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Ret DPSFollow

#1 May 02 2009 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
Is Ret DPS as bad as I've been reading?

From what I've been reading, Ret Paladins put out close, but not quite the DPS as most other classes, but they have to sacrifice a lot of their own HP to do so, because of Seal of Martyr/Blood.

This makes me ask a question, though:

What incentives do any group have, to actually want a Ret Paladin, when any other class can do the same thing, without the increased burden upon the healers to keep the stupid Ret Paladin alive who keeps hurting him/herself just to do "meh" DPS that anyone else could do?

How good are Ret Paladins' DPS? Is it worth considering this for a dual-spec, or are we just doomed to nothing but Tank or Heal in dungeons/raids?
#2 May 02 2009 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
It seems to be the general perception that when rets top the meters other classes are slacking. I haven't really found this to be honest, i'm comfortably top in my guild over some very skilled mages and rogues.

Seal of Blood recoil damage was toned down a lot since the recent changes to seal and judgements coefficients. If you are wondering about the benifits a retribution paladin brings to a raid:

+3% Crit/haste and +3% total damage from talents and retribution aura (other classes bring a combination of these, but never all 3 in one player). Retribution aura itself is more powerful than thorns and helps keep mobs stuck to a tank. Blessing of Wisdom, Kings and Improved Blessing of Might. Blessing of Santuary (healer or tank paladin can also apply this, but as rets have the easiest job, they can spare the global cooldown more).

A proper PvE spec will also include Divine Sacrifice and Divine Guardian, so rets also bring a very powerful damage reduction tool to Ulduar, a raid full of dangerous raid AoE, and Sacred Shield finally scales with the spellpower gained from Sheath of Light and so will absorb a fair amount of damage.

Oh, and our Judgement of Light is much more powerful than a holy or prot specced paladins and is easily kept up 100% of the time. There isn't another dps spec in the game that brings half as much benifit to a raid as a ret.

Edited, May 2nd 2009 4:03pm by ArtemisEnteri
#3 May 02 2009 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
The ret paladin in my guild is the top melee dps and is only behind one mage and one shaman in overall dps. The self damage is pretty negligible in a raid situation. When you have Circle of Healing, Glyph of Holy Light, Chain Healing and a Druids AoE heals firing off, the 2k damage he does to himself is pretty negligible.
Not to mention the fact that you need a ret paladin if you are wanting to get all 4 Blessings, and the Replenishment effect is always nice, because it isnt a guarantee from other classes but a Paladin has it up 100% of the time from the first pull.
#4 May 02 2009 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Replenishment, knew i forgot something. Though quite a few classes can potentially bring that, it's usually not included in their min-max top personal dps build.
#5 May 03 2009 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
i'm curious where you even get this question anymore. back in BC it would have been understandable. ret was, in general, middle to low end dps. some of us managed to still be useful via our utility, but at bst one ret pally per raid was needed for improved BoM, 3% increased raid damage and 3% increased crit on the judged target and to keep up the judgements of any holy pallies.

we bring all of that still (except keeping up judgements) plus many new raid utility abiities that a couple others already mentioned. in addition to our top notch raid utility, our dps is only barely behind the "top" dps classes if even at all. does our top dps seal hurt us? yes. are we therefore a drain on the healers? hardly. any WWS report will show you that the healing we do through Divine Storm (which now hits harder for more heals) and Judgement of Light far outweighs the recoil damage. in the heavy AoE damage fights in Ulduar this is especially useful. Raid buffed my JoL is healing for between 700-1k heals depending on trinket and other members procs. That's that mu less healing the healers have to do and can potentially make the difference between dying and lasting till the healers top the tank off and can get to you.

so, whoever is telling you that ret isn't worth bringing to a raid isn't someone to pay attention to. they clearly don't understand Ret mechanics and how amazingly useful we are in Ulduar. My question is, "how can you NOT want a ret pally in your raid?"
#6 May 04 2009 at 5:10 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
My off-spec Ret is in 1/2 Naxx Gear (That I won on off spec rolls) and 1/2 tanking gear. I have no Libram and my trinkets are blues from quests....

I'm putting out 2.2 to 2.8k. My only problem is that I run out of mana like my mage. I can just spam stuff and go /oom in like 2 mins (Maybe 3 - 4 I've never timed it, but it seems very fast.)

Combine that with my added benifit to the group, the fact that I OT stuff (Mostly a stray caster...) if needed.

I like Ret Palys. Both as a ret and as a Prot paly.
#7 May 04 2009 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
410 posts
Rets only trail behind Mages and Locks in my guild on boss encounters. New Seal of Blood is barely a hindrance at all.
#8 May 04 2009 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
460 posts
I only do heroics not raids but the best DPS'er I have grouped with was a ret pally. My own Pally is only 70 and recently swapped from prot to try it for while, haven't even done an instance with her yet, so I can't really say from my own point of view. As a DK I love having a couple of pallys in the group, BoM + BoK = a significant increase in my dps.
#9 May 04 2009 at 7:06 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
With as much raid damage as exists in Ulduar, guilds would be crazy not to take a ret paladin. I'm not sure why this is news to so many people, but by saying that the rets JoL is the largest, we're talking 2-3 TIMES what a holy gets. In high end Naxx gear and a touch of Ulduar gear, my JoL will heal people for 800-1100 PER TICK (depending on what AP/STR procs I have at any given moment). Every attack by everyone in the raid heals that much for free, basically. Last night on Mimiron, i was the #2 healer in the raid while still making 9th DPS, with my gear below that on average of much of the rest of the group (thats second in actual heals, not counting the overheals which were twice the actual due to the spam nature of JoL). Rets JoL is like getting a free raid healer.

And that JoL is on top of the aofrementioned buffs which all together add something like 7-8% damage to the raid.
#10 May 05 2009 at 1:41 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
ToJ and I disagree on this.

Personally, as is well known in this forum, I agree with the OP, the recoil from blood/martyr is a pain in the butt. It's all well and good judging light, but then your OOM before you can maintain full rotation in a fight.

After we had the 'discussion' on recoil in the past I did a lot of looking over WWS and rarely do you see ret DPS ranking top. Check any of the top 100 speed runs and see for yourself. I'm not saying there aren't any before anyone calls me on that one, but to say we're near the top, most of the time, IMHO is wrong.

Yes recoil has been nerfed recently, yet I still feel it when judging. I won't go as far as I have in the past and say why do RL's even consider taking a ret paladin, but is it safe to say that blessings and auras are the only reason? It was said before and I still think it is valid now "why would you take a class that damages itself to do mid-table DPS when there are others out there that do not?"

Is ret aura worth the ret palas presence? From what I've heard from our guild prot tank is he keeps ret aura up for threat generation.
#11 May 05 2009 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
I agree Goggy, Paladins have to be special to be the top DPS, but they can still put out pretty hefty dps, and the buffs that they bring to the raid more than makes up for it.
Blessings, Damage and Haste from Auras, Resist auras are useful for bosses, Replenishment and the humour value of tier 7 shoulders.
#12 May 05 2009 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
EbanySalamonderiel wrote:
the humour value of tier 7 shoulders.

/this Smiley: lol
#13 May 05 2009 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
with regard to a new player, using the top 100 speed runs to illustrate the effectiveness of Ret in raid is horribly misleading. in a min-max raid situation, having only 1 Ret pally wearing BiS gear is ideal. but for the other 95% of us, Ret rules! bring 25 of em.

#14 May 05 2009 at 7:36 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
tommyguns wrote:
with regard to a new player, using the top 100 speed runs to illustrate the effectiveness of Ret in raid is horribly misleading. in a min-max raid situation, having only 1 Ret pally wearing BiS gear is ideal. but for the other 95% of us, Ret rules! bring 25 of em.

Why is it misleading?

Ah, because of this?

having only 1 Ret pally wearing BiS gear is ideal

You should armoury some of them, I did as I wanted to know how and why they got some DPS scores. They're not all in BiS gear, in fact not even half I'd say.

Edited, May 5th 2009 11:37am by Goggy

Edited, May 5th 2009 11:38am by Goggy
#15 May 05 2009 at 7:48 AM Rating: Excellent
648 posts
first of all, to those who say you go OOM fast without JoW, I disagree. a few things on that:

the mana return from JoW has an 8 second internal cooldown. based on weapon speeds and global cooldowns you won't actually see it exactly at 8 seconds.
the mana returned is 2% of base mana which is less than 4000 which means you get 80 mana returned at best.
80 mana every 8 seconds (absolute best case scenario) is hardly game breaking.

your judgements have had the mana return increased to 25% of your base mana. this is actually a substantial amount. if you seriously are having mana issues use Glyph of Seal of Blood. that's what its there for. I have not had a fight in recent memory where I didn't have enough mana regen to continue through the entire fight and I have never needed the SoB glyph. I use every damage dealing ability I can as soon as they come off cooldown. i'm not conserving mana or even worrying abut it much other than to pop DP on cooldown. only time I even don't use consecrate is fights where it would be wasted (grobbulus, hodir, etc) due to constant kiting the boss. if mana is hard for you to manage warriors, rogues, feral (cat)druids and DK's may be better for you... just saying... oh, and that's despite the fact that I never judge wisdom. my JoL is too beneficial in the highly aoe damage intensive fights in ulduar and even many fights in Naxx where dps take damage. l2managemana or reroll but don't cry about your own inability to use the tools blizz gives us please.

Archfiend Goggy wrote:
After we had the 'discussion' on recoil in the past I did a lot of looking over WWS and rarely do you see ret DPS ranking top. Check any of the top 100 speed runs and see for yourself. I'm not saying there aren't any before anyone calls me on that one, but to say we're near the top, most of the time, IMHO is wrong.

Yes recoil has been nerfed recently, yet I still feel it when judging. I won't go as far as I have in the past and say why do RL's even consider taking a ret paladin, but is it safe to say that blessings and auras are the only reason? It was said before and I still think it is valid now "why would you take a class that damages itself to do mid-table DPS when there are others out there that do not?"

this really is the issue at hand. unless you're a lore nerd (i'm a math nerd, some like lore, to each their own lol) you don't really care how you do damage as long as its competitive and people want to bring you to raids and maybe it should be interactive enough to be fun. my seals and judgements hitting me back doesn't directly affect my dps or the fun factor as long as it isn't so noticeable as to cause me to be left behind while my guild raids. I will admit in advance as a Guild Leader who's mains are a Ret Pally and a Holy/Prot Pally i'm a little biased and perhaps out of the loop on what raid leaders are looking for. my guild is not the top guild - we've only cleared as far as Hodir so far. however, I have never had a complaint from healers about how hard I am to keep up. i've actually heard healers complain often about how OP it is that I can compete with them in effective healing done without casting a single heal. additionally, even though i'm neither the most geared (8th best geared dps in my guild atm) nor the most skilled, I regularly top damage meters. not every fight, but beating me in dps is worthy of gloating on vent in my guild. the ones that sometimes manage this depending on the fight are 2 of our locks, our Spriest and a rogue. some of our hunters are also right there with me. our mages seem to be feeling the effects of nerfs although I haven't looked into what those are. do I think I'm proof that ret is the best dps spec in the game? hardly. I do think that ret pallies in general in normal raiding guilds are performing well. is there a reason to bring Ret Pallies other than aura's and blessings you ask? yes, and that is our dps. so, the real crux of the issue being raid viability, if you need help doing better dps, or managing mana better, or whatever the case may be, lets address those issues. I am not the best Ret here. i'm merely the most Verbose. ask for some help in those areas and i'm sure someone can help. heck, if you haven't got the help you need here i'd even be willing to help people over vent. I enjoy my class and want to see it succeed that much :)

Archfiend Goggy wrote:
Is ret aura worth the ret palas presence? From what I've heard from our guild prot tank is he keeps ret aura up for threat generation.

ret aura is a thing of the past. if there's no prot pally, I use Devo aura usually. if there is a prot pally, I let him use that and I use ret aura, concentration aura, or the resistance auras depending on the type of fight. ret aura itself is almost worthless now that the 3% damage and haste buffs are active no matter what aura we have on. but, yes, the haste and damage buffs are very much worth bringing a ret. so is replenishment and JoL and DS heals, and blessings, and dps.

side note, decided to look your toon up. I noticed you're in a small guild with mostly less geared people. i'm assuming that you are pugging since none of them have any of your raid achievements. you seem to have cleared 25 naxx several times since you have many ilvl 213 items and 93 EoV. you clearly have been in both 10 and 25 man ulduar. i'm just wondering, are you really having a hard time getting in raids? it seems you're doing very well for yourself despite being in a more casual guild. you logged in your fishing pole, but your gear looks to be nearly on par with mine, so i'd guess you're doing at minimum 3.5k dps on average, right? is that not enough to be desireable? I was going to try to give you some gear tips, but you seem to be doing pretty well in that area. just keep in mind the people that you hear about doing 4-5k dps are fully BiS geared (or were till ulduar came out). at 3.5k dps (which is an rough average for your gear level - if you're higher great, if you're much lower we can work on that) you should be very competitive with 95% of the people you run into unless your server is a super hardcore raiding server. those other 5% are the people that out-gear you or are more skilled.

anyway, if the real issue behind the recoil is raid viability, like I think it is, I hope i've answered it a little. if I didn't answer that let me know. if the real issue to you is recoil regardless of raid viability, then I can redo my math for the current nerfed recoil and increased damage (and therefore heals) of Divine Storm.

hope this helped, and if not, let me know what I didn't answer clearly enough (or at all).
#16 May 05 2009 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
People that complain about Rets Recoil are silly. My guild just killed General Vezax (10 man only so far :( ). And due to the nature of the fight, its much easier to have a Warrior or DK tank it. So the Prot Pally usually goes Ret. The fight is EXTREMELY mana intensive, and heals cannot be spared on anyone that takes unneeded damage. So my first question when i saw the ret pally damaging himself was, ok, wtf that cant be smart. Until i realized that he didnt need 1 heal the entire time. And that was with the added effect they gave judgements of the wise for that fight. (when a ret judges he gets the 25% mana, but his healing spells are reduced by 90%, so that ret pallies cant assist in healing.) Divine storm and JoL were more then enough to keep him alive.

Rets are never going to be TOP DPS. There will be exceptions, guilds that have an exceptional ret pally, and lesser skilled mages/warlocks/rogues. But there is no reason to EXCLUDE them from raids at all. Not one. There are many classes that are midtable DPS, and theres only so many raid buffs you can have before you start overlapping. Most guilds are not going to have classes to fufill the requirements on their buffs and then just Warlocks, and Mages and Rogue to fill out their roster.

The days where rets are not good are long gone, and really if your guild leader refuses to bring one because he doesnt think they are good enough, and your guild HASNT killed Yogg on 25 man. You should really start looking somewhere else, because theres no telling what else your guild leader doesnt know about.
#17 May 05 2009 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
Archfiend Goggy wrote:
tommyguns wrote:
with regard to a new player, using the top 100 speed runs to illustrate the effectiveness of Ret in raid is horribly misleading. in a min-max raid situation, having only 1 Ret pally wearing BiS gear is ideal. but for the other 95% of us, Ret rules! bring 25 of em.

Why is it misleading?

Ah, because of this?

having only 1 Ret pally wearing BiS gear is ideal

You should armoury some of them, I did as I wanted to know how and why they got some DPS scores. They're not all in BiS gear, in fact not even half I'd say.

......... to be honest, if they're not in BiS gear, then you wouldn't really expect them to be top dps would you? if ret pallies without BiS gear were worth bringing to those top 100 speed runs, don't you think that says even more about the value of ret pallies?

but yes, for min/max'ing a raid 1 ret pally is ideal. more is only good once you have all the buffs from all classes and you are just looking for dps and at that point the dps they do is all the merit they bring. but i would say even at that point, their dps is competitive and most ret pallies will be brought purely on the merit of their dps depending on the gear and skill compared to the other choices.
#18 May 05 2009 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
crazeecracker wrote:
And that was with the added effect they gave judgements of the wise for that fight. (when a ret judges he gets the 25% mana, but his healing spells are reduced by 90%, so that ret pallies cant assist in healing.)

um, just a clarification - our judgements restore 25% of our base mana, but does nothing to our healing spells. you're thinking of Divine Plea which restores 25% of our max mana over 15 seconds and reduces the effectiveness of our healing spells by 50%. either way, i'd bet he wasn't casting any heals other than JoL and Divine Storm's passive heals.

I definitely agree though that if your raid leader/guild leader doesn't see the value in a having a Ret pally along, look somewhere else.
#19 May 05 2009 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
recoil is kinda moot nowadays. if you kill yourself from recoil then you were already dead anyways(pvp not withstanding). if recoil were such an awful effect then it makes me wonder why the only toon that i can solo Threat From Above is my Ret pally.
#20 May 05 2009 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
Im not sure ToJ but I think what Crazee is saying is that against Vezax where there is zero mana regen (even from Divine Plea and similair abilities), they allowed ret Paladins to regain their 25% mana through JoW but seriously nerfed their healing. Im guessing it is because a Retri Paladin will burn through their mana in the first 30 seconds if they dont have JoW returning mana.
#21 May 05 2009 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
Yea, Vs Vezax due to the nature of the fight (his aura preventing all mana restoration) blizzard allowed JotW and that Enh Shammy thing, name slips my mind, and i think Aspect of the viper to work so that those classes could competitively dps with the rest of them. But in order to prevent ret pallies from spamming ppl with heals from Art of War, when under the effect of Vezax's aura the Mana Return from JotW still works, but you get a debuff on you that reduces your healing done for X seconds by a LARGE amount so that you cant help heal. I beleive Enh shammies get the same debuff, but we didnt have one present so i cant be certain.
#22 May 05 2009 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
gotcha, ty for the correction. i didn't realize was a fight mechanic unique to him. i hope to get to him this week... but we didn't make it that far this past reset :( sounds like an interesting fight though....
#23 May 06 2009 at 1:09 AM Rating: Default
3,229 posts
I love discussing ret!

Although I think I'm being taken slightly the wrong way. I don't think ret is prohibitive in selecting players for raids, but you guys surely must use blood/martyr for maximising DPS in fights, and in the past I have been asked by RL's to switch to command. This has happened on two occasions, which is why I was agreeing with the OP.

With the recommended talent build from EJ now not including command, this is not an option for me now. I know it's not set in stone and I could take it if I wanted too.

Unless we're doing something completely different in raids or it is the effect of JoL, I do find that the recoil from blood/martyr hits me hard, especially on crits. I've tried it on the boss dummy and had DBM 'Low Health' in a very short space of time, bearing in mind the dummy isn't AOE'ing IMHO it is a problem. But this is old territory and Blizzard clearly see this as a mechanic that they want.

I am interested in off-setting the recoil by judging light instead of wisdom though. To be honest that's my lack of knowledge as I just always judged wisdom for the mana return to enable 100% rotation an no OOM's, but I agree 2% return on base is no great shakes and JotW should cater for mana anyway.

#24 May 06 2009 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
I never considered you might be using Wisdom, never done a run with less than 2 Pallies so wisdom was always coming from someone. After reading this I decided to try out Martyr for soloing, I dont know why I was never using it before...

Also out of curiosity, is it possible for the Marty effect to crit like the Command proc could?
#25 May 06 2009 at 7:12 AM Rating: Default
3,229 posts
EbanySalamonderiel wrote:
I never considered you might be using Wisdom, never done a run with less than 2 Pallies so wisdom was always coming from someone. After reading this I decided to try out Martyr for soloing, I dont know why I was never using it before...

Also out of curiosity, is it possible for the Marty effect to crit like the Command proc could?

Oh god yes. Sorry to bring up WWS again, but check out some 'Highest Hit' stats for the palas.
#26 May 06 2009 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
Goggy, have you had a chance to try out JoL yet? I think you'll be pleasantly surprised how long proper mana management will last you even without JoW and how JoL will keep you topped off. just remember to use DP when you're at about 3/4 mana AFTER a judgements mana return and then on every cooldown. without the extra mp5 DP and Replenishment get from raid buffs you might notice your mana dropping gradually. keep in mind you'll get extra mana/mp5 in any well set up raid from mages, druids, additional pallies (kings/wisdom depending on how many), shamans and possibly some i'm not thinking of.

and yes, like Goggy said, Judgement of Blood/the Martyr and the Seal both are able to Crit. the recoil itself is a flat % of the damage and does not crit independently, though.
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