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3.1 Blood Tanking Spec(s)Follow

#1 Apr 18 2009 at 7:31 AM Rating: Default

So I am open to some suggestions and other builds, see what other people are using.

Here is what I am thinking:

Most of the talents are self explanatory, however there are a few I'm on the fence about or I'm wondering how well they work.

Subversion: The 9% crit to our bread & butter attack is pretty nice. But could these points be spent better somewhere else?

Scent of Blood: I do not have this talent, however it has been redesigned for tanking. I have not found myself RP starved, however I usually don't sit more than 60% for long. I have not tested this talent out at all yet.

Will of the Necropolis vs. Spell Deflection: In 3.0.9 I was an advocate of WotN, however they added a whole bunch of stipulations and restrictions that make me wonder if 3points is too steep of a price for it to be occasionally useful. And when it occasionally works, it is still only 15% reduction. Spell deflection did get a buff, so I might consider it now.

Note of WotN: Last night we ran Naxx10 with some of our newer raiders (2 newer healers, 3newer dps, 1 OT), I started out as 12/51/8, and got wiped by Farlina doing the enrage enchievement. I have been healed through 25man enrage achievement with little problems, so I chalk it up to the newer healers. Someone had to go AFK for 5 mins, so I ran back and respecced into that blood build. This time we take out Farlina easily with same healing assignments. So in my blood build, I don't think WotN is that useful. It would appear to be more useful in the frost tree as a mitigation ability, opposed to being in the self healing tree. Just a thought.

Imp Blood Pressence: I have no idea why people skip this as tanks. This is the self healing tree, you need to take every single ability that heals you. Period. VB, MoB, RT, IBP, these all stack up tremendously, and if you skip one ability that will heal you, you have circumvented the point of this tree. You have to take the talents the tree was designed for. If this talent isn't taken, why are you in this tree? Go be frost.

Sudden Doom: I did not have this previously, but now I see it being of great use.

Blood Gorged: I cried when this went to APen instead of Expertise. I use to have it, but not now.

DRW: I used to have this mostly for a great floater point, dps boost, and it did actually heal me a good bit. I could alternate this with VB and get some pretty strong healing. Even if it didn't create threat, keeping myself healed with this was awesome. It is not in the patch notes, however I read they took the healing out of this ability. Is this still true? If it does still heal me, then it would be insanely OP since CD has been reduced, and I will take it in a second. But if it doesn't heal me, there there is no purpose whatsoever.

+1: I put it in epidemic. I found that I really don't need it. I considered putting it in DRW, Scent of Blood, Imp IT, and briefly, for the str, Ravenous Dead.

Glpyhs are VB, DS, and RT. Minors are Pest, HoW, and RD.

Suggestions, comments, and thoughts are welcome! Please do not respond with "I think Frost would be better, yada, yada."
#2 Apr 18 2009 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
I'm no expert on Blood tanking, I was Unholy until last patch, and I've only since done 2 raids as Blood. But this is my spec.

Here is my opinion on why I prefer this spec over yours in the hopes that it helps. For what it's worth I see nothing inherently wrong in your spec, this is just personally what I'd do. based on your own talents you're unsure of

Subversion: It's a nice talent, I just think there are better uses for the points.

SoB: I don't have it either, however I'll happily spend 2 points in frost for RPM for a permanent 'no strings' 30 extra RP.

WotN vs Spell Defelct: I have both, I wouldnt drop either. The restrictions on WotN do suck, but are far from making the talent useless. If it saves my butt even just once in a raid (and let's face it, it'll at least do that) thereby saving a probable raid wipe, it's worth 3 points. If you follow my advice and drop Subversion, I see no reason why you can't have SD too so no need to choose.

Imp BP: Sorry, I disagree. Blood has some nice self heals, but I don't consider this essential. If they changed it so you would get a bonus to heals cast on you while out of Blood Presence, I may be swayed, until then. No.

Sudden Doom: Good for DPS, mediocre for tanking IMO. I'm not 100% on the usefulness of it myself which is why I havent maxxed it. I wouldnt write it off entirely though, I don't know how much TPS it can bring.

Blood Gorged: Like you, I'd have this as a no-brainer if it came with Expertise. As it is, I do have it, but it's the one part of my build I'm not really sure on. With good healing, you do get topped off enough so that you will experience the buff at least some of the time, and 10% to ALL damage is really significant in terms of TPS. However, as I have no real way of figuring out it's uptime, I'm not convinced those points wouldn't be better invested in Necrosis. I also don't really understand how armor penetration affects 'real' damage vs raid bosses, but I have it, at least until I get convinced otherwise.

DRW: Havent tested myself, but I believe they have removed the healing. If so, it's a great DPS talent, but no reason at all for a tank to have it. If I'm wrong about the healing though, it would be good to have it until they inevitably nerf it.

Hope seeing someone else's opinion has helped.
#3 Apr 18 2009 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts

Sudden Doom: Good for DPS, mediocre for tanking IMO. I'm not 100% on the usefulness of it myself which is why I havent maxxed it. I wouldnt write it off entirely though, I don't know how much TPS it can bring.

I've only skimmed the OP and the response (and I have yet to even look at the builds) but I have to disagree here. I'm not saying that it SHOULD be taken, but I do think it is a valid place to put points. Since you will Heart Strike 2-6 times (I'm not sure at what point it becomes advantageous to prioritize HS over DS, if you ever do, or whether or not a tank hits this point), a 15% chance on each means many of your cycles will be seeing a free DC. And, with Morbidity and/or the DC glyph, this is 1 30-15% increase in its damage.

I wouldn't scoff at not taking it, but it is far from a bad talent in my opinion. I wouldn't call it mediocre without ample testing.

Blood Gorged: Like you, I'd have this as a no-brainer if it came with Expertise. As it is, I do have it, but it's the one part of my build I'm not really sure on. With good healing, you do get topped off enough so that you will experience the buff at least some of the time, and 10% to ALL damage is really significant in terms of TPS. However, as I have no real way of figuring out it's uptime, I'm not convinced those points wouldn't be better invested in Necrosis. I also don't really understand how armor penetration affects 'real' damage vs raid bosses, but I have it, at least until I get convinced otherwise

The thing with blood is that ALL of its damage (but DC and diseases) is physical damage, so it is all subject to the boss reduction (which is something ridiculous like 40%). APen should be much better than Necrosis, because it means everything will be generating more. At least, that is my opinion. The damage modifier is more like a secondary effect when I look at it from a tank's perspective, because you are less likely to be above 75% health all the time (though it isn't a horrible supposition).

Edited, Apr 18th 2009 4:54pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#4 Apr 19 2009 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
Modified build:

Definitely listened to what Rasen had to say. I think you had a good point about sudden doom and WotN, so I went ahead and took points out of SD and put them into spell deflection. Thinking about it, I think I would like either sudden doom or subversion for threat, so I wanted to keep one of them.

I still have that +1 in epidemic, and now that I think about it, I can probably sacrifice virulence since the only actual spell blood casts is IT. I'm hit capped for melee, and we always have a dranei in the raid. So that could be 4 floater points right there.

With those points, you bring up a good idea with RPM. But before I take them, We're doing Ulda tonight/tomorrow night. I'm going to keep tabs on my RP. If I'm constantly at max, RPM will be great. If I have room to gain more, SoB Might be a good place to put them.

Also with those points, and I'm throwing this out here simply for discussion/theorycraft, how about ravenous dead? +3% str will really benefit a blood spec, since we are a melee oriented tree, and already have +8% from VoTW and AM, making it 11% seems worth consideration to me.

I had 2/2 epidemic Friday night, and it was nice I could get a full rotation in and all my skills, but there were several times I found myself out of things to do before the diseases came off. I ended up just doing PS and IT again. This could just mean I need to change up rotations. My point being epidemic is a playstyle thing I think.

IBP: agree to disagree I suppose ::cough cough:: must have ::ahem:: (=

As far as idiggory's BG comment: It's not a comparison of necrosis vs BG, it's a comparison of how APen will affect BG compared to it being expertise. I think the general consensus (from EJ I think) is that APen isn't as good as expertise because we're in front of the mobs, making expertise very valuable. And I don't think being 75%+hp is a good trait to rely on for for a tank.

#5 Apr 19 2009 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Why didn't you just DS?

As far as idiggory's BG comment: It's not a comparison of necrosis vs BG, it's a comparison of how APen will affect BG compared to it being expertise. I think the general consensus (from EJ I think) is that APen isn't as good as expertise because we're in front of the mobs, making expertise very valuable. And I don't think being 75%+hp is a good trait to rely on for for a tank.

It is kinda a pointless discussion (no offense). The talent is what it is, and you should probably be taking it either way.

The effect of both APen and Expertise on the talent is that gearing becomes easier. Personally, I PREFER the APen. Expertise is very easy to come by, even with tank gear. And you find it on more weapons than you do APen (which you DO need as Blood).

However, the consensus from EJ (the last I looked, so a week or two) was that BG was all the APen you needed. That makes gearing a tank WAY easier.

Maybe Expertise would have been more useful anyway. But Parry is something like 15%. You were never getting close to that (I would guess a tank gearing for Expertise could get somewhere like 7 or 8 percent in reduction to parries, do to DR). I would rather get more threat out of the hits I can get passed the parries instead of fighting a losing battle with expertise.

I really so no reason (if you are already 45 points into Blood) to not take BG. There is nothing else in that area range that is as good as it, unless you have managed to grab a tank set with a lot of APen, which is fairly unusual.


I probably have to agree with him on IBP. 4% on a tank's DpS is NOT alot. If you can do 2K DpS, that is still only 80 health a second. However, I wouldn't necessarily say there are places way better for those two points. But it is far from a ground-shaking talent.

And, since I finally looked at that build...

I think taking RT, IRT and MoB is fairly extreme. Especially when you don't take Hysteria, which is a huge DpS bonus for your highest DpS member every 3 minutes.

Personally, I would still take Epidemic. But that is just me. It IS less important for Blood than Frost or Unholy.

Edited, Apr 19th 2009 2:04pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#6 Apr 19 2009 at 12:22 PM Rating: Default
Why didn't you just DS?

If I DS'ed, the diseases would then be down for a couple of seconds while I have blood runes up. I wasn't going to waste a HS being diseaseless. So I just IT'd, PS'd, then HS. If they were about to expire, and I had 4 DR, then I'd lose out on 4 HSs essentially. So if I just take one point out of epidemic, I can move it somwhere else because I feel the last 3 secs of DoTs would go to waste.

I think taking RT, IRT and MoB is fairly extreme. Especially when you don't take Hysteria, which is a huge DpS bonus for your highest DpS member every 3 minutes.

I can not see in any way, shape, or form how Hysteria would help me tank better than MoB. I REALLY hope you are not talking about putting this on yourself for threat. I use MoB, VB and RT every single boss. MoB, RT, IRT, VB, and IBP are non-negotiable IMO.

This is the self healing tree, those skills heal you. If you don't want to play blood like that, cool. But then it's not fair to say blood isn't viable. If I didn't take UA or Dreadplate in frost, then came back and said it sucked, wouldn't I get flamed until the end of time?
#7 Apr 19 2009 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
Gikkers wrote:
Why didn't you just DS?

If I DS'ed, the diseases would then be down for a couple of seconds while I have blood runes up. I wasn't going to waste a HS being diseaseless. So I just IT'd, PS'd, then HS. If they were about to expire, and I had 4 DR, then I'd lose out on 4 HSs essentially. So if I just take one point out of epidemic, I can move it somwhere else because I feel the last 3 secs of DoTs would go to waste.

Yeah, that's... definitely a really stupid way to play a DK, actually. Toss IT and PS every other cycle and throw DS's otherwise, it's a significant DPS/TPS boost.


I think taking RT, IRT and MoB is fairly extreme. Especially when you don't take Hysteria, which is a huge DpS bonus for your highest DpS member every 3 minutes.

I can not see in any way, shape, or form how Hysteria would help me tank better than MoB. I REALLY hope you are not talking about putting this on yourself for threat.

He explicitly mentioned using it on your highest DPS member. It's a damage boost, and a pretty significant one, for the raid... just not you personally.

Looking at the rest of the build, SD is pretty worthless both due to the low proc rate and the fairly low number of abilities that could actually trigger it. The vast majority of spells that are going to hit the tank are either actually cones, which won't trigger it (or shouldn't, because Blizzard's definition of what counts as direct damage is... variable) or just AE effects in the first place.

Edited, Apr 19th 2009 4:52pm by RPZip
#8 Apr 19 2009 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
I can not see in any way, shape, or form how Hysteria would help me tank better than MoB. I REALLY hope you are not talking about putting this on yourself for threat. I use MoB, VB and RT every single boss. MoB, RT, IRT, VB, and IBP are non-negotiable IMO.

This is the self healing tree, those skills heal you. If you don't want to play blood like that, cool. But then it's not fair to say blood isn't viable. If I didn't take UA or Dreadplate in frost, then came back and said it sucked, wouldn't I get flamed until the end of time?

I believe he means Hysteria to put on your raid's DPS as it's a really good DPS buff for 1 talent point. However, I'm with you on this. As the tank, I spec with regard to what I consider the 2 primary directives of all tanks.

1: Take and hold aggro
2: Mitigate damage
3: Uphold the la... sorry got carried away ;p

Buffing the raid is not my job. I'm not opposed to doing it, but I'd really rather put that point somewhere where it can help me do my my job. As it is, the raid's DPS are getting the benefit from my Abom's Might. That's enough for me. If that sounds selfish, bear in mind that in TBC I was a SV hunter back when SV was not the DPS powerhouse it is now and mainly served to buff raid DPS. But as a tank, there's a reason we need to be selfish and that's because if we are unable to carry out our job, the raid wipes.

I wouldnt laugh at a tank who'd specced for Hysteria. If he can do the job he's supposed to do while having it, all power to him. Me, I'd rather leave the buffing to the classes designed for it.

As for Blood being all about self-healing, here's where I disagree (to an extent) Blood for me is about increaed single target threat and survivability without specialisation (Unholy specialises in spell mitigation, Frost in physical) Now I agree that a lot of that survivability comes from self heals, but there is a point where you have to weigh up their effectiveness, and for what it's worth I'm rethinking my decision not to take MoB. The cooldown was what put me off, but it's a 1 point talent that unlike Hysteria would benefit me personally as a tank. IBP however, as Idiggory pointed out, is too small a heal to warrant the points as far as I'm concerned.

Incidently, thanks for the explanation on APen. BG is now seeming to be the intelligent choice.

EDIT: (RP posted while I was typing.
Yeah, that's... definitely a really stupid way to play a DK, actually. Toss IT and PS every other cycle and throw DS's otherwise, it's a significant DPS/TPS boost.

Wouldnt 2xHS > 1xDS? I'm honestly curious here as I use my Death Runes to spam the hell out of HS on my second round unless I'm losing health and feel like smacking DS. Don't get me wrong, I see DS's buffed greatness, but I still thought it was only best used as a FU strike rather than in place of half my HSs

Edited, Apr 19th 2009 5:03pm by Rasen
#9 Apr 19 2009 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
You know what? I had typed out a decently long post in response, but I decided to delete it. You are just too rude to bother helping.

One thing I will note, though, is how about we discuss the irony of ******** about possible flaming when you flame me for things I never even said. Or, better yet, things that you think I said, but quoted text from me that says the opposite.

Oh yeah, and:

Imp Blood Pressence: I have no idea why people skip this as tanks. This is the self healing tree, you need to take every single ability that heals you. Period. VB, MoB, RT, IBP, these all stack up tremendously, and if you skip one ability that will heal you, you have circumvented the point of this tree. You have to take the talents the tree was designed for. If this talent isn't taken, why are you in this tree? Go be frost.

You, sir, are an idiot.

The Unholy tree is about pets. Funny thing is that Unholy tanks rarely take the Ghoul or Garg.

The Frost tree is about Frost. But, many tanks don't take HC and/or DC and/or ITal.

The point of the Blood Tree is utility and high single-target threat. You will NEVER heal yourself enough for that to be this tree's sole purpose. It is things like Hysteria, Abom's Might and a small buff to healing that make it good. Just because an ability can give you a small bit of health doesn't mean it is good. And, even if it is good, that doesn't necessarily mean it is the best place for those points.

How about the next time you ask for build advice, you don't flame the people who took the time to help you.

IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#10 Apr 19 2009 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
Rasen wrote:

EDIT: (RP posted while I was typing.
Yeah, that's... definitely a really stupid way to play a DK, actually. Toss IT and PS every other cycle and throw DS's otherwise, it's a significant DPS/TPS boost.

Wouldnt 2xHS > 1xDS? I'm honestly curious here as I use my Death Runes to spam the hell out of HS on my second round unless I'm losing health and feel like smacking DS. Don't get me wrong, I see DS's buffed greatness, but I still thought it was only best used as a FU strike rather than in place of half my HSs

Edited, Apr 19th 2009 5:03pm by Rasen

Sorry, I should have specified - use DS on your unused Frost/Unholy runes, use any Death runes for HS.

Edited, Apr 19th 2009 5:29pm by RPZip
#11 Apr 19 2009 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
What's the deal with MoB and with using Hysteria for threat?

The healing done by MoB is negligible on bosses. When you're under the constant flow of heals from 2 or 4 healers this is like a glass of water in the sea.

The damage suffered from using Hysteria is also negligible, for the same reason.

What I can think of a reason for not using Hysteria is simply not needing it. Threat is a binary thing, you either have enough or not, and if you do have it there's no reason to do more of it. If you don't do enough threat then you could pull hysteria for a boost at least.
#12 Apr 20 2009 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
iddigory wrote:
You know what? I had typed out a decently long post in response, but I decided to delete it. You are just too rude to bother helping.

I apologize If I came across rude. That was not my intention. I do disagree with you highly, but there is nothing wrong with that.

iddigory wrote:
You, sir, are an idiot.

But called me......? I'm sorry I have a different opinion than you.

RPZip wrote:
Yeah, that's... definitely a really stupid way to play a DK, actually. Toss IT and PS every other cycle and throw DS's otherwise, it's a significant DPS/TPS boost.

Are you saying I should IT/PS in the second rotation? Because that's what I did with the 1pt in epidemic. But I'm not really asking about rotations here. No offense, just not the topic of the post.

Rasen wrote:
Buffing the raid is not my job. I'm not opposed to doing it, but I'd really rather put that point somewhere where it can help me do my my job.

I agree with this and that's why I think MoB is going to be a better point for tanks than Hysteria. They are one point vs one point. Even though "MoB healing is negligible" (Xorq), you will see a better benefit with it to yourself than Hysteria.

Thank you Rasen for the maturity and professionalism to have a discussion with different opinions. It is very appreciated and I've listened to your advice. We have different philosophies on how blood should work, and I'm glad to listen to yours for improvements. The one thing too many people get caught up in these games is cookie cutter and optimal way to play. Tanking I think is definitely the hardest to gauge what truly is optimal (even though people think they know). DPS and Heals have numbers on recount. We have threat meters, but just isn't all a tank does. Just observing the game, I can see many people with different specs that work great, even though they are off "optimal". And on the same note, I do not think there was anything wrong with any of your builds or suggestions, just personal playstyle just like you said originally.

Reading up on EJ, someone did mention BG is good for threat. The interesting thing is that they said it's the best tps skill, but you can give it up for other things. That seemed a bit contradictory to me, but considering BG could be a priority for me now. I'm using the 2nd blood spec I posted tonight when we go into Ulda. I'll see how this goes.

#13 Apr 20 2009 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
Gikkers wrote:

RPZip wrote:
Yeah, that's... definitely a really stupid way to play a DK, actually. Toss IT and PS every other cycle and throw DS's otherwise, it's a significant DPS/TPS boost.

Are you saying I should IT/PS in the second rotation? Because that's what I did with the 1pt in epidemic. But I'm not really asking about rotations here. No offense, just not the topic of the post.

No, the other way around; don't use IT and PS in the second rotation.

It's not the topic of the post, but overuse of IT/PS is influencing your build design by making it weaker than it should be. It's a related topic.
#14 Apr 21 2009 at 8:31 AM Rating: Decent
Blood tanking has so many Utility Talents... I think you can take every talent you need for tanking and still get the talents that provide utility to the raid. Let me give you an example.

We were on Deconstructor in Ulduar on Sunday. Our raid dps kept running into the enrage timer either because of a death from lack of healing or just plain low dps. I switched from my frost tanking build to my Blood tanking build just to see what happened. We started the fight and got to the first Tempanic Tantrum where he damages the whole raid. During the cast I put up Mark of Blood. It healed 20 members of the raid... I dont know about you but thats good utility. His heart exposes we bloodlust and I use Hysteria on our top dps rogue his dps at the end of the fight was 7200. We continue the fight and when the CD's were up I used MoB in the same manner and then Hysteria at the 25% exposure of the heart. First attempt after I switched we killed deconstructor. Was it all due to my spec change? I doubt it but I cant help but think that it contributed a lot more than my selfish frost spec.

I personally think the biggest difference between good players and bad is making use of every possible talent they have to benefit the raid and get bosses down. You can check out the WWS report at in our WWS section. In summation I think Blood offers great utility to the raid and you should pick up every talent you can in the tree to help out as much as possible.


80 Deathknight Icecrown
#15 Apr 21 2009 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry, I should have specified - use DS on your unused Frost/Unholy runes, use any Death runes for HS.

Since you brought up that it is a related topic: I do want to back up a second here. I know I said a few posts back that I was doing this every other cycle, but I can't really say I was.

Here is the situation. I had 2 pts in epidemic, and I was running into the issue where diseases coming down (not saying 2nd rotation) I had 2 blood runes coming soon, 2 DRs coming a bit after the BRs, and a FR and UR right now. If I hits the DS, I would have 2 blood runes up for HSs, but no diseases for another 2 or 3 seconds, in which case I would have to use DRs for the IT/PS. So it would of ended up DS, IT, PS, HS, HS, instead of IT, PS, HS, HS, HS, HS.

Isn't 4HS better than 2HS + DS? Also throw in the fact that in the rotation with less HSs, there would be a couple seconds of no diseases.

iddigory wrote:
The Unholy tree is about pets. Funny thing is that Unholy tanks rarely take the Ghoul or Garg.

I think this is an apple to oranges comparison. This looks like a comparison from unholy dps to blood tanking. I would not say that for dps Blood is the self healing tree. And most people consider the unholy tree the magic/aoe tanking tree, not a pet tree.

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 2:13pm by Gikkers
#16 Apr 21 2009 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Satorri at Tankspot has a good thread about this right now.
He seems to base his tree AROUND self heals, and the threat that comes from them. I'm going to be trying his build out once I get some real tanking gear, but from the couple spot tanking jobs I've had to do, it's worked shockingly well.
#17 Apr 21 2009 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I think this is an apple to oranges comparison. This looks like a comparison from unholy dps to blood tanking. I would not say that for dps Blood is the self healing tree. And most people consider the unholy tree the magic/aoe tanking tree, not a pet tree.

Not really, it is a valid comparison.

Self-healing is the theme gimmick of the tree, along with mainly physical damage and raid utility. People just think about it differently as a DpS than as a tank. I hope you can get that the opinion of something doesn't actually influence what it is.

I can see dogs as a companion, as a pet owner, but that doesn't change the fact that it is a mainly carnivorous quadriped related to the wolf and fox that has a genotypical preference for social interaction.

As the pet owner, I only really care about the social aspect and its phenotype. Since I'll be feeding it store-bought dog food, I don't care about what its diet is in the wild. Its closest neighbors, biologically, also don't matter to me because I am not a research scientist, dog specialist or something similar.

But, the way I think about something doesn't change what it IS.

The Blood Tree is the mainly physical tree that includes high raid utility with increased healing and self-healing. It has some shadow damage.

The Unholy Tree is the one that focuses on magic damage and pets, with limited raid utility in the form of a talent necessary for higher personal DpS. They also focus on conditional DpS and mitigation boosts like Bone Shield and Desecration. It deals mainly physical and shadow damage, with a higher preference on the latter.

The Frost Tree splits Magic and Physical damage about equally, and has limited raid-buffing ability, but it is point intensive. It has the only AoE FU-ability. It deals mainly Frost and Physical damage.

Now, as a tank, I may care about different aspects differently. But that doesn't change what the tree is, just how I use it. Saying that you should be taking every self-healing talent because you are blood is stupid. That is just one small part in the bigger scheme. And prioritizing it completely over the other parts severely weakens the tree as a whole. It is like, in my desperation for high TpS from the Frost or Blood trees, I decided to pass up mitigation talents.

You need a balance. You don't have that.


He seems to base his tree AROUND self heals, and the threat that comes from them. I'm going to be trying his build out once I get some real tanking gear, but from the couple spot tanking jobs I've had to do, it's worked shockingly well.

Did they add threat to the self-heals? Besides DS, all the others had been threat-less (at least before 3.1 they were).

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 3:44pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#18 Apr 21 2009 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
He seems to base his tree AROUND self heals, and the threat that comes from them. I'm going to be trying his build out once I get some real tanking gear, but from the couple spot tanking jobs I've had to do, it's worked shockingly well.

Satorri's build here.

When reading his posts on tankspot, he clearly knows his stuff, which is why I'm borderline shocked he's not taking WotN or Spell Deflect.

He makes a good point that Blood doesnt really have a funky use for RP and I do find I have more than I need with RPM so I might do like him and snag Corpse Explosion to help AoE trash threat. giving me another free talent point for MoB.

IMP IT caught my eye too. Does the effect really help that much on raid bosses?

EDIT: My revised build

Edited, Apr 22nd 2009 8:45am by Rasen
#19 Apr 22 2009 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
Satorri's build here.

Coincidentaly, after the 3.1.1 talent refund, I just decided to give this a shot:

I picked this build simply to test it out next raid. I have not written off SpellDeflect or WotN off at all, but I am going to see what it is like without them. I also wanted to grab BG to see how that affects my threat.

I was thinking of the same build with WotN instead of SoB, but I will see how this works out. With this guy not taking it, I'm curious as to how useful WotN is now. I'm agreeing with RPZip on SDs low proc rate at the moment, but I have not written it off.

Satorri at Tankspot has a good thread about this right now.
He seems to base his tree AROUND self heals, and the threat that comes from them. I'm going to be trying his build out once I get some real tanking gear, but from the couple spot tanking jobs I've had to do, it's worked shockingly well.

I was definitely under the impression that a lot of these skills do not create threat, however several WWS sheets on have categories for threat from things like IBP. If self healing does actually create threat, that would be amazing.

#20 Apr 23 2009 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Just curious, has anyone actually raided with this spec yet?
I was doing 10 man Naxx last night as an off run. I was DPSing in my blood tanking spec since a healer was having connection issues and every little bit of healing was helping out.
Loatheb ended up completely eating our MT, and somehow I was above the OT on the threat table. I was able to tank the mob (in DPS gear), without dying, and without being too worried (except once) about my health.
I know, it's 10 man Naxx, and not even a top tier boss, but I was amazed nonetheless.
It damn well could have been great heals, or it could have been an amazing build, I'm not completely sure yet.
#21 Apr 23 2009 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
Don't count on it, I have been following that thread on TS and it hasn't shown anything special that makes Blood that attractive, I still put Bloot tanking as a more TPS/Boss tanking spec.

Loatheb has to be one of the worse parses.

Spell Deflect the general consensus is that it sucks now with the change to Blood Barrier, SoB is only needed at 1 or at most 2 out of the 3, you should have noticed that you were sitting at full RP a lot.

The tree is too weak right now outside of singular threat generation.

And you do realize that the threat generated from things like IBF is very miniscule right?
#22 Apr 25 2009 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
ElementHuman wrote:
And you do realize that the threat generated from things like IBF is very miniscule right?

Completely. IBP ended up only being about 6k threat over a 4min fight. I just mentioned it to show that a healing skill did actually come up. I'm just mentioning on a side note that it would be great if they all created threat.

You also bring up a very valid point regarding Spell Deflection + Blade Barrier. I'm leaning towards SD not being worth it at all.

EDIT: Found the tankspot post!

The interesting part is that he feels like I do about self healing, and he was able to really explain the abilities to their fullest extent. Also many of the criticisms in this thread are echoed in there, and his responses are great. Just a tidbit for anybody interested in blood tanking out there. (=

Edited, Apr 25th 2009 3:28pm by Gikkers

Edited, Apr 25th 2009 3:30pm by Gikkers

Edited, Apr 25th 2009 4:20pm by Gikkers
#23 Apr 25 2009 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Man... that isn't even 1K a minute. XD

It would be nice if they got threat, but looking at it objectively--they don't really need it. ESPECIALLY now that Oblit has been nerfed. As far as I know, no other spec comes close in single-target threat.

Which, is fine by me. If they can't have each spec be equal, the setup they have now is... okay.

Blood- High ST.
Frost- Good ST, Good AoE.
Unholy- High AoE.

Now that BB got its buff, AoE tanking as Blood isn't nearly as hopeless and/or hard. It WOULD be nice if they got a low-threat RP dump just for tanking though. Like, one that does okay damage but has a low threat modifier and such. But the damage would have to be low enough to keep it from boosting their DpS too high. It would really only exist for that extra oomph for tanking instead of an occasional DC.

And I only think that because, from my point of view, Unholy's ST is much better than Blood's AoE. Especially because DnD is an Unholy ability and the talents most Blood Tanks will take for AoE are in the Unholy tree.

Though, I would like to see each being like Frost is. It would be nice if, while FP is up, the Garg/Ghoul shared some threat or something. And, in FP only, BB COULD get a 1.5 Threat modifier or something. Though it is already pretty damn good...
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#24 Apr 25 2009 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
iddigory wrote:
Man... that isn't even 1K a minute. XD

6k/4mins= 1.5k per minute. I'm going to guess you meant seconds.
#25 Apr 25 2009 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Sorry, I was talking about HEALING per second. I didn't say that. FP gives a threat modifier of just over 2, so 6K threat = 3K healing, over 4 minutes. 750 HpM.


Double-Fail. I said Healing per Second... At least I got it right later. >.<

Healing per Minute.

Edited, Apr 25th 2009 6:03pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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