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Looking for the best Tankadin glyphs (prolly NoOb Q)Follow

#1 Apr 22 2009 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
Paladin tank slogging his way to 80. Been in Kuwait for the last year now trying to play catch up. Would like opinions on the best glyph setups for Prot Pallies. I am 21,000 + in armor, lev 78.5 and 539 Def

Thanks ever so kindly!

#2 Apr 22 2009 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
I'm waiting to get the new glyphs - the markets are all screwed up.

The prices are just way to high at the moment. My advice, whatever you pick, is not to drop a ton of money on them. Glyphs rank last in my priority list. (Gear, Gems, Enchants, etc...)
#3 Apr 22 2009 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I'm using Glyphs of Judgement, Righteous Defense, and Hammer of the Righteous. I had been using Glyph of Seal of Vengeance, but my expertise is quite high without that Glyph anyway, so I traded it for the Hammer one: one more target hit on the spell that accounts for the highest percentage of my damage? Yes please :D

For just starting out at 80 though (when you get there, and pre-gratz for the ding), I'd probably suggest using Righteous Defense, Seal of Vengeance, and Hammer of the Righteous. You're not going to have much, if any, expertise when you first hit 80 and start gearing up, so the SoV one is going to be a nice boost. Same with hit rating: not gonna have much, and if you're like me who is now in full naxx gear, I'm still not hit capped, so the 8% hit for your taunt is gonna be huge. And HotR: as I said above, this spell accounts for the highest percentage of my damage. In normals, Heroics, and Naxx (where I assume you'll start out. Go right to Ulduar? *shudder*) there's gonna be a lot of AOEing to do, so this Glyph will put out a lot of damage.

EDIT: forget minor glyphs, hehe. I'm using Glyphs of Lay On Hands, Sense Undead, and of the Wise. The first 2 are really the only useful ones for a Prot imo. The Wise Glyph was mainly in there for solo purposes, but really with how Divine Plea has changed, I don't have a need for it anymore. I'll probably switch to Glyph of Blessing of Kings since all Paladins have Kings now. Seems like the one I'll be most likely to take advantage of.

Edited, Apr 22nd 2009 1:13pm by Maulgak
#4 Apr 22 2009 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
It really depends what you're tanking and whether or not you're MT. For lvling/heroics I'd suggest Judgement+Veng+HotR. Once you get out of heroics and into MT'ing Naxx/Ulduar I'd swap HotR for the Divine Plea glyph. As to Righteous Defense glyph, i haven't used the ability but twice since we got our single taunt(Hand of Reckoning) but I MT a lot so if you end up OT'ing quite a bit this isn't a bad one to have.
#5 Apr 22 2009 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Even if you're a MT, which I am, it's nice to have. It may just be my personal preference, but I use my multi taunt in any situation where I don't run the risk of pulling something I shouldn't. I just like the fact that it is a sure thing, where as my single taunt isn't (since I'm not hit capped). I don't like leaving something as important as a taunt up to some chance resist mechanic :)
#6 Apr 24 2009 at 12:02 PM Rating: Default
591 posts
I just like the fact that it is a sure thing, where as my single taunt isn't (since I'm not hit capped). I don't like leaving something as important as a taunt up to some chance resist mechanic :)

You still need 237 hit unbuffed for Righteous Defense to be capped since its spell hit(17%cap) not melee hit(8%cap). If draeni in grp then 210, if sp/boomkin have debuffs(+3% spell hit) up then its down to ~158(132 w/draeni buff). So depending on your raid composition/debuffs and mob type(taunting newly spawned mobs won't have +spell hit debuffs on them for instance) it takes nearly the same amount of +hit to cap RD as it does Hand of Reckoning(uses melee hit cap or +263 hit unbuffed/230 with draeni buff). Imo you're better off being melee hit capped and using Hand of Reckoning than wasting a glyph on RD.
#7 Apr 24 2009 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Maybe this requires further clarification: I always have a SP in the raid without exception, and a Draenei to give their aura. My RD never misses. My Hand of Reckoning has missed.

Given the right circumstances, you can have a 100% reliable taunt. I don't think I ever said it was perfect for everyone.
#8 Apr 25 2009 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
37 posts
I must be way off base, but I use the HotR, Consecration, and Spiritual Attunement glyphs. HotR is obvious, Consecration +2 sec duration, +2 sec cooldown, but still fits in to the 9-6-9 rotation.

As for SA, I have been needing to use Divine Plea more in heroics as the mana regen from SA isn't there. I asked the healer if things were different than pre-3.1. He said he was healing less and stopped putting sacred shield on me. The small boost in mana regen from the SA glyph may not be much but it keeps me hitting, and I don't have to break rotation to cast DP.

Never in my life have I used Righteous Defense, never needed to. I have it on my bars, but when someone in my normal group pulls aggro, they kindly walk themselves into my Consecration or HotR AoE.

I'll have to look into the SoV glyph, as I may be replacing the SA glyph and casting DP prior to every pull.

Thanks and Good Luck

Edit. fixed effect of Consecration glyph

Edited, Apr 25th 2009 12:56pm by Planetman
#9 Apr 25 2009 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
I've been away for a bit but I have returned.

The SA glyph is terrible. If you're running low on mana, it's because you are doing something wrong.

The consecrate glyph DOES break the 969, unless you have some weird mystical way to shave 1 sec off that cons. It has been proven a number of different ways that 8 sec Cons > 10 sec.

Divine Plea should have roughly a 100% uptime in an instance.

Tanking glyphs should help you do the tanking job (holding aggro and staying alive). I use SoV (low on Expertise), DP and HoSalv at 80. Pre-80 I would switch the HoSalv glyph for HotR, but if you plan on raiding seriously, you want to drop the HotR glyph pretty quickly.

#10 Apr 25 2009 at 8:18 PM Rating: Good
37 posts
No its not 9 sec its 10 sec, you caught me, but when your tanking heroics, it really doesn't matter that much. The fact is it gives more damage and threat for the same amount of mana.

And as far as running low on mana, what could I possibly be doing wrong? I am likely overgeared for the instances my guild needs me to tank. So I am not taking a lot of damage and therefore not getting a lot of heals. The extra 2% mana from the SA glyph is helpful in keeping the cycle going.

After looking it over, I would say that the HoSalv glyph would benefit those whose gear is below what the instance requires.

Edited, Apr 25th 2009 11:18pm by Planetman
#11 Apr 26 2009 at 4:01 AM Rating: Decent
1) Yes, it does do more damage for the same mana but, and this matters on bosses, it produces lower overall single target threat than not having it.

2) If you aren't using BoSanc when you outgear and instance, you're doing something wrong. If you're not pulling fast enough to keep your mana up when you outgear an instance, you're doing something wrong. Your contention is that you take so little damage in the instance that the extra 2%/heal is useful. My point is that if this is true, go tank more enemies. It gets the job done much faster.

3) My point about the HoSalv v. HotR glyphs was simply that HotR will work in heroics but if you're an MT past the heroics (i.e. 10/25man raids) level, its value quickly falls and you will be better off replacing it. Thus,"if you plan on raiding seriously...etc"
#12 Apr 26 2009 at 5:58 AM Rating: Good
37 posts
I think what Loki and I have illustrated is that glyphs are situational.

For heroics, for OT in raids and for MT in raids, different glyphs will be beneficial. If your standard party is undergeared and you are overgeared, if you are undergeared and the party is overgeared, or if you are all undergeared, these will affect you choices. If you need more threat/damage on trash pulls due to AoE happy DPSers, if you need more damage mitigation; whatever the reason choose the glyph that suits your needs and play styles and the play styles of your group.

And if/when a play style stops working correct for that by changing your frequently used spell and apply new glyphs.

Good luck

#13 Apr 26 2009 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
Honestly, I haven't done tanking on the pally since BC. But honestly, the one glyph that stands out above the others as a very obvious choice is Divine Plea. What that 3% really does is add up with the 6% from imp r fury so that you can match the defensive bonus of the warrior defensive stance.

Also, I wouldn't go with the Salv glyph for tanking. Salv doesn't reduce the threat you generate, what it does is wipe away a chunk of the threat you have accumulated. The moments when a tank would use a damage reduction of this kind are usually at moments were losing that chunk of your threat is going to send you to hell. So really, just stick to divine protection instead.

I'll tell you what salv is good for... In PvP you stun someone and drop a ton of bricks on him hoping he dies before he breaks out of the stun, obviously not everyone dies before breaking out of the stun, so as soon as they break out of the stun you alt-click salv so that their attacks on you are weak for 10 more sec and you can continue to drop another ton of bricks.
#14 Apr 26 2009 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
new divine plea glyph is full of win. my prot pally friend sits at -18% to all incoming damage with DP up now, and thanks to divine guardian DP is almost always up.
#15 Apr 26 2009 at 8:12 PM Rating: Good
713 posts

Unless your friend has a trinket or something else I have missed it should be -18% to spell damage and 12% to physical attacks.

These are the damage reductions that any 80 Prot Pally can spec/glyph for:

-Glyph of Divine Plea -3% all sources
-BoSanc -3% all sources
-Imp RF -6% all sources
-Guarded by the Light -6% Spell Damage

Might become higher if you consider some other raid buffs like a Warrior's Vigilance. I wont start a debate on whether or not that buff should be on a Prot Pally though =P
#16 Apr 26 2009 at 9:33 PM Rating: Good
591 posts
Might become higher if you consider some other raid buffs like a Warrior's Vigilance. I wont start a debate on whether or not that buff should be on a Prot Pally though =P

I was seeing Vigilance overwrite Sanc in raid last week, so i don't think they stack anymore.

As to HoSalv glyph - its situational, but seems to be extremely useful in Ulduar thus far. I'm currently running 2 tank specs, one aoe/OT/trash and a MT spec. Using HotR+SoV+Exorcism on the OT spec and DP+SoV+HoSalv on the MT one. Having a 2nd 'oh sh*t' button that you can chain with divine protection as well as being able to use it with Divine Sacrifice or HoSacrifice to mitigate some of the damage you're soaking from the MT is extremely powerful.

Unless your friend has a trinket or something else I have missed it should be -18% to spell damage and 12% to physical attacks.

These are the damage reductions that any 80 Prot Pally can spec/glyph for:

-Glyph of Divine Plea -3% all sources
-BoSanc -3% all sources
-Imp RF -6% all sources
-Guarded by the Light -6% Spell Damage

I think you forgot Shield of the Templar -3% all sources.

So that's a grand total of -15% physical damage and -21% spell damage.

Edited, Apr 27th 2009 12:34am by mahlerite
#17 Apr 27 2009 at 4:49 AM Rating: Decent

Also, I wouldn't go with the Salv glyph for tanking. Salv doesn't reduce the threat you generate, what it does is wipe away a chunk of the threat you have accumulated. The moments when a tank would use a damage reduction of this kind are usually at moments were losing that chunk of your threat is going to send you to hell. So really, just stick to divine protection instead.

And which boss would this be on? XT-002? Razorscale? Steelbreaker? Runemaster? All bosses with pretty punishing attacks that I've mitigated
with HoSalv and not lost threat. They're tauntable, for one. I have a huge threat lead going into the spikes on these fights, too.

If you don't need another "Oh ****" button, i.e. you're still running heroics or lolNaxx, then that's one thing. I said before that the HotR glyph is probably a better choice for the slot, especially in heroics. But the fact of the matter is, HotR is NEVER going to save you from a wipe. HoSalv can (and for me, has).
#18 Apr 27 2009 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
i just remember him quoting 18% as the number he was reducing damage by. he may have mathed something wrong; he is an engineer after all. but otherwise im just repeating what was told to me (i.e. glyph of DP is full of win and has a sick sounding abbreviation).
#19 Apr 28 2009 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
Loki wrote:

Also, I wouldn't go with the Salv glyph for tanking. Salv doesn't reduce the threat you generate, what it does is wipe away a chunk of the threat you have accumulated. The moments when a tank would use a damage reduction of this kind are usually at moments were losing that chunk of your threat is going to send you to hell. So really, just stick to divine protection instead.

And which boss would this be on? XT-002? Razorscale? Steelbreaker? Runemaster? All bosses with pretty punishing attacks that I've mitigated
with HoSalv and not lost threat. They're tauntable, for one. I have a huge threat lead going into the spikes on these fights, too.

If you don't need another "Oh sh*t" button, i.e. you're still running heroics or lolNaxx, then that's one thing. I said before that the HotR glyph is probably a better choice for the slot, especially in heroics. But the fact of the matter is, HotR is NEVER going to save you from a wipe. HoSalv can (and for me, has).

I would guess that if you are in Ulduar you wouldn't be here asking the OP's question. :)

And yeh damage reduction buttons similar to Icebound Fort are very useful to have and all that even before Ulduar. But the moments where damage becomes more intense so that you're blowing a 2-min c/d for a 10-sec reduction are usually boss enrage moments or something like that. Or in heroic trash pulls when something hits the fan. At those moments if you don't have a threat lead higher than 20% bo salv is going to take away your threat lead. And in those situations Divine Protection will do, it has the same CD as shield wall too.

If you're doing Ulduar I don't know. Personally, I got glyph of salv, but I didn't get it for tanking. :P
#20 Apr 28 2009 at 4:21 AM Rating: Decent
mahlerite wrote:
It really depends what you're tanking and whether or not you're MT. For lvling/heroics I'd suggest Judgement+Veng+HotR. Once you get out of heroics and into MT'ing Naxx/Ulduar I'd swap HotR for the Divine Plea glyph. As to Righteous Defense glyph, i haven't used the ability but twice since we got our single taunt(Hand of Reckoning) but I MT a lot so if you end up OT'ing quite a bit this isn't a bad one to have.

This. The Divine Plea glyph is incredible. Mixed with the talent that coincides with it, excellent damage reduc and mp regen rules. Plus more % healed on you!
#21 Apr 28 2009 at 8:11 AM Rating: Good
278 posts
I would guess that if you are in Ulduar you wouldn't be here asking the OP's question. :)

And yeh damage reduction buttons similar to Icebound Fort are very useful to have and all that even before Ulduar. But the moments where damage becomes more intense so that you're blowing a 2-min c/d for a 10-sec reduction are usually boss enrage moments or something like that. Or in heroic trash pulls when something hits the fan. At those moments if you don't have a threat lead higher than 20% bo salv is going to take away your threat lead. And in those situations Divine Protection will do, it has the same CD as shield wall too.

If you're doing Ulduar I don't know. Personally, I got glyph of salv, but I didn't get it for tanking. :P

The Glyph of Salv is a very situational glyph. Granted, most bosses now days are tauntable, which helps immensely with threat. (And with determining which DPS DKs are window-lickers) As a Tankadin, you pull retarded amounts of threat as the MT. But then again, being 20% over your trigger-happy DPS isn't always viable.

The way I see it is: It's better for you to momentarily lose agro and lose a DPS than to have the MT die. Of course, if the boss isn't tauntable then you'll have some problems. You just need to pick the best time and situation to pop a Salv.

But overall, is this worth a glyph spot? For a *potential* zomgwtfbbq moment? Personally I think not. If you find yourself having to pop both your Shield Wall and STILL need another mitigation "cooldown" later on in the fight, either you're doing something wrong, your healers are doing something wrong, or your DPS are doing something wrong. Sure, there are times where you'll get unlucky and something stupid'll happen where the mitigation might be good, but I don't think it's worth wasting a glyph spot on a "what if" moment.
#22 Apr 28 2009 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
But overall, is this worth a glyph spot? For a *potential* zomgwtfbbq moment? Personally I think not. If you find yourself having to pop both your Shield Wall and STILL need another mitigation "cooldown" later on in the fight, either you're doing something wrong, your healers are doing something wrong, or your DPS are doing something wrong. Sure, there are times where you'll get unlucky and something stupid'll happen where the mitigation might be good, but I don't think it's worth wasting a glyph spot on a "what if" moment.

Umm, have you been to Ulduar yet? There are no 'what if' moments, there are definitely moments where you know you'll have to use a cd to survive an aspect of an encounter. Either you have to use a cd or the boss will need to be taunted to a tank that has a cd available(and/or healers will have to burn their cds). In some case the cds need to be stacked in order to guarantee survival. In order to make yourself more valuable to the raid you should have as many damage reduction cds as possible.
#23 Apr 28 2009 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good
278 posts
Umm, have you been to Ulduar yet? There are no 'what if' moments, there are definitely moments where you know you'll have to use a cd to survive an aspect of an encounter. Either you have to use a cd or the boss will need to be taunted to a tank that has a cd available(and/or healers will have to burn their cds). In some case the cds need to be stacked in order to guarantee survival. In order to make yourself more valuable to the raid you should have as many damage reduction cds as possible.

Show me a fight where you NEED to pop a cooldown to survive.

Flame Leviathan: I guess if you're bad and forget to get picked up by a vehicle
Ignis: Not as the add tank, not as the MT. Your healers should not be getting silenced and you should be moving out of the fire.
Razorscale: You need to do tank swaps on this due to the debuff. 20% damage reduction won't help when you have no armor and are taking a bajillion extra fire damage. The loss in threat is going to be too great, due to the phases where the raid brings him down to 50%.
Deconstructor: Unneeded.
Council: This I will give to you. When doing it on hard mode, your tanks must rotate cooldowns to mitigate the FalconFusion Punch. On normal, as long as he's not in a rune you don't need cooldowns to prevent death.
Kologarn: You don't need this at all. Tank swaps ensure you're never getting too many stacks of the debuff.
Auriaya: Nope, it's nice to run in with cooldowns up in case of unlucky RNG pounces, but you could always sacrifice a Hunter or two.
Mirmon: Nope
Hodir: Possibly.
Thorim: Nope
Freya: Add fight, you don't need cooldowns to survive.

I don't know about General and Yogg.

The point I'm trying to make is this: Like I've said before, it is a SITUATIONAL glyph. It is there for those "Oh ****" moments, where either your healers were sleeping, the boss enrages at 10k health left, you DC and come back standing in a flame patch, etc. Obviously, when doing progression content there's going to be a lot more of these moments, simply because everything's new.

Irregardless, if there's ever a fight where you NEED to pop cooldowns in order to survive (Think Sarth +3, as the Sarth tank) there are a lot of classes better suited to it than a Tankadin. This glyph, while giving us a nice chunk of mitigation, is far to situational (in my opinion, at least) to be of any use as a proper glyph.
#24 Apr 28 2009 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
At the moment, everyone is still learning the fights and having another cd has been extremely beneficial. Lose a tank that was supposed to taunt and its nice to have the option of staying alive for another 10 sec while he's being rezzed+buffed. It gives you more flexibility in many fights that you wouldn't have. Is it always necessary? No and will become less so as people become better geared and learn the new encounters. At that point it may very well be necessary to swap glyphs for more threat anyway.
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