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Why can't we all act like druids?Follow

#1 Apr 03 2009 at 5:17 AM Rating: Good
253 posts
Hey there,
I've been lurking on the allaboards for a long time now, and been posting on and off. I mostly read the WoW general board, druid board (Im a shifter all the way) and sometimes the tradeskill board. What I don't get is the big contrast between the WoW general board and the druid board. The former is a big pile of pubescent, muscular, "my-****-is-bigger-than-yours" horsecrap, despite the good intentions, and sometimes interesting subjects, the latter is a nice and friendly place full of good, respectful advice, and mostly interesting discussions.

I can even see those tendencies in the way my karma develops. I have participated in quite some discussions on the WoW general board over the past month or so, always writing polite and possibly useful responses and trying to be helpful. I only get less friendly when someone asks for it, but yet, my karma dropped back from rather long-time Sage to Scholar. That same Sage title I lost today, I'm almost positively sure, I got on the druid boards, because it seems people get rated up or down because off the usefulness of their posts here, rather than whether someone agrees with you or not.

It's a shame people can't respect eachother on the WoW General board, like they can here, because I'm sure it would lead to much more effective discussions, and fruitful outcomes.
#2 Apr 03 2009 at 6:18 AM Rating: Excellent
1,859 posts
To be honest, I wouldn't say the determining factor is being a Druid, it's just this community. If you've ever been to the Druid section of the mmo-champ forums it's the same "I'm so much better than you" retardation and crap.

This place has lost popularity since more big-name sites came out and got more popular. It's a good thing in the end, cause most elitists don't bother coming here, so a handful of us relay the relevant info from the o-boards and other forums without most of the QQ. :P

And really, don't pay too much attention to the titles. They don't mean that much and if you just post regularly, people will remember you for what you are.

But yeah, it sucks that people feel the need to one-up each other on every given occasion. Most help threads get blasted to hell with "l2play" and "use the f'ing search function moron!" and while in some cases it's true, there's always a nicer way to say it.

So... dunno if I had a point to make...
But all in all, that's why I keep coming back here.
#3 Apr 03 2009 at 6:27 AM Rating: Excellent
253 posts
I guess you're right about the title-thing. Also, I know being a druid doesn't make one a nicer person, but it just seems, empirically, that the mood and tone on the alla druid board is much nicer than the alla WoW general board :) It seems most druid-board regulars are more adult than those from the WoW general board.

If I were to have a problem with, for instance, Naxxramas10 or 25, I would't dare posting about it in the general board anymore, because of the obnoxious "OMG WOTLK RAIDING IS TEH EZ" threads out there.
#4 Apr 03 2009 at 9:59 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
I've been lurking on the allaboards for a long time now, and been posting on and off. I mostly read the WoW general board, druid board (Im a shifter all the way) and sometimes the tradeskill board. What I don't get is the big contrast between the WoW general board and the druid board. The former is a big pile of pubescent, muscular, "my-****-is-bigger-than-yours" horsecrap, despite the good intentions, and sometimes interesting subjects, the latter is a nice and friendly place full of good, respectful advice, and mostly interesting discussions.

We enforce this rather ruthlessly. That would be why. We encourage discussion and disagreement but when it stops being civil we get nasty.

Pack mentality and all that.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#5 Apr 03 2009 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
Ironic that it seems like there is a karma camper in our forum at the moment. Rate back up to those who have been rated down with no reason :/

<3 our druid community too :)


Nuit Midril - White Mage/Scholar on Ultros
Nuit the Insane! - Retired Druid on Sentinels.
Ombre - Retired Dragoon/bard on Phoenix.
#6 Apr 03 2009 at 9:09 PM Rating: Excellent
355 posts
You might think that the people acting elitist are just pricks who get off to calling strangers names over the interwebs, but in reality, they just realize that the druids are nice, and that's our thing. You see, the people on the O-boards aren't elitist jerks. They are the freedom fighters against class homogenization! We must support the cause. Nitwit. ;)
#7 Apr 04 2009 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
I love this forum, and I know I got sage because of this forum. I can turn into one of those elitist ******** over on the main board but usually I try to stay out of it.

In all honesty if I had to choose between who i had to alienate in the forums it would be everyone else and not the druid forum. I know almost everyone's main specs on the board and I'm able to direct better advice for newer players to the people who are best qualified for giving that advice. Plus it's also nice when one of us has questions for an off spec and non of us are "el oh el inc tbag scrub!"

I just wish druid was still a pretty rare class to see. Being a druid meant something pre 3.0.
#8 Apr 04 2009 at 2:15 PM Rating: Excellent
253 posts
ArexLovesPie wrote:

I just wish druid was still a pretty rare class to see. Being a druid meant something pre 3.0.

Yeah you got that right. But it meant even more in Vanilla wow, when there wasn't really such a thing as a druid tank or a druid healer. We were called either brave or idiot for choosing the druid class ;)
#9 Apr 04 2009 at 5:55 PM Rating: Excellent
988 posts
I just wish druid was still a pretty rare class to see. Being a druid meant something pre 3.0.

Hell no! It wasn't until 3.0 that you can finally play your druid any way you want, Balance, Feral, or Resto and actually be accepted. The only thing playing a druid pre 3.0 meant was being excluded from some of the content in one way or another unless you had people either being desperate or feeling sorry for you. I don't think I need to list all the limitations druids had to deal with. Nobody wants to go back to that.

Druids weren't overly popular because they simply sucked at certain things, and it wasn't until 3.0 that the class finally got a chance to live up to the promises made before WoW was originally released.

I am happy to see a bunch of bears, cats, trees, and owls now, because it's the best indicator for the class finally having been fixed.
#10 Apr 05 2009 at 4:21 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
We enforce this rather ruthlessly. That would be why. We encourage discussion and disagreement but when it stops being civil we get nasty.

Pack mentality and all that.

I agree with Horse. This forum is good, and like forums, it does have a hierarchy that someone coming from the outside might not see. We stick together. And we call people on bullsh*t. For example:
Curois, here wrote:
I only get less friendly when someone asks for it, but yet, my karma dropped back from rather long-time Sage to Scholar

Curois, Main Forums wrote:
Is your **** getting real hard now by talking down on people on the interwebs? You're just a pubescent, sad, metal wanne-be with raging hormones.

I'm glad you enjoy our forums; we all work hard to make sure they're good. I'm sad to see you had to work in a QQ about your karma (first rule of karma is the same as the first rule of Fight Club) in an otherwise nice post. I'm also disappointed to see your ego woefully unaware that you do in fact fling mud, and then have the audacity to complain about it afterward. Were the other posters in that thread elitist? Somewhat. The exact comment you responded to was "If you can't do 2500 DPS in raid gear, you should go cry in a corner." Your response was TOTALLY out of proportion. I hate to say it, but... it's true. In tank gear and tank spec, self-buffed, if I switch to cat form I can pull around 2k DPS (presumably; I hit up a raid boss target dummy the other day and with no add-ons to help my timers I still managed 1850 sustained DPS).

You posted kindly here, which is nice. You also lied about your posts, and have a "Why me?" mentality when it comes to karma. No one is "nice and helpful" all the time, but none of us make the mistake of claiming to be.
#11 Apr 05 2009 at 8:13 AM Rating: Excellent
LockeColeMA wrote:

You posted kindly here, which is nice. You also lied about your posts, and have a "Why me?" mentality when it comes to karma. No one is "nice and helpful" all the time, but none of us make the mistake of claiming to be.

Heh. I've had a "please pardon the ego" addendum to my sig for years now, and never quite feel confident in removing it.
#12 Apr 05 2009 at 9:27 AM Rating: Excellent
1,270 posts
I just wish druid was still a pretty rare class to see. Being a druid meant something pre 3.0.

I think the last season of arena was the huge fault for that (what's just ending, 5 right? So I mean 4). You know when trade was full of druid insults constantly, the O-board leeked with the tears of so many classes screaming "NERF 4 Dooid!" While the Crit Chickens and the Feral, and the PvE resto yelled back stop trying to nerf my class! We're not all playing 64/64/64 druids in arena.

Every lazy PvPer rerolled druid for the ezmode and that I believe ruined our flow, our green mojo, our furry comradeship. But have no fear all those un-druid like druid have all re-rolled the new OP classes. So things have been settling down. :3
#13 Apr 05 2009 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
253 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
I'm also disappointed to see your ego woefully unaware that you do in fact fling mud, and then have the audacity to complain about it afterward. Were the other posters in that thread elitist? Somewhat. The exact comment you responded to was "If you can't do 2500 DPS in raid gear, you should go cry in a corner." Your response was TOTALLY out of proportion. I hate to say it, but... it's true. In tank gear and tank spec, self-buffed, if I switch to cat form I can pull around 2k DPS (presumably; I hit up a raid boss target dummy the other day and with no add-ons to help my timers I still managed 1850 sustained DPS).

You posted kindly here, which is nice. You also lied about your posts, and have a "Why me?" mentality when it comes to karma. No one is "nice and helpful" all the time, but none of us make the mistake of claiming to be.

Now you're totally pulling that out of context. That was indeed an uncalled for response I made in that thread. But it is also about the only time I ever said something so rude on any forum. And it all came down to a building irritation of how the person in question keeps putting up these "machocool" "Im teh 1337" responses all the time to show how good he is at a videogame and how it justifies him putting down people who aren't as well versed in the art of playing WoW.

"If you can't do 2500 DPS in raid gear, you should go cry in a corner." -> How about "I'm sorry, but it's fairly easy to do 2500 dps in raid gear, so if you can't do that, it pays to check out your build, gear and rotations and improve them".
I know people like to say "yeah, it's just the internet", but as far as I'm concerned you can show the respect you hopefully learned to show to other people, on the internet too. The "cry in the corner" response is something a normal person would never say in real life. Why do it on the internet? Do I have to put with that? No.

Also, I don't whine about Karma. Instead, I talking about a real situation where people abuse the rating system.

Edited, Apr 5th 2009 11:48pm by Curois
#14 Apr 05 2009 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
4,512 posts
Curois wrote:
"If you can't do 2500 DPS in raid gear, you should go cry in a corner." -> How about "I'm sorry, but it's fairly easy to do 2500 dps in raid gear, so if you can't do that, it pays to check out your build, gear and rotations and improve them".
I know people like to say "yeah, it's just the internet", but as far as I'm concerned you can show the respect you hopefully learned to show to other people, on the internet too. The "cry in the corner" response is something a normal person would never say in real life. Why do it on the internet? Do I have to put with that? No.

I'm really glad Locke pointed out that you were the person who posted that in the general forums.

Your lose a lot of credibility to discuss immature or downright rude behavior after the way you responded. It's one thing to write an open insult, such as what Aethein did. Your response was a deliberate attack on him and only him, and it was completely uncalled for.

If you don't feel that a post fits a standard for the forums, rate them down and be quiet. That's what the system is there for. Not to rate people down because you disagree or think they're dumb. Not to camp someone because you think they're too rude. It's for the people who troll, flame, and are rude in that single post, and you feel the forums would be better if the majority of people are unable to see said post.

I agree that the WoW forums could use some of the general maturity and camaraderie that we show in here. I think the only reason it exists here is because no one here sinks to immature, personal insults when they feel they were disrespected. Things are discussed, not argued. I don't think I've ever seen karma mentioned in here at all until now, probably another big sign about the way this class community functions.

No one here is better than anyone else, and no one acts like it, be it through mocking someone elses performance or throwing out personal attacks on another's "nerdrage" (for lack of a better term). Maybe it's because we're generally not an easy class to play, so we understand people having difficulty in the game, and recall that same situation. Regardless, I'd like to keep the forums the way they are.

The only way you're going to see any change is if you actually practice what you preach.
#15 Apr 05 2009 at 9:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Wow - anybody else seeing the irony here??

Dragging muck into a thread about how there is so little muck in the druid forums.....

It could all have been left in the general forum IMO Smiley: rolleyes

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 5:36am by RareBeast
#16 Apr 05 2009 at 11:57 PM Rating: Good
979 posts
I can only say i am not interested in if i get rated up or down and have seen a few people suddenly get to be a Sage with just a few posts only to come crashing back down because of the way karma works , personally i would not worry about it , just say what you think is right and let the karma work its magic as fate will always kick you if you expect to much.
#17 Apr 07 2009 at 6:57 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
I've had my share of disagreements with members of the druid forum and memorably, Gaudion over on the shammy forums back in the day.

I've pretty much maintained sage since I received it, and I think that's mostly because if it's fact, I back it up with sources, if it's my opinion, I state it.

Hell, I'm on a carebear server. It's were I started when I was a Wownub and stayed there because I met a lot of cool people. I still get to progress, I don't have to be hardcore, but I respect that not all players are made alike.

The forum is here to help people and put out information. It has no other purpose. Anyone using it for something different is just wrong IN MY OPINION :P

EDIT: I can haz typos

Edited, Apr 7th 2009 10:58am by Galenmoon
#18 Apr 07 2009 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I am a lurker as well. I don't post much on these forums because I have issues with my spelling and grammar. It has gotten better since I started using Fire Fox, but that just takes care of the spelling part lol.

These forums have kind of an old boy's club. You really have to pay your dues before you are accepted. However, please do not take people on this site too serious. Their is a lot of useful information on the site, but you still have to dig through the crap.

I browse many forums for different information about WoW. Allakhazam's posters are in general a nice group of fellas and ladies, but not on the cutting edge of forums. All you need to do is look at the guides at the top of the class forums to see how far behind we are. Am I helping the situation out by making a guide of my own? No. I don't know a thing about writing them. Also, I doubt that I have the knowledge necessary for one.

Topics pertaining to the game, class, and other aspects are being discussed in these forums just as they are in the WoW forums. Just as much name calling, epeen measuring, and L2play nub goes on here as anywhere else on the internet. However, it would seem that posters on this site do not use "l33t speak" and prefer proper English. This tends to lead to and air of superiority by some posters, which I personally find a tad distasteful.

How does this all applies to the druid forums? Beats the crap outta me. I am a tree, leaf me be.....:)
#19 Apr 08 2009 at 3:25 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
You're definitely right about the FAQ, unfortunately at this point with 3.1 looming, and the constant flux that our class is in, although it would be nice to have a new one, IMO, it isn't time yet to even bother with one.

As you said the "ole boys club" (hmmm have I been here that long?) is around to answer questions pretty quickly. We're also rather gentle with people newer to the class and the game in general than many other forums.

As far as "cutting edge", I'm not sure what you mean. Information on updates to patch notes, game glitches, addons, etc...are all posted here pretty quickly when they pop up. It's more the fact that less people use these forums than say..the O boards or even Wowhead.

I pop up on Wowhead from time to time, but unfortunately, there are a couple "ole boys" over there, who are less than amiable.

As far as name calling, L2Pnub, etc... I don't see it often on the druid boards, although when I hit up the Shaman or DK boards I definitely do. It's really not very accepted here as you say, by the "ole boys club" (hmmm starting to not seem so bad)

By the way, your spelling and grammar seems good to me!
#20 Apr 08 2009 at 5:10 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Not sure what you mean by "not on the cutting edge" either.

Sure, the guide is outdated. But frankly, changes occur too often to maintain a stable, reliable guide in my opinion. It's not like such guides prevent people from asking questions anyway. Even when that guide was up to date, people would create new threads about recycled info or the infamous "rate my build" threads.

And yeah, there'll always be a few people posting opinions as if they were facts, or even debatable. You'll find that kinda of misleading info in any forums. Here, at least, people will usually be able to point it out without completely lacking respect.

But even though extensive maths aren't done here, many regular posters are aware of the maths results and can convey the info to the rest of the people here who don't like browsing forums such as EJ.

Overall I don't think we're falling behind, it's just less "in your face" than other, most elitist-oriented forums.
#21 Apr 08 2009 at 10:01 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
However, it would seem that posters on this site do not use "l33t speak" and prefer proper English. This tends to lead to and air of superiority by some posters, which I personally find a tad distasteful.

I believe you mean 'an' air of superiority. ;p

Ya, we be slacking on the stickie. But as others have said the class changes big every patch it seems. Plus we answer questions rapidly and do disseminate information from more hardcore sites and news rapidly. So of us do math every now and again. Not that often but still.

Here, at least, people will usually be able to point it out without completely lacking respect.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#22 Apr 08 2009 at 10:21 AM Rating: Good
Horsemouth wrote:
So of us do math every now and again. Not that often but still.

I believe you mean 'Some' of us. :P
#23 Apr 08 2009 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Stupid Firefox, making me look dumb.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#24 Apr 08 2009 at 11:05 AM Rating: Excellent
1,264 posts
Curois wrote:
...but it just seems, empirically...

I'm sorry, but I have to point out that the above statement is an oxymoron.

Regarding kharma and important is it to you and why do you care?

I mean that in a serious way.

Someone could post "I love jellybeans" and get rated up and the poster becomes a Guru because a bunch of people like jellybeans. Does the post add anything substantively to the forums or to WoW knowledge? No. Does the Guru title really mean anything, in this case? Probably not.

Alternatively, someone could post an opinion on why they think Bards (hehe) are overpowered. The post may include empirical evidence to support the opinion, be very well-written, and produce a lot of meaningful discussion about the topic. But, because it's somewhat controversial, or some people don't agree with the opinion, or Bard fanboys gang up, the poster gets rated down to default. Poster stays a Scholar. Does this mean the poster contributes less substance than the jellybean poster? No.

So, basically what I'm saying is...don't let the ratings and status title effect what you post. There are many different reasons for rate-ups and rate-downs, some of which have nothing to do with the quality or substance of a post. If have an opinion and want to express it, then go ahead. Some people will agree, some won't. The proportions (and ratings) may vary. Some people will rate people up for posting about jellybeans. Some people will nuke people that post about jellybeans. But, so what? Are you more concerned about a rating and a title, or are you interested in stating your opinion? However, if you post something that you know may very well not be popular or is insulting to someone, then don't complain about the consequences. But, if you have something to say, say it. Don't worry about your kharma/title.

Or, if you do care about your kharma/title, then be very careful about what you post. Even then, people may still rate you down. It's just the way it works.

Like LockeColeMA said, "The first rule of the Kharma Club..."

Edited, Apr 8th 2009 1:07pm by azwing
#25 Apr 08 2009 at 11:19 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Or, if you do care about your kharma/title, then be very careful about what you post.

I have found posting while drunk is a good way to get rated down.

They are incoherent rambling posts that barely make sense and when they do they are usually offensive.

I just can't help it though.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#26 Apr 08 2009 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
^^^^^^^^ This!!!!
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