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Ready for naxx?Follow

#1 Apr 01 2009 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
Okay so I have finally gotten some pretty good gear. I am wondering now with my stats the way they are could I raid naxx with a 10 man group? I am just wondering my guild has a raid coming up and I am hoping I can go so here is my gear check it out.
#2 Apr 01 2009 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
1,150 posts
Wow... you are certainly alot better than when you asked for help yesterday.

It is clear that money is not an issue for you. In the last day you have bought Zom's Bulwark, Titansteel Guardian and 2 peices of spellshock Jewellery. Not to mention the 1000g+ enchant you have on your mace. So I am going to say right now, get rid of those stamina gems on your gear. You shouldnt be getting hit, and the 480hp granted by them is unlikely to save someones life. A little extra Int might.

Also, looking at your gear I can see you have done Naxx at least once, I can only presume you were with a very good group, because in my opinion you are undergeared. Hell I was geared like that and was told I was undergeared for Heroics.

I will say again what I said in the thread you posted yesterday, get rid of the melee dps Trinket. Spend some of your gold and level Jewelcrafting, it can be done in one day and gets really nice rewards.
Run Heroics with the Tabard to get the Argent Crusade helm, it is very nice and easily obtained.
Run more Heroics to get the 15 Emblem Libram. It is better than what you currently use.
Run Nexus Heroic to get Warmace of Unrequited Love, is better for PvE than the Titansteel despite having less spellpower.

Not sure what else I could say that I havent already said in the thread you posted yesterday then completely ignored...
#3 Apr 01 2009 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
So I am going to say right now, get rid of those stamina gems on your gear.

This kind of stuff is one of the main things I look at when deciding who to take to Naxx.

Gems, enchants, spec and gear choices.

I would rather see cheap green gems and 2nd tier enchants than people with better gear and no enchants or gems. Shows you care about your toon and probably have read up on your class. At the same time bad gem/enchant choices are a indicator of a person I don't want to deal with for a few hours in general.

Any scrub can get gear. I would rather take someone who can spend a few minutes to read and figure out how to optimize their gear than someone who was carried to epics.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#4 Apr 01 2009 at 6:59 PM Rating: Excellent
39 posts
No, you are not ready to run Naxx. Not even close.

You need to actually heal an instance before you heal Naxx. You have only completed 2 instances in Northrend, and have never been to a Heroic. In fact, it looks like you've only done 3 instances ever from BC on.

There is good advice in the posts above mine. Take it.

Don't even think about Naxx, yet.

#5 Apr 01 2009 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
Oh wow Cirocco... nice catch. I never noticed the complete lack of experience. I presumed he had visited Naxx because he had Naxx items, which I now see are BoE.

Seems to me like Thrade is simply trying to buy his way towards Naxx readiness.

And Horsemouth when I said get rid of the stam gems, I meant replace them with something more useful. Spellpower or Int etc. never leave a slot empty... And everyone should have the extra belt slot if they are thinking of doing heroics. And legs need spellthread.

Edited for extra things

Edited, Apr 2nd 2009 12:23am by EbanySalamonderiel
#6 Apr 02 2009 at 4:41 AM Rating: Excellent
1,131 posts
I hate to say it, but this LOOKS like the kind of toon that should make you run away holding your nose and screaming. If I don't know you and you are asking to be taken to a PuG Naxx with me, I am going to armory you. When I do that I am going to evaluate you based on the following things:

Do their gear choices make sense, and have they made any effort whatsoever to get better gear through running heroics to get heroic drops and rep. gear?

Do their gem/enchant choices make sense for their class/spec or does it look like they have never gone to a website to try to learn how to optimize their toon?

Do they have any experience with the more difficult heroics or the easier raids that would indicate they at least have some idea how to heal in a group setting?

I am not saying this to be harsh, but in your case, I can look at your armory and answer no to all 3 questions in about 15 seconds. If you asked to go to Naxx with me and you were a PuG, I would simply say "no". If you were a guildie, I would say, "I will be happy to run first the easy heroics and then the medium and hard ones with you as my healer so you can get some heroics and rep gear, and then if you do well you will be welcome in Naxx."

It doesn't take a stupid amount of time to gear up for Naxx. If you did 3 heroic dungeons per day for 5 days, you could probably have 4-5 new pieces of gear (at a minimum) between drops and Rep gear that you could earn, plus a piece or 2 of emblem gear.

Read the forums here, do a little bit of work for maybe 1 week in game, and then yes, you WILL be ready to go to Naxx. You are not as far away as it seems you are, but it will take at least a little bit of effort for you to get there.

Edit: Just an example of what I am looking at: You have mail and cloth gear on. There is plenty of plate gear that you can get through drops, rep, and emblems. Even though non-plate gear is technically acceptible for a holy Pally, it usually indicates either (A) you have been lazy or (B) that mail or cloth was a BIG upgrade from the plate that you had. When you are wearing BLUE cloth items and crafted purple mail, it makes me gag.

You have gem slots with nothing in them, and you have a belt with no eternal belt buckle/gem.
You have gear that isn't even enchanted, but you have an over-blown enchant on your weapon in a misguided attempt to make up for it.

I could come up with more things I see that are obvious in the first 15-20 seconds of perusing your armory, but that is a good enough start. It looks like you are trying to get just barely good enough gear without doing any level 80 dungeons and heroics so that you can get carried through Naxx a few times by a good group and get all of your shiny purples with as little work as possible on your part. Given that you have some really expensive BoE purples and some really expensive enchants. Either you love to farm or you bought gold.

Edited, Apr 2nd 2009 8:47am by jeromesimina

Edited, Apr 2nd 2009 8:49am by jeromesimina

Edited, Apr 2nd 2009 8:55am by jeromesimina
#7 Apr 02 2009 at 7:57 AM Rating: Default
Okay well guys thanks but just wanted to let you know I did naxx last night actually and I did a good job only wiped a twice and everyone said I did a great job so I guess that is what I will go on.
#8 Apr 02 2009 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
970 posts
jeromesimina wrote:

I could come up with more things I see that are obvious in the first 15-20 seconds of perusing your armory, but that is a good enough start. It looks like you are trying to get just barely good enough gear without doing any level 80 dungeons and heroics so that you can get carried through Naxx a few times by a good group and get all of your shiny purples with as little work as possible on your part.

This, I'm afraid. In a geared 3-healer group, the OT doesn't need sustained full-output healing, and the DPS will shorten fights to the point where mana pools don't get stretched. Hell, for the spider wing, the OT healer doesn't even really have a job (besides "be there in case the MT healer gets silenced/web wrapped/etc").

It's an experience different in kind from trying to drag a crittable tank past King Dred or, as discussed in another thread, keeping up a party on the frozen boss in Nexus when it includes a ret pally who insists on standing in the WW (I know that you should let him die once so that he notices there's a problem - but avoiding a wipe while doing so is a nice bit of tap-dancing).

Heroics don't just give the gear for raiding (in fact, since Naxx is undertuned, you can get in the door without much). They provide idiot checks, and get a healer used to handling parties that fail them.
#9 Apr 02 2009 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Thrade wrote:
Okay well guys thanks but just wanted to let you know I did naxx last night actually and I did a good job only wiped a twice and everyone said I did a great job so I guess that is what I will go on.

I am glad to hear that you went to Naxx and did a great job according to the people there.

I am going to assume it was a 10-man run and not 25, so here are my questions:

How many healers were in the group?

How well geared were the tanks and what was their raid-buffed HP?

How good was the DPS on recount or WWS at the end of the run?

now, here are my guesses as to the answers (please correct me if I am wrong):

There were a total of 3 healers.

The 2 tanks were very well geared and had 34-36k hp raid buffed (or more if one/both were druids)

The five DPS put out an average of 3000dps each.

If my guess is essentially correct on the answers to those 3 questions, you didn't have to do much to impress anyone.

On the other hand, if there were only 2 healers, the tanks were not quite so well geared, and the 6 dps were putting out an average of 2000 dps each, then I am impressed.
#10 Apr 02 2009 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
you can get carried through Naxx a few times by a good group and get all of your shiny purples with as little work as possible on your part.

This is what I did and it has been a bit of a healing disaster for me. I’m the MT/OT for our 10m raids. So when I’m actually in Naxx – I’m a good contributing member. However – I’m the only Paly there – so I get all the healer drops.

Well – I finally had enough pieces that I only needed a few blues (and yes, I still have my tanking trinkets) to gear a healer with some decent stats. I stepped into H.Nex – ready to steamroll the place the way that I do on my Slightly better geared tankadin…

*I even put the best enchants on the Epic pieces, got the best gems, etc… I spent easily 500G just on the gems/enchants on a few pieces…

Ouch – I got slaughtered. (And so did everyone else.) Not only do I know every fight in that place, I had a good tank – guess what – I just need practice.

I would say that you need to work at your job a bit before you show up to Naxx. Heal through a few disasters. Prove you can heal through a Timed Run in CoS. Heal through any of the AN and OK. God they suck….

This is coming from personal experience – I’m better geared than you. I’m wearing Naxx Purples that have been gem’d and enchanted with the Epic rep Chants… Take some time and learn your job first.
#11 Apr 02 2009 at 11:48 AM Rating: Default
1,150 posts
You are still not Naxx ready.

Naxx 10 with 3 healers is stupidly easy, the only problem is bosses with enrage timers where you will need really good dps if you have that extra healer.

And you still havent bothered to replace your melee trinket, that just shows you couldnt care less about getting properly geared.
#12 Apr 02 2009 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Okay well guys thanks but just wanted to let you know I did naxx last night actually and I did a good job only wiped a twice and everyone said I did a great job so I guess that is what I will go on.

You did Plague and Spider.

You did not do Construct or DK wings and did not do Saph or KT

Thus - You did not do Naxx. You did 2 wings.

Edited, Apr 2nd 2009 4:19pm by Borsuk
#13 Apr 02 2009 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Okay well guys thanks but just wanted to let you know I did naxx last night actually and I did a good job only wiped a twice and everyone said I did a great job so I guess that is what I will go on.

Those wings are easier than many 5 man heroics.

Stam gems still...


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#14 Apr 03 2009 at 4:47 AM Rating: Excellent
39 posts

I must say this guy is amazingly lucky. I know I would never have let him in a Naxx group. The people he went with are probably very well geared, and allowed him to tag along. He got carried through two wings of Naxx and didn't earn his way there like he should have.

This type of player really brings the game down. I don't care if he is an amazingly talented healer, to go from never setting foot in any heroic dungeon ever, to Naxx is an insult to all of us who worked hard to get geared up and improve ourselves.

The group who took him should be ashamed of themselves.

It almost seems to me that the guy bought the character off ebay, along with a ton of gold.

Apparently, you don't need a good spec, can gem stupidly, and wear the wrong gear and still succeed.

Not to mention he basically thumbed his nose up at everyone who gave him advice that he asked for in the first place.
#15 Apr 03 2009 at 5:29 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
still just spider and plague

Got his first Emblem on April 1. 1 day before entering Naxx...
#16 Apr 04 2009 at 11:45 PM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Update -

No - No update - same status on the Nax run....
#17 Apr 07 2009 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
idk i've looked at his armory link a few days ago and it was ret i looked today and it's ret. i see everyone talking of healing but all i see is ret with the most mixed up gear ever. is the link working right or my works comp messed up?? i see healing gear tank gear and a few pieces of ret gear.

is the right link right??
#18 Apr 07 2009 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
Yup he has now switched to a crap ret pally. And has still done no heroics, and only 2 quarters of naxx.
#19 Apr 07 2009 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
ok i wasnt sure but thought i would check to make sure i wasnt haveing a bad link on comp or something lol
#20 Apr 08 2009 at 3:48 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
get some hit rating!and get rid of that caster ring!
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