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Has anyone found the lifebloom nerf tyhat bad in pve?Follow

#1 May 05 2009 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
Just wondered how all the other resto druids have found lifebloom after the nerf and if they are still using it a lot in pve?

I thought it would be a major blow and changed glyphs ect accordingly but after running 10 man Ulduar and last night 25 man first three bosses I still find myself using it a hell of a lot and now and not really burning myself out of mana during fights.
I also still find it very useful as a lot of Ulduar seems to be movement fights and staying on the move avoids a lot of those nasty standing in fire/ green goo incidents.

Nourish I still find a bit meh and more of a tank topping off heal than a main line heal.

#2 May 05 2009 at 4:33 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
The main Resto Druid in my guild says he's using it a lot less and finds himself trying to use Nourish more to try to follow the changes. He still does use it but he does not keep it rolling anymore, except sometimes on the tank but even then I see it blooming every now and then so maybe he's just trying to account for spike damage.

All in all, he does feel the nerf. He's still our top healer though, so I'm not worried about Resto Druids so much.
#3 May 05 2009 at 6:20 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
I stack it to 3 on the tank, but I'll often let it bloom to get the mana back and then re-stack it again quickly. I don't use it anymore to heal other people than the tank, I use regrowth/rejuv/WG + Nourish.

I don't mind the changes, it's still fun to heal and those darn priests don't beat me with flash heal anymore :P


Nuit Midril - White Mage/Scholar on Ultros
Nuit the Insane! - Retired Druid on Sentinels.
Ombre - Retired Dragoon/bard on Phoenix.
#4 May 05 2009 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
I actually find this "nerf" to be almost more effiecient than before. Say there is a ret pally and a shadow priest in the group. You toss a lifebloom on the tank and then follow up with you other heals. While the lifebloom is ticking, you are getting tons of mp5 from BoW, replinishment, and vampiric touch. Also you should get a ton of mp5 from all the spirit you should be stacking as a resto druid. I usually slow roll lifebloom on the tank (refreshing it just before it blooms until I get 3 stacks and then let it bloom). This style provides a steady Hot and after the bloom I get a huge chunk of mana back! This is after all that mp5 I had already received from previously mentioned buffs, and a lot of times I end up back at full mana after that final bloom. So I am actually finding this to be more of a buff than a nerf if used wisely.

As far as nourish healing goes, I think I learned the most about it after healing Emalon for the first time yesterday. I kept regrowth and rejuvination up at all times with at least one lifebloom up in the slow rolling fashion. I found the damage taken by the offtank to be very bursty so I tried to time it to when Emalon charged one of his adds I would get a bloom off of lifebloom followed by a swiftmend, (nature's swiftness + healing touch if needed), wild growth, followed by two or three nourishes. The affect was amazing! I was looking at 5 or 6k non crits and 10 or 11k crits followed by living seed procs and nature's grace + 720 haste from trinket. With only a lowly 1500 sp I was healing for so much it was ridiculous. After the fight I even got a couple of comments from the tank about how he was worried about my gear at first but impressed with how well I performed. Moral of story, Nourish + Hots = win and lifebloom can be used efficiently even after the 3.1 "nerfs"

Edit: I forgot to mention one thing. I am not sure if this works yet but I am pretty sure that it does. Every time I get an Omen of Clarity proc I cast lifebloom in hopes that the mana will still refund at the end even though it originally costed no mana. If this does indeed work I am getting free 740 mana cast plus 340 back at the end which is very nice for mana regen.

Edited, May 5th 2009 11:29am by Bigbrownbear
#5 May 05 2009 at 8:35 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Bigbrownbear. It works.

I use lifebloom to raid heal just like I used to in BC and I don't go oom as fast as everything thinks you would.

Also it helps that I don't have gift of the earthmother. If I had that I could see you going oom faster. But for fights like IC and Kolo lifebloom is amazing hit and forget heal.

If I'm tank healing I still roll all the hots and spike heal with nourish.
#6 May 05 2009 at 12:29 PM Rating: Excellent
I am using it differently, but don't consider it a nerf. To me its just different, and I change accordingly.

It fits in with my pro-active healing methods.

I always test the waters first if I don't already know the tank/fight. Once I gauge their burst drop rate of health I fit my lifebloom in accordingly. It doesn't always go as planned but I can usually get it to where its blooming when needed, not wasting that end heal, and I get some mana back.

I don't automatically roll it out though. I'll always have a rejuv up and often the regrowth. It really changes on the situation and tank.

I was honestly afraid I'd have mana problems after the patch, not the case.

I am glad to hear others opinions on this matter too and that it wasn't the end of the world Smiley: wink
#7 May 05 2009 at 1:48 PM Rating: Excellent
355 posts
If you let it bloom instead of rolling it, it actually costs less mana than before the patch, due to mana cost reductions from talents and ToL. All you need to do is stop rolling them. I kinda like stacking to two on the tank and letting it bloom, personally.
#8 May 05 2009 at 7:39 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
I only healed some of Ulduar 10 man fights, as I usually run as Moonkin. Healed cat lady and Iron Council. Cat Lady, I used LBs, but most of times stacked to 2 and let it bloom, WG every CD Rejuv and Regrowth sometimes.
Iron Council, when I was healing the adds tank, I almost never used LB, used a lot of rejuv + regrowth + nourish. A lot of nourish, btw. And used HT when the caster add use that spell that booms everything near him. Had to kinda have HT land right after it, its a lot of damage for the tank to soak up.
When I was raid healing on Iron Council, near the Main Tank, I kept some LBs on the tank and used some nourish on him to help the MT healer, and on raid kept using WG + Rejuv.

I kinda liked the change on LB. If you time it correctly, you can get almost everyone topped off at the same time. It's different tha before, yeah, but not nearly a nerf everyone was expecting.
#9 May 05 2009 at 9:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Something else I find myself doing is looking to see if the bloom is going to be wasting the end heal, if so I check my mana and I'll add a 4th to extend it and let it bloom when their health is lower.

I don't often find myself short on mana, more often its full, so that works for me if the situation presents itself.

That might sound slightly micromanaging, I'm not sure, but its really more subconscious on my part... I just realized that is what I've been doing after reading this thread and reviewing my methods.

#10 May 05 2009 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
I have found myself rolling lifebloom on the tanks as it still works well working with other healers to take big spikes off the tank. I will certainly look at letting it bloom more to get mana back.
I must admit for raid healing rejuv and glyped wild growth rocks. Although I do run with mainly shammys as healers so it tends to get a bit overwritten with chain heals.

I have changed glyph back to the lifebloom glyph in pace of nourish again not sure if this is a good idea but I wonder if the extra time on lifebloom will help vs the extra heal for nourish that tends to be more of a topping off/ raid heal for me even though I have been trying to use it more.

#11 May 06 2009 at 12:50 AM Rating: Good
496 posts
ZetterUK wrote:
I have changed glyph back to the lifebloom glyph in pace of nourish again not sure if this is a good idea but I wonder if the extra time on lifebloom will help vs the extra heal for nourish that tends to be more of a topping off/ raid heal for me even though I have been trying to use it more.

I was going to swap back to the LB glyph (changed to Nourish as I don't really use LB that much anymore) but I'm hanging onto it simply because I want to see how the N glyph stacks with the 4pc T7.x bonus. I can see it being pretty entertaining if nothing else to watch the numbers I toss out getting 12% bigger with every hot.

Quick WG, Rejuv and a RG for the tank and that's and extra 20% + 12% + 12% without even tossing a LB and for no mana...

But the LB nerf is nowhere near as bad as I heard some people crying it was going to be. Simply different
#12 May 06 2009 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
I had the T7.xx 4 set for a bit but the issue I had was drops I got forced me to break it and I couldnt really justify not taking much better gear for the sake of nourish bonus.
Next Ulduar raid is tonight so I will se how glyph change goes.

#13 May 06 2009 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
Gift of the Earthmother is really nice when throwing a Hot on myself for some extra mana. Lifebloom is a very nice cast and forget spell but also I am seeing some HUGE blooms at the end with three stacks capping around 16 or 17k crits.

Edit: the talent isn't gift of the earthmother, its something else right there at the end of the talent tree which has % chance of restoring mana/rp/rage/energy to the person you heal

Edited, May 7th 2009 8:22am by Bigbrownbear
#14 May 11 2009 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
428 posts
Revatilize. That's the one that gives mana/rage/energy to the healed target.

As has been stated, with lifebloom, ya just gotta let it bloom. It's exceedingly rare that I roll a 3 stack anymore, and when I do, my mana bar feels it.

My bigger concern since the change is overhealing. I've not yet gotten accustomed to timing my blooms properly.
#15 May 13 2009 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
My only concern about this is the general OOM in Ulduar. My guild hasn't gotten to him yet, but I didn't see lifebloom on the list of things that are exempt from the mana regen ban in that fight.
#16 May 15 2009 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
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CrimsonNeko wrote:
My only concern about this is the general OOM in Ulduar. My guild hasn't gotten to him yet, but I didn't see lifebloom on the list of things that are exempt from the mana regen ban in that fight.
I've been slowrolling lb and letting it bloom for this fight. then I just keep up rejuv and use nourish and swiftmend for the most part. We definately need to work on our healing strategy though. We found after the first few attempts that a lot of the healers had an obscene amount of overheal, so we're going to try and split into 3 groups of 2 and rotate groups for regen/healing.

If anyone has tips for healing this fight, let me know, we just got to him, so it's learning time. We've gone from 80-90% to 50% on a regular basis, but it's not quite solid yet. Dps is too low as well, which is another issue, but they're not letting me bring my hunter so atm healing is my main concern.
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#17 May 15 2009 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
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You know I find it funny. My guild is doing progression runs on Ulduar and we're on Hodir.

Well, I dont use gift of the earthmother because I think its not really that good of a talent (My personal choice, dont lecture me on how you think it is, I really don't care). So we're on hodir and all the healers are complaining that they're going oom so fast and having troubles keep up healing. One in particular was saying this. I was far from oom, in fact on all the 10%ish wipes we had I had used innervate once and was in nowhere near in trouble.

So, I decided to pipe up in vent and tell them. "I'm not oom at all."

Our main druid healer says "It's because you're always frozen." I laugh to myself and inform him that isnt the case and to prove it I tell him. "Here I'll link the healing meters for the fight for you." The meters list and I'm the number 3 healer behind a pally and a priest. Normally I'm boomkin dps so when I do heal I like to beat this kid because he thinks he's awesome, and he's not.

The whole fight I run in circles spamming lifebloom on EVERYONE and hitting wild growth when its up. The moral of the story? Sometimes talents you think are amazing don't end up being amazing in certain situations.
#18 May 16 2009 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
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The One and Only ArexLovesPie wrote:
You know I find it funny. My guild is doing progression runs on Ulduar and we're on Hodir.

Well, I dont use gift of the earthmother because I think its not really that good of a talent (My personal choice, dont lecture me on how you think it is, I really don't care). So we're on hodir and all the healers are complaining that they're going oom so fast and having troubles keep up healing. One in particular was saying this. I was far from oom, in fact on all the 10%ish wipes we had I had used innervate once and was in nowhere near in trouble.

So, I decided to pipe up in vent and tell them. "I'm not oom at all."

Our main druid healer says "It's because you're always frozen." I laugh to myself and inform him that isnt the case and to prove it I tell him. "Here I'll link the healing meters for the fight for you." The meters list and I'm the number 3 healer behind a pally and a priest. Normally I'm boomkin dps so when I do heal I like to beat this kid because he thinks he's awesome, and he's not.

The whole fight I run in circles spamming lifebloom on EVERYONE and hitting wild growth when its up. The moral of the story? Sometimes talents you think are amazing don't end up being amazing in certain situations.
The talents you've taken in place of GotE don't increase healing at all. So essentially if you'd put those talents into GotE you'd be able to do more healing. You'd straight up have the potential to simply cast more spells in that period of time. Sure that means you have the potential to burn through more mana, but it's not like it affects your dpm, and it doesn't require you to heal every GCD, but in a burst situation you can. I mean, it's not like theres some amazing healing talent you give up to get it. brambles and barkskin do a lot less for your healing. I don't run out of mana much either, and I have GotE, it's not really a good argument. I don't think the talent is that amazing, but it's not causing you to have more mana.
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#19 May 17 2009 at 1:59 PM Rating: Default
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I'm going to bold a certain part of this for emphasis.

You know I find it funny. My guild is doing progression runs on Ulduar and we're on Hodir.

Well, I dont use gift of the earthmother because I think its not really that good of a talent (My personal choice, dont lecture me on how you think it is, I really don't care). So we're on hodir and all the healers are complaining that they're going oom so fast and having troubles keep up healing. One in particular was saying this. I was far from oom, in fact on all the 10%ish wipes we had I had used innervate once and was in nowhere near in trouble.

So, I decided to pipe up in vent and tell them. "I'm not oom at all."

Our main druid healer says "It's because you're always frozen." I laugh to myself and inform him that isnt the case and to prove it I tell him. "Here I'll link the healing meters for the fight for you." The meters list and I'm the number 3 healer behind a pally and a priest. Normally I'm boomkin dps so when I do heal I like to beat this kid because he thinks he's awesome, and he's not.

The whole fight I run in circles spamming lifebloom on EVERYONE and hitting wild growth when its up. The moral of the story? Sometimes talents you think are amazing don't end up being amazing in certain situations.

Now to further elaborate on this. I'm in a pvp spec, seeing that I have 3/3 brambles should've been your first clue. Secondly in the 25 man hodir fight you are constantly healing, there is no real time when you aren't sitting there healing because the raid is constantly taking some from of damage from his debuff.

I didn't want any explanation and I thought I had made that clear to everyone when I originally posted. Obviously that didn't work. Instead you went on to tell me why you think lowering your global cool down by 20% is going to increase the amount of heals I can push out. I know how this talent works and I've chosen not to take it because I don't think that it's all that good.

Don't lecture me when I tell you before hand that I don't want to hear why you think it is good. Please read my post thoroughly before you go on and tell me something I already know.
#20 May 17 2009 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
10,601 posts
I wasn't lecturing you, I was asking why you made the choices you did. Sure, I didn't really do it in a very questioning way, but you answered me anyway. Smiley: grin I'm fairly new to playing my druid, and so am curious as to why people pick certain specs and what they see as the advantages. Perhaps the talent is really lackluster, and just seems like a good idea because I don't have that much experience. Your explanation of the fact that you're pvp oriented explained this, probably something I would have realized if I was more experienced.

I also pointed out that you're an idiot, but that's really a separate issue isn't it?

Edited, May 18th 2009 1:00am by Xsarus
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#21 May 18 2009 at 1:10 AM Rating: Excellent
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Why all the anger?

That being said GotEM is a through put talent not a mana efficiency talent. Arex rocks a PvP tree so the points make sense for him else where. While GotEM would be better for a straight healing spec, as I think Xsarus is looking at, that will be paying more attention to mana efficiency. Using GotEM to spam every GCD is an easy way to burn mana in an inefficient way.

GotEM is like stacking haste. Great burst healing at the cost of longevity.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#22 May 18 2009 at 4:11 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
I know this has wandered a bit since I last posted. But I after taking lifebloom glyph I am finding it works well in Ulduar 10 man with little Mana issues.
It helps a lot during fights like Ignis and Razor phase 2 when the tanks can get out of range or there are heal interups coming.
I have as suggested let it bloom and then reapplied it and this helps mana regen even more. The only time I have have had mana issues so far is when DPS has been low and fights drag on forever.

I still find nourish a bit of a pain as the bonus for having a hot on the target when healing can be hard to get working when the raid is taking a spanking and you want to drop heals on people fast. As hotting them healing then with nourish can be a bit of a pain. So nourish still ends up being used to heal big spike hits to the tanks.

#23 May 18 2009 at 7:18 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
There's no anger Smiley: grin I just couldn't resist poking the person who railed on about how they didn't want to be lectured. It wasn't very nice I know, I'm sorry.

ZetterUK wrote:
I still find nourish a bit of a pain as the bonus for having a hot on the target when healing can be hard to get working when the raid is taking a spanking and you want to drop heals on people fast. As hotting them healing then with nourish can be a bit of a pain. So nourish still ends up being used to heal big spike hits to the tanks.

I've been finding myself using nourish on burst aoe damage fights a lot. If there's a timer, I'll line up a few blooms, then when the damage comes I WG. After that it just doesn't feel effective to use anything other then straight nourish as otherwise other healers will likely top people off, or if someone is super low, the tick won't come soon enough. When I get 4pct8, I imagine rejuv will be somewhat replacing nourish in these situations. Also it will feel more effective to rejuv-nourish with the instant heal, you won't be as worried about the guy taking that little bit of extra damage and dying.

To arex, being nice now, what damage are people taking during Hodir aside from frozen blows? Most of the time you should have very little raid damage. I've found that during frozen blows rejuv ends up doing a lot more healing then lb, just because it will last so much longer, and so you can get it rolling on a lot more of the raid.
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#24 May 18 2009 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
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Biting Cold, it acts like the fight against Keristraza in Nexus.

People are always taking constant damage and that paired with Frozen Blows in the 25 man someone is always needed to be healed.
#25 May 19 2009 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
I'll admit I haven't tried that fight with tons of different raid configurations, but if people pay attention they shouldn't let the debuff stack so much. I usually do this fight as Cat DPS so it's laughable just needing to spam spacebar as I do my "rotation". I know casters will have a harder time, but 2/3 Frost gear should be enough to reduce the healing needed to keep them up. (Even then, find a Toasty Fire and you're good to go)

Our healers usually start having trouble only toward the end of the fight as more mistakes tend to be made.
#26 May 19 2009 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
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Melee usually never is the ones who take the big heals there. It's the casters since a lot of them aren't willing to drop their dps for the sake of the raid. Plus we need all the dps we can get cause that fight gets crazier as it goes on.
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