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#1 Apr 16 2009 at 6:48 PM Rating: Default
as a survivalist? (survival)

#2 Apr 16 2009 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
10,601 posts
please read the faq at the top.
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
Forum FAQ
#3 Apr 16 2009 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
I have, I guess I will rephrase my question.

Is agility better than pure AP? considering Explosive Shot is based on random attack power.
#4 Apr 16 2009 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
It's not in the FAQ, but it's so stupidly obvious that I don't see the need to put it in.
#5 Apr 17 2009 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
Kyohei wrote:
random attack power

random attack power?

_* Kelnoen rolls 3.
_* Aethien dies.

Sorry Aethien, you were 3...
#6 Apr 17 2009 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
I never die, I only feign death.
#7 Apr 17 2009 at 4:57 AM Rating: Good
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
It's not in the FAQ, but it's so stupidly obvious that I don't see the need to put it in.

So for the more stupid of us, I need to know as well and consider myself not so smart with WoW figures, please grace us with your awe inspiring intelligence and overall grade 'A' WoW math and theorycrafting as to what the answer may be.

I dont have time to sit and work out the maths as I spend my day sealing Million Pound advertising campaigns and then go home to a Wife and Kids followed by some Down time on WoW.

The question as you say is not answered in the FAQ so quite rightly someone has asked a question that the supposed 'betters' on this site 'should' be able to answer without resorting to sh*tty retorts or acting like an r*t*rd.

You exist on this forum as tool to be used for such questions. Your used on a daily basis for your knowledge, I would not use you for anything else, people come here to rape your mind and information and use it to better themselves and most likely take credit for it as well.

Perhaps a quick polite answer rather than a snotty childlike retort might go some way to making you look as Uber you appear to be to many people.

Either that or F*ck off and shut up you tw*t if you dont want to be helpful to someone who asked for your help.

(I cant believe I look up to you as a Hunter, because as a person you are severely lacking in manners, patience and overall respect for other people, it seems your god like abilities with WoW math and the game overall has gone to your head and you feel you can talk down to whomsoever you please without a care or concern, which you repeatedly do).

I am fully prepared for the following flames and insults, which I shall ignore 100% and not even bother reading this thread again or my PM's, but know your responses will be petty and worthless beyond all reason, you really do only exist to be used by others for the information you provide.

It's kind of amusing knowing your a slave to this forum and other people who just use your information and then disregard you out of hand once they have what they want. Most amusing. I dont even know why I bothered with this post, except to jump up and defend someone who has merely asked a question that for once was not in the FAQ. Perhaps they should put an IQ test on this forum, that way your sensitive nature wont be offended when someone asks a genuine question. Of course that means I wont be hear, but no big loss to be honest if I dont have to read random insults to the general public that were not warranted.

(I feel my insults were warranted as you dont really seem to get that many insults aimed at you, about time you did though to be honest, only a bully 12 year old child will respond to this and get all angry and self righteous, your not a bully are you? I assume you can take the kinda crap you dish out? Would make you look very small and tw*t like if you could'nt).

Your not small and tw*t like are you? Thought I would check as that would answer a lot of questions with regards to your kind of behaviour and attitude.

Of to a meeting now with an International Bank to talk with people who know the meaning of the words 'Respect', 'Patience' and of course 'Manners' You might want to look them up Aethien, would not really hurt you know. I get the feeling though you will remain an **** irrespective of what anyone says to you. I am afraid your just that kind of obnoxious tit.

Take Care, Happy Hunting, Look out for yourself now and remember, what comes around goes around.
#8 Apr 17 2009 at 5:26 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
People at an international bank will laugh at you when you don't know what a dollar is.

I'll be kind enough to ignore the bragging about your real life to make yourself look important, and I'll do the same for the countless insults in your post.

Now I'll ask you, and the OP, one thing.
Have you looked at the SV talent tree?
There's 3 things in there, traps, crits and agility.
A few random things at the side, those 3 things are what the entire tree focuses on and anyone who has done some research would have found that out.
Not to mention that if you look through the pre-raid thread the info is there, and I'm pretty damn sure that if you'd google for it you'd have found out what you wanted to know too.

Oh, and one last thing, it's you're.
#9 Apr 17 2009 at 5:38 AM Rating: Excellent
979 posts
Sometimes i wonder about the replies given in some of the forums , i can agree when a question has been answered a few times already it does get boring to see it yet again so i will ask a question instead.

If it is not in the >FAQ< then why not ? , it may or may not be a stupid question that was asked , but by the simple fact it was asked means that not all of us are perfect so those that understand better should guide in the way they are supposed to , so a simple answer and an addition to the faq would have been more helpful or am i wrong in wanting to help others understand and play better ?.
#10 Apr 17 2009 at 6:44 AM Rating: Excellent
3,166 posts
Ok lets try and haul this back from the brink of WW3.

1. Yes Aethien is an arrogant ******* but he contributes a lot of useful information between times.
2. Nobody cares in the slightest what anyone else does IRL because this is the internet and anybody can be anything
3. The OP question was not explicitly answered in the FAQ.

However the FAQ does say
Agility (which adds attack power and chance to crit) is number one. No questions asked. That doesn't mean you should switch items because one has a single point of agility more if you are sacrificing other stats, though.

Note that agility increases your ranged attack power by 1 per point (and 1 for melee,) and roughly every 83 points of agility increases a hunter's critical rate by 1% at level 80.

Now I'm no expert but I'd say that tells me that Agility is more useful than pure AP because it gives +crit as well. However its never that simple. I can get gems that give 32AP but only 16 AGI. So faced with that choice I'd go for the AP. Faced by an armour choice between an item with 50 Agi and no AP or 50AP and no AGI I'd take the AGI piece (all else being equal)

I don't think that "reading the tree" tell me anything much about what SV hunters need since I'd be making these choices as BM. Nor do I think that any random poster should be expected to "read the tree" and come up with the correct answer.

Nor is "google for it" a very good response since that is what this forum is for - sharing knowledge. Otherwise just lock all forums and replace them with a "google for it" sticky. Except of course for the little sycophantic cliques that gather on them to massage each other's egos.

The FAQ is very good. It is also enormous (necessarily so) and in times of rapid change like this release of a new major patch it isn't unrealistic to assume that some of the wisdom therein may have been overturned by events.

It is much better to share knowledge than use it as a club to beat people over the head with .
Wherever I go - there I am.
#11 Apr 17 2009 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
Queen Morganne wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
It's not in the FAQ, but it's so stupidly obvious that I don't see the need to put it in.

So for the more stupid of us, I need to know as well and consider myself not so smart with WoW figures, please grace us with your awe inspiring intelligence and overall grade 'A' WoW math and theorycrafting as to what the answer may be.

I dont have time to sit and work out the maths as I spend my day sealing Million Pound advertising campaigns and then go home to a Wife and Kids followed by some Down time on WoW.

The question as you say is not answered in the FAQ so quite rightly someone has asked a question that the supposed 'betters' on this site 'should' be able to answer without resorting to sh*tty retorts or acting like an r*t*rd.

You exist on this forum as tool to be used for such questions. Your used on a daily basis for your knowledge, I would not use you for anything else, people come here to rape your mind and information and use it to better themselves and most likely take credit for it as well.

Perhaps a quick polite answer rather than a snotty childlike retort might go some way to making you look as Uber you appear to be to many people.

Either that or F*ck off and shut up you tw*t if you dont want to be helpful to someone who asked for your help.

(I cant believe I look up to you as a Hunter, because as a person you are severely lacking in manners, patience and overall respect for other people, it seems your god like abilities with WoW math and the game overall has gone to your head and you feel you can talk down to whomsoever you please without a care or concern, which you repeatedly do).

I am fully prepared for the following flames and insults, which I shall ignore 100% and not even bother reading this thread again or my PM's, but know your responses will be petty and worthless beyond all reason, you really do only exist to be used by others for the information you provide.

It's kind of amusing knowing your a slave to this forum and other people who just use your information and then disregard you out of hand once they have what they want. Most amusing. I dont even know why I bothered with this post, except to jump up and defend someone who has merely asked a question that for once was not in the FAQ. Perhaps they should put an IQ test on this forum, that way your sensitive nature wont be offended when someone asks a genuine question. Of course that means I wont be hear, but no big loss to be honest if I dont have to read random insults to the general public that were not warranted.

(I feel my insults were warranted as you dont really seem to get that many insults aimed at you, about time you did though to be honest, only a bully 12 year old child will respond to this and get all angry and self righteous, your not a bully are you? I assume you can take the kinda crap you dish out? Would make you look very small and tw*t like if you could'nt).

Your not small and tw*t like are you? Thought I would check as that would answer a lot of questions with regards to your kind of behaviour and attitude.

Of to a meeting now with an International Bank to talk with people who know the meaning of the words 'Respect', 'Patience' and of course 'Manners' You might want to look them up Aethien, would not really hurt you know. I get the feeling though you will remain an **** irrespective of what anyone says to you. I am afraid your just that kind of obnoxious tit.

Take Care, Happy Hunting, Look out for yourself now and remember, what comes around goes around.

Can you please remove that line about chilling out from your sig? It's disgustingly hypocritical of you given your more recent posts, with this one taking the cake; especially after you looked down your nose at the rest of us in the thread that inspired you to put it there in the first place. Smiley: disappointed

Edited, Apr 17th 2009 12:03pm by Norellicus
#12 Apr 17 2009 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
1. Thank you cobra
2. Explosive Shot says: You fire an explosive charge into the enemy target, dealing [RAP * 0.14 + 144]-[RAP * 0.14 + 172] Fire damage.

I'm sorry if I assumed that RAP stands for Random Attack Power.
#13 Apr 17 2009 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
It stands for Ranged attack power.
Aside from that, you'll be aware of the fact that I'm not nice by now.
Agility being the single best stat for SV has been common knowledge for years now, and you really could have found it easily if you wanted to.
Your second question also isn't as bad, but what you did in the first post is about as bad a thread as you can make aside from "wut is best pet?"
#14 Apr 17 2009 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
"Agility being the single best stat for SV"

Wasn't that easy? =P
#15 Apr 17 2009 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
255 posts
Wow things can turn dramatic very quickly! Here I was just posting about how things have turned around on the boards.. lol

Yes, AGI is the best gem for SV and like Aeth said that has been common knowledge (well old hunters assume it's common knowledge) since lightning reflexes hit the survival tree. (wow... when I think about that I'm really dating myself... that was eons ago!) Depending on what you Meta (although I don't think there is really any other choice than the Agi and %Crit) you will need to throw in a yellow and blue. I usually use the green Crit/Stam gem for this - I can't remember the name offhand.

Yes this wasn't expressed specifically in the FAQ thread but I just posted an answer in the HELP ME thread that touched on gems for survival...
browningguns wrote:
I can't check your armory at work, but it sounds if you are doing the right rotation. Haste isn't an issue for SV, make sure you are hit capped (8%), then gem for agility, stam, crit (depends on what Meta you are using, I normally run all Agi and then have one Green Crit/Stam to fulfill my meta requirements).
(I really put off answering this post since I did write it and don't really like quoting myself!)
#16 Apr 17 2009 at 9:59 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
Kyohei wrote:
"Agility being the single best stat for SV"

Wasn't that easy? =P

If only it was as easy to strangle someone over the internet.
#17 Apr 17 2009 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
902 posts
If only it was as easy to strangle someone over the internet.

How do you think I feel? I resisted posting here until just now.

But TS, some Sticky reading is definitely in order, it'll help you out in the future.
#18REDACTED, Posted: Apr 17 2009 at 11:01 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Notice the box the the upper right corner of the picture. I believe that is doing it wrong...
#19 Apr 17 2009 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
Been away a little while. Would like to mark my return by simply saying this:

Stop being stupid, read a little bit and stop crying when someone calls you an asstard. Simple search, first page of the hunter forums;mid=1239139707171634963;num=17;page=1

Everything you would want to know about what stats to stack.

P.S. the pic made me laugh somethign fierce!
#20 Apr 17 2009 at 7:03 PM Rating: Default
isn't agi the best stat for every spec because it give crit and attack power or did something change? thats what i through in bc not sure about wrath also if you looked at your spec you may have found it out aswell
#21 Apr 17 2009 at 8:02 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
they really need to turn on searching for non premium accounts. It would make the website so much more useful.
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
Forum FAQ
#22 Apr 17 2009 at 8:33 PM Rating: Good
255 posts
Xsarus wrote:
they really need to turn on searching for non premium accounts. It would make the website so much more useful.

I agree.... Admins?!?
#23 Apr 17 2009 at 8:51 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
browningguns wrote:
Xsarus wrote:
they really need to turn on searching for non premium accounts. It would make the website so much more useful.

I agree.... Admins?!?
It's been this way for a long time, but if you think it's worth suggesting make a thread in the feedback forum and I'll second it.
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
Forum FAQ
#24 Apr 18 2009 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
It's been this way for a long time, but if you think it's worth suggesting make a thread in the feedback forum and I'll second it.

Me too, that would eliminate some of these AND give us non-premiums an extremely nice resource to use.
#25 Apr 18 2009 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
It still comes back to a conundrum of observation and motivation. People who don't read the sticky, which by simple logic would contain a lot of core details on the subject matter of the forum they're browsing, are no more likely to click "search" and find existing material on their topic of choice, let alone put a little effort into solving their puzzles themselves. They are convinced their question is unique or difficult and must get a custom-tailored answer.

So no, enabling search for all users wouldn't solve this problem. It's one of the greater troubles that plague the internet at large.

Edited, Apr 18th 2009 3:17pm by Norellicus
#26REDACTED, Posted: Apr 21 2009 at 10:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why are you even asking this? THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE IN STAT APPLICATION FOR THE 3 TREES.
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