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Feral: Off spec vs Main spec rollsFollow

#1 May 06 2009 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
The issue kind of came up last night in Naxx25.

On a Patch we had a cat druid eat hateful strikes. He did fine, we killed Patch.

The sand worn band dropped, for like the 3rd time that night, and the druid wanted it even though it was his off spec. I said sure roll main spec on the ring. Mainly because he was tanking the fight as well.

This started us talking.

If you were running as feral who many other people would actually be able to tell the difference between tank and DPS gear? I mean weapons and jewelry can be obvious sometimes, in the tank direction more so. But even then sometimes a tank may want a high agi/sta/exp piece in a jewelry slot.

We kind of decided that we could easily lie and 90% of people would have no idea. Not that I would encourage such behavior.

Edited, May 6th 2009 6:18pm by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#2 May 06 2009 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Here is what my guild does. And it works wonders.

We use a loot council system. We don't like DKP that much and for gods sake the reason my guild got started was because of the former guild we were in was in a roll loot system, totally ******* annoying imo.


Everyone declares main specs for raiding. If you want to switch your main spec for raiding you have to consult the gm because everyone expects you to show up as your main spec.

Then everyone declares their off specs. For me it's now Boomkin/Resto. With dual spec this is easy as hell now.

Now we down say, XT and he drops two things. Epic A and Epic B.

We ask who wants Epic A?

Everyone who wants Epic A links the item they have that Epic A would be replacing and then the loot council decides who gets it.

Epic A is looted to the winner.

Who wants Epic B?

No one says they want it for the main set.

We then ask everyone who wants it for off spec to whisper the Master Looter with a bid in gold, minimum is 50 gold. After 10 seconds the bidding ends and whomever bid the highest gets the item and then pays the gold to the ML. So if someone wants the item not only are they getting the item they want, they're also helping the guild bank.

Regarding off spec, we don't like the roll system for items as I stated before. We like to fund our gbank for our raiders hence why we sell off spec items to the guild. When we weren't at 6 tabs it was a way to fund our tabs, AND TABARD BAHAHAHAHA :( Also it allows us to do progressive raiding and pay for the guild repairs.
#3 May 06 2009 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Ya we can't yet do any sort of fancy loot system as we don't have a full roster. So we have another guild one of my officers used to be in join us and PuG the remaining spots.

Well you can tell the difference but if was just one feral and he said tank/resto and no one else knew the difference between cat/bear and tree/chicken gear he could be 'rolling' on way more things than some one who knew the difference would let him.

Especially with the poor tank itemization I have seen on various Ulduar loot tables.

I do like the priority based LC idea behind your guild's lewt system. Especially the pay/bid system for off spec lewtz.


You have a guild tabard? Crazy talk.

Ever since they pulled the beer mug design we have been boycotting.

It is a serious injustice and I should write a crazy rambling letter to Blizz.

Edited, May 6th 2009 6:58pm by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#4 May 06 2009 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Lawl, before our old gm quit he wanted to leave his legacy behind.

He redesigned the tabard.

It was pink and had a care bear on the middle of it.

I wore that tabard forever until one of my buddies was crowned gm and wanted to change it.

Now my tabard gathers dust.

I personally love retarded tabards, you can't go wrong with them.

Edit: For the Loot Council to work, you have to have reliable raiders in your council spots (officers) and they need to be respected and have a really really good knowledge of what stats/gear are necessary for certain classes.

I won't lie to you on this, LC will be rocky at first if you decide to use it. Some people will ***** about it and some people will love it. But it's based on a tank/healer priority when you're progressing. We lost a few members because they didnt like it, but it's worked out very well for us.

Edited, May 6th 2009 6:11pm by ArexLovesPie
#5 May 06 2009 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
My preference is to dual spec CAT/bear but I do end up healing a lot. Preferably i'd spec CAT/bear and roll for loot as FERAL/resto but i'm not sure that is particularly fair to the other raiders. There is a difference between tank & DPS although many pieces crossover and I would certainly be rolling on more feral pieces than a rogue for instance.

May have to discuss this with the other officers in my guild and see what they think...

#6 May 06 2009 at 5:38 PM Rating: Good
Our guild has a lot of people with well-used dualspecs, so we've started rolling 100 for main, 1 for offspec and then the leader has a list of who has items so far that run/week. We run 10-mans, so it's not much bookkeeping. Some folks have one declared mainspec no matter what they're running as, while others switch it up. I prefer cat, but am often needed to bear, so I just run with my mainspec as whatever I'm supposed to be doing for the night, even if I end up doing something else.

As for the gear itself, I'm a big theorycrafter in my guild with a couple of "disciples," and we keep each other honest. Most leather goes to us druids anyway because we JUST had a rogue hit 80, and there's not much reason to mislead.

EDIT: and even before dualspecs I was asked to declare my mainspec as bear or cat, not "feral," out of respect for other raiders. That's why I declare it as what I'm running as, so they have an idea of competition for items. "I'll mainspec dps because bear tank gear will default to me anyway" doesn't go over well.

Edited, May 6th 2009 6:40pm by selebrin
#7 May 06 2009 at 7:22 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
thats a really good system arex. its an extention of what my guild tries to do, only a bit better.

im assuming when one on the loot council wants an item their opinion becomes null yes?
#8 May 06 2009 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
i love dkp works great for us. those who show get loot those who show once in a blue moon get it but maynot get an item every time they show up just because they aint there to fill in slots as we progress. to help off set new peeps to the guild we start out with 30 dkp to them though so it's not like hey i downed a boss with ya'll i can now use 2 dkp to bid. lc could work if you have same peeps like every time but getting peeps in randomly might suck if your there every week and you have to give to someone else cause they desided to show and get an up grade. idk how your councle desides it they may take that into effect not sure.

all in all what ever works for your guild generaly works best for you or you would problay leave lol.
#9 May 06 2009 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
o yeah about the cat gear/bear gear. my raid leader asks me from time to time on my bids if it's an upgrade for bear normaly just more hp but looking at uldaur loot idk alot of the 10 man loot is same sta if not less than what i have now. guess the bubble and that is going to make up for same or less hp?? i know alot of plate guys have same hp or close to it buff free some how.
#10 May 07 2009 at 12:32 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I like the ML system, Arex's version especially, second favorite is EPGP.

The main thing I was asking/curious about was has anyone had an issue with people not getting/misunderstanding the cat/bear gear split.

I mean it can be very subtle and that was the point of my thread aside from boredom and the desire to fix that.

Edited, May 7th 2009 4:32am by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#11 May 07 2009 at 2:59 AM Rating: Good
I like Arex's idea except for the buying out for offspec...I know most players have gold out their ears but there's often something else I'd spend it on, would rather not pay for my epics any more than I already am in repairs and consumables O_O

Definitely like the whole "how much of an upgrade is this really" though. as long as the council knows what actually makes an upgrade in some cases' haha :P
#12 May 07 2009 at 4:54 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
The main thing I was asking/curious about was has anyone had an issue with people not getting/misunderstanding the cat/bear gear split.

I mean it can be very subtle and that was the point of my thread aside from boredom and the desire to fix that.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm the only full-time Feral Druid in the guild. We have a few Restos and, I think, one Moonkin. Because of that, I usually get asked if I wanna roll on any leather and, quite honestly, I could lie all the time about using it for Bear or Cat cause the stats are really that similar.

To be honest, even I sometimes get confused with gear. I'll see a new drop, and it'll look good to me, but I really have to take the time to compare stats with my current gear to figure out if it's better. For example I got that BoE belt from Kologarn in 10-man, but realized later it was neither an upgrade for my Bear or Cat set. Good thing it was BoE. I guess we're still too used to being in Naxx where people pretty much know what they want and we try to get loot distribution done quickly to keep moving.

My guild uses a mix of roll system and loot council I guess. I don't like it so much, but it does the job I suppose, even though sometimes it doesn't feel fair to everyone. Basically main spec rolls have priority so if you want it for off-spec you don't roll at first. If no one rolls for main, people are free to roll for off. If still no one wants it goes to the disenchanter for guild bank. BoE's are usually sold to the AH for gbank funds mostly used on raiding flasks and the like. If they're really good upgrades we usually let people roll.

Beyond that, the loot council part works pretty much as a filler for a lack of DKP. If people have been running for a while with us and are after an item for a long while, rolls may be overridden. The Warrior MT in my guild wanted Last Laugh from KT and had been running with us forever with no luck, but if it eventually drops before we get him anything better in Uld10, he gets it no question asked. We sometimes use that rule on tier tokens, too. They usually go to regulars before "from time to time" raiders. And if one person constantly outrolls another on the same gear (2 mages, for example) after 2-3 drops we'll just give it to the other one so more people get upgrades from a run and they don't get the feeling they're wasting their time.

I'd love a fully fledged loot council system though. :/
#13 May 07 2009 at 7:20 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Quor wrote:
thats a really good system arex. its an extention of what my guild tries to do, only a bit better.

im assuming when one on the loot council wants an item their opinion becomes null yes?

Yes, you are correct Quor. The only exception to this though, is if it's a BiS item for they're particular class and spec they are allowed to say that if none of the other loot council people know.

Norellicus wrote:
I like Arex's idea except for the buying out for offspec...I know most players have gold out their ears but there's often something else I'd spend it on, would rather not pay for my epics any more than I already am in repairs and consumables O_O

We have our gbank open for guild repairs when we raid, and we also fund our consumables with the gbank or with players farming. Thats why we have a buyout for offspec. Mind you most of my guildies have like 10k gold or more, I'm in the more category :D, but there are a few that don't so we have the buyouts for the simple fact that we can go buy mats for consumables to raid, and we can pay for repairs when we progress.

You should've seen how our gbank got nailed when we were doing 3 drakes, we started charging people 50 gold every time they were hit by a firewall or voidzone. Extreme, probably. But people learned in a real quick hurry to pay more attention.
#14 May 18 2009 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I'd like to clarify heroic 5 man etiquette please...

I've gone from feral bear to dual spec feral/moonkin, which means that my moonkin gear is still somewhat lacklustre so I've been doing instances as cat and trying to nab some moonkin gear.

So far what I've been trying to do is give any other casters first preference, and if they pass on it then i will let the group know I want it for off-spec and 'need' it.

So far I haven't encountered any problems but is this the appropriate way to go about things?

I'm a bit conflicted to be honest and I let a really nice robe go to a DK last night (who wasn't an enchanter and will probably just vendor it) because I was afraid to be seen as a loot hog... I had already needed a caster staff and wrists that the priest had passed on in earlier heroic runs that night.
#15 May 18 2009 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
bah ALWAYS ALWAYS ask for off spec if no one needs and you do. i know if you was in my group i would always say yeah even if you got every damn drop in there. key thing is to ask dont just need. i've ran some pugs where people was needing on stuff left and right even on my lvl 45 shammy they do that pisses me off at least ask for it first. no reason to gimp your off to fatten some ones pocket by what max 10g vender blues and not much more for shards? dont know been awhile since i sold or bought a shard. or if you feel that bad offer 10g for it and have them random 100 for it.
#16 May 29 2009 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Loot etiquette: always define loot rules before the first item drops in 5-man PUGs. If you don't like the loot rules, leave the PUG.
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