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Trouble Running Heroics. Follow

#1 Apr 12 2009 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
29 posts
I wonder whether I am the one who is doing this wrong or is the grp. HOS, HOL are very difficult instances. I can't seem to keep everyone alive. Always some one except for the tank has to die. PoM, CoH, PoH, Renew, greater heals, Flash Heals, dispelling are mostly the spells I used and yet I can;t keep the whole grp alive. I do notice some things are wrongs. Here is my observation from my recent runs.

1. They just wanna rush the whole instance.
2. The tank never never look at the healers mana pool when he is pulling the next grp. I have mentioned to them to watch over the casters mana pool before the next pull and they keep saying I am watching.
3. No marking or CC used. Wonder why but during the BC times, we work by marking em and it was much simpler to deal wif.
4. They tend to let the stray run and it aggros the other grp while I am healing and the other grp comes to me. So I use shield and fade. Yet sometimes it comes right back at me and I am forced to use fear.

I have no trouble running H UK, H VH, H OK but this HOS and HOL is a real pain. Even in H UK, the tank was tanking the dragon which was facing us. When the dragon breathes flames the whole grp gets hit and I have to spam prayer of healing and circle and pom.

In HoS, there was a mage in my grp and we were at the last boss. Told him to use the spell steal as this shield does about 4000 nature damage but yea I still see the shield up. So I took upon myself to dispel this.

Do you think they are excepting the unrealistic from the priest. Sorry guys but this is my 1st time doing heals and can be very frustating. Its like the whole burden is on the priest. Some of them don;t seem to contribute on their part and thats what makes me get annoyed about it. I like doing heals and its fun but dying for no reasons like the ones I mentioned is really annoying. I have hust took a 2 day break from running my priest and rolled a sharman for levelling. I just wanted to relax for awhile before running back in again.

So am I doing something wrong here. When I had greens and alittle blues here and there I was able to heal and keep the whole grp alive without any trouble. But now its really an issue for me. I am in the midst of running heroics to get my gears.

I have linked once again my armory. Is this toon ready for heroics and 10 man naxx?
Also is there an instance guide where I can learn more about the instance.

Once again thank you for your valuable feedback. Much appreciated.


#2 Apr 12 2009 at 11:25 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Wow you have run with some really bad tanks.

I rush the instance, don't mark, don't CC. But I do kill runners, turn mobs away from groups, and make sure my heals has over half mana for a pull.

HoS is rough in places, the event is hard. HoL is easy though, VH can be harder. OK is harder.

Even in H UK, the tank was tanking the dragon which was facing us. When the dragon breathes flames the whole grp gets hit and I have to spam prayer of healing and circle and pom.

That is very bad. I mean that tank failed at tank 101.

You had a bad few days, some bad PuGs. Don't worry.

I would take you to Naxx10 and any heroic any day of the week.

Don't get discouraged.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#3 Apr 12 2009 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I ran H DK today as a Holy priest like you, and had people die.

I have almost 2300 SP self buffed, 7% haste and 16% crit and still can not keep everyone alive all the time. Their are going to be times that people will die no matter how good a healer you are.

DPS today do not care about how much aggro they get because they expect you, as the healer to keep them alive. For them it is all about the DPS meters.

I still die in instances because of healing aggro because a lot of tanks out there just plain sux.

The parties gear and knowledge of the instance make a huge difference. Pugs are pugs, some will be so easy and others will be impossible.

#4 Apr 13 2009 at 10:30 AM Rating: Excellent
736 posts
I think things'll get better after 3.1

I say this because by and large your upset because you can't make up for the shortcomings of the people around you. Your so used to it from your experiences with lower tier WoTLK instances, you seem to think it's your duty in more difficult content. Just because we had the copious amounts of mana necessary to carry bad groups, never meant that it was right.

And in harder content, it's much more difficult to do.

Although BC is before my time, my sybling is a Bear Tank from then, and she greatly bemoans the loss of the group dynamics. It's not just HOL & HOS, it's everywhere. Tanking being revamped in WoTLK to be incredibly effective and Mana being neigh endless made for a cocktail of wanton recklessness which some have been drinking deep. Hopefully with the endless mana ingredient being removed, we'll have a bit more sober group dynamics and bit less of the aimless stumbling of the tactically blotto.

TL;DR version: Because Mana Regen is too powerful, there are some unfair expectations of you. But hopefully with the mana regen changes in 3.1 reckless players will have to, as my dear sister likes to put it, "shape the f^*k up".

I will say this,
Some tanks really do understand your mana mechanics, others, just think they do.
To be fair, it's a bit more ambiguous than it appears on the surface, things like Shadowfiend or a mob with an AOE attack can really throw someone's external calculations of your mana pool for a loop. You know your mana better than anyone, so the responsibility to make sure you have enough mana for the next pull should rest on your shoulders. It's one thing if they outright ignore your plaintive chirps for "Mana", it's another if your relying on someone else to chirp for you.

Edited, Apr 13th 2009 3:24pm by Zemzelette
#5 Apr 13 2009 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
You are also at that difficult window, gear wise, where you need the drops from the heroics, but the groups just want to be carried. It sounds like you are doing quite well in light of that, but if you are getting frustrated, I'd take a step back.

UK, VH, and Nexxus are the easiest for a holy priest. That's 10 badges a day, maybe more if one of them is the daily. Run those first, and maybe toss in a DTK or UP if you still have time. Get your badge gear, and things will be much easier. Try to get into Nax ASAP as well.

I have 2470sp self-buffed, Undying etc etc, and have still never completed H HoL (not that I've tried in a long time). PUGs suck.
#6 Apr 13 2009 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
Halls of Stone and Halls of Lightning are by far my two most hated Heroic dungeons to heal. The mobs before Loken hit like freight trains and the poison spears do stupid amounts of damage. I have now decided I am never going to do them ever again. Ive got the achievement, i am happy.

And if your tank isnt marking things then he is a bad tank. Alot of heroics can be facerolled without marking things, but when you have two mobs with 130k hp doing crazy amounts of damage to random people, you need the dps to be focused on one target.
#7 Apr 13 2009 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
hint: dont be afraid to use PW:S. in HoL this spell is godly. shield yourself and a melee pre-fight and all will be well.
#8 Apr 13 2009 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Thank you all for the encouragment. Just taking a break for awhile. Tried HoS heroics and went fine. Atleast this time most of them who ran this time were friends of mine whom I met during normal instance running. No wipes and I was satisfied with the run. Atleast this time the tank knew what he was doing. Even the mage, hunter and dks know how to CC.

I wonder whether its best to leave the grp if i see things not going well. Will save tons of repair bills. Maybe I am just too soft to speak up.

Its sooo easy for the grp to say tanking was fine, dpsing was fine but not wif heals. Hard so swallow a pill like that. If i did something wrong and I know it was my fault i would tell the grp and apologize for my mistake. However if its not and they say it was heals I cannot accept that.

Maybe like what you guys say, its just a bad day.

Thank you so much guys. Really appreciate it.

Btw i am not able to find a good instance guide. Anyone knows?

#9 Apr 13 2009 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
Pugs in general suck I've found. I run with a good group of people pretty steady, though I'm not held to a guild. We don't mark things anymore, but have been running together for over 4 months now. Still, HOL and HOS are (IMO) the harder instances to heal. I run 8 Man Naxx without the difficulties I run into in HOL and HOS. Funny you should mention marking. Was running ZF on my Lock with a RL buddie who was on his pally tank. After the 4th pull I started marking the instance, and gave directions on focus fire (we actually had someone who had never run it before in the group!). We went from zero to hero. I like pugs that mark. But back to pug healing.

My healing rules of hard knox.
You and the tank shall live. If the dps isn't/can't watch their agro, it's their problem. If they die, they are the first to die! If you are going to wipe, you and the tank are the last to die. If we can get to the dps, great... otherwise it's their fault they can't get Omen3 or some other threat meter to reduce their damage taken to aoe and what not.

And if they quit? Meh, dps are a dime a dozen. Ever have a long wait for a dps? Not like finding a tank or healer I'm sure!

I have a Shaman, and he pulls agro quite often. I have to have a threat meter, because I don't want to be the reason for a wipe and I don't think the healer should have to do more than a Shield and Renew once and a while.

I also have a pally tank! Woot! Since I've started playing WoW I've always wanted to get a pug whenever I wanted. Everyone is always looking for a tank or a healer, so my first toon was a tank. A good RL friend taught me to tank and the very first thing he instilled in me was to check your casters mana (espically your healers as he is the one to keep you alive). Waiting 30 sec for a drink is less time consuming than wiping and running back, rebuffing ect ect ect. I personally consider it Tanking 101. As a tank, you are the "leader" in the group. A good time to show off your group skills. When you do find a good tank, add him. They are hard to find now and days.

As for 10 man? Yes, you are just below the recomended marks (1500sp/800mp5). You should be fine. Go and get that T7 gear!
And don't let the pugs get you down. You could be my wingman any time!
#10 Apr 13 2009 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
Simskin wrote:

My healing rules of hard knox.
You and the tank shall live. If the dps isn't/can't watch their agro, it's their problem. If they die, they are the first to die! If you are going to wipe, you and the tank are the last to die. If we can get to the dps, great... otherwise it's their fault they can't get Omen3 or some other threat meter to reduce their damage taken to aoe and what not.

And if they quit? Meh, dps are a dime a dozen. Ever have a long wait for a dps? Not like finding a tank or healer I'm sure!

I didn't bother reading further than this, then I facepalmed long and hard before I released my pent-up despair in a world-weary sigh of fairly epic proportions. Yes, if the dps overaggro and get smeared on the ground, it's not your fault. But it's not your job to punish them for their mistakes, nor the group you're in. You are the designated healer. Yes, the tank needs to stay alive, but you never have the privilege to say "No, you don't get heals because you're dps".

Guess what? Without the dps, you ain't taking the boss down anyway. There's three parts of any group these days, discounting CC. Tanks, Healers aaaaaaand DPS! The latter just as important as the former. It's a bloody fire triangle, except we'll call it a phat lewt triangle instead. Take away any of the three sides, and poof, no phat lewt and no fire.

All are equally important, and as healer, it's your bloody job to keep them all up! If they can't do their jobs properly, well sheet, replace them. But until the encounter is over and done with, you bloody heal them because it's your job and you just might end up being replaced by someone with a little bit higher work ethic. You know, someone who can watch the green bars on the party frames and react accordingly...

Stop pissing on the dps just because you make shiny lights around the tank. They're as important as you are.
#11 Apr 14 2009 at 12:26 AM Rating: Default
29 posts
I do agree that its my job to keep all alive. If not dun roll a priest, just roll a lock and dps the hell to your hearts content.

Everyone has a part to play. You tell me, 2 dino adds on me and they still dpsing the boss. My evasive spells like fade, fear were on CDs, so what u expect me to do then. I even thow up binding heals and tell them i have adds and they dun even care about it. In this run the mage was around, could have used frost nova. DK could have used dark command and bring the mob to him.

Look everyone who comes to the instance should know what to expect and also teamwork is important. Just like its the job of the tank to keep the mobs to him and the dpsers to bring them down, so is the priest job to keep them alive. Its also important to them that they need to assist the priest as well.

We have vast arrays of spells but likewise so does the dpsers and the tank. My main proity is keeping the tank alive and using big heals on him, Tank goes down, dspers dies, Dspers also needs healing. In short everyone needs heals and to make sure that heals comes, keep the healer alive.

Thats what I am asking. Thats not too much to ask from a healer rite.

#12 Apr 14 2009 at 6:39 AM Rating: Default
151 posts
I do agree that we need to try and keep everyone alive, but for crying out loud!!!!

If the DPS cannot provide their DPS within the limits of the tank, they are at fault for their death. I'm currently 61 and decently geared for my level(armory down, but realm:Anub'arak name Healglabb) I commonly heal way above my level for guild with people who know their role (at 56 I healed Scholo, at 60 Shatt Halls). However when it comes to Pugs in Hellfire I have yet to complete the Ramps!!!

This is entirely because the group dynamic has been lost. People assume since I am a Healing Preist that they can pull whatever amount of aggro they want and we'll be ok. I'm Disc, so i lean towards being better at single target heals/ damage mitigation than group-wide aoe heals. With DK's being overpowered and tanks not knowing how to hold aggro, we end up with three tanks despite any plea from the healer.

It IS my job to keep them alive, but it is also their job to not f**k up and pull aggro off the tank!! I've given a DK a high repair bill on purpose and told him i was doing so because he was not the tank - he died 11 times in a single ramps run while the tank only died on wipes.
#13 Apr 14 2009 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
It IS my job to keep them alive, but it is also their job to not f**k up and pull aggro off the tank!!

It's also their job to get out of the way of easily avoidable AOE instead of expecting to be healed through it. And to listen and do what they need to do to keep from dying. I've sworn off Nexus PUGs. Apparently me being unable to heal everyone through the damage the end bosses stacking debuff does makes me a crap healer. Whatever. I do my best to keep everyone alive but I'm not a miracle worker.

A lot of people do expect too much of us healers. I think people also expect too much of plate wearers though. I've lost count of the number of times I've found out our "tank" is actually a DPS spec who has never tanked before and who's had no choice but to tank or leave and find another group.

With DK's being overpowered and tanks not knowing how to hold aggro, we end up with three tanks despite any plea from the healer.

I don't find that too much of a problem at the moment, I need lots of mana breaks but can keep them alive without too much difficulty. It's when the tank can't hold aggro and the DPS are squishies I have real problems and have to decide who lives and who dies.
#14 Apr 17 2009 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
NorthAl The Hand, I like you! Lots of passion there, missplaced as it is. Lots of passion.
I think you are missing the point that was said again and again in this thread, and my point.

DPS today do not care about how much aggro they get because they expect you, as the healer to keep them alive. For them it is all about the DPS meters.

Just because we had the copious amounts of mana necessary to carry bad groups, never meant that it was right.

You tell me, 2 dino adds on me and they still dpsing the boss. My evasive spells like fade, fear were on CDs, so what u expect me to do then. I even thow up binding heals and tell them i have adds and they dun even care about it.

If the DPS cannot provide their DPS within the limits of the tank, they are at fault for their death.

It IS my job to keep them alive, but it is also their job to not f**k up and pull aggro off the tank!!

It's also their job to get out of the way of easily avoidable AOE instead of expecting to be healed through it

All to often we run into
Its sooo easy for the grp to say tanking was fine, dpsing was fine but not wif heals. Hard so swallow a pill like that. If i did something wrong and I know it was my fault i would tell the grp and apologize for my mistake. However if its not and they say it was heals I cannot accept that.
Justify that.

Your right,
you never have the privilege to say "No, you don't get heals because you're dps"
But I reserve the right to say, "No, you don't get heals because your were just stupid." I don't call them MY rules of HARD KNOX because I think they are nice, and you don't have to follow MY rules.


Edited, Apr 17th 2009 10:22pm by Simskin
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