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DK tanking qqFollow

#1 Apr 11 2009 at 2:06 PM Rating: Good
123 posts
Hi everyone,

Just thought i'd say hallo! Got 80 on DK tonight so thought i'd come say hey. I also had a quick question regarding tanking. I have done my best to gear up using guides and talents for a high threat frost spec. Not having ventured into a heroic yet, guild wants to do a couple of runs tomorrow. As you can see from my link I managed to get the nice tempered titansteel helm and gem it, the boots should come tomorrow, just need to get the mats. I also need some new glyphs ><, havn't had time yet.

I was just wondering if there is anything i can do to better ready myself for first heroics tomorrow? I dont yet have very high rep with wyrmrest, sons of hodir or the other one for enchants/gear. (working on it though!)

Cheers in advance, and Happy Easter!
#2 Apr 11 2009 at 3:12 PM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
You can actually LOSE some Defense in favor of other gems if you want. You only need 535 for everyday Heroics (but I would just keep it at 540 anyway). Going above the uncrittable number isn't bad, but it is better left until after you get other things up.

Adversely, you can grab more Defense and replace SSG with Sword Shattering for 4% more Parry.

Other than that, I would just do my best to get my AP and Sta as high as possible without going under 540 Defense.

Do you know if your group will have a Shaman in it tomorrow? If it will, lose Icy Talons.

Either way, I would alter the spec to be more like this, with that last point going wherever you want. If you are REALLY nervous about keeping hate, you can take Morbidity--but it just isn't that good. Using DnD every 15 seconds utterly destroys your rotations, and you can get similar hate out of an HB every 5 seconds (especially if you have 5/5 KM and 3/3 Rime).

And I always go for Epidemic when using diseases, because it makes my rotation times line up nicely. Normal diseases are 12 seconds. Epidemic makes it 18. That is enough to get all your HBs and BSs in, a Runic dump and then reapply them. Otherwise, you'll lose decent threat here.

People debate the usefulness of Hungering Cold for tanking. Personally, I don't like it--too many things are immune to it, and those that aren't resist like hell/break quickly. Plus, the minute a party member hits the thing, it unfreezes. Also, with FS and RS, you have enough stresses on your RP as it is.

You can take Rune Tap--I don't like it, but others swear by it. You regain 10% of your health (20% if glyphed, also giving 10% to your party) for 1 Blood Rune. If you use it in the same rotation as Unbreakable Armor, you won't get that screwed up--you'll still have 1 Death Rune and 1 Unholy Rune available the next time around for an Oblit or HB (or to put up diseases).

Death Chill is a decent choice, and using it at the start of a fight will guarantee enough hate you won't even need to touch DnD (after your IT is spread, of course). 80% of the time, I have a KM proc for that first HB, but it will last until your next one (and KM procs can carry over to your ITs). And 2 minutes is short enough you can likely fit it into (at LEAST) every other group of mobs.

You can put 1 point into Ravenous Dead, giving you an additional 140 AP for additional threat on your ITs and HBs.

You can also put it into Virulence, since missing SUCKS for DKs.

Acclimation is another option (I have no clue what instance you are doing, so who knows if this is a good choice).

As for Glyphs, go for Glyph of Obliterate definitely. After that, you have a lot of options. Glyph of UA is nice, but it isn't THAT much more mitigation. Personally, I'd take it, but it is up to you.

For the third, you can take:

Glyph of IBF, making you never have to worry about RP when using it.
Glyph of Frost Strike, which makes it easier to manage with RS.
Glyph of Rune Strike. More threat is more threat, but the numbers I have seen for this glyph aren't impressive.
Glpyh of DnD. If you take Morbidity, might as well make DnD better--you've already chosen to destroy your rotation.
Glyph of IT. 10 additional RP is nice, but you will only use this ability every other refresh, and only once. Not that great.
Glyph of Rune Tap. If you are taking Rune Tap, but don't want to take either of the first two glyphs, you might as well take this. 10% health to your party and 20% health to you is nice.

I'd consider one of the first two the most though. Frost Strike basically means you'll get to use it more often. IBF means you don't need to sacrifice a RS (or a FS) to use it.

For Minor Glyphs, take Horn of Winter, Pestilence and either Raise Dead or Blood Tap. Neither are that great, but BT is better if you are willing to give up a Bag slot and are worried about the damage you will take.

As for rotations:

Multi-target:PS>IT>Pest>HB>Pest>FS (if possible)>HB>Oblit>HB>FS (again, if possible), repeat.
Single-target: PS>IT>Oblit>BS>BS>FS>Oblit>Oblit>Oblit>FS, repeat.

IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#3 Apr 12 2009 at 12:03 AM Rating: Good
123 posts
Thanks Idiggory, that was immensly helpful!

As HP is my current issue I would like to get rid of the 8 defence and stack in another sta gem but i cannot see anyway of doing this until i get some better gear. Also regarding spec I would be tempted to get rune tap and the glyph, 20% to me and 10% to party seems like something not to be missed but I guess only while my health is low and the healer is learning.

Hungering cold was only something i got for pvp but i'm not too worried about that at the moment, specially with dual spec around the corner.

Other than rune tap i imagine i could swap to Virulence if i find myself not needing rune tap anymore.

Cheers for the help!

Edit: Made the changes and they worked a treat, just did Heroic VH with no wipes and had Water boss and the orb one ;), again cheers! Just waiting on someone putting up a glyph of rune tap :)

Edited, Apr 12th 2009 2:36pm by Arophous
#4 Apr 13 2009 at 1:16 AM Rating: Good
Glyph: Icy Touch+IBF+X, you will be RP starved if you are worth anything as a DK tank, anything to help with RP generation/efficiency is appreciated.

Nobody goes the IT line anymore (anyone not DW-ing).

Hungering actually works out well for Heroics simply because it's another proactive mitigation talent against trash.

Acclimation is too iffy at 1 point (I have it currently at 1), too hit or miss to be justified.

Simple things to remember, pestilence is your friend after DnD which should start every fight. HB when its up, macro Deathchill to your Obliterate and/or HB.

I know Glacier Rot indicates that you should start PS to IT, but trash pulls you can afford to go IT to PS and postpone PS for a GCD on HB (again DnD takes precendence).

And I know its a day late.
#5 Apr 13 2009 at 3:40 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
i dig rune tap for heroics. theres more than one fight where your healer might end up in a bad position, either on a boss pull or just on trash, and being able to get 22% of you life back glyphed (cause the glyph increases healing done by rune tap by another 10%) can mean the difference between a near miss and a death run. people say "does it really make the much of a difference?" and my response is that yes, it does. raid bosses have been downed with a tank having less than 100 life left, so being able to insta-heal yourself for 22% more or less on a whim is nice.

furthermore, combo rune tap with raise dead/army of the dead and death pact for a huge hunk of burst healing every few minutes. which brings me to another points; consider army of the dead another defensive CD as a tank. since it reduces damage dealt to you by a percent equal to your parry + dodge, in tanking gear, especially with blade barrier up and anticipation specced, you're looking at a 35-40% damage reduction in fairly entry level gear. hit AotD if things are starting to look grim (i.e. this isnt a panic time just yet) and follow it up once youre done channeling with a rune tap. add in death pact as soon as you have the runic power for another huge hunk of health, and tack on IBF either before or after the pact for even more mitigation.
#6 Apr 13 2009 at 4:55 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Glyph: Icy Touch+IBF+X, you will be RP starved if you are worth anything as a DK tank, anything to help with RP generation/efficiency is appreciated.

Considering the CD, it is INCREDIBLY easy to just anticipate when you will be using this and hold back one RS. 20 RP every minute will not make, or break, a tank. Being able to not take this glyph in favor of a better one is a much better investment if the tank is even slightly competent. Icy Touch is not worth the glyph at all, imo. You will only use IT once every 20 seconds. That is an additional .5 RP per second. NOT worth a Major Glyph slot. Oblit is FAR more necessary.

Nobody goes the IT line anymore (anyone not DW-ing).

It is perfectly valid if you plan on running 5/10 mans or 25 mans without a Shaman. Sure, it is best if you can pass it up, but it isn't like its a horrible talent. It just isn't as useful for DKs as other classes.

Hungering actually works out well for Heroics simply because it's another proactive mitigation talent against trash.

I find it incredibly interesting that you demanded he take the IBF glyph, because RP is such a commodity, but then insist that he takes a 40 RP ability that is only okay, in the best of scenarios.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#7 Apr 13 2009 at 6:07 AM Rating: Good
123 posts
Thanks for the suggestions, I managed to tank DTK yesterday and still had not replaced my BA glyph ><. Still i have found myself deviating from rotations depending on what comes at me. I guess thats how the class plays and i'm sure again it will change as i get better geared.

#8 Apr 13 2009 at 7:01 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Thanks for the suggestions, I managed to tank DTK yesterday and still had not replaced my BA glyph ><. Still i have found myself deviating from rotations depending on what comes at me. I guess thats how the class plays and i'm sure again it will change as i get better geared.

Lol, that is exactly how the DK plays as a tank (and, well, how most tanks seem to play in my opinion). You aren't doing anything wrong. As time progresses and your avoidance increases, you may get more used to the unique rhythm, but don't expect it to be anything like a Blood DpS plays, with an extremely tight rotation that varies only slightly even when using their CDs.

You aren't doing anything wrong. Your two goals are threat production and mitigation. If you can accomplish these, you are successful. Over time, you will learn to manage other things, too (such as higher DpS, tighter rotations, the ability to design an upcoming rotation around a CD you can anticipate using, raid utility, etc.)

Just keep at it.^^
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#9 Apr 13 2009 at 9:23 PM Rating: Good
Umm, I am spamming FS/RS as much as I can, I rather not worry about the 20 RP during the middle of an encouter, and I am not spamming IBF everytime it comes up unlike some DK tanks (hell I stopped using IBF and UA in raids period unless its Sarth3D or something went wrong). Basically, this glyph is good in PvE when your gear level dictates that you use IBF alot or when you aren't needing to use IBF at all (I am in the latter and the OP is in the former).

IT is being tapped if something messes up my rotation or I need to get something with Grip down.

Umm, you missed my point on Hungering. Your DnD will not be up 100% in between pulls so you can opt for a Hungering and keep the group going, plus it condenses any AoE pull into 1 GCD.
#10 Apr 14 2009 at 12:39 AM Rating: Good
123 posts
I have now got to 25k HP after swapping in a better belt/gemming. However I now have another question. I have looked up the Unfaltering Knight Sigil, Chained Military Gorget and (for gold)Earthguard Neck. I now have 20 emblems, so should have 25 by the end of the day. Which is better to buy with emblems first, if any? Im confused as to the effect of the sigil, from what i do know i should be able to keep IT going every 30sec so the def buff doesnt break but can i rely on this?

I noticed if i got the gorget i would have the same def but lack the gem slot earthguard gives me, hence less +sta. I would loose out on +hit and dodge though.

If i got sigil, i could remove 53 def, probably the shield block trinket and gem on belt and try get the goss trinket and sta gem. I would also buy the earthguard neck and stack another sta gem in there. This would mean im probably at 449 def.

Any ideas which way to go? I just don't want to waste the emblems at this point in something i shouldn't.

Cheers, and sorry for the pestering ;)
#11 Apr 14 2009 at 5:18 AM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
from what i do know i should be able to keep IT going every 30sec so the def buff doesnt break but can i rely on this?

I don't advise it. Unpredictable factors such as Silence can mean you won't get off your IT, and you don't want to eat a crit.

I do have the sigil and I do think it's worth the emblems. People are still treating 540 as the Defense CAP, when it's the wrong mindset. Sure that should be your first target as it makes you uncrittable, but adding Defense beyond that gives us more avoidance and makes IBF more effective.

I don't mean to keep stacking Def in favour of other crucial stats, but having the bonus def from the sigil even if you are uncrittable without it (which I recommend any half-decent tank to be) is still a good thing.
#12 Apr 15 2009 at 2:08 AM Rating: Good
Your next badge item will depend on how soon you'll enter/get Naxx items.

I think I went necklace to belt to sigil.

You'll replace the trinket soon anyways if you go into Naxx/Sarth/VoA consistently (15 Valors isn't hard to get).
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