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Pet doesn't hold agroFollow

#1 Apr 21 2009 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent

Hello guys, i am needing some advice. I went back with my hunter toon (72 atm) and it is a pain to grind since my pet doesn't hold agro.
I am surv spec atm.

Have tryed using tenacity and cunning pets. None of them could hold agro (even using the thunderstomp ability after the patch. Looks like they do to low damage or they run out of focus. Since i am 72 i still don't have the access to Gftt (i am omw). I normaly do this:

mark->send pet->Serp Sting->ExS->BA-> and beyond this point i get agro.

Is this normal for every hunter or it is just me?

I used first my Turtle (love him), then switched to my scorpid (old pvp one), current with a ravager (love the 100% uptime dash thingy but i see him run out of focus too fast).

Am i doing something wrong? Do i have just to wait till 1 point in gftt talent and it will be fixed? Or i will have to lvl up till 80 and this lossing agro will be every day? Do you recomend me using a bear pet and try it once again? how do you recomend me to talent him? I like the ravager since with roar of recovery for mana (thinking on solo, party and raid playing) sound promising. I know a wolf is th king dps pet atm but still, what do you guys recomend me to use till i get 80?

Thank for the advice
#2 Apr 21 2009 at 5:10 AM Rating: Good
197 posts
This is an old topic, but I'm bored so here goes.

Pets, even tenacity pets, don't hold aggro for a survival hunter unless you do nothing but auto attack. Since you're still leveling switching to BM is a viable option. Grinding is really easy with a bear swiping and doing thunder stomp while you volley whole packs down.

If you want to remain SV while you level there is a few tricks to make things go faster. Misdirecting onto your pet will buy you a few extra seconds. I usually MD and then do 2 autos and a aimed/multi. Explosive shot doesn't work well because the first tick doesn't do any damage but eats a MD charge. The only other thing you can do is kite. We have 4 DOTs (I'm counting the pet), concussive shot, frost trap and wyvern sting. That's a lot of tools to make things dead before they ever get to you.
#3 Apr 21 2009 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
yeah, it is not that i am geting killed or anything. It is just make things goes slowly.

So, from what you said, it doesn't matter what pet i use or whatever. I though it could be a chance if i used a bear and talet him propely would make things goes faster.

I want to stay as SV since i want to learn it well, the rotation, look at cooldowns and have the proper addons to make stuff goes smoth. It requiere practice to be good with each spec, and i need to get all the dps i can from it. ALSO because trying instace with noob ppl make things harder, and always a nice CC shot save the day.

Thank for the advice.

Anyone else have some info? link web ? anything? thank.
#4 Apr 21 2009 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
going BM will solve the aggro problem, but I understand you don't want to go BM and thats cool. I leveled my last 4-5 levels as SV and loved every second of it. If you post your armory (or at least tell us your name and server) then we could look at your gear and spec. When I leveled as SV, most things would die at my feet, or be so close to dead that a mongoose strike would do the job. Otherwise, if the mob had too much HP left, I'd hit disengage to fire off another ES/Aimed/whatever which would certainly finish the job.

So things died at my feet with gear from normal quest rewards, and aninstance run here and there, as SV from the mid 70's on. This made the lack of pet holding aggro a non-issue. I basically started to call SV hunters, "a mage with guns"

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 11:49am by zebug
#5 Apr 21 2009 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
2,346 posts
Yes, SV does not hold aggro well.

If you try and start killing at about max range, depending on what shots you like to use when soloing you could also down it before it gets to you, that's usually what I tend to do, even if it gets to me, I'll take some damage but not too much, AotV when you run out of mana.

So it's probably just best to get the best DPS pet and try and kill away. It does seem really slow at first. When I was in the lower 70's I switched and was constantly resting and stuff and felt like it was harder to kill stuff, but once you learn it better then it'll get a lot easier.
#6 Apr 21 2009 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
255 posts
Noracalo wrote:
Since i am 72 i still don't have the access to Gftt (i am omw).

Well, actually 72-9 = 63 talent points. Since GFtT is Teir 2 Marks, you only need 11 points for it so you can have it.

Noracalo wrote:
mark->send pet->Serp Sting->ExS->BA-> and beyond this point i get agro.

This is a lot of wasted mana if you are just grinding mobs. Mark and SrpS are not needed for it. One change that 3.1 made was that it took off the stun effect of explosive. That allowed many SV hunters to burn down the targets before they reached them. My current mob burn rotation is more like..

BA > ExS > Multi > Steady > Steady > Kill (but I don't think you have access to kill yet)
with 2 variations if I am worried about mobs hitting me
1) MD pet then Arcane > Multi > BA > Steady > ExS (Yes, I use Arcane to generate the aggro for my pet).
2) I use the rotation above but if the mob reaches me I disengage and throw whatever instants I have at it.
As Survival you are going to have aggro unless you are AFK fighting, there is just too much burst damage. You will just have to adjust how you manage that damage.

Noracalo wrote:
I used first my Turtle (love him), then switched to my scorpid (old pvp one), current with a ravager (love the 100% uptime dash thingy but i see him run out of focus too fast).

Like Hy said, the best thing to do is go for a wolf and burn, burn, burn. Trying to pet-tank as SV will slow you down (but, if you don't mind slow, then just autoshoot and you won't have any aggro issues)

Actually learning SV this way will also help you manage your aggro when you get thrown in the horrible PuGs where tanks can't round up mobs to save their life. You can level as SV just fine and it will help you later by being comfortable with the shot rotations.

#7 Apr 21 2009 at 9:04 AM Rating: Default
Thank guys for all the info.

Yeah, aboutt he gftt, i spended the points first in the full SV so i can work myself with all the abilityes and learn them. I can see why everyone say GftT is a must have. So i will have it at 76 i believe, wont take long.

For the shot rotation, yeah using that Serp Sting is a waste on a mob grinding, but i want to try it the shot rotation for max dps. I want to get confortable with the settting, macros and keybiding so i can work pretty good on what i am going to do on raids.
Yeah, using more steady shot will get me less agro, but in the end i don't learn to much about how SV should be. Just trainied Kill shot yerterday, and i believe it will help me to push the mob to the ground before it get into me and i have to kite off. Also i am doing is PvP and i so cool :p (die priest !!)

Thank you for all the info guys.
#8 Apr 21 2009 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
797 posts
Switch to aspect of the viper. You won't pull aggro that way. ;)
#9 Apr 21 2009 at 5:56 PM Rating: Default
Switch to aspect of the viper. You won't pull aggro that way. ;)

My hunter is 75 atm, and I still pull agro even in viper. I paid out for dual specs so I could lvl as BM and do instances as Surv, but I STILL have agro problems even as BM. I usually run around in viper all the time, as BM, and even still, I have problems with my pet holding agro. I'll admit, I have about the best gear for my level I can get, but I really dont think I should be having this many problems with pets holding agro. Especially with a full BM lvling spec, a tenacity pet and running in aspect of the viper. Pet agro is pretty broken if you ask me. I long for the good old level 11 days, when I could throw out everything I had and my little boar would just keep on taking the hits.
#10REDACTED, Posted: Apr 21 2009 at 10:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) your AP must be low. even at 72, you have enough AP/crit to kill most mobs in about 10 seconds (if you suck). If you dont, you shouldnt need more than 5 seconds, which means that by the time they've noticed you and made their way over to you, they have so little health that a single mongoose will finish them off.
#11 Apr 22 2009 at 12:01 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
My hunter is 75 atm, and I still pull agro even in viper. I paid out for dual specs so I could lvl as BM and do instances as Surv, but I STILL have agro problems even as BM. I usually run around in viper all the time, as BM, and even still, I have problems with my pet holding agro. I'll admit, I have about the best gear for my level I can get, but I really dont think I should be having this many problems with pets holding agro. Especially with a full BM lvling spec, a tenacity pet and running in aspect of the viper. Pet agro is pretty broken if you ask me. I long for the good old level 11 days, when I could throw out everything I had and my little boar would just keep on taking the hits.

This sounds horribly like you've not spotted the Cower bug.

Also use a proper threatmeter and give the pet a chance to get aggro. If you launch your pet attack by shooting then they will struggle to catch up - especially if you are well-geared.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#12 Apr 22 2009 at 5:42 AM Rating: Good
191 posts
Make sure the cower bug isn't ******** you. Use Intimidation and Bestial Wrath every time it's off cooldown. Use a tenacity pet. If you are STILL pulling aggro, Here's a handy dandy macro I got off of wowwiki:

/cast [target=focus,exists,nodead][target=pet,exists,nodead] Misdirection

That will cast Midirection on your pet automatically unless you have a focus target, Then it will cast it on them. Happy Hunting.
#13 Apr 22 2009 at 6:15 AM Rating: Decent
I just open with conc shot then go all out explosive and aimed.
That way they deliver the loot to my feet just as they expire :P
#14 Apr 22 2009 at 6:17 AM Rating: Good
276 posts
/cast [target=focus,exists,nodead][target=pet,exists,nodead] Misdirection

Thanks for the info. It really helped out.
#15 Apr 22 2009 at 8:35 PM Rating: Default
Survival hunter pets can keep some agro.
Most times when i see hunter pets get in trouble with agro is when
they run out of focus for there growl ability.

Gftt helps abit but because your still leveling,
your gear (crit) wont be that high en he still will be out of focus when attempting too growl.

The easy solution is too turn of all his special attacks except growl + one attack.
When your pet isnt focus starfed anymore you can turn on more attacks.

Edited, Apr 23rd 2009 12:36am by phonner
#16 Apr 23 2009 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
phonner wrote:
The easy solution is too turn of all his special attacks except growl + one attack.
When your pet isnt focus starfed anymore you can turn on more attacks.

I don't think you can afford to do this if you are trying to tank multiple mobs. You will have Swipe and TS and Growl on. There is no way your pet could keep aggro with only one special in this case.
#17 Apr 25 2009 at 8:10 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
SteveTheEaterofCakes wrote:
Make sure the cower bug isn't ******** you. Use Intimidation and Bestial Wrath every time it's off cooldown. Use a tenacity pet. If you are STILL pulling aggro, Here's a handy dandy macro I got off of wowwiki:

/cast [target=focus,exists,nodead][target=pet,exists,nodead] Misdirection

That will cast Midirection on your pet automatically unless you have a focus target, Then it will cast it on them. Happy Hunting.

OOH! That is a FABULOUS macro! Thank you very much!

However, I am thinking I would like to add another line. Right now, my macro to MD and then assist my focus (I've just been setting my pet as focus when he's out, though that's annoying because I have to redo it every time I mount and dismount) basically goes:

/target focus
/cast Misdirection
/assist focus

It's pretty basic, because I understand NOTHING about writing macros. would I add a line to the macro Steve suggested that would assist the focus (or pet, if there is no focus) after I cast MD?

Edit: Hmmm, okay, I must be doing something wrong. I made a macro that said what Steve posted letter for letter, but it's not working. The icon is grayed out on my toolbar, even. Can't find any typoes, though.

Edited, Apr 25th 2009 9:37pm by Ambrya
#18 Apr 26 2009 at 5:19 AM Rating: Good
255 posts
Ambrya wrote: would I add a line to the macro Steve suggested that would assist the focus (or pet, if there is no focus) after I cast MD?

Edit: Hmmm, okay, I must be doing something wrong. I made a macro that said what Steve posted letter for letter, but it's not working. The icon is grayed out on my toolbar, even. Can't find any typoes, though.

First, do you have your pet out at this time? If you don't have a pet active it will be greyed out...

For an assist, just add a line almost exactly the same as the first.

/cast [target=focus,exists,nodead][target=pet,exists,nodead] Misdirection
/assist [target=focus,exists,nodead][target=pet,exists,nodead]
#19 Apr 26 2009 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
browningguns wrote:
Ambrya wrote: would I add a line to the macro Steve suggested that would assist the focus (or pet, if there is no focus) after I cast MD?

Edit: Hmmm, okay, I must be doing something wrong. I made a macro that said what Steve posted letter for letter, but it's not working. The icon is grayed out on my toolbar, even. Can't find any typoes, though.

First, do you have your pet out at this time? If you don't have a pet active it will be greyed out...

For an assist, just add a line almost exactly the same as the first.

/cast [target=focus,exists,nodead][target=pet,exists,nodead] Misdirection
/assist [target=focus,exists,nodead][target=pet,exists,nodead]

Yes, I did have my pet out. Eventually with the help of a guildie, I got it working, but it required doing it this way:

/cast [target=focus,exists,nodead] Misdirection
/cast [target=pet,exists,nodead] Misdirection

It seems to work fine doing it this way, though I haven't done any intensive testing in a group/raid situation.

I will try to add the assist line when I next log in. Then my only annoyance will be that I sometimes forget and cast MD on my pet before giving this attack command, hence the /assist option doesn't work because the pet has no target.

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