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#1 Apr 14 2009 at 6:23 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
These are the latest patch notes. Very little changed from what was up on the PTR patch notes. Only like 8 things. Very minor.

Patch Notes

It still says PTR patch notes, but those are the ones that are going forward and are easy to access from that link.
#2 Apr 14 2009 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
I'll admit I'm worried about feral tanks, especially after hearing rumors that Savage Defense is still rather buggy. The list of changes just looks depressing for ferals too; it basically reads as "Nerf nerf buff nerf nerf." Ho hum, we'll see!
#3 Apr 14 2009 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Indeed, I'm a little anxious to return home tonight to test out these changes (and download some 1-2GB crap, effectively busting my download limit). Many changes, when looked at in the right angle, didn't feel so bad. But seeing a whole list of them, yikes...

I think we'll be viable. I just hope we'll still be able to kick ***, that's the part I'm worried about.

Gonna have to test SD and its mechanics, see if Primal Gore is worth it for a tank build, and see if the shield does go away on any hit.

Some numbers were posted on mmo-champs, comparing Druids with other tanks from the point of view of Nihilum's Feral Tank. It didn't look good. I predict DK's will remain f'ing OP'd tanks, and I hate them with a fierce passion.

Now I'm gonna go weep in a corner in anticipation...

Edited, Apr 14th 2009 12:31pm by Selverein
#4 Apr 14 2009 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
39 posts
With all the changes to the talent tree(s) for us in this patch, I would assume Blizz is going to reset our talent trees. Can anyone confirm this or are we going to have to pay to change our talents?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Nevermind, I found my answer.

Edited, Apr 14th 2009 12:19pm by Codenamealpha
#5 Apr 14 2009 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
#6 Apr 14 2009 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
Out lasting stunlocks in pvp will be harder now that primal tenacity only lowers damage in catform. yet one more reason not to be in bearform during pvp. Here is question, doesn't this mean that pvp against druids will be even more bursty? Isn't that exactly what blizzard said they didn't want to do. Also, it isn't like ferals are over represented in the arena's best one hundred.
#7 Apr 14 2009 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Well the patch is upon us.

Ulduar is going to be fun. We are going to try as soon as we are all patched up and what not.

I got booted from the server last night right before Loken in HoL so I will most likely download and then do Hodir dailies first. I need the gold for gems and what not.

Plus the dailies will let me see how much damage FFF actually does now. Also will let me play around in cat form. The polishing the helm quest has a decent mob density, I will see how weak I am without SD. I want to know. Might have to shuffle my bars as if FFF does as much threat/damage as I have heard it will be in the main rotation.

Then it will be off to the bank and AH. Shuffling gear around, buying gems and maybe a new glyph. I know the nerfs will drop my HP but I want it to be higher than what it is now. I hear they hit hard in Ulduar.

I want to play with Primal Gore so I will be using it at first. Bear .

From here I don't know depends how Ulduar goes and Primal Gore.

We shall see.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#8 Apr 14 2009 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
Ok, I come back after several weeks of enjoying our newborn son and....omg. Why are they nerfing ferals?

Seems like PvE tanking will be easier (too easy) w 360-degree swipe and the fff buff, god. Maim can last no longer than 5 secs? Where's my bear armor? Tell me that DKs and retadins got hit at least as hard.
#9 Apr 14 2009 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
yeah im also sorta worried about druid tanks so i lvled up/started to gear up my prot pally the two tanks i loved lvling. i'm gonna try out feral first hopeing my guild does just try to jump into uld i think they are though 25 man sadly.
#10 Apr 14 2009 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Lets see, reduction of cd on starfall, typhoon daze and 2% more attributes..

#11 Apr 14 2009 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
659 posts
I like Starfall and I think the shortened cooldown is just what it needed. However, Typhoon is still brokenly retarded. I hear the daze effect wears off just after the target lands so it's pretty much useless.

Nature's Grace change is cool for PvE DPS, too. Overall, things are looking okay for Moonkins. I'm a little disappointed with our T8 4-set bonus. I hear it has a long internal cooldown.

Here is my Moonkin Raid Spec and here is my Feral Tanking Spec. I'll be raiding as a Moonkin and tanking as Feral on the side for fun. Can't wait!
#12 Apr 14 2009 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
438 posts
Ok, I come back after several weeks of enjoying our newborn son and....omg. Why are they nerfing ferals?

Did he taste good? How did you cook him? I like an overnight marinade, but a simple curry works well too.

>.> sorry too much time in lion form :P grats on the kid :)
#13 Apr 14 2009 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
NG proc change is absolutely amazing. I don't know if it will show an increase in dps for our eclipse rotations, but in theory I can see how it would. In the off chance you don't crit with starfire you're still gonna have the buff for the next cast which could crit.

I just like the idea of 3, 1 second wrath casts in a row. Can you say inc lazerz?
#14 Apr 14 2009 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
158 posts
I'm really thrilled about these

Starfall: Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds.

Glyph of Starfall: Changed to reduce the cooldown by 30 seconds.

Glyph of Monsoon: Reduces the cooldown of your Typhoon spell by 3 seconds.

I have no idea what is with that daze effect from Typhoon...I guess I'll see tomorrow.

Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild can now be cast while in Moonkin form.
Tree of Life: Now receives 240% increased armor. You can now use Nature's Grasp and Thorns while within this form. In addition, bla bla bla
were long-time expected.

Moonkin Form: Mana cost reduced.

(i'm a happy chicken)

Edited, Apr 14th 2009 10:57pm by dragonscale
#15 Apr 14 2009 at 4:38 PM Rating: Good
The way I see it, feral tanking is only weaker than other tanks if they're as competent as you. Thankfully my tank guildmates are either morons, facerolling DKs, or both, so I don't think I'll be replaced anytime soon.
#16 Apr 14 2009 at 5:45 PM Rating: Default
988 posts
I think they went completely overboard with the bear nerf. I honestly didn't expect them to be so freaking ignorant and follow through with this, leaving all those who don't currently have all best-in-slot items completely behind.

But it's fitting. Now that you have a 360 degree AOE attack you'll have to go back to CC'ing in order to keep the damage manageable - while at the same time you'd actually need a bazillion mobs on you to ensure the idiotic shield procs.

But hey, it's not that bad, right? We can all just run as trees now to gear up all the way to a full iLevel 213+ set before doing heroics as a bear with healers who might just be starting heroics as well...

So the reason to bring a bear besides pity or pure desperation because of not finding someone else is... a 5% melee crit increase? OMG how freaking awesome is that?

Looking forward to eating Hateful Strikes every second, knowing that my 2.5 attack speed won't be enough to keep a shield up. Why not scrap bear form altogether and officially make a Sponge Form?

Damn them...
#17 Apr 15 2009 at 4:26 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Whoa hold on there, it's not that bad. Don't blow it out of proportions either.

Sure, 2.5s attack speed, but also every GCD you're using something. Sure the shield won't be up for every attack you take, but then again if it was meant to be they would've given us a perma-shield.

I don't see what 360 Swipe has to be with CC. If anything we'll have to be more careful when there's CC around since we can't control the cone anymore, but it's not like we'll take more damage because of Swipe, unless you purposely leave mobs to hit you from behind.

I'm eager to get a few runs going, even just a few heroics to get a feeling of how things are. The only situation where I think a Bear tank will suck is a raid boss with a couple of small adds and either no off-tank or where some adds usually stick around the boss (slimes on Grobbulus, fire elementals on Sarth). In such cases I can see the small adds waste shield procs while the boss hits you for bigger numbers. That'd suck. But otherwise it shouldn't be so bad.

I'm still waiting on concrete stuff.
#18 Apr 15 2009 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
I don't see what 360 Swipe has to be with CC. If anything we'll have to be more careful when there's CC around since we can't control the cone anymore, but it's not like we'll take more damage because of Swipe, unless you purposely leave mobs to hit you from behind.

No, the thing is that you need to swipe a lot (or hit plenty of mobs) in order for crits to happen and thus bringing the shield up. That while at the same time the reduction in health and armor asks for a reduction of incoming damage and with that possibly the need to CC. Now of course a controlled mob isn't available to crit on...

The only situation where I think a Bear tank will suck is a raid boss with a couple of small adds and either no off-tank or where some adds usually stick around the boss (slimes on Grobbulus, fire elementals on Sarth). In such cases I can see the small adds waste shield procs while the boss hits you for bigger numbers. That'd suck. But otherwise it shouldn't be so bad.

You don't need to go that far. You have that situation already in UK right after the first boss, where you got one elite overseer and half a dozen non-elite ghouls.

Sure, 2.5s attack speed, but also every GCD you're using something. Sure the shield won't be up for every attack you take, but then again if it was meant to be they would've given us a perma-shield.

Actually... we did have a permanent "shield" which has now been taken away and replaced by pure randomness. Nerfing armor OR health would have been one thing, but cutting bonuses for both in half and replacing it with something that might offer some mitigation on occasion is just ridiculous.

No big deal maybe if you were completely decked out in 25-man gear, but a major issue for those just starting out or being somewhere in between.

#19 Apr 16 2009 at 4:32 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Again, sorry to say, but you're blowing it out of proportions. The nerf wasn't nearly bad enough to make us not viable for heroics. Heroics are said to be designed so that they could be tanked by a non-specced tank (Arms Warrior for example).

but cutting bonuses for both in half

That's something people brought back often, and it's inaccurate. It's the feeling you get because of the numbers you see. You see SotF going from 66% armor bonus to 33% armor bonus, but it's not like it's our only source of armor. You still get the inherent armor bonus from Bear and Thick Hide if you spec into it so, yes, you lose armor, but it's not like it's cut in half. Same with HotW, you still get the Bear natural bonus and you regain 2 of those 10% back through Imp MotW, so you don't lose that much.

I still got more health than the Prot Warrior in my guild, and I'm not fully Naxx25-geared like he is and I'm gemmed fully for Agility. I haven't checked, but I'm sure I have more armor too. The problem does not lie with the other old school tanks becoming far superior to us, it's that DK's were supposed to be nerfed to balance them but they are still grossly OP'd (Same health as a Druid, more armor, great avoidance).
#20 Apr 29 2009 at 12:03 AM Rating: Good
At this stage bears can easily tank any fight in regular 25 man Ulduar. It "may" be that we take more damage than other tanks but for easy mode that isn't really the an issue - the challenge of easy mode is learning the fights more than anything, not being able to heal the tank.

Where we may have problems is in the hard mode fights where you need to use less healers so you can take more DPS, or the healers are needed to heal extra tanks or extra raid damage (similar to Sarth3D). So far, I don't think there is enough feedback from druids attempting the hard modes for us to draw any conclusions at this stage, but it certainly is a concern.

For most of us though, this won't be an issue for some time - I know my guild will be a while getting through regular 25man Ulduar yet.

#21 Apr 30 2009 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
101 posts
...and my guild will take awhile to get through Ulduar too.

Surprisingly, the feedback from our healers is that I'm no harder to heal, and on some fights I'm easier. Looking at recount and wowebstats, I'm surprised how much pure mitigation I'm getting from my bear shield. I still have the highest health of all our tanks too.

On mobs, healers say I hardly need to be healed (well short of Ulduar at least). I think it's because they're so soft hitting the shield is absorbing 100% of some of their blows. On hard hitting bosses, I was probably better off with the higher armor and health though I'm not sure about that.
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