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Healing AssignmentsFollow

#1 Apr 05 2009 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I am in a new raiding guild which is doing 10 Naxx at this time.

I am speced Holy, and heal with a Palidin. We also have both a druid and Shaman dps that can help heal when needed.

The pld and myself are in about the same level gear which is pretty good.

My question is: Is it normal to have a holy priest mt heal, and the pld raid heal?
I thought it should be the other way around.

We did Patchwork the other day for the first time and took him down with no deaths at all.

I just thought it would be better if the pld mt healed and I raid healed. I know that I should not complain, which I am not, because we are clearing the content.

I just want us to do the best we can, and always thought of a Holy Priest as a raid healer.
#2 Apr 05 2009 at 10:05 PM Rating: Good
736 posts
I'm not sure if it's normal or not, as I'm Disc.

I will say, I've worked with Healadins for 10 man content and they usually scoop up the raid healing assignment with no qualms or difficulty.

Holy Light has a decent casting speed, for damned respectable throughput and an irritatingly low cost. It beats the pants off of Greater Heal, but can't even begin to hold a candle to Circle of Healing, Prayer of Healing or Prayer of Mending.

So maybe it was a decision based on the expected damage input of the fight?

If your contending against Adds, Threat control that could use a little work, DPS that just can't seem to learn where the line is, a PuG, or something else that would otherwise take a few targets down alot of HP at irregular intervals. The Healadin on the raid assignment would probably do a bang up job.

If your contending against massive AOE, medium AOE, AOE Poison/Disease, or any other circumstance that would take many targets down alot of HP at the same time. The Healadin on raid assignment would have a great deal of trouble. If there was no AOE to speak of and if threat was being managed with patchwerk precision, he'll probably be bored to tears on raid assignment.

You may think it's strange that I'm approaching this answer from the other person's perspective. That's because as a Priest you are blessedly versatile. Able to react (all heals), mitigate(pw:s, renew), predict(PoM,renew), aoe heal(CoH,PoH), single target heal (GH, FH), and remove harmful effects at your pleasure. Practically speaking, a Healadin is more restricted in what he's able to do, a creature of reaction and single targets (although he does it well). You might be expected to be flexible and work around his limits, instead of capitalizing on your strengths.

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 2:35am by Zemzelette
#3 Apr 05 2009 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
I, as a Paladin, am usually given the raid healing duties and the other healer takes the tank, in a sustained fight I cant keep up the Holy light spam required to keep a tank up for long periods of time.
I have found that priests can sustain their mana for a longer period of time than most Healadins so they tend to take the tank duties. I find raid easier because I can use the incredibly efficient Flash of Light to top people off and save the Holy Lights for when they are really needed meaning that my mana lasts alot longer.

So there you go, another answer from the paladins perspective.
#4 Apr 06 2009 at 1:23 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
I lot of it also depends on what the person healing feels capable of. I am Disc specced as well and I can raid heal but I do find it a little harder as I don't have COH for this so have to flash heal/penance/shield/renew a lot and POM my own group. POM being able to be cast on other groups will help greatly with this though. I feel better tank healing as I have a lot of tools that can greatly extend a tanks life and 3.1 will make my shields even more viable however I can and have raid healed Naxx 10 man with little issue.

Paladins can use beacon and other tricks to great effect and my hubby who is a paladin healer often uses beacon to keep the offtank up while throwing round raid heals at the same time. This helped us both when I was on raid healing duties as he healed OT and his group during AOE giving me more flexibility with my heals.

I have also run with a druid who would only tank heal and another who will only raid heal. I think these days all healing classes are capable of doing all jobs but which they take depends on how comfortable they are in any given situation.
#5 Apr 06 2009 at 4:30 AM Rating: Decent
606 posts
I've been meaning to ask this question as well. I'm a disc priest and I often (the 2 times I went into Naxx) have been on raid heals. I'm going to be candid and admit that I just got my gear up high enough for 10 Naxx, so it is because I'm the 'weaker healer' in the raid that I'm put on raid heals?

On the plus side, after recently switching to disc, I'm noticing that I don't really run out of mana... ever while healing. (Ok, that's a lie, I had to scrape up all that mana I could in my first 'real' taste of Naxx healing the final boss of the construct quarter of Naxx, but we had like 3 people down in that fight so it lasted a while, but we did win).
#6 Apr 06 2009 at 6:52 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
You're absolutely right, in a perfect world you'll want the paladin to do the tank healing while you do the raid healing. Like others said, it can depend on whoever of you is a better healer, has better gear or whatever, but basically palas are for tank healing and holy priests for raid healing. It only makes sense really - holy priests have tons of talents that improve their ability to heal multiple people at the same time (Circle of Healing and Divine Providence being the two most obvious ones), while paladins have no area of effect or heal over time heals at all: they're made for spamming flash heal and holy light on a tank.

I've been meaning to ask this question as well. I'm a disc priest and I often (the 2 times I went into Naxx) have been on raid heals. I'm going to be candid and admit that I just got my gear up high enough for 10 Naxx, so it is because I'm the 'weaker healer' in the raid that I'm put on raid heals?

Well, first of all, I do not know why your guild puts you on what healing assignment as I do not know your guild. Aside from that however, it usually doesn't make much sense to put an undergeared healer on the raid because "it's easier" or something like that. If you are indeed the 'weaker healer' plainly due to your gear (or possibly inexperience), it makes sense that you do always get the easiest assignments: this is not always raid healing though. Can I ask what class your colleague healer is? If it's a paladin, I can understand this decision very well: paladins basically suck at raid healing and a priest can do the job better than them regardless of what spec they are.
#7 Apr 06 2009 at 5:54 PM Rating: Good
717 posts
I've been meaning to ask this question as well. I'm a disc priest and I often (the 2 times I went into Naxx) have been on raid heals. I'm going to be candid and admit that I just got my gear up high enough for 10 Naxx, so it is because I'm the 'weaker healer' in the raid that I'm put on raid heals?

If you are joining an experienced group, then I can see why you would be assigned to raid heals even though Discipline leans more toward a MT healer role. If I was running a raid, I would be leery of giving MT heals to someone who is learning the fights. It isn't necessarily easier or harder. MT healing is boring (imo) but essential. There is less room for error on the tank, especially if you don't know what to expect and when to expect it.

I enjoy the times I spend in raid healing. Discipline does not have the wonderful raid-wide heals that other healers enjoy, but it has some powerful tools to "stop the bleeding" on multiple targets. Snap a shield off, penance another and continue down the line. As a discipline healer, instead of addressing many at once, you get to decide the priority of each. Furthermore, you have been given tools that allow you to accomplish amazing saves on raid members that otherwise would have died.

Utilize your strengths whatever your assignment and eventually you will be the one handing out assignments!
#8 Apr 07 2009 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
606 posts
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I have VERY limited raiding experience (2 pugs for 10 Naxx...I have yet to join a guild, need to find one that I like). I just found it strange that in both of them I was put on raid heals, especially since in the firs PuG the MT healer was a holy priest (raid didn't last long, one wipe on the first boss and people bailed). The second PuG was a continuation where people bail on the group and a Shammy ,then well-geared pally were heals on the MT.

I was just curious as I have never raided before that. I've spent time reading up on healing (recent switch from shadow, healed 80 dungeons to get healing gear) but I don't know much about raiding.
#9 Apr 07 2009 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
shammy healing the mt? craziness lol. Having a shammy main, it's hard to see. Not that it can't be done. I've done mt healing in Karazhan many times as I was the best geared healer. Healing way talent makes things a little easier. But we don't have a decent healing wave glyph (our glyph heals ourself when using it- which doesn't help the tank out...). Lesser healing wave glyph isn't bad. And if he's got a good crit build, might be decent. But I'm beginning to see why there were wipes lol.
#10 Apr 07 2009 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
606 posts
shammy healing the mt? craziness lol. Having a shammy main, it's hard to see. Not that it can't be done. I've done mt healing in Karazhan many times as I was the best geared healer. Healing way talent makes things a little easier. But we don't have a decent healing wave glyph (our glyph heals ourself when using it- which doesn't help the tank out...). Lesser healing wave glyph isn't bad. And if he's got a good crit build, might be decent. But I'm beginning to see why there were wipes lol.

We didn't wipe much when he was healing MT, though he only stayed for 2 bosses, Thaddius and Razuvious (and we wiped ALOT on him, part from healing, part from a/the tank/s getting things down). And on Thaddius we wiped because there was a mix-up on which side was going to be positive and negative.(someone said the opposite of what we were going to do, I personally had a dyslexic moment). The second attempt we got him, though in the fight I outlasted him in Mana so I ended up healing everyone for part of the fight, focusing on the MT (I ended having to pop shadowfiend and a runic pot too; total forgot that I had hymn of hope).

Raz is my least favorite boss that we did/got to (only others were the 4 horsemen and Gothik, and wipe stopped at the 4 horsemen). Another side question would be what's the best way to get as much single target healing out as possible? When I wasn't worrying about being killed by jagged knife or topping off the other in the raid, I was doing PW:S>Penance>Greater Heal, then flash heal in the times penance was on CD. I also popped pain suppression on the initiate that was in trouble.
#11 Apr 07 2009 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
As a paladin, I prefer not having *strict* healing assignments. Tell me to heal the tanks, I'll keep them alive, but I feel most effective when I'm healing everything. Obviously tanks are the priority, and we excel at tank healing, but we can also toss huge amounts of raid heals too while keeping tanks alive.

On Patchwerk there should really be no raid healing anyways. On 10 man (2 tanks) paladin should be on a tank with beacon healing the other, and you should focus your efforts on the beacon tank, healing the MT when possible as well.

Edited, Apr 8th 2009 2:36am by mikelolol
#12 Apr 08 2009 at 1:18 AM Rating: Good
326 posts
Pallies excel at MT healing but both can do either!

For example: Patch(10) we have our Pally solo heal basically and 25 man we use 2 pallies a priest and a druid. Sarth 3D we have a disc priest on the tank and a holy pally on the raid (their heals are awesome for melee groups and at helping keep adds of the squishier healers).
#13 May 21 2009 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
My take on healing assignments

Resto Shammys and Holy Priests are best at raid healing (Chain Heal & CoH)
Holy Pallys and Disc Priests excel at being MT/OT healers.

I'll link our WWS page for our 2nd night in Uld25 last night, as you can see our top 4 healers are HolyPriests's and Resto Shammies. These guys are awesome. Out MT/OT healers are 2 Holy Pallys a resto Druid and a Disc Priest (me) we came in 5-8th in the healing meters.

Meters for me only tell half the story.

Our 1st night on Tues we downed the following:
Flame Leviathan (2shot)
Razorscale (1shot)
Ingis (1shot)
XT (2shot)
Iron Council (2shot)
Kologarn (2wipes) (called it after this due to severe server lag.

Our 2nd night on Wed we downed the following:
Kologarn (1shot)
Auriaya (2shot)
Freya (7wipes) she's our bane right now... dps can't seem to coordinate properly
Hodir (4wipes) our 1st time on him

Yes I was pretty much at the bottom of the healing meters, BUT 80% of our wipes were not due to the tanks dying.. it was from silly mistakes (esp on Freya).

We're gonna do our best to clear the Keepers of Ulduar tonight... Wish us luck!
#14 May 22 2009 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
I know this thread was necroed, but I'll add my two cents from the Pally-learning-a-Priest perspective. I have never had a problem in any raid with a Holy Priest healing the MT or OT. I have never been assigned raid healing as a Pally, and if I'm the only raid healer there's going to be people dying because I can only single-target raid heal with no AoE heal.

In my opinion, the OP's raid leader, or whoever was doing the heal assignments, probably doesn't know the different healing classes. On Naxx-10 with only a Priest and a Pally the Pally should be healing the MT. And on Patchwerk, its O.K. to put the Priest on the MT, but putting the Pally on raid? There's no raid damage, and who was healing the OT soaking the Hatefuls? Something is missing, maybe there was a third healer.

As for Pallies being given the raid healing duties because in a sustained fight they cant keep up the Holy Light spam, I have just over 25k mana, raid-buffed. I can spam Holy Light for the entire boss fight. Last night in an Ulduar-10 run 61% of my heals were Holy Light, and that's misleading because WWS shows 11% were beacon heals. Looking at only casted heals its closer to 80%. Maybe you need to stack more Int.

In any event, the reason I leveled my Priest is because you guys are sooo versatile. With my Pally I am pigeon-holed, and with good reason. But if I had to choose the second healing class with me in any 10-man in the game? Hands down a Priesty.

We didn't wipe much when he was healing MT, though he only stayed for 2 bosses, Thaddius and Razuvious

You didn't wipe because Thadd and Raz don't require a lot of MT heals. With Raz you need to heal the Understudies that are MC'd while the MT tanks the other two, who don't do much damage at all. And on Thadd the tank just doesn't take much damage and a Shammy can easily heal one of the two platform mini-boss tanks. If he had stuck around for Sapph I'll bet he wouldn't have been able to keep the tank up alone.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
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