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#1 Apr 11 2009 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
Hey Guys.

I'm currently a level 65 Protection Pally. Respeced from Ret to Prot at 60. I was just wondering as a Prot Pally what is more important Intellect or Agility. I do know Strength and Stamina is most important.

Also since I'm writing, At level 80 I plan on getting the gear Pre-Raid listed on Pally Tank Guide. I was wondering what I should get for sockets. What stats are most important?

Thanks for all your help.
#2 Apr 11 2009 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
210 posts
Well first off welcome to being an awesome pally tank, tons of fun. Since you know that there is a gear list for pre-raid gear, I'm guessing that you haven't fully read it since it covers all stats needed, gem choices and all that other fun stuff. As far as intellect vs. agility, personaly I'd stick with intellect since being able to toss off a few spells or a quick heal is always nice
#3 Apr 11 2009 at 6:25 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
TagH wrote:
Hey Guys.

I'm currently a level 65 Protection Pally. Respeced from Ret to Prot at 60. I was just wondering as a Prot Pally what is more important Intellect or Agility. I do know Strength and Stamina is most important.

Also since I'm writing, At level 80 I plan on getting the gear Pre-Raid listed on Pally Tank Guide. I was wondering what I should get for sockets. What stats are most important?

Thanks for all your help.

Stats you want:

Stamina / Defense > Avoidance (dodge/parry/block), Block Value > Strength, +Hit, +Expertise > Agility.

Intellect is a dead stat like spirit to a Prot Pally. Yes it will slightly increase your spell damage and spell crit but Stam will increase your Spell Power a fair bit more through your Prot Talents and crit is well not needed when gearing up as a Protadin. Spells were changed a little while back too so having a larger mana pool doesn't give you more spells (since your spell cost is based off your mana pool nowadays).

When gearing up gem for def until your crit immune (540 def) then you can replace them with 24 stam gems or if yor going for socket bonuses the dodge/stam, dodge/defense gems.

Prot Pallies will initially have a harder time getting their HPs up while gearing up at 80 but this balances out once you can sub in more stam gems as your defense and avoidance get higher.

Dont worry about this too much as we have a fair bit more avoidance at the same time which lowers the % of damage we take. Dont forget to use Divine Protection when your in trouble. It works differently to Divine Shield allowing us to get hit and keep threat but reducing incoming damage by 50%.

Edited, Apr 12th 2009 2:29am by arthoriuss
#4 Apr 12 2009 at 3:07 AM Rating: Good
1,150 posts
Spells were changed a little while back too so having a larger mana pool doesn't give you more spells (since your spell cost is based off your mana pool nowadays)

As far as I knew, spell cost is a percentage of base mana, not total mana. So more int does allow for more spells. Which is exactly why Healadin run around with huge mana pools.
But still, Int is not an important stat for a tank.
#5 Apr 12 2009 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
EbanySalamonderiel wrote:
Spells were changed a little while back too so having a larger mana pool doesn't give you more spells (since your spell cost is based off your mana pool nowadays)

As far as I knew, spell cost is a percentage of base mana, not total mana. So more int does allow for more spells. Which is exactly why Healadin run around with huge mana pools.
But still, Int is not an important stat for a tank.

This is true, in both regards. Blizz wouldn't be stupid enough to make increasing your mana pool completely pointless.
#6 Apr 12 2009 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
At the same time though, a Paladin tank is constantly regaining mana (if they are doing things right :P), so there is no need to increase our mana pool at all. While leveling up, it's no big deal, and you may find having some extra intellect to be worthwhile when soloing. But, having intellect on your gear while in any type of group setting is completely irrelevant.

Same with agility to a certain degree. If you get gear that happens to have agility on it, as long as its other stats make it an upgrade, then cool. But, don't actively seek out agility. Other stats are far more important.

I disagree somewhat on what arthoriuss said in regard to stats. Defense is your first priority: 540 minimum. Then it's situational which stats will give the best results, not a cut and dry stamina > avoidance. Some fights your avoidance will help you very little, so a high health pool is the better way to go. Others, avoiding as much as you can will help you live longer than a very high health pool. Some situations block with a high block value means a lot, others it means very little. 2 ways you can prepare for this:

1) keep a few spare pieces of gear to change depending on the mechanics of a fight. I have my normal tanking set up, then I have a "block kit" mostly for trash or add tanking, and I have an "avoidance kit" for bosses like Patchwerk.

2) if you don't want all that gear, just try to keep a good balance of stamina and avoidance at all times. Reach for the 102.4% block cap while getting as much stamina as you can.

Don't go for one so much that you ignore the other, but balance the 2.

I also would say strength > block value. Strength adds BV and AP, so with strength you are not only upping your mitigation through blocking and threat from Shield of Righteousness, but increasing threat from melee and everything else that scales with your AP. Thankfully though you won't have to worry about choosing one over the other much of the time.

Gems: I use Solid Sky Sapphire for blue sockets, Enduring Forest Emerald for yellow sockets, and Regal Twilight Opal for red sockets, or like my gear is now when I have no red sockets but need a red to activate a meta. You should also consider Thick Autumn's Glow for trying to get to defense cap.

For meta I go with Austere Earthsiege Diamond, though you could argue that the Eternal one is better, particularly if you are not yet at the defense cap, or having trouble staying there.
#7 Apr 12 2009 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
I think some of the folks responding here have lost sight of the question. The question wasn't which stats are most important. The question was, which is better: intellect or agility?

And the answer is that neither one is better than the other because they're both so trivial for a prot pally. If you're thinking of enchants and your only reasonable options for a particular slot are agility or intelligence, you're better off leaving the slot unenchanted and save the gold/mats for something else. You're not likely to find gear options that will have the same values of "good" stats (ie. stam, str, def) but force you to choose between agility and intellect.
#8 Apr 12 2009 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
The question was, which is better: intellect or agility? ---And the answer is that neither one is better than the other because they're both so trivial for a prot pally. If you're thinking of enchants and your only reasonable options for a particular slot are agility or intelligence, you're better off leaving the slot unenchanted and save the gold/mats for something else. You're not likely to find gear options that will have the same values of "good" stats (ie. stam, str, def) but force you to choose between agility and intellect.

No the answer is agility.

Agility (agi)

* 52.08 agility = +1% dodge chance. This is somewhat less efficient than Dodge Rating at increasing your dodge chance (39.35 dodge rating = +1% dodge chance), but with Blessing of Kings the number decreases to 47.35 agility, which makes it about 80% as efficient as agility.
* 52.08 agility = +1% melee crit chance.
* 1 agility = 2 armor.
* Agility is often overlooked as a tanking stat, but it's actually an efficient way to get avoidance, mitigation, and threat from one stat.

Intellect (int)

* 1 intellect = +15 total mana. This increases the size of your starting mana pool and the maximum amount of mana you can store at any point. It also increases the rate of mana regeneration from effects that restore a fraction of your mana pool, such as Replenishment, Blessing of Sanctuary, and Divine Plea. This is a nice effect, but it doesn't make intellect worthwhile as a stat for tanking gear.
* 166.67 Intellect = +1% chance to crit with spells, but all Prot paladin offensive abilities except Exorcism use the melee crit rate.

Stamina / Defense > Avoidance (dodge/parry/block), Block Value > Strength, +Hit, +Expertise > Agility.

When you hit 80, stat progression generally looks like this: Def to 540->Avoidance including block until 102.4%-> Stam-> +Hit(best threat stat we have until capped at 8%)->Pure Avoidance(dodge/parry/agi)->Str/AP/Block Value/Crit(basic threat modifiers)->Expertise(reason for this being last is we get 16 for free-6 from talents+10 glyphed, and its very difficult not to find any on gear as its a prime warr threat stat).

That is to say, you'll 1st need to be crit immune(540 def), then you'll need to strive for hit immune(102.4% total avoidance), then you'll want to increase your Effective Health(stam and armor are best ways to do this). Once you've attained gear required for the the 1st 2, start balancing out your gear with more threat/pure avoidance pieces while maintaining crit and hit immune. And as always tanking is situational, keep any gear you acquire at 80 as you never know when you'll need that +def or +dodge trinket or extremely high passive block set.
#9 Apr 12 2009 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
mahlerite wrote:
The question was, which is better: intellect or agility? ---And the answer is that neither one is better than the other because they're both so trivial for a prot pally. If you're thinking of enchants and your only reasonable options for a particular slot are agility or intelligence, you're better off leaving the slot unenchanted and save the gold/mats for something else. You're not likely to find gear options that will have the same values of "good" stats (ie. stam, str, def) but force you to choose between agility and intellect.

No the answer is agility.

You're missing the main point: you're never going to get enough of agility or intellect on gear for you to stack enough to make either of them worthwhile without directly sacrificing the stats you really do want to get it. That more than anything is what makes both of them so trivial. It's like a mage asking which is better...defense or agility. It doesn't matter which is better because the extent to which you'll find them on gear means that unless you go out of your way to stack those stats, the impact it has on any aspect of your performance will be so miniscule as to not be worth considering.

I'm not intending to rip on anyone, but a simple question deserves a simply answer. Which is better for a prot pally: intelligence or agility? Neither. If you're itemizing properly, you're not going to get enough of either of them to justify worrying about the trivial increases you'll see in your performance.

If you really wanted to nitpick, the best you could say would be that it's highly situational. Sometimes having that tiny extra bit of mana could make all the difference in the world. Other times might leave you wondering if the fraction of a percentage to your dodge % from the trivial amount of agility on your cloak enchant might have saved you from a graveyard run (even though you'd never know for sure one way or the other). The bottom line is that intellect and agility is extremely rare on tank/dps plate, so the situational elements never even come into play.
#10 Apr 13 2009 at 12:21 AM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
If you're looking for enchants your best bet would be to buy some knothide or heavy knothide armor kits from the AH. These are usually pretty cheap on most servers and will boost your stamina which translates into higher HP and higher spellpower (spellpower = damage/threat).

If you're looking at quest armor pieces and have to choose between a piece with agility or intellect, you're better off going with the piece with agility (as long as you're not sacrificing strength/stamina to do it). The agility will slightly increase your dodge, armor, and crit.

HOWEVER, this is only in a worst case scenario. Ideally you won't be ever touching agility.

Keep in mind he's 65 and leveling. He doesn't need raid level efficiency.
#11 Apr 13 2009 at 2:44 AM Rating: Excellent
2,183 posts
Also keep in mind the OP asked about what to do at level 80 and said they were going for the gear listed in Losie's thread. Yes, it was specifically about gems, but you could interpret the last sentence to be a more general question as well, so imo it's a good idea to cover all bases here =P It seemed to me that the OP was not concerned with just the leveling aspect of the Prot Paladin.

It's true: in a situation where you choose between agility or intellect, you should choose agility, but I am hard pressed to find any situation at the OP's level or higher where this is remotely going to be an issue, thus the answer is "neither is better". The only Agility I have on my gear, and have had on it for a while now, is from a +10 stats to chest enchant and my Frosthide Leg Armor. Only intellect I have had on my gear since they changed Palys to use Warrior gear and changed gear around, again the +10 stats enchant.
#12 Apr 13 2009 at 6:23 AM Rating: Good
713 posts

Brain fart on the int->mana pool spell cost. My apologies. I probably should have said that the stats priority that I listed was meant for as the OP upgrades from level 65. It was not intended for when he hits 80. For that I would agree with what Maulgak, Mahlerite and AureliusSir have said 100%.

I think that agility, intellect and spirit are all poor stats for a Prot pally. Apart from the Frosthide Leg Armor there will always be something better to enchant or gem for. IMO agility's 'tank buffs' are designed with Feral Druid tanks in mind not Protection Paladins.
#13 Apr 13 2009 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
970 posts
Maulgak wrote:
It's true: in a situation where you choose between agility or intellect, you should choose agility, but I am hard pressed to find any situation at the OP's level or higher where this is remotely going to be an issue, thus the answer is "neither is better". The only Agility I have on my gear, and have had on it for a while now, is from a +10 stats to chest enchant and my Frosthide Leg Armor. Only intellect I have had on my gear since they changed Palys to use Warrior gear and changed gear around, again the +10 stats enchant.

It will soon be a moot point - a quick search of the wonderful database at this very site shows exactly 0 plate items higher than player level 70 with at least 15 in agility or intellect and at least 15 in any meaningful tanking stat.

So it's a question strictly for leveling, and I agree with the answer already given - if it's a choice between two pieces of Outland leveling gear, it really doesn't matter which you choose (the agility is slightly better, but like Ret and unlike Holy you'll be starting to reboot your non-epic gear very soon after hitting Northrend).

Another thing for the OP to consider in the future - dual spec is so close to the horizon we can already see the first rays shining from it. If you plan to make use of it, you'll want to learn the stats that are important to your chosen offspec (as well as your mainspec) so that you can make good choices of quest rewards, particularly in Northrend. You can build quite a nice starter set from just questing and blue crafted items, with a little care.
#14 Apr 13 2009 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
If you take it from a leveling perspective - it's definately INT. Leveling Prot is all about your mana. If you have mana - you'll live/win. No mana = Death.

When you get into end game. If you are saying everything else is equal - and simply asking if you take AGI over INT - you take agility. Agility = some more avoidance. INT = more mana. As a tank - you don't need more mana, you need healing to replenish mana - Not a larger mana pool.

As a side note - Running regular instances does not require good tanking gear/stats. Yes - Agility will help you at 70 tank a 70 instance, but as most of your time is spent leveling, you'd be wise to just get the INT. That being said - if you intend to tank instances on your way to 80 - Focus on Stamina, Defense, Armor, and STR. If they are available - Get other stuff...

When you get to 80 you focus on getting your def to 535 (Heroics) and 540 (Raids). After hitting 535/540 you focus on stacking stamina until you are 25k to 27k+. (Raid buffed that will carry you well into the 31k+ range). After that point you focus on getting your total avoidance up to like 103% to be what is called "Block Capped". After you are block capped you reroll a new toon.

Edited, Apr 13th 2009 4:36pm by Borsuk
#15 Apr 13 2009 at 10:14 PM Rating: Good
110 posts
ElMuneco wrote:
It will soon be a moot point - a quick search of the wonderful database at this very site shows exactly 0 plate items higher than player level 70 with at least 15 in agility or intellect and at least 15 in any meaningful tanking stat.

There is at least one. Quest reward.
Gauntlets of Vigilence ->

Binds when picked up
Hands Plate
1308 Armor
+51 Strength
+34 Agility
+76 Stamina
Durability 45 / 45
Equip: Increases defense rating by 34 (8.61 @ L77)
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