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Deep Freeze And Speccing for PVPFollow

#1 Apr 04 2009 at 10:43 AM Rating: Default
Is it me, or does Deep Freeze seem a bit.... pointless? A stun that can only be used when the target is already been taken care of? I seldom use it because it's so situational. I would rather just use Ice Lance when my enemy is frosted or FoF is up. Does anyone else agree that it's kinda lame? If not, how do you use it? It's kinda frustrating because I love Chilled to The Bone. That talent is amazing. But if I was to just not spec Deep Freeze, what would I do with that single point? It's almost like I'm stuck speccing it. Would Presence of Mind be a better choice come 80?

I was also curious to know what the general consensus is for Fire and Arcane specs for PVP. Just so I have something else to play with if Frost gets boring.

Thanks much.

EDIT: Also, just for fun, what would be the most defensive Frost spec even at the cost of damage? :)

Edited, Apr 4th 2009 2:45pm by LiptonSoup
#2 Apr 04 2009 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
Is it me, or does Deep Freeze seem a bit.... pointless?

It's just you. Is sheeping pointless? How about counterspell? Deep Freeze is a amazing spell if you know how to use it.

A stun that can only be used when the target is already been taken care of?

I don't see how a hunter nova'd to the ground is taken care of.. or another mage.. or that DK getting ready to death grip you.. or the pally casting a heal..

Does anyone else agree that it's kinda lame?

I'm going to guess just you feel this way.

But if I was to just not spec Deep Freeze, what would I do with that single point?

Just put it in arcane fort, doesn't really matter if your bailing on one of the better PvP talents in the frost tree.

Also, just for fun, what would be the most defensive Frost spec even at the cost of damage?

One that allows you to stun one target and sheep another...
#3 Apr 04 2009 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Granted, I haven't played with it but from a rogue POV I'd say it's far from useless. If I get nova'd I can still hit, cloak, throw off a stun, vanish, or trinket. Once I get a Deep Freeze on me I'm forced to eat 5 seconds of increased mage DPS (which usually kills me off, thanks to the splendid new balancing) or waste my trinket.

I've got tons of ways to counter snares, I've got only one extremely precious way to counter a stun.
#4 Apr 04 2009 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
DarkHybridX, I ask a legitimate question and you did NOTHING to answer it. How about instead of making fun of me, TEACH ME, like I asked. Thanks.

God I hate kids...
#5 Apr 04 2009 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
Lipton, your complaint about Dark's response to your question is valid, but then assuming that he's a kid and insulting him back makes you look just as bad. Not all kids are immature jerks (although by saying that my intention is not to imply that Dark is an immature jerk either).
#6 Apr 04 2009 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
Are you kidding me? I ask a question on a game forum and I get a smart *** and the nice patrol.

Thank you Mozared for being normal.
#7 Apr 04 2009 at 3:57 PM Rating: Good
I'm sorry, I thought that you would be able to deduct your answer to why the spell is good from my responses, seeing as how it's pretty simple. However, I'll go ahead and explain it to you as simply as I can.

You are trying to say that a snare is the same as a stun, but that's not true. A snare simply roots a target in place, but allows them to still cast, shoot, or use snare breaking abilities, of which there is a lot of in the game.

A stun is a different mechanic because not only does it not the target to move, but they also cannot cast, shoot, or use any class abilities unless that ability breaks a stun, of which there are a lot less of in the game.

So a stun, like sheep and CS vs a caster, does a much much better job of "removing" a person from the fight, that is why the spell is great, especially seeing as it's only one point.

Once again sorry if my original post was too cryptic for you, hope this clears things up.

Edited, Apr 4th 2009 7:59pm by DarkHybridX
#8 Apr 04 2009 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent

My problem is that Deep Freeze is situational. Too situational. You can't stop a cast or prevent a Deathgrip (considering it's instant cast anyways (and why would you be afraid of it anyways when you can just Blink away?)) because the target has to be frozen in the first place. If they are already frozen, you already pretty much have them under control. At least that's how I feel.

Do you seriously try to belittle people who ask for help and better understanding? I do believe that's called being rude, Mr. Internet Tough Guy.

Edited, Apr 4th 2009 9:00pm by LiptonSoup
#9 Apr 04 2009 at 5:35 PM Rating: Good
Do you seriously try to belittle people who ask for help and better understanding? I do believe that's called being rude, Mr. Internet Tough Guy.

I don't try too, but you seem to be upset because I don't agree with your opinion. I think you expect to make your post and have it fill up with people agreeing with you, but that's not going to happen.

My problem is that Deep Freeze is situational. Too situational. You can't stop a cast or prevent a Deathgrip (considering it's instant cast anyways (and why would you be afraid of it anyways when you can just Blink away?)) because the target has to be frozen in the first place. If they are already frozen, you already pretty much have them under control. At least that's how I feel.

Lots of things are situational. CS is very situational, especially if you don't have imp CS. But that doesn't mean it isn't a great spell. Furthermore, frost bases PvP revolves around being situational. It shines when the right situation presents itself to get off a shatter combo.

Say your facing a DK/Holy pally team and it's late in the match. The pally has used his bubble and the DK has used his trinket. You now have the perfect situation to nova the DK then stun him, with your ele out you can now CS the pally, ranged nova, and shatter him. If you just nova the DK and go for the kill you run the risk of him using his grip or strangulate on you. If you sheep you run the risk of the pally getting a quick cleanse off.

This is actually something that I have practiced and a strat we go for when I decide to PvP as frost (arcane gets boring). Also keep in mind that this is using the spell on a melee class. Nova still doesn't nothing against a range class.

You cannot look at the spell only from a offensive PoV, but also a defensive one. It's not another way to get off a shatter, it's a way to lock up the hunter long enough to LoS and evo, or the lock long enough to kill his pet, or the mage long enough to let your healers CS wear off and heal you.

Most spells/abilities in the game are very situational, it's knowing how and when to use them that makes them shine.
#10 Apr 04 2009 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
I don't have a problem with people disagreeing with me. I just don't think it should be done in a Greater-than-thou, condescending manner. When that happens, I return the favor.

You can't say that Deep Freeze is the same as poly or counterspell because neither one of those require a prerequisite for them to work. It just never seems to be usable when I need it. The point of this post was to find out if the majority used it (not just one person) or if I could unspec it and aim for something else. I'm still curious as to the most popular pvp Arcane build too.
#11 Apr 04 2009 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent

This is the arcane build that I use. It's not cookie cutter and kinda unorthodox. Since I face a lot more ret pallys, hunters, and DKs then anything else it's more built around burst and survival. I tend to stack a lot of stam gems rather then SP/crit gems.

There's another one that goes into frost for IV and then some different variations of full arcane. If you find yourself against a lot more mages, locks, and spriests then trading out the talents in fire and frost for arcane shielding and the 2 absorptions is a good idea.
#12 Apr 05 2009 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
It's a great talent. I loved the frost mage playstyle at 70 and I'm glad they didn't change much of it. They boosted our snares a little bit harder and gave us deep freeze which was a nice touch (among other things, fingers of frost, brain freeze).

You can use it on fingers of frost procs. You can use it to stop a heal or a cast (you don't seem to think this is possible..why?). You can chain it to create longer shatter combos, you can use it as an additional peel.

Plus once you're deep enough for water elemental which is critical in frost PVP you wouldn't want to pass up the rest of the tree. Theres no good builds that are 30/0/41 or 0/30/41 or any silly combination of the 2, so you might as well get chilled to the bone, brain freeze and learn to love deep freeze. It's an incredible talent. Play around with it more.

Also you mentioned using ice lance on FoF procs instead of deep freeze. That's a waste.

The way you do it
FoF proc, ice lance, ice lance

The way I do it
FoF proc, ice lance, deep freeze, ice lance, ice lance, ice lance, **ice lance, ***ice lance

** depends on range
*** depends if icy veins is active

With enough haste I can get 5 ice lances on a deep frozen target

0.0s - deep freeze
1.0s - ice lance
2.0s - ice lance
3.0s - ice lance
4.0s - ice lance
5.0s - ice lance

Edited, Apr 5th 2009 8:47am by mikelolol
#13 Apr 05 2009 at 5:00 AM Rating: Default
(you don't seem to think this is possible..why?).

It's just that because it requires a prerequisite to cast, it's not always going to be usable. Excluding Frost Nova, you have a 30% chance to use it(Frostbite 15%, FoF 15%). It just doesn't seem very dependable. Like I said, I can't use it when I need it.

Not trying to convince anyone it sucks, Just trying to get why I'm not too fond of it.
#14 Apr 05 2009 at 5:36 PM Rating: Default
It looks like a good skill, but for a 51 pointer? no thanks.

I haven't tried it and don't realy plan on trying it anytime soon, it seems very situational at best.
Overall I think frost mages got shafted with this for their 51 pointer
#15 Apr 05 2009 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
Overall I think frost mages got shafted with this for their 51 pointer

Exactly how I feel.
#16 Apr 05 2009 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
6k-15k damage on a stunned target that can't fight back says otherwise. This 51pter used to do damage on the beta version of WoTLK but it was deemed too overpowered.

You can feel however you want, but any decent PVP mage will disagree with you and tell you deep freeze is amazing.
#17 Apr 06 2009 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
I'd consider myself to be more the stereotype patrol than the nice patrol, but I get your point. :-) I'm sorry I wasn't able to answer your question, but I don't PvP much, so I can't really say whether the talent is useful or not. I did put the point into it as a PvE Frost mage when I was leveling, after asking the advice of my guildies, and I don't believe I ever used it once. It is incredibly situational, which is one of the reasons why I don't like it for PvE, and I can understand why you don't like it as well. I considered respeccing to get rid of it, but it seemed like a waste of 15g for one measly point.
#18 Apr 07 2009 at 1:04 PM Rating: Default
I considered respeccing to get rid of it, but it seemed like a waste of 15g for one measly point.

Well, THB, this all depends on how serious you are about PvE
#19 Apr 09 2009 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
363 posts
Well... the 51 pointer for fire (Living Bomb) is pretty darn good, but the 5 points you have to put in before it (Burnout) are absolutely necessary.

Same with arcane: Arcane Barrage at 51, Netherwind Presence and Spell Power at 45.

Oddly enough, same with frost!

As other people have been trying to say, the key is that you can have CC on two targets at once with Deep Freeze. It is *not* just rooting someone for 5 seconds, it's stunning them. You should get frequent FF procs, and have the occasional nova meaning you will often have an instant cast CC available to you! In any PvP beyond 1v1, you should learn to use it at least to disrupt your opponents, if not to quickly take down one of them.
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