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Why did this tank get hit so hard please?Follow

#1 Apr 03 2009 at 11:24 PM Rating: Excellent
3,896 posts
I was the shaman healer in DKT HC. Tank was a DK. In the room before the first boss the tank got hit really hard and fast and I couldn't save him and I was wondering if anyone could tell me why because I'm really interested and in case I ever tank on my own DK.

I'm making everything anon so it's not an attack on him.

First the recount:

Recount - Death for Tank by Flesheating Ghoul at 07:17:35
-7.83 - (Health: 20947 (86%)) Ghoul Tormentor Melee Tank Hit -3364 (Physical)
-7.10 - (Health: 19448 (80%)) Healer Earth Shield Tank Hit +1865
-6.86 - (Health: 22234 (91%)) Healer Riptide Tank Hit +2786

-6.32 - (Health: 22234 (91%)) Flesheating Ghoul Melee Tank Hit -3331 (Physical)
-6.32 - (Health: 22234 (91%)) Flesheating Ghoul Melee Tank Hit -2960 (Physical)
-5.87 - (Health: 15943 (65%)) Ghoul Tormentor Melee Tank Hit -2889 (Physical)
-4.44 - (Health: 13054 (53%)) Flesheating Ghoul Melee Tank Hit -3570 (Physical)
-3.92 - (Health: 9484 (39%)) Flesheating Ghoul Melee Tank Hit -3471 (Physical)
-3.90 - (Health: 6013 (24%)) Ghoul Tormentor Melee Tank Hit -2929 (Physical)

-3.69 - (Health: 6794 (28%)) Healer Riptide Tank Tick +781
-3.39 - (Health: 8658 (35%)) Healer Earth Shield Tank Hit +1864

-3.38 - (Health: 1603 (6%)) Ghoul Tormentor Flesh Rot Tank Hit -4126 (Physical)
-2.45 - (Health: 1603 (6%)) Flesheating Ghoul Melee Tank Miss

-2.36 - (Health: 11304 (46%)) Healer Chain Heal Tank Crit +9701
-1.63 - (Health: 11304 (46%)) Flesheating Ghoul Melee Tank Hit -3573 (Physical)
-1.62 - (Health: 10467 (43%)) Ghoul Tormentor Flesh Rot (DoT) Tank Tick -837 (Physical)
-1.61 - (Health: 4963 (20%)) Ghoul Tormentor Cleave Tank Hit -5504 (Physical)
-0.48 - (Health: 1390 (5%)) Flesheating Ghoul Melee Tank Hit -3081 (Physical)

+0.00 - (Health: 0 (0%)) Tank dies.

Note the 19,150 damage over the course of 2.42s.

Now as for his gear and talents I have to do it anon so I can't link to armoury.

Talents: Frost- 0/71/0 (Everything on full except 0/5 toughness)
Armour: 12743
Defence: 546
Dodge: 12.45%
Parry: 13.97%
Block and Resil: 0

HP: 22001
gear: mix of blue and purple mostly enchanted.
main weapon: HoL HC axe with Rune of the stoneskin gargoyle, Sigil of the unfaltering knight

Can anyone tell me what he's doing wrong if anything?

Thanks in advance.

#2 Apr 03 2009 at 11:55 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
His spec sucks more **** than a nickel-*****.
#3 Apr 03 2009 at 11:56 PM Rating: Excellent
Bad spec, no mitigation.
#4 Apr 04 2009 at 1:28 AM Rating: Excellent
3,896 posts
Thanks for the replies. I was wondering what was up because he seemed to be uncrittable and wearing all plate so I didn't know why he was getting hit so hard. (I don't tank myself so this is from a healer's perspective). Now in future I'll look at people's talents if things go wrong hehe.

#5 Apr 04 2009 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
210 posts
Speaking as a tank myself, I always always will check out a person's spec before I run with them. Even on my DPS guys I always armory the tank and healer to make sure they first off know what the hell they are doing, and second to just see how bad or good of a run it will be.

As a healer the first thing you should do when pugging a group, or even doing guild runs is make sure that your tank has good gear, and good talents.

That DK should have his account revoked for being a complete ***
#6 Apr 04 2009 at 5:39 AM Rating: Decent
trollover wrote:
That DK should have his account revoked for being a complete ***

I don't think so. There is something I've seen on my server a lot in trade chat: "If you want to DK tank, deep frost is the only way!". Are you going to punish this guy for actually taking the time to listen to advise? Sure, it's not wonderful advise, but the guy shouldn't be tossed off the server. He needs education instead. I suggest that trollover should not be the person to educate the tank, though. He's too narrow-minded and elitist.
#7 Apr 04 2009 at 6:11 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
His spec sucks more **** than a nickel-*****.

I couldn't have said it any better.

He loses out on 10% Parry and 5% dodge, just with 10 talent points.

And how many mobs did he pull?
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#8 Apr 04 2009 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
With that low of HP and Avoidance, he was probably in pure DPS gear, or close to it.

This wasn't a tank. This was a DPS in Frost presence.

Edit: Wait wait wait.. 546 defense with those stats? Was he even in frost presence? I was way above 22k HP when I first hit uncrittable. And with the 5% base avoidance stats and 5.6% more for his defense, how were his actual dodge and parry so low? I have to see this armory, the numbers make no sense.

Edited, Apr 4th 2009 11:29am by Ehcks
#9 Apr 04 2009 at 8:10 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Ehcks wrote:
Edit: Wait wait wait.. 546 defense with those stats? Was he even in frost presence? I was way above 22k HP when I first hit uncrittable. And with the 5% base avoidance stats and 5.6% more for his defense, how were his actual dodge and parry so low? I have to see this armory, the numbers make no sense.

Graspee wrote:
main weapon: HoL HC axe with Rune of the stoneskin gargoyle, Sigil of the unfaltering knight

My guess is that you got uncrittable before the introduced Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle (+25 Defense Skill).

Without an Armory, what I see looks like: largely DPS gear with +25 Defense runeforged and 1-2 defense trinkets.

It also looks to me like he probably pulled 2 groups in that room in DTK, based on how many hits he was taking in such a short period of time. Undergeared tank + double pull = death in a Heroic. Hell, with his HP and avoidance, you might even want to use some CC for the sake of the healer.

My guess is he could probably make it through a run with careful pulling and judicious CC use, but he's just not that geared ~30% avoidance = ouch for a DK.

Also, his spec sucks, but that's already been said. ;-)
#10 Apr 04 2009 at 10:14 AM Rating: Excellent
1,502 posts
I don't think so. There is something I've seen on my server a lot in trade chat: "If you want to DK tank, deep frost is the only way!". Are you going to punish this guy for actually taking the time to listen to advise?

No, I'd punish him for spending 71 points in the same tree and not even spending 5 on the only mandatory tank talent in it!
#11 Apr 04 2009 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
3,896 posts
Ehcks wrote:
I have to see this armory, the numbers make no sense.

Yes I said... but then... and so...

#12 Apr 04 2009 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Okay, well, first of all. He is losing 3-4% avoidance simply on the fact that he is using SSG to get to uncrittable. He gems and enchants primarily for stamina instead. And the rest of his gear just isn't that good. For example, getting revered with Wyrmrest Accord is EASY by level 80. That means he has access to the Breastplate of the Solemn Council, the best tanking chest that is acquirable outside of instances.

The irony? Wyrmrest Accord has the most starting tanking items of all the factions. It is also one of the ones you can start raising the earliest. It is his lowest NR reputation beyond SoH (which, ironically, has one of the best tanking shoulder enchant). He, in particular, would get a lot out of the Greater Inscription of the Pinnacle, because of his lack of other avoidance stats.

And, beyond Defense, he has almost no gear adding to avoidance. He uses enchants and gems that just aren't up to par.

And, about his spec.


Let me repeat,


If I ever met him in a party... I would destroy him.

This HAS to be a joke of some sort. He has a DW talent (DW-EXCLUSIVE talent) for 2-handed tanking. I can't even touch all the things wrong with this build. He only got 40~ points right. That's 56%. He fails the test. (And, I need to take additional points off because he failed to do the most important part).

And he doesn't even HAVE professions. It is one thing to have not leveled them yet. He hasn't even TOUCHED them.

Just an AWFUL misunderstanding of everything having to do with the class. I REALLY want to know his rotation (and damn the armory for not showing glyphs)! The ONLY thing he seems to understand is Defense Skill to 540, then Stamina. He's completely oblivious to his other stats.

With the proper talents, my completely undergeared DK (I mean, COMPLETELY undergeared, I still need to get around to nabbing another 69 Defense SKILL and upgrading most of my gear with normal craftable/vendored items) has 1% less avoidance than him, without using SSG or Swordshattering. With them, I would have higher avoidance, and a small chance to be crit. (Note, my parry is 1% below his in stats, but he doesn't use Blade Barrier, so is a solid 9% lower the vast majority of the time).

Complete and utter failure.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#13 Apr 04 2009 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
387 posts
His equip makes me want to tear out my eyeballs.

First, he obviously spend (more like WASTED) money on those tempered titanstell items. They are crap. There are so many quest- and dungendrop rares that are sooo much better. And cheaper to boot. Next the trinkets. I understand there are not that much tanking trinkets between 70 and 80. But that's NO EXCUSE WHATSOEVER to equip a lvl60 on use trinket. He could at least have gone back to netherstorm and get the group (ha!) quest tanking trinket.

Oh, and about the Tattered Castle Drape... If I ever meet him with my prot warrior, I will shield slam him until he gets that while I CAN make use of the added block value, he CAN'T.

This so-called tank is a DeathTard. He should get some information about his class and tanking in general before he EVER attemps it again. Or only group with people who haven't forgotton how to CC, yet.
#14 Apr 05 2009 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
First of all, horrible, horrible, horrible places to put talent points. It would appear as though he is incredibly uneducated about tanking and where to place talent points. He seems to be one of those lemmings that follows the crowd. As an earlier post pointed out, many people still think that a DK that tanks must put points deep in the frost tree and be 'frost spec.' That is uninformed people talking about something they know nothing of. He is missing the big three. Granted, one could go frost and get unbreakable armor and put the points elsewhere.

Second of all, his gear, some of it is just bad. My biggest gripe with a lot of people are those who feel they do not need to get rep with the factions in northrend. They are missing out on so many items that could help. This is one of those people.

Third, his stats are horrible, I at 22k health in my dps gear with a few buffs. His dodge and parry are incredibly low.

Forth, the rune he has is actually a very valid rune to use. Uncrittable vs some avoidance, the choice is very clear, uncrittable. (I do not like to use the phrase 'defense capped', as there is no cap to what a persons defense can be.) That rune is a great stop gap until a dk can get gear to allow them to achieve being uncrittable or they can use that rune and stack sta gear or other type of gear while still being uncrittable.

Basically, he is a trainwreck. Should he be 'slammed'? I say, no. He is probably very uninformed and just does not know the finer points of the class and the game in particular. Should someone set him aside and give him some advice on what to do in a meaningful way? yes.
#15 Apr 05 2009 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
HOW in the blue hell can you call yourself a Death Knight tank and NOT take Toughness?!?!

"Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible c*** : me."
#16 Apr 05 2009 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Off topic...

But what is a "Blue Hell"?
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#17 Apr 05 2009 at 2:28 PM Rating: Excellent
2,069 posts
idiggory wrote:
Off topic...

But what is a "Blue Hell"?

Sam's brother?

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#18REDACTED, Posted: Apr 08 2009 at 1:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The gear that this guy has does not help him in hard hc's
#19 Apr 08 2009 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
geotank wrote:
He can not boost people in any case in any of the above hc's...

Smiley: dubious

Smiley: disappointed
#20 Apr 08 2009 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
The gear that this guy has does not help him in hard hc's
He can do UK , Nexus ,VH and COT but even then he is heavinly depended on DPS and healer.
He can not boost people in any case in any of the above hc's ,he can only participate with a descent party meaning that must have at least 2 DPS classes performing 2000 dps+ and a healer that is at least half epic and knows his stuff.
He can also perform well as an offtank in Naxx normal with his gear assuming that rest of the raid is above average.

As for talents....
Its not talents that cost his downfall , its primarly gear and then talents..
Why you even bother to trust a tank with 22.000HP ?

Yeah... I'm gonna say:

1. What?
2. No.

The talents are a MUCH bigger issue than the gear. Just looking at his gear, you can see that he made some weird choices, but he COULD have tanked that instance had he talented correctly and not pulled two groups. A few wiser gear choices would have made it better, but there isn't anything radically wrong with it (it isn't like he was able to be crit and geared for Spell Power...)

By looking at his spec, you can tell he has utterly no understanding of the class. He sacrifices 15% avoidance (FIFTEEN PERCENT) and another 15% in armor. This is so utterly unacceptable (barring the chance that Arthas-level raid gear means we can get too close to the armor/dodge/parry cap without them, which is highly unlikely at least for D and P).

And what do you mean by "boost." If you mean buffing, he does with his spec. Do you mean generating enough threat so that the DpS can do more without worry? Pretty sure he should have been okay there, too. The only place he was lacking was in mitigation, which only helps the healer. That doesn't really "boost" the party, it determines whether or not they succeed.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#21 Apr 08 2009 at 10:00 AM Rating: Default
30 posts
#22 Apr 09 2009 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
idiggory wrote:
And what do you mean by "boost." If you mean buffing, he does with his spec.

Boosting is taking a high level through a lower level encounter in order to help lower leveled players. I don't know how you boost through a heroic because the differences aren't huge enough to even consider using that word. The poster is a moron.
#23 Apr 09 2009 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Boosting is taking a high level through a lower level encounter in order to help lower leveled players. I don't know how you boost through a heroic because the differences aren't huge enough to even consider using that word. The poster is a moron.

Surprised I have never heard the term before, thanks.^^
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#24 Apr 14 2009 at 9:13 PM Rating: Default
202 posts
I will just point out that there are (for better or worse) a lot of kids playing this game that may just be enjoying the game without knowing how to play it.

Did you actually know what you were doing in Zelda when you were 6-8 years old? I certainly didn't.
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