerfed the hell out of it. KM used to be a % chance to proc (as was BCB I think) but was changed to a solid PPM. This made KM equal for both specs and BCB superior for 2-handers.

The white damage of DW was pretty high to offset the loss of melee abilities doing less.

It never actually beat out 2-hand builds, but it got really close if you had really fast weapons.

But yeah. It seems like DW was just thrown in for DKs. It no longer has any benefits over 2-handed besides looking cooler with some races. Oh, and you can get a few more AP (probably like 150 more, max). But, you have to take the loss to hit which is way worse than that.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#12 May 11 2009 at 5:09 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Does anyone know why we have a DW talent in the first place?

Role players.

[Dual-wielding] never actually beat out 2-hand builds, but it got really close if you had really fast weapons.

LOL... oh yes it most certainly did. 32/39 variations before the KM change to proc rate was leading the pack at one point.

Sadly, DW builds are pretty much just for fun now. I could see an IT heavy Frost/Unholy build perhaps but....
#13 May 11 2009 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts

LOL... oh yes it most certainly did. 32/39 variations before the KM change to proc rate was leading the pack at one point.

Sadly, DW builds are pretty much just for fun now. I could see an IT heavy Frost/Unholy build perhaps but....

I thought DB was still higher with best-in-slot gear, due to the fact that KM still required you to wait the ten seconds to crit your HBs or ITs?

I am quite easily wrong though.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#14 May 12 2009 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
Nope, it was sick. Dual Wield was the clear cut winner for a while.


I think it had to do with scaling issues. That is why so many abilities got the +13% damage per disease. Abilities like HB and IT had much higher AP coefficients. They scaled better with large amounts of AP.

Edited, May 12th 2009 1:42pm by ramera
#15 May 12 2009 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I hit 80 right around the end of DW in PvE, so I never really bothered to investigate it. I had planned to tank, and this was before any conclusive parry-gibbing tests had been done, so people didn't know if that would be a serious concern or not, so most stayed away.

Now, we know it isn't a big deal. Though, we also know that it does increase damage enough to make the additional avoidance from DW useless.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#16 May 14 2009 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
117 posts
What if you got all the Runic Power talents, and went with a DW dps spec? I'm looking at Scent of blood, and it might be a bit of a sacrifice to pick it up over other talents, but 3 pts isn't too much. If you got that, plus Runic Power Mastery, I could foresee some INSANE RP dumps.
#17 May 14 2009 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
What if you got all the Runic Power talents, and went with a DW dps spec? I'm looking at Scent of blood, and it might be a bit of a sacrifice to pick it up over other talents, but 3 pts isn't too much. If you got that, plus Runic Power Mastery, I could foresee some INSANE RP dumps.
What if you got all the Runic Power talents, and went with a DW dps spec? I'm looking at Scent of blood, and it might be a bit of a sacrifice to pick it up over other talents, but 3 pts isn't too much. If you got that, plus Runic Power Mastery, I could foresee some INSANE RP dumps.

This wouldn't make up for it. For one thing, if you want a RP dump, you need to go 51 points into Unholy of Blood. Going Blood would be HIGHLY unwise for DW, so Unholy it is.

You will be using Death Coil, which you will likely boost by 15% with Morbidity and 15% with the glyph.

However, the damage for both should be the same between the specs. DW typically takes more hit to compensate for the lower chance, so you don't often end up with more AP than a 2-hand spec. On the contrary, I believe you often have less (spell hit is 17% to cap, melee 2-hand and strikes is 8%, DW white is 27, or something like this).

Also, your RP dump (Garg) shouldn't be any more powerful than a 2-hander, really. The Garg lasts for a maximum of 40 seconds. You get the first 10 for 50 RP, and the second 30 at a rate of 3 RP per 1 seconds. So, a max Garg needs about 140 RP. Your max doesn't make ANY difference, because the Garg periodically absorbs it--not take it all at once. And, any 2-hand spec can generate this. They should make 40-60 RP per 10 seconds, without talents.

And SoB is USELESS for a DpS DK. It only procs when you take damage or dodge (and is only a chance even then). Furthermore, it has a 10 second CD, so DW doesn't help anything.

It just isn't in the cards. Do it if you don't mind losing numbers, and will only be running with friends who won't care. But it just CAN'T match 2-hand at equal gear levels and skill right now.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#18 May 15 2009 at 2:24 AM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Scent of Blood is for tanking. "Direct Damage" isn't something you're likely to get a ton of as a DPSer (AoE doesn't usually count).

Dual-Wield specs are Frost-focused, not Unholy. (see this one as an example)

A DW-DPS build can do just fine in heroics and even Naxx (non-achievement). It is not in any way currently competitive for progression raiding min/max.

With that said: Your biggest concern is pumping up hit rating which becomes HUGE with Blood-Caked Blade and Necrosis (my DW set has just under 500 hit in all plate). Secondarily you'll be looking at Haste over Crit and Expertise loses some of it's lustre. Also you need to sacrifice Frost Strike damage to faster weapons (ergo lower average damage weapons) to get your speed up enough to push the BCB/Necro damage into the over 5% range. It's very stat specific.

Hope that helps. =)
#19 May 17 2009 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
Dual-Wield specs are Frost-focused, not Unholy. (see this one as an example)

Actually, since 3.1 came out, most DW DPS builds are 61pts in unholy now. So much so that has only the Unholy DW thread as a really active DW discussion. It leans heavily on the non weapon based damages.

The little to no discussions of DW Tanking are still Frost though. HB is a must.

I get 2 purple tanking 1hs and 3.1 comes out. Just my luck.

Now has some DW tanking discussion going on, but DW DKs are just sub par atm. I hope they bring it back to be equal. I enjoyed it.
#20 May 19 2009 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Yeah, that discussion is starting to convince a lot of us nay-sayers. I even tried a variant DW-Unholy build on a boss dummy and I can see the fun of it. Not sure if there is enough pure DPS to outweigh the itemization issues but it sure is active!

From what I can tell, 61 in Unholy isn't the current optimized build though. The 0/17/54 build (and variations) seems to be popular. I ended up with a 8/13/50 rune power spam thing (no Desecration) but wasn't doing a hard comparative analysis.

The basic idea is similar to the old 32/39 build: Focus on weapon-independent damage and speed. But the issues are the same as well: Hit rating becomes vital, haste and crit swap places in priority, not to mention that you're fighting over the better weapons with Shaman and Rogues. You have to give up a lot of gear stats to focus on so much hit, so it's a whole other set you need to build for it. But I stand corrected, looks like Unholy is a possible option for DWing.

Here's the EJ thread.
#21 May 20 2009 at 9:30 PM Rating: Good
1,069 posts
And unless things have changed drastically, Ghostcrawler (lead class developer), has pretty much said forget about DW ever being viable for dks. Apparently he did not appreciate our creative use of Killing Machine and Howling Blast.

Also he said it didn't fit with the idea of the Death Knight class. After all Arthas isn't going to be spamming icy touch and howling blast while dual wielding. No, he'll be smashing the tank's face in with a giant two hander.

And personally, I miss dual wield. My DK is a female blood elf and she just doesn't look impressive with a two hander that would look more appropriate in the hands of a gnome. She looked much more badass dual wielding.
#22 May 21 2009 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
Also he said it didn't fit with the idea of the Death Knight class. After all Arthas isn't going to be spamming icy touch and howling blast while dual wielding. No, he'll be smashing the tank's face in with a giant two hander.

Darion Mograine dual-wields, so that excuse doesnt really work. I hope they do fix DW, it looks quite fun.
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