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TellMeWhen - Survival Dps for Dummies.Follow

#1 May 09 2009 at 8:56 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
I made this to help people who are struggling with SV dps as it's a great way to go from "Oh sh*t what am I supposed to do now!?" to a reasonably smooth rotation and higher dps numbers.

There are a lot of people who can't get everything out of Survival, and that's not strange as it is a rather complex way of dealing dps.
What I did here is use a small addon called TellMeWhen. ( )
What this addon does is show you if cooldowns you specified are available, debuffs are on your target and more like that.

Here is how I set it up:
linking to pics as I can't be ***** to re-upload them all onto Allakhazam

Part 1: the spells/cooldowns:
Select Icon Type > Cooldown.
Next choose a spell, we're using Explosive shot for our left most button.
Black arrow for the next in line and Aimed shot (or multi shot, depending on spec) on the third button from the left.

For the fourth button we're using serpent sting, click choose spell/buff/etc and type in Serpent Sting.
Then we'll set it up so it shows when we want it to:
Select Buff/Debuff
Select Absent under 'Show when buff/debuff'
Select Target under Unit to watch.
And don't forget to set it to watch for a debuff.

Now we're done setting up and you can move it around and change it's size until you're comfortable with it before typing '/tmw' to lock it into place.

Now, if you did it right, you will see what I have here:
Whatever shows up you can shoot at your target.

Now the way we dps is very simple, you always shoot the first shot in the line from left to right.
So at the start we have Explosive, Black Arrow, Aimed and Serpent and we'll shoot them in that order.
Later we have Aimed and Serpent available so you shoot Aimed, third picture we have Explosive and Aimed available so we shoot explosive and then aimed.

If nothing shows up, you shoot steady shots until something shows again.

Simple right?

This neat little addon will remove the necessity to focus on what is coming off cooldown and when and what you should shoot at what time.
All you'll have to pay attention to is those 4 images (note: they aren't buttons and you can't click them) and your Kill Shot and you can focus on the fight at hand.

Personally, I was amazed at how much this simplifies dealing dps as SV, it's not completely flawless but I'm sure that it will be a massive improvement if you were struggling with rotations before.

Edited, May 9th 2009 7:10pm by Aethien

Edited, May 10th 2009 9:23pm by Aethien
#2 May 09 2009 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
255 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
All you'll have to pay attention to is those 4 images (note: they aren't buttons and you can't click them) and your Kill Shot and you can focus on the fight at hand.

When you get comfortable with this, and find that you would actually like more CDs or abilities to pop up on this addon then you do this...

1) Click on the Game Menu in WoW
3) Click the ADDON tab
4) Click on TellMeWhen

There will be options for what you can do and how many bars you can set up. You could set one bar to any shot CD, one bar to debuffs, etc. Personally I just increased the number of columns in my original row so I can have Black Arrow, Serpent Sting, Multi Shot, Explosive Shot, Lock and Load and Kill Shot visible.
#3 May 10 2009 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
Wow, that is pretty nice, thanks for sharing this addon, I will be using that if I ever finish levelling my hunter.
#4 May 10 2009 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
110 posts
Someone mentioned this in another thread and I had a look at it.
It's also great for Affliction warlocks to remind you which DoTs have fallen off.
It would be useful for any class with self-buffs, to remind you to re-apply.

But be aware it can't do anything really tricky, it's not programmable. For example, to pop up something when you are in Viper and you Mana is over 90%.
It can remind you that you're in Viper, no problem, but not the mana condition.
#5 May 11 2009 at 1:14 AM Rating: Decent
Excellent addon, exactly what I was looking for.

The only difficulty I found with the manual priority was keeping serpent sting up, I tried CooldownTimers but it's pretty hard to notice when something isn't there.

I'm guessing it's possible to add mend pet to this, so you can keep mend up.
#6 May 11 2009 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
I've never been one to jump on the give love to Aethien bandwagon...but good lord, I will now have your baby if you want....eventhough I'm a dude and not entirely sure how that will work....I'm sure its just a simple macro. Anyway, thanks a ton big guy. I was tired of feeling like a virgin on prom night and fumbling my way through my shots.
#7 May 11 2009 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
807 posts
Thanks for the tip Aethien , it has proven quite usefull. I mentioned this addon to a hunter friend of mine, who had used it before and was now using

I haven't had a chance to try this one yet though, perhaps someone else can comment?
#8 May 11 2009 at 3:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Actually, that's something nice I'll have to try tonight,. I am specced dual on mine right now - Survival/BM (for farming etc) and while I can pull out up to around 2300 - 2500 in my current pre 25 man gear, I am always looking for ways to squeeze as much dps as I can. Rate ups form me for the tip.
#9 May 14 2009 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
2,346 posts
just an FYI which is probably noobish anyways but if you didn't notice you have to type /tellmewhen or whatever else you can do to lock and enable the addon. I found this out when trying to figure out why it wasn't disappearing when not in combat and why when I was in combat and using the skills the boxes were still there!

Just a heads up if your a person like me who doesn't read!
#10 May 14 2009 at 11:08 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
"Now we're done setting up and you can move it around and change it's size until you're comfortable with it before typing '/tmw' to lock it into place." It's in there :P
#11 May 15 2009 at 12:56 AM Rating: Decent
Yea I use ShotAndAwe =

#12 May 15 2009 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
2,346 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
"Now we're done setting up and you can move it around and change it's size until you're comfortable with it before typing '/tmw' to lock it into place." It's in there :P

Hyolith wrote:
Just a heads up if your a person like me who doesn't read!

Hehe whoops, like I said, I apparently didn't read it all that well. I was too busy looking at the pretty pictures!
#13 May 15 2009 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
197 posts
Is there a way to get Kill Shot to show up when it's available and then have it shown as a cool-down timer?

The closest I've come to getting it to do what I want is to put Kill Shot in two slots with one showing its availability and then the other showing its cool-down timer. This works but it looks ugly and I have to remember that it's only really ready when both icons are up.
#14 May 15 2009 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
If you want to go into more precise and complicated things, you should check out Warhawke's Power Aura's setup for hunters on TKAsomething.
POWA is much more complicated but more effective and has loads more options.

In general, it's probably the better addon if you want perfection.

This guide is mostly for people to get a quick fix help with dps :)
#15 May 15 2009 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
2,590 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
If you want to go into more precise and complicated things, you should check out Warhawke's Power Aura's setup for hunters on TKAsomething.
POWA is much more complicated but more effective and has loads more options.

In general, it's probably the better addon if you want perfection.

This guide is mostly for people to get a quick fix help with dps :)

Haha, really?

Here I thought I was doinitrong using Power Auras because it was super simple and had lots of pretty pictures to choose from. xD
#16 May 15 2009 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
In general, it's probably the better addon if you want perfection.

If you want more DPS, you should be committed to perfection in the first place IMO.
#17 May 15 2009 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
2,590 posts
Yuppley wrote:
In general, it's probably the better addon if you want perfection.

If you want more DPS, you should be committed to perfection in the first place IMO.

But first people have to stop being this guy. Baby steps, and all that.
#18 May 19 2009 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
31 posts
Still getting used to the Survival Build. Haven't tried this out yet, but a quick question - I know you don't want to overwrite your L&L procs of Explosive Shot...does this addon take this into account? I'm assuming so, or Aethien wouldn't recommend it....
#19 May 19 2009 at 8:46 AM Rating: Excellent
255 posts
satbman wrote:
Still getting used to the Survival Build. Haven't tried this out yet, but a quick question - I know you don't want to overwrite your L&L procs of Explosive Shot...does this addon take this into account? I'm assuming so, or Aethien wouldn't recommend it....

This addon will not tell you about overwriting Explosive debuffs, it just tells you when you can shoot a shot. The delay of .5 seconds after it is up is all you brah.

HunterJones wrote:
Is there a way to get Kill Shot to show up when it's available and then have it shown as a cool-down timer?

I think there is, I'll have to look at how I set up my Kill Shot, I'll post it when I get home.

EDIT: I use reactive ability and show when usable on Kill Shot, seems to work fine for me.

Edited, May 19th 2009 10:14pm by browningguns
#20 May 19 2009 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
2,590 posts
browningguns wrote:
satbman wrote:
Still getting used to the Survival Build. Haven't tried this out yet, but a quick question - I know you don't want to overwrite your L&L procs of Explosive Shot...does this addon take this into account? I'm assuming so, or Aethien wouldn't recommend it....

This addon will not tell you about overwriting Explosive debuffs, it just tells you when you can shoot a shot. The delay of .5 seconds after it is up is all you brah.

I managed to get it to display with Power Auras, since it has an option for whether or not a debuff is applied to your target, so I suppose it might be possible to do the same thing with a different addon.
#21 May 19 2009 at 10:55 AM Rating: Excellent
255 posts
Lady isyris wrote:
I managed to get it to display with Power Auras, since it has an option for whether or not a debuff is applied to your target, so I suppose it might be possible to do the same thing with a different addon.

Oh, good catch. I wasn't thinking in those terms. What you could do is setup TMW to look for your Explosive Shot debuff on the target(what is the debuff named Isyris?) and display when that drops, but it would be a dual-icon situation like HunterJones was talking about. I would imagine that it would be just as easy to wait that half second.
#22 May 19 2009 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
2,590 posts
browningguns wrote:
Lady isyris wrote:
I managed to get it to display with Power Auras, since it has an option for whether or not a debuff is applied to your target, so I suppose it might be possible to do the same thing with a different addon.

Oh, good catch. I wasn't thinking in those terms. What you could do is setup TMW to look for your Explosive Shot debuff on the target(what is the debuff named Isyris?) and display when that drops, but it would be a dual-icon situation like HunterJones was talking about. I would imagine that it would be just as easy to wait that half second.

I *think* it's also called Explosive Shot--I could be wrong though, I haven't really been playing my hunter lately.

How I set it up was to have a red dot showing when Explosive Shot was available, and then an orange-y red pulse over that if my debuff was still on the target. SO yeah, two different effects--it seemed to work out well though, and power auras is fun to play around with.


Green is SS not on target, white is Aimed available, red is Explosive available, orange is Explosive DoT on target.

#23 May 26 2009 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
For the auras, can you change to location? I would get sick of having little dots over my head all day....
#24 Jun 06 2009 at 9:16 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Anyone tried FaceShooter yet?

I'm having the damnedest time making TMW and PowerAuras work. I set them up exactly according to the instructions provided, and yet...they don't do anything. A row of icons just sits there, it doesn't fade, doesn't alert me, doesn't do anything. So I'm thinking of giving FaceShooter a spin, wanted to see what others thought about it.
#25 Jun 07 2009 at 1:45 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
I'm pretty sure you forgot to lock TMW in place. ;)

And i tried faceshooter, it's a nice addon that keeps things like shots coming off cooldown in mind but it only shows you what to shoot next and nothing else so it doesn't help you learn your rotation at all.
#26 Jun 07 2009 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Lady isyris wrote:
browningguns wrote:
satbman wrote:
Still getting used to the Survival Build. Haven't tried this out yet, but a quick question - I know you don't want to overwrite your L&L procs of Explosive Shot...does this addon take this into account? I'm assuming so, or Aethien wouldn't recommend it....

This addon will not tell you about overwriting Explosive debuffs, it just tells you when you can shoot a shot. The delay of .5 seconds after it is up is all you brah.

I managed to get it to display with Power Auras, since it has an option for whether or not a debuff is applied to your target, so I suppose it might be possible to do the same thing with a different addon.
If you wait until the debuff is off the target you'll miss out on a little dps due to the travel time.
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