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Hit rating--how much do I need?Follow

#1 May 09 2009 at 11:47 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Just hit 80 tonight and am trying to get my gear ready for Heroics. Hit rating is the big thing I am lacking, I have around 208 right now plus Dual Wield Specialization an I think I need a fair bit more because according to what I've been reading Enhance needs to hit the spell hit cap. I'm really unclear on exactly how much more I need, though, and how much of a priority it should be over other stats like crit rating. I am guessing it's a little different than with my Hunter, where the hit cap was easy to reach and therefore the first priority?

Here's what I found on EJ, even after reading it I am confused about how much I need to go for. I don't even know if Dual Wield Specialization applies to anything other than melee attacks (though I hope it does).


Changes to the unified hit rating mechanic and an increased use of spell damage abilities due to Maelstrom Weapon have greatly increased the need for Hit Rating for Enhancement Shaman. While there is still no need to reach the DW hit cap for melee attacks, the spell hit cap has become very important. Recommendation is to gem/enchant to hit the Spell Hit cap, keeping in mind that you can get 3% spell hit from raid buffs (Shadow Priest - Misery), and you can also consume a Hit Rating food buff. Draenei of course have another 1% hit that they do not need to gear for due to their aura.

Spells have a miss rate of 17% (16% for Draenei) against level 83 (Boss) targets, but this is lowered to 14% (13%) after raid buffs. Spell hit correspond to hit ratings as follows::
17% - 446
16% - 420
14% - 368
13% - 341

#2 May 10 2009 at 3:00 AM Rating: Default
90 posts
after reading the EJ bit i would say:
Draenei shammy? 341 hitrating
Horde shammy ? 368 hitrating

and i don't think dual wield spec works for spells tbh
#3 May 10 2009 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,162 posts
Draenei shammy? 341 hitrating
Horde shammy ? 368 hitrating

That's correct but only if you have a shadow priest or moonkin in your raid group otherwise it's 446 for horde or 420 for alliance.

Hit rating is the most valuable stat when you're not hit cap but completely useless once you reach the cap. Dual wield specialization only applies to your melee hit.
#4 May 10 2009 at 12:00 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
So will I want to pull those points out when I start getting more hit from gear/gems/chants, or do I still need them since I will be dual-wielding? And how much Expertise do I need to get capped on that as well?

Damn this is so much more complicated than my Hunter. Smiley: tongue
#5 May 10 2009 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
1,094 posts
Always keep Dual Wield spec - free 6%.

It makes getting capped that much easier (really easy) and so not having to focus on getting capped lets you get other gear with crit/haste/etc.
#6 May 10 2009 at 3:47 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
CestinShaman wrote:
Always keep Dual Wield spec - free 6%.

It makes getting capped that much easier (really easy) and so not having to focus on getting capped lets you get other gear with crit/haste/etc.

Okay, I am confused. if it doesn't count towards spell hit, aren't I going to need to gear past melee hit to get to spell hit cap, so the points aren't useful as they'd put me over cap? Or does hit rating apply differently to melee and spell? Smiley: confused
#7 May 10 2009 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,094 posts
I don't think most Enh get the spell cap.

Just get to 11% on the melee paper doll, +6 makes 17 and go from there.
#8 May 10 2009 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,094 posts
Just checked EJ, and 17% is spell hit cap, and is very useful.

But the specialization doesn't effect spell hit.

Brings up the question...if you're getting to 17% anyway for spells, then you don't even need to waste 3 points on the specialization?
#9 May 10 2009 at 9:16 PM Rating: Excellent
1,162 posts
Brings up the question...if you're getting to 17% anyway for spells, then you don't even need to waste 3 points on the specialization?

Spell hit cap is 17%, Dual wield miss rate is 24% on each hand(5% base miss chance + 19% miss from DW)

If you get to spell hit cap(17%) and get the dual wield specialization, you'll be at 23% hit for melee. So, no it's not wasted. You'll see a lot less miss on your white hit.
#10 May 11 2009 at 1:16 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
feelz wrote:
Brings up the question...if you're getting to 17% anyway for spells, then you don't even need to waste 3 points on the specialization?

Spell hit cap is 17%, Dual wield miss rate is 24% on each hand(5% base miss chance + 19% miss from DW)

If you get to spell hit cap(17%) and get the dual wield specialization, you'll be at 23% hit for melee. So, no it's not wasted. You'll see a lot less miss on your white hit.

Ahh, that makes much more sense now. Thanks for clearing that up!
#11 May 15 2009 at 9:45 PM Rating: Default
duel wield is 24% on same lvl mobs 27% for raid bosses. so spell hit is not going to matter since even with the 6% from duel wield you would still need over 17% for your white hits to always hit.

"As shown above, your base chance to miss a raid boss while dual wielding is 27% with auto-attack on both hands. Your base chance to miss a special attack is 9%. For each 15.77 hit rating at level 70 or 32.79 hit rating at level 80, you reduce your chance to miss by 1%."

taken from wowwiki.
#12 May 16 2009 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
I feel what your going for Isyris. I was going for enh to be my duel spec a while back and spent forever looking for a straight, coherent answer to the hit cap question.

Here's what I found.

446 hit is what you will need to cap yourself out for spells. However, most people shoot for 368 for a 14% chance to hit. With raid buffs you pick up the other 3%. If your ally this is even easier.

Also don't forget that you need 214 expertise so a boss won't dodge your attacks from behind.

I was told when starting to shoot for 8% hit to cap out my yellow attacks right away. Then start building up on expertise and +hit at the same time until they were where I wanted them. Don't worry about getting a hard hit cap on your offhand white hits. You don't want to know the number needed for that and I don't think it's possible to get it anyways.

And after going through all of this and gathering leather stuff to get my cap, I went ele for my offspec instead :(
#13 May 16 2009 at 11:29 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
DarkHybridX wrote:
I feel what your going for Isyris. I was going for enh to be my duel spec a while back and spent forever looking for a straight, coherent answer to the hit cap question.

Here's what I found.

446 hit is what you will need to cap yourself out for spells. However, most people shoot for 368 for a 14% chance to hit. With raid buffs you pick up the other 3%. If your ally this is even easier.

Also don't forget that you need 214 expertise so a boss won't dodge your attacks from behind.

I was told when starting to shoot for 8% hit to cap out my yellow attacks right away. Then start building up on expertise and +hit at the same time until they were where I wanted them. Don't worry about getting a hard hit cap on your offhand white hits. You don't want to know the number needed for that and I don't think it's possible to get it anyways.

And after going through all of this and gathering leather stuff to get my cap, I went ele for my offspec instead :(

Yeah, I've got that 8% now and then some--just trying to pick up more where I can.

I'm debating whether or not to go for axes instead of those two fist weapons--I'm an Orc, so the extra expertise might be worth it. (Yes/No?)
#14 May 16 2009 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
I'm debating whether or not to go for axes instead of those two fist weapons--I'm an Orc, so the extra expertise might be worth it. (Yes/No?)

Sure every little bit helps and it could allow to add a better gem, but the 5 expertise isn't that much. If you have a axe and a non axe weapon to chose from and they have pretty much the exact same stats then go for the axe. But don't focus only on axes because of the racial.
#15 May 18 2009 at 1:29 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
I've been working on my gear--I got Greed (woot!), a few epic drops, and a bunch of crafted epics as well. My hit rating dropped a fair bit though, it's still over 8% but I think low enough that it might be worth switching back in some of my blues with +hit?

Armory Link

I have blue shoulders, gloves, and bracers with hit rating, but the epics give me better stats overall (more AP, crit, and expertise). Should I go back to the blues just for the hit rating, or is it not worth it since the epics are major upgrades otherwise?
#16 May 18 2009 at 6:06 AM Rating: Good
If you have the marks picking up the +Hit helm in wintersgrasp is a good upgrade until you can get into naxx. If not then there's one in heroic DTK. Also picking up Pride from badges will help out your hit rating a bit. There's also a nice chest peice from being exalted with the Argent Crusade you could look at. It will lower you hit some, but the extra agi and int will boost your AP.

If you can pick up some of these (especially Pride) and toss on some enchants then you should be good to go for Naxx 10, or even 25 if your guild has it pretty much on farm. Losing some +hit for a good sized AP boost is ok, you can always make up some +hit with food/elixirs if need be.
#17 May 18 2009 at 12:44 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
DarkHybridX wrote:
If you have the marks picking up the +Hit helm in wintersgrasp is a good upgrade until you can get into naxx. If not then there's one in heroic DTK. Also picking up Pride from badges will help out your hit rating a bit. There's also a nice chest peice from being exalted with the Argent Crusade you could look at. It will lower you hit some, but the extra agi and int will boost your AP.

If you can pick up some of these (especially Pride) and toss on some enchants then you should be good to go for Naxx 10, or even 25 if your guild has it pretty much on farm. Losing some +hit for a good sized AP boost is ok, you can always make up some +hit with food/elixirs if need be.

I don't do WG, but I'm running pretty much everything that drops a good helm as often as I can, including Reg Oculus. Also looking at making the epic cloak, but that's a loss of +hit again, so /shrug.

Currently guildless, which can't help...the hubby and I are looking into one that will fit our schedule, otherwise Naxx is not gonna be an option due to, you know, being Enhancement.
#18 May 18 2009 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
Currently guildless, which can't help...the hubby and I are looking into one that will fit our schedule, otherwise Naxx is not gonna be an option due to, you know, being Enhancement.

Ouch, that probably doesn't help you much then. I'd say to get into some PuGs, but if your server is anything like mine then it's filled with people starting Naxx 10 PuGs only taking Ulduar 10 geared players :P

If you know enough people just start your own PuGs whenever you have some time. Figure out what wings have the best gear for you and hit those up. If you guys only manage to get 4-5 bosses down then at least you have a shot for some gear.

Or you could just head over to Spinebreaker :) Look me up and I'll take you guys on some 25 mans with us.
#19 May 18 2009 at 7:13 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
DarkHybridX wrote:
Currently guildless, which can't help...the hubby and I are looking into one that will fit our schedule, otherwise Naxx is not gonna be an option due to, you know, being Enhancement.

Ouch, that probably doesn't help you much then. I'd say to get into some PuGs, but if your server is anything like mine then it's filled with people starting Naxx 10 PuGs only taking Ulduar 10 geared players :P

If you know enough people just start your own PuGs whenever you have some time. Figure out what wings have the best gear for you and hit those up. If you guys only manage to get 4-5 bosses down then at least you have a shot for some gear.

Or you could just head over to Spinebreaker :) Look me up and I'll take you guys on some 25 mans with us.

Haha, just transferred to Draka actually.

Managed to get into a naxx 10 pug for 3 bosses earlier though, got a new helm (with a good meta and a crappy prismatic to activate it atm), tier chest, and offset healing chest. (I has crazy rolls apparently.) Now I just gotta get my cloak and neck crafted and I think I'm good. :)
#20 May 28 2009 at 3:54 AM Rating: Default
So glad I came across this post as I just specced to enhancement, and the gear I have managed to pick up has only 43 hit rating xD.

Guess it's time to go hit mental.
#21 May 28 2009 at 6:31 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
redbarronthesecond wrote:
So glad I came across this post as I just specced to enhancement, and the gear I have managed to pick up has only 43 hit rating xD.

Guess it's time to go hit mental.

I read this as "time to go abuse MentalFrog." Smiley: lol

I've actually managed to get over spellhit capped, now I need to up my expertise. 26 is what's needed, yes?
#22 May 28 2009 at 12:30 PM Rating: Excellent
389 posts
26 is the soft cap for expertise, yeah. The hard cap is somewhere around 57, but it's pretty much impossible to get and is included only because I feel like typing >.>
#23 May 29 2009 at 10:01 AM Rating: Default
Also just a thought, and I may be wrong but you have Titanium Weapons Chains on both of your weapons. Isn't it still true that if you have the chains on one weapon it counts for both?

Like I said I might be wrong but was a thought, if it was still true you could drop one of the chains get an extra enchant for something you might need.

I'll try and do the research but if anyone knows off hand please chime in as I am by no means an expert.
#24 May 29 2009 at 10:29 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
The hit rating (which is why I'm using the chains--much cheaper than Accuracy) stacks, the disarm reduction effect does not.
#25 May 29 2009 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
A minor thing but I believe spell hit % does not translate at 1:1 with melee hit; so you can't look at your melee hit % and say "ok, get 6% more and you'll be at cap"

Mostly a moot point for this thread, as I'm fairly certain the numbers for the rating needs are correct, just making sure nobody overlooks that little detail Smiley: tongue
#26 May 29 2009 at 1:47 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
A minor thing but I believe spell hit % does not translate at 1:1 with melee hit; so you can't look at your melee hit % and say "ok, get 6% more and you'll be at cap"

Mostly a moot point for this thread, as I'm fairly certain the numbers for the rating needs are correct, just making sure nobody overlooks that little detail Smiley: tongue

Smiley: nod yep yep, that's correct

I've been checking how close I am using the spell info option.
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