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Borean Tundra or Howling FjordFollow

#1 Apr 01 2009 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
Which one has better mage quest rewards? Almost 68.
#2 Apr 01 2009 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
They are about the same in all honesty, I liked Fjord more than Tundra personally, then again I didn't wear a single quest reward until 78.
#3 Apr 01 2009 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
lol ok, TYVM. :)
#4 Apr 01 2009 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I don't know about Mages, but I recall thinking that HF was crap next to BT for my DK... (This is gear-wise, not plot-wise, though Borean does have Dragons...)

Plus, Borean will give you this or this.

My DK used the axe from that quest all the way through to level 80. I assume Mages will also get a lot out of it. And both of them are WAY better than your current one.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#5 Apr 01 2009 at 7:31 PM Rating: Good
I'd do them both if I were you. I did HF first and then BT, but it doesn't really matter which you do first as they're both about the same level. If you do all the lower level zones while you're still leveling you'll get more gold from the quests you do when you're level 80.
#6 Apr 01 2009 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,945 posts
I did Borean first. I don't think either area was very fun. Dragonblight and Icecrown were the fun zones for me. And I didn't upgrade anything until I did Icecrown at 78.

To include what Pigtails said, this was my order of zones:

Borean > Howling Fjord > Dragonblight > Grizzly Hills/Sholazar > Icecrown. I didn't finish Grizzly Hills because the xp flow was slower there so I moved to Sholazar and did what quests I could to get 78.

Edited, Apr 1st 2009 9:38pm by Kyrin
#7 Apr 02 2009 at 4:06 AM Rating: Good
917 posts
There are a couple nice blue rewards from quests in BT (staff, ring, neck), and it seems there are more cloth items compared to HF, I would recommend BT.
#8 Apr 03 2009 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
224 posts
Given the higher gold return @ 80, you'll probably want to do both.

On my mage, I did HF, then BT. I did the opposite on my 'lock. You should come out of that around 75-76, and be done with Dragonblight around 76-77. Goal is to hit 80 with most of Icecrown, Storm Peaks, and either Scholazar or Zul'Drak untouched, ready to be quest-farmed for gold.

The exception is if you can get a group for the Ampitheatre in Zul'Drak, do so as soon as you can. The staff drop from there is quite nice, and will outdo most Main/Offhand combos until you're getting the better rep/instance gear.
#9 Apr 03 2009 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
Yukeake wrote:
Given the higher gold return @ 80, you'll probably want to do both.

On my mage, I did HF, then BT. I did the opposite on my 'lock. You should come out of that around 75-76, and be done with Dragonblight around 76-77. Goal is to hit 80 with most of Icecrown, Storm Peaks, and either Scholazar or Zul'Drak untouched, ready to be quest-farmed for gold.

The exception is if you can get a group for the Ampitheatre in Zul'Drak, do so as soon as you can. The staff drop from there is quite nice, and will outdo most Main/Offhand combos until you're getting the better rep/instance gear.

How in the world would you go from 68->75 in the two starter zones? With no rested experience from 70 I was out of both halfway through 73. I guess if you ran a lot of 5mans (but no one really runs them much anymore) you may get closer, but without full rested I can't see that happening very easily. I went HF -> BT -> DB -> ZD -> GH -> Scholzar and hit 80 there. Still have hardly quested in stormpeaks or icecrown.
#10 Apr 03 2009 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
How in the world would you go from 68->75 in the two starter zones? With no rested experience from 70 I was out of both halfway through 73. I guess if you ran a lot of 5mans (but no one really runs them much anymore) you may get closer, but without full rested I can't see that happening very easily. I went HF -> BT -> DB -> ZD -> GH -> Scholzar and hit 80 there. Still have hardly quested in stormpeaks or icecrown.

It really depends on how fast you go. When I finished Borean Tundra, I was at least 72 (from 68), and I only did HF to get me to 73/74 to move on to DB

When I got to 80, I still had a ton of quests to do in HF, all of GH, a ton in DB, I never touched ZD, did enough just to get the factions in Sholazar, had done ones all through the Sons of Hodir chain and that was it. I still, essentially, have 3 full zones of quests waiting for me, after spending time to finish all those zones.

Note: I also did dailies. I was exalted with Kaluak pretty fast (as in early in levels). My Wyrmrest Accord was Revered before I hit 80. My SoH was exalted before then. I have Valiance Expedition capped, and a ton of Kirin Tor rep from cooking dailies. I got exalted to FH and halfway through revered with the Oracles. Etc, etc, etc.

If you are going to power level straight through, I guesstimate you will end up in Storm Peaks before you hit 80, without touching ICG. But, if you take more time, do dailies, accumulate rest exp it will be way before that. Mobs give a ton of exp in Wrath, so rested is actually a big boost.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#11 Apr 04 2009 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
Anobix the Wise wrote:

How in the world would you go from 68->75 in the two starter zones? With no rested experience from 70 I was out of both halfway through 73. I guess if you ran a lot of 5mans (but no one really runs them much anymore) you may get closer, but without full rested I can't see that happening very easily. I went HF -> BT -> DB -> ZD -> GH -> Scholzar and hit 80 there. Still have hardly quested in stormpeaks or icecrown.

I started at lvl 70 and never ran out of rested exp because of how slowly I leveled due to real world commitments, and I was 74 or 75 When I hit DB and almost 78 when I hit GH. It does sound kind of ridiculous, but it is possible if you're a casual player. :-)
#12 Apr 05 2009 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
i'm 72 and not even half way through either. i've run Nexus and UK and couple times each. full runs of these give you almost a half of a rested level plus blue drops.

HF is better for farming cloth initially. this leads you into GH, which will open up pvp-coin dailies. BT will lead you into Dragonblight faster and will grant you Wyrmrest Rep for many quests.

FWIW, the Coldara chain rewards from Nexus replaced some of my T4 gear in one run.
#13 Apr 05 2009 at 2:11 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
And the Coldarra quest chain is just more epic. You're participating in a war with DRAGONS. You are assassinating DRAGONS. You are trapping DRAGONS.

IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#14 Apr 05 2009 at 5:26 PM Rating: Default
I do both, but usually start with Borea just because it's a little easier to get back and forth from.
I tend to get out of Borea at 62-63 is if I start there at 68, and by this time I have collect all the FP's across to BT and maybe upto Dala, so now trainers from BT are jsut a flight away instead of a boat ride and a flight away.

Only problem with starting in BT is getting a group for UK as a lot of people start in BT amking it hard to get anyone to go and summon.
#15 Apr 06 2009 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
224 posts
How in the world would you go from 68->75 in the two starter zones? With no rested experience from 70 I was out of both halfway through 73. I guess if you ran a lot of 5mans (but no one really runs them much anymore) you may get closer, but without full rested I can't see that happening very easily. I went HF -> BT -> DB -> ZD -> GH -> Scholzar and hit 80 there. Still have hardly quested in stormpeaks or icecrown.

This was my 'lock, who played second fiddle to my mage coming in to WotLK. As such, he had full rested for pretty much the entire time I was leveling (and still does, at 79 as of last night)

In addition, I cleared the zones entirely of quests. Most likely didn't need to, and could have gone *faster* had I moved on at the "proper" levels - but this was my alt, and as such it was mainly a solo project.

I think I ran the instances in each zone once or twice, but I certainly didn't go out of my way to run them unless I had outstanding quests in my log. The only grinding I did was for 3 stacks each of rhino/chilled meat to supply the cooking quests.
#16 Apr 06 2009 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I'll throw in my two cents here... I entered Howling Fjord at 69 and by the time I started in Zul'Drak (last night) having only done HF, DB and GH in their entirety and about two runs of each instance in those zones, I'm almost 79.

Rested XP is an amazing thing. :)

Only really made a passing effort at the Wyrmrest dailies and the GH PvP ones to get some venture coins.

edit: does anyone know at what level below you mobs turn grey? ie. when I hit 80, will I still get xp from finishing off the level 70 BT quest mobs?

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 9:15pm by apothik
#17 Apr 06 2009 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
81 posts
I guess I'll toss my opinion into this.

After having done quite a few quests in Howling Fjord and a few in Borean Tundra (on my horde. Did a bunch on my ally). I'm never EVER going back to Howling Fjord to level again. I absolutely HATE that place.

Quests that send you back and forth across the map. Mobs that just seem to pound on me with impunity. Mobs in too great of concentrations. Maybe this is just personal opinion (well, it is ^^), but I would say Borean all the way.

#18 Apr 06 2009 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
apothik wrote:

edit: does anyone know at what level below you mobs turn grey? ie. when I hit 80, will I still get xp from finishing off the level 70 BT quest mobs?

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 9:15pm by apothik

I believe mobs turn gray at either 5 or 6 levels under you, and no you won't get any exp from killing 70 mobs at 80 because you'll be 80 and thus won't be earning anymore exp. >.> You will still get gold from completing lvl 70 quests though, but I'm not sure how much.
#19 Apr 06 2009 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
By the way, I LOVED howling fjord. I loved the look of the place, the viking-inspired vrykul, even the cool walrus-people. After one or two quests I was hooked.

Last night I ran three or four quests in Borean intending to complete that zone before heading to Zul'Drak, but in the end I had to high-tail it straight to Z'D because Borean was so flat and boring... it gave me flashbacks to Desolace *shiver*.

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 11:23pm by apothik
#20 Apr 07 2009 at 6:49 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
I did BT first, and then HF. I felt like BT had more quests closer together, but HF had great scenery and was a more pleasant time. By the time I finished HF I was around 74 (started at 70 in BT). Finished Dragonblight around 76, went to Zul'drak and finished that around 78-79, then went backwards to Grizzly Hills and dinged while running green quests there. Never touched SB, Icecrown, or SP until 80. I finished SP last out of all the zones.

Ahem, on the original topic, I recommend BT first because I felt like I leveled faster there, but if it's too dreary for you then HF is an awesome place. Doing them BOTH will make later leveling easier because you'll outlevel many zones by one or two levels.
#21 Apr 07 2009 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
64 posts
With one character I did BT first then HF, for the other I reversed it. I preferred BT but both areas are equally easy. I then did two-thirds of Dragonblight, a little Grizzly Hills, then did most of the quests in Sholazar Basin. I hit 80 by doing a bunch of quests in Zul'Drak (which I hated).

I would definitely do Sholazar Basin before 80 if you have mining or herbalism. Great area for gathering. Plus you have to go there to get your cold weather flying (or whatever it's called).
#22 Apr 07 2009 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Plus you have to go there to get your cold weather flying (or whatever it's called).

I think I learnt mine from the dude standing on the edge of Dalaran? Krasus' Landing or something like that...
#23 Apr 07 2009 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Yeah, it can also be learned there.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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