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Blood not working right?Follow

#1 Apr 04 2009 at 10:01 AM Rating: Excellent
276 posts
I just respecd from Unholy to Blood, it seems Blood is a better leveling spec. Here's the spec I chose. Right now I have the full Blood tree and 4 points in Unholy, I'm level 63:

I'm using a rough rotation of: Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Obliterate, HS, HS. Let me also say I am completely new to the DK. Things are dying much slower than they did in Unholy, so what am i doing wrong? I have to be missing something on the rotation. Also, I'm not sure about not having my minion be permanent, that kind of sux. Missing the speed bonus on the horse also hurts leveling speed. Thanks for the input.

#2 Apr 04 2009 at 10:48 AM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
First of all, stop using Obliterate. It is consuming all your diseases, meaning your rotation is doing way less damage than you could be. Use: PS/IT->PS/IT (doesn't matter the order with your build)->DS->HS->HS->DC->DS->HS->HS->HS->HS->DC, repeat (on the off chance it isn't already dead). You can also replace 2 heart strikes in the second half with a DS.

Also, what Rune are you using? Right now, you have the choice of Razorice, Lichbane and Cinderglacier. I would go with Cinderglacier, personally (and I did) until you get to Rune of the Fallen Crusader at level 70 (which will be what you will always use as a DpS, more than likely). Cinderglacier procs a decent amount, and essentially is 20% more damage on a Death Coil. I do not remember if Necrosis damage is affected by it and/or eats a charge. But I remember pretty very fun situations where I got a CG proc and a SD proc, giving me a free DC with an additional 20% that CRIT, plus another that was +20% that may or may not crit.

As to talents, you are losing a lot more DpS than you realize in favor of way more healing than you should ever need.

There is really no need to take Improved Rune Tap. During the small span when my leveling Blood spec had it, I only needed to use the 10% ability a few times, and only when I got 2-3 additional adds.

Spell Deflection also isn't really worth it. Just use Anti-Magic Shield if up against a caster. And take them out first if you have multiple mobs.

Bladed Armor is also a TON of attack power. You have around 5K Armor when you first get your DK. That is 100 AP (50 str) for 5 talent points. A hefty DpS boost.

PERSONALLY, I think Bloody Vengeance is near useless for leveling. Things died way too fast for me to ever get much use out of it. Hysteria isn't that good for the same reason. The only time that kind of DpS is needed is when things are dealing too much damage for you to want to use it.

You also don't need Blade Barrier and Anticipation. They are great mitigation, but all of Blood's self-healing should be more than enough to handle it.

Also, are you sure you want Garg to be your dinging point? That means you won't have any RP dump beyond DC until level 80, when you will be respeccing anyway. I'd make your next point DRW. It will help a lot in mowing down groups, Blood's weakness. Although, if you are willing to respec now, I would recommend something different.

Necrosis is also a lot of damage. You don't even have Rune Strike yet, so taking it would mean 20% more damage on all of your auto-attacks.

Here is what I did for a 61 Blood. For the next 6 levels, just go straight down to DRW.

After that, you will want something like this at 75.

Then, go for 3/3 Outbreak. There, you will be 78 and have had a flier (I'm guessing not epic) for a level. You can go for On a Pale Horse to do all your dailies faster, making an 60% flight speed go 80%, or your 100% ground speed go 120%.

Or, (what I would do if I DID have an epic flier) go for 2/3 in BCB or go 1 in BCB and 1 in Shadows of death.

A final option is to respec, putting taking the last 6 points out of Blood and putting them in Unholy, letting you do this.

All of these things will increase your DpS, letting you level faster, without sacrificing utility (or, rather, sacrificing any utility that is actually important).


And, as to glyphs, I would use:

Glyph of Blood Strike (affects Heart Strike as well).
Glyph of Death Strike (also has a modifier with amount of RP, that isn't shown on the tooltip--good glyph a lot of the time).
Glyph of Pestilence (by far the best minor glyph)
Glyph of Raise Dead (no longer have to carry corpse dust).
At level 70, grab the Glyph of Horn of Winter.
At level 80, go for Glyph of Plague Strike and make sure it comes after Icy Touch in your rotation.

Edited, Apr 4th 2009 2:55pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#3 Apr 04 2009 at 10:53 AM Rating: Excellent
276 posts
I'm using Cinderglazer as well. Wow, that was alot of great info! Let me digest it and I might post again with further questions.
#4 Apr 04 2009 at 10:59 AM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
Just a note: I added glyphs into the above post.

And, if you are finding youself missing a self healing ability, You can sacrifice a point somewhere for RT or MoB. I personally prefer the latter, but it is your choice. One has a higher healing potential, but only works in battle and every 3 minutes. The other can be used anywhere, but heals much less (assuming an average number of hits while MoB is up).

Also, one final note, when you turn 68, go to Borean Tundra. There is a quest there (you will likely have to group for it or grab a higher level for help) that will give you the Axe of Frozen Death. You likely won't find a replacement weapon until 78 or so in Zul'Drak, unless you get lucky in instances. I, personally, used it up to 80, never getting anything better (granted, I never really looked and didn't want to buy one off the AH). But my DpS was always fine and I killed things easily.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#5 Apr 04 2009 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
276 posts
Do I keep summoning my pet back every 5 minutes then?

Edited, Apr 4th 2009 3:36pm by Jedius
#6 Apr 04 2009 at 11:36 AM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
You can if you want to. Your choice.

I always forgot about it, and I have never had a problem. The only time I ever summoned him was when taking on an elite or in PvP.

At level 66 you will get Death Pact. I highly recommend trying to sync your Ghoul's deaths with the ability. Though, as Blood, you may just not need that healing, like, ever.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#7 Apr 04 2009 at 11:40 AM Rating: Good
276 posts
This is working much better. The first spec I posted devoted way too much for healing. I respec'd to yours and I'm still rarely falling below 95% health on regular mobs...just wish I hadn't bought that glyph of obliterate though...doh!
#8 Apr 04 2009 at 11:52 AM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
Oblit IS really pretty, just not as pretty without the Frost talent making it not consume diseases (until your endgame gear gets good enough to forgo diseases all together).
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#9 Apr 04 2009 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
I personally wouldn't use idiggory's build. Vendetta is absolutely terrible; a waste of 3 points.

I would do this for 61 (you can take a point out of Sudden Doom for Vamp Blood if you want); idiggory has said before that he's biased against Imp Rune Tap and I agree that he is.

It's probably the single best leveling talent in Blood.

20% HP gain on a 30 sec cooldown that you can activate while running and only puts one of your Blood runes on cooldown?

It's priceless. It also makes soloing elites easy as hell, between that, Death Pact, Mark of Blood, and Bloodworms.

Also, I don't see how you can say 9% damage (Bloody Vengeance) isn't worth it when leveling when you say "take Cinderglacier".

Granted, Runeforges aren't a big deal until 70, but still; 9% damage is HUGE.

If you do 1000 damage, that's another 90. If you do 3000 damage, that's another 270.

That Blood crits like mad is a given, making Bloody Vengeance amazing. I had no problem keeping a full stack as I leveled.
#10 Apr 04 2009 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
I personally wouldn't use idiggory's build. Vendetta is absolutely terrible; a waste of 3 points.

I agree that it is bad at higher levels, but at lower ones I was killing things so fast that Vendetta was a big part in keeping my health up without having to take Rune Tap or MoB (and using a blood Rune for them).

idiggory has said before that he's biased against Imp Rune Tap and I agree that he is.

It's probably the single best leveling talent in Blood.

20% HP gain on a 30 sec cooldown that you can activate while running and only puts one of your Blood runes on cooldown?

It's priceless. It also makes soloing elites easy as hell, between that, Death Pact, Mark of Blood, and Bloodworms.

It is mostly because I killed things way too fast to EVER need to Blood Tap. The only times I EVER used it (or even had any reason to use it) was when soloing Elites, and many two times when I ended up with a group of like 5-7 mobs. And, with the elites, maybe 60% of them only needed a MoB, wihtout touching Rune Tap.

If I was going PvP, I could see it being useful. But with all the healing you get from Blood without wasting a rune, I never had to bother when leveling.

Also, I don't see how you can say 9% damage (Bloody Vengeance) isn't worth it when leveling when you say "take Cinderglacier".

Granted, Runeforges aren't a big deal until 70, but still; 9% damage is HUGE.

If you do 1000 damage, that's another 90. If you do 3000 damage, that's another 270.

That Blood crits like mad is a given, making Bloody Vengeance amazing. I had no problem keeping a full stack as I leveled

There is a big difference here. 1 is something that is free, and replaces 2% passive damage. The other is something that takes 3 points when the OP said he wanted OaPH.

The burst from a CG+SD proc was often enough to kill off a mob in a group with two clicks (which then returned 6% health because of Vendetta). And, when I was Blood, I got a LOT of CG procs (I don't know if I was just lucky or if they changed the rate, etc.)

So, that just the 9%, especially because 3 crits usually meant something was dead. Granted, it will last for a whole pack of mobs, so I could see it being very good in AoE.

Also to note, I hate having a time limit on my next target. I HATE seeing buffs run out unused, so when I have to stop to loot/skin things and/or there isn't another target around, it kills me a little inside. Things like a Rogue's Remorseless Attacks talents always drove me insane. I like being able to stop for a moment if I want to, without losing out on 2-3 talent points of use.

And your blood spec just seems to be WAY too excessive on healing to me. Even when I had Rune Tap and MoB, I NEVER had to use them when just going normally. The only time I touched them was when going after mobs I knew would be highly difficult (because I wanted to test the class out). Vendetta alone was more than enough for me. Will it be as good in the 70s? Probably not, because things will be hitting harder. But throughout the 60s, I never needed anything else.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#11 Apr 04 2009 at 3:55 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
My blood spec is insane on healing because then you literally cannot die unless you jump off a cliff.

If you don't need to use all the healing my build provides, you didn't grind against enough mobs at once.

I usually pulled enough mobs that I was barely hanging on by the skin of my teeth, even with all the healing I was getting.

It's probably why I leveled to 80 in 3 days (of RL time).

Edited, Apr 4th 2009 4:56pm by Theophany
#12 Apr 04 2009 at 4:07 PM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
My blood spec is insane on healing because then you literally cannot die unless you jump off a cliff.

If you don't need to use all the healing my build provides, you didn't grind against enough mobs at once.

I usually pulled enough mobs that I was barely hanging on by the skin of my teeth, even with all the healing I was getting.

It's probably why I leveled to 80 in 3 days (of RL time).

I can't stand leveling like that, lol, so it is probably why I disagree on the build. We have completely different styles. :P I dinged 80 less than a month ago (from a 55 DK sometime in early January/late December).

I explore a lot, do dailies, etc, etc. So my killing isn't very fast paced (I like a mob dying as fast as possible, but won't necessarily always have 16 targets lined up). Well, with Frost I tend to grab as many as possible, but I didn't as Blood.

As Frost, Oracles dailies = fun. There is that FH training camp in their base. Grab all of them and nuke em down with one or two HBs. >:D

That is 30 mobs, or so. lol Tanking gear = fun. Things just don't hurt when you have IBF, Lichborne and UA up all at once. : )

Plus, the healing from a crit HB on 30 mobs is impressive.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#13 Apr 06 2009 at 4:27 AM Rating: Excellent
1,331 posts
I found disease-less blood to be extremely efficient for leveling. Obliterate, Obliterate, Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Death Coil... HS HS HS HS DC, goto begining.
If HS procs sudden doom, throw in an extra DC. Keep horn of winter buffed...

I'm 73 as of this post in 1 day and 8 hours of in game play. I've seen better. But I totally understand all of those people complaining about how OP DK's are now.

I don't have to worry about healing issues (sacrifice my ghoul if I need to) unless I have more than 4 mobs on me.

It's serious chain murder spec, grinding out those levels are easy and not very challenging.


And, sometimes when I feel like it, and I'm full on RP, I throw in Rune Strikes.

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 5:28am by devioususer
#14 Apr 06 2009 at 9:35 AM Rating: Excellent
276 posts
I went with Idigg's build. I usually take on 1-2 mobs per fight, not as many as Theophany prefers. It seems to be working for me so far. I think I'm up to 15 hours played and at 65 now...not the fastest in the world but it works for me.

The only time the lack of healing talents bit me was when I tried one of the group quests in Thrall...the Hand of Kargos or whatever got me...but a kind druid came over to help out.

What are you guys picking up for tradeskills? From what I hear the consensus seems to be BS/JC or JC/Mining...I would go BS/JC but I don't have another toon on the server yet. I'm thinking I may do Mining/JC and then just send the mats to a BS if I need stuff made...but then I miss out on extra sockets....grrr....

If I went BS/JC what level would my alt have to be to get all the needed mats from mining? 70 plus?
#15 Apr 06 2009 at 9:56 AM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
Well, tradeskills are entirely dependent on what you want out of them. Are you going to be a tank, PvPer or DpS? Do you want something with the absolute best stat bonuses, ones that will make a bg profit, or somewhere in between? Do you prefer just buying mats of the AH, crafting them, and reselling for a small profit? Would you rather fly around a zone 5 times until you have 5 billion stacks of <insert item>?

If you want to Max/Min DpS, I think BS/JC has the greatest bonus. JC gets better gems with better color options, allowing you to get socket bonuses without losing out on stats. BS gives some nice intro items (for both raiding and PvP) and allows you to add two additional sockets to your gear (and thus, a nice bit more Defense or AP). Engineering is 99% useless, but has a nice helm for most classes.

If you are looking for profit, you have a few options. For one, Herbalism will likely turn a pretty penny once 3.1 comes out, introducing new Glyphs (in case you didn't know, Inscription uses herbs to make inks). Mining is nice, because Titansteel is in (I believe) every epic item they can make. It has a 24hr CD to make, but sells for about a 100G on most servers for 70 or so in Mats (which are EASILY farmable, unless you have horrible luck catching Titanium Veins). Mining will give you +50 Sta, and Herbalism will give you a HoT ability (that triggers the GCD now).

For the other profession, you could easily take Enchanting or Skinning. Northrend Beasts will drop one of three items when skinned--Borean Leather(10-13G), Arctic Fur (30-40G) or Borean Scraps (turn 5 into a BL). So, it can be nice profit, but the Leather tends to sell slower than other mats. Enchanting still makes money by buying cheap greens and DEing them into mats. You can also sell your service for tips. Enchanting will also give you ring enchants, increasing your stats. Skinning will give you a small bonus to crit (not large at all, though).

You will be able to level your BS and JC up from mats on another toon, but you won't be able to farm NR ores with it (unless he is high enough to not die from aggro).

You can do what I am doing-- Level to 80 with Mining and Skinning for Gold. When you get to 80, make X Titansteel Bars (for items you want), drop Skinning for JC or BS, level it to 450, drop Mining, level the other to 450.

It isn't cheap, but should be more than doable with 5K in the bank (which I have right now, after buying my Epic Flier).

Plus, I'll save a ton by crafting my own Titansteel Destroyer and Tempered Titansteel Helm than buying them both (about 1700G on my server). Having access to the JC dailies for additional benefit is always great. And I see shouts for both professions a ton in Dal on my server.


I rated your first post back up Theo. Disagreement on a leveling build is a stupid reason to rate someone down... Yours was just as valid (far more valid with a faster play style).

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 1:58pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#16 Apr 06 2009 at 10:27 AM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
I agree with idiggory's path.

Personally, I like Inscription (as I've mentioned numerous times before) so I never had to grind Hodir rep.

BS/JC are probably best for min/maxing, but to be honest, I like the money from Mining too much to give up.

The only thing I can see giving it up for is maybe Enchanting.

Pretty much every profession (for DPS) is going to give you a ~64 AP boost. Enchanting gets ring enchants (32 AP per ring), Inscription gets a better shoulder enchant, BS gets additional gem slots, and JC gets epic crafted gems.

The gems, due to how Str scaling works, are slightly better than any other profession, but it also costs a lot more to level (at least on my server).

If nothing else, get JC if you want to min/max.
#17 Apr 06 2009 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
Blacksmithing will be the clear frontrunner from a pure min-max perspective once the patch hits too, as i believe the epic jewelcrafting gems will be available. Two extra sockets will then equal +40 Strength, Hit etc.

If you can be bothered to level enchanting on your main alt to 325, you'll be able to DE any BoE item you find while leveling through northrend (and i had two banks full of BoE greens after hitting 80, which turned into thousands of gold and enchanting mats that lasted til raiding). Additionally, you can then use other crafting professions, particularly jewelcrafting to generate basically infinte money by producing enchanting materials. The best part? You don't have to leave your main city to make money.

Plus, the jewelcrafting gems currently add 33 of your optimal stat plus stats gained from achieving socket bonuses/avoiding sub-optimal color gems.

edit: sorry for the derail. I find blood much faster for leveling than unholy, as long as you're pulling enough mobs to make your healing abilities earn their keep. And it's nice actually using the "cleave" effect of heart strike. Seriously, five same level mobs will barely dent you. Glyph of Death Grip is good for this, it ends the cooldown on DG when you kill something, so you can literally stay in combat until the entire camp of mobs is destroyed.

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 3:12pm by ArtemisEnteri
#18 Apr 06 2009 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
276 posts
I think I might go Mining/JC. I despise leveling characters/skills too much. I can't imagine going back and leveling skinning and mining both. I definetely will be tanking though once I hit 80. And I like a good profit...but who doesn't.
#19 Apr 06 2009 at 11:26 AM Rating: Excellent
I am so glad this thread was made. I mean, I did read the stickies and tried to incorporate that with my build, but through leveling this should help greatly.

It looks like I'll have to switch some points around to match Theo's build. As right now, I have Vendetta, Blood Gorge and Blood Aura. I think I'll tweak it a little and see what happens.

I also picked up Herbalism and Inscription. I figured it'll help in the end because I absolutely hate grinding SoH rep and whatnot. Thanks a lot for all of the info guys!
#20 Apr 06 2009 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I'm done with SoH rep. /gloat.

I must say, though, spending 600 gold on the Ulduar Relics REALLY sped up the process. XD

And, one last note, the only profession I can think of that just won't do anything for you is Tailoring--it doesn't do anything for anyone anymore. >.< You know there is something awkward going on when all the Mages co BS/JC. :P


Inscription IS really nice too. Being able to make your own glyphs is priceless, imo.

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 4:54pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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